Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9175 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.6: Cry Me A River (16-Feb)
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2024, 01:09:21 PM »
First of all, I'm so happy that Akira was able to find his fifth crystal!  He's practically done with The Curator now!!!
Does the Frog Collection need to be all Akira's work?  Or could the toddlers pitch in with breeding frogs, too?  (Yes, I know. I'm a slave driver!)
Poor Baird, having horrible days on both er adult birthday and Love Day! :(
Poor Akira, too, who was thrown under the bus for the sake of several milestones and an in-game achievement.  LOL!

If you're at all interested in Baird & Akira becoming, at least, friends again, "Cooking Together" is great for smoothing things over!
If only there were an acheevo for Make-Up Woohoo, but Akira is probably out of luck there!
If I were Akira, I would worry about my life once I completed my career.  Just sayin'!
Akira has a plan - to get far enough through Computer Whiz that Watcher will want him to complete that too! Lol.

A surprise missing official milestone is for Get Divorced. You'd think there would ge one, but no  :(

Yes, the whole household is helping with all collections but I want Akira to finish the frogs. He needs something to do in between eating pizza or chips!

Thanks for the suggestion of Cooking Together. I'd forgotten that option. I did catch Ailsa holding Akira's hands autonomously despite both bars still being mainly red. They do have good compatibility so I'm hoping Akira's Romantic nature will wear Ailsa down.
Failing that, there's a range of deaths we need to experience...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.6: Cry Me A River (16-Feb)
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2024, 02:25:33 PM »
LOL, I feel like Akira has already made his sacrifice for your legacy by woohooing with the awful Geeta!
(Sure she can cook but that personality!)
I really hope Ailsa and Skira, as your legacy founds, manage to iron out their differences! Please don't kill him off!  That's what NPC townies are for! (hehe)

With his Japanese name, Akira should have the option ot eat Instant Ramen instead of pizza!

Cooking Together is my go-to solution for various kinds of negative feelings.
Prince Mistura actually had the Sulani Mana trait but, since Sulani Mana sims can't cook together, I stripped him of...that trait.
I'm really curious how effective cooking together would be for two sims full two full-red bars!
Please try it once and let us know.  (Pretty please?)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2024, 02:34:45 PM »
Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to 122 Hakim House in the Arts Quarter. Heir Bonnie and her twin Blaine aged up to Children. Akira felt neglected by Ailsa and their friendly ghost Geeta proved to be too friendly. Ailsa caught them cheating, divorced Akira and threw Geeta out. Things were tense in the legacy household

L-to-R: Blaine, Baird, Ailsa, Akira, Bonnie
Current Location: 122 Hakim House, Arts Quarter, San Myshuno

Akira: Yes, I was getting more pizza delivered. What of it? I get enough judgy-ness from the delivery boy without you readers chipping in. Mmm – some chips with that pizza sounds like a good idea.


Baird: With Mum & Dad both working from 5pm to midnight some nights, we kids had to shift for ourselves. There’s often Pork Adobo at the food stand in the Arts District so I grabbed some while doing the rounds of the snow globe boxes. I also got a snow globe from this street seller. By the end of this week, there’s just one more left to get.


Blaine: That’s right, I lost a tooth. It’s not a big deal. I think we’ve all lost 3 now. It hurts when I pull them out but then I sometimes get some money if I go straight back to sleep. Luckily the Tooth Fairy keeps good records because we moved to 1010 Alto Apartments, Uptown that day. We’ve lived in all the San Myshuno Districts now. Mum really wants to visit the Hijinks and Humour Festival but we missed it last week with all the drama so we’ll be looking forward to it next week.


Bonnie: These Elders are our new neighbours, along with Mr Lobo who is always complaining about the noise. Mrs Feng was not happy to see us. Apparently she thought children weren’t allowed Uptown. Ha!


Ailsa: Things are cooling down between me and Akira. We tried cooking together but Watcher said it made the game freeze and she wouldn’t try it again. Playing together on the gaming console I got from somewhere helped us lose some of the hatred plus Akira will keep flirting. It’s cute, I guess.


Akira: Playing games with Ailsa really helped but I couldn’t pass up the chance to get a burger at GeekCon. I think all Tech Gurus ought to have GeekCon days off work but it doesn’t often happen. I won a future cube on the ultimate gaming challenge but was pipped to the post in the hackathon.


Blaine: Baird’s birthday party was the first we’ve ever had. Mum hardly knew any other kids so it was mainly people she knew that didn’t hate her that came. We finished early because Watcher said Silver was good enough.


Baird: This is me in the hard to spot nook Uptown. Watcher sends me out to check for Snow Globes and afterwards I like to do my homework here. We live so high up that, if we come down to do anything, we often stay down. No, I’m not a Loner. I’m just a bit Unflirty. Dad is often flirty around Mum and I’d rather not be there.


Watcher: Just look how high up the Wallace family flat is. They don’t bother with curtains because no-one can see in. Except for drones, of course. But...oh...maybe they should get curtains.


Akira: After finally getting back in with Ailsa, I really wanted to take her out for a proper date. We couldn’t afford them the first time around. Chez Llama was great and I tipped Ash, the hostess, to make sure we had a good evening.


Ailsa: I couldn’t believe it when Akira re-proposed. I thought about turning him down. Watcher certainly thought I would. But look at that face! And he says the sweetest things…


Bonnie: After becoming Physically Gifted and Mum & Dad getting engaged, they let me hold a slumber party. I told lots of stories, we watched TV and played games. Me and Blaine had a really good sleep but none of my guests did. I only got a Silver. I wanted Gold but Watcher said it was OK and she’d find out how to get the guests to sleep.


Ailsa: I do love him, you know. Even through his mid-life crisis when he took up knitting, cross-stitch and painted that lovely mural. Plus, he finally bred that last frog. I think he’s a keeper, if we can just manage his Jealous nature.


L-to-R: Blaine, Baird, Ailsa, Akira, Bonnie

Current Score at week 7 (Spring 3/4)
16%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skill: Handiness
Collection: Frogs
New Achievements: Beyond Repairs
New Milestones:
Akira: Had a Mid-Life Crisis
Baird: Reached Top of After-School Activity, Childhood Phase
New Traits:
   Ailsa - Mentor
Baird – Mentally Gifted, Scouting Aptitude, Unflirty
Bonnie – Physically Gifted, Loud

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 10/10; Aspiration – City Native 1/3
Akira Kibo – Fiancé: Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Career – Tech Guru: E-Sports Gamer 8/10; Aspiration – Computer Whiz 2/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty; Aspiration – Angling Ace 1/4
Bonnie Wallace – Heir:Cheerful; Slumber Party 2/3
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Child; Cheerful; Social Butterfly 1/3

Current Location: 1010 Alto Apartments, Uptown, San Myshuno

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2024, 09:26:18 PM »
Why is Baird gaining weight when Akira's the one eating pizza all the time?

How odd that your game crashes when your sims try to cook together.  I'm glad to hear that gaming together helped Ailsa and Akira heal their negative sentiments, though.
How great that they are slowly getting back together. Ailsa has a big heart!

I'm sure you figured it out already, but you click a slumber party guest to ask everyone to Set Up Sleeping Bags after which you can click your host sim for the Time for Bed option which makes everyone sleep in their sleeping bags.
In that final household portrait, Blaine looks so much like his mother!  The cheeks!
I wonder if the twins will take after Akira.  Blaine, perhaps?
Are your sims buying the Snow Globes at the festivals, too?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2024, 03:32:29 AM »
Why is Baird gaining weight when Akira's the one eating pizza all the time?

How odd that your game crashes when your sims try to cook together.  I'm glad to hear that gaming together helped Ailsa and Akira heal their negative sentiments, though.
How great that they are slowly getting back together. Ailsa has a big heart!

I'm sure you figured it out already, but you click a slumber party guest to ask everyone to Set Up Sleeping Bags after which you can click your host sim for the Time for Bed option which makes everyone sleep in their sleeping bags.
In that final household portrait, Blaine looks so much like his mother!  The cheeks!
I wonder if the twins will take after Akira.  Blaine, perhaps?
Are your sims buying the Snow Globes at the festivals, too?
You've probably guessed that I'm trying for the Junk Food Lifestyle for Akira. My plan is to get all the Lifestyles at least once and then disable them. As you know, they are quite annoying! Akira seems to have a naturally high metabolism and stays thin.

Baird and Ailsa have both become a bit rounded, shall we say, and are jogging as often as possible. I think it was Geeta's cooking that did it - maybe a sneaky plan of hers to overfeed Ailsa?

Baird very much favours Ailsa. I'm hoping a bit more of Akira will show in the twins. I think their birthdays are coming up next week.

Thanks for the advice about Slumber Parties. I'd forgotten that particular process. There is an Achievement for having a Silver for all social events so there's an upside to falling a bit short  :)

There's usually someone free to check the Snow Globe boxes as they appear and I keep looking out for the seller tables when they get to festivals. Im looking forward to living in the Salt House its easier to run out and check. But just one to go....

I'm sorry I couldn't investigate the re-bar cooking together process. I've got a few strange buggy things going on. I've already mentioned the failure of dig sites to respawn and I hope that isn't affecting wild plants. The worst bug is that things in the household stop belonging to my Sims. The City Posters put on the wall couldn't be taken off again. Books from the bookshelves can't be put back and meals can't be put in the fridge. I'm hoping it's only in the apartments because my only other option is to do a full-on reset - building a new gamefile and then bringing back my game into it. It's quite annoying!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2024, 01:50:06 PM »
That bug with items no longer belonging to your sims sounds horrid!  And it can't even be blamed on mods!
Just curious whether you've removed all the custom content that you'd used for Tartosa Tales from your Mods folder.
That's one of the downsides of using custom content, sadly.
My game is usually quite buggy but I'm not experiencing your not-belonging bug, but I'm also not using the same cc as you are.
Try checking your Mods folder and, even if you've removed all the Tartosa Tales customer, be sure to delete the localthumbcache.package file and The Sims 4/cachestr/spotlight_en-us.package file.
Your spotlight package file might be named slightly differently since you're in the UK, not the US.
If you've already cleaned out your Mods folder and deleted those two files, I don't know what else to tell you.
Well, except....Good luck!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2024, 04:09:18 PM »
I DO so like Ailsa! Her humor is fabulous. While I have never been good/creative at playing evil Sims, I SO love reading about them in the stories of Watchers more creative than me.

I am a bit in awe of the smart way you are approaching the scoring. I have started Pinstar's Legacy challenge a couple of time with a very complicated spreadsheet that someone shared, but always run into issues when new content comes out. Your approach of 1 point for each thing with progress as a % of the total is simple genius. I know you said you aren't actually requiring the moves every Monday, but it is fun for story-telling . . . or maybe I should say, for story-reading. Requiring every lot would be too much, but perhaps requiring that every neighborhood with residential lots be lived-in at some point . . . If there are 100 generations, it will probably happen anyway.

You've accomplished so much while I've been off catching Pokemon Pals in Pal World!

Akira's jealousy is hilarious! So much funnier than it was when my sims had that trait. Kudos to you!
I was quite unhappy with Akira, reading about his dalliance with the not-so-lovely Geeta, but it seems things are getting back on track for him and Ailsa. He's fortunate that Ailsa still loves him and that Watcher is equally kind-hearted.

I'm so glad I found your story today, when I am off work and had plenty of time to catch up. Looking forward to many more chapters!

Any chance you'll be sharing your spreadsheet with the lists of all the known values for the things you're tracking?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2024, 01:48:57 AM »
That bug with items no longer belonging to your sims sounds horrid!  And it can't even be blamed on mods!
Just curious whether you've removed all the custom content that you'd used for Tartosa Tales from your Mods folder.
That's one of the downsides of using custom content, sadly.
My game is usually quite buggy but I'm not experiencing your not-belonging bug, but I'm also not using the same cc as you are.
Try checking your Mods folder and, even if you've removed all the Tartosa Tales customer, be sure to delete the localthumbcache.package file and The Sims 4/cachestr/spotlight_en-us.package file.
Your spotlight package file might be named slightly differently since you're in the UK, not the US.
If you've already cleaned out your Mods folder and deleted those two files, I don't know what else to tell you.
Well, except....Good luck!
I can work around it temporarily. I started this challenge by creating a brand new Sims folder  there can't be any residual mods or CC. I think you recommended doing that some time ago and I do it for every new challenge.  No CC needed in this. I was tempted by your woodworking mod to be able to craft more furniture but it's not going to happen with the current bugs.
One advantage of moving each week is that everything goes into the inventory so I just don't put the buggy things back.
My current plan is to see what happens when I move to a non-rental and then decide how to proceed.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.7: It’s All Coming Back To Me Now (18-Feb)
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2024, 01:58:41 AM »
I DO so like Ailsa! Her humor is fabulous. While I have never been good/creative at playing evil Sims, I SO love reading about them in the stories of Watchers more creative than me.

I am a bit in awe of the smart way you are approaching the scoring. I have started Pinstar's Legacy challenge a couple of time with a very complicated spreadsheet that someone shared, but always run into issues when new content comes out. Your approach of 1 point for each thing with progress as a % of the total is simple genius. I know you said you aren't actually requiring the moves every Monday, but it is fun for story-telling . . . or maybe I should say, for story-reading. Requiring every lot would be too much, but perhaps requiring that every neighborhood with residential lots be lived-in at some point . . . If there are 100 generations, it will probably happen anyway.

You've accomplished so much while I've been off catching Pokemon Pals in Pal World!

Akira's jealousy is hilarious! So much funnier than it was when my sims had that trait. Kudos to you!
I was quite unhappy with Akira, reading about his dalliance with the not-so-lovely Geeta, but it seems things are getting back on track for him and Ailsa. He's fortunate that Ailsa still loves him and that Watcher is equally kind-hearted.

I'm so glad I found your story today, when I am off work and had plenty of time to catch up. Looking forward to many more chapters!

Any chance you'll be sharing your spreadsheet with the lists of all the known values for the things you're tracking?
I hope you caught all those Pals - we don't want them running around causing havoc!  Maybe they're the bugs in my game, lol.
Akira's combo of Jeaalous and Romantic is quite hard to manage. He gets jealous if Ailsa just chats to anyone else, every time. It's quite controlling. Fortunately he doesn't seem to react badly to her interactions with the children. I think he might have been out the door after the Geeta debacle.

The list of traits I've got doesn't include the Infant/Toddler extra traits. When I've got those in, I could publish the spreadsheet. It just needs a bit of tidying up!

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Wallace Legacy 1.8: Knock Three Times
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2024, 10:22:50 AM »
Wallace Legacy 1.8: Knock Three Times

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to 1010 Alto Apartments, Uptown. Baird aged up to an Unflirty Teen. Akira and Ailsa cooled down their hatred and then heated up their romance, culminating in their second engagement. Bonnie achieved Silver on her Slumber Party

L-to-R: Blaine, Baird, Ailsa, Akira, Bonnie
Location: 1010 Alto Apartments, Uptown, San Myshuno

Blaine: Monday came around very quickly. We moved, let off fireworks at the Humour & Hijinks Festival and got home really late to blow our candles out. Look at me, stunning with no need for tweaking. Yes I’m Self-Assured like Dad now. Bonnie doesn’t want you to see her first photo but Watcher sorted a few things out and she’s fine now.


Bonnie: Yes, I’m fine now. It’s amazing what a mouth-job, eye-liner and a new hair-do can do! I now rock that purple top while Blaine gets to wear her geekComputer club outfit. I’ve joined the Cheerleaders and got two team mates. None of them is my rival though. Oh, and I’m a Kleptomaniac now…


Bonnie: Advik wasn’t sure about going on the Cuddle Carts with me. He was right to be nervous. I dumped him as soon as we’d finished in there…maybe I’m an aspiring Drama Llama but I’m having fun.


Blaine: Getting woken up by loud hoochy noises was not fun. Me and Bonnie soon gave Mr Feng a piece of our minds. And they say his wife is Unflirtly like Baird! I don’t think so!


Bonnie: This girl gets on my nerves. She’s a Cheerleader wannabe. She’s definitely not my Rival because she’s not even in our team. The cheek of her wearing our hard-won uniform!


Blaine: Another night and another hoochy disturbance. After getting them to quieten down a bit, me ‘n’ Bonnie studied for our exams right outside their door. It must have put them off because they didn’t start up again.


Akira: I’ve been busy playing games. Yes, it’s a living. Maxed out my skill too. It’s all Games Within Games!


Ailsa: I did drag Akira away from his gaming on Saturday morning to help me complete a mural at the Arts Centre. It was good working together, even if it rained a bit. Bonnie swiped another of the lobby artwork. Baird tried but got caught. He went off and fished for a bit to get over the embarrassment. He does that a lot now that he’s taken early graduation. He's also maxed his Mischief skill which Akira says makes him a Problem Child but I say it's just a healthy way to let off steam.


Bonnie: Saturday afternoon was spent at Myshuno Meadows. I viewed all 6 of the sculptures, Blaine toured the snow globe boxes, Mum swiped the grand piano while Baird fished some more. He got a Voodoo doll which we’re all a bit fascinated by.


Blaine: Mum dragged us all to the Romance Festival. Baird did not stay long. He was having a mood swing and really couldn’t handle all the Romance around us. Me ‘n’ Bonnie were not happy with the Romance Guru telling us both that our romantic destinies were “bleak”. But we cheered ourselves up with festival t-shirts plus we finally got the Newcrest Snow Globe – common, but elusive – and our collection is complete.


Ailsa: Yes, I wanted to kiss someone at the Romance Festival but I’ve never kissed anyone else so why wouldn’t I kiss Akira? We’re married again, as it should be in a Legacy household. Akira took the evening off work so we could do this which I really appreciate. He could have maxed his career otherwise. We were so blissed out that we didn’t even mind Bonnie and Blaine going off to the after-prom party. I’m sure they didn’t get up to too much mischief…


Current Score at week 8 (Spring 4/4)
18%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skill: Video Gaming
Collection: Snow Globes
New Achievements: Games Within Games, Problem Child, View all Myshuno Meadows’ Sculptures
New Milestones:
Baird: Graduated from High School
Bonnie: Began Puberty
New Traits:
   Akira - Carefree
Baird – Graduated Early, Authentic Prankster
Bonnie – Relatable

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 10/10; Aspiration – City Native 2/3
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Career – Tech Guru: E-Sports Gamer 9/10; Aspiration – Computer Whiz 3/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty; Aspiration – Angling Ace 1/4
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Teen; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac; Drama Llama 2/3
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Teen; Cheerful, Self-Assured; Goal-Oriented 1/3

Current Location: VIII Landgraab, Uptown, San Myshuno
Upstairs - bedrooms, bathrooms, activities:
Downstairs - entrance, living room, kitchen & balcony:

Sadly, my screenshot capture is on the blink again so no family group shot.

Viewing all the Myshuno Meadow sculptures is a hidden achievement. They’re not easy to spot but otherwise an easy achievement. I wanted to get it done while we were still in San Myshuno. We’re nearly done with it’s location-specific tasks.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.8: Knock Three Times (20-Feb)
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2024, 12:33:46 PM »
Love the closing shot of this update. Ailsa and Akira look so happy!
Wow, two of the three kids are Kelptos.  It's one of the drawbacks of Pinstar's trait generator.
Since it's based on the parents' trait, it's easy for all the children to get too-similar traits. That's my experience, anyway.
Bonnie and Blaine are lovely! Most of their shots were from the back with a few from the side, though, so I couldn't tell if they resemble Akira or not. Haha!

Oooh, they're living in the VIII Landgraab apartment now. The household must be loaded!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.8: Knock Three Times (20-Feb)
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2024, 03:42:42 PM »
Love the closing shot of this update. Ailsa and Akira look so happy!
Wow, two of the three kids are Kelptos.  It's one of the drawbacks of Pinstar's trait generator.
Since it's based on the parents' trait, it's easy for all the children to get too-similar traits. That's my experience, anyway.
Bonnie and Blaine are lovely! Most of their shots were from the back with a few from the side, though, so I couldn't tell if they resemble Akira or not. Haha!

Oooh, they're living in the VIII Landgraab apartment now. The household must be loaded!
Both girls have Akira's eye-shape but I think Akira's face structure. I've put together a montage of their faces now my screen capture is behaving itself.


The Moving On Up challenge stipulates that the household keep their existing furniture but take on the new premises unfurnished. It makes it quite cheap to move in although they lose the lovely styling. It's an interesting way to play but I haven't decided whether I'll continue it when we move out of San Myshuno.

Pinstar's generator does slow down ticking off all the CAS traits but I'm enjoying the challenge of my plans needing to be flexible. I'm not using the all-at-once generator so each birthday can throw me a curve-ball.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.8: Knock Three Times (20-Feb)
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2024, 02:17:57 AM »
 Our Founders are back together and happy . . . . all's right with the world.  :

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 1.9: Fly Me To The Moon (22-Feb)
« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2024, 11:20:04 AM »
Wallace Legacy 1.9: Fly Me To The Moon

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to VIII Landgraab, Uptown but struggled with their Feng neighbours and their night time activities. Breaking in each time soon sorted that out. The girls aged up to teens – Kleptomaniac Bonnie (heir) and Self-Assured Blaine. The Romance Festival proved just the ticket to restore Ailsa and Akira to wedded bliss.

Blaine: Not at it again, Mr and Mrs Feng! Knocking politely or pounding takes ages and always leaves us annoyed. Mum’s right, breaking in is the perfect solution.


Ailsa: The Fengs weren’t in again when Blaine broke in. We all went round. Blaine did a bit of snooping, Bonnie and I got some more artwork and Baird, bless him, relieved them of their TV – so much bigger than the one we’d got from Raj. Very nice. I don’t know if the two events are linked but the Fengs died soon after that night. Ah well. Lily was my enemy so I had a warm glow for several hours after I heard.


Bonnie: Monday at school was very different. I’d got no Rival in the Cheerleading squad so I’d switched to Chess club and, wouldn’t you know it, Hot-Headed Anvi was now my Rival. She already disliked me. Having a punch-up in the recently renovated high school corridors (lovely download from Lilsimsie) is always good to get a reputation as a Drama Llama, especially as we declared each other Enemies!


Bonnie: The Head wasn’t very impressed but I asked to Graduate Early before he could mark me down. Yes! I was officially out of there!


Bonnie: Actually, I wasn’t out of there. The new school premises is amazing with loads of computers, not to mention the art studio and gym. I made full use of the computers while Blaine carried on with her lessons. I’ve applied for the scouting scholarship and for University. Just got to wait now.


Blaine: I wasn’t too happy about having to stay on at High School but I just never seem to get that top promotion in Computer Club. I really want to be Goal-Oriented but I’m running out of time. By the time we got home from school on Monday, we were all set to move. We looked at the top property – the Torendi Tower Penthouse – but our funds wouldn’t stretch that far. So it’s the Old Salt House. We actually own this property instead of renting and we’ve got proper outdoor space. The atmosphere is terrible though. We quickly voted in an eco-NAP and put up solar panels and water catchers. I hope it improves soon.


Baird: I was over the moon to have moved right next to a fishing spot. I spent all my time fishing, away from the ‘rents who keep flirting with each other. Bleurgh! It’s enough to turn my stomach.


Bonnie: How great that I’ve graduated in time to attend Geekcon. I’d have loved to go for a ride in the rocket but Mum hogged it. Would you believe that she took 5 different trips in it, back-to-back. I got to help build a rocket though. It was fascinating.


Ailsa: Bonnie’s wrong. I didn’t hog the rocket all to myself. Akira came with me on one very memorable trip. 50-mile-high club? Yep, we’re members now.


Akira: Baird was right about fishing. It really is relaxing. He didn’t mind too much about me joining him at Magnolia Promenade, even though he’s joined Blaine in having a Distant phase. I even missed work because I was finding it so relaxing. Still, I got the top promotion already so it’s no big deal.


Akira: Bonnie got into Foxbury University. She decided to study Villainy as it’s what she knows best. I’m not sure when I became complicit in our family’s wicked ways but it all seems normal to me now. Hm, I remember that chicken slider I was cooking. So good that I missed work again.


Ailsa: On Saturday we visited Finchwick Fair to pick up a dragonfruit. We could have ordered one but where’s the fun in that. Akira and I enjoyed some time cuddling on a bench until the new Pub Landlord warned us that there’s an old busy-body that hits people for doing that. But she wasn’t around so we carried on carrying-on. Isn’t this guy amazing? He could be my brother! It was good to get him out of the pub so that I could go in and get the suit of armour. After all, who needs a suit of armour in a pub?


Bonnie: After visiting the fair, we ditched Prom because Baird wanted to visit Moonlight Falls. I found the computer in the library and tried to submit a plagiarised term paper but they spotted it and I might lose a grade! I think I should get extra marks for it on the Villainy course! Still, this computer was asking to be swiped so I did and skedaddled out of there because people were starting to glow and growl!


Baird: I stayed fishing under the full moon for ages. Well, until I was desperate for the loo. I got loads of Captain Fishbones but no Luna fish. I know it’s elusive…I wonder if this is the best spot…


L-to-R: Blaine, Baird, Ailsa, Akira, Bonnie

Current Score at week 9 (Summer 1/4)
21%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skill: Programming (Akira & Baird), Fishing (Baird), Fitness (Bonnie)
New Aspirations: City Native (Ailsa), Angler Ace (Baird), Drama Llama (Bonnie)
New Achievements: Fired Up, Cast Away, All-Nighter, 50-Mile High Club, Code Monk, Startup Upstart
New Career: Tech Guru: eSports Gamer
New Milestones:
Ailsa: Found Forgotten Hollow, Reached Top of Career
New Traits:
   Ailsa – Speed Reader, Bookworm, In The Know
Baird – Angler’s Tranquility, Connections, Fear of Being Judged
Bonnie – Untroubled, Mean Streak
Blaine - Distant

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing +Bookworm; Career – Boss (Criminal) 10/10; Aspiration – Nerd Brain 3/4
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Career – Tech Guru: E-Sports Gamer 10/10; Aspiration – Computer Whiz 3/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Teen; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty; Aspiration – Chief of Mischief 3/4
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Teen; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac; Bodybuilder 2/4
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Teen; Cheerful, Self-Assured; Goal-Oriented 1/3

Current Location: Old Salt House, Spice District, San Myshuno
Upstairs - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus access to the roof area
Ground floor

The Wallace family will be liquidising some of their assets, or should I say other people's assets, to see if they can afford the Torendi Tower Penthouse this coming week. If not, we might stay in the Old Salt House another week until the twins get their Young Adult traits/aspirations and we pin down the direction of the next generation.

Akira is trying to get fired - a milestone to tick off - but he's very diligent about going to work. I have to watch him like a hawk!

I'm considering swapping the aim of collecting species gravestones (rather too easy over the sweep of this challenge) with trying to live in every available residential neighbourhood. I have enjoyed this nod to the Movin' On Up Challenge and might continue it. Not necessarily always moving "up" in financial terms but just moving regularly.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.9: Fly Me To The Moon (22-Feb)
« Reply #44 on: February 22, 2024, 12:01:13 PM »
The Wallaces should've robbed the Fengs blind!
I bet when they passed, Grim dropped by and nicked all their furnishings himself!
That's my new theory for why residences where the entire household dies out get become completely bare.

How funny that Akira sneaks off to work when you're trying to get him fired! At first, I thought he might have the Pro Slacker trait and didn't get demoted for skipping work.

Based on His own experience, Hiroki (Gen8 Mistura heir) would like to share that you can't catch Luna Fish at the fishing spot near the Library.
Baird needs to go the other fishing spot near The Peak. New Moon Shack is the lot closest to the right spot for catching Luna Fish. Good luck!

I agree that the Every Species Death is not hard, but I found getting all death types very challenge.
At the time of my Sharebears Legacy (2018-2020), there were 12 different death types. There must be at least a half dozen more now!

Your Wallaces are really living the life! And so is their Watcher!

