Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9146 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.1-2: Cold As Ice (10-Feb)
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2024, 04:55:10 PM »
I like Miko but that pout! Classic, and very easy to mock, lol.

My self-defined rules are a mash-up of Pinstars Legacy and the Simology Dynasty. All household members can contribute point additions. I expect them to mount up quickly to begin with but then get harder after clearing the easy collections, etc

I think I've arranged it so that the ultimate score would be 100% but that would require 100 generations for one of the Achievements ;D

I decided to start off with an Evil Sim and move towards redemption. But with a random element in Trait generation, that could go out the window.
100 generations!?  Is that one of the in-game achievements?
Have you ever heard about the Bad to Good Legacy?  I saw the rules on the official Sims forum. 
I'd eventually like to play that legacy someday but its concept didn't fit well with my current legacy.
I mean, I didn't want to start out with my beloved Prince as a heartles, miserly womanizer. LOL!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.1-2: Cold As Ice (10-Feb)
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2024, 06:01:29 PM »

100 generations!?  Is that one of the in-game achievements?
Have you ever heard about the Bad to Good Legacy?  I saw the rules on the official Sims forum. 
I'd eventually like to play that legacy someday but its concept didn't fit well with my current legacy.
I mean, I didn't want to start out with my beloved Prince as a heartles, miserly womanizer. LOL!
100 generation of one family gives you the Legendary Legacy Achievement in-game award. I'll be very surprised if I get that far!

Hmm- thanks for mentioning the Bad to Good challenge.  I'll have a look.

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.1-2: Cold As Ice (10-Feb)
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2024, 11:06:49 AM »

100 generations!?  Is that one of the in-game achievements?
Have you ever heard about the Bad to Good Legacy?  I saw the rules on the official Sims forum. 
I'd eventually like to play that legacy someday but its concept didn't fit well with my current legacy.
I mean, I didn't want to start out with my beloved Prince as a heartles, miserly womanizer. LOL!
100 generation of one family gives you the Legendary Legacy Achievement in-game award. I'll be very surprised if I get that far!

Hmm- thanks for mentioning the Bad to Good challenge.  I'll have a look.

Here's the link for the Good to Bad Legacy:
My next challenge will no doubt some variation of this challenge.
Hey, want to start one together?  Playing the same challenge together is always good times! No pressure, though. :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 1.3: There’s A Ghost
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2024, 10:01:59 AM »
Wallace Legacy 1.3: There’s A Ghost

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: penniless Ailsa Wallace somehow managed to arrive in San Myshuno with enough money to rent the cheapest flat available. As she established herself in her shady career she met and wooed Akira Kibo. They sealed the knot at a picturesque Winter wedding and only one guest froze to death.

Residence: 19 Culpepper House, Spice District, San Myshuno
L-to-R: Ailsa, Akira

Akira: It was a shame about L Faba freezing to death at our wedding but I can’t believe how lucky I am to have such a lovely wife. I don’t like it when she talks to anyone else but when it’s just the two of us? We can’t keep our hands off each other.


Ailsa: Akira is very sweet, too sweet perhaps, but he is so possessive. Look here. I’m shoving that mean teen and Akira gets jealous! As if I’d flirt with that scrawny, ill-dressed wannabe when I’ve got the gorgeous Akira?


Akira: I can’t help myself. I just worry that she’s going to cheat on me all the time. I share my insecurities with her but it just seems to irritate her. Still, this was the moment when I forgot my jealously because we found out we were expecting a baby. I just hope it’s mine…


Ailsa: On Monday we moved next door, from 19 to 17 Culpepper House. It’s only got one bedroom which felt like a problem with a nooboo on the way but it saw us through this week. With a larger living room, I waited until Raj went out to work and then broke in to his place.


Ailsa: Raj wasn’t thinking straight at that moment because his mum Geeta had just died so he didn’t notice the huge TV is missing from this picture. Shame I couldn’t take the TV bench too because then I’m sure he’d never have noticed.


Ailsa: I found Geeta’s urn out on the pavement when I went out to get Pho. I brought it in because you never know when a ghost might be a helpful friend…


Akira: I got the day off for Christmas which was just as well because we’d been up all night. What? Oh, I wish we’d been doing that. 17 Culpepper House has Gremlins! I put my laptop away each night and we’ve only got one sink out but that still leaves us with lots of work to do every night. Anyway, we’d got lovely gifts for each other and both enjoyed opening them. Ailsa napped for most of the day because she wanted to work that night. She only works 3 nights a week and Christmas night was one of them.


Akira: It was good to meet Father Christmas but he didn’t have a gift for Ailsa, only me. Something about his lists? I don’t know.


Ailsa (yawning): I slept through Boxing Day. It was worth going to work for my one promotion this week but, oh I was so tired with the nightly activities and the pregnancy. Geeta was surprised that we wanted her to visit but I explained that she wouldn’t do more than the Gremlins would so she could knock herself out. Actually, the Gremlins didn’t make an appearance with Geeta there. Hm…I think it’s because there were people awake through midnight. Interesting.


Akira: I was at work when Ailsa went into labour. She had our son Baird at the hospital. When he aged up to a Calm Infant, I was very happy to see he had my dark eyes. Watcher wants red hair and green eyes but I needed the reassurance that he looked like me.


Ailsa: Oh, little Baird! He’s worth all that pregnancy hassle. It was just a shame that I could only snuggle with him when Akira was out. His jealous streak is a bit of a pain, if I’m honest. Still, his romantic side means we have a lot of fun, if you know what I mean.


Akira: Another one on the way? Why, Watcher, why? Baird takes up enough of Ailsa’s time. Yes I know we both wanted to Try for a Baby but…it’s the green eyes thing, isn’t it! Drat that Watcher’s preferences.


Current Score
8%   Overall

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New Traits
  Ailsa – Entrepreneurial
  Akira – Adventurous, Speed Cleaner, Night Owl
  Baird – Calm, Feeding Tinkler, Good Appetite
New Milestones:
  Ailsa – First Break-In Committed, First WooHoo, Made a Best Friend, Had a Baby
  Baird – Born at a Hospital, First Smiled, Learned to Coo, Learned to Reach, First Bath, First Bubble Bath, Learned to Grab, Lifted Head
New Grave Marker:
  Human – Geeta Rasoya

Current Household - 3: 17 Culpepper House, Spice District, San Myshuno
1.3.end floorplan.jpg

Generation 1
  Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Young Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 7/10; Aspiration – Public Enemy 3/4
  Akira Kibo – Spouse: Young Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured; Career – Tech Guru 2/10; Aspiration – Collector ¼
Generation 2
  Baird Wallace – Heir?
: Calm, Feeding Tinkler, Good Appetite

L-to-R: Ailsa holding Baird, Akira

Ailsa and Baird are both Scottish names. Baird can mean poet (bard) or bear. I wonder which way Baird’s traits will take him.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.3: There’s A Ghost (12-Feb)
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2024, 06:01:01 PM »
Akira's constant jealousy and insecurities made me laugh.
Are you doing Pinstar's scoring for each primary spouse having a unique personality trait?
Oh, I wonder how the self-discovered traits work with that....
Haha, too bad Jealous can't be swapped out for a counterpart trait. ;)

Baird is adorable!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.3: There’s A Ghost (12-Feb)
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2024, 02:56:06 AM »
Akira's constant jealousy and insecurities made me laugh.
Are you doing Pinstar's scoring for each primary spouse having a unique personality trait?
Oh, I wonder how the self-discovered traits work with that....
Haha, too bad Jealous can't be swapped out for a counterpart trait. ;)

Baird is adorable!
Baird is cute. I'm not doing early age-ups so he'll get his full infancy. I might regret that, lol.

I'm doing a straightforward scoring system of unique traits, permanent & temporary, within the household as a percentage of the available traits. Self-discovery traits will count as will satisfaction reward traits, fears, etc. There's a lot - at least 300!

 Sims can be invited to move in for as long as I like, as long as there's a bed for them, and their traits will count too.

There's 10 different percentages to score: traits, milestones, aspirations, careers, lifestyles, deaths (experienced or witnessed), species grave markers within household or museum, collections, achievements and skills. The average of these gives the overall score.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 1.4: Three Steps To Heaven
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2024, 03:12:01 PM »
Wallace Legacy 1.4: Three Steps To Heaven

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Ailsa and Akira moved next door to the Gremlin-infested 17 Culpepper House, swiping Raj Rasoya’s TV set and the urn of his mother Geeta. They celebrated Christmas before the arrival of potential heir Baird. Akira’s Romantic nature got Ailsa pregnant again about which he had mixed feelings.

L-to-R: Ailsa holding Baird, Akira

Ailsa: Would you believe that Raj came over to complain about the noise in the middle of the day? I think his internal clock is out of kilter. I soon put him right.


Akira: I came in to see Ailsa with Raj and I was about to get jealous when he threw a drink at her out of the blue. No-one treats my sweet Ailsa like that so I let him have both barrels. Chatting up my lady and then mistreating her! The sooner we move out of here, the better.


Ailsa: That was funny! Akira had no idea how mean I’d been to Raj before he walked in. Ha – that poor Raj will never step foot in our flat again. Of course his mother’s ghost didn’t see all that either. Geeta was perfectly happy to have a cuddle with little Baird.


Ailsa: I’m going to have to meet Wiki at other locations in future. Would you believe that she swiped Baird’s cot? She said he’d nearly grown out of it so what was the problem. Hello? I’m pregnant again? Some friends need to learn boundary issues!


Ailsa: With the Monday bills paid, Baird and I moved to the next block, Jasmine Suites, still in the Spice District, while Akira was at work. It’s got 2 small bedrooms. It’ll be a tight fit but there’s just about room for 2 little beds in the little room. A nice big open-plan living space.


Ailsa: Baird liked it. I remember hoping that he’d react well to his new sibling.


Akira: Ailsa forgot to read the small print on our new apartment. It’s on a Ley Line! Two beautiful baby girls – Bonnie and Blaine. We had to get a nanny in. Baird monopolised her when he was awake and the twins took up all our time. It was non-stop. Ailsa and I hardly saw each other for a couple of days as we took it in turns to catch up on sleep.


Ailsa: Baird’s birthday was a lovely day. No party – who had time for parties with twin babies in the home? He’s become very Independent which is a relief because there’s not much attention to be had around here.


Akira: The one night we got all 3 children down to sleep at the same time and Arun next door had  some sort of rave going on! Unbelievable. I’d gone to bed needing a shower and I was in a foul mood to go with my foul odour. Arun seems friendly enough but I’m not having that!


Ailsa: I think my nature is rubbing off on Akira. I heard him shouting at Arun from behind 2 doors! He calmed down though when he did another round of the poster sites. He’s got the full set now. Our first complete collection as a family. Our growing family – the twins aged up. Both with red hair but Intense Bonnie has olive-green eyes and Sunny Blaine has black eyes like Akira and Baird. On the rare occasions when they were happy on their playmats, they babbled away to each other.


Akira: With a big sponsorship deal at work I started feeling the pressure. I didn’t like Ailsa having people around but this friend Hinata seemed OK. It was good of her to read to Baird although she’s a bit Mean and beats up his big dinosaur. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.


Ailsa: Welcome to our chaotic life. Did I mention that Baird, whilst having a Good Appetite, is also a messy eater. When did I reach the point when kneeling next to a gross blob of food became OK? Plus, I never seem to get dressed these days.
Still, I’d got my level 8 promotion at work so I’m now a Mastermind/Public Enemy. I decided to engage more fully with this city we live in, in as much as our children let us. Look, Blaine had just learned to hold her head up!


L-toR : Ailsa holding Bonnie, Baird, Akira holding Blaine

Current Score at week 4 (Winter 4/4)
11%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Aspiration: Ailsa – Public Enemy
New Collection: City Posters
New Achievement : Whimsical
New Milestones:
Baird – Learned to Laugh/Babble/Clap, Toe in Mouth, First Visitors, Peed on Caregiver, Celebrated a birthday, Studied Shapes, Learned to talk/dance/climb stairs/walk, Read 1st book.
Bonnie – Born at Home, Learned Pincer grasp
New Traits:
Ailsa – Chopstick Savvy, Marketable
Akira – Family-Oriented
Baird – Independent, Top-Notch Infant, Good Appetite (Tod), Messy Eater, Loves Wake-up Time (tod)
Bonnie – Intense, Frequently Sneezes, Hates Wake-up Time, Self-Soother
Blaine – Sunny, Frequently Hiccups
New Lifestyle: Akira - Sedentary

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Young Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 8/10; Aspiration – Public Enemy complete, City Native 0/3
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Young Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured; Career – Tech Guru 4/10; Aspiration – Collector 1/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Calm, Feeding Tinkler, Good Appetite Independent, Good Appetite, Messy Eater, Loves Wake-up Time
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Intense, Frequently Sneezes, Hates Wake-up Time, Self-Soother
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Sunny, Feeding Tinkler, Frequently Sneezes, Frequently Hiccups

Current Location: 2B Jasmine Suites, Spice District, SanMyshuno

The more observant of you may have noticed that the number of available Traits keeps increasing. The reason for this is that the infant and toddler temporary traits are not in the original list of traits and I'm adding them in as I come across them. Some traits are also duplicated for both infants and toddlers - like Good Appetite. I am counting them as separate Traits.

Continuing the Scottish naming theme, Bonnie is a popular one meaning pretty. Blaine means yellow and can be gender-neutral.

With Bonnie’s olive-green eyes, she has established herself as the Gen 2 Heir of this dynasty.
Infant Bonnie.jpg

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2024, 03:13:34 PM »
Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Ailsa and Akira moved into Jasmine Suites and the Ley Line there blessed them with twin sisters for first-born Baird. On aging up to Infants, Bonnie stole the heirdom, while Baird aged up to an Independent Toddler. Ailsa’s Evil ways started to rub off on Akira as he menaced their noisy neighbours.

L-to-R : Ailsa holding Bonnie, Baird, Akira holding Blaine

Ailsa: The first week of Spring went so quickly. Monday rolled around before we knew it with another opportunity to move. We got our first apartment in the Arts District – 930 Medina Studios. It’s 3 jumps up the ladder but we need the space. I know that me and the children are not dressed. It was a miracle we were all out of bed!


Akira: Aisla wanted 3 bedrooms because she thought that, with Free Services, we should get a butler but I wasn’t happy with that. What if he’d been good looking. I had a much better idea which you’ll see later in this week’s episode.


Akira: The twins were ready to age up while the Welcome Wagon was with us so it almost felt like a party. They’re too young to mind anyway.


Akira: My sweet Blaine, with my eye colour, aged up to be Independent like her brother. What a trouper.


Ailsa: Bonnie aged up to be Inquisitive – what a star!


Ailsa: The twins are so cute. Blaine in greens kept her given hairstyle. Bonnie has long hair but I don’t have the time to dress it properly except for special occasions.


Ailsa: That neighbour Salim had his game console playing full volume so I broke in. He wasn’t even there! I swiped the game console so he won’t be causing that problem again! I tried to snoop for some juicy blackmail material on his PC but no joy. I got quite a bit of cash from Raj that way.


Akira: Here’s my plan unfolding. You see I knew Geeta was an excellent cook so I’ve been befriending her when she visits. Ailsa got the wrong idea one night and I’ve been apologizing ever since but I’m not romantically attracted to Geeta. I had her move in to help with the children.


Ailsa: I wasn’t happy about Geeta in the house. I just can’t seem to get on with her and she frightens the children, even though they like her. Still, this was Baird’s big day. He’d maxed his communication skills and everything else was at 4. He became my mini-me – a Kleptomaniac with the Happy Toddler trait.


Baird: Oh yes! Me and Mama are Kleptos – just watch me swipe!


Baird: I couldn’t get to swipe much straight off, just a few bits from school. I need to work on my Mischief skills first. Papa’s not sure about that but he likes dancing with me. He says he’ll show me how to program when I’m older. There’s a lot of Mischief on the web!


Ailsa: Yes, I’m still in my nightclothes and the girls aren’t dressed either! Let it go! Actually, they get so busy chatting to each other, I do have plenty of time to dress myself, especially with Geeta handling all the cooking. I admit, she really does help.


Akira: With Geeta babysitting, we got an unofficial date at the Spice Festival. Look at me – spice champion! Ailsa was one too but it didn’t fit over her dress.


Akira: I spent all Saturday morning looking for crystals. Watcher considered switching my career to Scientist to get the 5 I need for my Collector Aspiration. There don’t seem to be many around at the moment. I couldn’t stay out all day. Ailsa really needed me to get back so she could get ready for her night shift. It was worth it because she finally got that promotion.


L-to-R: Akira holding Blaine, Geeta, Ailsa holding Bonnie, Baird

Current Score at week 5 (Spring 1/4)
13%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skills: Mischief
New Achievements: Older & Wiser, Ghostly, Mischief Mastered, In The Game, Knock Knock, Most Interesting Sim
New Milestones:
   Geeta - Died
Baird – Asked “why”, Studied Numbers, Mastered Potty, Learned to Run, Mastered Communication, 1st Childhood Friend, 1st Day of School, Lost 1st Tooth
Blaine – Learned to Blow a Raspberry
New Traits:
Ailsa – Free Services, Morning Sim
Geeta – Snob, Domestic, Fear of Death, Neat
Baird – Neutral Confidence, Happy Toddler, High Confidence
Bonnie – Inquisitive, Little Singer, Loves Water, Agressive
Blaine – Loves Books
New Lifestyle: Akira – Techie
Deaths: Geeta – Death by Old Age

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Young Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 9/10; Aspiration – City Native 1/3
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Career – Tech Guru 5/10; Aspiration – Collector 1/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Child Calm, Feeding Tinkler, Good Appetite, Independent, Good Appetite, Messy Eater, Loves Wake-up Time Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Artistic Prodigy 1/3
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Toddler Intense, Frequently Sneezes, Hates Wake-up Time, Self-Soother Inquisitive, Little Singer, Loves Water, Aggressive

Blaine Wallace – Spare: Toddler Sunny, Feeding Tinkler, Frequently Sneezes, Frequently Hiccups Independent, Little Singer, Loves Books

Current Location: 930 Medina Studios, Arts District, San Myshuno

I’m having some problems with dig sites not respawning after they’ve been dug. I’ve had a google around but I can’t find a solution. I’m going to repair my game to see if that helps. I’m also hoping they’ll be some crystals for sale at the next Flea Market.

Bairds Kleptomaniac trait and Artistic Prodigy aspiration came from the Pinstar generator. Aisla was offered the chance to become Jealous when she caught Akira being a little too friendly with Geeta. She turned it down!

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life (14-Feb)
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2024, 03:37:31 PM »
All the redheads! Of course the child with red hair and green eyes should be the next heir!
Amazing coincidence that she also rolled Klepto like her mum!

I agree that counting a trait twice with the same name but at different life stages is justified.

The most reliable place to find crystals is Sixam, but that won't work for Akira.  Maybe the Museum of Future and Past (Oasis Springs) has a rocket ship kit on its 2nd floor balcony?
When Izar (Gen3 Mistura heir) was trying to complete her collections, we stopped visiting Magnolia blossom Park because the dig sites never spawned, even after spending hours there fishing.
I rather like Bedrock Straits for dig sites as well as the area near the Landgraabs.

I'm not understanding why the household keeps moving. Is it part of the challenge to live at every lot?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life (14-Feb)
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2024, 03:58:58 PM »
All the redheads! Of course the child with red hair and green eyes should be the next heir!
Amazing coincidence that she also rolled Klepto like her mum!

I agree that counting a trait twice with the same name but at different life stages is justified.

The most reliable place to find crystals is Sixam, but that won't work for Akira.  Maybe the Museum of Future and Past (Oasis Springs) has a rocket ship kit on its 2nd floor balcony?
When Izar (Gen3 Mistura heir) was trying to complete her collections, we stopped visiting Magnolia blossom Park because the dig sites never spawned, even after spending hours there fishing.
I rather like Bedrock Straits for dig sites as well as the area near the Landgraabs.

I'm not understanding why the household keeps moving. Is it part of the challenge to live at every lot?
It's the eldest gen 2 Baird, a Spare, who's just rolled the Klepto trait. Heir Bonnie is 2nd-born and still a toddler.

We're moving if we want to on Mondays as I've drawn in the Pinstar Moving On Up challenge. There's so many apartments in San Myshuno that I've never played in, it's such fun trying more of them out.

The Wallace Legacy will stay in San Myshuno until they've lived in every neighbourhood,  except the Meadows, and until the City Native Aspiration is complete. Then it will be a new world and new adventures.

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life (14-Feb)
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2024, 10:38:31 PM »
Oops, I got confused about who got the Klepto trait.  It's even better that the bonny Bonnie (hopefully) won't be a Klepto like her mother.
Gen1 is surely the best generation to be moving around so much. Your household doesn't have as much stuff to lug around yet. :D
Speaking of apartments, I've never played a household living in any of the Evergreen Harbor apartments...

Cheers to new adventure4s!

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life (14-Feb)
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2024, 02:27:37 AM »
When I first got the eco-pack, I played in Evergreen Harbour over and over, almost obsessively. It's the most extreme makeover of a neighbourhood available. I particularly enjoyed renovating the container lot although you can't have basements there.

I'd like the Wallace family to experience each world and every available neighbourhood but that's a side aim, not a requirement.

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.5: Spice Up Your Life (14-Feb)
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2024, 05:33:06 PM »
When I first got the eco-pack, I played in Evergreen Harbour over and over, almost obsessively. It's the most extreme makeover of a neighbourhood available. I particularly enjoyed renovating the container lot although you can't have basements there.

I'd like the Wallace family to experience each world and every available neighbourhood but that's a side aim, not a requirement.
The Shipping Views lot can't have a basement because it's supposed to be "on the dock"?  I've only played on that lot once but only for a single generation...

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Wallace Legacy 1.6: Cry Me A River
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2024, 06:51:35 AM »
Wallace Legacy 1.6: Cry Me A River

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to Medina Studios in the Arts District of San Myshuno. The twins aged up to Toddlers and Baird aged up to a Klepto Child. Akira asked the ghost of Geeta Rasoya to move in instead of Ailsa hiring a butler. He also wasted a whole day searching unsuccessfully for his 5th crystal.

L-to-R: Akira holding Blaine, Geeta, Ailsa holding Bonnie, Baird
Location: 930 Medina Studios, Arts District, San Myshuno

Akira: Thanks to @oshizu for recommending that I visit Bedrock in Oasis Springs, I finally found my 5th crystal. I couldn’t wait to send some items to the Geocouncil for analysis and started breeding my frogs. We’d already completed the City Posters collection but I want to add another. That reminds me – I really must keep checking for the Snow Globes.


Akira: Ailsa was out at work again (it’s been ages since we’ve – you know) when one of the neighbours called to complain about the noise. Without Ailsa there, I took it on the chin and promised to be more considerate. I went back in to get some sympathy from Greeta. She was so understanding, a real comfort.


Akira: Maybe things got out of hand. We talked all night and got close. I hadn’t even noticed that Ailsa had let herself in and gone to bed. The twins waking up and crying for food brought her out at just the wrong moment.


Ailsa: I told you I didn’t like Geeta in the house. I slapped Akira. He’s never laid a hand on me but I had to let him know how I felt. Akira said his Romantic nature had carried him away and that it meant nothing! I wanted Geeta out but Akira had to leave for work and said we’d sort it all out when he got home. I really don’t think he saw just how serious this was. Would you believe that was my Adult birthday too? What a birthday gift for me!


Geeta: Things were fairly uncomfortable while Akira was out at work but, hey, I’m a good parent. Not like Ailsa. She spends most of the day in bed. It’s me that looks after the family. And I’m a great cook – a Tungsten Chef in fact.


Geeta: By the time Akira came, Ailsa had to go out to work again so we didn’t have time for that awkward conversation. It was time for the twins to age up so I helped Akira with them. See – I’m the better option for him. Ailsa needs to go.


Akira: It was good to celebrate the twins birthday despite all the tension. They both aged up Cheerful – one of the extra traits that Ailsa and I have in common. Bonnie has wavy hair and Blaine’s is straight.


Geeta: Akira wasn’t too convinced about choosing me over Ailsa despite the fact that they’re hardly ever romantic together. But I have my ways. Ailsa was out at the Willow Creek museum, something about wanting a suit of armour, so I made my move.


Geeta: It was unfortunate that Ailsa found me still asleep in her bed. I explained that sharing a bedroom with the girls didn’t make for a good night’s sleep and that I thought she wouldn’t mind. I think she bought it…


Ailsa: It wasn’t until my first day of work after we’d moved to Hakim House, still in the Arts District, that things came to a head. In my bed, under our marriage certificates plus the heart wall-hanging that I’d hand-crafted.


Akira: What was I thinking? She’s divorced me and I don’t blame her. Ailsa put Geeta straight about who was in charge of this family so she moved out to be with Raj, her son, taking a 6th of our funds with her. Watcher says I have to stay in the house until I’ve completed my career and aspiration. Ailsa’s not happy about that – our friendship and love lines are both fully red – but we moved Geeta’s single bed into Baird’s room and I’ll sleep there. I’m not sure how we’ll get through this but after all is said and done, I want to be there for the kids.


Baird: It was weird that morning. We don’t really know what had happened but Dad had moved into my room during the night and Geeta had disappeared like, well – like a ghost. Mum and Dad just kept saying the wrong thing to each other. Me and the girls decided to take care of ourselves while things settle down.


Ailsa: Despite everything, I got to the top of my career. I don’t mind you knowing that I’m The Boss now. Let’s face it, you can’t touch me. This was the night before St Valentine’s day – that was never going to go well this year.


Ailsa: I wasn’t going to ask him on a date and he wouldn’t come with me to the library but Watcher brought him anyway. Look at that slob – still in his PJs. How did I ever fall for him? Every time we tried to smooth things over, we just said the wrong thing and made things worse. I’ve decided that we just need to focus on the children and get through the next couple of weeks until he can move out.


Bonnie: It was fun at the park but it was sad that Dad wasn’t there. This is our new normal now. Good times but only with either Mum or Dad, not both. Dad bred another frog and completed his aspiration. He’s still got a way to go in his career so he’s trying to be a Computer Whiz now as well. Poor Dad. Mum won’t let him eat her cooking so he’s just ordering pizza every night. Yummy but it’s not healthy.


L-to-R: Blaine, Baird, Ailsa, Akira, Bonnie

Current Score at week 6 (Spring 2/4)
15%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skills: Cooking
New Achievements: Tungsten Chef, What Would It Be Like, Suave Criminal
Careers: Criminal - Boss
New Milestones:
Ailsa: Caught partner cheating
Akira: Had an affair, Got caught cheating, Ended Romance, First time Burning Out
New Traits:
Akira: Appraiser, Savant
Baird – Picky Eater, Creatively Gifted
New Lifestyle: Ailsa – People Person

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Adult; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing; Career – Boss (Criminal) 10/10; Aspiration – City Native 1/3
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Adult; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Career – Tech Guru: E-Sports Gamer 7/10; Aspiration – Computer Whiz 1/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Child; Kleptomaniac; Aspiration – Whiz Kid 1/3
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Child Intense, Frequently Sneezes, Hates Wake-up Time, Self-Soother Inquisitive, Little Singer, Loves Water, Aggressive Cheerful; Rambunctious Scamp 2/3

Blaine Wallace – Spare: Child Sunny, Feeding Tinkler, Frequently Sneezes, Frequently Hiccups Independent, Little Singer, Loves Books Cheerful; Artistic Prodigy 0/3

Current Location: 122 Hakim House, Arts Quarter, San Myshuno

It was fun but not nice to have Akira cheat on Ailsa. It ticks off some milestones but so sad. Planning the challenge is much easier before you start to care about the Sims involved. I had to click several times on the family photo before I got one without Ailsa and Akira looking friendly towards each other. Does the family editor not read my stories?

Ailsa has completed her essential requirements but can't hand the baton on to Bonnie until she's a teen at the earliest.

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Re: Wallace Legacy 1.6: Cry Me A River (16-Feb)
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2024, 11:15:24 AM »
First of all, I'm so happy that Akira was able to find his fifth crystal!  He's practically done with The Curator now!!!
Does the Frog Collection need to be all Akira's work?  Or could the toddlers pitch in with breeding frogs, too?  (Yes, I know. I'm a slave driver!)
Poor Baird, having horrible days on both er adult birthday and Love Day! :(
Poor Akira, too, who was thrown under the bus for the sake of several milestones and an in-game achievement.  LOL!

If you're at all interested in Baird & Akira becoming, at least, friends again, "Cooking Together" is great for smoothing things over!
If only there were an acheevo for Make-Up Woohoo, but Akira is probably out of luck there!
If I were Akira, I would worry about my life once I completed my career.  Just sayin'!

