Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9177 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.1: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (27-Feb)
« Reply #60 on: February 28, 2024, 08:35:17 AM »
I agree with you about basements! If a house will have three floors, I prefer a basement, 1st floor, and 2nd floor over a three-story house.
You did such a nice job on that Glimmerbrook Watch house! I also prefer a 40x30 lot to a 30x20 lot.
It looks quite spacious and I thought you'd given the Charm house a massive overhaul. Since Blaine won't be heir, does it matter whether her offspring has the Ancient Bloodline?

Chai and his household are doing okay on a 30x20 lot, but the small yard means I'm often switching out playground stuff for the children.
Next gen will be a 30x20 lot, too.  Sadness...
If Blaine's baby gets the Ancient Bloodline it will tick that off the Traits list for our legacy household. As we're shooting for all the Traits within the household, we've got to get it at some point.

The 30×20 plots are a challenge. It takes so long for Sims to go up and down stairs.

Ah well, I've got bigger issues. Following yesterday's update, half of my household can't click on other Sims, only objects! Ailsa, Akira & Baird can't interact with anyone - argh!

Ah yes, the magic bloodline traits. I imagine Morgyn gives you one and then Boonie/Morgyn's lineage will give you a new bloodline trait each generation.
Oh no, your post-update problem sounds horrid.  I updated most of my mods and my sole issue currently is that the mailboxes are broken.
As for the stairs, once Baird and Bonnie learn Transportalate, they will become your favorite sims! (except when toddlers are trying to interact with them, lol)
I love how EA's updates typically break more than they fix.  *snorts
Gah, now I'm afraid to load my game...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.1: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (27-Feb)
« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2024, 09:15:18 AM »
I posted this link somewhere else, but I'm posting it again here to make sure you see it.
It's the EA Answers thread regarding your issue of your sims being unable to click on other sims.

This link offers a workaround which I've copy/pasted below:

Hi I have found a solution to the problem. The problem occurs when the Sim's singing skill has a value greater than 5. To solve it, you need to reduce the skill value to less than 5.

Here are some steps you can follow:

Open the cheat console:
PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
Mac: Cmd + Shift + C
PS4: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
Xbox One: LB + LT + RB + RT
Type the following command in the console: stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing X
Replace X with the value you want the singing skill to have. Make sure it is a value less than 5.
Press Enter.

If you want your Sim's singing skill to be 3, type the following command: stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 3


This command only works if you have the The Sims 4: City Living expansion pack installed.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.1: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (27-Feb)
« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2024, 09:17:38 AM »

Oh no, your post-update problem sounds horrid.  I updated most of my mods and my sole issue currently is that the mailboxes are broken.

I love how EA's updates typically break more than they fix.  *snorts
Gah, now I'm afraid to load my game...
I've found the posted workaround - just in case anyone else has the same issue:
It affects any Sim with a Singing level over 5 - random, I know! The workaround is to cheat their singing level back down to below 5 - I went for 1 (stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 1)
Hopefully the underlying issue will be fixed soon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.1: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves (27-Feb)
« Reply #63 on: February 28, 2024, 03:16:30 PM »
I'm glad you sorted that out! I was sad thinking that you weren't able to play your legacy.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best
« Reply #64 on: February 29, 2024, 07:02:14 AM »
Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook as Bonnie, our Gen 2 heir, aged up Romantically wanting to learn Sorcery & Spellcraft. Baird was thrilled as he was already working on being Purveyor of Potions. Bonnie’s twin Blaine wanted to be an Evil Super Parent so she wooed, wed and over-bedded Darryl Charm who didn’t last long. Bonnie was more careful and had a Science Baby – Caillen our Gen 3 heir – with her new husband Morgyn Ember.

L-to-R: Bonnie, Ailsa, Morgyn holding Caillen, Akira, Baird, Blaine
Location: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

Blaine: Bonnie is not a dedicated mother. Not a Super Parent like I’m going to be. Look at her doing her presentation here – not thinking about Caillen at all. By the way, Caillen is pronounced Kay-len, just in case you were wondering. The double ll confuses people sometimes.


Bonnie: I am a good mother. I fit in my studies, keeping Active and looking after Caillen very well. Everyone else thinks I’m a bit hands-off with her but look at this! Every time she even squeaks, they all go rushing down to her cot but it was me that got there first! Ha!


Blaine: I know my life was literally in this doctors hands but I made it clear that if she didn’t help me deliver the perfect baby, there was going to be trouble.


Blaine: Ah! Coinneach, my own little baby boy. Yes it’s hard to pronounce – “co-inne-ach” – but it’s worth it. It means handsome which is what he is and will be. Don’t listen to all those people talking about his father’s looks. Even Watcher’s worried but he’s perfect. Just perfect.


Blaine: While Coinneach was sleeping, I popped over to give my Valedictorian speech – not very good because I didn’t practise – and realised that Baird’s friend Jun is the Principal. No wonder they’ve not pursued romance – people would talk.


Morgyn: We love our little Caillen. She’s so adorable. We’ve not done any Tummy Time with her because it seems like we’re underwater in the basement – very strange. But she’s developing well with her socials and fine motor skills.


Ailsa: Yes, it was my birthday and I joined Akira as a retiree. A nice fat cheque rolling in each day! Just mooching around the house helping the next generation from now on. I’ve got Inner Peace now and have taken up Painting. I’ve done several masterpieces.


Blaine: Who should turn up to Mum’s Black & White Party but Emilia – Darryl’s ex. I don’t think she was even invited. Left their child at home. Another bad mother!


Watcher: Darryl’s ghost showed up while everyone was asleep which was handy as Coinneach needed some attention.


Morgyn: Caillen aged up to a Charmer Toddler. I couldn’t love her more!


Bonnie: Morgyn is terrible – can’t resist giving Caillen sweets – about 3 in a row before Watcher stopped it. She ran around all hyper after that. I guess it’s upped her movement skill but she crashed after that. Not a healthy way to bring her up.


Bonnie: I graduated with A+! This was the first and last time Watcher came with me to Uni. I’m the first in our Legacy to get a degree. Villainy helped me get a great job – Intergalactic Smuggler – level 8. Oh yes!


Blaine: I knew I would be a Super Parent. Coinneach is the first child to say a First Word as an Infant. My handsome, clever boy!


L-to-R: Baird, Blaine holding Coinneach, Ailsa, Morgyn holding Caillen, Akira, Bonnie.

Current Score at week 12 (Summer 4/4)
24%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skills: Gardening (Baird)
New Aspirations: Inner Peace (Ailsa)
New Achievements: Green Thumb, Full House
New Milestones: Abducted by Aliens, Quit Job, Earned a Degree, Widowed, First Word
New Traits: Handy, Clear Perspective, Charmer, Early Riser, Wanderer, Ancient Bloodline, Hates Being Held

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Elder; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing +Bookworm; Career – Boss (Criminal) 10/10; Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire 2/4
Akira Kibo – Spouse: Elder; Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured +Cheerful +Adventurous +Family-Oriented; Aspiration – Soulmate 2/4
Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Young Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat; Aspiration – Purveyor of Potions 3/4; Career – Criminal: Oracle 7/10
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Young Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active; Spellcraft & Sorcery 2/4; Career – Astronaut: Interstellar Smuggler 8/10
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil; Career Secret Agent 7/10; Aspiration - Super Parent 1/4
   Morgyn Ember – Spouse: Elder; Ambitious, Bookworm, Outgoing; Aspiration – Spellcraft & Sorcery 1/4
Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Toddler; Charmer, Wanderer, Early Riser
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet[/b]: Infant; Wiggly, Hates Being Held, Frequently Sneezes

Current Location: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

The workaround for the Singing/no socials glitch worked for me. I haven’t tested whether this mornings update has cured the glitch. It might have cured the basement/underwater glitch stopping Tummy Time because Blaine was able to do it with Coinneach. The perpetual weeds issue is still a problem, if not worse.
There’s always a few glitches in gameplay, even though I have no mods, but they’re usually not too bad. The most persistent one is Children not getting their true Happy or Top-Notch Toddler trait – I always have to cheat it to get their deserved one.

Powerful Caillen and Handsome Coinneach are adorable as most Infants and Toddlers are in Sims. Time will tell how they age up.
Caillen Toddler.jpgCoinneach Infant.jpg

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #65 on: February 29, 2024, 08:41:48 AM »
It's too early to say with Coinneach (thank you for the pronunciation guides) but the green-eyed, ginger Caillen is precious!
I laughed at evil Blaine being so critical of everyone else's parenting skills!
Congrats to Bonnie for graduating with a Distinguished Degree in Villainy!  The Intergalactic Smuggler's career outfit has to be my favorite!

Lol, I was confused by your underwater comment until I read your Notes. No basements in this Mistura generation, so I missed both that bug and the no socials glitch.
I'm glad the mailbox glitch got fixed but I wish the devs would fix the Rental Emergencies toggle.

You probably guessed I would ask...but who is the attractive brunette with the Tomax Collette hair standing behind Ailsa (by the rooster) while she's blowing out her birthday candles?

By the way, I was checking a sim's traits by viewing their Logging Report via MCCC.
I was going to share a line in Jaehyun's report that showed he had a hidden Top-Notch Toddler trait.
But guess what? He didn't have it! So I cheated it onto him on his Teen Birthday. Poor kid!
The TNToddler trait stopped appearing with HSY's release in July 2022. Can you believe it's been almost 2 years?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #66 on: February 29, 2024, 01:39:47 PM »
The "attractive redhead" is Unflirty Baird, first born of Ailsa & Akira.

He's come a long way from his unfortunate early teen looks. The stumbled chin helps but he's careful with what he eats and does a bit of gardening.

Baird thanks you for the compliment and has gone to hide in embarrassment.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #67 on: February 29, 2024, 05:32:47 PM »
The "attractive redhead" is Unflirty Baird, first born of Ailsa & Akira.

He's come a long way from his unfortunate early teen looks. The stumbled chin helps but he's careful with what he eats and does a bit of gardening.

Baird thanks you for the compliment and has gone to hide in embarrassment.

LOL, Baird looks like quite a different sim in that screenshot.  I remember how long he suffered with that stinky curse!
Baird has a baby face, so I agree with you that the stubble makes him look more mature. ;)
But I was actually asking about the "attractive brunette" standing next to Baird with the Tomax Collette hair (next to the rooster).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2024, 04:12:52 AM »
Ah - I really must read things properly, lol.

I think that's Wesley Something. He's been a child/teen friend to all of Gen 2 but I think he might be Good which would be the reason he's not been considered him for spouse material, especially since Blaine inherited the Evil trait.

I am more than happy to upload him to the gallery if he could find a destiny in another Simverse?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2024, 10:03:19 AM »
Ah - I really must read things properly, lol.

I think that's Wesley Something. He's been a child/teen friend to all of Gen 2 but I think he might be Good which would be the reason he's not been considered him for spouse material, especially since Blaine inherited the Evil trait.

I am more than happy to upload him to the gallery if he could find a destiny in another Simverse?
I have just had a search around - he is Wesley Grove, brother to Wren and child of Juniper, of Chestnut Ridge. He isn't Good - he is Self-Assured, High Maintenance & Childish! Not great Traits but let me know if you want him uploaded.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2024, 01:48:34 PM »
Ah - I really must read things properly, lol.

I think that's Wesley Something. He's been a child/teen friend to all of Gen 2 but I think he might be Good which would be the reason he's not been considered him for spouse material, especially since Blaine inherited the Evil trait.

I am more than happy to upload him to the gallery if he could find a destiny in another Simverse?
I have just had a search around - he is Wesley Grove, brother to Wren and child of Juniper, of Chestnut Ridge. He isn't Good - he is Self-Assured, High Maintenance & Childish! Not great Traits but let me know if you want him uploaded.

You're right about Wesley's traits leaving much to be desired.
I think I will pass on Wesley this time around.  There's no room for him to make an appearance in my Mishmash (which ends with one more generation, Gen11).
Thank you for offering, though.  Wesley's very cute!

Ahhhh, my heart still belongs to Daichi!!!

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2024, 02:58:14 PM »
Little Caillen is really adorable - I was looking and looking at her trying to figure out what it is about her that is so striking, and finally figured it out - it's the combination of green eyes, blond eyebrows, and red hair.  Plus that she has the cutest face, of course.

I love how focused Blaine is on her own, and everyone else's, mothering. Hmmm . . . is she going to be a helicopter parent?? Children are able to be so independent in Sims that we don't usually have helicopter parents . . .

I haven't fired up my game since I updated . . . but when Jason is out in the field training the horses, and I'm off somewhere else, I often come back to find him singing, so I 'm sure his singing skill is above a 5 by now.

By the way, a note about horse training:  I thought there wasn't a need to have the horse training items on my own lot since they are in a neighborhood area right next door, but now I understand the value. Jason tells one horse to practice with the barrels and the other to practice jumping, and they go do it. Jason can go and do something else and doesn't need to stay there - he's not an active part of the training. But since it's not on his lot, if he goes back to his lot, the horses will often stop training and go back to the lot also. If I had realized that, I would have built training spots within the lot itself. I may still do that for Oliver to use, but I won't have room for equipment for more than one horse - at least not without a more major overhaul than I want to do.

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #72 on: March 01, 2024, 03:01:39 PM »
Thank you for sharing that great tip about horse training!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Legacy 2.2: Simply The Best (29-Feb)
« Reply #73 on: March 01, 2024, 03:06:37 PM »
@GlazeyLady I'm not sure how Caillen has the blonde eyebrows. When I looked in CAS, the box to match hair colour is ticked. Ah - the mysteries of Sims!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Legacy 2.3: Let’s Hang On
« Reply #74 on: March 05, 2024, 12:13:22 PM »
Wallace Legacy 2.3: Let’s Hang On

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family remained in Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook, allowing Baird and Bonnie to work on their spells and potions. Ailsa joined Akira in Elderly Retirement as Gen 3 progressed in their careers, Bonnie graduating and leaping into Intergalactic Smuggling at level 8. Blaine got all judgy about other people’s parenting as she super-parented Infant Coinneach. Our future heir Caillen aged from a Top-Notch Infant to a Charming Toddler.

L-to-R: Baird, Blaine holding Coinneach, Ailsa, Morgyn holding Caillen, Akira, Bonnie.
Location: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

Blaine: It’s hard work being a Super Parent, especially when your Infant ages into a Silly Toddler. He is still my handsome boy, even though he’s destructive and likes making messes. The trouble is, I really should discipline him but he just giggles at me.


Ailsa: We’d had two warnings that Akira was not long for this world but it was still a shock when Grim turned up. Blaine and Coinneach were still getting over their loss of Darryl so it was particularly hard for them. He was a good co-Founder with me and, though I won’t miss his Jealousy, I will miss his sweetness. We never did achieve Soulmate status…


Bonnie: I got my top promotion that evening but it was not a time of celebration. Losing Dad made me realise how precious my time with Morgyn was. I’ll continue in my career for now but I wanted to spend more time with him and Caillen.


Blaine: Darryl visited that very evening – so much happened at once. We were so close, it was easy to ask him to move in. We went straight to our room to…you know. He can’t give me any more children but it was wonderful to have him back.


Baird: It was weird having Ghost Darryl back in our house, even though we had Ghost Geeta when we were little. Don’t get me wrong, he was great with Coinneach who loves having his Dada back. But the noises coming from Blaine’s bedroom? It’s enough to make my hair curl!


Ailsa: I let it go as long as I could but Darryl had taken the last slot in the house and I was sure Akira would visit soon. Coinneach loved his Dada but he’ll be able to visit. I knew Blaine would never agree but Darryl understood. While Blaine was at work, he moved out to where Geeta and Raj had relocated, a purpose-built residence near our museum in Oasis Springs.


Blaine: I was furious that Mum had manipulated Darryl into moving out. Yes, she’s the Founder. Yes, I’m just a Spare. No, I’m not OK with it at all. You wouldn’t know how angry I am from looking at this photo of me teaching my beloved Coinneach, but I need to sort this out, one way or another. Besides which, my Aspiration makes me really want another child!


Morgyn: Things were tense in the household after Darryl move out. Akira didn’t visit that night but I kept out of Blaine’s way. Baird and I did some training together. He was getting really good and we get on so well.


Morgyn: Oh!


Baird: Another death, and Caillen really felt it this time. She wanted to know “Why?” all the time. All we could do was comfort her. I really miss him too. I kept practising my magic to honour him and soon became a Master Mixer – Purveyor of Potions. I know he’d be proud of me.


Blaine: I tried to undermine Caillen’s learning but just couldn’t stop myself helping her. Drat this need in me to be a Super Parent! Besides which, I know Watcher interferes. I need another plan to get what I want.


Ailsa: Finally! Akira visited and our friendship was already so strong that he could move straight in. Oh, I was so glad he was back. I hoped Blaine wouldn’t work out that, with Morgyn’s death, Darryl needn’t have moved out…


Akira: It was good but strange to be back in the house but I wouldn’t have missed Caillen’s birthday for anything. She was sad about her father not being there but we all celebrated our first Top-Notch Toddler in our Legacy.


Caillen: Hey folks! This is me going to my first day of school on Friday. Watcher said this outfit isn’t one she’d choose but that it looks so good on me that she’s going to leave it. Do you like the hair I chose by myself too? The gold tips remind me of Daddy. We’re hoping to see him again, very soon. I’ve become Proper, by the way. I’m hoping it won’t stop me being Mischievous. That’s sort of what our family is known fo


Baird: My buddy came back while Bonnie was at work. He was keen to move in. Two ghosts in the house! It’s unusual but Bonnie will really appreciate it. I’m not sure Blaine will.


Baird: Morgyn was surprised that I’d started working on Gemology. I’ve made a ring and gave it to an Unflirty girl I met. I wonder how two Unflirty people can get together in a house as crowded as this one.


Caillen: Wow – Mummy’s getting really good at spells. She beat this person and got some artifacts. She says, even though I’ve only got a Weak Bloodline, I’ll be able to help add to the collection if I practise hard enough. I can’t yet though. I’m going to make the most of my childhood.


Blaine: Two ghosts in the house! It’s freaking out the children. Coinneach didn’t mind his Dada but he wasn’t really close with his Grandpa or with Morgyn. They keep making the pictures jump up and down. My poor baby! They’ve got to go!


Blaine: Of course, I should mention that I had another agenda for moving out the ghosts. I’d met my new boyfriend Ukupanipo when he was serving food at the Spice Festival. No, he’s not as young as he might be plus he’s a Glutton, but I’ve got Watcher on board. He’s the perfect way to tick that trait off.


Blaine: Mum had gone behind my back to get rid of Darryl. Do unto others, what they’ve already done unto you – isn’t that the saying? Anyway, Morgyn knew he was freaking out the children. Yes – even Caillen. So he took Akira off with him to Oasis Springs and I moved my new husband in.


Ailsa: I was not fine with the new arrangement. It wasn’t that Ukupanipo is a Merman. That’s unusual but OK. I knew my time was nearly up but I’d wanted to go with Akira to Oasis Springs. Have you worked it out? Akira, my Akira, is living in my future home but not with me. He’s with that floozy Geeta! Who knows what she’ll be up to without me to watch her. The sooner I get there the better!


L-to-R: Bonnie, Ukupanipo, Blaine holding Coinneach, Ailsa, Baird, Caillen

Current Score at week 13 (Autumn/4)
26%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Skills: Charisma (Bonnie), Parenting & Cross-Stitch (Blaine)
New Aspirations: Purveyor of Potions (Baird)
New Achievements: Circle of Life, Over Achiever, Stellar Work, Smooth Talker
New Milestones: Mastered Imagination/Thinking/Movement, First Nightmare, Learned to Blow Kisses, Manifested as a Merman
New Traits: Never Weary, Antiseptic, Master Mixer, Creative, Heavy Sleeper, Proper, Top-Notch Toddler, Silly, Loves Sounds, Destructive, Fear of Dark, Glutton, Child of the Islands, Home Turf, High Metabolism

Generation 1
Ailsa Wallace - Founder
: Elder; Evil, Kleptomaniac, Maker +Cheerful +Outgoing +Bookworm; Career – retired; Aspiration – Painter Extraordinaire 2/4

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Young Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat; Aspiration – Crystal Crafter 0/4; Career – Criminal: Oracle 9/10
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Young Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active; Spellcraft & Sorcery 2/4; Career – Astronaut: Interstellar Smuggler 10/10
Blaine Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Cheerful, Self-Assured, Evil +Creative; Career Secret Agent 8/10; Aspiration - Super Parent 1/4
Ukupanipo Hekekia – Spouse to Blaine: Elder; Child of the Islands, Glutton, Self-Assured

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Child; Proper; Aspiration – Whiz Kid 2/3
Coinneach Wallace – Cadet: Toddler; Silly, Loves Sounds, Early Riser, Destructive

Current Location: Glimmerbrook Watch, Glimmerbrook

You might like to know that there is an in-game Achievement for having a household of 8 playable ghosts – it explains a lot, doesn’t it? 😉

When we needed Geeta to move out, the household didn’t have enough money to buy and build a residence for ghosts so she moved back in with Raj. But their San Myshuno flat just doesn’t have the space for eight, hence the relocation to Oasis Springs. It’s like a senior care home but for ghosts. Each time someone moves in, they take their share of the household funds and add activities and furnishings to match their personality.


Raj had died sometime between Darryl and the others moving in. Since he’d been one of Ailsa’s original enemies, I don’t think we’ve got time to befriend him enough to move him in and out.

I wasn’t sure why, on Akira’s death, I got the Circle of Life Achievement. It says that it is for playing a Sim from the cradle to the grave but Akira’s only been in the household from week 2 when he was a Young Adult. I’d assumed I wouldn’t get that award until one of Gen 2 died.