Author Topic: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy (27-Apr - on hold)  (Read 9172 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.7: Night Fever (2-Apr)
« Reply #150 on: April 02, 2024, 03:46:56 PM »
I have to say, I'm glad Clement moved out. I'd hate to think of trauma my granddaughters would experience see Santa playing with a baby in his skivvies! For Shame!

Those two little blonde lasses with their light eyes are really adorable. And calm to boot! What a bonus.

The Wallaces are rolling right along!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.7: Night Fever (2-Apr)
« Reply #151 on: April 03, 2024, 02:43:57 AM »
How unlucky that Caillen wants to complete Big Happy Family but has three girls!
It's easy to have live-out baby mamas for the 4 grandchildren, like Coinneach's married to Trinity.
But it'll be hard for Caillen to have her grandchildren unless she moves her daughters out, I guess.  So much easier with sons!

So Coinneach could be moving out next week!
Will Caillen be joining a second career?
The Wallaces have made great progress with their collections! Omiscan Artifacts already done and Magical Artifacts almost there.
You rock, Watcher!
You're absolutely right about the Big Happy Family. I've been trying not to manipulate the baby gender - only multiple births. Hm - time to consider Caillen's options.

Caillen probably won't be taking on a second career. She's still has the Frequent Traveller lifestyle so work just gets in the way, lol. She also needs to complete the Omniscan Treasures collection which should be straight-forward as she has the Treasure Hunter trait from the Jungle Explorer Aspiration.
I have to say, I'm glad Clement moved out. I'd hate to think of trauma my granddaughters would experience see Santa playing with a baby in his skivvies! For Shame!

Those two little blonde lasses with their light eyes are really adorable. And calm to boot! What a bonus.

The Wallaces are rolling right along!
That's Clements default sleepwear - scandalous, isn't it!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.8: Mamma Mia
« Reply #152 on: April 05, 2024, 03:07:53 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.8: Mamma Mia
**Warning – StrangerVille Spoilers**

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: the family moved to StrangerVille to look into its’ mysteries; Clement moved out to make way for twins Davina and Denise

L-to-R: Caillen holding Davina, Coinneach, Bonnie holding Denise, Baird, Coirah holding Dalys
Current Location: Old Penelope, StrangerVille Plaza

Coirah: Once I’d proved I was serious, Raven at the Curio Shop gave me the means to get into the Secret Lab. I knew I’d be able to get to the bottom of things.


Baird: Watcher wants me to tell you what my week was like but – it’s too much – I can’t describe it. I’ve been exhausted all the time and can’t concentrate on anything for long. When will this nightmare end?


Coirah: What was happening here? I don’t remember that. I remember trying to go into a pink fog but then I woke up at home. Watcher said it was just a temporary phase. I hadn’t fully experienced the Call of whatever’s in the lab but I must have done something because those pink spores had increased and the sky had become a weird colour.


Caillen: My first day back at work and would you believe that felon I’d been chasing was locked up in the cells already. One of my colleagues must have caught him over the weekend. I quickly got him to confess and then started another case. For some reason Clarence Akyama, my brother-in-law by marriage, was there at the crime scene. He couldn’t explain why he was in someone else’s house with a ghost. I hope he’s not the perp.


Caillen: We moved to StrangerVille Overlook as soon as I got home from work. We’re hoping it will shake off Baird’s Wraith but I doubt it. We haven’t added a pool so at least it can’t drown him. This house is too big for us but we’ll stay up here while we’re in StrangerVille. We don’t like the phenomena but it could be a good place otherwise.


Caillen: My blonde twins were ready to age up on Tuesday after I got home with my top promotion. Davina has a side bow and is Angelic – a Light Sleeper who Loves Sounds and has a Good Appetite. Denise has a topknot and is Fussy – a Little Singer who Loves Books and Water. I know I’m Self-Absorbed but I’ve quit work and will focus on my darling children now.

Davina Toddler.jpgDenise Toddler.jpg

Caillen: And early the next morning, my big little Dalys aged up to a Proper Child, just like I was. It was too late for her to go to school on Wednesday so we had the whole day together.


Dalys: Mummy wanted to spend all day with me but I really wanted to try fishing in the pond below our huge house and Great Uncle Baird mentored me. He’s a bit distracted but he helped me a lot. I caught 2 crystal seeds which was a surprise and useful to know if anyone wanted to get ahead of the game in growing a magnificent crystal tree!


Bonnie: Coirah took me with her so I could collect some spores while she went further into the lab. She was determined to sort out whatever is going on down there. All of a sudden, I knew – I just knew that something terrible had happened. I transportalated into to a place of nightmares to see Coirah’s urn. I quickly picked it up and got home as fast as possible. My darling daughter had been eaten by that….thing!


Coinneach: Watcher keeps forgetting that I’m not Responsible and that she has to encourage me to Work Hard at my job. I didn’t get my promotion straight away, especially when I got the notification about cousin Coirah’s death on the second day at work. I’d been helping the family duel to get the remaining magical artifacts. It’s been a bit of a slog to be honest. I definitely wanted to move out as soon as I get that promotion.


Bonnie: Coirah didn’t come back on Friday night so I Necro-called her back and invited her to join the household. I couldn’t help myself air-horning her while she was still in the process of joining us but then she ghost-scared me back. It was lovely to get back to our pranking. I De-Deathified her as soon as possible of course.


Dalys: Aunt Coirah was back. She was a bit vague about what had happened but we all decided not to mention anything to remind her. Granny Bonnie didn’t want her going and doing anything foolhardy.


Coirah: The family were tiptoeing around me and I was pretending not to remember but the vines growing out of the plumbing was a constant reminder. We will never be safe here until I finish what I’ve started.


Bonnie: Coirah needed to test her vaccine and there were no infected people around. It was time I took one for the team…


Coirah: I couldn’t believe Mum had swallowed one of those seeds. She was totally out of it. Well, I couldn’t waste her sacrifice so I tested my 2nd attempt on her. It just made her fall asleep. Back to the drawing board.


Caillen: Coirah got me, Alex Moyer and Mum to join her down in the lab. We’d all been vaccinated – it was good to have Mum back to normal – but we didn’t know what we were about to face!


Bonnie: I couldn’t go in. I knew I was part of Coirah’s team and that I’d been vaccinated but I just stood there, rooted to the spot, as if that monster had planted me there. Maybe it was because I’d only just recovered from experiencing the Call of Mother but I watched helpless as first Alex keeled over and then Coirah was slammed into the platform.


Coirah: Oh, this is familiar….MUM! Get us out of here!


Current Score at week 23 (Year 2, Spring 3/4)
40%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: Consumed by Mother
New Collection: Magical Artifacts
New Skill: Bonnie
New Neighbourhood: Strangerville: Shady Acres
New Aspiration: Successful Lineage
New Careers: Detective, Writer-Author
New Achievements: The Pen is Mightier, Clued In
New Milestones: Resurrected, Resurrected someone
New Traits: Vicarious, Fear of Swimming,

L-to-R: Dalys, Caillen holding Davina, Baird, Bonnie holding Denise, Coirah
Current Location: StrangerVille Overlook, Shady Acres, StrangerVille

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Unemployed
Bonnie Wallace – Heir: Adult; Cheerful, Kleptomaniac, Romantic +Active +Family-Oriented +Self-Assured; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Young Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 6/10; Aspiration – StrangerVille Mystery 3/4

Generation 4
Dalys – Heir?
: Child; Proper; Social Butterfly 2/3
Davina – Spare: Toddler; Angelic, Light Sleeper, Loves Sounds, Good Appetite
Denise – Spare: Toddler; Fussy, Loves Water, Little Singer, Loves Books

Baird survives another week of the Night Wraith. I don’t deliberately stop him dying but he seems quite resilient – just panicking every now and then.

Experiencing the Call of Mother and being Consumed by Mother are 2 things I needed to tick off plus we got the two resurrection milestones. With 2 careers completed, the Wallaces have made good progress this week.

I’ve tried to strike a balance between story-telling and avoiding spoilers in the StrangerVille mystery. Apologies if I’ve leaned too far one way. I don't know why Bonnie didn't join the team properly or whether that was why the team failed that attempt. You’ll be glad to know that Coirah has a few more vaccines left and will try again next week.

StrangerVille Overlook is a lovely plot but the default house is a mausoleum – far to big for raising toddlers. Oh yes, I nearly forgot – Caillen’s eating for 2 again…

Farewell to Coinneach who got his final promotion and moved himself, Trinity, their 3 children Brayan, Bridget and Maximum, plus his brother-in-law to a 3-bed dwelling in Mt Komorebi
Coinneachs Family.jpg
As a Cadet, he  managed to reverse his Evil nature into being Proper and, besides maxing the Author career and getting the final Magical Artifact, added the following Legacy points:
Skill – Writing;
Milestones – First Nightmare, First Word, Learned to Blow a Kiss;
Traits – Ancient Bloodline, Muser, Destructive, Hates Being Held, Heavy Sleeper, Stoves & Grills Master, Loves Sounds, Silly

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.8: Mamma Mia (5-Apr)
« Reply #153 on: April 05, 2024, 04:00:23 PM »
What a great shot of Baird with his Night Wraith. Is it my imagination or has Baird been losing weight?
A few weeks ago, he was starting to look rather chubby but now...

Congrats to Coinneach on his substantial contributions which earned him the right to move out with his family!  Good job, Coinneach!
As for Dalys, she is the obvious choice for heir with her red hair and green eyes!
But wait, Caillen is pregnant again? Who's the baby daddy? Crossing my fingers for a boy this time!

SO much amazing progress this week! Great job, Watcher! I salute you!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.8: Mamma Mia (5-Apr)
« Reply #154 on: April 05, 2024, 04:39:25 PM »
Baird is really getting the full Night Wraith treatment!
Very good, fast work, Bonnie, using your magic to get Coirah back!
Hopefully next week they will come out the victors over Mother!
Congrats to Coinneach on his promotion and new home.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.8: Mamma Mia (5-Apr)
« Reply #155 on: April 06, 2024, 02:33:20 AM »
What a great shot of Baird with his Night Wraith. Is it my imagination or has Baird been losing weight?
A few weeks ago, he was starting to look rather chubby but now...

Congrats to Coinneach on his substantial contributions which earned him the right to move out with his family!  Good job, Coinneach!
As for Dalys, she is the obvious choice for heir with her red hair and green eyes!
But wait, Caillen is pregnant again? Who's the baby daddy? Crossing my fingers for a boy this time!

SO much amazing progress this week! Great job, Watcher! I salute you!
One of the things the Wraith made Baird do was swim laps while exhausted. It has indeed made him very fit

Dalys tragically has Clements blue eyes. He is also the father of Bonnie's further attempt for red hair & green eyes. And yes I do need her to eat some Carrots!

Baird is really getting the full Night Wraith treatment!
Very good, fast work, Bonnie, using your magic to get Coirah back!
Hopefully next week they will come out the victors over Mother!
Congrats to Coinneach on his promotion and new home.
I was quite concerned about Bonnie transportalating into the centre of the lab but she couldn't just grab Coirahs urn from a distance. I could have lost them both!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad
« Reply #156 on: April 10, 2024, 03:25:19 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Caillen got her top promotion and promptly quit to focus on her children; Coinneach got his top promotion and moved out to Mt Komorebi to be with his wife Trinity and their children; Coirah got eaten by the Mother Plant but resurrected to fight (and lose) again, this time without being eaten

L-to-R: Dalys, Caillen holding Davina, Baird, Bonnie holding Denise, Coirah
Current Location: StrangerVille Overlook, Shady Acres, StrangerVille

Dalys: Easter Sunday was epic. We all dashed around the house looking for eggs and we completed the collection that Granny Bonnie started with Uncle Baird and Aunt Blaine a whole year ago.


Coirah: Dalys was really excited about getting all the eggs and I guess I was too, because of my Childish trait. Once we’d got them all though, I got Mum (Bonnie) and my sister (Caillen) to join me and Alex Moyer at the lab again. This time Watcher realised I could tell Mum and Caillen to do some extra stuff. When Alex collapsed again, Caillen helped her up and Mum fought off the Mother’s minions. It was amazingly epic and I am now the Hero of StrangerVille!


Night Wraith: They thought they could hide their precious Baird from me by moving to this cut-off island but nothing stops me. I know Baird is still alive but I’ll wear him down!


Caillen: The island is such a restful place to be. We have no computers – hardly any tech at all – not even a radio. Mum moved to a cottage in Sulani town to give us a bit more space. Key Point was the perfect place to give birth to my only son – Dirk. I think he’s got green eyes but it’s hard to tell. The twins aged up almost immediately after he was born. Davina (1) became proper like her older sister Dalys and Denise (2) became Cheerful.

Davina Child.jpgDenise Child.jpg

Caillen: While all the girls were at school and Dirk was still a nooboo, I did a quick temple run and got a new treasure. I’ve got 11 of the 13 now. I’ll never get used to the spiders but at least they don’t bite me anymore.


Dalys: My little brother Dirk aged up with red hair, green eyes and a port wine stain just like Mum said I used to have. I wonder if it will fade too. Watcher’s really pleased with Dirk. I don’t know why.


Baird: I’m so glad I can fish with Dirk in the backpack. I wasn’t sure why Watcher wanted him to come with me and Dalys but he seems happy enough.


Dalys: I met some other kids at the park. My sisters are OK I suppose but they’re a bit irritating sometimes. It was good to make some other friends.


Caillen: Mum was really pleased to meet Dirk. With red hair and green eyes, he’ll be my heir. I hope Dalys doesn’t mind. Maybe I should have a chat with her…


Dalys: I couldn’t believe Davina smashed my school project. I told you that my sisters were annoying.


Davina: Dalys thought she was the bees knees because she was the eldest but she’s not even the heir any more. Just a spare like me and Denise so she can stop thinking she can boss us about. I hate her.


Dalys: Davina is so petty. Having a melt-down because of something at school so she stomped all over our sand sculpture. I might not be the heir anymore but I could still declare her my enemy! Ha!


Denise: Davina got really emotional and Dalys got really argumentative. I don’t know what’s with them. Mum read me a story and I kept out of the way. It was a really funny story, great for bedtime! She never realises that I never do my homework!


Caillen: It was a funny story. Ha ha ha ha ha oh!


Coirah: Come on Grim. Dirk isn’t old enough to take on the Legacy. We’re not ready to lose my sister. Look, I’m wearing this necklace you can’t resist….


Caillen: I was so grateful to Coirah for getting Grim to spare me. She’s planning to move out as soon as she gets her top promotion and that just leaves Uncle Baird trying to run this house of hellcats. How would you have managed, little Dirk?


Coirah: Caillen’s right. I was thinking about moving out next week, assuming I get my promotion but there’s still time to change my mind. After drifting off to sleep on this lounger, I feel quite Laid Back about the future. I might even finish collecting shells and buried treasure.


Current Score at week 24 (Year 2, Spring 4/4)
42%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: by hysteria
New Collection: Decorative Eggs
New Neighbourhood: Sulani, Mua Pel’am
New Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery, Beach Life, Social Butterfly
New Milestones: First Trip to Park
New Traits: Hero of StrangerVille,  Laid Back, Free-Air Tinkler, Socially Gifted

L-to-R: Davina, Coirah, Caillen holding Dirk, Baird, Dalys, Denise
Current Location: Key Point, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Generation 2
Baird Wallace – Spare
: Adult; Kleptomaniac, Unflirty, Self-Assured +Perfectionist +Neat +Cheerful; Unemployed

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 8/10

Generation 4
Dalys – Spare
: Child; Proper
Davina – Spare: Child; Proper
Denise – Spare: Child; Cheerful
Dirk – Heir: Infant; Intense, Frequently Hiccups, Free-Air Tinkler

With 2 spaces in the Wallace Household and Caillen wearing the special gem bangle, we just had a single birth but one was enough. Dirk is the name of the Scottish dagger traditionally worn tucked into their long socks

The gen 4 girls are all trying for 1 negative trait each: Dalys – argumentative, Davina – Uncontrolled Emotions, Denise – Irresponsible. It’s a bit wearing and I hope poor Dirk won’t suffer for it. Dalys and Davina are both too Proper to ever start a fight but they do a lot of other mean stuff.

Fairwell to Bonnie. As Gen 2 Heir, she achieved a lot of firsts: having Caillen with Morgyn Ember and Coirah with Joemar Nasution;
Energetic Lifestyle;
dying by Murphy Bed (temp);
Maxing Dancing, Fitness, Rocket Science;
Topped the Interstellar Smuggler Career;
Aspirations: Rambunctious Scamp, Drama Llama, Spellcraft&Sorcery, Successful Lineage & Body Builder
Milestones: Achieved a Pristine Reputation, Began Puberty, Born at home, Earned a Degree, Experienced the call of Mother, Learned Pincer Grasp, Quit Job, Resurrected another Sim, Saved from Death;
Traits: Quick Learner, Relatable, Aggressive, Active, Beguiling, Brave, Frugal, Frequently Sneezes, Hardly Hungry, Ice Proof, Hates Wake-up (inf), Inquisitive, Long Lived, Shameless, Intense, Little Singer, Loud Phase, Loves Water, Mean streak, Physically Gifted, Self-Soother, Slinger of Spells, Untroubled, Vicarious

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad (10-Apr)
« Reply #157 on: April 10, 2024, 09:40:39 PM »
So much progress.
I've never quite been able to bring myself to let my kids/teens get negative traits. I suppose I should do it someday. Maybe.
Does the Night Wraith stay forever? Surely he will go away at some point.
Another death and resurrection! Well done.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad (10-Apr)
« Reply #158 on: April 10, 2024, 10:00:08 PM »
What a shock to realize that you've already reached 43% of your total tasks!
That's some fast work, Watcher!

O yay! A Gen4 heir with red hair and green eyes!
That Night Wraith is super creepy! I really don't want it to become the cause of Baird's death. *sniffle, sniffle
Enjoy your retirement, bonny Bonnie!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad (10-Apr)
« Reply #159 on: April 11, 2024, 09:10:05 AM »
So much progress.
I've never quite been able to bring myself to let my kids/teens get negative traits. I suppose I should do it someday. Maybe.
Does the Night Wraith stay forever? Surely he will go away at some point.
Another death and resurrection! Well done.
I am not enjoying getting the negative traits at all. Baird got Insensitive a while back. Bad manners is the other one which I think involves a lot of bodily functions.

The Night Wraith is supposed to wear out your Sim and then get them to do something stupid. Then they go away. Baird just seems to keep surviving. He's no longer in the family club so that's not helping him. I'm not sure how to resolve it, other than removing the curse but then I wouldn't get that death...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.9: Bad (10-Apr)
« Reply #160 on: April 11, 2024, 09:13:47 AM »
What a shock to realize that you've already reached 43% of your total tasks!
That's some fast work, Watcher!

O yay! A Gen4 heir with red hair and green eyes!
That Night Wraith is super creepy! I really don't want it to become the cause of Baird's death. *sniffle, sniffle
Enjoy your retirement, bonny Bonnie!
The points racked up really quickly to start with but it's slowing down now.

I'm sorry about Baird with his oscillating body weight but I really need him to die by Night Wraith or ill have to go through the whole palaver again! Lol.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star
« Reply #161 on: April 14, 2024, 02:54:18 PM »
Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star

Previously in the Wallace Legacy Household: Easter was celebrated with lots of eggs and then Coirah’s team defeated the Mother; the family moved to Key Point, followed by Baird’s Night Wraith; Dirk was born to Caillen and Clement, his red hair and green eyes declaring him as the Gen 4 heir; the Gen 4 girls all got on each other’s wick; our Gen 3 heir Caillen died from Hysteria but the Crystal necklace helped Coirah persuade Grim to save her.

L-to-R: Davina, Coirah, Caillen holding Dirk, Baird, Dalys, Denise
Current Location: Key Point, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Denise: Davina had the family’s only marble so I got her to play for keeps. I won but that marble disappeared! I just know she’s hidden it somewhere if I could be bothered to look for it.


Coirah: Watcher decided to move us to the bigger island in Mua Pel’am, to the Admiral’s Wreckage. We filled in the basement and just put up a Tiny hut for Dirk to sleep in. For some reason, Watcher also got us a laundry basket, a wash tub and 2 washing lines. She muttered something about us becoming Technophobes so we’re off-grid and no tech – just the fridge and cooker so we can have birthday cakes. Which leaves me, doing the laundry! Still, I’ve got a bit more time on my hands. Mua Pel’am is improving in terms of flora and fauna and there’s less rubbish around to clear up. It’s beginning to look good.


Baird: Watcher and I got fed up with my Night Wraith so we discussed our options. I could have removed the curse really easily but Watcher decided to add him to our household! He was a ghost, initially. One who’d died from Spellcaster Overload. I decided to offer an olive branch by De-Deathifying him. He wasn’t grateful. Not even when I gave him a potion to remove his curse of repulsiveness.


Barfly: What, now? Who’s this? Watcher! Help!


Watcher: If the Night Wraith had originally died from Spellcaster Overload, the family decided to engineer that again. Coirah hadn’t really developed her magic powers so he beat her but Caillen and Bonnie took him down. He had several overloads but seemed to survive them all. I was worried that he might be immortal like Father Christmas. He did get a couple more curses – awkward hugs and hostility but no death.


Baird: I couldn’t believe that, with one Night Wraith in the house, my curse meant another one showed up. I threw everything I had at the first one. Everything!


Grim: What’s going on? Oh – Baird has died of Spellcaster Overload, I see. I can see his Night Wraith slinking off but the original is still here. I wonder how soon I’ll have to come back for him. My notes say he’s on borrowed time.


Bonnie: Oh! I still get to put my oar in, even though I’ve moved out? I guess Dirk is still too young to add anything. Isn’t my grandson cute? He’s a bit fussy but I love being with him. His sunglasses are hiding his facial mark but he’s handsome either way. This was the day before Dalys’ teen birthday. I wonder how she’ll age up.


Dalys: I aged up just fine (Self-Assured)! Watcher removed my flippers but I kept this as my swimming outfit. We spend most of our time swimming or working out. Watcher’s is a bit worried that my hair looks a lot like Mum’s but this is what I chose and you guys will work it out. Wait a minute! That Davina’s just destroyed my school project again! This grudge we’ve got with each other is really festering!


Night Wraith: But I gave you $100 – Twice!
Well: You saw the red lights. You asked for Youthful Vigor – now you’re a Ghost again (died from drowning), you’ll never feel tired again.
Night Wraith: That’s not what I meant.
Well: Read the small print next time.
Night Wraith: Where’s Grim? I’ll argue the point with him.
Well: Sorry – no Grim with this death from me. At least you’re still a member of the household.
Watcher: Not for long – you’re moving out, right now!


Dalys: All I wanted was to have a debate about the house rules and Granny Bonnie took it really badly. When is it an argument and when is it a debate. I just wanted to say that, after making some friends at school and finding out what they get to do, I wanted a bit of a relaxation in all the rules and chores. They’ve even got me doing the laundry now – by hand. My second cousin Brayan has got a washing machine – and a dryer!


Coirah: Top promotion in Floral Design! Go me! Yes I could quit now but I’m the only one bringing in a steady wage at the moment. Dalys just argued when we suggested she got a job and that girl could argue for Scotland!


Dalys: OK, so I don’t want a job. I’m building my online presence. I’ve got 110 followers who need to know how I’m getting on in Gemology. And they were thrilled to know I’m a Spice Champion. I have a duty to my public!


Davina: The squirt was exhausted after our trip to Selvadorada.
Denise: Which sounds a lot more fun than it was.
Davina: Mum still wants 2 more items of Omniscan treasure
Denise: So we’ll have to traipse all the way there again.
Davina: You’d better wake him up.
Denise: You wake him up. I can’t be bothered
Davina: You’re so irresponsible. My life is a tragedy!
Denise: Emotional, much?


Dalys: Mum insisted that I do something to earn some money for the family so I’ve come to Thriftea with my second cousins Brayan and Bridget for some bargain hunting. Watcher thought all of these cousins would have inherited their father Coinneach’s nose but they’ve all got their mothers (Trinity Akiyama). Brayan is Good but Clumsy. Bridget is a Bookworm Geek. We get on really well.


Dalys: I made up a couple of outfits from the racks and tried them on. Brayan said nice things but I think he was a bit bored.


Dalys: We all went back to mine to hold a pre-prom Kava party. I invited all my teen friends which was a dumb idea because none of us drink Kava. Luckily, I’d invited Dad (Clement) and Granny (Bonnie) so at least they enjoyed it. We got a piece of Buried Treasure for a Gold party but it was one we’d got already. We still need 7 more to complete the collection plus 2 shells. We also need 2 more of the Sulani fish but we need to go out to deep waters to get them.


Dalys: Watcher let the Kava Party overrun Prom so, even though I’d made sure we had a Principal on Thursday, by the time me and Brayan got there, it had been cancelled. We tried to take a Mischievous photo but it was a bit awkward. So was asking Brayan about his romantic interests. He’s still exploring – like me.


Current Score at week 25 (Year 2, Summer 1/4)
43%   Overall

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

New Death: by Spellcaster Overload, by Drowning
New Career: Gardener: Floral Designer
New Milestones: First Baby Food, First Word, Learned to Creep, Learned Peek-a-Boo
New Traits: Picky Eater (Toddler), Mean, Erratic

L-to-R: Denise, Dalys, Caillen holding Dirk, Coirah, Davina
Current Location: Admiral’s Wreckage, Mua Pel ‘am, Sulani

Generation 3
Caillen Wallace - Heir
: Adult; Proper, Kleptomaniac, Self-Absorbed +Active +Outgoing +Cheerful; Unemployed; Aspiration – Big Happy Family 2/4
Coirah Wallace – Spare: Young Adult; Green Fiend, LazyActive, Childish +Perfectionist +Cheerful; Career – Gardener-Floral Designer 10/10

Generation 4
Dalys – Spare
: Teen; Proper, Self-Assured; Aspiration – Admired Icon 1/3
Davina – Spare: Child; Proper
Denise – Spare: Child; Cheerful
Dirk – Heir: Toddler; Fussy,

I’m not too sure how to get the Technophobe’s Lifestyle. There is absolutely no tech in the house except the fridge and cooker but no-one seems to be getting it.  The only thing they’ve not done is sabotage or break tech when out and about so I’ll need to explore that.

“Night Wraith” is a score on the original challenge but, having had a good old Google, the only way to get him in the household is to cheat/right-click/add to household. I usually avoid cheats that advance gameplay but I was interested to see what happened.

I added Dirk’s facial mark when he aged into a Toddler. It had disappeared like it did for Dalys.
Dirk Toddler.jpg

Dalys rolled Rennaissance Sim for a teen aspiration which isn’t teen-possible. She would have picked Live Fast but her Proper trait won’t allow her to pick a fight so Admired Icon was the remaining Teen aspiration available.

Fairwell to Baird. As a Gen 2 Spare, he provided all the family jewellery and withstood many weeks of the Night Wraith. As the first baby in the Legacy, he also achieved a lot of firsts (88 points):
Outdoorsy Lifestyle;
dying by Spellcaster Overload;
Maxing Archaeology, Fishing, Gardening, Gemology, Gourmet Cooking, Painting;
Topped the Criminal-Oracle Career;
Aspirations: Angling Ace, Artistic Prodigy, Chief of Mischief, Crystal Crafter, Purveyor of Potions, Whiz Kid;
Milestones: Asked “Why?”, Born at Hospital, Celebrated a Birthday, Childhood Phase, First Bath, First Bubble Bath, First Childhood Friend, First Day of School, First Smiled, First Visitors, Found the Sylvan Glade, Graduated from High School, Learned to Babble/Clap/Climb Stairs/Coo/Dance/Grab/Laugh/Reach/Run/Talk/Walk, Lifted Head, Lost 1st tooth, Manifested as a Spellcaster, Mastered Potty Training, Maxed Communication, Peed on Caregiver, Put Toe In Mouth, Reached Top of After School Activity, Read 1st Book, Studied Numbers, Studied Shapes;
Traits: Fear of Being Judged/Fire/Swimming, Good Manners, Insensitive, Responsible, Always Welcome, Connections, Creative Visionary, Forever Fresh, Gym Rat, Incredibly Friendly, Independent, Needs No-One, Seldom Sleepy, Super Green Thumb, Authentic Prankster, Graduated Early, Anglers Tranquillity, Attuned, Creatively Gifted, Master Mixer, Mentally Gifted, Tormentor, Scouting Aptitude, Calm, Feeding Tinkler, Happy Toddler, Good Appetite (inf & tod), Top Notch Infant, High Confidence, Independent (tod), Loves Wake-Up (tod), Messy Eater (tod), Neutral Confidence, Picky Eater (child phase), Perfectionist, Unflirty

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #162 on: April 14, 2024, 03:39:39 PM »
The whole episode with the Night Wraith(s) was so weird.  The one the Wallaces De-Dedeathified looks like Vlad's cousin, lol.
How did you get rid of him?  Where does he live now?
Oh, poor Baird! You never even got a First Kiss from anyone!  Rest in peace, gentle (unflirty) soul!
The buried treasure collection is so annoying!
In my Big Dreams Dynasty, my sims living in Sulani completed both the seashells & buried treasures collection, but I almost gave up!
Good luck with those collections and the Omiscan treausres!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #163 on: April 14, 2024, 04:29:16 PM »
I was just watching James Turner's latest episode of his Every Occult Challenge on Youtube.
And I learned why the Night Wraith and Vlad look somewhat alike.
According to the lore, the Night Wraith tried to clone himself and unintentionally created the first vampire, Vlad.
James didn't cite his source (citations, please!) and I haven't read through the video's comments yet, but I thought you'd get a kick out of the NIght Wraith's backstory.
P.S. I googled with the keywords Night Wraith Vlad and got....nada.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Wallace Ultimate Simology Legacy 3.10: I’m Wishing On A Star (14-Apr)
« Reply #164 on: April 14, 2024, 10:23:19 PM »
I don't envy Coirah and Dalys - I have a washer and a dryer and still find laundry tedious.
Rest in Peace, Baird.
I don't understand why teens aren't allowed to drink kava - they're allowed to drink bar drinks and nectar - or has that changed and I didn't notice?
Dirk is really cute - especially that picture of him sleeping on the ground with his little tush up in the air.

