Author Topic: Working It Out  (Read 5073 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2023, 10:12:23 PM »
Chapter One: A New Beginning

"Well, this is it!" Nathan said.

Lucas and I stood in front of the house, I've seen it before but this is all new for Lucas. The house was small with a stone exterior that was accented with grey wood and a black roof. It had a small back yard but a back yard none the less. Oliver wagged his butt so hard I thought it may fall off as we stood and looked at the house. After we left the apartment I thought we were heading straight over here to unpack. What Nathan didn't tell me however was that he paid the movers extra to do that for us. He had given them specific instructions on how he wanted certain things done. At first I was a little annoyed because I promised Lucas he could set up his room like he wanted, but then I come to find out that Lucas was in on it as well. How my boys managed to sneak all of that by me was surprising, but as long as everyone was happy then I was too.

"Shall we go in?" Nathan asked.

"I'm excited to see how my room turned out!" Lucas said.

We walked into the house and Lucas gasped at the sight of the kitchen and the living room.

"Look at this kitchen mom!" Lucas shouted.

I giggled, "I know!"

"Can we go see my room?!" Lucas asked.

He was practically jumping up and down.

"Lead the way sir." Nathan said.

Lucas grabbed my hand and dragged me into his room. Lucas opened up the door and we walked into to see his room painted a shade of green. It was a bit brighter than the green he had his old room at the apartment. One one side of the room sat a new bed with a wooden headboard and a green and grey bed spread. On the wall was some of his posters from the apartment along with a jersey above his bed. His windows were covered in simple tan curtains that complimented the round tan and black rug on the floor. I noticed the same tree plant in the corner right next to a simple bookshelf filled with new and old books. He had a toy chest by the window and next to it sat a desk with a simple green lamp and a black chair on wheels. Above the desk hung a wood panel that was painted like a solar system with several paintings of space clipped underneath.

"Wow! Lucas this looks nice? Did you pick it all out?" I asked.

"Yep! Nathan let me have full control!" Lucas announced proudly.

"It's very mature." I said.

"Can I hang out in here with Oliver?" Lucas asked.

"Of course, this is your house too silly." I said.

I gave him a kiss on the head before Nathan and I headed out into the living room.

"I have a surprise for you, but I need two seconds." Nathan said.

"Okay! I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick." I said.

The bathroom was a simple bathroom. It's walls were a grey tile that matched the dark grey tiled floor nicely. On the back wall sat the shower and toilet with a black robe hanging on the wall. Opposite of the shower was the counters that held the sink and some miscellaneous toiletries and towels. On the corner by the sink sat a cup with tooth brushes and tooth paste. There was a grey and black towel hanging up for drying your hands, and the black blinds complimented the black rug on the floor. I finished using the toilet before washing my hands and looking around.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Nathan standing by the bedroom door.

"Are you ready for me?" I asked.

"Yes! Come look at the room." He said.

I grabbed his hand and he led me into the bedroom. For the most part it looked the same with the dark red walls and black blinds on the windows. Two black end tables sat on either side of the black iron rod bed. In one corner sat a basket with pillows and extra blankets along with other baskets for decoration. A few pairs of shoes sat in between and my blue suit case sat by the door. I looked around the room noticing he hung up the yellow painting panels with the tree branches that hung up over the couch in the apartment. I turned around noting the painting that was above the bed in the bedroom and smiled until my eyes found Ian's urn and my stomach sank.

"I thought he deserved a spot where you can see him whenever you want." Nathan said softly.

He walked over to where I stood in front of the urn. I don't know what happened next because one minute I was fine, and the next my whole body was filled with intense grief that caused me to start sobbing. Nathan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly as I cried into his shoulder trying to muffle the sobs.

"I miss him so much." I cried.

"I know baby, I know." Nathan whispered.

"You didn't have to put his urn in the room, I could have put it on a shelf somewhere." I sniffled.

"Baby, I'm not threatened by having him in our room. He was a huge part of your life, he was your husband and Lucas' father. I never want to change that, okay? I am extremely thankful for him, for loving you with everything he hand and giving you Lucas so you weren't alone. I just hope that I can make him proud by stepping in to finish taking care of you two." He said.

"That's not fair!" I said, starting to sob again.

Nathan chuckled and rubbed my back.

"Thank you." I said.

"I hope you like it." He said.

"I love it." I said.

I looked up and gave him a kiss on the lips.

We walked out into the living room to find Oliver and Lucas playing.

"Lucas, be careful with the tv right by you." I warned.

"I am!" He said.

"Are you getting hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah! Can we have pizza?" Lucas asked.

"I'll order it." Nathan said.

I smiled and continued to watch Lucas play with Oliver.

After the pizza was eaten and Lucas had his bath it was his bedtime. I was sitting on his bed with him after he changed into his pajamas.

"Are you all ready for school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah! I can't wait to tell Wyatt about the new house!" He said.

"Maybe now we can even have sleepovers here." I suggested.

"That would be cool, but where would he sleep?" He asked.

"We can get a sleeping bag for him if he doesn't have one." I said.

"Okay!" He said.

"I'll have to ask him, his mom has been weird ever since the accident." He told me.

"Weird how?" I asked.

"She doesn't really like letting him out of her sight still." He said.

"Well, she is probably still nervous. Over time it should get better." I said.

"I hope so." He said.

I kissed his forehead before saying goodnight and leaving the room.

"He down for the night?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, are you working tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sadly yes." He said.

"Same, it's going to be a long day for me. With the move I've fallen behind on my articles." I said.

"What are you working on now?" He asked me.

"I'm workin-" I gasped.

"What?" Nathan asked.

"Nathan! My computer! I- I don't have a computer to work at home! I- I- What am I going to do?!" I panicked.

He walked over to me.

"We will get you a computer baby, okay?" He assured me.

"Where are we going to put it?" I asked.

Nathan stood and looked around before coming up with an idea.

"How about a laptop? That way you could work at the island or on the couch?" He asked.

"That would actually be better. I could even bring it outside!" I said.

"There you go!" He said.

"Thank you babe." I said.

Oliver barked.

"Hey! Shhh! Lucas is sleeping." Nathan said.

He bent over and pet him as Oliver wagged his tail.

I watched Nathan play with Oliver and placed a hand on my heart feeling completely content and happy. I walked over to Lucas' door and peaked in to find that he had already fallen asleep. I closed his door quietly before going to get ready for bed myself with Nathan following me. Of course Oliver had to come into our bedroom and quickly found a spot on the floor before turning in a circle and laying down. I was so ready for bed after this long exhausting day, but it was a great day overall and I was ready to see where this new beginning took us. With Nathan and Lucas by my side I had no doubt that we would work it out.

I couldn't wait.

Heyyy! I told you this wasn't the end of their story! They are all settled into the new house and ready for their next adventure! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and have an amazing weekend! As always I will try to update as often as possible!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2024, 01:11:25 AM »
Chapter Two: Settling In

"Oliver come on!" I called.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.

"Take Oliver for a walk." I said.

"But it's night time, and you just got home from work." He said, worrying.

"I will be quick, I promise!" I said.

I leashed Oliver and headed outside. It was getting warmer out but tonight it was still cool but not too cold. I waved at a couple who was walking by as Oliver trotted along next to me. It's been two weeks since we moved into the house and everything has been going great! We've had Wyatt over for a few sleepovers and invited his mom over each time for a little bit to make sure she knew he was safe. We bought Lucas a cheap cell phone for emergencies and let Wyatt know he could call home whenever he wanted using Lucas' phone. Nathan was close to a promotion and was excited to no longer be a cadet, while I started to feel a little stuck at work. I was running out of places to review and critique and all my articles seemed to blend together. I'm sure that I was just in a rut though and I would get out of it eventually. Just keep going, right?

Oliver enjoyed the walk and insisted we stop at every fire hydrant to pee making me wonder how many times dogs can pee. We finished our walk and walked through the front door as I unleashed him. Oliver made a dash to the food bowl and started eating like we never feed him.

"How was the walk?" Nathan asked.

"Great! I'll never get used to how nice this neighborhood is." I told him.

He smiled as he came over to kiss me.

"Where is Lucas?" I asked.

As if on cue Lucas stormed past me from the bathroom and stomped to his room slamming the door.

"Wha-What is that about?" I asked.

"He's mad at me, I asked him to do his homework." Nathan said.

"That's not an unreasonable request. Lucas, come out here please." I called.

Lucas came out of his room looking like he could burn the world to the ground.

"Why are you angry?" I asked him.

"He told me to do my homework!" Lucas said.

"Okay? Why is that an issue?" I questioned.

"He's not the boss of me." Lucas told me.

"Lucas, I'm not trying to be the boss of you." Nathan said.

"Shut up!" Lucas yelled.

"Lucas! Apologize right now!" I scolded.

"NO! He's not my dad!" He screamed.

He turned around and stormed into his room again, making sure to slam it this time. Nathan and I stood there equally confused as to what brought that on. Lucas and Nathan got along great ever since we moved in and Nathan has told Lucas what to do before and never received this reaction. I never got the feeling that Nathan was trying to boss him around let alone replace Ian. I put my hand on Nathan's chest before walking to Lucas' room knocking before opening the door.

"Lucas?" I said.

Lucas was laying on his stomach and I was hearing him sniffle into his pillow. He was crying, I placed my hand on my heart as I slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. I placed my hand on his back gently and rubbed circles.

"Go away." Lucas sniffled.

"Sweetie, what is this all about?" I asked.

"He's not my dad." He said.

"Lucas, Nathan has never once claimed to replace your father. We have told you that several times, now what is really going on?" I asked.

I was trying to remain calm and not shut out his feelings. Lucas slowly sat up wiping his nose on his sleeve before scooting to sit next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Eric at school said that the only reason Nathan asked us to move in was so he could replace my dad and boss me around. He said it happened to him when his biological father left, his mom remarried and his step dad controls him." He explained.

"Who is Eric?" I asked.

"Some bully at school." He told me.

"So why are you believing him? He is most likely saying things to get a reaction out of you and it's working. Nathan loves you honey, and I will tell you time and time again that no one can replace your father. Nathan would never dream of it, okay?" I said softly.

Lucas nodded.

"Now, I think you should go apologize to Nathan and then come do what he asked you to do." I said.

"Yes mom." He said.

I stood in the door way watching Nathan bend down to Lucas' level as Lucas apologized for what he said and how he acted. I smiled as the two hugged before Lucas broke apart to wipe his eyes again before heading back to the room. I moved out of the way so that he could get his backpack and sit as his desk to do his homework.

"I'm so glad that bullies still are doing great at controlling the little guys." I groaned.

Nathan and I walked into the bedroom and I got changed into my pajamas as Nathan sat on the bed.

"I figured it was something deeper then being upset about doing homework." Nathan told me.

"If this Eric keeps it up I will go to the principal. Lucas has been through enough, he doesn't need some kid who is bored messing with him." I said.

"You're a great mom." He said.

"I try, it's extremely hard to know if I'm doing the right thing." I said.

"Well, he hasn't ran away yet so you must be doing great." He joked.

I threw a bundle of socks at him and he laughed blocking them with his hands.

"I'm going to go make dinner, I was thinking of making chicken." I said.

I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands before prepping the chicken.

"Hey mom? Can I take Oliver outside to play?" Lucas asked.

"Your homework is done?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Okay, but only for a little. It's dark outside and I am making dinner." I told him.

"Come on Oliver!" He called.

Oliver barked before following Lucas outside to play. Oliver was loving having a yard to run in and often would run circles around the house. I was thankful that we had a bathtub because I was forever giving that dog a bath from all the mud. I closed the oven door and set the timer before cleaning up the kitchen to keep busy. An hour passed and I was setting the table to eat before heading outside.

"Lucas!" I called.

I walked around the house to see the two of them jumping around.

"Look mom!" Lucas said.

"I see!" I said.

"It's dinner time!" I told him.

"Perfect timing, Oliver was getting tired." Lucas said.

Lucas and Oliver ran by me and I laughed as we went back inside.


"So, I think we have settled in pretty nicely." Nathan said.

He sat down on the bar stool next to me.

"This house is perfect." I said.

"We will eventually need something bigger, but it will do for now." He said.

"Bigger, eh?" I questioned.

"We've never discussed it, but if we decide to have babies we will need more room." He said.

I smiled, "I wouldn't mind more babies."

He smiled widely.

"So twenty kids?" Nathan asked.

"Um when men can help carry babies sure." I laughed.

"No thanks, you have more experience with that." He said.

I rolled my eyes laughing.

"What are we talking about?" Lucas asked.

"Nothing in particular." I lied.

Nathan laughed before getting up and clearing our plates. Lucas hopped up on the bar stool and began to tell us about his day. It seems that he stood up to Eric when he tried to start the thing with Nathan replacing Ian again and Eric pushed him landing him in the principals office. He was suspended for bad behavior and bullying once Lucas told him his side of the story. I was proud of him for standing up for himself. To celebrate I began to bake a cake for everyone even though there would be another cake soon because my birthday was coming up. Nathan's birthday was shortly after mine so we were both going to be adults. I smiled as I continued to listen to Lucas talk while I mixed the ingredients.

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year!

EDIT: Not sure what happened to the last picture, but I removed it seeing as I couldn't find it on Imgur! -1/8/24
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2024, 01:43:18 AM »
Chapter Three: Back to the Swing of Things

TW: Mention of death, and car accidents in authors note at the end!

"How in the world did you get so dirty?!" I asked.

Oliver barked quietly as I ran the water and added his dog shampoo to the water.

"You weren't outside for more than two minutes!" I scolded.

He looked at me.

"Moooom!" Lucas called.

"I'm washing the dog!" I said.

"Can I go on the computer?" He asked.

I sighed, "Only for a little, I have to write my article!"

Nathan bought me a nice laptop so that I could do my work on. I mostly kept it at the island in the kitchen but sometimes I would bring it to the living room while we watched tv.

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked.

I was walking into the kitchen when Nathan walked out of the bedroom.

"Mom said I could get on for a bit." Lucas said.

"Is your homework done?" I asked.

"That is actually what I need it for! We're doing a report!" He said.

"What kind of report?" Nathan asked, sitting next to him.

"It's a book report, but someone said the book is actually a movie! So why not watch the movie?" Lucas asked.

Nathan and I shared a look. It was a trick as old as time that everyone has tried at least once, or thought about it at the very least.

"Lucas, I see where you're coming from but movies don't always cover what is in the books." I told him.

"So I'm going to have to read it?" He groaned.

"Sorry bud." I said.

He sighed before sliding off the school and dragging his feet to his room.

"Ah to crush a child's dream." Nathan laughed.

"I tried it once when I was his age, the teacher caught on really fast and failed me." I said.

I slid on to the bar stool in front of the laptop.

"Work time." I said.

"I'll leave you to it." Nathan said.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before going into the living room.

I stared at the blinking curser on the word document before typing.

It's the age old question, you know the one... The most controversial topic to this day! Does pineapple actually belong on pizza? I know my answer, but what is yours? Would it shock you if I said that out of thirty four thousand people, forty six percent said they enjoy it? Which means that fifty four percent still will not eat pineapple on pizza! Statistics don't lie people!

The words were effortlessly flowing from my fingertips as I finished up my article on pineapple on pizza. When my boss gave me the topic for this week I groaned, how was I suppose to write an entire article on pineapple pizza? But it turned out to be easier than I thought.


"This movie is suppose to be really good." Nathan said.

"It's about zombies mom!" Lucas said excitedly.

"Wow!" I said.

"Can we have popcorn?" Lucas asked.

"I'll go make it." I offered.

"This kid at school told me about this movie! Apparently someone gets their brains eaten in the first ten minutes!" Lucas exclaimed.

"No way!" Nathan said, acting disgusted.

"It is going to be so cool!" Lucas said.

I laughed as I looked over at them from the kitchen.

It turns out that Lucas wasn't kidding and someone really did get their brains eaten in the first ten minutes. Then another ten minutes later followed by another and another. I was bored out of my mind but Nathan and Lucas seemed to be enjoying it. My phone went off and I looked at the screen to see Finley's name pop up with a text message. I called her shortly after moving into the house and filled her in on everything. She was so excited by the news but not shocked at all. She said that she knew it was going to happen and could feel that he was the one.

How is everything going? -F

Great! What about you? -R

My dad died. -F

I gasped making Nathan jump out of his skin.

"What?!" He asked.

"No- Nothing, um, Finley's dad passed away." I whispered.

"Is she okay?" Lucas asked.

"I think so." I said.

I excused myself and went into the bedroom to call her. I listened to her cry into the phone before collecting herself telling me that she had no idea what happened. He was fine last night and when her mother went to wake him in the morning he was gone. She was trying to keep herself together for her mother and Hannah but she wasn't doing a very good job of it according to herself. I assured her that trying to stay strong is harder than it looked seeing as I had first hand experience. We stayed on the phone for at least two hours just talking, crying, and some laughter here and there. I told her that I was here whenever she needed me and we ended the phone call.

"Oliver!" I said.

I walked over and scratched his cheeks.

"Is Finley okay?" Nathan asked.

"No, but she will be." I said.

I walked over and hugged Nathan.

"How was the movie?" I asked.

"It was good, but we missed you." He told me.

I gave him a kiss.

"Where is the kid?" I questioned.

"Went to work on a school project." Nathan said.

I walked over to Lucas' bedroom and knocked before opening the door.

"Hey buddy." I said.

"Hi mom, is she okay?" He asked.

"She'll get there." I told him.

"What are you working on?" I asked.

I sat on his bed.

"A space ship!" He told me.

"Wow! That's cool! I said.

"Can we go see Finley and Hannah?" He asked.

"I don't think right now is a good time sweetie, but once everything settles down we can!" I told him.

He nodded.

I got off of the bed and gave him a kiss on the top of his head before leaving the room.

"Are you ready for your birthday?" Nathan asked.

He was standing in the kitchen.

"Oh crap! That's tomorrow isn't it?" I asked.

"You forgot your own birthday?" He asked, giggling.

"It completely slipped my mind." I said.

"Well, it's a good thing I didn't!" He told me.

I sat at the island and watched him as he worked on cleaning up for the day. I couldn't believe I was going to be an adult by this time tomorrow!

Hi! I'm still here! It has been a rough week for me. I was involved in a pretty serious accident and my car was totaled after only four months of having it. I was devastated but walked away with some gnarly bruises from the seat belt. It was the other person's fault, and by extreme luck and an amazing car dealership I already have a new car! I hadn't been in the mindset of writing, but now that everything is slowly returning back to normal I am getting back into things!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2024, 03:46:26 PM »
Chapter Four: Not Alone Anymore

"Good morning." I said.

I yawned as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Good morning! Happy Birthday love!" Nathan said.

I walked over to where he was sitting at the island and gave him a kiss. I glanced at the time on the laptop screen and cursed because Lucas was late for school because I overslept.

"Lucas!" I called.

"Already at school." Nathan told me.

"I must have been dead asleep." I said.

"Good, I wanted you to get some rest." He said.

"Thank you for getting him to school." I said.

"Of course, I think we've officially established a bond." He told me.

I wrapped my arms around him, "That makes me incredibly happy."

He kissed my cheek before turning back to the laptop.

"What are you working on?" I asked.

"I got a break in the case I've been working. Just writing up some of my reports." He said.

"That one with the not so nice boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was spotted in the next town over. Their cops are on the lookout for him now." He told me.

"They'll catch him." I said.

Nathan closed his laptop and stood up walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"And what are you up too?" I asked.

"Baking your cake of course." He said.

I sat on a stool in front of the laptop where Nathan once sat, "Chocolate?"

"With chocolate icing." He said.

"Do you mind if I try to get some work done?" I asked.

"It's your birthday." He said.

I clicked on a few programs and got writing my article about this new bookshop mixed with a bakery that had opened a few towns over. Normally I stayed local, but this concept was interesting to me. It was a young lady by the name of Anna who was an avid reader and baker. She came up with the idea one night while baking at three in the morning and thought why not bring her two passions together? From the interview I held with her on the phone the other day it seemed like she had a rough go of things. There were several problems with the building, the initial shipment of her first books was late so she had to turn customers away, and the new baker burned the batches of cookies. However, she worked hard to turn it all around and was able to finally start making a profit. I thought it was important to write about because we all deserve to make our dreams come true. Maybe when people read this article they will take the trip out to see it. Once I was finished with the rough draft I sent it to be looked over before walking into the bathroom.

"Nathan!" I yelled.

"What?" He called.

"The toilet is overflowing again!" I groaned.

Nathan walked up behind me and quickly grabbed the wrench that he kept underneath the sink for this very reason.

"We should get a new one." I told him.

"No, this is fine I can fix it!" He said.

"You're so stubborn!" I giggled.

"This toilet and I have beef, it won't beat me!" He said.


"Alright! I'm ready!" Lucas said.

Lucas came running out of his room with his camera.

"You don't need to capture this moment." I groaned.

"Nonsense!" He said.

He hopped up on a stool next to Nathan as I looked at the lit candles on my cake. Nathan and Lucas started to sing the Happy Birthday song as I thought of a wish.

I wish for a big happy family in the future.

It was a generic wish, sure. But I would be lying if I hadn't been thinking of having another baby and starting a family with Nathan. Not that we weren't already a family, but I think I was getting ready for the next step. I leaned over and blew out the candles managing to get all of them in one go. Nathan and Lucas clapped as I smiled at them feeling complete and happy.

The next day I found myself at the gym in my old neighborhood. It was a trip to take but I was comfortable in this gym so I wanted to be there.

Happy late birthday! -F

Thank you! How are you holding up? -R

Better, things are falling into place and trying to find the new normal. -F

That's often the hardest part. -R

What are you up too? -F

At the gym, I've gained some weight with age lol -R

You look great, don't be silly! -F

I looked down at my phone and sighed. I wasn't shaming anyone who was overweight of course, everyone is beautiful with however they look. But I remember being at my most unhappiness when I was overweight. So gaining the amount of weight I have in the last couple of months worried me so I was back to work at it.

I finished up my run before hitting the showers and heading home.

"I'm back!" I called.

"Welcome home." Nathan said.

"Where is Lucas?" I asked.

"He is staying at his new friends house." He told me.

"New friend?" I questioned.

"Her name is Samantha, another classmate I think." He said.

"You think? Are her parents there?" I asked.

"Yeah, they picked him up." He said.

I went to the window like for some reason they were still there.

"I don't know this Samantha or her parents." I said.

"They seemed really nice, their number is on the counter." He told me.

I bit my lip, "I wish you had called me."

"Wha- Rae I wouldn't of let him go if I felt like he was going to be in danger." He said, getting defensive.

"I know, but are their other kids there? Or is it just those two?" I asked.

"Oh come on, they're children. He's not at that age-"

I stopped him with a look that asked if he was thinking about that at Lucas' age and he stopped himself.

"Okay fine, but I don't think we have anything to be worried about." He said.

I sighed letting my annoyance of not knowing who Samantha or her parents were and that he decided without me disappear.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to snap. I just, it's been me or so long, having to decide everything. Trying to figure out what is and isn't best for him. I need to know where he is at all times and if he is safe." I said softly.

He walked over and grabbed my hands.

"You're not alone anymore, I am here to help you, please let me help you." He said.

I took a deep breath and nodded before he leaned in and kissed me, dipping me like we were dancing.

"So, we're alone all night?" I asked, between kisses.

"All night." He confirmed.

"Hmm." I said.

"You have something in mind?" He asked.

"Maybe." He said.

He kissed me again and I smiled through the kiss.

"Let's go to the bedroom then." He said.

He picked me up while still kissing me and walked us slowly into the bedroom.

"I'm too heavy put me down!" I protested.

"Oh stop that right now." He said.

He kicked the bedroom door closed as I laughed.

Hope you enjoyed! It has been blistering cold where I live so if you're in the same boat please stay warm and safe!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2024, 03:17:42 PM »
Chapter Five: Wish Come True

I'm coming home -N

No! Stay! Seriously, I am fine! -R

A month passed since I officially joined the Adult club and getting older was rough. I took a fall last week and bruised my knee up pretty badly and on top of that I had a cold picked up by a coworker. As if that wasn't enough I was back and forth from the toilet throwing up all morning. Nathan was on a twelve hour shift today and Lucas was at school and then going over to Samantha's house afterwards. I managed to make it to the couch with my pillow and blanket so at least I could watch television while Oliver slept on the floor next to the couch.

"Rae... Rae... Raegan!"

I jumped awake to see Nathan kneeling in front of me.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"Six, I got off a bit early." He whispered.

"Six?" I asked.

I must have fallen asleep because last I checked it was only noon.

"Want me to make you some soup?" He asked.

"I want to try to get up." I said.

Nathan carefully pulled the blanket off of me and helped me sit up. I went to stand but once I was on my feet the room started spinning.

"Whoa." I groaned.

"Okay, back down, careful." He said.

He helped me sit down slowly. I placed my head in my hands and groaned as my stomach turned.

"I'm calling the doctor." Nathan told me.

"No, Nathan I'm fine." I said.

"You are dizzy now, something is going on." He said.

I looked up at him and he looked so worried.

"I think I may have an idea what is going on." I said.

I've been adding it up in my head all day when I randomly thought that my period should have started by now. I was sick with a normal cold, yes that was true. However I was throwing up and now I was experiencing dizziness. I grabbed my phone and opened up the calendar app on my phone doing the mental math of how late I was.

"Nathan, would you mind running to the pharmacy?" I asked.

"Is your knee still hurting bad? Let me get some meds." He offered.

"No, it's hurting a little bit but I need something else." I said.

He looked at me questioningly as I bit my bottom lip.

"Could you pick up a pregnancy test?" I asked.

Nathan's eyes opened up wide, "Are- Are you sure?"

"Well, no. But the symptoms make sense. It could just be the cold though or maybe I have a stomach bug." I said.

"I'll go pick up a few, wow." He said.

"What if it is?" I asked.

We have talked about kids and having more, but there was a small fear that maybe he didn't want any of his own. Lucas was like a trial run for him and it hasn't always been the easiest of times and there was bound to be more troubles down the road. Nathan was trying to balance being a father figure to Lucas without making him feel like he was trying to replace Ian. Nathan grabbed his keys looking completely freaked out and nervous.

"Do we want this?" I asked.

"I do, what about you?" He asked.

"I wished for it." I admitted.

The nervousness turned into straight happiness as a smile spread across his face. He kissed me before heading to the pharmacy to pick up a few tests. Thirty minutes later I was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom with the first test in my hand. When I took the pregnancy test I had with Lucas I remember feeling scared and almost a feeling of dread. Ian and I were just starting out and in this crappy apartment so the timing wasn't the best. Obviously he turned out to be the greatest thing that could have happened to us and I wouldn't of traded him for anything. This time though, as I stared down at the pregnancy test, I felt excitement and a bit of nerves.

There was a knock on the door.

"Is there anything you need?" Nathan asked through the bathroom door.

"No, just waiting for the results." I said.

I heard him walk away and took a deep breath as I watched the blinking timer before it stopped blinking and flashed a single word.

"Pregnant." I whispered.

My eyes opened wide and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh my god." I said.

I jumped off the toilet before bursting out of the bathroom.

"Nathan!" I called.

He stood up from the couch and came over to me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant!" I gasped.

"Shut up!" He said.

I showed him the test and he gasped before kissing me.

"We're going to have a baby!" I said.

"I'm so happy." He said.

"Me too." I told him.

He looked down at me before spinning me around a few times.

"What are we going to tell Lucas?" Nathan asked.

"We can tell him after he gets home and settled." I said.

"Do you think he will be happy?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I don't see him being angry with it. We never talked about the possibility of siblings for him." I said.

"He will be a great big brother." He told me.

"Hey Nathan?" I asked.

"What?" He asked.

"Why don't you speak to your family?" I asked.

Nathan has two brothers, a sister, and both parents that he doesn't really mention or talk too. I never pushed the subject as we got to know each other, but I was getting more curious about the reasoning behind it.

"Well, it's complicated. I don't hate them but we don't have the best relationship either. Growing up it was clear to me that I wasn't wanted or planned seeing as I was the youngest kid. They favored my brothers and my sister can never do anything wrong. I brought this up to my parents and they got so defensive that it ended up being an explosive argument. I moved out as soon as I could, and now I am here with a wonderful woman in my life. We used to talk around the holidays but they stopped a few years ago." He explained.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't be, no hard feelings towards them. It's just one of those situations where this is probably for the best." He said.

"If they wanted to make amends, would you accept it?" I asked.

He sighed, "I wouldn't be against it. I don't see that happening though and that is okay with me."

I leaned up and gave him a kiss.

Nathan insisted I go lay down for a little bit. I tried to fight it seeing as Lucas was going to be home soon but Nathan promised that he would handle it. I woke up a few hours later to the sound of Nathan and Lucas laughing. I groaned before getting up fighting the urge to throw up as I got dressed into actual clothes for a change.

"Mom!" Lucas said.

"Hi sweetie! Look at you in pajamas!" I said.

"Nathan said it was okay! I just finished my homework." He told me.

"That's great!" I said.

I walked over and sat down on the couch next to him. Nathan walked over and stood by the television getting the hint that I was about to tell Lucas. I felt a sudden rush of nausea and covered my mouth with my hands and breathing deeply.

"Mom?" Lucas asked.

"I'm okay, I promise. Come here." I said.

I held out my arm and Lucas slid closer to me as I looked up to Nathan.

"Nathan and I have something to talk to you about." I said.

"This sounds serious." He said.

I laughed a little, "It's nothing bad."

"We want you to know that your mother and I care about you and love you." Nathan said.

Lucas and I looked up at him at the same time. It was the first time Nathan told Lucas that he loved him, he has been nervous to say those words to him. He may have grouped me into it as well but he still said that he loved Lucas and instant tears came to my eyes.

"What is going on?" Lucas asked.

"Sweetie, I know I normally discuss major life changes with you before hand but this just kind of happened. I found out this morning that there is another reason that I've been so sick lately. I took a test and it turns out that I'm pregnant." I told him.

Lucas went quiet for a few minutes.

"So I'm going to have a sibling?" He asked.

"Yes, how do you feel about that?" I asked.

"I think that I have a lot to learn about being a big brother." He said, smiling.

"So you're okay with this?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah! I'm excited!" He told him.

"That's great! Do you have any questions?" I asked.

"Does this mean I have to share a room?" He asked me.

I looked at Nathan.

"Maybe for a little bit, would that be okay?" I asked.

"That would be so cool!" He said.

I laughed and kissed his forehead.

"Can I go play?" Lucas asked.

"Of course!" I said.

I watched Lucas go into his room and shut the door.

"That went well." Nathan said.

He sat down on the couch next to me.

"He's a great kid." I said.

"Well, he has a great mom." He said.

I smiled leaning into him as he held me.

I was going to be a mom again.

Sorry it has been so long! If you have heard of that game Palworld then you know what to blame! I hope January has been amazing for you all and thank you so much for reading ;D Also, I am not sure why some photos keep saying that they cannot be found randomly. I don't delete anything from Imgur so I'm unsure why it is happening. So if you notice pictures randomly being deleted, or it seems like there should be a picture to go along with a part of the story that probably means that I had to delete it! Sorry about that!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2024, 05:33:31 PM »
Chapter Six: Answers

"Maybe we should go to urgent care." Nathan said.

I was currently leaning against the bathroom wall in front of the toilet with my head tilted back and my eyes closed. I had just thrown up for the fifth time this morning alone and I was having a hard time keeping even water down. I was officially in my second trimester as of yesterday but I was still not showing much which to me was weird. I was having a rough go of morning sickness for the past few weeks but from what I read it was normal for some women.

"It'll pass soon." I said.

Nathan passed me a napkin and a glass of water.

"I just don't like that you've been so sick." He said.

"I know, this isn't fun for either of us." I said.

Oliver barked from the other room.

"He needs to go out." I said.

I tried to stand up but Nathan stopped me telling him he would take him for a run. I ended up standing up anyway to try to make it to the couch to rest.

"Alright, time for a run big guy." Nathan said.

"It's raining." I said.

"Not too bad, we'll be fine." He said.

I watched as Nathan leashed Oliver and headed outside.

I must have managed to doze off on the couch because a few hours I woke up to the sound of Nathan and Lucas talking. I stood up carefully and walked over to Lucas' room and stood quietly by the door so they wouldn't see me.

"Mom's sick." Lucas said.

"Yeah bud, she is." Nathan told him.

"Is it the baby? Is something wrong?" Lucas asked.

Nathan sighed, "It is the baby, but this is normal."

Nathan was kneeling in front of Lucas as they talked about me being sick.

"Do you think she'd like some soup?" Lucas asked.

The mention of food alone made my stomach turn.

"We could try a little later, maybe she'll keep it down." Nathan said.

"You know, your mom is going to need a lot of help now and when the baby gets here." Nathan told him.

"I can help! I can clean the house more and take Oliver for walks!" Lucas offered.

"I'm sure she would appreciate that, but you also need to keep up on homework and being a kid." Nathan said.

"I'm not going to be a kid for long." Lucas said proudly.

Nathan giggled as he stood up and placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder.

"Don't grow up too fast kiddo, it's not as fun as being a kid." Nathan said.

"I don't know, unlimited naps and video games sounds pretty fun." Lucas told him.

Nathan laughed.

I smiled as I headed into the bedroom to take one of those unlimited naps.


"What was at the door?" Nathan asked.

"Just this dress I ordered." I said.

"Oh yeah? What kind of dress?" He asked.

"A dress I ordered for when I was showing, but that's not happening so I guess it's pointless." I said.

I was feeling down today which was frustrating because I was actually feeling sort of human today. I was excited to have a baby bump this time around but for some reason I didn't even look pregnant at all aside from a very tiny bump you could barely see. Nathan walked over to me and rubbed his hands up and down my arms soothingly.

"I want to see it." He said.

"I'll go try it on." I said.

A few moments later I walked out of the bedroom with my simple white dress with a small black belt around the waist. I tied my hair up in a lazy bun with a few loose braids on the side of the head. Nathan whistled as he spun me around slowly.

"Look at you!" Nathan said.

"It's nothing special." I said.

"Nothing special my butt." He said.

He took my hand and kissed my fingers.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He told me.

"You're just saying that." I said.

"Am not!" He said, acting offended.

I rested my head on his shoulder as pulled me into him and slowly rocked us side to side.

"How are you feeling today?" Nathan asked.

"I've only thrown up twice." I said.

"Better, but still feeling tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, I made an appointment for the end of the week." I told him.

"Good, I'm sure everything is okay but no harm in making sure." He said.

"We should be able to find out the gender." I said.

"Do we want to know?" He asked.

I looked up at him.

"I think I do." I said.

"Then we find out the gender." He said, smiling.

"I think it's going to be a boy." I told him.

"Nah, a little girl who looks just like you." He said.

"Can you handle two girls?" I giggled.

"Oof, good point." He said.

I gave out a small yawn as we swayed back and forth.

"Come on, let's go take a nap." Nathan said.

He took my hand gently and led me to the couch.

"Lucas should be home soon." Nathan said.

"Oh crap, I forgot to tell you he's going to Samantha's after school." I told him.

"That's okay, more time to sleep." He said.

I giggled.

The day of the appointment was here before I knew it. Nathan was able to take the day off of work to come with me while Lucas was at school. Samantha's mom agreed to let Lucas come over after school again and I made a mental note to buy her something small for her generosity. Samantha was a lovely girl who wanted to become a vet when she was older, she adored cats the most but loved all animals. We have yet to have her over but Lucas has been asking if she could come over for dinner one night.

"Are you ready to go?" Nathan asked.

"As ready as I ever will be." I said.

It was a bad day for me with being sick all morning and I just had no energy. It was started to effect more than just my life around the house at this point. I've used up all of my sick days and have started to dip into my vacation time. My boss was being as understanding as she could be, but I sensed some frustration in the last few emails I've received. Obviously she was understanding of my situation just as I was understanding of her needing me to work. Once we arrived at the doctors office we were seated into the waiting room to fill out some paperwork before seeing the doctor.

"Do you have any illnesses in your family?" I asked Nathan.

"Not that I'm aware of." He told me.

I filled out the form just as the nurse brought us back to the exam room. I had Nathan drag over the trash bin they had in the corner in case this morning cereal decided to make another appearance. We waited another ten minutes before the doctor knocked on the door and stepped in.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Simmons. I hear you're not feeling well?" Dr. Simmons asked.

Dr. Simmons was around my age with beautiful red curly hair that came down to her shoulders. She had bright green eyes and dimples that appeared only when she smiled. I explained that I was in my second trimester and experiencing horrible morning sickness along with extreme fatigue. She double checked my forms before dragging over the ultrasound machine along with a stool for her to sit on. Nathan squeezed my hand as Dr. Simmons had me roll up the loose top I chose to wear today.

"Now, are we finding out the gender?" Dr. Simmons asked.

"We are yes." I told her.

"Do you think there might be something wrong with the baby with how sick she has been?" Nathan asked.

"Not necessarily. If we don't find anything out with the ultrasound then we will run some further tests." She assured us.

She warned me about the cold gel before she applied it but I still flinched a little. A whooshing sound filled the room as Dr. Simmons moved the screen to face us as she moved the doppler around.

"Is that the babies heart beat?" I asked.

"It- It is." Dr. Simmons said, suddenly looking concerned.

"What is it?" Nathan asked.

"Just a minute. I'm going to step out for a moment." She said.

I looked up at Nathan with panic on my face.

"Nathan." I gasped.

"Shhh, it's okay." He said gently.

Nathan squeezed my hand and kissed the top of my head.

"Everything is okay." He whispered.

I could tell he was just as scared as I was though as we waited for the door to open. Dr. Simmons walked in but this time she had another doctor with her.

"This is Dr. Anderson, he is just here to confirm something for me." Dr. Simmons said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Just a moment." Dr. Simmons said.

She turned the monitor to face Dr. Anderson before running the doppler over my stomach and pointing at the screen. Dr. Anderson nodded and confirmed that it was whatever Dr. Simmons was suspecting.

"Will someone please tell me what is wrong with my wife?" Nathan asked, getting angry.

"I assure you nothing is wrong." Dr. Simmons said.

She turned the monitor back towards us and pointed at the screen before saying.

"Congratulations, you're having twins."


Now, I have have ZERO clue as to why she is not showing in the second trimester. Especially with twins. I have tried literally everything I can think of, even tried some mods, but she still was barely showing each time. So use your imagination as to why she isn't showing with twins hahaha
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2024, 12:43:10 AM »
Chapter Seven: Double Trouble

"We only ordered one." Nathan said.

I let out a small laugh and playfully slapped his chest as he and I looked at the screen again.

"So here is Baby A, and there is Baby B." Dr. Simmons said.

We watched as she pointed out the two blobs on the screen.

"Wow." I gasped.

"Can we find out the genders still?" Nathan asked.

"Of course! Are you ready?" Dr. Simmons asked.

I nodded blinking back tears as she took the doppler and moved it around again.

"Well, it appears that both babies are little girls!" She announced.

"Girls!" I gasped.

"Wow." Nathan whispered.

I let out a crying laugh.

"So if she is having twins, why isn't she showing?" He asked.

"It's not uncommon, I've had a few patients before have similar situations. They all started to really show in the last trimester." Dr. Simmons explained.

"Then there's nothing to worry about?" I asked.

"None at all! You all are very healthy!" She said smiling.

Nathan and I walked into the house an hour later still in a daze of shock and happiness.

"Twins." I said.

"We're going to need a bigger house sooner rather than later." Nathan said.

"Twins." I repeated.

He turned around and hugged me before grabbing the sonogram pictures to look at again.

"How are you feeling about all this?" I asked.

"Shocked, happy, scared, and excited. What about you?" He asked me.

"All of the above." I told him.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to look at it.

Samantha wants to know if I can spend the night! -L

Do you want too? -R

Yeah! -L

"Lucas wants to stay the night at Samantha's house." I said.

"I don't see why he couldn't, we can tell him about the babies tomorrow." He told me.

As long as Samantha's mother is okay with it! -R

She is! Thank you mom! Love you! -L
I love you too -R

Oliver barked at the door and shook his butt letting us know he needed outside.

"I'll take him for a walk." Nathan said.

"Just let him out tonight." I said.

Nathan opened up the front door to let Oliver go to the bathroom before walking back over to me. I sat down on the bar stool in front of my laptop as my brain slowly processed that we were having twin girls. I was happy of course, but where were we going to put them? Lucas' room was barely big enough to share with one baby! I laid the sonogram pictures on the counter before hearing Oliver bark. I stood up and walked over to the front door to find Oliver rolling around in a muddy puddle.

"Oliver no!" I scolded.

Nathan stood up and walked up behind me.

"Now I have to give him a bath." I groaned.

"I will do it, go rest it has been a long day." He said.

"But you've done so much already." I protested.

"And you are doing a lot as well. Now go rest beautiful." He said.

I smiled up at him as I gave him a kiss before heading to the couch to watch some TV.

"Come on Oliver." Nathan called.

"All done." Nathan said.

"That was quick." I said.

Nathan sat down next to me and kissed the side of my head.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Not really." I said.

"Let's watch a movie then." He suggested.


Lucas came home early the next morning still dressed in his pajamas.

"What is this?" Lucas asked.

He picked up the sonogram picture that was still on the counter.

"Well, we went to the doctors yesterday." I told him.

"Did you find out the gender?" He asked.

"Yes, and something else." I said.

Nathan walked over and stood by me.

"Is the baby okay?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, both babies are fine." I hinted.

"Both? As in more than one?!" He asked, a look of excitement on his face.

"We are having twins." I told him.

"Really?! What are they?" He asked.

"Both are girls." Nathan told him.

"Sisters! Can they stay in my room?" Lucas asked.

I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"We haven't worked that out yet, but it's a possibility." I said.

"Cool!" He said.

I pulled out my phone and opened up my texts with Finley.

I found out why I was so sick and tired! -R

Is the baby okay? -F

Yes the babies are okay =] -R


I laughed at her sudden burst of texts as she told me how happy she was for Nathan and I.

"Well, Finley is excited." I said.

"I am not shocked." Nathan said.

I let out a yawn as I put my phone down and tried to get some work done.

"I can't wait to tell Samantha that I'm going to have sisters!" Lucas said.

"So, this Samantha. Do you like her?" I asked.

"MOOOOOOM!" He groaned.

"Well! It's a valid question!" I giggled.

"I like her a lot." He said, his cheeks growing red.

"Oh boy, buckle up." Nathan laughed.

I was not ready for this.

Just a cute little update! More to come ;)
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2024, 01:13:28 AM »
Chapter Eight: Let Go

"What about this place? Six bedrooms, three bathrooms?" Nathan suggested.

I took the listing from him.

"Do we really need that many rooms?" I asked.

"Well if you think about it, it will be our room, Lucas' and then eventually the girls will want their own bedrooms." He explained.

"That's only four, what would we use the other two for?" I asked.

"Future kids." He said.

I laughed.

"Can we have these first?" I asked him.

"I suppose." He giggled.

I handed the listing back to him and he folded it up.

"That's fine though because I already picked out a house for us." He said.

My mouth flew open as he pulled out his cell phone and pulled out a listing to show me.

"Nathan!" I gasped.

It was a beautiful one story house that had a spacious kitchen and living room in a semi open floor plan. It had four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a small backyard and porch.

"The porch in the back used to be a closed in patio, but the past owners tore the walls down and now it's a nice big porch. I was thinking we could get a grill and some furniture back there, could be nice to sit and relax while the kids play. I was thinking we will take the master bedroom, it's connected to the master bathroom and then we can give Lucas the next biggest room." He told me.

"It's beautiful! Can we afford it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think we can manage!" He said.

I leaned over on the couch and gave him a kiss.


"What's for dinner?" Lucas asked.

"Figured we can order a pizza!" I told him.

"That sounds good!" He said.

"Nathan should be home soon, how about you go work on some homework?" I asked.

Lucas came over and kissed my cheek before he took off for his room. I had just sat down at the island in front of the laptop before grabbing my phone and texting Nathan.

Would you grab a pizza on your way home? -R

Of course! Preferences? -N

Surprise us! -R

I set my phone on the counter before opening up my email to get started for the day. I felt amped up to get back into the swing of things at work again. I have taken way too many days off and I was ready to get back on the horse.

The first email I saw at the top was my boss. I hovered over it thinking that it was a new prompt for this weeks article but then I saw the title: Important: Employment Termination Notice - Please Read.

My heart stopped as I clicked the email.

Dear Raegan,

I'm sorry to inform you that effective immediately you will no longer be employed at New Crest Times. As discussed in past emails, I think that this is the best outcome, because of you falling behind on submitting articles. While I am empathetic of your situation I hope you understand that I have been more than lenient while you recovered. While we did receive a few articles from you I feel that they do not live up to the standard that we agreed on upon your hiring.

From now on you won't be eligible for any compensation or benefits associated with your position. Please return any equipment that you have to the office immediately in order to receive your last paycheck. However, to make up for the sudden decision I will compensate you for your remaining vacation days along with a severance pay. Please keep in mind that you have signed a non-disclosure agreement upon hiring that protects our customers and employees. Any information stored on paper or your computer (work or personal) please delete them immediately. If you have questions or clarifications, I am at your disposal for up to five working days after you receive this email.

I wish you the best of luck, and let me know if you need any recommendations for further employment.

Amy Johnson

I gasped and covered my mouth as I darted to the sink and threw up. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I backed up and sank to the kitchen floor. I've never been fired before or even been in trouble at work. I gasped as the tears began to fall and the walls closed in around me. We were just looking for a new home, a new home that would fit everyone including the twins I was about to have. I brought my knees up and cried into my hands as I tried to process what just happened and come up with a plan.

"Mom?" Lucas asked.

Everything sounded like I was underwater.

"Mom?!" Lucas asked again.

I couldn't talk, it was like I had lost every sense I had as I struggled to get air in my lungs. At some point I heard Nathan's voice as Lucas frantically told him that something was wrong with me. I heard Nathan tell Lucas to take the pizza and go in his room before he came running around the counter to find me curled on the kitchen floor.

"Raegan!" Nathan said, shaking me.

"I-" I sobbed so hard I almost threw up again.

"Take deep breaths, shh. Deep breaths love." He cooed.

It took what felt like forever, but eventually I felt myself calm down long enough to breathe better. Nathan got me to my feet as I started weeping again and he pulled me against him letting me lay my head on his shoulder.

"I was fired." I cried.

"What?!" Nathan gasped.

"I just got an email Nathan! They couldn't even tell me in person!" I said.

He made soothing circles into my back as he held me closer to him.

"Where's Lucas?!" I gasped suddenly.

"In his room maybe eating all the pizza." Nathan told me.

"He saw me on the floor he saw-"

"He will be fine, he wasn't scared he was just worried." He told me.

"I didn't want him to see me like that." I cried.

"I know, but it's okay to let him see you fall apart." He said.

I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.

"Did they say why they let you go?" Nathan asked.

"Basically that I've missed so much work, and that the articles I was producing weren't up to standard anymore." I told him.

"They can't fire you because you were sick, that is illegal Rae." He said, ready to fight it.

"I didn't take it as that, but if it is I- I don't- I don't have it in me Nathan to fight! I- I can't-"

I started to feel the walls closing in on me again and started gasping.

"Okay, okay shhh. Sweetie shhh, we will figure this out, okay?" He said.

"We were just about to buy a house Nathan! We're having twins!" I gasped.

"I know, and we still will buy a house." He said.

"I have to get another job quick." I said.

"Or, you could stay home." He suggested.

"What?" I asked.

"You did it with Ian, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, but Nathan we're about to have three kids!" I said.

He chuckled, "I'm aware, but my salary is great remember?"

"If you're okay with me staying home I guess we can try it. It would be nice to be able to stay home again if I'm honest." I said.

"Let's make a deal to make you feel better about it, okay? If at any point you feel like you have to go back to work, you can start looking for a job. But I promise you that I can take care if you and our growing family." He told me.

"And if you need me to go back to work, you'll tell me?" I asked.

"In a heart beat." He promised.

I took a deep breath, "Okay. I will stay home for now."

"I think that's best for you and the babies right now." He told me.

He pulled me into his arms again and I took a long and deep breath feeling a strange sense of relief.

"Now, can I read this email?" He asked.

I nodded before heading over to the laptop and turning it to him for him to read. After he was done he closed the laptop and told me that they didn't know what they were missing. The email itself was very professional and respectful, but a definite blow to the stomach. It would take time to fully process it, but I wasn't in a state of panic anymore after talking to Nathan. It would be nice to be able to stay home and take care of the kids and the house. Oliver would especially love having someone home at all times that was for sure. I would also not miss any important milestones for the twins and for Lucas who would be a teenager any day now.

"Lucas!" I called.

Lucas came out of his room holding the pizza box in his hands.

"Are you okay mom?" He asked.

"I'm okay sweetie, I'm sorry if I scared you." I said.

I kissed him on the head as Nathan took the pizza from him. Surprisingly Lucas didn't touch it so Nathan put it in the oven to reheat it. I explained to Lucas that I was let go from my job so now I would be home a lot more. He apologized but seemed like he wasn't upset or scared after seeing me like that. I brushed the hair from his face as he launched into the new book he got from the library. I smiled at him as I glanced over to Nathan who was watching the both of us proudly.

We were going to be okay.

My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2024, 04:30:34 PM »
Chapter Nine: Making Offers

"What's going on?" Lucas asked.

There was a soft song playing through Nathan's phone as we danced in circles in the kitchen. It's been a week since I was let go and I was honestly more okay with it with every day that passed. I enjoyed my time writing articles, but now I was ready to be able to focus on continuing to raise Lucas and get ready for the girls. There was so much left to do down to picking names and up to where we were going to put them. We put an offer in on the house that Nathan had found, but we were playing the waiting game because we weren't the only one who wants it.

"Just a little dancing." Nathan said.

"Why?" Lucas wondered.

"Why not?" I asked.

I was in my last week of my second trimester and I was no longer throwing up every two seconds. I was able to eat most things now and I promised myself that I would never take food for granted ever again. I also had more energy which meant I was able to clean the house more often than I have been able too.

"So, what do you want for your birthday dinner that's coming up little man?" Nathan asked.

"Can we have tacos?!" Lucas asked.

"Tacos do sound amazing." I said.

"Then tacos it is!" Nathan said.

I giggled as Nathan spun me around again and then pulled me into him.

"I love you." Nathan said.

"I love you more." I told him.


Before I knew it the third trimester was here and I was definitely bigger now. Nathan was becoming more and more protective over me though and didn't like that I was always on my feet doing something. I was assuring him constantly that I was okay at least ten times a day it felt like. They were officially kicking me now which was a nice surprise to wake up to at three in the morning. It was Nathan's favorite time of the day when they became most active.

Soooo how are my nieces?! -F

I looked at my phone and laughed before replying to Finley.

Well, my bladder has become their new punching bag -R

Hannah loved doing that too! I practically moved into the bathroom towards the end because I was always back and forth to the toilet! -F

I might do the same! -R

I still need pictures ma'am! -F

Ma'am? I'm not THAT old! -R

I missed Finley, but I was extremely happy that she was doing so well. I wanted to be selfish and ask her to come visit but I didn't want to bother her.

"Hey Nathan?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?" He said.

"I have an idea! When Finley was here, my friend, she used to take pictures of Ian and I! Like a little photoshoot, would you be up for one? She's been asking for pictures!" I said.

"I would love to do a photoshoot my love." He said.

"I still feel like I should be bigger." I said.

Nathan chuckled, "You are beautiful."

"I just hope nothing is wrong." I told him.

"Like what?" Nathan asked.

"Like, what if I'm not eating enough?" I asked.

"You are doing everything right! I promise you the girls are fine." He reassured me.

"Thanks babe." I said.

I gasped.

"What?" He asked, alarmed.

"Bladder shot again." I winced.

Nathan's eyes lit up as he put his hands on my stomach.

"Let's go to the couch." Nathan said.

He led me to the couch and we sat down.

"We need to pick names." I said.

"We should get one of those books." He suggested.

"Could you pick one up tomorrow?" I asked.

"I will stop after work." He told me.

He placed his hand on my stomach again as the girls kicked gently at his palm.

"See, they are strong just like their mama." He said.

"Do you think the realtor will accept our offer?" I asked.

"I have a good feeling she will." He told me.

"Me too." I said, smiling.

"I'm home!" Lucas announced.

I looked up as Lucas walked into the house dropping his bag I stood up from the couch ignoring the protest Nathan made.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Good! I got an A on my math test I took last week!" Lucas told me.

"That's great!" I said.

"Can I feel the babies?" He asked.

"I think they would like that." I said.

"Does it hurt to carry them in your stomach?" He asked.

"It can sometimes, yes." I said.

"Did I hurt?" I asked.

"Only when you would kick my ribs." I said.

Lucas winced, "Sorry."

I laughed.

"I would do it all over again for you kid." I said.

"Hey Lucas, how would you like to help me with dinner tonight?" Nathan asked.

"What about my homework?" Lucas asked.

"You can do it after dinner, go wash up!" He said.

I laughed as Lucas darted towards the bathroom.

"I should get this in his room." I said.

I bent down to pick up Lucas' backpack.

"No, he can get it!" Nathan said.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"Go relax sweetie! Maybe pop in that movie you wanted!" He said.

I walked back to the couch and sat down before finding a movie to watch. It wasn't long before I felt my head fall and I was asleep before the first scene was over.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2024, 04:53:21 PM »
Chapter Ten: Acceptance

Trigger Warnings: This chapter consists of mentions of bruises, passing out, and hospital stays. Nothing gory I promise! This will also be a rare no picture chapter!

Gonna be home late! -N

Why? Everything okay? -R

Yeah! Finishing up paperwork on that not so nice boyfriend I told you about a while back! -N

Wasn't he arrested? -R

Yeah, but you wouldn't believe how far behind I am on paperwork. -N


I set my phone down on the counter before taking a deep breath.

"Lucas! Let's get a move on!" I called.

Lucas came rushing out of his room.

"Do I have to go to school on my birthday?" Lucas groaned.

I smiled as he walked up to me, I brushed the hair from his face before kissing his cheek.

"Happy Birthday my love, and yes you do." I said.

"Aw man." He sighed.

"It'll be over before you know it and then the taco dinner you wanted!" I said.

There was a honk out front which meant Samantha's mom who agreed to take Lucas to school with them this morning. Moving around was becoming increasingly difficult now that I was in the third trimester. I spent most of my time on the couch where Nathan set me up with plenty of pillows and blankets and the television to keep me company. Oliver loved it and often slept right next to me with his head on my lap. I waved goodbye to Lucas before closing the front door and set off to order a food delivery for Lucas' birthday dinner.

A Few Hours Later

"Mom! I'm home!" Lucas called.

"How was school?" I asked.

"Fine." He said.

I was just about ask if he had homework when my cellphone rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Raegan Barnes?" A man asked.

"This is her, who is calling?" I asked.

"This is Dr. Tartt, I'm calling because you are listed as an emergency contact for a Nathan Williams." Dr. Tartt said.

My heart stopped and my mouth went dry.

"Is- Is he okay?" I asked.

"Ms. Barnes it appears that Nathan was attacked while on duty-"

I didn't hear the rest of what he was saying before I was up off of the couch even though it took me four times to do so.

"Get you backpack Lucas." I said.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked.

"Just do what I asked please." I said.

I was on my phone ordering a cab to come take us to the hospital ignoring my sudden numbness in my hands.

"Is everything okay mom?" He asked.

I stared down at my phone feeling the pressure building in my chest.

"Mom?" He repeated.

"Nathan has been in an accident." I said, barely audible.

"What?! Is he okay?" He asked.

"I don't- I don't know, we have to go to the hospital." I said.

It wasn't long before we walked through the doors of the hospital downtown. Immediately I noticed the several cops standing around talking in small groups, it was like in the television shows you see when one of their own are in the hospital. They all paused their conversations once they saw me walk through the doors, and I recognized a few of their faces from photos Nathan has shared. I looked at them all as they offered sad smiles and small nods as I walked over to the registration desk.

"I received a phone call from Dr. Tartt, my boyfriend Nathan was involved in some kind of accident?" I asked.

"I will let the doctor know you are here." The receptionist said.

"Can you tell me if he is okay?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but-"

"Please! Please can you tell me!" I begged.


I turned around to see an officer coming up to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"My name is Officer Stanley, I'm the police chief." Officer Stanley introduced.

"Hi, do you know what is happening?" I asked frantically.

"There was an incident at the station earlier today." He started.

He gently took my elbow and led me to the chairs a little ways away. I sat down along with Lucas making sure he was okay before turning around to listen to what Officer Stanley was saying.

"There was a case a while back, this guy was not very nice to his girlfriend." He told me.

"I remember that, Nathan was working the case." I said.

"Right, it was his first big case. We arrested him, but unfortunately another officer who was new didn't latch the cell properly after transporting him to his cell. He escaped and that's when he found Nathan." He explained.

Officer Stanley explained to me in detail of Nathan's injuries and it made my head spin. My stomach turned with nausea and my head started to pound as I started breathing fast. How could this have happened? I covered my mouth with my hand as the doctor who called me on the phone walked over. I apologized for hanging up on him before he explained to me in detail of Nathan's injuries which were serious. He had bruises and a few cracked ribs, he was unconscious when they brought him in and he was still not awake but they weren't worried. I rubbed my forehead as I felt pressure behind my eyes like a throbbing.

"Are you okay Ms. Barnes?" Dr. Dr. Tartt asked.

"Yea- Yes, headache is all. Can I see him?" I asked.

"I can bring you back, but I'm afraid the little one will have to stay behind." He told me.

"It's my birthday! I can handle it." Lucas argued.

"Would you mind sitting with him?" I asked Chief Stanley.

"Of course." He said.

I followed Dr. Tartt back to a room where Nathan lay in a bed alone. I gasped when I saw him with a IV in his arm and a breathing mask over his face. Dr. Tartt stepped to the side with a polite smile as he gave us some privacy. I walked over to his bed slowly before looking at his bruised face and swollen eye on the left side. I let out a sob as I covered my mouth before grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. I was probably suppose to talk to him but I was just in a state of shock and overwhelmed. I took a deep breath as I suddenly started feeling extremely lightheaded accompanied by my headache getting worse.

"Ms. Barnes?" Dr. Tartt asked, as if sensing a change.

"I- I don't fe-"

And that was all I remembered before the world went dark.


"That's the level where you have to beat the boss three times before it finally dies." Lucas said.

"Is that why I keep dying?" Chief Stanley said.

"Yeah and you also need the highest rarity of that bow to defeat him! With the fire bows." Lucas told him.

I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them up.

"Easy now, not so fast." Chief Stanley said.

"Chief Stanley? What happened?" I asked.

"I think we can go on a first name basis now, the name is Phil." He chuckled.

"Raegan." I said.

As if on que Dr. Tartt walked in followed by another doctor who I recognize as Dr. Simmons who did the ultrasound that let to finding out I was having twins. They walked over to my bed and pulled the chart off of my bed before flipping through the pages. Dr. Simmons walked over to me and smiled down at me as Lucas hopped off of the chair and walked over.

"Hi baby." I whispered.

"Is my mom okay?" Lucas asked.

"She is just fine," Dr. Simmons said before focusing her attention on me, "You passed out which gave all of us quite a scare. Your little boy refused to leave your side once he saw us wheel you out of your boyfriends room. The same boyfriend who we practically had to strap to the gurney when he found out that you were in trouble."

"Nathan?! He's awake?" I asked.

"Woke up a few minutes after you went down, he is stable and doing well." Dr. Tartt told me.

I laid my head back on the pillow and took a deep breath.

"The babies!" I gasped.

"Are just fine mama, we believe that the stress of being on your feet along with the obvious trauma of finding out Nathan was hurt raised your blood pressure causing you to pass out. There are no signs of pre-eclampsia but I want you to make an appointment with me in a week so we can check the levels again. Okay?" Dr. Simmons explained.

I nodded before grabbing Lucas' hand and squeezing it.

"I'm sorry that your birthday is ruined buddy." I said.

"It's not mama, I'm just glad you are okay." Lucas told me.

"You're such a good kid, you know that right?" I asked.

He was about to respond when the door to my room opened and another gurney was rolled in to the room. I internally groaned because I wanted to have the room to myself, but I gasped when I saw who was on the gurney.

"He refused to stay put so we compromised." A nurse said.

Nathan was sitting up on the gurney now but looked like he was in rough shape. They moved some machinery around in order to put Nathan's gurney next to mine. Nathan immediately tried to move to get towards me but every doctor in the room and Chief Stanley objected.

"Are you okay?!" Nathan asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I asked him.

He tried to laugh but then hissed in pain.

"Are you okay Nathan?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah buddy, I'm okay." Nathan told him.

We spent the next hour or so talking about what he remembered and what happened with me. For a while there were different cops in here checking on Nathan before they finally went home or to finish their own shifts. Phil stayed the entire time though but he stayed in the corner of the room to give us some privacy while he and Lucas played some fighting game. Eventually Nathan drifted into sleep and I soon followed only to be woken up thirty minutes later by a nurse checking my vitals.

A Few Days Later

"Easy." I said.

Nathan groaned as he hobbled to the couch holding his side as Lucas carefully guided him down on the couch. It was crazy to think that Lucas was now a teenager who very much looked like Ian. He had long hair now that fell in his face, but he looked so handsome if I do say so myself. I set the hospital bag on a stool by the island and took a deep breath before setting my hand on my stomach.

"Alright mom, now you come sit down please." Lucas said.

I protested, "I'm fine."

"Nope, you heard the doctor. Bed rest for a few days and then you have that appointment for a check up next week." He said.

"Yes sir." I giggled.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Nathan who was looking at his phone.

"You know, this is technically not a bed." I joked.

"Ha." Lucas said.

Nathan gasped suddenly startling both Lucas and I.

"What? Are you in pain?!" I gasped.

"NO! Look! They accepted our offer on the house!" Nathan said.

He showed me the email on his phone and I screamed.

"We have a house!" I gasped.

"We have a house!" Nathan repeated.

Hopefully I wrote this chapter okay, it was a lot to squeeze into one chapter but I also didn't want to go into too much detail in order to keep it family friendly!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2024, 03:08:20 PM »
Chapter Eleven: Expanding

The next few weeks went by so fast I almost got whiplash. Nathan was fully back on his feet now and his bruising was mostly gone aside from a few around his ribs that we also now healed. I was given a clean bill of health at my check up with Dr. Simmons who found no signs of pre-eclampsia. The girls were growing right on schedule and were also healthy. Dr. Simmons recommended I keep off my feet for long periods of time if possible though which Nathan and Lucas made sure I followed. Nathan and Lucas have gotten super close over the last few weeks, it was like some switch got flipped and their bond was unbreakable. Nathan hired the best moving company in town to put a rush into getting into the new house as soon as possible and it has been exhausting even though I wasn't doing the brunt of the work. There were many late nights spent with me on a chair watching Nathan and Lucas build furniture and move things to where I liked them. It was coming along nicely and today it was officially done.

"Welcome home." Nathan said.

The house was a single story house with similar coloring to our old house ironically. It had a nice front lawn and a little smaller of a backyard, but plenty of room for Oliver to run around still. The back porch used to be a closed in patio, but Nathan had the walls removed and we had plans of putting a nice grilling area there instead. Nathan, Lucas, Oliver, and I stood in front of the house just admiring it for the first time.

"Shall we go in?" Nathan asked.

"Let's go!" I said.

I've obviously seen the inside before but Nathan and Lucas refused to let me see it the last few days while they put the finishing touches in. We started off in the kitchen which was done in a black and white theme. It had plenty of counter space that wrapped around and doubled as a island for us to sit at. That was my one request for the kitchen that we didn't lose that island because I just loved it at the old house. Tucked in by the curved window was a small table with two chairs on either side. However, with how the family was expanding we were going to be using the dining room table that was just behind the kitchen. On the wall across from the island stood a shelf that held several different knick knacks and books. Oliver's bowl sat on one side of the shelf and a garbage bin on the other.

"This turned out really nice!" I said.

"You like it?" Nathan asked.

"I do!" I said.

"Next we have the living room!" Nathan announced.

Like the dining room the living room didn't have a proper doorway giving it a sort of open floor plan feeling. The walls were painted a purple color while the floor was a simple black wood paneling. On the main wall there was the television hung on the wall above the entertainment center that held miscellaneous decorations along with gaming consoles picked out by the boys. Bamboo was placed on either side of the entertainment center creating a nice relaxing space. There was obviously a couch along with a coffee table, and behind the couch Nathan had placed a pack and play for when the babies weren't in the nursery.

"This is wonderful." I said.

"Lucas was a major help with this room." Nathan said.

"Over here mom I was thinking we could put dad's urn." Lucas said.

I followed him over to the wall that was behind the couch where a slim table sat with some more knick knacks. But there sat an empty space where the urn would look lovely.

"I think he'd like it there." I said, smiling.

"Are you okay with it not being in the bedroom love?" Nathan asked.

"This is a lovely spot." I said.

I kissed Lucas' cheek before giving him a hug.

"Now! For the room I am most excited about! Lucas' room!" Nathan announced.

"Yes! I've been waiting to see it!" Lucas gasped.

"You haven't seen it?" I questioned.

"Nope, in true Nathan fashion he wanted to keep it a secret." He told me.

Lucas' bedroom was to the right of the television and we walked inside. The walls were painted a light green color that brought all of the green furnishings together nicely. The bed sat in the middle of the room with two end tables on both sides. There was a bookshelf for all of Lucas' books and a printer on it for his school work. On one wall there was a computer set up with strings hung up above it with different kinds of pictures. The wall next to it had a sofa where he could sit and read a book or do his homework. The coolest part of this room though was the corner area where he had his own television and gaming consoles. There were posters on the wall and a mini cooler with drinks inside and snacks on top of it. Lucas gasped as he took it all in.

"Nathan! This is so COOL! Mom look at my room!" Lucas yelled.

"I see! This has to be the perfect room for a teenager." I laughed.

"Can I stay here?" Lucas asked.

Nathan laughed, "We'll leave you two alone."

I laughed as Lucas mumbled something about being excited to tell Samantha about it.

"Shall we continue?" Nathan asked.

"After you." I said.

Nathan led me into what was the master bedroom. I gasped when I saw the deep blue walls and black flooring, on the main wall below the windows sat our bed with two side tables with lamps. At the end of the bed were two bassinets where the girls would be until they were old enough to sleep on their own. I wanted them close to us at first because that way we wouldn't be going back and forth to the nursery until we established a routine. In the corner of the room we also had our own television which would come in handy for entertainment while feeding them.

"Nathan, I feel like I'm living a dream." I whispered.

"You deserve this dream." Nathan said.

"So do you." I said, smiling.

Attached to our master bedroom was the master bathroom. It was spacious with a black and white theme just like the kitchen. I gasped when I saw there was a special bath tub for Oliver which would come in handy for all those times he insisted on rolling in mud. I was especially excited about the jacuzzi tub in the corner because I could see myself spending a lot of time there.

"Not gonna lie the dog bath is way more exciting then it should be." I giggled.

"Leaning over a bathtub was rough on the back for sure." Nathan agreed.

"Are you ready to see the nursery?" Nathan asked.

"Yes! I can't wait to see how the color we chose turned out!" I said.

He lead me to the nursery and I was happy to find out that the walls looked amazing. We picked a soft pink color and paired it with a light wood floor with a octagon pattern. In the middle of the floor was a long pink rug with two play pads on top of them. Nathan had found this gorgeous canvas picture of the cannons to hang over the dresser that would hold the girls' clothes and blankets. On the left side of the wall sat the two diaper changing stations with a shelf to hold all of the essentials, something told me it wouldn't stay that nice looking once we were in the thick of it. On the opposite wall were the absolutely gorgeous white cribs with pink floral bedding nestled on either side of two giant white cat plushies. I walked over to the cribs and ran my fingers over the wood and smiled thinking of two little infants in them.

"I can't wait." I whispered.

Nathan walked over to me and rubbed my back.

"We need names." He said.

It was a topic we were struggling with. We spent endless nights laying in bed throwing girl names back and forth but nothing was sticking.

"Olivia and Sophia." I said, suddenly.

Nathan stood there thinking for a moment.

"They just came to me, seeing this nursery and dreaming about them in these cribs." I said.

"Olivia and Sophia, I love them." He said.

I smiled up at Nathan and gave him a soft kiss.

"MOM!" Lucas screamed.

My stomach completely dropped as I took off running faster than you'd think someone carrying twins could do.

"LUCAS?!" I yelled.

Lucas stood in front of the front door and had a huge smile plastered to his face. He looked over at me and started to point out to the front yard. I took a deep breath once I realized he was alright and put a hand on my stomach silently apologizing to girls for jostling them. I walked over to the front door and let out a scream before gently pushing Lucas out of the way and rushing down the steps to the front porch.

"FIN!" I screamed.

I ran into her arms almost knocking her backwards.

"Oh my god what are you doing here?!" I gasped.

I hadn't even realized that Oliver had followed me out here.

"I had some free time since Hannah is so busy with her friends and her new job. I wanted to come see my best friend." Finley said.

"I missed you so much!" I said.

"Let me look at you!" She gasped.

"Wow! Hard to believe there's two babies in there." Finley told me.

"Believe me, I know." I giggled.

I hugged her again before we walked into the house.

"This cannot be little Lucas." Finley gasped.

"The one and only." Lucas said, smiling.

"How do you keep him clothed?!" Finley joked.

"I swear he has gone through enough clothes to dress the whole world." I laughed.

"And this hair!" She said.

She started fussing with his long hair until he groaned and playfully batted her away making Finley laughed. She spotted Nathan standing off to the side with his hands in his pockets. I always forget that the two of them never officially met. Finley was the first person I told about Nathan and she has been giving me advice ever since about being in relationships. Nathan smiled at her and walked over to us offering his hand for Finley to shake.

"Are you kidding me right now Nathan?" Finley huffed.

She pulled him into a hug causing me to laugh.

"Well nice to meet you too Finley." Nathan chuckled.

"You've been treating Rae like a queen, you really expect me to shake your hand?" Finley asked.

"I told you, she's a spitfire sometimes." I laughed.


"And then Hannah fell backwards into the mud while the goats just trampled over her!" Finley said.

"No way!" Lucas said.

"She was mortified." Finley laughed.

I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.

"It must be constant chaos to live on a farm." Nathan told her.

"You wouldn't believe, and the early mornings are brutal." She said.

"Tell me about it." Lucas said.

"I think Fin has to get up a little earlier than you have too for school." I told Lucas.

"Gross." He said.

"Are you hungry? I can make us some sandwiches?" Nathan offered.

"That sounds nice, thank you Nate." She said.

"Nate huh?" He laughed.

"Is that alright?" Finley asked him.

"That's fine." He said.

"Such a good boy!" Lucas said.

"Oliver seems to be adjusting to the new house." Finley said.

"He loves all of the space in the house and the yard." I told her.

"I hate to be the bad guy, but Rae you should get off your feet. You've been up walking around for a while." Nathan said.

"Good idea." Finley said.

"Great, now I have three people working against me." I laughed.

Finley and I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Raegan this house, is wonderful." Finley told me.

"Isn't it? There's also a spare bedroom and another bathroom." I told her.

"Ah a spare bedroom for more kids." She said.

"Can I get these two out first?" I laughed.

"How long are you staying?" I asked.

"Just today sadly, we have a vet coming to check out the horses tomorrow. But the trip isn't too bad so I figured I'd come down." She said.

"Sad, but you can come back when the girls are here! They need to meet their aunt." I said.

"Once you are all settled in with them I will be back right away." She said.

It got quiet for a few minutes as we smiled at each other until my smile fell.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

It was the first time I admitted to anyone, even myself, that I was scared of having twins. I was still happy and excited about them don't get me wrong but the thought of having two babies at once? Terrifying. I think Nathan was scared too but was like me and didn't want to admit it to anyone. I had to remember that these feelings were perfectly normal for even having one baby, and that anyone who had twins probably felt this way.

"I tried convincing Jason we needed to give Hannah back to the hospital." Finley told me.

I laughed, "You did?!"

"Yeah, it was the first day home and I didn't have the nurses to help anymore. Jason was great with helping, but the nurses just knew what every cry meant and what she needed. Nothing I did seemed to soothe her so I was convinced that someone else would do a better job." She said.

"I had similar feelings with Lucas, but this time is different. There's two of them, what if I'm not good enough?" I asked, suddenly emotional.

"Honey, you are here doing everything you can to keep them safe. That is more than good enough." She said.

"You are the best mom." Lucas said.

Finley and I jumped at his sudden voice.

"You raised me with very little help after dad died. You didn't think I could see the nights you sat on the couch crying, but I could. I know it was hard mom but if someone asked me if I would rather go live with some other couple I would have said no. I wouldn't trade being raised by you and now Nathan for the world." He told me.

I took a deep breath to control my emotions before looking up at him and smiling.

"Thank you baby." I said.

"Do I need to come in there?" Nathan called from the kitchen.

"No! We're fine!" I called back.


"And if she gets too stubborn you call me." Finley told Lucas.

Lucas laughed, "I will Aunt Fin."

"Good, because I will be down here in a heart beat if either of you need me." She said.

"I miss you." Lucas said.

"I miss you too kid. Hannah won't believe how big you've gotten." She said.

"Tell her she can text me whenever she wants." He said.

Finley gave him a big squeeze.

"It was great to meet you Finley." Nathan asked.

"You too Nate." Finley said.

They gave each other a big hug.

"Anytime you wanna come down, we have a spare bedroom." He offered.

"I will keep that in mind." She said, smiling.

"We will need all the help we can get." He laughed.

"You guys will be great parents." She told him.

After a very tearful goodbye, Finley was out the door and headed back home. I was in the bathroom washing my face with cold water to stop my eyes from swelling from crying so much when Nathan walked in.

"You're scared?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

I turned the water off and turned around to face him.

"You're not?" I asked.

He took a deep breath before running his hands down his face.

"I'm terrified." He admitted.

"Thank god." I said, laughing a little.

"I'm sure it's just the unknown since they're still safely in your stomach. But, if you're scared you can tell me. We've got this." He assured me.

I walked into his arms and gave him a deep kiss.

"I love you." Nathan said.

"I love you too Nat- Oh god!" I gasped.

Nathan was immediately on high alert.

"What?!" He asked.

"My water just broke." I said.

Bum bum bummmmm. Olivia and Sophia will be here next chapter! Let the games begin!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #12 on: February 29, 2024, 02:28:48 PM »
Chapter Twelve: Arrival

"It's all over the floor!" I cried.

"Shhh, baby it's okay! Alright? It's an easy clean up." Nathan assured me.

"I thought we'd have another few weeks!" I said.

"Well, I guess the girls are excited to be here." He told me.

Nathan saw my panic as I looked at the puddle of water.

"How about you go get comfy in the living room, okay? I'll call Dr. Simmons." He said.

I nodded before heading into the living room so that he could call the doctor and hopefully clean up the mess I made. I took a deep breath before pulling out my phone and sending a quick text to Lucas who was at school. I let him know that the babies are on the way, but to stay at school for now because it would probably be a while before anything happened. I was on my fifth lap when I felt the first contraction rip into me.

"Oh ouch! Ow!" I hissed.

Nathan rushed into the living room.

"Contraction?" He asked.

"It hurts!" I cried.

"Come here." Nathan said.

I walked into his arms laying my head on my shoulder as he held me close to him and swayed side to side. I don't know how long we stayed there but with each contraction it helped having him rub my back as we swayed and breathed together.

"What did Dr. Simmons say?" I asked.

"She said head to the hospital whenever we feel ready, but definitely when they reach five minutes apart." Nathan explained.

"Oh god." I groaned.

I groaned in pain as another contraction hit hard.

"Was it painful with Lucas?" He asked.

"I don't really remember much of Lucas' birth. There were complications and I ended up needing an emergency C-Section." I whimpered.

"I'm sorry love, that must have been scary." He said.

"It was, especially for Ian." I said.

A Few Hours Later

"I can't do this anymore." I cried.

"I think it's time to go to the hospital." Nathan said.

I was hunched over the back of the couch with tears streaming down my face from the extreme pain from the contractions. They were getting closer and closer so I wasn't able to relax between them like I had been for the past few hours.

"Lucas needs to know." I hissed.

"I texted him and Dr. Simmons too. Come on babe, let's go have some babies!" Nathan beamed.

I laughed and then cried out in pain.


"They're so gorgeous." Nathan whispered.

He was sitting next to me on the hospital bed holding Sophia while I held Olivia in my arms. It was a painful and brutal birth, and I was able to deliver them naturally even after having a C-Section in the past. I didn't play the hero though I took the drugs when they were offered and gave my appreciation to the many women who chose to forgo the drugs. I had the best support system though with Nathan and Lucas holding my hand throughout the entire process. After long hours of painful contractions and even longer pushing we welcomed two healthy baby girls to the world. Lucas walked back into the room quietly as he juggled three bottles of water before closing the door behind him.

"How are my sisters?" Lucas asked.

"Doing well." I said, smiling.

"And what about you mom?" He asked.

"I'm good sweetie." I said.

"What about you, dad?" Lucas asked, nervously.

Nathan and I both stopped.

"Lucas did-" I gasped.

Lucas walked over to his backpack before rummaging through it. Nathan and I watched as he turned back around holding a yellow envelope before heading back to the bed. Lucas took a nervous breath before slowly handing the envelope to Nathan. Nathan took it slowly before looking up at Lucas with a questioning glance.

"I was too young to remember my dad. It's a sad fact, but it's true. I have bits and pieces of what I think are memories but nothing substantial. All I have are the stories that mom tells me and that's okay because I know he was a great man. When mom first met you she kept you a secret for a while but I knew because she suddenly started to seem happy again. I however had mixed feelings, because even if I barely remembered my dad I didn't want some guy coming in to replace him. I now know that you never intended to do that and I'm thankful for that. However, you stepped up and became an important person in my life. You've taught me things that will stick with me for my whole life. You've became a dad to me when you didn't have too. You could have easily just walked away from mom and I but you didn't. So, if it's okay with you, I was wondering if you would be my dad?" Lucas asked.

I was sobbing at the end of his speech. Nathan carefully stood up before setting Sophia in the little plastic bassinet before striding over to Lucas with the envelope in hand. He crushed Lucas into a hug and held him tightly for a few moments. When he pulled away Nathan and Lucas were both crying and Nathan looked down at the envelope which I now knew contained adoption papers.

"I would be honored to have you as my son. I hope you always feel like you can come to me with every problem because I will always be there." Nathan said.

"Thank you." Lucas said.

I was a blubbering mess as Nathan removed the papers and taking the pen that Lucas handed him. I watched as they both signed the papers before embracing in another hug.

"I'm assuming this is okay with you mom?" Lucas asked.

"This is more than okay with me." I said.

Two Days Later

"How are they doing?" Nathan asked.

"They seem to be doing okay." I said.

"Nervous to be home from the hospital?" He asked.

"Terrified." I said, laughing a little.

I finally looked up from the couch where I was watching television with the volume on low.

"You're going into work?" I asked.

"Phil called, they are short and need someone in." Nathan said.

"You're on leave!" I argued.

"I know, but what can I do?" He asked.

I sighed standing up as Sophia started crying.

"I got her." I said.

"No, I'll get her." Nathan told me.

I watched as he carefully picked her up from the bassinet. I headed into the kitchen before returning a few moments later with a warmed up bottle of formula. I tried to breast feed at the hospital but ultimately decided that I wasn't cut out for doing it with twins.

"Here, she's probably hungry." I said.

"The treadmill you ordered last week came in. Lucas is setting it up." Nathan told me.

"He's not going to school again?" I asked, ready to protest.

"I gave him another day, but tomorrow he is going back." He said.

"I don't want him to fall behind Nathan." I said.

"He promised he won't." He told me.

I sighed, "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"I know my love, try and rest as much as possible okay? Call me if you need me to stop by, Phil told me that I can if I'm able." He said.


"That's my girl." I cooed.

I rocked Sophia back and forth gently before giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Olivia suddenly started crying.

"Oh, um, one minute sweetie." I said.

I tried to put Sophia down but she wailed like I was pinching her. I picked her back up and tried to balance her in one arm and tried picking up Olivia in my other.

"What is all this crying about?" Lucas asked, jokingly.

"She might be hungry." I said.

"Good thing I came prepared." He said.

He held up a warmed up bottle ready to go.

"My savior." I sighed.

"I got the treadmill up and running." Lucas said.

"Thank you for that." I said.

Sophia finally calmed down long enough to let me lay her back into the bassinet at the same time Lucas laid Olivia down.

"They should be ready for their naps." I said.

"I can stay with them, if you want to take a nap." Lucas offered.

"That would be lovely, thank you." I said, smiling.

I must have passed out the second my head hit the pillow because I awoke a few hours later to happy gurgling coming from the girls. I stretched before getting out of bed before checking that they were okay. I headed out of the bedroom in search of Lucas to see what he was up too. He was in his bedroom on his computer playing a video game with his television on in the background.

"What are you up too?" I asked.

He jumped out of his skin.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I giggled.

"Just playing some video games before Samantha comes over." He said.

"You two seem to be getting serious." I said.

I walked over and sat on his bed.

"Well I've known her for a while." He said.

"I know, since grade school. Not many people can say they kept the same friend for so long." I said.

He blushed.

"More than a friend?" I asked.

"Moooooom." He groaned.

"Well you said in the past you like her a lot! Have you asked her out?" I asked.

"Oh my god mom please." He said.

I giggled.

"She is my girlfriend." He finally admitted.

"See! That wasn't hard." I said.

He groaned again.


"Samantha! Hi!" I greeted.

"Hi Ms. Barnes." Samantha said smiling.

"Please it's Raegan! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing good, how are the babies?" She asked me.

"Doing well so far!" I told her.

She went back to texting on her phone as I excused myself.

Samantha is here -R

Oh yeah? How is she? -N

Going through a black phase it seems -R

Teenage years, I do not miss them lol -N

I laughed before putting my phone away. I went into the bedroom before checking on the girls before changing into my work out clothes. I grabbed the baby monitor before making my way to the spare bedroom where Lucas set up the treadmill. He also set up the small television so I could have something to watch while I ran. Nathan would have a fit if he knew I was running this soon after having the twins but I was ready to get back at it.

Once I was done working out I was headed to the shower before I heard giggling from Lucas' room.

"Shhhh." Lucas said.

"Sorry!" Samantha giggled.

I didn't want to be that mom but that didn't stop me from sneaking over to his door.

"Mom is here, we have to be quiet." Lucas whispered.

I opened up his door to find Samantha and Lucas hiding in the corner that had his television. It seemed like I walked in at the right time because Lucas was kissing Samantha's neck.

I cleared my throat.

"Mom!" Lucas gasped.

Lucas jumped back from Samantha that she was on fire.

"Sorry Raegan." Samantha muttered.

"That's fine, but door stays open now, okay?" I asked.

"Yes mom." Lucas said.

I smiled before leaving his room and sending a quick text to Nathan that maybe we should enforce some new rules when Samantha is here.

"Oliver! Look at you in your new bed!" I said.

We bought him a nice bed and stuck it in the corner in the living room. It was the perfect size for him and he hadn't touched it until now.

"Such a good boy." I cooed.

I heard cries coming from the bedroom.

"Right on que." I said.

I was slowly starting to pick up what cry meant what but I was excited for them to establish a more solid routine. I forgot how newborns were a rollercoaster in the beginning and these two loved to wake us up every hour or so at night. At the hospital it wasn't as big of a deal because the nurses were god sent and helped with the feedings so that Nathan and I could sleep. But now it was just us and them, and so far they were winning.

"I'm here." I cooed.

As if to prove my point of them winning against us both Sophia and Olivia spit up on themselves at the exact same time.

"Okay, that was planned." I groaned.

I sighed before scooping up Olivia first and then managing to get Sophia as well.

"Bath time girls, daddy is gonna be mad he missed the first one." I said.

I just hope he wouldn't miss a lot of firsts.

Welcome Samantha officially! Also over 600 views! Thank you =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #13 on: February 29, 2024, 04:07:47 PM »
Fantastic update, @Ally3772. The water breaking brought back a great and kind of scary memory for me. I have three girls, and it was #2 when the water broke for my wife. We were sitting outside with my mom. We knew the baby was due any day, so we invited my mom to come up and watch #1. So we were all outside, and a massive gush of water appeared under my wife's chair. She's like...oh, wow. We need to go ...NOW. Lol. Of all 3 girls, I think Emily popped out the fastest-- in a few hours. It was July 4th, too, which is kind of a cool birthday for her.

Keep up the great story.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Working It Out
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2024, 12:04:38 AM »
Fantastic update, @Ally3772. The water breaking brought back a great and kind of scary memory for me. I have three girls, and it was #2 when the water broke for my wife. We were sitting outside with my mom. We knew the baby was due any day, so we invited my mom to come up and watch #1. So we were all outside, and a massive gush of water appeared under my wife's chair. She's like...oh, wow. We need to go ...NOW. Lol. Of all 3 girls, I think Emily popped out the fastest-- in a few hours. It was July 4th, too, which is kind of a cool birthday for her.

Keep up the great story.

Thank you so much! A birthday on 4th of July?! That seems like an awesome day to have a birthday on!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

