Author Topic: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking  (Read 1816 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« on: December 21, 2023, 06:42:52 AM »
2024 Sims 4 World Ranking

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The World Ranking is a continuously updated list of all 2024 Tournament season participants that earn Simoleans in challenges.

Players earn Simoleans in two ways:

1) Earn §1000 for every player beaten in a standard event. You'll receive §2000 for every player beaten in the Mid-Season Major and §3000 for every player beaten in the Finale.

2) The wealthiest townies in Sims 4 will sponsor you to participate in the 2024 challenges. You will receive §1000 for standard events, §2000 for the Mid-Season Major, and §3000 for participating in the Finale.

Simoleans may be "play" money, but the end-of-season prizes to the top three ranked players are real. Check out the Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Overview.

2024 World Ranking — June 24

Player                            Players Beaten          Sponsorship          Total Simoleans
Metropolis Man§35000§12000§47000

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2024, 07:31:33 AM »
And we're off to the races! Season 15 has begun with the first short event now in the books. Most scores were posted yesterday in the 12-player field for New Year's Resolutions, a simple event by team member @sone.

It was great to see some new faces post scores -- @Saltypaws and new forum member @Rebelangel. Well, Salty is hardly "new," but she has not participated in a forum challenge in more than 10 years. Off-topic -- I had the pleasure of meeting Salty and her sister during my family's recent visit to Florida over the holidays. What a couple of terrific ladies. We had lots of laughs.

So, @mismck did what she likes to do -- kick off the first event of the season with a win. She won last year's 23 Upgrades for '23 and put the hammer down for this event as well to sit atop the World Ranking.

Thanks to all the participants. We'll see how things shape up over this season—there are many events to get through.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2024, 12:25:11 PM »
The season's 2nd challenge, 24 Tasks for 2024, finished up last night with ten total participants. @Nandarelle, @mismck, @LenaLJ, and @Elinoee all finished on Wednesday of Week 1 and within hours of each other. They're all amazing players, and it did not surprise me they were bunched closely together. Then @Rebelangel posts a score for Monday morning! We're talking about 1/3 of the time as the others. This was one of those situations where a player would post a score so crazy that the team had to step back and review the situation. It's just part of our job. Rebelangel laid it all out in her excellent, detailed post. My awesome team members (all far better players than me) gave the thumbs up. It was a truly fantastic effort. Well done, Rebelangel.

mismck remains at the top of the World Ranking but now has 3 hungry players right on her heels - Elinoee, LenaLJ, and Rebelangel.

Defending World Champion @Vesper sat the event out and dropped a bit in the ranking. If the top players continue at their current pace, Vesper will have her work cut out this year to catch up to them.

@Nandarelle and @jewels129 have been added to the ranking, so welcome to both of you. It's great to see jewels129 back in the mix after taking a few years off. Nandarelle first appeared on the radar in 2018 and ranked 23rd that year. But, in 2019, she catapulted to 4th. 2020 -5th place. 2021 - 2nd place. 2022 - 5th place. 2023 - 3rd place. I wonder if this year will be the year for Nandarelle to win finally.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2024, 06:53:12 AM »
Something Crafty This Way Comes finished up last night, and the ranking has been adjusted. The three hungry players I mentioned in the previous update - @Elinoee, @LenaLJ, and @Rebelangel...they  were clearly hungry and finished 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and now occupy those spots in the ranking. But they needed a little help, and @mismck gave it to them by turning in an uncharacteristic performance, dropping her to 4th place overall.

@kinseyam and @Mom9 have been added to the ranking, so welcome to both of you.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2024, 06:31:38 AM »
Speed Dating wrapped up last night, and @Elinoee pulled off another win. That makes it back-to-back wins, which keeps her in first place in the ranking. But, multiple champion @LenaLJ is not far behind.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2024, 06:25:58 AM »
Death Follows You, Watcher! concluded last night, and @Rebelangel scored her second win of the season. Great job!

@LenaLJ rose to the top of the ranking after it was discovered that @Elinoee made a rules flub in the last challenge. Things are definitely pretty tight at the top, and we're not even halfway through the season—plenty of time for everyone to make big moves.

@Deklitch has been added to the ranking, so welcome back to you. :) It has been a long time!

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2024, 06:43:46 AM »
Upgrade Bingo finished last night and saw great participation. The more players that participate, the more simoleans players make, and that fact definitely had a big impact on the new ranking. Lots of changes. @LenaLJ remains at the top, but @Rebelangel with her big win at the bingo table is breathing down Lena's neck and jumped into second place. @Elinoee fell to third in the ranking, but is a mere 1k behind Rebelangel. @Nandarelle ended up in second place in the bingo event, and that nice chunk of change moved her up several spots in the ranking. @Deklitch actually moved up the most in the ranking. Well done.

Finally, welcome back to the ranking, @junegem.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2024, 06:48:48 AM »
Collector's Box wrapped up last night. Eleven participants posted scores, and @Rebelangel came out on top once again. @LenaLJ still sits at the top of the ranking, but Rebelangel keeps making the lead smaller.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2024, 06:59:56 AM »
Townie Skill-a-Thon is now over. Team member @sone posted a fantastic score at the very end to win it. @Elinoee finished in second place and won enough simoleans to pass @Rebelangel in the overall ranking. @LenaLJ remains at the top. Will this end up being the year for Lena with a fifth title added to her resume? We shall see. The results of Baby Boomer may really shake things up in May given its added weight. 

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2024, 07:39:16 AM »
Baby Boomer is in the books. @Rebelangel took down the forum's perennial favorite and moved closer to @LenaLJ in the overall ranking, but Lena still holds the top spot. Only 4k Simoleans now separate the top two ladies, and there are still nine events left in the season. @Elinoee is right up there as well. It's hard to say how things will play out. I am excited.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2024, 07:19:42 AM »
The Unlucky Chef challenge finished up last night, and @Rebelangel cranked out another win. That's two in a row for her. Actually, given that Baby Boomer was worth double weight, you could technically say it's three wins in a row. I know @LenaLJ hopes to win her 5th overall title this year, but she has serious competition in Rebelangel. We shall see. My gut feeling tells me it's all going to come down to the Final event since that will be worth triple points.

And lastly, @CynKuy has been a Tournament participant for years, so it is nice to see her back on the ranking. :)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2024 Sims 4 World Ranking
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2024, 06:22:44 AM »
Aspiring Story Mode finished up last night. The event saw 12 participants, and many commented on how much fun they had and that they had never tried Story Mode. @Rebelangel flexed her muscles yet again for the win. Now, only 2k simoleans separate @LenaLJ and @Rebelangel, so it is getting even closer with every event.

Great job, @sone for putting this creative challenge together.

