Author Topic: Tartosa Tales: Complete (6-Feb)  (Read 16876 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Princess Cordelia's Story 4: Sky Of Blue And Sea Of Green (29-Jan)
« Reply #75 on: January 29, 2024, 02:23:27 PM »
Bob the Butler is so handsome! But what happened to his moustachio? (Doesn't the statue have one?)

Oh, Watcher, you poor thing!  Drowning is such a long, drawn-out way to die!
Where is that death by hysteria when we really need it?

I very much like the unflirty, fruit-tart-loving Matilda! She's a beautiful sim!

How did the Princess leave Tartosa without a captain to navigate the Eppsilon?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Princess Cordelia's Story 4: Sky Of Blue And Sea Of Green (29-Jan)
« Reply #76 on: January 29, 2024, 05:57:29 PM »
Bob the Butler is so handsome! But what happened to his moustachio? (Doesn't the statue have one?)

Oh, Watcher, you poor thing!  Drowning is such a long, drawn-out way to die!
Where is that death by hysteria when we really need it?

I very much like the unflirty, fruit-tart-loving Matilda! She's a beautiful sim!

How did the Princess leave Tartosa without a captain to navigate the Eppsilon?
I don't think the statue of Bob has a tache but the shadows sometimes make it look like there is. He is good looking but a real Snob!

Death by hysteria seems less common than previously. Such a relief from either needing a mod or being very aware of the nearest mirror! However, it would have been kinder. Poor Rodrigo developed an intense fear of water before eventually drowning. It wasn't pretty.

Lady Matilda was another gallery download but I can't find her again to credit the uploader. I was searching to see if anyone had uploaded a version of Lady Matilda Tartosa but they hadn't. I think this Sim had Tartosa as her surname...

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Princess Cordelia’s Story Part 5: We Have All We Need
« Reply #77 on: February 01, 2024, 12:09:52 PM »
Princess Cordelia’s Story Part 5: We Have All We Need

Previously, the Princess decided to become Soulmates with her latest captain – Rodrigo de Pablo and the settled into an idyllic life as the Eppsilon docked at the sands of Port Luminosa in Tartosa. A polite friendship developed with the Lady Matilda who was happy to trade the local fruit tarts for the llamas.
Sadly, Rodrigo’s Clumsy nature led to his demise and the broken-hearted princess set off, once again, in the Eppsilon – trusting in her crew’s ability to get them to a port with less reminders.

L-to-R: Princess Cordelia, Carmilla Turpin, Raider Rad, Five Finger Fran, Joe Turpin, Garrett Turpin

Fran: We got here. I didn’t think we were going to make it a few times back there, but we made it.
Rad: Let’s not do that again. We definitely need a captain.
Cordelia: You’re right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking straight.
Carmilla: We’re all still broken up about the Cap’n Rodrigo. It’s even thrown Garrett into a Bear phase!
Fran: Yeah, like that helped!
Rad: Where are we?
Cordelia: Tomarang, I think.
Rad: You don’t know? We definitely need a captain before we set off again.


Garrett didn’t stay in his bear phase very long. It was his birthday. His parents, Carmilla & Joe tried to cheer everyone up by hosting a birthday party on board. They even invited Rahul over but he was just as sad. Cordelia did her best to put on a brave face. She’d been exploring the neighbour hood but the local food seemed to keep upsetting her digestion. She was getting terrible bloating.


Garrett: I’m going to train to be a pirate captain, just like you sir! And marry the most beautiful princess. I know I can do it!


Of course, it wasn’t the food causing bloating. Carmilla had worked it out but didn’t know how to tell the princess. Eventually she ran out of time to tell her and nature took charge.
Carmilla: It’ll be alright, ma’am. I’ll set you through it.
Cordelia: But a baby? I don’t know anything about babies.
Carmilla: They’re not babies for long. You’ll learn on the job.


And of course she did. The crib in her stateroom was right under the flirty painting she’d done in happier times. With a sigh, she disabled it’s emotional aura and concentrated on her little one.


By the time Rodrigo Jr was an Infant, the princess was doing better, even having moments of joy.


When Rodrigo Sr’s ghost came visiting, Junior was quite insistent on a cuddle and seemed oblivious to his father’s ethereal nature. After bonding with his son, Senior and Cordelia explored What It Would Be Like and Cordelia decided that life was nearly perfect again.


Having an Infant does change your life and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bit deluded. However, with Junior in a backpack, Cordelia found she could carry on doing most things. Including exploring by jogging round the neighbourhood. She didn’t see any tigers at the sanctuary but she hoped to on other occasions.


As Cordelia became restless again, a new captain was found, Yvonne Eet. She was fond of mischief which the princess was resigned to by now. They were a band of pirates after all. Cap’n Yvonne seemed very friendly and Cordelia hoped things would work out well with the crew.


Yvonne: I hope you like your gold candelabra, ma’am.
Cordelia: Oh, er, yes. Very nice.
Yvonne: And I’ve ordered a plate with my parrot on. I thought it would add to your collection.
Cordelia: Yes, well I don’t really collect them. I just keep being left them. I’ve put yours with the others on a sort of tree wall hanging. That’ll keep them out of the way.


Junior wasn’t very sure of aging up, but then it was hard to find just the right time in between being hungry and tired when he was feeling loved and well-cared for.


Not being very fond of children, Cap’n Yvonne went for a swim with Garrett.
Yvonne: You seem like a very smart man.
Garrett: I’m only a teen, ma’am.
Yvonne: Oh, call me Yvonne, do. Now do you know if the Princess is interested in women as well as men?
Garrett: She was very close with Lady Matilda in Tartosa but she was with Cap’n Rodrigo then so I don’t think there was anything to it. No-one’s ever said…
Yvonne: Hm…


Yvonne: You look very fetching, this evening, my lady.
Cordelia: What? Oh, thank you.
Yvonne: I was just thinking about how I’d like to show you the world.
Cordelia: I’m sorry?
Yvonne: You certainly put the shiver in my timbers!
Cordelia: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?
Yvonne: My skull and crossbones aren't the only things I’d like to raise tonight!
Cordelia: Argh – those are dreadful lines. Have I led you on in some way?
Yvonne: Obviously my mistake. You have a reputation, mi’lady of having a thing for pirates. I thought…
Cordelia: I’m still with Rodrigo in spirit and I’m focussed on our son. I’m sorry. Please just stick to captaining the Eppsilon
Yvonne: Right.


If Cordelia had been a bit less startled and a bit more aware of things around her, she would have been disturbed by Cap’n Yvonne’s next set of actions. She got quite friendly with Raider Rad and with Five Finger Fran who introduced her to Two Eye Charlie. Two Eye Charlie was very interested in what Captain Yvonne had to say.


So it was a complete surprise when Cordelia came back from an outing with Carmilla, Joe and Junior to find the Eppsilon gone.
Joe: Well that’s a turn up for the books, and no mistake!
Carmilla: I didn’t trust that one. She was sneaking around. Bah! What are we to do now?
Cordelia: I am not without contacts. I’ve got a plan.


Cordelia: Darryl, I know I disappointed you back on the Isle but you are happy with Emilia. If you have any affection left for me, I desperately need your help.
Darryl: What you’re asking is really above my level of spell craft training. I’m not sure…
Cordelia: We just need you to get the Eppsilon back.
Darryl: Is that the ship you were always on about.
Cordelia: It’s a submersible – it goes under the water.
Darryl: So – a ship that goes under water.
Carmilla: Yes, and if you can curse that Yvonne into a bottle at the same time, that would be just dandy!


Darryl: OK, I’ll give it a shot. What’s the worst that could happen?
Cordelia: We-ell, maybe we should look at alternatives…
Darryl: Nope. I reckon I can do it. Just hold the image of the Eppsilon in your mind….a ship that goes underwater…amazing.
Carmilla: And Yvonne in a bottle!
Cordelia: Oh no – that bit’s not necessary.
Darryl: Concentrate – concentrate….


Joe: Well, he did ask what was the worst that could happen.
Cordelia: I’m just grateful we’re all here together. Junior seems happy enough in that little tent you’ve put up.
Joe: Plus Darryl managed to get all of your furniture and stuff. We’ll make it homely somehow.
Carmilla: I wonder what happened to that Yvonne…



This is my explanation of the fourth plate on Cordelia’s plate display. One bottle message reads:
  "Ye be readin' the letter I wrote, arrrr ye? Well, now you're cursed! Ha. Me and me trusty parrot will be free! - Captain Y. Eet"
I’ve linked the 2 together but it’s not official Sims lore. By the way, I’m sure Carmilla didn’t want the parrot in there as well. The location of faithless Fran, Rad and Charlie is unknown.

I’ve really enjoyed playing Cordelia and she’s all set to complete Beach Life and then maybe a Jungle Adventure when Rodrigo Jr is a child. I’d really like to watch Rodrigo Jr grow into the 20 yr old young Rodrigo Thebe that returns to Tartosa, laden with pirate treasure, to build the Thebe Estate. But it’s time to return to the present day to wrap up Gabby’s investigations.

In case you didn’t pick it up, all the episode titles for Cordelia’s adventures have been (loosely) taken from the lyrics of Yellow Submarine by The Beatles.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Princess Cordelia's Story 5: We Have All We Need (1-Feb)
« Reply #78 on: February 02, 2024, 06:01:23 PM »
I've never taken a close look at that set of four portrait plates.
So the fourth one depicts a female pirate?

The Princess looks so lovely in her magenta outfit with matching white & black hat!
Wait, wait! You're going to leave Rodrigo Jr's story hanging!?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Princess Cordelia's Story 5: We Have All We Need (1-Feb)
« Reply #79 on: February 04, 2024, 02:28:50 AM »
I've never taken a close look at that set of four portrait plates.
So the fourth one depicts a female pirate?

The Princess looks so lovely in her magenta outfit with matching white & black hat!
Wait, wait! You're going to leave Rodrigo Jr's story hanging!?
The parrot plate display only indicates that the Princess had 4 pirate boyfriends with parrots. It says elsewhere that Rodrigo was her 3rd and probably the greatest love of her life.

The ottoman lore states rodrigo died when his peg leg caught on fire on board the Eppsilon. Tartosa lore also maintains that he was with Cordelia in Tartosa but didn't leave with her.

Grapevine Gossip suggests that the princess might have got a witch to curse Rodrigo or another lover to a bottle for cheating on her. That 4th pirate may well be the Captain Y Eet of the bottle message.Y Eet could be an Yvonne. Did you note how skinny she was? A play on her name...
I think if Yvonne had been more patient, Cordelia would have been more receptive to her advances but she was still mourning Rodrigo.

The Princess I have played seemed unlikely to curse a wayward lover to a bottle. It would have been petty and somewhat hypocritical.

A disappointed suitor stealing the Eppsilon plus a slightly inept spellcaster? That seemed more of a possibility.

Anyway, the resourceful Princess and her son are castaways on the Admiral's Wreckage with Joe, Carmilla and Garrett plus all the Eppsilon furnitureand furnishings. I think they'll soon be very comfortable.

The Maxis Cordelia I downloaded has always been a Child of the Ocean and struggled with separation from it. I think she'll find that she's "home" and Rodrigo Jr will have a settled upbringing with a few holiday adventures.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Lady Matilda’s Story: Sweet Silly Faces
« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2024, 11:20:45 AM »
Lady Matilda’s Story: Sweet Silly Faces

I wasn’t always on my own. I’m the youngest of three. Meet my eldest sibling Gianna and the middle child Luca. I’m on the left.


Gianna was always Adventurous and loved reading. She was the heir to our family estate but she spent all her time pouring over old maps instead of managing it.


My brother Luca did not engage with the estate either. He was a Loner so he loved nothing more than gazing at the sky through a far-viewer that he’d built. If he spent all day on our home lot, he couldn’t be happier.


So it fell to me to do what I could with our finances. The others just assumed there was plenty of money but we were spending more than came in. I had to let the staff go and then tried to come up with ways to generate income. I was contemplating marrying new money to help. Gianna wouldn’t contemplate settling down and Luca was always socially awkward around strangers. My choice of suitors wasn’t bad. They were after the family title, of course. One even invented a fruit pastry for me – a tart – he called it, as our name was Tartosa. I loved them and started making them as a way of relaxing.


One day Gianna announced that she was off to explore a blank area in her atlas. She gave me full authority to act for the family while she was away but I really didn’t want her to go.


I started going on baking and cooking courses to get better. I was nearly able to create pastries good enough to give us a regular income. But one day, while I was away, Luca just disappeared. I couldn’t understand it. He never left the estate unless he had to.


With Gianna and Luca both missing, I decided to chase up a rumour that the pirates in Sulani had started taking hostages. It was a rash excursion although, if they kidnapped me, there was no-one left to pay any ransom. It didn’t matter any way. They didn’t admit to any kidnapping and had last caught sight of my sister sailing into kraken-infested waters.


The pirates did have a llama with them. I’d never seen a llama before. It had such an adorable face. Hugging it seemed to make me feel better.


Was it my desire for pirate gold or for the sweet, silly faces of the llamas? Surely no Sim would fault me for the latter. I invited the pirates to trade their llamas for my pastries in Tartosa. It isn't a proper thing for a lady, but then again... I've always been a bit of a rebel. Either way, my land will thrive.


When Princess Cordelia arrived with Rodrigo in tow, I realised why I’d never married any of my suitors. She was the most wonderful person I had ever met and my heart raced whenever I was near her. But I'm neither a pirate, nor the adventure she craves, but rather a dear friend.


And so I waved her off with everything but my unrequited love. A secret I share with the sea and no other, for they are alike. While I resemble the tides as they test the boundaries of these shores, returning each night in brilliance. She is as relentlessly free as the sea, untamed and trackless, a force to behold. I would not tame her even if I could.


I never did marry. The llama-pastry trade restored the fortunes of Tartosa but, with no heir, I eventually gave the land to the people who lived on it. I hope people remember me with fondness.


Some of the prose for this episode is taken straight from the Tartosan bottle messages. Grapevine Gossip revealed that Gianna left to chart the world and never returned. It also states that Luca just disappeared one day. I was hoping for an alien abduction which don't seem to be as frequent as previously, but a meteorite did the job!

Lady Matilda cuts a lonely figure but she helped her land thrive so…maybe that’s enough for prosperity.

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Re: Lady Matilda’s Story: Sweet Silly Faces (4-fEB)
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2024, 09:15:58 PM »
Matilda is such a lovely sim!
What a shame she didn't pass her lovely genes on. 

I was so confused by the screenshot below the telling of Luca's disappearance. So that's Lucas being hit my a meteorite?
Awww, what a way to go.  He and his high cheekbones deserved better than that!
Watcher, did playing Matilda offer you the opportunity to fool around the HCH's food stand? :D
Great episode!  (I confess that I like Matilda more than the Princess, haha)

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Lady Matilda’s Story: Sweet Silly Faces (4-fEB)
« Reply #82 on: February 06, 2024, 02:37:13 AM »
Matilda is such a lovely sim!
What a shame she didn't pass her lovely genes on. 

I was so confused by the screenshot below the telling of Luca's disappearance. So that's Lucas being hit my a meteorite?
Awww, what a way to go.  He and his high cheekbones deserved better than that!
Watcher, did playing Matilda offer you the opportunity to fool around the HCH's food stand? :D
Great episode!  (I confess that I like Matilda more than the Princess, haha)
Matilda is rather gorgeous and really rocks that hairstyle which not all sims can. I am looking for my next founder...although I need 2....

Yes, Luca got hit by a meteor which is almost a certainty if Sims use that telescope. You get a notification that they've seen one coming and then they can run away but don't always do so autonomously. I've lost a few sims that way in the past. The resulting crater and rock disappear after a few sim-hours leaving the urn.

I didn't get to do the food stand but Matilda got part way through Appliance Whiz. I definitely want to explore it fully.

Princess Cordelia had so much lore and storyline to fit in that I probably didn't do her justice. Her best bits, especially fighting the fire-breathing kraken and channeling its fire into her kiln had to happen off-scteen of course  ::)

I'm happy with wrapping up the various strands of history which have been hinted at through teasers in-game. There are other stories in there too but Gabby's story is coming to an end.

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Tartosa Tales: 12 - Wrapping Up
« Reply #83 on: February 06, 2024, 11:39:17 AM »
Tartosa Tales: 12

Previously Gabby finally, with Rodrigo’s help, realised that Princess Cordelia had 4 pirate suitors according to the plate display. She wrote up her findings in a 5-part historical novel. Having had a whim to Try for a Baby, little Matilda was born as Faiz became an Elder.

L-to-R: Rose, Gabby holding Matilda, Faiz, Rodrigo

Faiz: Come on, Matilda. You want to be a big girl now, don’t you?
Matilda: Pfft
Faiz: Aw – a little angel! That’s my girl.


Faiz: I love the history you’ve written of Lady Matilda. Who knew that she was the one to set up the trade with the pirates?
Gabby: It’s all there, in her own words, in those bottle messages. Considering she was all alone in the world, she really did her best for Tartosa. I just wish I had more time to write but…
Matilda (off-screen): Momma! I need a wee!
Faiz: …but we’re both run off our feet looking after the kids. I tell you what, I’ll take Rose and Rodrigo over to Tomi’s place to meet her son Trent after school. Maybe you’ll have some time to write if Matilda settles for the night.


Trent: Hey – you grew!
Rodrigo (Chuckling): Yeah! That happens. I’m not as old as you. Dad say’s it’s your birthday soon.
Trent: And yours after that. We’ll rock high school together!
Rodrigo: Yeah! High five!


Matilda: Da – ma – fa – ca. Momma!


Watcher: I’m sorry to say that the sweet boy Trent turned up after his birthday with so-so dress sense but mainly with a bald patch!


Trent: Thanks for helping me out, Rose. Mum said Gabby would sort it so I was worried when I realised she was out at work.
Rose: Well, you’re still a bit of a string-bean but nothing a bit of training can’t fix.
Trent: Training? You know I’ve become Lazy, right?


Rose: As Valedictorian, I know the value of hard work and perseverance. Why just yesterday, my perfect dragon fruit won first place at the Finchwick Fair and I’m now a Country Caretaker just like Princess Cordelia was.


Rodrigo: Hey, Trent, thanks for coming to my birthday party.
Trent: I can’t stay long. Dad died yesterday from Anger! We’re all cut up about it. I need to get back to help with the arrangements.
Rodrigo: Wow. I’m sorry, man. I’ll catch you later, yeah?
Trent: Sure.


Watcher: Gentle Rahul Chopra, dying of Anger? What could have provoked him so? I’d hoped to end on a happier note. Wait! It was Matilda’s birthday and she’s aged up with a tiara! That’s a better ending.


L-to-R: Matilda, Rose, Faiz, Gabby, Rodrigo

Week 12-13 (Winter 1/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful

Incomplete Tasks:
•   Grow available fruit 34/? – I think there are maybe 2-3 missing
•   Write book in every genre 6/? – Gabby’s family and desire to help others took over this aim. She just never seemed to have the time to write (other than the Tartosa history books.)

Overall Progress
Starting requirements:

•   New Sim from CAS, clean clones allowed
•   Only one outfit – the same in each category
•   Purchase any lot using money cheats if necessary
•   Money cheat funds to zero funds after purchasing lot
•   Lot: Off-the-Grid, Simple Living
•   Obtain an outfit for each category
Completed Aspirations
Admired Icon (teen), Drama Llama (teen), Fabulously Wealthy, Freelance Botanist, Soulmate, Neighbourhood Confidante
Other Achievements:
•   Collection: 20/20 Bottles
•   Grapevine Gossip: Arnessa, Camille, Dominique, Faiz, Mateo, Lucia, Hector, Hilary
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles
•   Unlock the career Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 3/3

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; Outdoor Enthusiast
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Romantic; Country Caretaker
Rodrigo Jaleel Gen 2: Creative, Romantic
Matilda Jaleel Gen 2: Outgoing

Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

And so this little investigation into Tartosa Tales and the hints surrounding Princess Cordelia has come to an end. We leave Gabby to take care of her family and to revel in the success of her historical novels.

Gabby didn’t achieve absolutely everything that I aimed at from the beginning but I’m happy with the way it developed.

Personal note – I’m looking at attempting a Simology Dynasty next (see rules here) but I’m not sure if it lends itself to a suitable narrative for this forum. As I look into the requirements, things may crystalize but it may be a while before I start another story on here.
As always – thanks for reading and especially to @oshizu  & @GlazeyLady  for their encouragement along the way.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 12 - Wrapping Up (6-Feb)
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2024, 01:19:59 PM »
Personal note – I’m looking at attempting a Simology Dynasty next (see rules here) but I’m not sure if it lends itself to a suitable narrative for this forum. As I look into the requirements, things may crystalize but it may be a while before I start another story on here.

The Simology Dynasty is probably the easiest Dynasty on the forum. It is really just about achieving a big score with very few restrictions. With that in mind let your competitive juices flow. Create two Type A uber-competitive Sims as your founders who stress their children out as helicopter parents. "Kids put those phones down and grind out your traits!" Or put some humor in it and have one founder, a complete sloth who you have to browbeat into doing what you want. Just some ideas.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 12 - Wrapping Up (6-Feb)
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2024, 05:09:58 PM »
Thanks so much for gathering all the lore about Tartosa and Princess Cordelia while filling in the blanks with your creative imagination!
I enjoyed, too, your first plunge into custom content evolve.

As for writing novels, now that I've completed Bestselling Author with a few sims possessing the Idea Person trait, it's hard to play writer sims who haven't completed that Creative Genius aspiration!
Looking forward to your next adventure, Watcher!

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Additional Lore
« Reply #86 on: February 22, 2024, 04:19:08 AM »
*Added 22-Feb-24 with grateful thanks to Chai and his watcher @oshizu
Princess Cordelia's Lost Marble: "A pink, opaque lutz Marble. It is believed that this rare Marble once belonged to the heroic Princess Cordelia. As a child, she was a world-renowned Marbles champion, and this Marble is quite similar to one she won while playing Marbles with a Mermaid in the tide pools near her home."