Author Topic: Tartosa Tales: Complete (6-Feb)  (Read 16848 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 8 - Llama Dilemma (7-Jan)
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2024, 02:47:44 AM »
Very interesting that suggesting expansion of the family to an already-pregnant Sim resulted in an adoption . . . I had no idea that would happen.

Do your stats mean there are 3 more Grapevine Gossip tidbits about Hector and 1 more about Hilary that you haven't come across yet? I'm not sure I understand how that works.

I really like that Piccolo Luce lot - it's so pretty there. I spent hours looking for the right house for Santiago and Rodrigo for that lot, even though they would only be in it a very short while before moving in with Rose. Eventually I'll move a Sandoval back there, though. The house you chose looks gorgeous.

Little Klepto Cora ought to keep you hopping. 🤣
Wiki is very helpful regarding the Grapevine Gossip interactions. It list the ones you get from each of the 8 main characters: Arnessa,  Dominique, Camille, Faiz, Mateo, Lucia, Hector & Hilary at what level of friendship. Working from that, yes Gabby is looking for 3 more from Hector and 1 more from Hilary. She should get them this voting episode.
Then the main remaining task is to unravel the other bottle messages.
I've been wanting to play this mini-challenge out for some time and it's been fun so far. I hadn't expected Gabby to have much of a story of her own but she took over a bit, lol.

Considering its only 20×20, there are a lot of gallery builds for Piccolo Luce. It's so pretty but quite cut off from the village amenities.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 9 – Spitting Image
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2024, 02:41:39 PM »
Tartosa Tales: 9 – Spitting Image

Previously Gabby suggested that the pregnant Tomi Markovic could expand her family and then invited her, the father Rahul and his mother Lavina Chopra to move in while they looked for a place to live in Tartosa. While in the house, they all achieved an aspiration milestone. Moving out to Piccola Luce, Tomi gave birth to Trent and adopted Gloria just before Lavinia died. Gabby aged up but also became a Freelance Botanist. Rose became a Creative Genius and a Slumber Party Animal. Then Gabby invited Jenna Akiyama and her family to move in while they searched for somewhere else to live. Her adult children Miki and Taku moved into the beach huts but Jenna and Kado’s last child, Alonso did move in.

Jenna: I didn’t realise I’d have to cook for you all when we moved in.
Faiz (dancing): Oh, our Watcher has a thing about anyone from teens up have to have basic cooking skills so we don’t have kitchen fires. You’re on fruit and garden salads until you’re safe.
Jenna: Garden salads aren’t difficult. Oh, what’s this in my ear?
Faiz: I think I’ll cook something on the barbeque…


Gabby: Hector!
Hector: Just a bit of scrumping, dear.
Gabby: Those are really valuable. Why is stealing fruit seen as being OK. You don’t say people are scrumping when they walk off with your furniture!
Hector: I’m sorry, I’ll stop. Mother was very mischievous you know.
Gabby: Did you ever think of taking her name?
Hector: There’s a lot of expectation that comes with the Thebe name. Some locals seem annoyed that I don’t want it, but it’s my life. That’s the way I was raised. I’m privileged, no doubt about it, but I work hard too and want all that work to be seen as something of my own doing. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Hilary helps a lot in the business, from what I’ve seen.
Hector: My marriage to Hilary is pretty amazing now, but for a while I wasn’t so sure we’d get that storybook ending.
Gabby: How come?
Hector: I’ve been kind of an insensitive guy in the past. I broke someone’s heart a while back and it’s been hard to forgive myself. But Hilary sees through a lot of my faults and we work together to be better people (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Everyone deserves a second chance…


Alonso: We could have played chess at home.
Jenna: We’re looking for a new home and you know we’d never get around to it without a Watcher.
Alonso: Tell me about Daddy.
Jenna: I’m so sorry you never got to know him. But he would be so proud of you playing lots of chess and reading books.
Alonso: I hope so.


Gabby: Faiz? You know that night at Granite Falls, the one where you didn’t go off to the tent to sleep straight away?
Faiz: Yes, my beautiful Gabby.
Gabby: Well, I’m eating for two again, sweetheart.
Faiz: Love of my life!
Gabby: Source of my happiness!
Faiz: ….
Gabby: …. Etc
Faiz: Oh – you’re officially a Soulmate now too!


Jenna: So, with my new sharp haircut, I’m ready to taking on the world.
Watcher: Maybe a bit more practising speeches and….work clothes, before you actually leave for work? Oh NO!
Jenna: What is it? I haven’t been fired, have I. I now I need a heap more logic just to maintain my career, never mind get a promotion….
Watcher: It’s not that. It’s Hector! He’s died!
Jenna: Oh no! Poor Hilary.


Gabby: Come on, we’ve got the day off work and school. Let’s do some visiting.
Faiz: Hi Tomi, how are you holding up?
Tomi: It’s OK. Rahul’s pretty broken up about Lavinia dying but he’s glad she got to see her grandson.
Gabby: Where is Trent?
Tomi: He’s on his way back from daycare but here’s Gloria.
Faiz: With lovely hair!
Tomi: Yes, when we met her at the adoption agency, she reminded us so much of Rose that we couldn’t resist.
Gabby: Cute! We thought we’d check whether you needed any help with Lavinia’s urn but I see Lavinia’s grave is already right next to Arnessa’s.
Tomi: Yes, I think she must have been paying her respects when she died…


Tomi: Hi Greta. How are you doing?
Greta: We’re bearing up. Mum’s the most upset. She always thought she’d go first. I don’t know why. Jace is being impossible. Who’d have guessed that he’d have turned out Evil?
Tomi: No! Not Jace. He was lovely as a boy!
Gabby: Where’s Hector’s urn?
Greta: Right in the middle of the hallway, just where Grandmother (Arnessa) died. Can you help us with it?
Gabby: I’ve got a better idea. When Jenna’s found a place, why don’t you come and stay. You can bring Hector’s urn and we’ll sort something out.
Greta: Mum says you’d help me with some life coaching?
Gabby: Absolutely. We don’t you join us on our day trip to Mt Komorebi to see how you’d fit in.


Jenna: It’s me that needs to soak in the spring.
Gabby: I’d love to soak in the spring but apparently it’s not good for the baby.
Jenna: So why are you in there?
Gabby: The baby isn’t and it really feels good on my swollen ankles. Anyway, you’ve got the first level of Sightseeing done.
Jenna: Thanks. Who’d have thought I had to move away to really appreciate it here.
Faiz: Does that mean you might want to return now?
Jenna: No. The only properties available are right next to the Ito family. Megumi was never at fault but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’ve decided to opt for somewhere warmer…


Alonso: Wow Mum, it’s really hot here!
Jenna: Yes. I think we’ll need a new set of clothes again.
Watcher: You’re on your own with that Jenna. It’s a bit basic but there’s plenty of cash to upgrade if you want to. Plus, if you find island living isn’t for you, you can move any time.
Jenna: Thank Gabby for me, won’t you.


Rose: Yes! I can ride a bike! Yippee!
Watcher: Watch out! It’s really dark!
Rose: I’ve got a light. I’m off round the neighbourhood. Whee!!!!!


Faiz: Well, your big sister Rose is going to get a surprise when she gets back from her bike ride.
Rodrigo: Gurgle
Faiz: I’m not sure naming you after a famous pirate is a good idea but you’re a fine son!
Rodrigo: Gurgle


Rose: Reflections on my childhood before my birthday party? Um….I got 4 aspirations which isn’t bad considering all the coming and going in this house. I’ve got good manners and emotional control plus I’m very responsible. I think it’s going well so far.


Rose: Aha! My teen Incognito Party outfit! Can you tell it’s me? I’m not sure about the gloves but I’m loving my new hair!
Watcher: Very colourful! And you really are Outgoing now. I knew you were, all along.
Rose: Can I get the llama out of storage?
Watcher: Oh, County Caretaker, is it? You know you can change your aspiration any time?
Rose: Yes but we don’t need a tree house for Alonso until he grows up a bit so we could put the shed in it’s place…
Watcher: But I got you new furniture as your birthday treat!
Rose: I don’t have as many undergarments as Princess Cordelia apparently had, to need that enormous dresser. (Build/Buy)
Watcher: What about making root beer at the Bless Me Barrnacles Bar? Like all the pirates drank
Rose: Princess Cordelia made them switch to Lemonade to ward off scurvy (Build/Buy) I do like the new Arrmed Dining Chairs.
Watcher: The arms were designed for Captain Chaz MacFreeling because he had perpetual tired arms from holding up his mirror to blow kisses at it.
Rose: I though Princess Cordelia dumped him for his vanity.
Watcher: But she kept the chair (Build/Buy)
Rose: I love the pirate stories. And that’s why I want a llama. You don’t want me to go stealing one, like the pirates did?
Watcher: OK, OK!


Faiz: We’ve not been ignoring you, my big boy! Growing so fast. I like your blue and peach outfits! I wonder what you’d have been wearing if you’d age-up in the middle of the incognito party…
Rodrigo (thinking): My Daddy delivers pizza?


Rose: I need to go and look after the llama!
Gabby: Not until you’ve done your homework.
Rose: I know you’re only helping because you want to be a Super Parent!
Gabby: Yes but you won’t do a load of good things in a row so I can encourage you. One day…!


Rose: I’m going to call you Doug, after the most famous llama ever!
Doug: Is that a llama name?
Rose: It’s said he could spit 40 feet.
Doug: I’ve only got 4.


Greta: Thanks for inviting me to move in. What with Jace being Evil and Cora being a Kleptomaniac, home was getting crazy.
Gabby: I hope your mother’s OK.
Greta: Yeah, Liliana’s OK so she’s taking care of things.
Gabby: I’d heard you used to be mischievous…I’d wondered if this bottle came from you?
Greta (reading): "If you don't leave this bottle where you found it, the next time you're in a room alone, the door will disappear!" Ha, ha! Yes that is me! I used to get into trouble but then I became Gloomy as a teen and now I’m Erratic. I don’t feel like being mischievous any more.
Gabby: Not like Arnessa.
Greta: Grandmother? She wasn’t mischievous.
Gabby: Yes, she was. And I think this bottle came from her…(reading) "You're Next!" The message is followed by an oddly off-kilter smiley face and a date from about seventy years prior.
Greta: Well, the date could be right but…
Gabby: Everyone says you take after your Grandmother. How about we get your Freelance Botanist aspiration done, get you some promotions in the Gardeners career and then rediscover your mischievous side?
Greta: That would be amazing…


Greta: Gabby says playing with Rodrigo will help me get cheerful. Huh – Rodrigo is the name of one, no two of my ancestors. I bet they never gurgled like you, sweet boy.
Rodrigo: Gurgle
Greta: Dad’s ghost told me that he looked for Rodrigo’s treasure all through the house when he was little. All he found was one antique button, a hair bow and a whole lot of dust bunnies. We’ve not talked about a lot of the local legends in the family. We just heard all the stories about Princess Cordelia and the pirates from being in school. (Grapevine Gossip)
Rodrigo: Gurgle


Gabby: Alice! Pregnant I see.
Alice: Yes, isn’t it wonderful?
Gabby: So have you thought about expanding your family?
Alice: Urm – yes! I’m pregnant…


Sara Scott: What can I get you?
Gabby: I’m just here to see if there’s any new fruit at the Fair stall. We got a UFO fruit at the spice festival yesterday which was really exciting.
Sara: Would you like a drink while you’re here?
Gabby: Did you say you’re name is Scott? Have you got a daughter called Elle?
Sara: No, why?
Gabby: Sorry – different Simverse. You’d be my grandmother in that one…
Sara: What?


Rose: I’m glad you enjoyed my Singing. It was so lucky to find your favourite gift is a book – I don’t need that scouting manual anymore. I’ll be back!


L-to-R: Faiz, Gabby holding Rodrigo, Greta, Rose
Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - Angling Ace 2/4, Bestselling Author 1/4, Big Happy Family 1/4, Bodybuilder 1/4, Mansion Baron 1/4, Mt Komorebi Sightseer 1/3, Serial Romantic 2/4, Soulmate 3/4, Successful Lineage 1/4, Super Parent 3/4; Skills – Charisma 9, Cooking 9, Fishing 5, Fitness 5, Parenting 8, Writing 7
•   ✔️Gather all Grapevine Gossip – ✔️Hector, ✔️Hilary
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 10/20
•   Unlock the career Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 1/3
•   Grow available fruit 25/?
•   Write book in every genre 4/? (Children’s – Igor & The Llama Hats; Short Stories – The Pirates of Tartosa; Flirty – 50 Shades of Pirates; Playful – Greta’s Book of Mischief)
•   Help people: 7 (Faiz, Lucia, Lilith, Mateo, Tomi, Rahul, Lavinia, Jenna Akiyama – aspiration progress + new home, Alonso Akiyama – aspiration progress)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive/Silly Loves Outdoors; Top Notch Infant, Happy Toddler, Slumber Party Animal, Creative Genius
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Greta Laurent: Loves Outdoors, Gloomy, Erratic; Freelance Botanist 3/4; Gardener 3/10

Week 9 (Autumn 1/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rose rolled her trait and aspiration using the Pinstar generator so it seemed a good idea to get the llama out that had arrived with Mateo. The shed came out fine but the llama would not! It’s still in there but we’ll pretend that the identical (spitting image?) one I bought via the shed interactions is the same, for the purposes of this story.

Poor Gabby still only has a towel for her swimming outfit. I really need to do something about that.

All the Grapevine Gossip about Greta Laurent has been about her being mischievous and getting into trouble, it was quite a surprise to find her traits and aspiration. She definitely needs some help finding herself… She brought Hectors urn with her so she was able to get the final piece of his Grapevine Gossip. Hilary’s final piece was information about the Lovers Tree which we’d already had from elsewhere.

Rose will aim for the teen Goal-Oriented aspiration which Gabby didn’t get. I’d say she’ll aim for Live Fast but we all know my teens don’t get invited to parties, never mind sneak out to them. If she gets an invite, I’ll put in the exit window and she’ll go for it!

One last thing - I think we all need to know what Infant Trent, son of Rahul Chopra and Tomi Markovic looks like...
A miniature dreamboat!

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 9 - Spitting Image (9-Jan)
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2024, 11:11:12 PM »
Oh no! What happened to Hector?!?

Wondering . . . was that an experiment with Alice, or are just wanting more kids in your Simverse?

I definitely agree about Infant Trent - what a cutie!!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 9 - Spitting Image (9-Jan)
« Reply #48 on: January 10, 2024, 02:08:55 AM »
Oh no! What happened to Hector?!?

Wondering . . . was that an experiment with Alice, or are just wanting more kids in your Simverse?

I definitely agree about Infant Trent - what a cutie!!
Poor Hector died of old age. Because he always wears that hat and has short hair, it wasn't obvious that he had gone grey. Hilary's change to silvery locks were more obvious so I'd had a good look at him.

Poor Alice fell victim to Gabby's Neighbourhood Confidante aspiration. She just loves advising other people on their life-choices but doesn't always think through the consequences. Alice has since had her natural baby but hasn't mentioned whether she's adopting or having another. The aspiration ticks off if the recipient agrees to consider the advice. It doesn't matter if they subsequently ignore it.

I admit I am curious as to whether pregnant and/or elder Sims always go for adoption when thus advised. I think Expand the Family could also lead to a pet adoption.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 9 - Spitting Image (9-Jan)
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2024, 02:11:23 PM »
Gabby looks enormous in that hot springs shot! I'd thought she was going to have twins!
Happy birthday to the swashbuckling Rodrigo and teenage Rose.
Yes, Trent is a future heartthrob--Rahul has such great genes!

I've had that issue with moving a farm animal. If I remember correctly, I had to buy a new barn in order to assign an existing farm animal to it.
Apart from the usual pregnancy of YA or Adult sims, my sims have previously "discussed expanding the family" which resulted in elderly pregnancy (which seems to have been fixed?), adoption, pet adoption, and no response at all.
Are Gabby and her Watcher enjoying the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 9 - Spitting Image (9-Jan)
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2024, 05:40:14 PM »
Gabby looks enormous in that hot springs shot! I'd thought she was going to have twins!
Happy birthday to the swashbuckling Rodrigo and teenage Rose.
Yes, Trent is a future heartthrob--Rahul has such great genes!

I've had that issue with moving a farm animal. If I remember correctly, I had to buy a new barn in order to assign an existing farm animal to it.
Apart from the usual pregnancy of YA or Adult sims, my sims have previously "discussed expanding the family" which resulted in elderly pregnancy (which seems to have been fixed?), adoption, pet adoption, and no response at all.
Are Gabby and her Watcher enjoying the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration?
Gabby has been enjoying the aspiration but she's a bit cavalier with its effects, lol!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: Arnessa’s Story
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2024, 07:18:54 AM »
Arnessa’s Story

Arnessa: This is the secret part of my life that I took to the grave but I’m willing to share it now that my sweet Hector has joined me in the afterlife. I couldn’t tell anyone before. He would have been so shocked and embarrassed by my past.

Here I am, my teen-self! As you can see, I already love books and music. It looks like I want to be a Musical Genius but actually, back then, I was aiming more at being Chief of Mischief!
You don’t believe me? Well, at this point in my life, I was just recovering from breaking my leg, sailing over the Hideaway Falls. That’s why they put a bridge in – to stop anyone else doing it.

Arnessa teen.jpg
(aged down from the original Arnessa Thebe with a Boho makeover)

I was on a warning from my very proper parents – no more scandal! So when I broke the village fountain – it was a hot day – too far to slog to the beach – how was I to know it was so delicate – the warning turned into reality. The breakage was covered up and repaired but I was sent over the ocean to stay with my Uncle Eetion and his wife Queen. This is the only photo I have left of them together. Aren’t they cute? I really miss them…

Eetion and Queen.jpg
(in gallery by latribe, based on characters from The Sims2)

Aunt Queen. It’s a funny name, isn’t it. Used to be popular back in the day. My mother said Uncle Eetion only married her because we’re descended from royalty – Princess Cordelia, no less – but they really loved each other. Anyway, Aunt Queen was quite Materialistic and they’d moved to Tomarang to start up a rental business. I could stay with them in their house but they were setting up some rental units in the town which I could help run. They could keep an eye on me and help me get through my last week of High School, hopefully graduating with honours.


That was the deal and I thought they’d be really strict about my studies. But when I got there, they were much more relaxed. I think it was the Tomarang influence. It’s difficult to stay very focussed on anything in that hot, humid atmosphere. I’d joined the cheerleaders and the only time I could practise was in the slightly cooler night.


School was OK but, as I said, it was hard to concentrate. Uncle Eetion helped me do my homework outside while Aunt Queen got food from the Night Market. I did eventually get up to a B, by the way, but definitely no honours!


I made some friends at school. This is Luna, who is very cool. I got a bit of a pash on her. The old guy is the janitor here. His name is Mr Lum, Tai Lum. He told me about his grandson Lau who was coming to stay for his last week of High School but Mr Lum only had a 1-bed flat. I told him about our family rentals that were nearly ready so he said he’d be in touch.


I told Aunt Queen about it the next morning and she said that the rental was ready. She’d got to go sort some things out at the bank and Uncle Eetion was busy in the garden so could I go and show Lau the place and take the contracts in case he liked it.


Here he is – Lau Lum. I said it sounds funny when you say it all together. He said “You can call me Laurie, Dollface”. Well, I didn’t really know if he was joking but he said he wanted to see the flat so I invited him in.


I tried really hard to keep a straight face which was difficult because I do like Mischief and “Laurie” kept making jokes which I don’t really like. But I stayed professional – I was determined to show Aunt Queen so that she would send a good report home. Laurie took the room and moved in that day.


I took Friday off school. I’d just been promoted to B grade the day before and hadn’t studied for those exams. I was really hot on C grade stuff. But there you have it! I went to ThrifTea to see if they’d got anything interesting for me to wear to Prom. They hadn’t. It was either too formal or too casual or really not my style. I threw a few items together which would have to do.


Anyway, who should be there but our new tenant, also looking for Prom clothes! Laurie came over straight away and said “Dollface – you’re the only gal I know in town. Will you go with me to the Prom?” As friends? Sure. I didn’t have a date so…why not. I wasn’t very sure about my new name – Dollface – but part of me quite liked it.


Saturday – and I suddenly realised - it’s my birthday. Uncle Eetion and Aunt Queen were throwing me a big party and made it clear that Prom was out of the question. I went to see Laurie to let him know. I thought he’d go without me but he said he’d like to come to my party instead. Plus, this! Oh! I fell hard, yes I did!


It was time for my party but I hadn’t got dressed before the cake was ready. Uncle Eetion said to blow the candles out now and then go and get changed while the guests had a slice.


I could here Aunt Queen wondering where I was downstairs “Where is that girl – all the guests are here” “She’ll be down in a minute” Uncle Eetion said. But Laurie had sneaked upstairs after me and I wasn’t listening too hard…


“You’re the best” Laurie whispered as I heard Aunt Queen explaining to all the guests that I was from Tartosa where they didn’t dress for parties. She’s more proper than my parents in some ways but yes, we do normally dress for parties but I wasn’t really thinking too hard…


I really wasn’t thinking too hard at all. You remember the Free Love movement? Love is not free – not like that anyway. The next morning I had some news to share with my Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Queen was not pleased, muttering about my pirate ancestry. “There’s only one thing to do and it needs doing now”, she said. She invited Mr Lum and Laurie round to “sort things out”. I knew what she meant. In those days, being an unmarried mother was not an option. Laurie would have to marry me. I was both stunned and excited. I really liked Laurie but I hardly knew him. I probably should have thought about that before…you know.


Things did not go according to plan. Mr Lum turned up on his own and was appalled by my “condition” – I wasn’t ill! I was expecting his great grandchild! He said Lau had been sowing some wild oats while he was here and had been sent back home to his fiancé! His fiancé since he was 11! He couldn’t marry me – he had family commitments at home. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or devastated. My emotions were all over the place.


“Right” said Aunt Queen and came up with a new plan. I had to wear her spare ring on my wedding finger plus dress more conservatively as if I was actually married. I’d have the baby, give it up for adoption and then return home with no-one there being any the wiser. I felt like I was in a dream. I took up knitting, for goodness sake!


Then, a few nights later…”It would be in the middle of the night!” Aunt Queen said. She said a lot of sharp things but she never left my side. Took me to the hospital, didn’t panic like I saw some of the fathers doing. She put me down as Mrs Thebe which was a lie but I was concentrating on my breathing too much to argue.


And then I had him – my own sweet Hector. As I stared into his beautiful eyes, I knew there was no way that I was giving him up. So he came back with us to our Tomarang home.


Aunt Queen was not happy and kept going on about plans to make it all respectable and what were we going to tell my parents. But Uncle Eetion had always wanted a Big Happy Family and, whenever I put Hector down, I always came back to find him being cuddled. I thought we could make it work, me staying in Tomarang although I’d miss my home.


Sadly, the stress of the situation aggravated Aunt Queen’s heart condition and one day, as she was trying to work out a respectable story with Uncle Eetion, she collapsed and died.
Uncle Eetion did not recover from the shock of his bereavement. He spent the days in his dressing gown and wouldn’t engage with anything, not even Hector. Finally I worked out what needed to be done.


Yes, we all moved back to my parents home, me, Uncle Eetion and baby Hector. We told my parents that I’d married a man named Haruki Laurent (lie) but that I’d lost him (true) after getting pregnant with little Hector. I was keeping my own name of Thebe because of it’s local history but that Hector would keep his father’s name (lie). Poor Uncle Eetion did not outlive his beloved Queen for long and we lost him too. Hector grew up as part of our privileged family and no-one knew his real origins. I did become a Loner after my adventures but that just made keeping my secret easier. Tomarang became a beautiful memory but I love the glow of Tartosa’s Ocean plus I adore the macarons!


So you see why I couldn’t tell my tale while Hector was still alive. He always asked me about his father but I always changed the subject. He thought I was sad about losing Haruki/Lau but, to be honest, I’m happy with the life I’ve led and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Arnessa Thebe.jpg


This version of Arnessa’s life and Hector’s origin is my own imagining to explain the various snippets that Arnessa and others let drop about her both through Grapevine Gossip and bottle messages. I hope you enjoyed it and, like me, love Arnessa even more through her own eyes.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Arnessa’s Story (12-Jan)
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2024, 05:12:40 PM »
Is the name "Haruko Laurent" part of the lore?  To me, it sounds like a Japanese girl's name.
I'm not sure about Laurie who never tried to contact Arnessa again, but how sad that she lost both her grandparents so early!

Whenever I start a new game, the Thebe household is gone before I've turned my attention to Tartosa.
The next time I start a new game, I will check out the household in Manage Households right away. :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Arnessa’s Story (12-Jan)
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2024, 02:10:08 AM »
Is the name "Haruko Laurent" part of the lore?  To me, it sounds like a Japanese girl's name.
I'm not sure about Laurie who never tried to contact Arnessa again, but how sad that she lost both her grandparents so early!

Whenever I start a new game, the Thebe household is gone before I've turned my attention to Tartosa.
The next time I start a new game, I will check out the household in Manage Households right away. :D
I meant to put Haruki, not Haruko. Blame my sausage fingers on keys next to each other! I'll correct it.
Arnessa (& me) were making up a name to explain the origins of Hector's name, one acceptable to her parents, Laurent using Lau's letters. It's not part of the lore given in The Sims.

Given Hector's facial features, specifically his eyes, I felt his father would be from somewhere to the East. Arnessa never mentions his father except to to say that Hector's name reminds her of him. Laurent is a very European-sounding name so it didn't fit.

To be fair to Lau, it's not clear that he knew Arnessa was pregnant. His grandfather sent him home and communication of the time...50 years prior? would have been slow.

Loner Arnessa is really private. Sims need at least 66% friendship before gives up any personal Grapevine Gossip.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: Arnessa’s Story - Gathered Clues
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2024, 05:35:26 AM »
Thebe, Arnessa (dec)

Below is a summary of the hints that are given by Arnessa and others through Grapevine Gossip and are the basis on which I wove her story

Grandfather: Rodrigo Thebe
Child: Hector Laurent
Grandchildren: Greta, Jace
Relations: Aunt Queen & Uncle Eetion
Great grandparents: Princess Cordelia & Rodrigo de Pablo

- loves the glow of Tartosa's Ocean (Grapevine Gossip)
- loves macarons (Grapevine Gossip)
- doesn't really enjoy comedy (Grapevine Gossip)
- likes music, esp. piano & Jazz improv.(Grapevine Gossip)
- overwhelmed by talk of Princess Cordelia (Grapevine Gossip)
- didn't enjoy her family's notoriety (Grapevine Gossip)
- Mischievous like her ancestor Cordelia and granddaughter Greta Laurent (Grapevine Gossip)
- once sailed a little rowboat over Hideaway Falls. She broke a leg - literally. That's why they put in the bridge - to keep Sims from trying to sail over. (Grapevine Gossip)
- as a girl, crossed the ocean to visit Aunt Queen & Uncle Eetion who she misses (GG)
- broke the fountain in the village square, but won't own up to it (Grapevine Gossip)
- doesn't like being "mined" for gossip (Grapevine Gossip)
- seems standoffish but a real doll once you talk to her (Grapevine Gossip)
- doesn't like Mateo Markovic (Grapevine Gossip)
- Granddaughter Greta Laurent is possibly her favourite but won't say (Grapevine Gossip)
- remembers Hector's father through his name (Grapevine Gossip)
- happy with her own path through life (Grapevine Gossip)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 10 – They Just Arrrrr!
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2024, 07:00:17 AM »
Tartosa Tales: 10 – They Just Arrrrr!

Previously Gabby helped Jenna Akiyama and her son Alonso to move on in their aspirations and to warmer climes. Greta Laurent moved in to get help as a Freelance Botanist. Rose aged up wanting to be a Country Caretaker so Doug the llama came out of hibernation. Wanting to Try for a Baby, Gabby gave birth to little Rodrigo.

L-to-R: Faiz, Gabby holding Rodrigo, Greta, Rose

Gabby: It’s really nice to see you again, guys. Now, why don’t you pursue your dream jobs and think about expanding your families?
Don Lothario: Hm – I don’t thing I know you well enough for that.
Sidney Price: Yeah – those both sound great ideas!
Gabby: You’re welcome.


Gabby: It’s so good to meet you. I’ve been meaning to come over for ages, since you were a little girl in fact.
Elsa Bjergsen: Really? How come?
Gabby: I found this ages ago and I’m confident you wrote it.
Elsa (reading): "Hi! My name is Elsa Bjergsen, and I'm five and a half years old. I read that a message in a bottle once travelled for seventeen months over 14.500 kilometres from where it was cast into the sea. Isn't that neat? I hope mine goes even farther, and also that whoever finds it is having a very nice day. Please write me back. I live on the Crumbling Isle in Windenburg. P.S. My sister says this won't work, but I bet her five simoleons it would!"
Gabby: See – it’s definitely you.
Elsa: Ha! Yes. My sister owes me 5 simoleons.


Gabby: I found a few others too.
Elsa: Really? Who were they from?
Gabby (reading): "I be sending off a short riddle, matey. Solve it if ye can! Why are pirates pirates?" Written on the other side in large letters is the answer: "They just Arrrrr!"
Elsa: A pirate joke. That’s a corny one !
Gabby : This one is a bit stranger "I'm sorry Temperance, but your calcium-rich sister has stolen my heart. Maybe in another life things could have worked out between us. - G."
Elsa: Oh – is that from that ghost – Guidry? I know Temperance is a really bad-tempered ghost and now I see why. I’d hate my boyfriend to go off with my sister.
Gabby: But why is her sister described as calcium-rich? It makes no sense.
Elsa: It does if Bonehilda is her sister. She’s a skeleton but I’ve never heard that she and Temperance were sisters.
Gabby: I suppose I could try to find out from them…


Rose: Are you sure people will pay me to do such simple things?
Teacher: Yes. I hope you’re not too depressed by your future options.
Rose: Not a bit. I feel great!
Watcher: Phew.


Rodrigo: Mama!
Gabby: Yes, sweet pirate. Your Mama got a promotion with a Globe. Do you know Princess Cordelia used to spin it to find out where to go on her next adventure. (Build/Buy)
Rodrigo: Venta?
Gabby: Your next adventure is blowing your candles out!
Rodrigo: Pfft
Gabby: OK, Mr Independent, you can do things by yourself but don’t go too far!


Greta: I’ve done it. I’m a Freelance Botanist.
Gabby: You’ve done an amazing job. What’s next?
Greta: I’ve thought about what you said, my previous mischievousness, and I’m going for Chief of Mischief. I’m really hoping to have more fun, even though Mum died yesterday.
Gabby: We’ll miss Hilary and I’m sorry we couldn’t reverse your Gloomy nature but I think you’ll be just fine.


Faiz: I love that you still exercise in that cheerleader outfit.
Gabby: Wanna Try for a Baby?
Faiz: Really? I thought we were getting a bit old for another one. I’ll be an elder next week.
Gabby: I’m having a midlife crisis even though I’ve changed to the Mixology career but, trust me, you don’t want me trying the other things I’m thinking about!
Faiz: You know I can’t refuse you anything when you’re dressed like that. Let’s Try for a Baby.
Gabby: 3 times.
Faiz: 3? Yay!


Watcher: Tomi! Have you just nicked Rose’s outsized crops?
Tomi: It’s called scrumping.
Watcher: I am not having that argument again. Time to put a fence around those vegetable plots!
Tomi: And round the barbeque. We just can’t stop making herbals.


Rose: Me, your Fairing Friend? There isn’t a red ribbon in here, is there?
Mayor: No but Doug is the best llama here so you’ll get it at the end. Is your Mum here to help you get him home?
Rose: No. She didn’t want to miss work. She’s developed a rivalry with a colleague – Catarina Lynx – and she’s all fired up about it. Doug will be fine with me.


L-to-R: Rose, Gabby holding Rodrigo, Faiz
Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - ✔️Neighbourhood Confident, Successful Lineage 1/4, Super Parent 3/4; Skills – Charisma 9, Cooking 9, Fishing 5, Fitness 5, Parenting 8, Writing 7
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 13/20
•   Unlock the career Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 2/3
•   Grow available fruit 30/?
•   Write book in every genre 6/? (Children’s, Short Stories, Flirty, Playful, Motivational, Fantasy)
•   Help people: 7 (Faiz, Lucia, Lilith, Mateo, Tomi, Rahul, Lavinia, Jenna & Alonso Akiyama, Greta Laurent – achieved Freelance Botanist)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive/Silly Loves Outdoors, Outgoing; Top Notch Infant, Happy Toddler, Slumber Party Animal, Creative Genius, Whiz Kid, Artistic Prodigy
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 10 (Autumn 2/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

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RIP Hilary – loving wife and faithful friend, hard-working chef and devoted mother. Her story with Hector is a simple one: they met when Hector had learnt from his treatment of Lucia; their mutual attitude of hard work and the combination of family businesses – wedding and restaurants – led to affection and then love. Both of them felt they didn’t deserve each other and that’s a good place to start.

I don’t think Gabby will be making contact with Guidry to unravel his history with Temperance and Bonehilda although I do have the paranormal pack. She’s got enough going on in her own life. Plus there are 2 big historic Tartosa characters whose overlapping stories take precedence.

Faiz originally started the Mixology career, with it’s pirate-related bonus at level 6, but he arrived hating Mixology and I have tried not to change those preferences. Gabby finally got the Journalist’s globe and will hopefully get her promotions in Mixology. I’ve got to get her sorted with Catarina first – promotions will be denied until I do. I’ve not had this work rivalry before but it will be interesting.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 10 – They Just Arrrrr!
« Reply #56 on: January 15, 2024, 12:24:48 PM »
Did your neighborhood vote in the Self-Sufficiency N.A.P.?
I'm not sure if that's the NAP, but one of them causes sims to constantly brew Destressing Concoctions.
It's super stressful, though!

Has Gabby decided to go for a Big Happy Family?  Is Faiz allowed to drink one Potion of Youth?
Gabby's such an overly-busy busybody. I can see why she's decided against pursuing Guidry's thread.
I'd never known that Bonehilda was Temperance's sister, either!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 10 – They Just Arrrrr!
« Reply #57 on: January 15, 2024, 01:18:54 PM »
Did your neighborhood vote in the Self-Sufficiency N.A.P.?
I'm not sure if that's the NAP, but one of them causes sims to constantly brew Destressing Concoctions.
It's super stressful, though!

Has Gabby decided to go for a Big Happy Family?  Is Faiz allowed to drink one Potion of Youth?
Gabby's such an overly-busy busybody. I can see why she's decided against pursuing Guidry's thread.
I'd never known that Bonehilda was Temperance's sister, either!
So many questions, lol.
Yes, the NAP is to blame for the de-stressing potion. I do put them in the fridge as they appear but then forget to use them when the Sims are stressed. The cooking NAP is handy if you want a lot of cake...

No Big Happy Family. Gabby's having an early mid-life crisis. Try For  a Baby 3 times was the best of a bad bunch. Get Divorced & Get Married plus make friends with the EZ Speaker are the others   :o

Faiz will continue to age. Currently he looks good as a silver fox.

I think the bottle message from G to Temperance is the only suggestion anywhere that Bonehilda is her sister. Unravelling hints for Sims folklore and tracking down their origins. Wiki has all sorts of stuff but doesn't often give references.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 11 – One, Two, Three, Four
« Reply #58 on: January 16, 2024, 02:59:43 PM »
Tartosa Tales: 11 – One, Two, Three, Four

Previously Gabby got to be Neighbourhood Confidante and her mid-life crisis led to another pregnancy. She returned Elsa Bjergsens bottle and helped Greta Laurent complete her Freelance Botanist. Doug the llama won first place at the fair but before Rose needed it as her Countryside Caretaker.

L-to-R: Rose, Gabby holding Rodrigo, Faiz

Rose: Here’s me, geocaching round the Bramblewood maze while I wait for the chocoberries to fruit. Don’t tell any muggles but there’s a brilliant cache hidden right by Sophie the snail. I got a fossil and I’ve swapped it for a capsule simmie.


Rodrigo: One, Nine, Six, FOUR!


Gabby: Don’t judge me! I’ve come to see if I can resolve things with Catarina, my workplace rival. I’m just eavesdropping to make sure I don’t walk in on anything private. Oh! Catarina wants to have babies with lots of different fathers. Well! I wonder how our bosses would feel about that…


Catarina: Thanks for letting me feel your baby. I haven’t got any of my own.
Gabby: Any potential baby-fathers in the picture?
Catarina: Not yet. Anyway, about work…
Gabby: Yes. Our spat is making our colleagues uncomfortable. Shall we put it behind us and be friends?
Catarina: I’d really like that.
Gabby: And maybe you should consider expanding your family?
Catarina: I already am!


Rodrigo: One, two, ten, FOUR
Faiz: Nearly there, little one. Let me throw this away and then we’ll go through it again. I don’t think you’re quite ready to count the candles on my cake!


Rose: Thanks for playing chess with me. I know you need it for your job but I really want to get to the top of Chess Club.
Greta: You’re welcome. I see your dad has finally stopped making deodorising lotion.
Rose: Yes, he’s moved on from being an Outdoor Enthusiast to wanting to be an Angling Ace. It suits me because the birds like gifts of fish.


Gabby: I’m so glad Greta suggested I visit the Von Haunt Estate. Look! There’s a bust of Princess Cordelia and I’m sure that’s one of her paintings, too. Yes, Land-Coral Garden, it says she painted it of her old palace’s painting studio as she was gradually fleeing from the giant sloths. This house was accidentally burned down by Lord Shallot in 1898 but maybe, before he had it, it could have been Princess Cordelia’s palace. There’s so much of her furniture and many of her paintings here.


Gabby: I can’t believe I’m still having a mid-life crisis while going to the hospital to have this baby. Faiz! Are you coming?
Faiz: Just getting your go-bag, darling.
Gabby: I’m sure there must be more clues to where Princess Cordelia’s original kingdom was online. How has no-one pinned it down. I still think it could be Windenburg.


Gabby: Ah – sweet Matilda. Shall we call you Matty…Tilly…which do you prefer?
Matilda: Coo
Gabby: Do you see those plates? Every time Princess Cordelia had a pirate boyfriend, they commissioned a plate with a picture of their parrot on it. When the pirates moved on, they left their plates. Do you like the parrots?
Matilda: Coo


Rodrigo: One, two, four, four
Matilda: ZZZZZ


Rodrigo: Three, FOUR!
Fatima: He seems very fixated on the number Four, Ma’am.
Gabby: Yes, especially when he’s looking at those….oh my! How did I never see it before? The plates!
Fatima: Plates, Ma’am?
Gabby: There’s four of them, one for each pirate boyfriend.
Fatima: Yes, Ma’am.
Gabby: But everyone says Princess Cordelia only had 3 pirate boyfriends. The plates prove she must have had…
Rodrigo: FOUR!


Rose: Who’s a clever boy?
Rodrigo: FOUR
Rose: Mum is so happy with you. She’s pulling together all the information about Princess Cordelia and she’s nearly ready to write it all up.
Rodrigo: MORE
Rose: OK OK.


Mateo: Thanks for inviting me to the Potluck.
Gabby: Yes. I’m only sorry I can’t seem to cook any more food now everyone’s here.
Mateo: Never mind, more than enough to go round. I see Jenna’s here, with grey hair like me.
Gabby: Yes although island life is suiting her, she keeps visiting Mt Komorebi. You know Princess Cordelia wrote in her bottle that she might return North when she left here. That means she’d been there before.
Mateo: Really? I thought she explored there after she left.
Gabby: This is what it says, "I'm not leaving due to sorrow. Rather, John's sudden death has reminded me how precious life is. A life of adventure would be most fulfilling, and I intend to make the most of every day. Perhaps I will return to the arctic waters and see the lights in the sky once again." It is confusing because I thought it was Rodrigo who died here…
Rodrigo: ????
Mateo: Happy Birthday, young fella.
Rodrigo: Pfft
Mateo: Creative, I see. Drawing, music, what will it be I wonder.


Rodrigo: I wish some kids would come visit so I can play marbles. Still, I need some stories reading to me. I’ll go and find Dad. He opened one of the bottles last time he read me a story. It was from my namesake, Rodrigo de Pablo. It was stained, like he’d tipped the inkwell over it. It said, "Stubbed my foot yesterday on an anchor, so I'm spending the day beachside. I thought it might be interesting to write my first message in a bottle. Today's thoughts: Sims are always asking me what happened to my ship, Peggy Leg. Well, she sank. Technically... I sank her, but I prefer to avoid technicalities of such a nature. It was an incident involving some kelp, a Mersim, and a dolphin. Anyways, I hope if anyone finds this letter they're in healthier condition than me. Stay safe out there. It's a dangerous world. - Captain Rodrigo De Pablo." Can you imagine a story with a Mersim, a dolphin and some kelp! Amazing!


Matilda: MRwoar! Mrwoar!
Watcher: That’s right, Tilly. Hippos do make that strange sound. I’m glad you’re playing happily. Everyone is just so busy!


Rose: Swapping Chess Club for Life Guard duty, I just hope my outfit includes a dry-robe when the weather gets cooler! Brrr! At least I’m not really cursed. I really wish I hadn’t opened that bottle! It said, "Ye be readin' the letter I wrote, arrrr ye? Well, now you're cursed! Ha. Me and me trusty parrot will be free! - Captain Y. Eet". Hm…I wonder if Mum knows about Captain Y. Eet.


L-to-R: Rose, Gabby holding Matilda, Faiz, Rodrigo

Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations -
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 16/20
•   ✔️Unlock the career Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 3/3
•   Grow available fruit 34/?
•   Write book in every genre 6/? (Children’s, Short Stories, Flirty, Playful, Motivational, Fantasy)
•   Help people: 7 (Faiz, Lucia, Lilith, Mateo, Tomi, Rahul, Lavinia, Jenna & Alonso Akiyama, Greta Laurent)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; ✔️Outdoor Enthusiast
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Loves Outdoors, Outgoing; Top Notch Infant, Happy Toddler, Slumber Party Animal, Creative Genius, Whiz Kid, Artistic Prodigy; Country Caretaker 3/4, Goal Oriented 2/3
Rodrigo Jaleel Gen 2: Creative
Matilda Jaleel Gen 2: Sunny
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 11 (Autumn 3/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

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With so much happening, I forgot to take any pictures of Rodrigo's Cask - the reward for Gabby getting to level 6 of the Mixology career - thus completing that aspect of her little challenge. She got offered and accepted a new job in athletics.

Princess Cordelia’s original kingdom is said to be not far from Tartosa which I feel places it in a European setting. It must be bounded by seas to allow her to escape on her submersible. Windenburg does fit the bill on those counts.

I think it might be time for us to pull all the threads together and try to tell Princess Cordelia’s story chronologically.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 11 – One, Two, Three, Four (16-Jan)
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2024, 01:10:07 AM »
My favorite part has to be Princess Cordelia collecting portraits of her boyfriends' parrots.
No notches on her belt or bedpost for Princess Cordelia!
Also, Rose looks gorgeous in her swimwear!

I have yet to play a sim until they have a midlife crisis...sounds pretty scary!

