Author Topic: Tartosa Tales: Complete (6-Feb)  (Read 16843 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 6 – One Wedding And A Funeral (30-Dec)
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2023, 03:56:16 AM »
Rose is a beautiful toddler!
I confess that I've always had a soft spot for Hector Laurent but have never cared much for Mateo Markovic.
When I was new to the "Discuss expanding the family" social, my sim unintentionally made Hilary Laurent get pregnant as an elder.  I wonder if that's been fixed or if it's by design?

When completing the Message in a Bottle collection, I enjoyed reading all the messages from Tartosa locals.
Rose thanks you for the compliment :) Her default hair is quite long for a toddler but it suits her slightly wild ways.

I quite like Lucia Markovic, or should I say "liked" (sniff) although she's been a bit passive in getting what she wants. Mateo? You're right. I'm not a fan of his looks or his attitude. How could he not get on and marry Lucia when she's been hurt in the past and arranging marriages is his thing! Also, I agree with the Laurents. There's plenty of wedding business to go around. He needs to stop feeling jealous and just get on with it! Anyway, Gabby got closer to the Markovics and now she just can't stop herself "helping" them.

Hector Laurent is a bit of a stiff! Plus he's pear-shaped. I'm not very keen on him. Hilary's lovely and so are Arnessa and Greta.

The bottle messages from locals have now all been returned to their writers. There are a few distant ones to unravel and, of course the historic ones... I've had fun with them so far.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2024, 07:06:08 AM »
Lucia’s Story

Hi. This is me and my best friend Hilary. We lodged together as teens in Piccola Luce, Porto Luminosa, Tartosa. I loved the name of our house: Piccola because I love music plus Luce is what my best friends called me back then. Our landlady did "mother" us a bit and we had a curfew but she was just looking out for us.

Lucia Teen.jpg

Tartosa is a beautiful place. We were told early on that we should pay our respects to Arnessa Thebe who was sort of like the Lady of the Manor, well Lady of Thebe Estate anyway. Hilary was too busy swimming in the bay – she was always doing that – so I went on my own.


I was worried that I might be dressed a bit too informally but Arnessa was still in her PJs and didn’t get changed the whole time I was there! She was busy working on the computer but I found out later that she was Trolling the Forums! She was quite mischievous when you got to know her. Fun to be with but you definitely had to watch out!


Arnessa introduced me to her son Hector. She introduced me as Lucia but he called me “Luce” straight away, without even asking. He was dressed quite oddly for a teen. That wretched hat – he probably wore it to bed! Something about a nod to his swashbuckling ancestry but it didn’t look very piratical to me.


Still, he was very Outgoing like me. He started showing off something his butler had taught him – can you believe he had a butler? It did make me laugh and he laughed too.


I’m not too sure how it happened but, one minute we were laughing and the next minute he was kissing my neck. Oh, it was intoxicating. No-one had ever kissed me like that before. I had to leave to get home by the lodging house curfew but I must have flown home. I don’t remember my feet touching the ground! I didn’t tell anyone, not even Hilary. It felt too precious to share.

The next day, after school, Hector rang the house to ask me on a date but my landlady must have picked up the call and told him I was busy. He sent me a private text and asked me to meet him at the park near the funfair in Copperdale. I sneaked out and got there. I was so glad I did because he asked me to be his girlfriend. I wasn’t just floating on air. I was floating on clouds that were floating on air.


And then he invited me to his Prom – a different school to me. I said yes, of course, even though the Promposal sign was a bit clumsy. He did suggest that maybe we could “practise” on the cuddle carts. Our landlady had told us what that meant so, I said “no”. I wanted to save myself for my one and only so I made that clear.


Can you believe Hector said that I was his one and only? He even gave me a ring to “prove” it. Looking back, maybe he meant it at the time, in the moment. But I can’t help feeling that it was just a game to him.


Hector suggested we could go on the cuddle carts but there was no pressure to…you know. But I was still floating high above the clouds. I should have run a mile when he kissed me passionately before we went in. I lost my head…and not only that!


I didn’t see Hector again until the Prom. I got there before him so it’s just as well that I’m Outgoing. I met this lovely girl Morgan. She didn’t believe me that I was Hector’s girlfriend so I showed her some pictures of us together. Still, at least she talked to me. Everyone else ignored me.


Hector turned up in that stupid hat. He did change but it wasn’t the best start to the evening. See the girl behind him? I found out later that her name was Luna and there was a good reason that she was looking at us so oddly.


Hector was hungry so he had some of the mutton biryani. He said it was delicious so I told him it was my friend Hilary’s cooking. Her family were catering the event. Hector said we should put them in touch with his mother…they were making plans to open a wedding venue and needed a good caterer. They wanted somewhere upmarket, not like the Lounge where they always played Electronica. Hector hated Electronica music. That’s why he never went there.


I saw Morgan later, looking at Luna’s photos, when I was about to dance with Hector. They kept looking over to us and looking puzzled. Or was it angry? Upset?


I asked Hector about it, especially after Luna left, looking so sad even after getting voted Prom Royalty. He said not to worry about her, that she’d tried to mess him about and he’d had to “sort her out”. I wasn’t sure what that meant but then the “last dance” started and Hector started kissing me and…


When Hector and I joined the others at the funfair, the cold air cleared my head. The evening hadn’t made sense so far…Morgan not believing that I could be Hector’s girlfriend, Luna getting so upset and Hector acting like nothing had happened. I had given myself completely to Hector. I needed to know what was going on.


“It’s OK, sweetheart” he said. “You’re the one with my promise ring” he said. “I’ve just got a crush on both of you and I can’t seem to get over either of you”. Oh really?


Hector admitted he’d been dating Luna, because of his crush. But he’d gone when she’d invited him on a date but she’d left immediately, standing him up. So that’s when he decided that I was his best option! Option? And what about his crush on Luna? That he couldn’t seem to get over?


Hector just couldn’t understand why I felt so humiliated. Everyone at the Prom had thought he was dating Luna and must have thought he was cheating on her with me. He thought I was being silly since he had chosen me, I should be grateful. After all, he said, my name was "Luce" so why should I mind if people thought I was..."loose". For all he knew, he said, he wasn't even my "first"! And then he walked off, muttering about seeing me again when I’d come to my senses.


Well, dear Reader, I never did “come to my senses” in the way that Hector wanted. I kept well away. I also kept it to myself which is why Hilary didn’t know. When they started dating, I reached a really low point. She thought he was wonderful and I didn’t know how to tell her she deserved someone better. It felt like I'd lost my best friend. I used to hide out at the Lounge when I knew Hector was going to visit. I knew they’d never come there because he hated the music they played. But that’s where I met Mateo.


You know the rest. We got engaged, set up our own wedding business that is more than a match for Hectors. Plus we had our wonderful Tomi. I don't like being called "Luce" any more, "Lucia" is much better. I steered clear of Hector but Hilary stayed my best friend and I'm also very fond of Arnessa, Hector’s mother.

Eventually Gabby helped us get married and we had baby Arya too. I even forgave Hector. I really did got my happily ever after, even if it took longer than expected.



To get most of the screenshots, I played this little story out in a new save game, having aged down all the main players and getting rid of the originals so they didn’t bump into their older selves! Most of the gameplay was from Hector’s side and then Mateo’s.

When Hector first asked Lucia on a date, she must have turned him down but there was no notification. He was embarrassed about an awkward conversation but that was it. Lucia did come when he invited her to meet at the park.

This story is my imagining of what Lucia’s history with Hector might have been from the Grapevine Gossip that she and others let slip. She’s always seemed a little passive so it was a surprise to find that her adult trait is Ambitious. The notion of a naïve, idealistic teen being taken advantage of while Hector was also somewhat immature was one way to reconcile the snippets.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story (3-Jan)
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2024, 12:44:44 PM »
Ugh, Hector was definite NOT an attractive teen!
He has such a whimsical air as an adult with this little moustache, though.
I'm happy that Lucia finally got Mateo to commit!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story (3-Jan)
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2024, 03:29:43 PM »
Ugh, Hector was definite NOT an attractive teen!
He has such a whimsical air as an adult with this little moustache, though.
I'm happy that Lucia finally got Mateo to commit!
Hector the teen definitely needed a serious makeover. But he wasn't ever going to be a hero in Lucia's story so I was a bit unsympathetic towards him.
I only played him for one teen week, during which he developed just the two crushes. Whenever he was with Luna, he had whims to be with Lucia and then vice versa. When he accepted a date with Luna and then she ran off immediately, ending the date in Strangerville of all places, I nearly cheered!
We'll get to know him a bit better in future episodes and maybe we'll find out why Hilary loves him. I hope it's not just his money, lol!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story (3-Jan)
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2024, 12:49:36 AM »
I know this is from an earlier post, but I'm catching up and I have to say I did  enjoy Judith Ward as wedding officiant pronouncing Lucia and Mateo husband and wife by the power invested in her awesomeness. 😂

I also really enjoyed Lucia's story.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story (3-Jan)
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2024, 02:53:24 AM »
I know this is from an earlier post, but I'm catching up and I have to say I did  enjoy Judith Ward as wedding officiant pronouncing Lucia and Mateo husband and wife by the power invested in her awesomeness. 😂

I also really enjoyed Lucia's story.
Judith was fun to have in Gabby's club. It's useful information to note that it's easy to become Judith's friend if you join the acting career - as colleagues, it's easy to socialize. Not that anyone would befriend her purely as a gold-digging exercise, of course  ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed Lucia's story - poor, tragic Lucia. We should find out the cause of her demise in Gabby's next update.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Lucia’s Story (3-Jan)
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2024, 12:14:43 PM »
Tartosa Tales: 7 - Bottled Up

Previously Gabby helped Lucia marry her fiancé Mateo, negotiating with the purchase of a llama, before their baby girl Arya was born. Their daughter Tomi achieved her Bodybuilder Aspiration and moved back in with her parents to help. Gabby and Faiz celebrated their smaller household by holidaying in Granite Falls but got a call from Tomi to say that her mother Lucia had died

L-to-R: Gabby holding Rose, Faiz

Faiz: Mateo? Yes, we’re back from Granite Falls. We were devastated to hear about Lucia.
Rose: Tomi?
Gabby: Yes, sweetie, your Daddy is asking them now.
Faiz: Listen, Mateo, we thought – with baby Arya – you might need some help. You can come and stay here if you like? No, not the llama. We don’t have the room.


Rahul: I’d heard you moved back.
Tomi: Yes, it’s better for Arya. Dad wasn’t coping so he’s having a complete break from work.
Rahul: I’m so sorry about your Mum. What happened?
Tomi: We’ve got the death certificate. It says she fell from a great height! I don’t know where it was. They haven’t even brought her body home.
Rahul: The only place I know of with great heights is Mt Komorebi. I’d be lost without my mother. We’ve moved to Willow Creek, you know. You can come visit anytime.
Rose: Tomi?
Tomi: Hello, little shadow. Didn’t I just put you to bed?
Rose: Storwy?
Tomi: In a minute. Rahul, I’d love to visit you in Willow Creek.
Rahul: Great because I’d really like you to meet Mum. She knows how I feel about you.
Tomi: And how is that, exactly?
Rose: TOMI!
Tomi: Just a minute.
Rahul: I feel like this!
Tomi: Oh!
Rose: WAH!!!!!!


Camille: How’s it going, Mateo?
Mateo: It’s OK. Actually, it’s a bit weird. We’ve put most of our furniture in storage but Gabby said we should keep out a few things to remind us of Lucia, like the Sea Star Table Lamp…
Camille: Oh, the one that Princess Cordelia designed because star fish kept blocking her submersible portholes? (build/buy)
Mateo: Plus the Tunicate Wall Sconces, modelled after Cordelia’s favourite sea sponge. (build/buy) We’ve also installed the Last Resort Sink.
Camille: That’s the one Cordelia built in the hopes that her stinky pirate boyfriend would use it. She went as far as installing emergency cologne stations throughout her submarine. Then she dumped him! (build/buy)
Mateo: Anyway, it all reminds me of Lucia, one way or another. I miss my llama too…
Camille: Back in the old days, pirates were always arriving at port to trade their stolen llamas for tarts and treats. There was one llama, however, that became something of a town legend. His name was Doug. They say he could spit over forty feet
Mateo: That’s utterly ridiculous! Is that why he’s famous?
Camille: No. One day, a pirate named Two-Eye Charlie arrived to steal back the llamas, and the villagers were too terrified to fight back. Doug wasn’t afraid.
Mateo: What did he do?
Camille: He spat directly into Two-Eye Charlie’s eye, renaming him One-Eye Charlie. He lef in rather a hurry soon thereafter! (Grapevine Gossip)


Rose: Storwy!
Tomi: OK, Rose, I’ll tell you what Camille told me about Princess Cordelia.
Rose: Pincess?
Tomi: History will never know exactly why Princess Cordelia left Tartosa. We know she was one of the first Sims to explore the arctic waters in her submersible, the Eppsilon and that was after she had already left.
Rose: Why?
Tomi: Perhaps she, like the locals, was afraid it was only a matter of time before the dreaded sloths swam to our shores.
Rose: Sloths?
Tomi: Or perhaps she was an adventurer at heart, unable to settle in one spot for too long. Maybe it was the death of her beloved Rodrigo that pushed her away?
Mateo: That’s a bit sad for a little girl to hear. Actually, it’s a bit sad full-stop.
Tomi: Sorry Dad. It’s a bit close to home, isn’t it.


Rose: Wine a bobbie up; wine a bobbie up
Arya: Gurgle
Rose: Pull pull; cap cap cap!
Arya: Coo!


Mateo: The only heights we can find are these ones but there’s no sign of Lucia’s grave. I wish I knew where she fell. She’s slipping from my memories. I can’t help but think of all we’ve lost…


Hilary: I love coming here and meeting up with Arnessa’s ghost. I’m sure Hector would love to come too.
Gabby: I can’t really invite him while Mateo’s staying here.
Hilary: No. I do miss Lucia. She liked Arnessa too. When I first met Arnessa, I was absolutely terrified. I mean, you know the rumours are true, right?
Gabby: That she’s descended from Princess Cordelia? So she’s basically royalty.
Hilary: I expected her to be a bit of a snob, but she’s not at all. Whether she admits to it or not, she has a real penchant for mischief. She loves playing little pranks on people. I’m wondering if that’s rubbed off a little too much on the kids…
Gabby: They seem like good kids.
Hilary: Thanks.


Mateo: Hello?
Sofia: Gabby invited me round for a chat, you haven’t seen her, have you?
Mateo: No. I’ve just got my daughter to bed and was going to practice my piano. Do you mind if I carry on?
Sofia: Oh, I love music. What sort is your favourite?
Mateo: Anything but Electronica!
Sofia: They play that all the time in the Lounge.
Mateo: I own the Lounge. I try to stop the staff but as soon as my back is turned, they put it back on!
Sofia: That’s funny!
Mateo: I suppose it is. Just a minute, my phone’s ringing. Oh Lucia? How wonderful to hear your voice!
Sofia: Lucia?
Mateo: It’s my late wife. She says she’s pleased we’ve become friends and that you’re pretty cool!
Sofia: Late as in dead?


Gabby: Thanks for bringing the groceries. It’s so great that we can get more fruit without having to find mature plants.
Lilith: You’re welcome. Apparently my university degree has led me to a flourishing career as a delivery girl. When I’m not being a food vendor, of course!
Gabby: Did you say your name was Lilith Pleasant?
Lilith: What of it?
Gabby: It’s just, I’ve got this message in a bottle written by a Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant. Are you related to them? I can’t track them down anywhere.
Lilith: Oh!
Gabby: Let me read it, "We send this wish adrift while on honeymoon at Sunlit Tides. May our marriage be as blissful as life is now." Encapsulated in a heart at the bottom are the names Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant. (Bottle)
Lilith: Oh!
Gabby: What is it? What’s wrong?
Lilith: They were our parents! Angela and me, we’re twins. Mum and Dad did honeymoon in Sunlit Tides. It sounds like they were really hopeful about their marriage. But Dad was Non-Committal and Mum was work-obsessed. (bio) There was a lot of tension, growing up. We haven’t kept in touch. I don’t even know if they’re still alive.
Gabby: That sounds complicated. Do you want me to continue looking for them?
Lilith: No, I’ll take the bottle. Maybe it’s time to re-connect…


Mateo: Oh, Sofia. I’m so glad you came on holiday with us.
Sofia: Oh, Mateo.
Mateo: Oh, Sof….
Sofia: You know, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and wanted to ask if you’d like to live together?
Mateo: Yes, I’d love that!
Sofia: I’d have to move in with you because my family home is full.
Mateo: Oh, is that why we couldn’t try for a baby?
Sofia: We haven’t’ discussed children?
Mateo: I’d love to make babies with you, if that’s OK?
Sofia: Let’s try right now!


Mateo: Beautiful, blooming Sofia, will you do me the honour?
Sofia: But, Tomi…won’t she mind? I can’t replace her mother.
Tomi: No but you’ll be a great Mum to Arya. She loves you already.
Sofia: But…
Tomi: I’ve got other plans. You don’t need to worry about me. Just look at Dad! He loves you so much he’s become Loyal!


Rose: Well that was an exciting holiday!
Tomi: Tell me about it! Dad getting engaged to Sofia…
Rose: Me having my birthday…
Tomi: Sofia pregnant with my half-sibling…
Rose: Isn’t it Arya’s birthday today, too?
Tomi: Oops, where is she?


Rose: Avast there, you scurvy lot! This here is my good ship Red Annie and my name is Dread Pirate Morgan. Give me all your treasure and I’ll be off to sail the seven seas!


Watcher: Is that…? I don’t believe it. I had you make that cupcake cake for tomorrows wedding! And now you’re eating a piece?
Gabby: Mmm, it’s delicious.
Watcher: Get in that kitchen and bake another one, straight away!
Gabby: OK! But Camille and Arnessa are here.
Watcher: Well you do need to chat to Arnessa but Camille will tell more to Tomi…
Arnessa: Gabby! I’ve been reading through old letters I received years ago. I rather miss my Aunt Queen and Uncle Eetion. My father and I used to visit them from time to time when I was a little girl. Those were my first trips on the ocean.
Gabby: To think that you have ancestors who spent time on pirate ships or submersibles!
Arnessa: I thought I was quite the wild child just going out on a sailboat from time to time!


Gabby: Well, this is a bit of a disaster!
Mateo: Maybe we should have just eloped.
Sofia: No, silly. If I’m to help you in the business, I need to know the ropes. Gabby, carry on officiating. We’ll be inside soon enough for the toasts and cake.
Gabby: About the cake...
Mateo: Nothing is going to plan! Do we walk UP the ailse or DOWN it?
Sofia: We’ll be fine, darling. Look, even Judith is smiling despite not being the officiant.
Mateo: I hadn’t realised how old she’d gotten. Who’s the guy in the mini-skirt? That doesn’t fit our purple bo-ho dress code!


Rahul: Well that was interesting. And you say your Dad and step-Mum are going to move back to your family home? Tartosa has a lot of history.
Tomi: Camille told me that the locals, at the time of the Great Sloth Invasion were terrified the sloths might make it here.
Rahul: I guess sloths are surprisingly strong swimmers, using their long arms to propel through the water at an alarming speed they’re never able to attain on land.
Tomi: Thankfully, they never reached our shores. We might not be here today if they had. I shudder to think!
Rahul: But you’re not going to stay here. You said you’d move in with me and mother.
Tomi: Are you sure she’s OK with that?
Rahul: Oh yes. She wants a Successful Lineage so…
Tomi: Say no more! Dad wants 4 grandchildren! Parents, eh!


Rose: The house seems quiet with just us.
Faiz: And Fatima.
Rose: But no ghosts! Do you think the ladies will be alright with Tomi and Rahul in Willow Creek?
Faiz: It’s not exactly Tartosa…
Rose: And there won’t be any fruit tarts!
Faiz: Camille said the tart was invented in Tartosa. Lady Matilda loved fruit, you see, and one of her suitors created the dessert to impress her – going so far as to name it after her. Demand for the confectionary went up when the pirates started arriving to trade their stolen llamas. At that point, there was what is now known as “The Great Tart Crisis.” Due to a lack of supply, other pastries had to be made to satisfy the needs of supply and demand.
Rose: Lucky for us, we can grab a macaron anytime we like! (Grapevine Gossip)


Hilary: Thank you so much for inviting Hector to the club.
Gabby: Well, I wanted to get to know him too. I’ve really only heard Lucia’s side.
Hilary: It was so long ago that he hurt her and there’s so much more to him.
Gabby: He was telling me all about your roast duck.
Hilary: Yes, that’s one of my family recipes. Most of the recipes in the shops are. My parents started those restaurants and kind of had a restaurant empire of sorts here. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: You must work so hard.
Hilary: We’re a team, me and Hector. It’s a good life.


Gabby: Hey, Yamachan, I’m looking for…
Yamachan: A selfie? Of course!
Gabby: No but…OK. Cheese!


Gabby: Do you know where I can find Jenna Akiyama? I’ve asked this lady but apparently she’s too much of a celeb to talk to me politely!
Local: Oh, erm, that’s Megumi Ito. Let’s talk over here….
Gabby: OK….but do you know where Jenna lives? With her husband Kado?
Local: Look, it’s complicated. But the short version is that Kado Akiyama is dead. Jenna is still in Mt Komorebi but in the town area, not up here in the mountains.
Gabby: Great. Thanks for the info. I’ll travel on down there.
Local: Perhaps I should tell you….too late, she’s gone.


Gabby: Thanks for inviting me in, Jenna. Can I interview you for a story I’m doing?
Jenna: If it’s about Kado’s death I can’t help you.
Gabby: People say he died of drowning? But his urn was left at the corner of your lot?
Jenna: What can I say? It must have been a freak rainstorm or something. The river’s down in the valley. I really don’t know the details.
Gabby: It must be hard with the little one.
Jenna: Yes, having little Alonso was supposed to bring us closer together…


Gabby: Look, Jenna, I don’t know if you want it or not but I found this bottle with a message in it, "I took the train to visit the sea today. My husband doesn't know. Ever since we moved to Senbamachi, I can tell something is... off. The leaves are beautiful and it's much quieter. I think the fresh air is good for the children, but is it good for my husband and me? - J"
Jenna: Oh
Gabby: That is you, isn’t it?
Jenna: Oh, I’ve been so alone for so long.
Gabby: But Kado only died a little while ago.
Jenna: Before that – as soon as we moved back here to Kado’s home town. It all went wrong.
Gabby: What happened.
Jenna: Megumi Ito…
Gabby: I’ve met her….sort of.
Jenna: She was Kado’s high school crush. He didn’t know she was back here when we moved back but as soon as he saw her…well, he just didn’t see me anymore.
Gabby: I’m so sorry.
Jenna: Actually, it’s been good telling someone about it. You know I’ve had to go around pretending that I miss Kado when I feel like I lost him a long time ago. I feel a bit better. I’ve not told the kids. They idolized their father. And the locals – well he was a local boy, made good.
Gabby: I won’t write this up. Your secret’s safe with me. Maybe you should think about moving?
Jenna: Maybe I should!
Gabby: By the way, did you say the river is down in the valley?
Jenna: Yes. It’s a lovely place for a quick dip, if you’ve got your costume.


Gabby: Who needs a costume!


L-to-R: Rose, Gabby, Faiz
Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - Freelance Botanist 3/4, Mansion Baron 1/4, Soulmate 3/4; Skills – Charisma 8, Cooking 8, Gardening 9, Writing 6
•   Gather all Grapevine Gossip – ✔️Arnessa 13/13, ✔️Camille 22/22, ✔️Dominique 18/18, Hector 3/8, Hilary 8/9
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 8/20 (Daniel & Mary-Sue Pleasant, Jenna Akiyama)
•   Unlock the Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 1/3
•   Grow available fruit 23/?
•   Write book in every genre 1/? (Children’s)
•   Help people: 6 (Faiz, Lucia, Tomi, Lilith – reassess relationship with parents, Mateo Markovic – get a llamaback on track to get a Big Happy Family, Jenna Akiyama - someone to talk to)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive/Silly Outgoing; Top Notch Infant, Happy Toddler
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 7 (Summer 3/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Faiz, Gabby and even Rose stayed really sad about Lucia dying for days after Mateo, Tomi and Arya did. In fact, they'd got over it by the time they moved in. It was a little disconcerting.

As soon as Tomi moved in with Rahul and his mother Lavina, I realised that Lavina’s Successful Lineage and Mateo’s Big Happy Family can both be “helped” by Tomi and Rahul getting busy straight away. Hopefully, they’ll just need a few nudges to expand their family along the way.

I try to do most of Gabby’s research/”helping” from playing her family but I went into the Akiyama family to find out how Kado died. Drowning – with his urn left on the corner of his home lot? Very suspicious if you ask me! Still, better than poor Lucia. I found out that she died by falling from a great height once Tomi’s family had moved in. Her urn still hasn’t turned up.

You might be glad to know that the lovely Sofia has gifted Mateo with not one but two beautiful daughters, Layla and Rylee.

As Dominique and Camille have "left" the household, you might like to see how they got their "happily ever after" in the official Wedding Stories trailer here
Arnessa's story? I'm hoping Hector might provide a few more clues before Gabby can pull that one together.

I would like Gabby to help both Jenna move from an unhelpful location and Tomi to have a better place to put the ladies’ graves. That needs thinking about before their families get any bigger….

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 7 - Bottled Up (4-Jan)
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2024, 12:35:32 AM »
I read all those messages in the bottles when my ( @sdhoey 's) Sim (Colt Brooks) collected them in my Big Dreams Dynasty, but your story really brings them to life. I didn't realize how much lore is really buried in the messages and in the gossip. I'm enjoying the way you are writing this and incorporating all the lore.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 7 - Bottled Up (4-Jan)
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2024, 02:30:26 AM »
I read all those messages in the bottles when my ( @sdhoey 's) Sim (Colt Brooks) collected them in my Big Dreams Dynasty, but your story really brings them to life. I didn't realize how much lore is really buried in the messages and in the gossip. I'm enjoying the way you are writing this and incorporating all the lore.
I was worried that I wouldn't find Lilith or Angela Pleasant as they've moved out of their Britechester home. But then Lilith turned as a delivery girl so I was really happy about that.
I'm glad Jenna was in her original home. Her bio, from the Household Management description is a sad tale and she seems really nice.
There's just one or maybe two more "present day" bottles to unravel before we dive into the older ones.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 7 - Bottled Up (4-Jan)
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2024, 05:09:49 PM »
O Sofia! Mateo doesn't deserve you!
Wait, isn't Arya the child of the recently deceased Lucia and Mateo?  Oh, I see, Mateo wants a Big Happy Family! You cad! 

On the other hand, I like Tomi and Rahul together and can't wait to meet their offspring! (All four of them?)
So, what happened to the llama?

(The first and last images don't match their captions.)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 7 - Bottled Up (4-Jan)
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2024, 03:21:06 AM »
O Sofia! Mateo doesn't deserve you!
Wait, isn't Arya the child of the recently deceased Lucia and Mateo?  Oh, I see, Mateo wants a Big Happy Family! You cad! 

On the other hand, I like Tomi and Rahul together and can't wait to meet their offspring! (All four of them?)
So, what happened to the llama?

(The first and last images don't match their captions.)
I know - Sofia does deserve better. But I don't have the mod so she was destined to stay single...
The llama is in the household inventory and there is no space to place a shed so it can't be sold. Maybe Gabby could trade it for pastries, lol!

Thanks for pointing out the discrepancies in photos - I'll fix it :)

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Tartosa Tales: Week 8 - Llama Dilemma
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2024, 04:37:27 AM »
Tartosa Tales: 8 - Llama Dilemma

Previously Returning home from Granite Falls, Gabby & Faiz immediately invited widowed Mateo, together with his young adult daughter Tomi and infant Arya, to come and stay with them for a while. Tomi helped to look after toddler Rose as well as her infant sister while Gabby did some matchmaking. On holiday in Granite falls, Rose celebrated her birthday, becoming an outdoor-loving child, while Mateo built on his shared love of music with Sofia Bjergsen. A speedy wedding was arranged when Sofia found out she was pregnant. As they moved back to the Markovic residence with now toddler Arya, Tomi moved in with Rahul Chopra and his mother Lavina in Willow Creek, taking the urns of Arnessa, Dominique & Camille with her. Gabby meanwhile, returned a bottle to Lilith Pleasant that held a honeymoon message from her parents and also a more delicate message in a bottle to widowed Jenna Akiyama

L-to-R: Rose, Faiz, Gabby

Gabby: I didn’t know you liked playing the guitar, Hector?
Hector: You’re encouraging in in your club so I thought I’d give it a go. I hope it’s not too annoying.
Gabby: Not at all. I hope you’re enjoying it.
Hector: It calms me down. My kids have been a bit of a handful sometimes. But I bet if you asked Hilary, she’d say I’m just as much of a handful.
Gabby: Really?
Hector: What can I say? I can be a bit of a party creature from time to time. But that Greta, wow, can she get into some serious mischief when your back is turned. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: I wonder if she’d tell me some of her pranks. I’m writing a Playful book and I need some ideas.


Gabby: Tomi! Look at you! I was going to suggest that you expanded your family but you beat me too it.
Tomi: Well, we were wondering… I’ll let you know.
Gabby: If you’re planning a family, that 2 bed place you’ve got in Willow Creek won’t be big enough.
Tomi: I wish you’d tell Rahul’s mother that. Lavina says the baby can sleep in her room but that’s not ideal.
Gabby: Why don’t you look for somewhere in Tartosa? Stay here while you look!
Tomi: Really? Have you got room?
Gabby: Faiz is sleeping in the tent at the moment – he’s really working on being an Outdoor Enthusiast. Plus Rose wants to sleep in the treehouse. Lavina can sleep in her bed.
Tomi: Wonderful


Lavina: I don’t know, Rahul, it isn’t ideal.
Rahul: It’s only until we find somewhere of our own. Besides, they’ve got loads of books that I can read. I’m on my 2nd. So much choice!
Lavina: Is that Gabby harvesting all the produce? I would have thought with her skills she’d be able to Super Sell it.
Rahul: Harvesting it builds her Gardening skill. Ah – there – she’s just maxed it and become a Freelance Botanist. She’s Fireproof now.
Lavina: Whatever use that is!


Gabby: Thanks for reading to Rose while I work on this Flirty book – I don’t really want her looking over my shoulder.
Lavina: 50 Shades of Pirates? I should think not. This children’s book is much more suitable. Ah – this has fulfilled one of my aspiration milestones!
Rose: And I’m now a Creative Genius. Thank you so much, Lavina. You’re the best.
Lavina: Such a polite child!


Hector: I’m not really a chess fan but I’ll play until you’ve upped a level.
Rahul: Thanks so much, Mr Laurent. Tomi is on her 3rd Flirty painting…
Tomi: This one’s going to be a Masterpiece, I just know it…
Rahul: So we’ve all reached a milestone in our aspirations. We’re hoping to move tomorrow. We love everywhere in Tartosa.
Hector: Everyone always talks up Hideaway Falls and don’t get me wrong, they’re beautiful, but I love just standing out near the beach and looking towards the sea. There’s a whole world of possibility out there, you know?
Rahul: It is lovely. So much more so than Willow Creek, as my mother has finally come to realise.
Hector: Sometime I wonder if I’d like to travel the world a bit, but then I remember that I have everything I need right here at home. (Grapevine Gossip)


Rahul: Well, we’ve got the details of a lot called Piccola Luce…
Hector: Ah – where my wife used to live, with Tomi’s mother…
Rahul: This is a new build buy a designer called lovelylia25. We think it will be perfect for us. Plus we’re going to put the gravestones of Dominique, Camille and your mother Arnessa where they’ll be able to see the ocean when they visit.
Hector: Mother will like that. She always liked the ocean.
Rahul: Don’t tell Gabby, but we’re not taking the llama. No room, see?


Tomi: What the…? Watcher! I leave home for a week and Mum & Dad go and adopt this Cora?
Watcher: Gabby wanting to see if suggesting your Dad expand his family would let your Mum get pregnant in her old age. It didn’t but they adopted Cora instead.
Tomi: You know she’s a Kleptomaniac?
Watcher: I know. I’ll keep an eye on her.
Rose: She can come to my sleepover tonight!
Watcher: Oh dear.


Melina: That’s a great story.
Rose: And I know another one too.
Jerome: Are they all about pirates?
Rose: Pretty much!
Melina: Where’s Cora?
Rose: Oh no. Mum said I wasn’t to let her wander about on her own… I’ll go see.
Jerome: Maybe she’s looking for pirate treasure!
Melina: This is the best sleepover – Gold Star!
Jerome: Rose really is a Slumber Party Animal.


Faiz: If Rose wanted me to teach her how to ride her bicycle, I’d better learn myself. Oh-oh I’m a bit wobbly.


Fatima: Ma’am, I thought you were cooking that cake for your birthday!
Gabby: No-one should cook their own birthday cake.
Fatima: Well, you don’t seem able to ask me to bake one and Sir is so tired that he’s gone to sleep in the tent again. If you don’t bake another one, there’ll be tears in the morning when you age up without one!
Gabby: OK, OK!


Rose: It’s getting late Dad. Where have you been?
Faiz: Just collecting a few bugs. There’s still some daylight. We can make a start while your mother does some fishing.
Rose: I’m so tired. Maybe half a session…


Rose: I don’t know what was going on last night before Dad went out to the tent. There was a lot of noise coming from Mum’s room and then she was rushing to the bathroom all night. I thought sleeping on the mezzanine balcony would be fun but you hear everything. Plus the butler they provide here? Cypress…she has to sleep right next to me. And she snores!


Gabby: Ah – this is nice and restful. And not too far from the lodge in case I need the bathroom again.
Watcher: Well you did want to Try For a Baby…
Gabby: You didn’t have to let me!
Watcher: It didn’t seem fair, enabling everyone else’s dreams and ignoring yours. Still, it might just be a stomach bug…
Gabby: Maybe. We’d better pack up. Faiz has got a good collection of bugs and slept 5 times in the tent. The Akiyamas should be arriving this evening so there’s just time for one last fish…


Gabby: You made it!
Jenna: Are you sure there’s room for all of us?
Gabby: Faiz doesn’t need his tent anymore and Rose will show Alonso the treehouse if he fancies that. Oh – I see he’s aiming more at being a Whiz Kid. Well, they can decide who wants to sleep where. Now, Miki and Taku…


Miki: Don’t worry about us. We’re both young adults now. We’ll be moving down to the Beach Huts.
Gabby: Are you sure? They’re pretty basic.
Miki: They’re a good place to start. We can move if we don’t like it.
Taku: I’d stay but Paranoid Miki heard there were ghosts here.
Gabby: Not anymore but it would make accommodation easier if you are happy to move out… You wouldn’t like a llama would you?
Taku: Sorry, it’s a no-pets policy down there.


Faiz: What are we doing here? I thought Jenna wanted to move away from Mt Komorebi.
Gabby: It seems she’s always wanted to be a Sightseer here but Kado never really showed her around. We’ll see how far we can help her in that before she’s ready to move out. She’s already been for a swim in the river – it’s not too cold yet even though we’ve started Autumn.
Faiz: Speaking of which…we’re well into Sunday now. Aren’t we supposed to have a break?
Gabby: Watcher got carried away looking at Jenna’s dreams – did you know she’s level 6 in her business career but has zero skills? – and now we need to wait for Rose to get back from Scouts so we can bless her.
Faiz: Next week will come soon enough I suppose. But there’s no barbeque here so I can’t up my herbalism. Isn’t that the famous Ito dude?
Gabby: Oh – yes. Time to send Jenna home.


Gabby: Blessings on you, my beautiful daughter and best friend.
Rose: Thanks Mum. Dad blessed me too before running off home.
Gabby: We’ll need to do that too. We need to get Alonso ready for school tomorrow. Plus I agreed to give Jenna a makeover.
Rose: Did you hear Tomi's news? She had her baby but they've adopted one as well.
Gabby: Oh - I didn't expect that to happen. I guess she was already pregnant when I suggested she expand the family... That is something to bear in mind.

L-to-R: Alonzo, Jenna, Gabby, Faiz, Rose
Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - Freelance Botanist 4/4, Angling Ace 2/4, Bestselling Author 1/4, Big Happy Family 1/4, Bodybuilder 1/4, Mansion Baron 1/4, Mt Komorebi Sightseer 1/3, Serial Romantic 2/4, Soulmate 3/4, Successful Lineage 1/4, Super Parent 3/4; Skills – Charisma 8, Cooking 8, Gardening 9, Writing 6
•   Gather all Grapevine Gossip –Hector 5/8, Hilary 8/9
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 8/20
•   Unlock the career Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 1/3
•   Grow available fruit 23/?
•   Write book in every genre 4/? (Children’s – Igor & The Llama Hats; Short Stories – The Pirates of Tartosa; Flirty – 50 Shades of Pirates; Playful – Greta’s Book of Mischief)
•   Help people: 7 (Faiz, Lucia, Lilith, Mateo, Tomi – progress in Art, Rahul – progress in Renaissance, Lavinia – progress in Successful Lineage)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Soulmate; Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive/Silly Loves Outdoors; Top Notch Infant, Happy Toddler, Slumber Party Animal, Creative Genius
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 7 (Summer 4/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I’d previously thought that Rose had become Outgoing but she actually Loves Outdoors – sorry about the confusion.

Gabby is trying out everyone’s aspirations as she gets to know them. She’s a bit of a Jill-of-all-Trades, Mistress-of-None but she’s getting there. Just to remind you, only she and now Rose is being allowed to swap in and out of Aspirations as they dabble. Every other household occupant, long or short term, has what they arrived with until it’s complete.

I always find it strange when pre-made Sims have a career level without the skills needed to get them there. Jenna will be working on those as well as making progress in her aspiration.

We’re not sure yet if Gabby is expecting again so that might give us a time limit on Jenna and Alonso’s stay. Tomi and Rahul are coping well with their 2 little ones although I'm sorry to tell you that Lavina has passed away.
Screenshot 2024-01-06 144153.jpg

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 8 - Llama Dilemma (7-Jan)
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2024, 09:12:10 AM »
About Sofia staying forever single, what happens if Neighborhood Stories is enabled for her household alone?
I barely remember how Neighborhood Stories works but I do recall Morgan Fyres having six kids with one sim, then leaving him to live with someone else and have more kids with the new one.
Mateo & Sofia do make a good match with their Music Lover traits, though.

Oh, it looks like Gabby is trying her hand at Neighborhood Confidante!
Who is Alonso's father?  Did Kado father him before passing away or is he adopted?
As for the llama, is it possible to place it somewhere on Gabby's lot with Move Objects On, assign the Llama to the barn, then sell it?
Oh Cora is a klepto!  Klepto sims are only fun when we're actually playing them, hehe.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 8 - Llama Dilemma (7-Jan)
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2024, 10:10:42 AM »
About Sofia staying forever single, what happens if Neighborhood Stories is enabled for her household alone?
I barely remember how Neighborhood Stories works but I do recall Morgan Fyres having six kids with one sim, then leaving him to live with someone else and have more kids with the new one.
Mateo & Sofia do make a good match with their Music Lover traits, though.

Oh, it looks like Gabby is trying her hand at Neighborhood Confidante!
Who is Alonso's father?  Did Kado father him before passing away or is he adopted?
As for the llama, is it possible to place it somewhere on Gabby's lot with Move Objects On, assign the Llama to the barn, then sell it?
Oh Cora is a klepto!  Klepto sims are only fun when we're actually playing them, hehe.
Without the mod, my Singletons stay single, even with Neighbourhood stories enabled. They move as a household but don't ever split. It's one of the reasons I enable adoptions so that the pre-made families have more chance of lasting for generations albeit not genetically.

Alonso's family tree shows him as Kado's son and he has his colouring. He's quite cute but will move out with his mother. You're right, Cora could be fun to play...I wonder what her teen aspiration will be! Maybe she'll need some help ;)

Thanks for the suggestion about move.objects. I'll try that. That poor llama is probably kicking up a storm in the inventory. Mind you, we need to have a shuffle round of the outdoor plants as we've moved into Autumn. Maybe there will be some room...

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Re: Tartosa Tales: Week 8 - Llama Dilemma (7-Jan)
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2024, 01:46:56 AM »
Very interesting that suggesting expansion of the family to an already-pregnant Sim resulted in an adoption . . . I had no idea that would happen.

Do your stats mean there are 3 more Grapevine Gossip tidbits about Hector and 1 more about Hilary that you haven't come across yet? I'm not sure I understand how that works.

I really like that Piccolo Luce lot - it's so pretty there. I spent hours looking for the right house for Santiago and Rodrigo for that lot, even though they would only be in it a very short while before moving in with Rose. Eventually I'll move a Sandoval back there, though. The house you chose looks gorgeous.

Little Klepto Cora ought to keep you hopping. 🤣