Author Topic: Tartosa Tales: Complete (6-Feb)  (Read 16854 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2023, 02:41:19 PM »
Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz

Previously Gabby finally managed to rent out one of her beach huts

Gabby: Greta! Thanks so much for bringing your grandmother’s urn. Did you parents mind?
Greta: I haven’t told them. That’s why I’ve come while it’s still dark.
Gabby: Oh. I guess that’ll be OK. Do you think she’ll come? Your grandmother’s ghost.
Greta: We’ve strengthened her connection so she might.
Camille: Hello? We’re right here!
Arnessa: The Living! Don’t see what’s right in front of them.
Camille: My favourite piece of life advice: Always invest in those you care about. Relationships fade over time if they are not properly tended. They’re like flowers in need of care. (Grapevine Gossip)
Arnessa: Hello Cow Plant. I shall call you…Nessy! I can have some fun with you. Mind you, I don’t really enjoy comedy. It was always a favourite of Hilary’s though… For entertainment. I’ve always vastly preferred music. I’ve been playing the piano since I was 3. I’m quite proficient. Lest you think I’m only interested in stuffier music, however, I’m actually quite interested in jazz improv! (Grapevine Gossip)


Gabby: My early morning beach combing finally paid dividends. I’ve got 20 different bottles and I don’t think there’s any more to find. How nice to complete a collection on my birthday.
Principal (on phone): I think Faiz Jaleel is pretty cute. Should I ask him out?
Gabby: Oh, erm, not sure why you’re asking me but yes, go for it!


Nessy: Did someone say it was their birthday? I have cake….


Gabby: Thanks for coming everyone. The weather’s lovely so I’m not sure why you’re all crammed in here!
Hilary: I love cooking. It’s just so much fun and there are always interesting new recipes to try, or ways to experiment to make your own. I have a lot that were handed down to me by my parents, but I’m always working to create my own new recipes. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: That sounds amazing. Shall we go outside?
Hector: Is it true that mother’s ghost visited last night?
Gabby: Yes – it’s just there’s more room outside. And better lighting.
Molly: Sims around here are always talking about how Arnessa Thebe once sailed a little rowboat over Hideaway Falls? She broke a leg – literally. That’s why they put in the bridge – to keep Sims from trying to sail over! (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Wow! She seems so…proper!


Hector: Happy Birthday, young lady.
Gabby: Thanks. I managed to graduate with Honours despite my rocky start. I now feel very….Creative.
Faiz: Most people don’t know it, but I also really enjoy photography. There are some great places around here to take pictures. If you’re close with Dominique, she might give you some pointers. As a painter she’s already found all the best spots. Once I found her hanging upside down from the Lover’s Tree to “get a new perspective” on life. Artists, eh? (Grapevine Gossip)
Lucia: This is delicious cake. I love the rainbow stripes. And the individual cupcakes.
Gabby: I got it from the bakers here in Tartosa. But I had to make another one to put candles on. This is a wedding cake and I couldn’t change it.


Gabby: This is taking ages! And I’ve only inspected and done maintenance on a couple of items so far. This Landlord lark isn’t money for old rope after all. I wouldn’t mind but I really think doing this ought to up my handiness skill!


Gabby: Time to do some writing. But I’m wondering what to write…maybe a story about Pirates and Llamas…
Watcher: Is that one of your bottle collection.
Gabby: Yes. It’s a spare.
Watcher: Is there something inside it?
Gabby: You’re right! There is! It says,
“The endless waves crash to and fro,
Who the reaches I may never know.
Do your eyes sparkle as you read this?
The thought of my rose smiling makes me feverish.
I hope you feel the same as I,
That our hopeful love may never die.
And if you should ever find your way here,
You have a heart, a home, and endless cheer”
And it’s signed with “FJ” encased in a small heart. “FJ”, who could that be?
Watcher: Do I really have to spell it out? It’s Faiz!
Gabby: Of course. Aw – he really is a romantic soul. I’d better return it to him. Maybe it’s about the Principal. She did say that their date went very well.


Gabby: Hi Faiz, I’ve got a gift for you.
Faiz: Wow! Did you find this?
Gabby: It washed up on my beach. Has your love come to find you? Is it the Principal.
Faiz: No. We had a nice time but…
Gabby: Who are you looking for?
Faiz: I spend a lot of my day daydreaming – when I’m not speaking to a customer, of course. There’s so much I want out of life, especially love. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: How about you move in to one of my beach huts and then Watcher can help you.
Watcher: Er, what now?
Faiz: Amazing. Yes, of course!


Fatima: Can I help you, young man?
Faiz: Watcher says I need to learn to cook so I don’t burn the huts down.
Fatima: Quite, sir. And can I help sir with his wardrobe?
Faiz: I’m not bringing my wardrobe, just my desk and étagère, both designed by Princess Cordelia.
Fatima: Really, sir.
Faiz: The Dare to Étagère was designed to display fragile housewares on a submersible which is tricky as sooner or later you always hit rough waters. Inspired by the muscular, sucker-bearing tentacles of undersea cephalopods, this étagère actually clings to the walls and floor wherever it is set, and features discreet suckers on each shelf to secure breakable items. (Build/Buy)
Fatima: Oh, you mean that 3 shelved curvy thing.
Faiz: Yes. And whether working on her log books, writing a great sea adventure, designing some new furniture, or writing in her diary about how dreamy her pirate boyfriend was, Princess Cordelia used a desk identical to this one regularly. A great marble slab kept her pen flowing smoothly. And if you don’t use a pen, like most modern day humans, it is a great place to put your computer. (Build/Buy)
Fatima: I didn’t know sir had any furniture to bring.
Faiz: I’d moved into a place in Forgotten Hollow just a few days ago. That place was filled with garlic but I haven’t brought that either.
Fatima: Back to your wardrobe, sir. Do you need me to do some laundry?
Faiz: Sorry I was really tired and I’ve only just got up. I’ll get dressed now.


Gabby: Kazuhiko, why are you revolting?
Kazuhiko: That’s a bit personal but frankly, I’m not surprised. This place is so down at heel, it gives basic a bad rep. The facilities are almost non-existent and that kitchen is a death-trap.
Gabby: Look, I promise to make the place better, OK?
Kazuhiko: Hm, OK, I guess. I do like living in this area. They say Lady Matilda Tartosa used to live in a grand castle close to Hideaway Falls. Nobody can find the ruins, though. We do know that she used the Falls for illicit trades with pirates, but perhaps the castle runs lie elsewhere. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: So Lady Matilda traded with the pirates. I wonder what she did with all the llamas…


Faiz: Puff pant puff
Gabby: You need to do some jogging. For an Active Sim, you’re quite unfit. There – what do you think?
Faiz: Well, I suppose it could be a couple embracing…
Gabby: You’d need to sell it better than that. It could be the perfect place to sit with a date. That or the fountain.
Faiz: I could write a poem about it. Did you know I love writing poetry? Of course I do. Flowers. Romance. It speaks to my soul! I could tell you chapter and verse just about how much I love to write, well, chapter and verse! (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: I want to be a writer too. But I got offered this acting job over the phone, straight in at a level 6. I’ve got an audition tomorrow.
Faiz: I’ve signed up as a Freelance Photographer for now, as I’ve maxed photography. It should be a breeze. But I haven’t met my soulmate yet. Besides I’m rubbish at dates.
Gabby: I’ve been on lots of dates. Why don’t we go on a pretend date so you can practise.
Faiz: I guess..


Kalamainu’u Iona: If this is a date, it’s not going well.
Faiz: I told you, I’m rubbish at dates.
Gabby: We were both really hungry. This platter has helped. Now, lay your best line on me.
Faiz: You look very nice.
Gabby: Oh dear.
Kalamainu’u: You’ve got your work cut out, dear.


Gabby : OK, Faiz, we’ve done a bit of flirting. What about a kiss?
Faiz: On a first date? Would that be OK?
Gabby: If you never kissed anyone, it’s not surprising you’ve had no 2nd dates.
Faiz: But…
Gabby: Let’s do this!
Faiz: Oh!


Gabby: That’s funny. You’re shooting for a Soulmate and I’ve just checked off my 3 first kisses for Serial Romantic. Those ones with Kevin and Duane must have counted.
Faiz: I don’t think I want 3 first kisses.
Gabby: No?
Faiz: No! I think you’re my Soulmate.
Gabby: I did not see that coming.
Watcher: I think everyone else did!


L-to-R: Faiz Jaleel & Gabby Goodenough


So much has happened in week 4 that I couldn’t shoe-horn it into one update. Second part of week 4 coming soon.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz (18-Dec)
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2023, 09:55:12 PM »
Yay, Gabby and Faiz finally found each other!
Why were the ghosts at the start of this update feeling angry?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz (18-Dec)
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2023, 07:52:16 AM »
Yay, Gabby and Faiz finally found each other!
Why were the ghosts at the start of this update feeling angry?

The ghosts always seem to turn up angry at first. They don't take much to calm them down but it is always a bit worrying. Maybe they've worked out that I'm just working them to get their gossip and resent it, lol!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 4b – Property Development
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2023, 11:50:07 AM »
Tartosa Tales: 4b – Property Development

Previously Gabby invite Faiz to move in and helped him to find his Soulmate - herself

Gabby: Dominique! I’m so glad you’re visiting tonight. I’ve got some wonderful news.
Dominique: Ooh, tell me the latest gossip!
Gabby: I’m dating Faiz! Eeeeek! Isn’t it wonderful.
Dominique: I’m very glad, dear. He deserves to find true love. You will treat him right, won’t you?
Gabby: Of course, but, speaking of true love. I found a note in this bottle. It says,
“Hand in hand, we Camille and Dominique, have pledged ourselves to each other. We send this message off on the day of our wedding. Two souls united in friendship and in love.”
Dominique: Oh – that was such a happy day! We honeymooned on Tartosa, you know.
Gabby: Tell me more.
Dominique: Down the coast in Terra Amorosa, there is this darling grove of trees. A lot of Sims who come here to get married take pictures there, but it’s beautiful for paintings as well. Just imagine what some of those old trees have witnessed in days gone by. If I stand still enough, I sometimes swear I can hear the trees communicating. But that’s silly, isn’t it? I know, I sound like an overly whimsical artist, don’t I? (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: That spot sounds perfect for Faiz’ new career as a photographer. Are there any other good spots.
Dominique: If you want to find some of the most beautiful, underappreciated views in Porto Luminoso, follow the trails behind the buildings. Mazes, beaches, overlooks – all of it gorgeous. If he waits for the sunlight to hit them just right, he’ll have a special setting for his art. (Grapevine Gossip)


Hilary: Hello, fancy meeting you here.
Gabby: It’s a lovely place to just sit and so romantic.
Hilary: I hear you’re dating Faiz and that’s he’s a photographer now. Some guy called Cletus Harris has taken over his flower stall. Not such a romantic person, at all.
Gabby: Faiz still does a few arrangements if you ever need any but he’s mainly focussing on taking pictures.
Hilary: Did you know there Is a playground just outside of town? It’s the perfect place to take the kids. Pirate themed, of course, given our history. My husband comes from a family with swashbucklers, you know? (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: I knew he was descended from Princess Cordelia. So she had a child with a pirate lover?
Hilary: I’ve said too much. Arnessa would be spinning in her grave!


Gabby: This must be the artwork by Igor Klobucar that Dominique mentioned. Do you think it’s a good spot for a photo?
Faiz: Let Watcher take this one.
Gabby: What was that? It’s sounded like an explosion.
Faiz: It came from the beach huts.
Gabby: Oh no! I’ve got my director and co-star coming any minute.


Judith: That’s not something I see every day.
Faiz: Gabby’s just getting the extinguisher. No need to panic.
Judith: Best fun I’ve had in ages, dear boy. I can’t wait to work with Gabby.
Gabby: There, the fire’s out. I think it was the lights. I’ve done no maintenance on them at all. Oh I don’t think I’ve got time to be a Landlord. Not to do it properly.
Judith: Sell, sell, sell, darling. Property values are high at the moment. I’ll have my guy give you a ring.
Gabby: Can I sell with sitting tenants? If I sell before I move, where does that leave me? I’ll wait until next week.
Judith: By the way, darling, I’ve got an enormous crush on Marcus Flex. What do you think, should I ask him out?
Gabby: I’m sure he’d love that.


Gabby: Oh, you’re moving out?
Kazuhiko: That explosion was the final straw. I’m in fear of my life. Dodgy electrics, murderous stoves, showers that run too hot or too cold. I’m off.
Gabby: I appear to be very upset about that but actually, never mind. This is perfect timing.
Kazuhiko: Good luck getting any other suckers to move in. I’m posting a searing review as soon as I get somewhere with internet.
Gabby: OK.
Kazuhiko: Are you not going to beg me to stay?
Gabby: Er, no, that's OK. You've made up your mind. See ya!


Gabby: Ah – Kazuhiko moving out means I can totally revamp the whole lot. Well, when I say re-vamp…add more bedrooms and up the number of plumbing. And here we have the perfect investment opportunity for a landlord with no sitting tenants. I just want to move out before I sell the business…


Gabby: Somewhere up here in Terra Amorosa is my new home, Via Romanza. I’ve picked up some great bargains, all with great histories.
For Fatima’s room, there’s the Jellyfish Bell Table Lamp. While her submarine was docked, Princess Cordelia enjoyed some fresh air on the deck. Looking down she saw the glow of millions of jelly fish. It was breathtaking. Inspired by that moment, she designed this lamp with the shape and glow of the jellyfish. I’m quite glad she didn’t include tentacles (Build/Buy)
While I was looking at the lighting, I found the Long John Buttercups Chandelier which I’ve fitted nearly everywhere. Whenever Princess Cordelia’s Submarine dove or rose, she enjoyed watching the chandeliers tilt. This particular chandelier was named after Princess Cordelia’s first pirate boyfriend, Captain Long John Buttercups. He always said this chandelier reminded him of his old galleon. (Build/Buy)
For outdoor seating, I found the Anatolian Ottoman Wooden. Don’t listen to rumours that say this is just a wood block. It was once used by the Queen herself to rest her feet after a long day in exile. I wonder if the queen in question was the mother of Princess Cordelia? (Build/Buy)
Princess Cordelia had a thing for pirates. Throughout her life she dated three of them. Their swashbuckling style carried over into one of her furniture lines. “Subaquatic Farrrrniture.” My bed - the Princess Cordelia Galleon Bed is fit for a sea captain and looks like it belongs on a galleon! (Build/Buy)
I got a separate bed for Faiz. After all, we’ve only just started dating. It’s a single bed also by Princess Cordelia. Whenever she grew tired of pirate breath, she retreated to the luxurious solitude of a bed like his. The original bed was bolted down, but it’s been made easier for landlubbers to transport – though it’s also a trifle easier to steal! (Build/Buy)
Finally I managed to find another bust of Princess Cordelia like the Laurents have got. I can’t wait to show Faiz.


Faiz: This is a great house, Gabby.
Gabby: Do you like your room? Now I’ve sold the beach huts, we can add a few things you want too.
Faiz: You’ve thought of everything.


Judith: How are you settling in, darling?
Gabby: It’s great. Your guy got me a good price. You’ll have to come visit sometime.
Judith: Let’s do this scene and then you can show me pictures.
Gabby: Here’s mud in your eye!
Judith: Down the hatch!


Camille: Oh! Where am I?
Faiz: It’s OK, Camille. We’ve moved up the river. But you can still see the ocean.
Camille: That’s OK then. Where’s Gabby?
Faiz: She’s really tired from shooting today but it went really well. She wanted to ask you more about Princess Cordelia’s stay here.
Camille: There’s some evidence suggesting that Princess Cordelia and Lady Matilda Tartosa were very close during her stay here. It’s  unlikely they were lovers, given the Princess’ feelings for Rodrigo. Still, the princess and Lady Tartosa spent a lot of time together at the beach, sailing the coast and devouring tarts. There’s also evidence suggesting their relationship ended on rocky terms, but nobody knows for certain why. Some think Lady Tartosa had an affair with Rodrigo. Others believe she stiffed Princess Cordelia on a fruit tart, which was a serious offense back in those days. Frankly, it’s a serious offence these days as well, given the quality of the tarts here. (Grapevine Gossip)
Faiz: That’s a great help. Gabby will be pleased. I love the tarts too!


Mateo: Finally, you’re home!
Lucia: We’ve been trying to welcome you ever since you moved in. We’re very pleased to meet you.
Faiz: You guys run the lounge, right?
Mateo: The Celebrazioni d’Amore – the best place to hold a wedding party for the modern couple.
Gabby: Erm…
Lucia: Don’t mind Mateo. He thinks Tartosa is all about the wedding industry. But it’s also a beautiful place with a really unique history. (Grapevine Gossip)
Mateo: You see, both Lucia and I can sing. She plays the guitar and I the piano. Out skillsets complement each other well. (Grapevine Gossip)
Lucia: I’ve been playing the guitar as long as I can remember. Sometimes I don’t even really think in word or images. I just think in music. If you’re passionate about music, I’m sure you understand. (Grapevine Gossip)
Mateo: I’ve been playing piano since I was five. My grandmother used to have me play for her when I’d visit, so I started taking classes. It was never easy to impress her! But I always managed. (Grapevine Gossip)
Lucia: Enough about us, tell us what you two are doing?
Gabby: I’m hoping you’ll sign my repeal. The Free Love NAP here really has to go!
Mateo: It has been a little awkward at times.
Gabby: Awkward is right. I found Hilary Laurent necking Nancy Landgraab.
Lucia: Oh no! I hope Hilary’s OK. Quick, I’ll sign it.


Gabby: Happy Birthday, Faiz
Faiz: I thought they’d never leave.
Gabby: I’m sorry I forgot the cake but this might make you feel better…


at the Romance Festival
Gabby: What did the Love Guru say to you?
Faiz: She said she saw a back massage in my near future! What about you?
Gabby: She said we’re a match to last the ages!
Faiz: That’s good enough for me. Gabby Goodenough, I am absolutely convinced that you are my true Soulmate. Will you marry me?
Gabby: Of course I will!


Gabby Goodenough: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative
Faiz Jaleel fiancé to Gabby: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 4 (Spring 4/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

In Progress
•   Aspirations: Fabulously Wealthy 2/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4
•   Skills: Charisma 7, Cooking 6, Gardening 7, Writing 3
•   Collection: 20/20 Bottles
•   Grow: 11/? of available fruit
•   Research Grapevine Gossip 19/?
•   Write a book in each available genre 0/?

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


I’m aware that shoe-horning the various Grapevine Gossip and Build/Buy descriptions is sometimes a little clunky but I hope you’re enjoying finding out more about the various Tartosa residents, past and present.

I never realised before that, if your Sim is an Actor, they can side-step the celebrity thing to become friends with Judith Ward. Hm...useful to know!

The new house is a nod to the sort of house Princess Cordelia might have stayed in while residing in Tartosa. It will grow over time as funds allow.

4.Cordelia in Tartosa.jpg

Being a landlord in real life is soooo much easier, mainly because I do it through a letting agent! It was fun experimenting with doing it in game but my plans for Gabby don’t give her enough time to do it well. I shall explore it more fully in future games.
Regarding the problems I had previously, I think my game had got confused with me swapping the property designation to rental and then back. This time, Gabby and Faiz moved out to Via Romanza, leaving the beach as a Rental and choosing to sell their furniture. The only items that got sold were the ones in Unit 1 of the rental, nothing in the shared areas. They didn’t get much for them but they did get some. Once they’d moved out, they sold the Beach Huts in the business section and got the full value of the property plus all the contents of all the units back. It all makes sense once I realised what was actually going on…I think, lol.
I have uploaded my 6-unit Beach Huts rental to the gallery. Please note that the basic nature of the furnishings means a tenant revolt is almost a certainty!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz (18-Dec)
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2023, 12:21:34 PM »
Gabby wasn't a landlord for that long, it seems. Did you not enjoy the property owner experience or did it not fit in with your narrative?
jHaha, thank you for warning us about your rental beach cabanas on the Gallery's potential for a tenant revolt.
At one point, you mentioned adding the laundry stuff. How's that working out?

Gabby & Faiz's new home is looking good!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4a – Helping Faiz (18-Dec)
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2023, 02:34:54 PM »
Gabby wasn't a landlord for that long, it seems. Did you not enjoy the property owner experience or did it not fit in with your narrative?
jHaha, thank you for warning us about your rental beach cabanas on the Gallery's potential for a tenant revolt.
At one point, you mentioned adding the laundry stuff. How's that working out?

Gabby & Faiz's new home is looking good!
Owning a rental property in Sims is really time-consuming. To prevent the explosion, they should have "Inspected & Maintained" every plumbing and appliance fixture in the shared space, possibly all the lighting too but I'm not sure about that. If you don't live "on-site" it would be even more hassle.
I also got 2 "pet adoption drives" which I think is a new community thing. About 6 stray cats and dogs show up and you're supposed to pet 5 of them. I don't know if that's on every lot or just rentals. I also got a Haunting but I've only just got the Paranormal pack so I don't know if that's normal.
I think holding community events such as pool parties is supposed to make tenants happier but we just didn't have time for that.

Basically, it's fun but you can't really get much else done (I wasn't using Rally The Troops). If the shared space is limited to non-appliance items, ie the separate units are all self-contained with bathrooms & kitchens, it could be easier. You do have to set it up fully before you move tenants in. Once they're there, you can't edit that unit at all, even if they're asking for better items. The shared areas can be edited and so can the lot that the landlord lives in.
When a tenant moves in, they effectively own all the "furniture". Kazuhiko didn't take it with him but I do wonder if furniture would disappear if a tenant dies, like when townies die in non-played lots. I wouldn't put any precious/collectible items in if you wanted to keep them.

It would be interesting to play with family members moving in although I know lil'simsie had her Sims granddaughter revolting as a tenant, lol.

Gabby might try owning an off-site, single unit rental in the future but she's too busy now. She's also too busy for the laundry. I wanted to have her wash in tub and hang it out to dry at the beach, scandalizing the neighbours (hanging laundry out on a Sunday used to be a real no-no in the UK)! But starting from scratch was hard enough.

Thanks for complimenting the new house. I built it from scratch which is unusual for me. We'll be going for Mansion Baron so it should get better.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4b – Property Development (19-Dec)
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2023, 03:55:49 PM »
For me, the best thing about that Laundry Day pack is that I've become very diligent about cleaning the lint tray, lol.
Otherwise, my sims and I can't be bothered to do the laundry.
I don't know, maybe I should have a future household do the laundry to add to the stress level...

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4b – Property Development (19-Dec)
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2023, 02:08:00 AM »
For me, the best thing about that Laundry Day pack is that I've become very diligent about cleaning the lint tray, lol.
Me too! We don't have a dryer at home but I cleared out the ones we used while travelling.  Other guests thought I was being very pedantic, lol!

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 4b – Property Development (19-Dec)
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2023, 09:44:12 AM »
For me, the best thing about that Laundry Day pack is that I've become very diligent about cleaning the lint tray, lol.
Me too! We don't have a dryer at home but I cleared out the ones we used while travelling.  Other guests thought I was being very pedantic, lol!
Oh dear, being diligent about laundry on your vacation!  I bet your fellow guests are still talking about "that eccentric traveler"!
Instead, they should be relieved that you saved them all from fires!

Sigh, perhaps my next heir will do laundry!
As for YT videos, I haven't enjoyed most of the For Rent landlord gameplay that I've watched on Youtube (I still havent enabled the For Rent pack).
If you feel like some laughs, though, James Turner's LP is pretty hilarious and chaotic.
I mean, his poverty-stricken stim left her Food Stand outside over night and it got struck by lightning. What are the chances!  LOL

Looking forward to your next Tartosa Tales update! So much depth to the Grapevine Gossip!

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Tartosa Tales: 5 - Life Coaching
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2023, 02:27:42 PM »
Tartosa Tales: 5 - Life Coaching

Previously Gabby was offered an Acting job, going in at level 6. Faiz became a Freelance Photographer. Their only tenant moved out, allowing them to re-develop the Beach Huts as a 6-unit rental and sold it after moving to Via Romanza in Terra Amoroza.


Gabby: Arnessa! Dominique! So glad you could come this evening.
Faiz: Although these visits do get in the way of other nocturnal activities I had in mind.
Gabby: Oh Faiz! You know you wanted to hear where Dominique thought were good places to take photos.
Dominique: About a decade ago, I spent a lot of time painting Thebe Estate. Camille was fascinated by its history and it inspired something in me as well. Arnessa was always kind enough to bring tea out to me as I worked. A spot of black tea really gets the mind percolating (Grapevine Gossip)
Arnessa: Mmm, this Free Love NAP is very…affecting.
Gabby: Yes, we’re trying to repeal it! It’s much worse than the cooking one that has everyone making birthday cakes.
Arnessa: Everyone really loves the area’s fruit tarts. I’m more of a macaron person myself. I suppose it seems a little, well, on the nose for someone like me but I don’t actually like putting on airs, you know. Hand me a box of macarons from the patisserie here and as soon as I’m on my own, I’ll devour it all in seconds. Don’t tell anyone else that, though. I suppose I might want to preserve some element of aloofness here and there. (Grapevine Gossip)


Dominique: I’m not originally from Tartosa. Camille and I met here, became friends here, and were eventually married here. We always knew that when we retired we would once again be…here. (Grapevine Gossip) Dance with me Arnessa and tell me all your secrets!
Arnessa: I never say who my favourite grandchild is. Do I have one? Yes, of course. Nobody will ever find out who though! Not unless you want to bribe me with some macarons… (Grapevine Gossip)


Faiz: Last night was intense! I hope that NAP gets repealed tomorrow.
Gabby: You didn’t mind your own bit of Free Love, I noticed.
Faiz: With you? I don’t need a NAP for that!
Gabby: Ah – before I forget….
Faiz: The back massage that the Love Guru predicted! Aha! That means that our love is also guaranteed to last the ages! I’m feeling so Cheerful, now.
Gabby: Come here, you!


Faiz: I like that look. It will be perfect for my everyday/relaxed commission.
Gabby: It’s fun putting things together at ThrifTea, even though we can afford to shop around. By the way, we’ll have to shop around soon.
Faiz: Why?
Gabby: They don’t sell baby clothes at ThrifTea!
Faiz: Wow! That’s wonderful news!


Gabby: Lucia, have you got any children?
Lucia: Have you met my daughter, Tomi, yet? She has the most interesting mind! She’s going to amaze everyone someday with an amazing piece of art or music – just you wait. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Tomi? I think I’ve got something she wrote. Wait a minute – yes. In this bottle,
I spent the morning watching Dominique paint the harbour. When I grow up, I’d like to be just like her. She’s so creative and interesting and it’s so sweet how in love she looks when Camille talks to here. I want a life like that. She told me she like one of my paintings once, so maybe I’m on my way! – Tomi”
Lucia: Oh, my lovely girl. Now she’s a teen, she’s become a bit fixated on Fitness and her grade has dropped to a D. I do worry about her. If Dominique were still alive, I could have asked her to mentor her in art…
Gabby: This may seem a little strange but my Watcher could help.
Watcher: Could I?
Gabby: Certainly get her grades up and give her a little direction…
Lucia: I’ll have to ask her.


Lucia: Honey? Gabby says if you move in here, she’ll help you with your grades and do a bit of life-coaching. What do you say?
Tomi: Fine.
Gabby: OK. You can have the room that Faiz had. I’m sure you’ll be very comfortable. How about you do your homework before you have a go at cooking and then it’ll be bedtime.
Tomi: Fine.
Lucia: The cuisine here is so interesting! My best friend Hilary is this amazing chef. Her family was in the restaurant business. She keeps an eye on the market stalls she opened up on Porto Luminoso. You absolutely have to try the mutton biryani. If you don’t eat meat, I totally understand, but if you do, it’s practically a transcendent experience the first time you sample it! (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: It’s only one more resident, Fatima. I’m sure you can cope!


Faiz: I’m glad we’re just having a quite wedding at the Markovic lounge.
Gabby: It was strange that we had to add a wedding arch when they say it’s all about weddings. Ow!
Faiz: Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were going right so I went…. Are you OK.
Gabby: I’ve just become Gabby Jaleel! Of course I’m OK. I’m totally Cheerful!
Faiz: And as a wedding gift, I’ve got you the Captain Chaz MacFreeling Elegant Mirror. To practise your acting with. Princess Cordelia’s second pirate boyfriend was handsome and, relative to other pirates, had good hygiene! Things started off great, but the princess noticed him looking in the mirror all the time; so vain. She promptly sent him on his way, giving him a handful of citrus for any future scurvy outbreaks, and naming all her mirrors after him. (Build/Buy)
Gabby: You’ve added to my research – that’s the best present ever.


Lucia: It’s funny, you know. Mateo and I have wanted to get married for ages before Tomi was born in fact but the stars never really aligned. We became a musical duo then started playing for everyone else’s wedding. One day we woke and realized…we never even had our own. Don’t worry, though, we’ll be changing that soon. (Grapevine Gossip)
Mateo: When Lucia and I moved here we lived in Porto Luminoso but it was a little too close to the Laurents for my liking. So we moved to Terra Amorosa to get a little space and quiet. And wouldn’t you know it, that move turned out for the best. The muses speak to me a little more out there. Or is that me just talking to myself. (Grapevine Gossip)
Sure, the Laurents have been here longer…well the Thebes have been here longer, the distinction matters a bit. But the Markovics are just as passionate about the wedding industry” What do you remember more about a wedding: the amazing music or the venue? To me, music is always what makes the biggest impression. (Grapevine Gossip)
Lucia: You know I really don’t like gossip, but since he’s kind of inescapable given that he’s, well, the big wheel of the wedding industry: Hector can be a little tricky. He and I dated once and he was a pretty big jerk. But he’s married to my best friend, so I do my best to keep my mouth shut and keep the peace. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Erm, I was going to make a toast to true love….but…
Tomi: Cheers!
Lucia: Nice toast, dear. Cheers!
Mateo: Cheers.


Lucia: Tomi, we don’t want you to worry about the baby coming. Your father and I have come to stayover.
Tomi: It’s Gabby’s baby, not mine.
Lucia: Well, they’re family too, now! Besides, they’re newly weds… When Mateo and I met, he was so sweet. I’d been going through a real rough patch and he was playing piano at the lounge for tips. He locked eyes with me and immediately began playing this beautiful composition – almost moved me to tears. Now, we make music together. (Grapevine Gossip)
Tomi: MUM!
Gabby: I’ll be glad of the help, Lucia. I’d booked an acting gig before I knew I was expecting so… we’ll move Tomi up to the top floor and make room for you. I’ve got the most adorable Naught-ical Nightstand. Keeping secrets isn’t easy at sea, but Princess Cordelia loved a challenge! She fashioned this innocent-looking nightstand to conceal her naughtiest secrets, as well as several beautiful unmentionable trifles. (Despite that quality they were actually mentioned by her pirate boyfriends quite often) (Build/Buy)
Tomi: Cool.
Gabby: You’ll need a table lamp as well – the Scallop Table Lamp. Princess Codelia tried scallops for the first time while aboard her submarine. Cooked in garlic, they were the most delicious thing she had ever eaten. She was thankful for the experience and in honour of the poor scallop that lost its life, she designed this lamp. So touching! (Build/Buy)
Tomi: Do I like scallops?


Gabby: Camille! You know Dominique was here last night with Arnessa. I’ve put her urn in my inventory to see if I can match up your nights.
Camille: That would be wonderful. Now, you wanted to know more about the Tartosa family. They were the original settlers of the Tartosa area. They had a castle along the cliffs but the section it was on fell into the water, never to be seen again. I occasionally wonder if it would be worthwhile to dive and look for artifacts, but Dominique told me that it’s be a fool’s errand. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Maybe I could have a look…after I’ve had this baby!
Camille: You’re pregnant? That’s wonderful news.
Gabby: By the way, Tomi Markovic is staying with us for a while. So are her parents. Her father Mateo has a real issue with the Laurents.
Camille: Hector Laurent is a Thebe really.
Gabby: Was the Thebe Estate built with pirate’s gold?
Camille: Most people seem to think so, bt there’s not substantial evidence in the City Hall records. It was quite an expensive investment, but who knows where the money came from. (Grapevine Gossip)


Tomi: Hellooo!
Camille: That’s a cheerful greeting!
Tomi: Gabby is teaching me to greet people well and pay them compliments. I like your outfit.
Camille: Thank you, dear!
Tomi: Gabby says you know all about the pirates!
Camille: There’s a long list of pirates who visited here. Some of the most famous were Rodrigo De Pablo, of course. (Grapevine Gossip)
Tomi: Princess Cordelia’s lover!
Camille: Yes. The Two-Eye Charlie – later known as One-Eye Charlie – plus Captain Rachael the Fearsome, Raider Rad who, well raided. Dash who was the shortest yet fastest pirate ever. Five Finger Fran, First Mate Barnacle Bob and even the Dread Pirate Morgan on the Red Annie. (Grapevine Gossip)
Tomi: Wow! What a lot of pirates.


Mateo: We’re staying over to help out so that’s what I’d better do. These ghosts every night sure leave a lot of fixing to do. I’ve been called a goofball before, but I ask you…would a goofball ever pursue a minor in puppeteering? Granted, I never graduated…but I think my endeavour speaks for itself! (Grapevine Gossip)


Gabby: Arnessa!
Arnessa: What, no Dominique?
Gabby: She’s hoping to synch with Camille. Now, I was wondering if you could hold off on at least some of the breakages tonight?
Arnessa: I’ve gotten up to a bit of mischief in my day. I certainly won’t own to any of it though! Though I will say, they did a spectacular job of repairing the fountain in the village square after, well, as I said: I won’t own any of it. Mischief is best left to that Markovic man, don’t you think? (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Well, he’s the one that’s been fixing things up for us. He reckons that your Hector is trying to hog all of the good wedding business locally.
Arnessa: I can’t deny that the Laurents have a bit of a stranglehold on the wedding industry but they just have to work a bit harder if they want to succeed. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Lucia says that you’re a real doll once people talk to you. (Grapevine Gossip)
Arnessa: Her I do like.


Costume: No-one told me you were pregnant!
Gabby: Is it going to be a problem?
Costume (sigh): This job is never easy!


Costume: There, that’s the best I can do.
Gabby: It’s amazing. You’re so good at your job.
Costume: It’s not a job, it’s a calling!


Gabby: Stop trying to upstage me!
Win: Upstage you? Your belly is taking up half the stage. There’s nowhere I can pretend to stab you.
Gabby: Just make it look good.


Gabby (Singing): Yo-ho. Yo-ho. A pirate’s life for me!


Gabby (Still singing): Drink up me hearties, yo ho! Oh what a bonus, to get to bring this oh so authentic prop home. If I squint my eyes I can believe I am the Dread Pirate Morgan behind the wheel of the legendary pirate ship, the Red Annie. It's been fun, the acting career, but I've had a phone call offering me a Writers job at level 5.


Gabby: Let me introduce you to our new baby daughter, Rose.
Judith: Didn’t anyone tell you that I don’t do babies, darling?


Faiz: Thank you so much for hold her while I go and take some photos. Dominique told me to try Hideaway Falls but also all round Porto Luminoso.
Judith: Oh, erm….
Faiz: You’ll be fine. See, she likes you.


Arnessa: I don’t know, Gabby. Will I be able to hold her?
Gabby: I want her to meet you. You’re such an important person to me.
Arnessa: Important? To be honest, when I was younger, I always felt a little overwhelmed by all of the Princess Cordelia talk. That’s a lot to live up to. I think I’ve forged my own path through life now though. I’m quite pleased to have lived the life I have. I just wish people didn’t assume that I’m a snobby, unfriendly person. Nothing could be further from the truth! I just appreciate how you’ve taken time to get to know me. I feel I can trust you. (Grapevine Gossip)


Faiz: Brrrrrr
Rose: Giggle
Gabby: Aw. She loves that.
Faiz: It took me ages to add the mobile to her cot but she just wants to sleep in our arms! My contrary Rose.
Gabby: I got some other furniture today.
Faiz: What’s the story behind these ones?
Gabby: The Taxonomical Creation is inspired by the calcified remains of an unusually giant sea sponge found deep in the Paciantic Ocean. (Build/Buy)
Faiz: It just looks like a table to me.
Gabby: Well the Not Quite the Ghost Chairs were used by Tartosan royalty! (Build/Buy) and the Sally Shell chairs are modelled after, well, shells… (Build/Buy)
Faiz (smiling): You don’t say! What about the Cephalopod Bar Stools?
Gabby: They’re from Princess Cordelia’s Furniture Artisans and inspired by the subaquatic world around them. Because eight legs would be superfluous, they’ve included four beautiful tentacles – legs, to hold us up! (Build/Buy)
Faiz: You really are determined to find all their designs, aren’t you!
Gabby: If I can!


Tomi: Jace? Is that you?
Jace: Hey, Tomi. Long time no see. We used to be best friends! How are your folks?
Tomi: Same as ever. You know my Dad? He reckons he’d like to get a llama (Grapevine Gossip)
Jace: No! How does your Mum feel about that?
Tomi: Who knows. Mind you, if Dad actually arranged for them to get married, she’d agree to anything.
Jace: How’s school?
Tomi: I’ve managed to get from a D up to a B but I’ve got my birthday notice. That’s as good as it’ll get!


Household, L-to-R: Tomi, Gabby holding Rose, Faiz

Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - Fabulously Wealthy 3/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4, Soulmate 3/4; Skills – Charisma 8, Cooking 6, Gardening 8, Writing 4
•   Gather all Grapevine Gossip – Mateo 11/11, Lucia 9/9, Arnessa 7/13, Camille 10/22, Dominique 11/18, Hector 1/8, Hilary 2/9
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 3/20 (Tomi)
•   Unlock the Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 1/3 (Pirate’s ship wheel from Actor career)
•   Grow available fruit 12/?
•   Write book in every genre 0/?
•   Help people achieve a dream: 1 (Faiz – Soulmate)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Aspiration Soulmate 3/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive (Picky Eater, Loves Being Held, Snuggly Sleeper); 9 Infant Milestones
Tomi Markovic Guest: Creative, Good; Bodybuilder 1/4

Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa
Week 5 (Summer 1/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


The only person I’m allowing to change aspirations is Gabby. Everyone else she interacts with, do not change and she is trying to help them achieve either that or another goal.

The Grapevine Gossip interactions for the 7 main characters are listed on Wiki pages and that’s where I’ve got my counts from. There have been a few random extras from other people but they’re generally repeats now.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 5 - Life Coaching (21-Dec)
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2023, 02:56:12 PM »
I like Gabby's new look with the white glasses!
Haha, the Grapevine Gossip involves so much reading!
Rose is super adorable!

Good luck with your acting career, Gabby!
With a name like "Gabby," I'm surprised you're not doing the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration! :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 5 - Life Coaching (21-Dec)
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2023, 03:58:40 AM »
I like Gabby's new look with the white glasses!
Haha, the Grapevine Gossip involves so much reading!
Rose is super adorable!

Good luck with your acting career, Gabby!
With a name like "Gabby," I'm surprised you're not doing the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration! :D
I'm glad you like Gabby's new look. The restrictions of choice at ThrifTea plus a few new unlocked items make creating outfits quite interesting.

You'll be glad to know that I've completed all Mateo's and Lucia's Grapevine Gossip. But it’s Camille, as the local historian that's got all the best bits. I'm getting more and more fond of mischievous Arnessa though. Note to self: must get her a box of macarons as a thank-you! I try to interweave the Gossip into a conversation but it's not always possible. I'm also about a day behind in updating the Characters post with all the new information from each episode - it's quite time-consuming. That should get quicker as we go further on.

Soon after Gabby got the pirates wheel as a bonus for an acting promotion, she got offered a Writer's job at level 5 which sets her on her way to receive another story-related item. She'll take your well-wishes in that too, especially as she struggles to find time to improve her writing skills!

Regarding the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration, I've always assumed it was fairly impossible to acheive. Do you have to have it on all the time for all those random questions?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 5 - Life Coaching (21-Dec)
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2023, 03:20:23 PM »
I'm glad you like Gabby's new look. The restrictions of choice at ThrifTea plus a few new unlocked items make creating outfits quite interesting.

You'll be glad to know that I've completed all Mateo's and Lucia's Grapevine Gossip. But it’s Camille, as the local historian that's got all the best bits. I'm getting more and more fond of mischievous Arnessa though. Note to self: must get her a box of macarons as a thank-you! I try to interweave the Gossip into a conversation but it's not always possible. I'm also about a day behind in updating the Characters post with all the new information from each episode - it's quite time-consuming. That should get quicker as we go further on.

Soon after Gabby got the pirates wheel as a bonus for an acting promotion, she got offered a Writer's job at level 5 which sets her on her way to receive another story-related item. She'll take your well-wishes in that too, especially as she struggles to find time to improve her writing skills!

Regarding the Neighborhood Confidante aspiration, I've always assumed it was fairly impossible to acheive. Do you have to have it on all the time for all those random questions?

I've never completed Neighborhood Confidante but only because the aspiration hasn't really fit with any of my sim's other life goals.\
In my experience (I almost finished it a few times), your sims needs to have the aspiration selected when doing either of two socials: Pursue Dream Job or Discuss Expanding Family (or something like that, I'm no in game atm). I read somewhere that the "Hook Up with" social also works.
If the other sim agrees, your "Successfully advice/influence the lives of other sims" count increases by one.
So the sim only needs to have the NC aspiration selected whenever doing one of these interactions.
I'm thinking of having my next Mistura heir do this aspiration, so we'll report back.  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Tartosa Tales: 6 – One Wedding And A Funeral
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2023, 06:38:41 AM »
Tartosa Tales: 6 – One Wedding And A Funeral

Previously Gabby and Faiz managed to repeal the Free Love NAP, Tomi Markovic moved in so that they could help her with her painting or music but she actually wanted to do Bodybuilder. Gabby and Faiz had a quiet ceremony and produced baby Rose. After getting a pirate ship wheel as an Acting bonus, Gabby accepted an offer to be a Writer

Household, L-to-R: Tomi, Gabby holding Rose, Faiz

Camille: What are you working on, Gabby?
Gabby: I’m still trying to sync your nights with Dominique. I’ve got it wrong again!
Camille: It’s worth a try. You know, Dominique and I were friends long before we fell in love. We almost didn’t end up together. I’m thankful every day we did. (Grapevine Gossip)


Gabby: How’s the homework coming on?
Tomi: Fine.
Gabby: You know, if you want to be an artist, you’ll need to use more words than just fine to describe your art.
Tomi: Maybe I’ll just be a musician.
Gabby: You’re creative enough to do either. Goodness knows why you want to be a Bodybuilder.
Tomi: I just do.
Gabby: Well, that extra credit has pushed you into Responsible. Time for your birthday party.


Mateo: So what did you choose, Tomi, Art Lover or Music Lover?
Tomi: Just Lover – I’m Romantic!
Lucia: Aw – it’s the Tartosa influence.
Mateo: But you need to choose a career…
Tomi: Gabby says I can stay here until I’ve become a Bodybuilder and then choose.
Mateo: Hm…


Gabby: Thanks for playing for Tomi’s party. It didn’t seem right to ask Mateo to play.
Arnessa: That man is not bad, I suppose, but you chose the best.
Gabby: I was wondering about your surname, Thebe. Hector’s is Laurent, isn’t it?
Arnessa: People ask me all the time if I’m sad I’ll be the last Thebe of the area. “It’s such an old name…” they say. Perhaps, yes, and it’s a bit sad. But I wanted my son to grow up without the same level of notoriety I experienced. There were times I felt like a curiosity rather than a person. Today, I’m glad Hector has his father’s name. It’s one of the ways I can remember him”
Gabby: I should probably give you this bottle I found. I think it has your message in it?
Arnessa: Oh! (Reads) "When I was young, I lived in the shadow of a legend, but I decided to tell my own story. I've explored the world--from historic Al Simhara to tiny Oasis Springs. I sailed over a waterfall, kissed a llama, climbed Mt. Komorebi, been madly in love, and raised my greatest pride.... my son. My life is full of memories, and in its twilight, I send a wish into the ocean: Do not fear the shadows surrounding you, but rather step out and shine brightly."
Gabby: It’s a lovely message.
Arnessa: And I mean it too! Step out and shine brightly!


Lucia: Did I see you give Arnessa a bottle? I once wrote one of those. I can’t quite remember what it said…
Gabby: I was wondering if you would like it back…I didn’t want to pry.
Lucia: Let me see…(Reads) "It's taken me a long time to get over Hector, and maybe I haven't truly forgiven him. Our relationship was doomed from the start. But I do really care for Hilary, and I'm glad she seems so happy. I'll always think she deserves better than him, though. - Lu" Oh.
Gabby: You’re happy with Mateo now, right?
Lucia: Ye-es. I wish we were actually married though.
Gabby: Why delay any longer. Mateo says tomorrow is a quiet day...
Lucia: Tomorrow? But….
Gabby: Move in here – you did while you were helping us with Rose – just overnight and we can help you get ready. Mateo can sort out his side of things…
Lucia: Right? Tomorrow? Yes!


Gabby: OK Jace. I didn’t know about you until Tomi said she wanted you to come to her party. I’ve got this and I think it was yours.
Jace: An old bottle? Oh no! I wrote this ages ago. It’s going to be embarrassing, isn’t it?
Gabby: (Reads) "Hello! My name is Jace! Tomi told me that she threw a message in a bottle into the sea a few days ago, so I decided to try it, too! I am 6 years old, and my favourite colour is blue. I like listening to cool kids music and talking with my friends, especially Tomi. In my free time, I've been trying to find buried treasure like a pirate. My favourite place to play is on the pirate playground. Do you have a favourite colour? I hope you have a nice day! - Jace"
Jace: Oh no!
Gabby: It could be worse… It’s cute.
Jace: You didn’t let Tomi see it, did you? She’s so much more…than me…


Tomi: Dominique! I’m so pleased to meet you. I’ve wanted to be an artist ever since I saw you painting views of the harbour. I bet you know all the best locations for picture-perfect paintings.
Dominique: I’m not about to just share all of my secrets with anyone, am I. Great art must be experienced through adventure! (Grapevine Gossip)
Tomi: I was wondering about trying to paint the Lover’s Tree?
Dominique: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve painted that. From every angle, mind you! As intimate as I am with it as a subject, I can’t help but feel it does have a connection with the Sims who come to visit – even if the rumours aren’t true. (Grapevine Gossip)


Lucia: Tomi? Where are you? You should be here getting ready.
Tomi (on phone): Waiting for the bakers to open so I can buy your wedding cake. Whose idea was it to start the wedding at 8am when the cake won’t be ready until 9am!
Lucia: I can’t even think about cake right now. I’m feeling so queasy and my dress is so tight!
Mateo: Lucia? Are we…expecting?
Lucia: Oh! I think we are. You don’t mind do you?
Mateo: Mind? Of course not. You know I want a big happy family.


Photographer: Hold it! Right there. That’s a great shot.
Lucia: When I asked Judith to be our officiant, I really thought she’d dial her Fame back a bit.
Judith: Dial back my awesomeness? Darling, it’s impossible! By the power invested in my awesomeness, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Mateo: And baby!
Judith: You may now kiss the groom.
Lucia: I thought you’d never ask!


Hector: Hello Lucia.
Mateo: What are you doing here?
Hector: Lucia invited me and I’m glad. I wanted to apologize for how I was when I was younger, when we were dating…
Mateo: You dated this jerk? You never said.
Lucia: It was too painful a memory. But it’s all in the past now. I forgive you Hector. I really have moved on to this wonderful man and we’ve got the rest of our perfect lives together, with Tomi doing so well and another baby on the way.


Mateo: I hope you don’t mind me asking to move in together right in the middle of the celebrations.
Lucia: It did bring them to an abrupt end. I didn’t want to say “no” and hurt your feelings. Anyway, it was a lovely wedding but I’m so glad to be here with just you.
Mateo: Not just me. There’ll be the baby soon plus, you did say we could get a llama when we got married…


Faiz: Just you and me, my beautiful Soulmate.
Gabby: Plus Rose and Tomi and Fatima the butler.
Faiz: They all fade away when I look in your eyes.
Gabby: Incidentally, I know we’re soulmates but we haven’t actually achieved the Soulmate aspiration, have we.
Faiz: I’m working on that, didn’t you notice?
Gabby: I love you…


Tomi: Faiz and Gabby are so in love with each other. When I used to watch Dominique and Camille together, I really wanted that kind of relationship. Ooh, who’s this?
Watcher: Darryl Charm? No! Yes, he’s Romantic too but No! He’s engaged to Emilia plus…that nose!
Tomi: Our children might not inherit it.
Watcher: Many generations, so I’ve heard, before it disappears! Just concentrate on your fitness.
Tomi: That’s not hard. I’ve become Active now.


Hilary: I love that you’ve got the Fitness NAP here. I love exercising.
Gabby: We’ve not really caught up much, have we. I’ve been quite busy helping Tomi and Lucia. I know you’re best friends with Lucia.
Hilary: I can tell her anything. Mateo can be a little standoffish with my family because I think he thinks of us as rivals, but I think of our families as complementing one another. WE all work together to make this place better for everyone. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Everyone says you’re a brilliant cook for the weddings. Have you always done that?
Hilary: I wasn’t born here. My parents were chefs in a big city and wanted to raise me in an environment that’s a little bit quieter. I guess they visited Tartosa for a day when they were traveling on their honeymoon and it made a lasting impression. So much so that they moved out here just to start up a restaurant, then two, and then start catering for weddings. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: You must work all the hours…. With my Writing career and looking after Rose, I never seem to have any time.
Hilary: When Jace and Greta were toddlers, I used to take them to the waterfall. The lagoon has a shallow area that was perfect for them to splash in. They were so cute! I know it sounds trite, but the saying’s true: they really do grow up too fast. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: The waterfall’s not far from here. I must take Rose! Time to end this club meeting. I’ll see you in the morning.
Hilary: Bye!


Camille: Oh my!
Faiz: Aha! Gabby wants you to tell me more about Tartosa. She says you tell her more personal things now you’re really good friends.
Camille: I enjoy chatting with her but if you want a history lesson: Lady Matilda Tartosa was the last of the nobles in Tartosa. She never married, not had a lover – despite having a dazzling array of suitors. Nobody knows why.
Faiz: What happened to her?
Camille: She lived out her days here, a diligent steward of her position and privilege, eventually dying of old age. In her last days, she saw the land given back to the people who have run it together ever since. (Grapevine Gossip)
Faiz: That’s great. Gabby did want more on Matilda. She’s got quite a bit on Cordelia and her lovers.
Camille: Rodrigo was Princess Cordelia’s third pirate boyfriend.
Faiz: Third?
Camille:  Yes, third! – and perhaps the greatest love of her life. It’s said he was rather clumsy, and there’s a lot of historical speculation around how he actually died. Some say his peg leg caught on fire aboard the Eppsilon, the Princess’ ship. Others say he had an affair with Lady Tartosa and Princess Cordelia hired a witch to trap him inside a glass bottle she cast out to sea.
Faiz: I’ve also heard he choked on a tart.
Camille: That seems the least ridiculous to me. Either way, history knows that when Princess Cordelia departed Tartosa, her beloved Rodrigo was not with her. (Grapevine Gossip)
Faiz: But if she left, how come people think Arnessa is related to her?
Camille: Well, after a bit of digging, I discovered some evidence at City Hall stating that twenty years after she left, a gentleman by the name of Rodrigo Thebe returned. He claimed that his father had died here and his mother was the late Princess. With his vast fortune, Rodrigo had Thebe Estate built. (Grapevine Gossip)
Faiz: How sad that he grew up without his father.


Tomi: Yes! Maximum fitness.
Faiz: Well done, Tomi. Now you just need to reach your ultimate body.
Tomi: I got that yesterday. I’m not sure how, without being at max fitness, but I did.
Faiz: So you’ll be moving out soon?
Tomi: I’ll stay for Rose’s birthday but then I’ll go back to Mum & Dad’s. They need help with the llama and baby Arya.


Gabby: A nice clean nappy, well fed, lots of cuddles and so many milestones. You really are a sweet Rose.
Rose: Babble.
Gabby: Time to blow out those candles.
Rose: Pfft! Giggle
Gabby: Oh ho! Silly Rose, is it now?


Tomi: This is the second time I’ve put you to bed this evening. You don’t seem to like bedtimes.
Rose: Babble
Tomi: I’d think you’d be tired after wandering all over the place and then throwing your food everywhere.
Rose: Giggle
Tomi: OK, one more story and then I really need to pack. My paintings have got me a new job as an artist and I need to move back to Mum & Dads.
Rose: Babble?
Tomi: I’ll still come back and visit you, sweetpea.


Dominique: How’s it going with Rose?
Gabby: Oh Dominique, she’s just so…adorable. Just like Faiz. You know we’re properly Soulmates now. The three gold dates were wonderful!
Dominique: You know I sometimes paint Sims and not scenes? Well, after Camille, Faiz is my favourite. He has such a light in his eyes. There’s something unique about him that I truly admire. (Grapevine Gossip)
Gabby: Me too!
Dominique: I see you’ve got a couple of Princess Cordelia’s paintings. Are they new?
Gabby: We got them to celebrate. The Ode to Jazz 1: “Golden” was painted as part of a series on the submersible because she so missed the music of her former life.
Domique: Well a jazz band wouldn’t have fitted…
Gabby: This lively number was inspired by the sax legend Jacob Goldentips, who was left tragically adrift during the Great Sloth Invasion. (Build/Buy)
Domique: So sad! What about this…”Cloud Space Thing”?
Gabby: “A meditation of creation and balance set against a backdrop of cosmic wonder”. It says that Princess Cordelia’s astronomers were forced to scour the skies until they found a nebula in the sape of her favourite horse. Nearby a fire raged on. (Build/Buy)
Domique: Are you sure that’s right? It doesn’t make a lot of sense…


Faiz: The end of the working week, Gabby’s getting dazed from too much work and I’ve booked this luxury cabin.
Fatima: In the woods…
Faiz: In the woods, yes. The perfect place to unwind, Rose to wander safely,…
Fatima: I’d heard there were bears…
Faiz: and for me to commune with nature. I Love Outdoors!
Fatima: So, am I on duty or off?
Faiz: Just relax – do your own thing.
Fatima: I think I’ll keep to my place, sir.
Faiz: Fishing! I love to fish! And I can see there’s loads of fish here. I wonder what else there is to find.


Rose: Mama! Mama!
Gabby: Oh, you love it here don’t you.
Rose: More, more!
Gabby: Well, since I forgot to pack my laptop and I need to unwind, yes, let’s do more! Then, if you go look, there’s a toybox to explore. We really must get you some toddler toys when we get home.


Fatima: Just relax, Fatima. Do your own thing, Fatima!
Rose: Nom nom
Fatima: The chance would be a fine thing. Your mother’s asleep and your father’s wandering in the woods picking goodness knows what plants!
Rose: Babble!
Fatima: I know you don’t like bedtime but you’ve got your own little sleeping bag. It really is time for bed!


Gabby: Hm…this tastes nice but it’s sort of crunchy.
Faiz: Oh, I put that in the fridge to try later…
Gabby: I can’t quite place the ingredients?
Faiz: Just something I foraged…
Gabby: It doesn’t taste like mushrooms and it’s too crunchy for nettles…
Faiz: Let me get you something else…
Gabby: No, I’ve finished it now. I don’t think I want any more, though.
Faiz: No, probably not…
Gabby: Oh no!
Faiz: I can explain…
Gabby: I’ve just had a message. Lucia has died!
Faiz: Died? But…that’s terrible! Poor Mateo!
Gabby: And Tomi and little Arya! They’ll be devastated.


L-to-R: Gabby holding Rose, Faiz
Gabby (Goodenough) Jaleel Founder: Bookworm, Outgoing, Creative +Cheerful; Aspirations - Fabulously Wealthy 4/4, Freelance Botanist 3/4, Mansion Baron 1/4, Soulmate 3/4; Skills – Charisma 8, Cooking 7, Gardening 8, Writing 5
•   Gather all Grapevine Gossip – Arnessa 8/13, Camille 16/22, Dominique 14/18, Hector 1/8, Hilary 6/9
•   Unravel the stories of the messages in the bottles 6/20 (Arnessa, Jace, Lucia)
•   Unlock the Build/Buy items associated with Cordelia & the Pirates 1/3
•   Grow available fruit 13/?
•   Write book in every genre 1/? (Children’s)
•   Help people achieve a dream: 43 (Lucia Markovic – get married & get over Hector, Mateo Markovic – get a llama, Faiz – Soulmate, Tomi Markovic - BodyBuilder,)

Faiz Jaleel Spouse: Romantic, Active, Love’s Outdoors +Cheerful; Aspiration Soulmate 4/4, Outdoor Enthusiast 1/4
Rose Jaleel Gen 2: Sensitive Silly (Hates Bedtimes, Messy Eater, Wanderer); Top Notch Infant
Lot: Via Romanza, Terra Amorosa, Tartosa

Week 6 (Summer 2/4)

The information that Gabby has discovered about the various Characters mentioned in Grapevine Gossip and elsewhere can be found on the Characters post

Previous Progress

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I found out Lucia was expecting when she moved in, hence the wedding asap. I really didn’t want another baby in the house. But now…losing Lucia…Mateo does want a Big Happy Family. I don’t want to see him through to it’s completion but I think he’ll need a bit of help to get a couple of milestones. I had though just getting a llama was sufficient for him, from a previous Grapevine Gossip conversation. I haven’t really decided what will happen in the next week.

It was hard to get Faiz up to 50 romantic interactions with Gabby because they kept going off for autonomous WooHoo, even on dates when possible. It was funny and sweet and frustrating (for me, not them, clearly)

When the family turned up at the cabin, Fatima had been invited along and she turned up in her own clothes. She changed back into her uniform almost immediately so she was on duty.

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Re: Tartosa Tales: 6 – One Wedding And A Funeral (30-Dec)
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2023, 08:42:37 PM »
Rose is a beautiful toddler!
I confess that I've always had a soft spot for Hector Laurent but have never cared much for Mateo Markovic.
When I was new to the "Discuss expanding the family" social, my sim unintentionally made Hilary Laurent get pregnant as an elder.  I wonder if that's been fixed or if it's by design?

When completing the Message in a Bottle collection, I enjoyed reading all the messages from Tartosa locals.