Princess Cordelia’s Story Part 5: We Have All We Need
Previously, the Princess decided to become Soulmates with her latest captain – Rodrigo de Pablo and the settled into an idyllic life as the Eppsilon docked at the sands of Port Luminosa in Tartosa. A polite friendship developed with the Lady Matilda who was happy to trade the local fruit tarts for the llamas.
Sadly, Rodrigo’s Clumsy nature led to his demise and the broken-hearted princess set off, once again, in the Eppsilon – trusting in her crew’s ability to get them to a port with less reminders.
L-to-R: Princess Cordelia, Carmilla Turpin, Raider Rad, Five Finger Fran, Joe Turpin, Garrett Turpin
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Fran: We got here. I didn’t think we were going to make it a few times back there, but we made it.
Rad: Let’s not do that again. We definitely need a captain.
Cordelia: You’re right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t really thinking straight.
Carmilla: We’re all still broken up about the Cap’n Rodrigo. It’s even thrown Garrett into a Bear phase!
Fran: Yeah, like that helped!
Rad: Where are we?
Cordelia: Tomarang, I think.
Rad: You don’t know? We definitely need a captain before we set off again.
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Garrett didn’t stay in his bear phase very long. It was his birthday. His parents, Carmilla & Joe tried to cheer everyone up by hosting a birthday party on board. They even invited Rahul over but he was just as sad. Cordelia did her best to put on a brave face. She’d been exploring the neighbour hood but the local food seemed to keep upsetting her digestion. She was getting terrible bloating.
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Garrett: I’m going to train to be a pirate captain, just like you sir! And marry the most beautiful princess. I know I can do it!
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Of course, it wasn’t the food causing bloating. Carmilla had worked it out but didn’t know how to tell the princess. Eventually she ran out of time to tell her and nature took charge.
Carmilla: It’ll be alright, ma’am. I’ll set you through it.
Cordelia: But a baby? I don’t know anything about babies.
Carmilla: They’re not babies for long. You’ll learn on the job.
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And of course she did. The crib in her stateroom was right under the flirty painting she’d done in happier times. With a sigh, she disabled it’s emotional aura and concentrated on her little one.
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By the time Rodrigo Jr was an Infant, the princess was doing better, even having moments of joy.
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When Rodrigo Sr’s ghost came visiting, Junior was quite insistent on a cuddle and seemed oblivious to his father’s ethereal nature. After bonding with his son, Senior and Cordelia explored What It Would Be Like and Cordelia decided that life was nearly perfect again.
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Having an Infant does change your life and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bit deluded. However, with Junior in a backpack, Cordelia found she could carry on doing most things. Including exploring by jogging round the neighbourhood. She didn’t see any tigers at the sanctuary but she hoped to on other occasions.
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As Cordelia became restless again, a new captain was found, Yvonne Eet. She was fond of mischief which the princess was resigned to by now. They were a band of pirates after all. Cap’n Yvonne seemed very friendly and Cordelia hoped things would work out well with the crew.
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Yvonne: I hope you like your gold candelabra, ma’am.
Cordelia: Oh, er, yes. Very nice.
Yvonne: And I’ve ordered a plate with my parrot on. I thought it would add to your collection.
Cordelia: Yes, well I don’t really collect them. I just keep being left them. I’ve put yours with the others on a sort of tree wall hanging. That’ll keep them out of the way.
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Junior wasn’t very sure of aging up, but then it was hard to find just the right time in between being hungry and tired when he was feeling loved and well-cared for.
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Not being very fond of children, Cap’n Yvonne went for a swim with Garrett.
Yvonne: You seem like a very smart man.
Garrett: I’m only a teen, ma’am.
Yvonne: Oh, call me Yvonne, do. Now do you know if the Princess is interested in women as well as men?
Garrett: She was very close with Lady Matilda in Tartosa but she was with Cap’n Rodrigo then so I don’t think there was anything to it. No-one’s ever said…
Yvonne: Hm…
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Yvonne: You look very fetching, this evening, my lady.
Cordelia: What? Oh, thank you.
Yvonne: I was just thinking about how I’d like to show you the world.
Cordelia: I’m sorry?
Yvonne: You certainly put the shiver in my timbers!
Cordelia: Are you saying what I think you’re saying?
Yvonne: My skull and crossbones aren't the only things I’d like to raise tonight!
Cordelia: Argh – those are dreadful lines. Have I led you on in some way?
Yvonne: Obviously my mistake. You have a reputation, mi’lady of having a thing for pirates. I thought…
Cordelia: I’m still with Rodrigo in spirit and I’m focussed on our son. I’m sorry. Please just stick to captaining the Eppsilon
Yvonne: Right.
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If Cordelia had been a bit less startled and a bit more aware of things around her, she would have been disturbed by Cap’n Yvonne’s next set of actions. She got quite friendly with Raider Rad and with Five Finger Fran who introduced her to Two Eye Charlie. Two Eye Charlie was very interested in what Captain Yvonne had to say.
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So it was a complete surprise when Cordelia came back from an outing with Carmilla, Joe and Junior to find the Eppsilon gone.
Joe: Well that’s a turn up for the books, and no mistake!
Carmilla: I didn’t trust that one. She was sneaking around. Bah! What are we to do now?
Cordelia: I am not without contacts. I’ve got a plan.
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Cordelia: Darryl, I know I disappointed you back on the Isle but you are happy with Emilia. If you have any affection left for me, I desperately need your help.
Darryl: What you’re asking is really above my level of spell craft training. I’m not sure…
Cordelia: We just need you to get the Eppsilon back.
Darryl: Is that the ship you were always on about.
Cordelia: It’s a submersible – it goes under the water.
Darryl: So – a ship that goes under water.
Carmilla: Yes, and if you can curse that Yvonne into a bottle at the same time, that would be just dandy!
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Darryl: OK, I’ll give it a shot. What’s the worst that could happen?
Cordelia: We-ell, maybe we should look at alternatives…
Darryl: Nope. I reckon I can do it. Just hold the image of the Eppsilon in your mind….a ship that goes underwater…amazing.
Carmilla: And Yvonne in a bottle!
Cordelia: Oh no – that bit’s not necessary.
Darryl: Concentrate – concentrate….
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Joe: Well, he did ask what was the worst that could happen.
Cordelia: I’m just grateful we’re all here together. Junior seems happy enough in that little tent you’ve put up.
Joe: Plus Darryl managed to get all of your furniture and stuff. We’ll make it homely somehow.
Carmilla: I wonder what happened to that Yvonne…
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This is my explanation of the fourth plate on Cordelia’s plate display. One bottle message reads:
"Ye be readin' the letter I wrote, arrrr ye? Well, now you're cursed! Ha. Me and me trusty parrot will be free! - Captain Y. Eet"
I’ve linked the 2 together but it’s not official Sims lore. By the way, I’m sure Carmilla didn’t want the parrot in there as well. The location of faithless Fran, Rad and Charlie is unknown.
I’ve really enjoyed playing Cordelia and she’s all set to complete Beach Life and then maybe a Jungle Adventure when Rodrigo Jr is a child. I’d really like to watch Rodrigo Jr grow into the 20 yr old young Rodrigo Thebe that returns to Tartosa, laden with pirate treasure, to build the Thebe Estate. But it’s time to return to the present day to wrap up Gabby’s investigations.
In case you didn’t pick it up, all the episode titles for Cordelia’s adventures have been (loosely) taken from the lyrics of Yellow Submarine by The Beatles.