when I try to go to Origin.com it just re-directs me to the EA app but I found a link on a reddit post and from an EA answers HQ post to get an older version of origin, when I log in and bring it up though, it wants me to upgrade to the EA app, but at least it's installed and I will try copying the EA sims 3 folder from the c folder on my mom's computer-she has an older version that would at least run the base game, but this might allow the disc to be installed anyway, it's frustrating, as you know from my previous posts here I was planning to do an uninstall and reinstall months ago and then add two more sp's and university life (life got in the way) but was a little hesitant and now I know why, lol and the game would at least run with all EP's and SP's up to Seasons (with a factory reset) before I uninstalled them all plus the EA app and Origin, guess I should have just stuck with yanking the EA folder from my documents to the desktop and just re-installed my cc, lol, but I wanted to make sure to have a clean install of the game in case there was any corrupted files