Author Topic: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 16)  (Read 27643 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Jan 26)
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2024, 01:21:34 PM »
19. Kyra and Blake Roswell 2

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Dear Aunt Pris,
Congratulations to Beatrice indeed! And do keep us posted on how Colin, Ezra, Gloria and Deanna are doing.
As you can see from the picture, Tomarang is truly gorgeous in late spring and early summer -- that's the view from our window.

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Now that it's not raining, I like to have breakfast outside, next to the fountain.

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In the morning, Blake can take a swim to get his muscles going. Our apartment building isn't right on the ocean, but we're next to a beach.

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There's a little island across the water from us. Once I learned how to sail, I was able to go over to it. I could have swum as well, but I'm not as fit as Blake so I decided to get a boat.

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There's a short path through the jungle.

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And then you get to a cave. The first time I went in, I was a bit apprehensive. It sounded like some creature was in there with me, but it turned out that all I heard was the echo of my own breathing. The second time, I tried to reach a ledge but fell. I'll try again some time and tell you about it the next time I write.

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My other adventure has been going to the spa. I'm trying to develop inner peace, and massages help with that.

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I also went to yoga class, and who should the teacher be but our old visitor, Eleanor Sullivan! She was such a help when we were all growing up.

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My friend Summer Holiday came to yoga class with me. Thanks to practicing on my mat, I was able to do fairly well.

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The next day, I persuaded Summer to move into the apartment downstairs. It will be nice to have a neighbor.

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Summer got some new clothes for herself. More "summery" one might say.

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Blake was beginning to suffer from burnout, but then he had a day off. After relaxing and doing a jigsaw puzzle, he felt much better. Now he wants to playbeat me at Simbles.
That's all for now! Blake and I aren't making much money, but we do enjoy it here. Thanks for everything! Love, Kyra
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 1)
« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2024, 07:32:56 AM »
Is Kyra living on the Tam Nang Sands lot in Koh Sahpa? 
My sims recently moved that same lot so they're grateful to Kyra for sharing the tidbits about sailing.
The sailboat is a terrific idea!  Nothing good yet from that cave, though.
Please let us know, Watcher, if Kyra finds anything interesting in that cave.  Tassels?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 1)
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2024, 09:56:43 AM »
I tried taking a sailboat to that stretch of water to get to the cave because it was too cold to swim but my Sim just left it on the beach. I must have been doing something wrong. Fortunately it was warm enough to swim the next day.

Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 1)
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2024, 02:11:38 PM »
@oshizu, yes that's the lot. She's only been in the cave twice.
@Granny Lawlor, it took me a while to figure out how to use the boat. You have to click on the water and choose "sail here" from the options. I can't remember whether the boat needs to be in her inventory.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 1)
« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2024, 01:06:15 PM »
20. 2 Children, a Toddler, and 2 Infants

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Excerpts from Beatrice's Diary:  Today I lost a tooth. It hurt when I yanked it out, but the Tooth Fairy brought me a certificate and a poster and even some money!

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I enjoy playing pirate up in the treehouse. I also like sleeping up there. It's quiet except for the rustle of the leaves. No crying babies!

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I drew my first picture today and gave it to Mummy. She liked it!

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I've been practicing hopscotch and can't wait for Kurt and Larissa to get old enough to play.

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Kurt has been the next toddler to have a birthday.

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He made a mess, which his parents ignored. Luckily Kurt has decided to become a Scout, so he cleaned it up himself.

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He's interested in becoming a rambunctious scamp, so he left the house early one morning to go play on the spaceship in the park.

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And he has started practicing hopscotch, too.

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Here are the two of them going off to school on Monday morning.
I have hardly any pictures of Larissa this time, but I'm sure she'll be the star the next time I write.

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I sometimes wonder if I should try to find a better maid than Rashid. Besides setting the dryer on fire (twice now!), he can be overzealous when it comes to vaccuuming. Surprisingly, Angelo didn't wake up no matter how close he got. Could it be he has a hearing problem?

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Otherwise, Angelo seems to be making good progress and has started taking an occasional meal in the high chair.

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Pedro is advancing more quickly, however. He's started eating finger foods -- peanut butter puffs are his favorite.

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He can pull himself up to a standing position.

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He's played peek-a-boo with his mother.

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When he said his first word, it was time for him to have a birthday. He's the second top-notch infant I've raised, so I'm very proud of him.

And I'm very proud of all of you, too, and Beatrice, Kurt, Larissa, and Angelo as well.
Love, Aunt Pris
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 11)
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2024, 03:14:11 PM »
Humple Borfna, Angelo!
Priscilla and Watcher, I salute you both with the deepest respect! Congrats of the second top-notch infant!!!
I wish I had even a little of your patience.
But I am simmer who rushes to age up my infants as soon as I noticed that they have both the Loved and Well Cared For moodlets.

The shot of Rashid practically vacuuming the baby was hilarious.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 11)
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2024, 04:23:14 PM »
So many adorable infant/toddler pics!

I'm glad Blake and Kyra are happy, even if they aren't making much money (yet). I haven't played in Tomarang yet - thank you for the info about the cave/boat.

Great idea having fathers join the club - more adults to help is always good.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 11)
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2024, 05:50:55 PM »
21. Colin and Ezra Delgato 2

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Happy Freedom Day, Aunt Pris! Ezra and I took advantage of the holiday to go streaking.

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One thing we both realized was that we had been eating too much pizza. And that we hadn't been exercising enough.

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Of course, I did burn off some calories trying to get rid of the flies and roaches that cluster around the garbage bin. (I need to do more recycling.)

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Next day, it was back to work. I started building a rocket ship with one of my co-workers, Gianna Spence.

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And when I finished my regular work for the day, I went outside and collected some crystals and metals. I wonder if it would be more lucrative to go into jewelry-making than to sell what I find to the Simsonian.

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Meanwhile, Ezra decided that he'd had enough of being a salary-person and became a critic.

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His job involves watching a lot of television. Nice work when you can get it.

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One thing I did at work was to upgrade my Simray so that it could transform various objects. I set one thing on fire, but otherwise was able to add a few hundred simoleons to our household income.

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I'm using the income to add another container-apartment to what we rent out. But I need to put more furniture in before I can place it on the market.

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Once it got dark, Ezra felt comfortable about going out for a jog. "If I do this for a week, I should start to see results," he texted me.
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Immediately after that I got another text -- just this picture followed by !!!!

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I waited about an hour before going out myself. I didn't see any werewolves.

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But when I returned home, I noticed this fellow skulking around our place. Guess I should plant some garlic.
So be careful, Aunt Pris. They're out there, and even though babies and children might be safe, you're not. Love from me and Ezra, Colin
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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 21)
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2024, 02:27:24 PM »
22. 3 Children, a Toddler, and an Infant

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Dear Kyra, Blake, Colin, Ezra, Gloria, and Deanna,
I think I will tell you about the children in order of age (or speed of development) today. Angelo is eating finger food now, but still hasn't tried to stand up or say any words.

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Now that it's summer, it's finally warm enough for him to be outside for a while.

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I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing a toddler blow raspberries on his little sibling's tummy.

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Pedro started out with an unsteady walk, but is quite adept now.

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Unfortunately he has destructive tendencies. The dollhouse is his chief target.

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Pedro loves playing with the pots and pans. Luckily they're indestructible.

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Larissa needed only a little work with numbers to max her thinking skill and have a birthday. I expected her to grow up with an interest in socializing, but instead she's a geek who wants to become a whiz kid.

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She loves playing with the dollhouse.

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She also enjoys playing peek-a-boo with Angelo.

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And being read to is still high on her list of things that are fun. Incidentally, you might notice that I lost some weight. I finally got tired of swelling up like a balloon and tried that insta-lean drink. It made me thinner than I ever was, but I daresay that I'll start gaining again.

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Here is Larissa on her way to her first day of school. She is going to grow up to be just as beautiful as her mother, I think.

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Kurt is almost as active as Blake was in his childhood. I bought some climbing bars for him, and for future rambunctious scamps.

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But Kurt also enjoys drawing and making crafts.

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And who doesn't enjoy being a pirate? Luckily, it's been warm enough for the children to go to Willow Creek to play.

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And now we come to Beatrice. She got her mother to play hopscotch with her. I wouldn't want to try it while wearing high heels, but Bella had only a little trouble.

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Beatrice's second aspiration was to become an artistic prodigy. It didn't take her long to complete her drawings and finish practicing the violin.

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We celebrated her birthday Friday evening.

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She's a proper young lady now and kind enough to repair the dollhouse for her sister. Now that Beatrice is a teen, I'll be taking in another mother-to-be.
I'm glad that all of you are doing so well. Love, Aunt Pris
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Feb 26)
« Reply #54 on: March 01, 2024, 04:25:12 PM »
23. Gloria Delgato-Dreamer 2

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Dear Aunt Pris,
I can say with certainty that my wedding day has not been the happiest day of my life, but it was quite enjoyable in its own way. I picked out a venue -- La Coppia Serena in Tartosa -- and invited the guests, but either I forgot or the wedding planner didn't give me a schedule. Either way, as soon as I clicked "done", Dirk and I were whisked away.

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I went down the aisle without an audience. Our friends were all at the other sanctuary in the building.

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Dirk had to check something on his phone and got lost in the building.

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And then he was so tired that he lay down for a nap.

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It's a wonder we managed to exchange our vows.

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Our friends never did join us, but a couple of Dirk's fans were there to witness the ceremony. One of them fainted.

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I might have been jealous, but Dirk made it quite clear that I had no reason to get upset.

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Leaving the building, I was amazed at how beautiful Tartosa was in the sunlight. Dirk and I agreed that we would come back for our honeymoon.

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Before the honeymoon, though, we both had some things to do. I had a guest appearance on "Wild Flames." I think I was the lead character's girlfriend at camp or something.

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I managed to get through without forgetting my lines. One thing I like about the studio is that they don't try to change my hair style. "Anything I do would look worse than what you've got," the stylist tells me every time.

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Looking at the publicity stills, I realized that the camera actually does add 5 pounds. So I'm trying to exercise more. Plus, some of the more lucrative roles do require a higher level of fitness than I have.

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But I can't exercise all the time, so I've decided to take up jewelry-making. Neither auditions nor gigs take up much time, and it looks like a fun hobby.

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This is my first creation -- a chunky bracelet of death metal with a sapphire crystal. As soon as I get a little more skilled, I plan to make myself a necklace with my birthstone, amethyst and to make something for Dirk with his birthstone which is turquoise.

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As soon as Dirk finished his requirements for a promotion, we took off for Tartosa. The house we rented was nice but not quite our style. I decided to go outdoors to cook breakfast.

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And then we went to the beach and made a sandcastle.

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Dirk says we should make it the model for the house we'll build when we win the lottery (we both bought tickets that day).

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In the afternoon, we decided to go back to La Coppia Serena, as we really were too keyed-up to enjoy the place when we were there. Unfortunately one of the paparazzi found us, and pretty soon we were knee-deep in fans.

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We escaped to a lovely little beach by a waterfall, where Dirk drew a heart in the sand for me -- so sweet!

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But the crowd followed us. Dirk arranged his selfie so it looked like we were still alone, but the magic was gone.

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Back at our rented villa, we made use of the hot tub. Have you ever seen such a blue sky? Dirk and I agree that we'll go back someday, when we're not celebrities any more.
I think today was the happiest day of my life, and tomorrow might be even better! Hope you and the little ones are happy, too. Love, Gloria
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 1)
« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2024, 06:37:45 PM »
Well, it might not have been the wedding Gloria dreamed of, but certainly it's memorable! A couple of fans were there to witness; one passed out. That made me LOL.

Getting into the jewelry already - I'm anxious to try it myself but need to get a chapter posted first. There are certainly some strong impacts to charging the crystals.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 1)
« Reply #56 on: March 01, 2024, 08:22:30 PM »
Beatrice is as lovely as her mother, Bella. The resemblance is striking!
Weddings are still so buggy despite MWS being released quite a while ago now.
I'm glad Gloria and Dirk enjoyed their stay in Tartosa regardless. 
(Gloria reminds me of Makoa and Lillian Kealoha's daughter Nani. Are they related?)

Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 1)
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2024, 07:34:56 AM »
@GlazeyLady, I haven't tried charging anything yet myself. I'm hoping there's a crystal that helps infants gain milestones faster, lol.

@oshizu, I think the problems with the wedding were mostly watcher-related. Not having a specific date and time meant that Dirk's energy needs were in the orange, which was why he was so sleepy. And I should have removed the other arch from the venue so that their friends would go to the right place. Gloria is a Delgato and not related to the Kealohas, but I do have Pedro and Angelo coming along from that family.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 1)
« Reply #58 on: March 13, 2024, 12:27:18 PM »
24. One Teen, 2 Children, and 2 Toddlers

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Actually, Angelo spent much of the time as an infant still, but he is a toddler now.

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Besides learning how to pull himself up to a standing position and how to eat finger foods, Angelo figured out how to blow kisses. So sweet!

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His first word was "fish," which he said after playing dolls with Pedro.

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For once Pedro wanted to play with the dollhouse rather than smashing it.

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When the time came for Angelo to blow out the candles, I'm not sure he wanted to. He's gone from being a cautious infant to a silly toddler who has a good appetite and loves wake-up.

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He also loves playing dinosaur.

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His favorite person (other than me) has been Beatrice, who's been very helpful. She is fond of Angelo and Pedro, but she still says she would rather have a cat.

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Even though he's not an infant any more, Angelo still wants her attention.

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When she's not doing schoolwork or volunteering or looking after little ones, Beatrice loves to dance.

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Pedro is almost ready to become a child. He also has a good appetite, although sometimes his eyes are bigger than his stomach.

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The weather finally warmed up enough that I could take him out to the wading pool for some splashing.

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Kurt and Larissa are both great friends and play hopscotch together.

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Kurt has been trying to learn how to ride a bike.

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He also has joined Scouts and has accumulated several badges.

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Larissa is close to becoming a Whiz Kid.

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She lost a tooth, but didn't want to show the gap in her selfies. I finally got a little smile out of her.

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And we're soon going to have a new baby in the house. I got the notification last night that Sara Scott was pregnant.

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To my surprise, this was something she didn't know herself until she moved in with us. Congratulations, Sara!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 13)
« Reply #59 on: March 13, 2024, 12:45:27 PM »
Oh, I really like Sara Scott's makeover. She looks beautiful. How funny that you knew about her pregnancy before she did!

