Author Topic: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 16)  (Read 28852 times)

Offline MarianT

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100 Nooboos Nabbed (March 16)
« on: October 01, 2023, 07:29:52 PM »

1. 0 Nooboos

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Dear Priscilla Redding,
   We here at S.I.M.S. (Sims Intelligent Monitoring Systems) have observed over the years that Sims, when left to their own devices, are truly terrible parents. They neglect infants and toddlers; they take no interest in the activities of their children and teens. And they seem to dress their offspring in rejects from the Goodwill bin. It's enough to make any Monitor weep.
   Your task, Priscilla, is to remove the innocent babies from their not-so-loving parents and give them the kind of upbringing they deserve.

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"Why me?" Priscilla wailed. "100 nooboos? Why? All I want to do is live in a place with pretty scenery and paint."

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   You have been chosen because you live on a lot with ancient and unique ley lines. We here at S.I.M.S. hope that this place will prove more fertile than most when it comes to twins and triplets. And even if it does not have that effect, it is a lot large enough for a treehouse, a rocket ship, a greenhouse, a chicken coop, and anything else you wish to add. Rest assured, we will provide you with any resources you need.
   The procedure you will follow is this: Every morning, you will check your mailbox to find out if any family in Sim world is expecting. You will then go to that family and befriend the mother, inviting her to move in with you. After she gives birth, you will send her back to her husband and keep the child. Once the baby becomes a young adult, you will return him or her to the family of origin. If that family no longer inhabits Sim world, you will place the new Sim in a house of their own.
   Details about raising children will follow. Thanking you in advance for your service, etc.
P.S. Sims that are likely to become expectant parents include Bella Goth, Jess Sigworth, and Rahmi Watson. We suggest you make their acquaintance as soon as possible. Thanks again.
P.P.S. When you move in the mother, you may extract 1000 Simoleons from the family's household income to help defray expenses.

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As it happened, Tom and Rahmi Watson showed up as the Welcome Wagon just as Priscilla finished reading her letter. Priscilla tried to be as friendly as possible, but she was still reeling from the news that she was going to raise 100 babies.

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When she went outside to paint, to calm herself down, Tom and Rahmi took advantage of their moment of privacy.

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Priscilla felt pretty sure that Rahmi would be her first mother-to-be, but no. The first notification she got was that Meredith Roswell, of Strangerville, was expecting. Looking at the Roswells' house, she thought it was very unlikely that Meredith would want to come and stay with her.

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"And you and your little one will get excellent care while you're with me," Priscilla burbled nervously. She could tell that Meredith wasn't feeling it. And she hadn't even gotten to the part about Meredith going back home and leaving the baby behind.

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But Meredith did agree to come over and look at her house. Her tiny, one-bedroom house. At least the two of them had something in common: both were very interested in world peace.

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What made Meredith decide to move in was Priscilla's promise of a make-over. "When you have strong features, sometimes pulling your hair back isn't the most flattering style," Priscilla explained. "As for make-up, sometimes less is more." But Priscilla had to admit that nothing could be done about Meredith's generally grumpy expression.

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The reason for that expression showed up that evening -- Meredith's husband Ted. Priscilla tried not to eavesdrop.

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But when Ted started shouting, she couldn't help overhearing him. Apparently Ted was mostly upset that Meredith wasn't there to fix dinner for him. "It's just until the baby is born," Meredith explained. But that didn't help. Priscilla finally sent him home, and her little house was peaceful again.

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The next few days were quite pleasant. Meredith took up knitting.

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Priscilla acquired a goat, Butternut, and a sheep, Deli. She gave Meredith the wool from Deli to help with her knitting.

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They both worked in the garden.

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Priscilla met Agnes Crumplebottom in the village and discovered that there were people who could look a great deal more grumpy than Meredith.

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In fact, she would miss Meredith very much when the time came for her to leave.

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And one afternoon, Priscilla realized that Meredith would be leaving quite soon. But there was one thing she was worried about. "How am I going to raise 100 nooboos when one pregnancy takes so long?" she wondered.
On cue, she got another letter.

Dear Priscilla,
   You might be concerned about whether you'll be able to raise 100 nooboos all by yourself. Probably not, even if everyone has twins, which is why we at S.I.M.S. will encourage you to have a science baby around the time of your adult birthday. This child will grow up to be your successor.
   Also, the children under your guidance will probably grow up more quickly than their townie counterparts. We've arranged things so that the newborns can become infants as soon as they are your good friends. The infants can become toddlers when they have spoken their first word and pulled themselves to a standing position. The toddlers can become children when they have completed all five toddler skills. The children can become teens when they have completed three aspirations. And the teens can become young adults when they are in range to grow up with three character traits, either positive or negative. The young adults can either be returned to their family of origin, or you can move them into an empty house.
   You might also be wondering about the possibility of your own romance. Certainly there are no rules against your falling in love, but we do ask that you not marry. Also, that you not take a job which requires you to leave the house. You may even try for baby, provided that your partner lives in a house in Sim world. One last restriction -- you may not have any pets that take up a slot in the household. Sheep, goats, rabbits, and hamsters are all okay. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

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It wasn't long before Priscilla realized that her tiny home was about to become much larger. That afternoon she heard a groan from Meredith that quickly turned into a screech. Her labor pains had begun.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 07:32:54 PM »
1. Blake Roswell
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
self-assured, hot-headed, hates children, emotionally controlled, responsible, active

2. Kyra Roswell
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
genius, childish, bookworm, compassionate, responsible, over-achiever, creative, neat

3. Ezra Delgato
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
squeamish, over-achiever, cheerful, uncontrolled emotions, responsible, loner

4. Colin Delgato
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
genius, clumsy, freegan, compassionate, responsible, green fiend, neat

5. Gloria Delgato
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
bookworm, jealous, insider, responsible, mediator, active, cheerful

6. Deanna Delgato
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
slob, lactose-intolerant, party animal, good manners, responsible, outgoing

7. Beatrice Goth
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
cat lover, proper, geek, compassionate, responsible

8. Larissa Goth
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

9. Kurt Bjergsen
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

10. Angelo Kealoha
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

11. Pedro Kealoha
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

12. Stephanie Scott
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When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 10:57:48 PM »
What a fun and creative twist on the 100 baby challenge! This will so fun to read!
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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2023, 06:02:52 PM »
2. 2 Nooboos

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Dear Priscilla,
   Well done! We here at S.I.M.S. are much impressed with what you and your ley lines have accomplished. Fraternal twins -- excellent! And their mother not only looks happier, she also has discovered that she likes gardening. Plus she's learned how to knit, and her husband, Ted, has learned how to cook.
   But we've noticed that you look a little tired. You don't need to do this entirely on your own. Although we recommend against hiring a nanny, there are some other options.

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   You will probably get a call from one of our employees, Eleanor Sullivan, offering to come and help out for a few days. You may avail yourself of her services any time.

Priscilla sighed. Eleanor was staying with her, but she didn't do much with the twins. She did pick up their diapers and empty bottles and take out the trash, which was a help, just not as much help as needed. And she was always happy to make waffles, although Priscilla had to be careful about which waffles she took out of the refrigerator. Not all of them were meat-free. But Eleanor was an adult that she could leave in charge of Blake and Kyra when she went to make friends with Supriya Delgato, so that was a plus.

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   You might also find that the mother of the babies comes over from time to time. We're sure that she'll take an active interest in their progress.

We-ell, maybe. Meredith did come over occasionally, but so far Priscilla had seen her pick up a baby only once. But she wasn't going to complain. Like Eleanor, Meredith was very helpful with cleaning and taking out trash.

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And she did bring the occasional present. Perhaps when the children got older, they would interact with her more.

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In the meantime, Priscilla was able to finish her portrait of Meredith and hang it in the nursery for Blake and Kyra.

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It seemed to take forever, but gradually Priscilla was getting the hang of child care. Her eyelids might be drooping with exhaustion when she fed them, but they were getting fed.

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And she even found time to give Kyra a bath. It was a very necessary bath, Kyra having ejected what appeared to be the food intake of her entire life.

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   Finally, you might find that a new mother-to-be can help take care of the little ones currently in your care.
   In closing, all we can say is keep up the good work!

Going to make the acquaintance of Supriya Delgato at 11 pm one night, Priscilla found a new resolve. When she arrived at the house, Evie Delgato, a toddler, was standing outside in the middle of a heavy rainstorm. Priscilla didn't have the option to pick her up and bring her inside, but she did mention to her father that she was still out there. Perhaps when she returned Supriya to her home, she would take Evie in too. The Sims truly were incompetent parents on their own.

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After inviting Supriya to move in with her, Priscilla had a couple of questions for S.I.M.S.
Is it possible for me to move in a toddler or infant, or even a child, that I feel is not getting good care from the parents?
Also, how soon do I have to move in the next mother-to-be?

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I understand that the next mother might be helpful. Supriya has been good about feeding Blake and Kyra and even changing an occasional diaper, but the time I spend getting an expectant mother to move in is time I don't have for taking care of children. Can I wait a bit after Supriya gives birth?

It didn't take long for Priscilla to get a response:

Dear Priscilla,
   We here at S.I.M.S. feel that your time and energy would be better spent if you started out with children as newborns. The early stages of life are crucial in building a foundation for a good life. We applaud your kind heart, but the answer is no -- newborns only.
   As for your other question, certainly you can wait. The more time you have between babies, the fewer babies you, personally, will be able to take care of. At the same time, there is only so much you can do. We recommend that you take in a new expectant mother no later than the time when the youngest child in your care becomes potty-trained.

"I wish you'd told me that sooner," Priscilla muttered, just as Supriya cried out. "Labor's starting! I think I'm having twins!"
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct. 3)
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2023, 02:28:59 PM »
3. 4 Nooboos

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Indeed, Supriya did have twins -- two boys, Ezra and Colin. Priscilla wasn't sure how she would manage. Feeding everyone would be her first priority, then diapers and baths. Encouraging infant development would be next, followed by her own needs.

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The garden would come last.

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Luckily, Eleanor Sullivan offered to come over for a few days just when Priscilla felt that she couldn't keep her eyes open a moment longer. Now that Kyra and Blake Roswell could babble, they could actually communicate a little with Eleanor.

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"I can always tell when they're hungry or need a diaper change," she told Priscilla. "You go take care of yourself for a bit."

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With Eleanor's help, Kyra and Blake began to make progress. Blake learned how to roll over onto his stomach.

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Kyra was able to sit up and try baby food. She wasn't sure she liked hummus, but mashed carrots were a treat.

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Blake didn't particularly like mashed peas, but he did enjoy being in the high chair.

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Soon after Ezra and Colin became infants, Priscilla had a shock -- Supriya was pregnant again!

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She moved in and was able to help out with Colin and Ezra.

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Priscilla hoped that she could get Kyra to start crawling before Supriya had her next baby, but Kyra wasn't interested.

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Her monitor at S.I.M.S. had been quite clear that Supriya would have to leave after she gave birth, but her friend Sara Scott was in the habit of coming over to visit. Priscilla hoped that the older infants would be able to communicate their needs to her like they could to Eleanor Sullivan. Sara longed to have a baby of her own, so Priscilla told her that she was welcome to come over and play with the nooboos anytime.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct. 8)
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2023, 12:40:36 AM »
Oh my gosh - four infants at once! You are a very brave Watcher!
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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct. 8)
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2023, 08:46:01 AM »
@GlazeyLady, FYI that ley lines lot trait really works! Also, Eleanor Sullivan is a big help. Once the infants start babbling, they can get her to feed them, change diapers, and even give a bath.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct. 8)
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2023, 12:57:40 PM »
4. 6 Nooboos

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Dear Priscilla,
   We here at S.I.M.S. are so very, very sorry. We don't know how this could have happened. Well, actually, we do know, but the explanation is rather tedious, and you don't have time for that. Suffice to say, the monitor responsible has been suitably admonished.

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   We understand your need for assistance, but do wish to caution you against opening the door to strangers late at night. This harmless-looking young man happens to be a vampire. While the babies would be safe, you would be unconscious for hours.

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   Inviting the mothers over is a good idea. And once the infants learn how to blow kisses, we're sure that they will keep coming back.

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   The newborns' needs should be attended to first. Infants can signal other adults in the house. So don't worry about them, no matter how much they cry.

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   Eleanor Sullivan has put you at the top of her list for visiting.

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You can count on her for things like putting all the infants back into their beds and changing their diapers.

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However, you need to know that she has taken up jogging recently. If she leaves the house with an infant, you may need to go and find him later.

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   One last thing -- toddlers are easier to care for than infants, so once they have said their first word or pulled themselves up to a standing position, you may age them up. But that only applies to this group. Good luck!

Priscilla found that it was a little easier when she didn't have to feed Kyra. Of course, it did mean that she had to keep dishes on hand that Kyra could eat. Kyra's first word had been fish, so perhaps she would make fish tacos for her instead of the tofu tacos she ate herself.

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Blake's first word was duck. And thanks to Eleanor, he was learning how to use the potty.

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Everything was going well, except for the fire. A firefighter came, but it took her a while to get there.

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And it also took her a while to realize that the fire had gone through the outside wall to the front door where Kyra and Blake were trying to get to safety. Fortunately, toddlers (and infants) have an invisible shield protecting them from flames. Priscilla replaced everything, including the malfunctioning waffle iron. She figured the maid could clean up the floor later.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.14)
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2023, 04:03:56 PM »
I love your new version of the 100 Baby Challenge as Priscilla dauntlessly picks up the gauntlet to raise 100 babies on her own.
I've discovered that I'm not such a big fan of infants, but have a newfound love (even more than before) of toddlers.
Wishing Priscilla and her Watcher the best!

Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.14)
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2023, 07:59:52 AM »
Thanks for the good wishes, @oshizu! I'm liking toddlers a lot more, too.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.14)
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2023, 01:36:36 PM »
5. 2 Toddlers and 4 Infants

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Blake has been a fairly adventurous toddler, going outside to express himself. This was not quite the behavior that Priscilla expected from a toddler with the angelic trait.

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He also was the first to use the slide on the front porch.

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But his favorite place has probably been the couch, with a plate of food. In this case, it's a serving of gummy-bear pancakes that his mother brought over.

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Kyra has been exploring various objects. Who knew that you could find a hammer in the dishwasher?

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She also likes being read to. If Priscilla or Eleanor isn't available, she'll ask the maid Skylark.

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Kyra wasn't sure how she felt about eating in a high chair. Weren't high chairs mostly for infants? And wasn't she a big girl now? She much preferred eating on the couch like Blake.

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The day a toddler becomes potty-trained is often a bittersweet moment for parents. But Priscilla only felt overjoyed. One down, five to go.

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Meanwhile, there were infants to be taken care of. Colin had disliked one thing after another until Priscilla tried rice porridge. Ezra thought peanut butter puffs were great.

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Deanna started exploring baby food as soon as she could sit up.

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Gloria wasn't ready to sit up on her own yet. But she did get outside when Eleanor took her along jogging. Priscilla had to go out and find her to bring her back in.

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Now that he was eating finger food and had said his first word, "frog", it was time for Ezra, a top-notch infant, to become a toddler.

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And amazingly, it was time for Kyra to become a child. Priscilla's long nightmare of screaming infants (Gloria, in particular, hates trying to sleep anywhere except in someone's lap), overflowing diapers, and never getting a full night's sleep might soon come to an end.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.22)
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2023, 03:35:26 PM »
I never imagined that a maid could also read to children!  Great idea!
Watcher, I'm convinced that you have the patience of a saint!
Congratulations on infant Ezra and toddler Kyra's birthdays!

Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.22)
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2023, 10:28:09 AM »
Aargh! I keep having to reset Priscilla. Maybe 6 nooboos are too much for her, or maybe 14 EPs plus all the game packs and stuff packs are too much for my computer. I plan to disable a few (if I can get that to work) and start over.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.22)
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2023, 12:09:09 PM »
We're back! I finally succeeded in disabling a few packs. We'll see if that eliminates the need to keep resetting Priscilla. She and the little ones have a new home:

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When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 100 Nooboos Nabbed (Oct.22)
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2023, 12:17:32 PM »
I'm so glad that disabling some of the packs has made Priscilla playable again.
Until this past June, I'd been using the same computer setup that I'd bought at the release of The Sims 4.
It was very old, lacked sufficient memory for all my packs, and my game lagged and stuttered unbearably.

I'm super happy with my new setup. I didn't even bother trying to install it myself.
Just paid Best Buy's Geek Squad to come to my place and do it for me. :D

Also, the new house looks great!

Best wishes on your streamlined 100 Nooboos Nabbed Challenge!

