Author Topic: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty: Complete (3-Dec)  (Read 19310 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2023, 07:53:31 AM »
Such beautiful children!
What about Lucas Munch?  Is he already too old for Cherry?
I have never gotten that Teen Hangout lot trait to work for me.
Trying to remember to spawn random children when my own sims are that helps to increase the later teen population.
That, sadly, will not work for Cherry but will perhaps benefit Belle?

You are really enjoying the Low Tech era. It's a pleasure to read, too!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2023, 10:54:10 AM »
Such beautiful children!
What about Lucas Munch?  Is he already too old for Cherry?
I have never gotten that Teen Hangout lot trait to work for me.
Trying to remember to spawn random children when my own sims are that helps to increase the later teen population.
That, sadly, will not work for Cherry but will perhaps benefit Belle?

You are really enjoying the Low Tech era. It's a pleasure to read, too!
Oh yes, Lucas could be cute...

Wolfgang is definitely not an option although his bad boys looks might really rock the outfits for the next Era. He will become my nemesis if he worms his way into 2 of my stories, back-to-back! He's a member of the Knights club who hangout at the Von Haunt Estate They must be a bit confused over the lack of chess tables (Mid Tech).

It's been fun to use that lot as a Park and it definitely meets the requirement of being in the neighbourhood but takes them to a different area. However it's got its own special non-changeable lot type. Another lot with the proper Park designation would have encouraged the spawning of kids and teens. They just don't seem to turn up here.

I've had the Teen Hangout work for a residence before but they walk along playing with their mobiles so I didn't want it.

I am enjoying Low Tech and I'm pleased that comes across in the story  :D

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Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2023, 02:27:41 PM »
Can your Banwells travel anywhere in Windenburg?
There's the little park between the coffe shop and the Pan Europa Disco, where the Garden club hangs out.
(Lucas belongs to that club...)
It's quite smol compared to most of the other parks in the game, but it's still a park. ;-)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2023, 03:23:46 PM »
Can your Banwells travel anywhere in Windenburg?
There's the little park between the coffe shop and the Pan Europa Disco, where the Garden club hangs out.
(Lucas belongs to that club...)
It's quite smol compared to most of the other parks in the game, but it's still a park. ;-)
Ah - sadly I'm limited to the Winslar region for now. Next Era I can travel anywhere in current world. Ah, if only Cherry can complete one of her collections soon...

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2023, 09:11:53 PM »
Ah - sadly I'm limited to the Winslar region for now. Next Era I can travel anywhere in current world. Ah, if only Cherry can complete one of her collections soon...

I've never tried completing the frog collection without access to the ponds at Desert Bloom and Magnolia Blossom.
Sulani has the two local collections which are time-consuming but doable.
Er, no Easter bunnies and decorative eggs in Winslar?
Hey, what about the Plushies?
I was going to suggest getting a dog/cat, but you can't visit places for chasing feathers. :(
*whispers: When was the microscope invented?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2023, 02:02:27 AM »
Ironically in looking for the necessary crystals and fossils, I only need a few more anachronistic MySims trophies! The fossil collection is not far out of reach.

As you found, taking the family to Granite Falls before school starts gets around the Responsibility drop. There are a smattering of sites there plus some frog logs.

If only I had a kleptomaniac sim...there was a whirly frog in the ranger centre!

It's autumn and we've just celebrated harvest (one holiday allowed). If I had considered an egghunt I might have discarded it for being out of season. Ah - the balance between gameplay and authenticity!

I need to research plushies. I've never collected them before. Ah, no computer to order crackers, drat!
I'll get there...

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish (24-Sep)
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2023, 10:13:14 AM »
Best wishes to Cherry and you for her Curator's collection.
I hope I'm not being annoying with all my questions, hehe.
It's fun for me to vicariously re-imagine how I might've played the SimTech Dynasty in a different locale.
Unlike an RDC, the SimTech Dynasty isn't a race so you can enjoy making design choices about builds and wardrobe :D

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2023, 11:00:22 AM »
The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues

Previously at Banwell Camp: Having become an Angling Ace, Chad decided to explore the deep forest, Taranos became a Teen and Belle became a Good Child. Encouraged by her family’s achievements, Hilda decided there was time for another nooboo

Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Belle, Cherry, Chad, Hilda, Taranos
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (4/4)

Chad: This insect repellent will make our treks to the forest more pleasant. I have made a lot for all of us.
Hilda: That would be an improvement. Those bugs know just where to bite!


Belle: Hello Houndstooth. Are you hungry? I’ll have to get one of the others to feed and brush you. I can tell you jokes and hug you, if that would be OK?


Hilda: Thank you for helping me through that delivery. You are such a blessing.
Cherry: A boy! What will we call him?
Hilda: Matthew. A goodly name for our times.


Arun: I have called to see your father. Can I come in.
Cherry: I am sorry but no. Only our family can come in.
Arun: You play that lyre very well. Maybe when you are older, you could become my wife.
Cherry: When I am old enough, you will be older too.
Arun: These times would not discount me on that basis. In fact we could get married now.
Cherry: Oh er I do not think it is possible. Do forgive me.


Cherry: And then he said he wanted me to be his wife!
Taranos: It would not be a bad match. Stand still, Champ! He could still give you children.
Cherry: I am too busy collecting things and on my lyre to have children. That is you shorn (sheared?), Houndstooth.
Taranos: In addition to our animal chores.


Chad: Happy Harvest. Who would like to light the candles?
Hilda: We are thankful for all the good things we have grown and made. We are thankful for all our Friends of the World. We ask for peace and safety as the days get shorter.
Chad: Oh – someone get Matthew. He has become a Wiggly Infant.


Chad: Come here, Matthew. Let us play Peek-a-boo while the others lavish gifts on your mother for her birthday.
Matthew: Coo
Chad: It is your big sister Cherry’s birthday too. She has decided that she wants to have children after all. What a turnaround! It will be your birthday tomorrow. I wonder what you will be like as a Toddler.


Taranos: Argh! This wax is hot. It takes me 5 candles to get a skill point and those bees only give enough for one candle each day!
Hilda: You do know we can buy more wax at the market, son?
Taranos: Oh. That is good. It will still get hot though.


Cherry: Come on, Matthew, just let it out.
Matthew: Babble
Cherry: Hm, I think this part of childcare is difficult!


Hilda: Happy Birthday, Belle.
Belle: Thank you Ma. Oh, these socks are very dotty.
Hilda: Do you not like them?
Belle: Not really, Ma. But thank you anyway.
Hilda: I like your dress, dear but we will have to change it for something that at least covers your collarbones. We really should have our shoulders covered but I can only get enough material for these shift dresses.
Belle: OK.  But can I go and do some cooking now?
Hilda: That would be wonderful. Thank you dear. Your Da will want something when he wakes up in the tent. This has been his 5th night out there. (Outdoor Enthusiast complete)


Cherry: Please be a new fossil. Please be a new fossil!


Belle: Aha! I can not only feed and brush you, Houndstooth, I can shear your wool. Sometimes it is black and sometimes it is white. It is not surprising that Ma’s knitting creates stripes.


Maaike: Good day to you, young woman. Have you seen my house around here, somewhere? I am sure I used to reside here but I must have got lost.
Cherry: I am sorry. There are no other houses here. You know, if you had a softer hairstyle and more flattering clothes, someone might be interested in you starting a dynasty with them.


Matthew: Babble!
Hilda: I know dear. We are here again. But at least the bugs are not biting us.
Belle: Have you noticed that Ma just calls us “dear” all the time?
Taranos: She cannot remember all our names. It is worrying really.
Belle: I have not forgiven her for spending more time with everyone else besides me.
Taranos: Neither have I. She keeps apologizing. The priests teach that we must forgive but it takes time.
Hilda: Ha! Your sister has found her last fossil. We can all go home!


Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Taranos, Cherry, Chad holding Matthew, Hilda, Belle
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Autumn (1/4)

Qualifying Skills - 4/5
1.   Cooking by Hilda on week 4/Sat day 21
2.   Violin by Taranos on week 5/Sun day 29
3.   Herbalism by Chad on week 5/Wed day 32
4.   Guitar by Cherry on week 5/Thu day 33
Qualifying Aspirations - complete
1.   Angling Ace by Chad on week 4/Mon day 23
2.   Soulmate by Hilda on week 4/Fri day 20
3.   Friend of the World by Hilda on week 5/Mon day 30
4.   Outdoor Enthusiast by Chad on week 5/Fri day 34
5.   The Curator by Cherry on week 5/Sat day 35

Previous Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Adult (17 days to Elder)
   Knitting 6
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (0 days to Elder)
Freelance Botanist; Comedy 6, Gardening 8

Gen 2:
: Creative, Foodie, Family-Oriented Young Adult (10 Days to Adult)
   Wellness 3
Taranos: Wiggly/Inquisitive Loves Outdoors, Creative Teen (0 days to YA)
   Fabrication 2
Belle: Calm/Independent Good, Foodie Teen (8 days to YA)
Matthew: WigglyInquisitive Toddler (0 days to Child)


There was no actual flirting between Arun and Cherry but he stood there for ages watching her play. It was a little creepy.

So many birthdays this week, it was hard to keep track! Although I give the number of days to their “birthday”, without any means to age-up any but babies and infants, they actually get an extra days grace.

The Foodie trait was perhaps not the best trait for a Founder to have and pass on. It won’t be really useful until the More Tech Era when they can become chefs. So far Hilda has passed it on to both Cherry and Belle.

The adult female shift dresses have always been a compromise and as Britain loses the Roman influence, the climate and increased modesty makes them less and less appropriate.

Poor Matthew has been thoroughly over-looked and has barely got level 2 in any skills. Ah well. We are only 2 skill points away from the Mid-Tech Era… I was tempted to extend this update until then but decided to stick with the week updates.

This would have been a lot quicker without all the animals but I do enjoy them. We might go all-out with Simple Living next era...

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues (25-Sep)
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2023, 12:23:09 PM »
Congrats to Cherry on completing the fossil collection and The Curator aspiration.  That took persistence!
And now only two more skills points until the Mid-Tech era!
Are you happy to advance in time and technology, Watcher?

I'm so curious about the household will change in the weeks to come.  Who will marry out?  Who will move in their spouse?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues (25-Sep)
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2023, 01:17:33 PM »
Congrats to Cherry on completing the fossil collection and The Curator aspiration.  That took persistence!
And now only two more skills points until the Mid-Tech era!
Are you happy to advance in time and technology, Watcher?

I'm so curious about the household will change in the weeks to come.  Who will marry out?  Who will move in their spouse?
I'm looking forward to it. More skills open up for our creative foodie family :)

No spoilers and things might not go according to plan. Change that. Things rarely go according to plan  ;D

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues (25-Sep)
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2023, 12:04:07 AM »
Between the start of the new Diablo III season, long work days, and fighting pneumonia, I have gotten woefully behind. But it was such a pleasure to see a new Granny Lawlor story! I love your attention to detail and authenticity. I have really enjoyed reading this all at once. Cherry's advice to Maike was so perfect!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 5: The Search Continues (25-Sep)
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2023, 01:20:49 AM »
Between the start of the new Diablo III season, long work days, and fighting pneumonia, I have gotten woefully behind. But it was such a pleasure to see a new Granny Lawlor story! I love your attention to detail and authenticity. I have really enjoyed reading this all at once. Cherry's advice to Maike was so perfect!
Sorry to hear about the pneumonia. I hope it's all cleared up now. Thank goodness you had Diablo to distract you. :)

Thank for your kind words. It's always a joy to know that others like my stories. I'm really enjoying this challenge. Although there are still restrictions, particularly regarding travel, they get lifted as you get further in.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 6a: Leaving Windenburg
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2023, 04:35:55 AM »
The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 6a: Leaving Windenburg

Previously at Banwell Camp: Hilda blessed Chad with their fourth child, Matthew whilst becoming a Friend of the World. Chad became an Angling Ace and Outdoor Enthusiast (go Chad) and Cherry completed her collection to become The Curator.

Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Taranos, Cherry, Chad holding Matthew, Hilda, Belle
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Autumn (1/4)

After spending Sunday (their day of rest and New Skill Day) skilling, Chad maxed his Gardening skill just after Midnight – very early Monday morning.

Taranos started arranging flowers, Cherry built her Wellness and Hilda knitted more socks. Belle did a lot of chores but she’s OK with that.

Qualifying Skills - complete
1.   Cooking by Hilda on week 4/Sat day 21
2.   Violin by Taranos on week 5/Sun day 29
3.   Herbalism by Chad on week 5/Wed day 32
4.   Guitar by Cherry on week 5/Thu day 33
5.   Gardening by Chad on week 6/Mon day 36

Qualifying Aspirations - complete
1.   Angling Ace by Chad on week 4/Mon day 23
2.   Soulmate by Hilda on week 4/Fri day 20
3.   Friend of the World by Hilda on week 5/Mon day 30
4.   Outdoor Enthusiast by Chad on week 5/Fri day 34
5.   The Curator by Cherry on week 5/Sat day 35

Completed: Week 6, Monday - Day 36

Previous Progress:
No Tech Era
Qualifying Skills

1.   Fishing by Chad on week 2/Wed day 11
2.   Fitness by Chad on week 2/Fri day 13
3.   Parenting by Hill on week 3/Wed day 18
4.   Singing by Hill  on week 3/Thu day 19
5.   Charisma by Hill on week 3/Fri day 20
Completed: Day 20

: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Adult (17 days to Elder)
   Knitting 8
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (0 days to Elder)
Freelance Botanist 1/4; Comedy 6

Gen 2:
: Creative, Foodie, Family-Oriented Young Adult (10 Days to Adult)
   Wellness 6
Taranos: Wiggly/Inquisitive Loves Outdoors, Creative Teen (0 days to YA)
   Fabrication 2, Flower Arranging 2, Wellness 2
Belle: Calm/Independent Good, Foodie Teen (8 days to YA)
Matthew: WigglyInquisitive Toddler (0 days to Child)


Although all the males, Chad, Taranos & Matthew, only had 0 days to their birthday 24 hours earlier in the last post, none of them had bubbling age bars. They are now well and truly bubbling! It will be interesting to see how the move to Normal Lifespan affects them.

So it’s time to say farewell to the Low Tech Era and, indeed, to Windenburg. They will still be able to visit Windenburg and Granite Falls but otherwise remain in their own world. There will be a bit of a pause will I re-order their worlds, rearrange their stars if you like :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 6a: Leaving Windenburg (26-Sep)
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2023, 09:52:08 AM »
A big congrats to the Banwells and their Watcher on earning advancement into the Mid-Tech Era, and with three bubbling age bars no less!
Like you, I greatly love challenges that involve lifting locked restrictions!
Enjoy modifying the Banwells and their simverse to accommodate the new era!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty: Welcome to the Mid Tech Era
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2023, 02:38:10 AM »
Welcome to the Mid Tech Era

The Mid Tech Era ruleset can be found here

The Romans had bolstered Britain against the Viking invasions but their departure opened it up to new attacks as it entered the Dark Ages. Firstly the Saxons (northern parts of modern Germany) and then the Normans invaded and conquered it. England variously won and lost parts of what we now know as Great Britain as they fought wars with parts of modern day Europe including the papal state based in Roman. Henry VIII brought England into the Renaissance, threw off Papal control and executed anyone clinging to the Catholic faith. Royal marriages to bring peace or establish allies was commonplace. The genetic diversity of England is well established.

Now we are approaching the end of the Tudor era. Good Queen Bess (Elizabeth I) is on the English throne despite being the 3rd and last child of her father Henry VIII. The owner of the best naval fleet wins the battles and some ships venture further afield to the Americas, bringing back exotic coffee, tobacco, cocoa and the humble potato.

With constant wars and religious persecution, life at court was political and dangerous . Life in the country continued to be arable-based and people eked a living from what they grew or made. Communities were formed and villages became places of celebration and support. The local Protestant church was a place for worship but also for learning and gatherings (rigid pews weren’t put in until the Victorians decided churches were too holy to be used for fun). Local ale houses welcomed bawdy drinkers but decent folk were better served by travellers inns.

An awareness of the arts emerged with plays by William Shakespeare and the local gentry wishing to be immortalised in portraits. Books were handwritten and precious. Telescopes were invented towards the end of this period and one has been added to the Finchwick park/church.

With Elizabeth on the throne, women became more forthright but were still legally very much property of their fathers or husbands.

Banwell Camp has relocated to 2 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford and renamed Banwell Farm. Finchwick village will be their local community with a park/church and a shop. Windenburg town will represent court with a museum, gym and restaurant. I will credit the gallery designers of these lots as we visit them.


Granite Falls has become a “chase” or deer park for the hunting pleasures of nobility but commoners may still visit and stay in their hunting lodges. I have replaced the Von Haunt Estate plus the pub and the various dwellings around the Windslar neighbourhood, re-installing the original residents. I’m sorry to say that the Fyres family has been culled. I had the population set to 80 to represent the times and have now upped it to 200. I haven’t edited the high school so our trips with Taranos and Belle will be full of anachronisms.

Pets are now allowed but we won’t be getting one.


This is the first time I have imported CC clothing but the Tudor period demanded it. I found designs by two creators CurseForge and Patreon which work well for my plans. I hope the rendering works in play. Women might have played a gentle game of tennis or ridden horses side-saddle but our feisty women dress up as lads, a reversal of Shakespeare’s actors, to get their exercise. Swimming will only be in the local river when it’s warm enough and hopefully not seen by anyone.

Chad: Adult 20 days to Elder (+20)
Wardrobe Chad.jpg

Hilda: Adult 37 days to Elder (+21)
Wardrobe Hilda.jpg

Cherry: Young Adult 23 days to Adult (+14)
Wardrobe Cherry.jpg

Taranos: Teen 9 days to Young Adult (+9)
Wardrobe Toronas.jpg

Belle: Teen 18 days to Young Adult (+11)
Wardrobe Belle.jpg

Matthew: Toddler 3 days to Child (+3)
Wardrobe Matt.jpg

(+days moving Lifespan from Short to Normal)


I used the original (unfurnished) Munch house, Coorinberg Cottage as the basis for the half-timbered Banwell Farm. Our family’s existing furniture has been installed where it is still in keeping. A semi-shaded par terre garden has been created for the kitchen garden. Very little funds were left for other garden items or spare furniture. The bills are due on the day they move in and we do not want another visit from the Repo Man.

Banwell Farm.jpg

There is a small set of books, a chess set, an easel and journals; an off-grid stove and ice-box. Fireplaces would be appropriate but I’ll only add this source of danger when it gets really cold.


Challenges: Off Grid and Simple Living
Traits: Good Schools, Great Soil, Natural Light