Author Topic: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty: Complete (3-Dec)  (Read 19309 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 2: Infantasies (20-Sep)
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2023, 07:59:45 PM »
Awww, I can see how your "reach x milestones in each category" rule for infants in your RDC wouldn't work for your SimTech Dynasty.
Since infants didn't exist at the time of SimTech's launch and the rules aren't being updated anymore, you could have just immediately aged the infants up to toddlers for the NoTech era.

I can't believe the Repo Man visited the Banwells when the family is already living from hand-to-mouth.
How could they not be able to pay their bills with the Off-the-Grid lot trait doing away with utility bills?
Were their bills high due to price of the lot? Their Repo Man is a heartless cad!
The Repo Man has never visited any of my sims.  I'm feeling rather slighted!

Look at Cherry, being so diligent and responsible while her parents slink away to try for another baby!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 2: Infantasies (20-Sep)
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2023, 01:37:00 AM »
Awww, I can see how your "reach x milestones in each category" rule for infants in your RDC wouldn't work for your SimTech Dynasty.
Since infants didn't exist at the time of SimTech's launch and the rules aren't being updated anymore, you could have just immediately aged the infants up to toddlers for the NoTech era.

I can't believe the Repo Man visited the Banwells when the family is already living from hand-to-mouth.
How could they not be able to pay their bills with the Off-the-Grid lot trait doing away with utility bills?
Were their bills high due to price of the lot? Their Repo Man is a heartless cad!
The Repo Man has never visited any of my sims.  I'm feeling rather slighted!

Look at Cherry, being so diligent and responsible while her parents slink away to try for another baby!
I didn't even consider skipping the Infant stage! Silly me. Still, although it's amazingly time-consuming, I do like the Infant stage so probably would have decided to go for it anyway. Having said that, I really hope we get into the Low Tech era before another Infant is on the scene!

I hoped the adults could use the packpack option for more activities but they put Infants down to do fishing & cooking. I'd like to get a shot of them harvest from trees with a backpack on but the cherry trees are the furthest. Maybe in the next Era when we can start a garden.

I'd read one post on the Simtech topic where the Repo Man had never turned up so the Banwells just ignored the $263 bill. I'd never seen him before with his High Tech vacuum so it was interesting. He came on the Thursday after thae Monday bills arrived. Chad and Hill will be paying the bills from now on.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3a: Green Living
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2023, 09:14:29 AM »
The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3a: Green Living

Previously at Banwell Camp: Founder Chad was as good as it gets at Fishing and Fitness. Founder Hill produced another Nooboo called Thunder, a brother to Cherry who is now a Child

Era: No Tech
Family L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Thunder, Hill
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Bracing Breezes, Childs Play, Romantic, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)

Hill worked very hard in this episode and also spent a lot of time asleep. Her body told her that another baby was on the way by making her sick, very tired and needing the long-drop toilet a lot. Fortunately, the long drop toilet was in the cave near the bed. Chad took over the cooking with Cherry’s help to give Hill time to rest. He also kept an eye on Thunder although Hill insisted that Parenting was mainly her responsibility. Chad didn’t argue but just got on with whatever was needed. He aged up to an Adult on Sunday. Cherry gave him a birthday frog that she’d found in the pond. It was one he didn’t have so it made him happy.


Every day and sometimes twice, Cherry would go to their pond. She would gather water to throw down the long drop toilet, look for frogs and then play in the water for a while. She did feel a bit cleaner afterwards but then she always fished after so she just got smelly again. Especially in the heatwave that lasted 2 days. She started putting her frogs together and making more frogs.


Ah! A rare photo with all the family. Cherry is there, floating in the pool. Chad is playing with Thunder to the beat of Hill’s singing. Why were they out at night? It was still hot at night but they spent the day in the cave, sheltering from the heat.


Hill loved to teach both Cherry and Thunder about saying Please and Thank You. She and Chad had really only just begun saying it themselves but she wanted her children to start doing it too. This was just before Thunder aged up to an Outdoor Loving Child on Tuesday afternoon


On Wednesday evening, when the cave was very dark, Hill gave birth to another daughter and they named her Bluebell after the only local flowers. Hill lavished care and attention on little Bluebell and became the best at Parenting. She was very tired though and apart from breastfeeding Bluebell, Chad took over the bulk of the parenting duties. Cherry and Thunder were not happy with the new addition but Chad explained to them that all children are precious and that their family must be strong together. Cherry had heard it all before. She napped on the stones near the fire as either her Ma was Singing loudly, talking to the shiny wall or Bluebell was crying. It was too noisy to sleep in the bed there.


When Bluebell aged up into a Calm Infant at noon on Thursday, Chad brought her up to join them by the fire. Fortunately the heavy rain had stopped and the lightning had rumbled off somewhere else. Hill sang wherever she was but was also still very tired from the breastfeeding. Eventually, on Thursday afternoon, she was the best singer ever!


Hill lavished Chad with compliments and sweet talk. She brightened everyone’s day and she talked to the shiny wall in the cave, a lot. Eventually, very early on Friday morning, she realised that she could charm anyone she liked and that was the end of this Era!


Era: End of No Tech
Family L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Bluebell, Hill, Thunder
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Bracing Breezes, Childs Play, Romantic, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)

Qualifying Skills
1.   Fishing by Chad (week 2, Wed)
2.   Fitness by Chad (week 2, Fri)
3.   Parenting by Hill (week 3, Wed)
4.   Singing by Hill (week 3, Thu)
5.   Charisma by Hill (week 3, Fri)
Completed: Day 20

: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Young Adult (7 days to Adult)
   Cooking 8; Soulmate 3/4
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (16 days to Elder)
Cooking 5, Comedy 5, Gardening 2; Angling Ace 3/4

Gen 2:
: Sunny[Angelic[/s] Creative Child (0 days to Teen)
Thunder: WigglyInquisitive Loves Outdoors Child (4 days to Teen)
Bluebell: Calm Infant (1 day to Toddler)


Apologies for all the dark images. These were the best of the bunch. With 2 days of heatwave and 2 days of thunderstorms, being outside was hazardous. The cave, without the benefit of candles (Low Tech), is pitch black at night and only dimly lit from the entrance during the day. It does mean that the green aura surrounding all but Bluebell is less obvious.

A mirror is allowed in No Tech presumably for changing outfits and calming down when hysterical. Cave dwellers would have seen their reflections in water so it fits, sort of. I dubbed it the shiny wall and it was crucial to maxing Charisma.

I’m not entirely sure whether Hill’s constant tiredness was due to breastfeeding. That would be true to life but I’d not noticed it in-game before.

Bluebell is adorable and Thunder is good-looking. I keep wanting to call him Thunder Child like the ship in War of the Worlds that tried but failed to defeat the Martian invaders. I’m resisting that urge. I can’t wait to see Cherry spin into a teen!

Bluebell Infant.jpgThunder Child.jpg

Roll on to the next Era – Low Tech – with bathtubs and sinks (shivers with delight)! The Banwells will be staying on the Villareal Estate but there must and will be some changes. Their neighbourhood can have a park and they can travel within the neighbourhood and make an expedition to Granite Falls

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3a: Green Living (21-Sep)
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2023, 11:26:58 AM »
Congrats on completing the No Tech era. And with three children, no less!
Cherry and Thunder are lovely!

Enjoy your foray into the Low Tech era, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Welcome to the Low Tech Era
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2023, 03:37:10 AM »
Low Tech Era

The Low Tech Era ruleset can be found here

I’m keeping the Banwell Camp on the Villareal Estate and basing dwellings, clothing and the park on Roman Briton, roughly AD43 to AD410. Men worked the land or in trade. Women ran the home. Patriarchy was the order of the day. Children could be married from the age of 14. Boys of wealthy families would be taught Latin and wrote on wax tablets.


I have lightened the skin tone of all the Banwells. It is thought that this developed over many generations, not possible to replicate in this challenge, to get more vitamin D from the weaker sun and that it happened with the move to arable living.

Hill, now Hilda, and Thunder have been given red hair and green eyes. Bluebell has kept her dark hair but got green eyes. Chad and Cherry’s hair and eyes remain the same.

This is all to reflect a more typical Briton from this era. I’m not planning to change them for future eras.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 081258.jpg


I’ve kept to Sims provided clothing using mostly neutral shades so there are some compromises. Red, blue and purple cloth would have been the reserve of the wealthy. Clothing was mostly long dresses for women, tunics and leggings for men. Our family is allowed one extra outfit for formalwear, shown below. Infant Bluebell will stay in her leafy nappy. I don’t think onesies were a thing back then.

Screenshot 2023-09-22 081429.jpgScreenshot 2023-09-22 081449.jpgScreenshot 2023-09-22 081338.jpgScreenshot 2023-09-22 081513.jpg


Our family would have lived in a wooden house with a thatched roof. Many native Celts favoured the round house style, possibly to reflect their belief in a disc-shaped world, and I’ve reflected that in the shape of the main roof, extending it over the plant area. The actual building is an 8*8 square as given in the ruleset and also reflects the Roman preference for right-angles.

I have built a fence to protect the items and livestock from marauders and predators. Rainwater catchers are not specified in the rules that I can see but rainwater harvesting and windmills go back millennia. Windmills are unnecessary for no electricity is required but I have added a water collector at the back of the dwelling. It looks at odds with the era but it’s functionality is valid for the Off-Grid trait.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 193359.jpg

Inside would be one room centred around the grill. I have put that outside for safety reasons. The toilet would have been in an outhouse so I put the door outside to stay within the 8*8 restriction. The bath would have been in the main room but our Sims delicacies would baulk at that. Everything allowed has been added.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 193618.jpg

I’d like to have the Simple Living Challenge set but only a grill for cooking makes that impossible. Chickens for fresh eggs and (whisper it) meat, bees for honey & wax. If I can work out how to buy them, a pigmy goat and mini sheep for milk and wool.

The cave is no more. It was filled with broken items and the remains of all the roasted fish, all waiting to be found by latter day archaeologists.

Living in Cheddar, Somerset the nearby town of Aquae Sulis was famous for its baths hence its modern city name of Bath. This is represented in the neighbourhood Park.

I found a lovely Roman Spa by Kauleto97 in the Gallery. I had to take out the spa bath, the massage tables and chairs and replaced them with a swimming pool, yoga mats and cushions. A hot spring bath might have been in keeping with the Roman baths available but not in keeping with the Park designation. The showers in the basement were also removed. I won’t be able to tell if I’ve removed every disallowed item until I’ve played it. I have clunkily added grills, swings, a pond and some climbing equipment.

Building it on the Von Haunt Estate, which has a special lot category, means it won’t be flagging that there are no chess tables as required by a Park.

Screenshot 2023-09-21 193251.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: Welcome to the Low Tech Era (22-Sep)
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2023, 09:47:34 AM »
I can tell you're having fun with capturing the historical elements of each era.
As for pygmy goats and sheep, can't cut yourself a little slack by buying the Hay Now! Animal Feeder in Build Mode then clicking it to call the Ranch Animal Exchange?
I realize the Banwells shouldn't have phones yet, but they can pretend they're communicating by carrier pigeons?
Um, did the Roman Britons use carrier pigeons? LOL

The Roman Spa looks amazing!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Welcome to the Low Tech Era (22-Sep)
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2023, 12:59:09 PM »
I can tell you're having fun with capturing the historical elements of each era.
As for pygmy goats and sheep, can't cut yourself a little slack by buying the Hay Now! Animal Feeder in Build Mode then clicking it to call the Ranch Animal Exchange?
I realize the Banwells shouldn't have phones yet, but they can pretend they're communicating by carrier pigeons?
Um, did the Roman Britons use carrier pigeons? LOL

The Roman Spa looks amazing!
Oh yes, that's a good way to get the animals. They would have had markets so that's a valid justification. It seems to me that if they could have sourced items in those days then it's OK to work the system a little bit to get them. They have to travel using the phone...

The spa is lovely although adapting it made it less so. Sadly i can't find any dig zones or plants on the van haunt estate so travelling there isn't the bonus I was hoping for. I'll get back to you on the carrier pigeons  ;)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Welcome to the Low Tech Era (22-Sep)
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2023, 01:31:38 PM »
Oh yes, that's a good way to get the animals. They would have had markets so that's a valid justification. It seems to me that if they could have sourced items in those days then it's OK to work the system a little bit to get them. They have to travel using the phone...

The spa is lovely although adapting it made it less so. Sadly i can't find any dig zones or plants on the van haunt estate so travelling there isn't the bonus I was hoping for. I'll get back to you on the carrier pigeons  ;)

Regarding the Von Haunt Estate, I just loaded an old save and found the garden area.  View the Von Haunt Estate with the wedding arch considered due north.
South of the maze, you'll see two pools and the garden area is to the west of the pools.
There are fruit trees (apple, cherry, pear), plus sage, basil, parsley, carrot, strawberry, potato, spinach, bluebell, blackberry, and onion.
Maybe you could take cuttings to splice onto your existing plants?
But no, no dig sites. :(

Looking forward to seeing the pygmy goats and sheep on the Banwell's growing home!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Welcome to the Low Tech Era (22-Sep)
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2023, 02:37:37 AM »
Oh yes, that's a good way to get the animals. They would have had markets so that's a valid justification. It seems to me that if they could have sourced items in those days then it's OK to work the system a little bit to get them. They have to travel using the phone...

The spa is lovely although adapting it made it less so. Sadly i can't find any dig zones or plants on the van haunt estate so travelling there isn't the bonus I was hoping for. I'll get back to you on the carrier pigeons  ;)

Regarding the Von Haunt Estate, I just loaded an old save and found the garden area.  View the Von Haunt Estate with the wedding arch considered due north.
South of the maze, you'll see two pools and the garden area is to the west of the pools.
There are fruit trees (apple, cherry, pear), plus sage, basil, parsley, carrot, strawberry, potato, spinach, bluebell, blackberry, and onion.
Maybe you could take cuttings to splice onto your existing plants?
But no, no dig sites. :(

Looking forward to seeing the pygmy goats and sheep on the Banwell's growing home!
I did not see any of those! I got disheartened after searching for a while and then must have given up before finding them. I should have done a bit more research.

Still, Thunder enjoyed playing on the old wreck (dragged out of the lake?) and swinging from the beams of an old ruin (monkey bars). They had those sort of things, right? Lol!

They're currently making the most of the last week of Summer in Granite Falls so re-searching the "park" and getting more livestock will happen when they get home.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2023, 04:16:45 AM »
The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World

Previously at Banwell Camp: Little Bluebell joined the family and on Friday Hill got super good at Charisma, having already maxed Parenting and Singing, thrusting the Banwell Family into an new Era of Low Tech

Era: Low Tech
Family L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Belle, Hilda, Taranos
Screenshot 2023-09-22 081258.jpg
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)

Hilda: I found out that my full name is Hilda of Banwell. Hilda means “battle woman” which is why I got the first bath. We all gathered water before going in but I made sure I got in first. Chad went next and was so tired that he fell asleep in there. We have decided to change Thunder’s name to Taranos, a good Celtic name also meaning “thunder”. Bluebell has become Belle. Whilst we treasure our history, we want to settle into our new Era. Cherry and Chad are good names still.


Chad: I may have fallen asleep because it was so dark. We repositioned one of our precious candles closer to the bath tub but Taranos also fell asleep in there. The new hen, which he had just fed, followed him in. A fox came sneaking in as soon as we got the chickens, two hens and a cockerel, but this chicken fought him off. Maybe we should call her Hilda.
Hilda: I do not think so. We shall call the brown hen Minerva, the black hen Diana and the cockerel Jupiter after the gods of war, the hunt and thunder that the incoming Romans want us to worship in their cold stone temples.
Chad: The Romans might think us sacrilegious for naming then so.
Hilda: We can tell them we mean it out of respect. After all, they have brought us the bathtub.


Belle: Babble
Chad: That is right, little one. Your Da is burying this bluebell, not you. Then I will bury the grapes.
Belle: Wail
Chad: I’ll get you back to your Ma for some milk.


Hilda: Happy birthday, Cherry. This is for you.
Cherry: Another birthday frog for my collection? And this one is a valuable Sunsurfer. Thank you so much Ma.
Hilda: Would you like to start collecting other things?
Cherry: Yes, I want to explore nature as much as possible and complete our frog collection. I know you and Da are now Soulmates and you are the best at Cooking but what do you want to do now?
Hilda: I need to find you a husband and soon find a wife for Taranos. If I make lots of friends, I should find the right people for you.
Cherry: A husband? Oh!


Chad: Thank you for looking after Belle while your mother gets clean in the facilities here in the forest.
Cherry: It was easy.
Belle: Babble
Chad: You will soon have children of your own. You will make a good mother.
Cherry: Husband? Children? Oh! I think I will go for a jog to clear my mind.
Chad: Could you put Belle on your back to jog with you?
Cherry: Apparently not. Sorry Da. It’s lovely here after that long trek we’ve made to get here. I am glad we came. Now, let me see what I can collect.


Taranos: Da, Cherry says we are to find people for us to marry.
Chad: Not yet son. But soon you will be a Teen, ready to take on a man’s responsibilities. Like fishing.
Taranos: I like fishing.
Chad: Me also. Although I would like to find at least 4 more fish that I have never caught before. This is much better than looking after babies.
Taranos: You do know that Belle is asleep on your back, Da?
Chad: Oh yes! I had forgotten. Watch her while I run to use the bathroom. I think she’s about to age up into a Toddler.


Family from L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Belle, Hilda, Taranos
Home: Banwell Camp - Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Forest: Camping Ground, Granite Falls
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)

Qualifying Skills
1.   Cooking by Hilda on Saturday (day 21)
Qualifying Aspirations
1.   Soulmate by Hilda on Friday (day 20)

: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Young Adult (5 days to Adult)
   Friend of the World 0/4
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (14 days to Elder)
Angling Ace 3/4; Comedy 6, Gardening 3

Gen 2:
: SunnyAngelic Creative, Foodie Teen (9 Days to YA)
   The Curator 1/4;
Thunder: WigglyInquisitive Loves Outdoors Child (2 days to Teen)
   Violin 2
Bluebell: CalmIndependent Toddler (3 day to Child)


Young Adults and Adults can carry Infants in the backpack while they walk, jog, cook on a grill (not the campfire), fish and garden. Most other times they will put them down first, not necessarily in the best place. Chad wanted the bathroom at Granite Falls and left Belle where he had been fishing before running halfway across the site to relieve himself! Teens can’t put Infants in a backpack.

Cherry’s regular outfit matches her mother’s but in green. Her formal dress is a draped affair, cinched in with a clasp. Belle’s is a tunic dress with leggings. I’m only showing the formal outfits as they will hardly ever be seen. The day-to-day ones should appear in the photos. I could get them to change to formalwear for trips to the Park but I’m often too distracted but the tasks.

Low Tech Teen Formal Female.jpgLow Tech Toddler Formal.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World (23-Sep)
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2023, 09:44:37 AM »
Such beautiful children and they are growing so fast!
I'm really curious how the household will change as time passes!
I don't remember the dynasty rules at all.  No Tech is short lifespan, then you're Normal lifespan until High Tech?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World (23-Sep)
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2023, 11:49:43 AM »
Such beautiful children and they are growing so fast!
I'm really curious how the household will change as time passes!
I don't remember the dynasty rules at all.  No Tech is short lifespan, then you're Normal lifespan until High Tech?

The lifespan rules are as follows:

Short for No Tech & Low Tech
Normal for Mid Tech & More Tech
Long for High Tech

I've got timelines going on in a spreadsheet to avoid going into High Tech with children. I remember reading of your frustration that the child stage is 8 weeks!
Unlike you, I won't be doing the vampire thing to prolong life. I like all the outfits but the actual gameplay gives me the creeps. I'm such a delicate soul, lol!
I'm not shooting for a "low" score as in the number of Sims who are involved in meeting the requirements. I'm going for a whole family affair :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World (23-Sep)
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2023, 01:43:27 PM »
Such beautiful children and they are growing so fast!
I'm really curious how the household will change as time passes!
I don't remember the dynasty rules at all.  No Tech is short lifespan, then you're Normal lifespan until High Tech?
The lifespan rules are as follows:

Short for No Tech & Low Tech
Normal for Mid Tech & More Tech
Long for High Tech

I've got timelines going on in a spreadsheet to avoid going into High Tech with children. I remember reading of your frustration that the child stage is 8 weeks!
Unlike you, I won't be doing the vampire thing to prolong life. I like all the outfits but the actual gameplay gives me the creeps. I'm such a delicate soul, lol!
I'm not shooting for a "low" score as in the number of Sims who are involved in meeting the requirements. I'm going for a whole family affair :)

Thank you for refreshing my memory on the correlation between eras and lifespan lengths!
I opted for vampires in More Tech solely so that the male founder could live as long as possible.
I'm also not into the running around drinking other sims' plasma, haha. But my sims subsisted on the plasma packs.
Another great alternative is to drink a spellcaster's Potion of Plentiful Needs. 
A moddlet solver doesn't refill a vampire's thirst, but that magical potion does.

There are various ways to enjoy the SimTech Dynasty challenge.
callycat completed it with a single sim--I don't have that kind of patience. ;)

P.S. Did you find the Von Haunt garden?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: A Whole New World (23-Sep)
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2023, 02:26:20 PM »
Oh yes! Thank you for the directions. 3 useful cuttings  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 4: More Fish
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2023, 05:31:43 AM »
The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: More Fish

Previously at Banwell Camp: having entered the Low Tech Era and got new clothes and some new names, our family settled into the arable life. They explored the Roman park and made their first trek to the forest

Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Belle, Hilda, Taranos
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)

Chad: We have come here to meet some potential husbands for you, Cherry. No digging for fossils.
Cherry: I wish I had brought my lyre with me.
Hilda: I cannot see any suitable candidates. This Wolfgang Munch does not seem very nice and he is already an Adult. Such strange clothing too.
Cherry: Well, Ma, I think I will just run on home. There is a spot I did not dig this morning.


Cherry: Well Chick, you have brightened my day!


Hilda: Good girl, Belle, sitting on these strange chairs in this strange house. Do not touch anything.
Belle: Babble?
Hilda: These things are beyond our ken. You play with that rattle.


Chad: This forest man is not a suitable candidate for Cherry and the bear definitely is not so I will just ignore them. Now I am an Angling Ace I wish to catch 5 more fish to really explore this forest.


Chad: My fifth fish. I wonder what plants grow in the summer forest. I shall go for a hike.


Hilda: That is a good dish that you have cooked. I no longer worry about fires. Taranos will have to learn when he is a bit bigger.
Cherry: Da says that cooking is women’s work.
Hilda: He can say that all he likes. What I know is that, when he is hungry, he is more than capable of fending for himself by cooking.


Chad: These plants are new to me, especially the sage. It is a shame that there are no leaves to harvest.
Mimsy: You can take cutting from my garden if you will? I am always happy to share my handywork. Are you here to visit the temple?
Chad: Oh, I am a native. I do not follow the Roman gods.
Arun: Have you not heard? They only follow one god now and say there are no other gods.
Chad: This is very puzzling and so are your clothes.


One-Paw: There’s eggs. There’s eggs!
Two-Paw: But we can’t go in.
One-Paw: We’re not friends with anyone. The cub is stealing out eggs.
Two-Paw: The male has made this gate so we can’t get in.
One-Paw: I'm sure I could squeeze under it.
Two-Paw: I don’t know but it's just not possible.
One-Paw: Why am I called One-Paw, anyway?
Two-Paw: Because originally we were both called Two-Paw and Watcher was getting confused.


Taranos: Ow! Right I am going to put this tooth under my pillow and get a sticker, whatever that is. I do hope the monster does not come tonight. I do not like it.


Chad: Back to the forest and I have harvested 8 different types of strange plants, none of which can be planted. Oh! I wonder what is through this vine. A cave? I remember caves…


Chad: Good day. Are you the hermit I have heard tell of?
Hermit: Yes.
Chad: You don’t look very holy. Are you wise, like the Roman priests with their big buildings and strange formalities?
Hermit: Theirs is a different kind of wisdom. Mine involves fishing and exploring nature.
Chad: That sounds like the wisdom I want.
Hermit: A good way to start. Fish with me. And then I will show you where to harvest some mushrooms.


Chad: The hermit told me to try tasting these plants. Ah, that is chamomile and this is, ugh, toxic chamomile. I’d better experiment some more so I can identify the others.


Hilda: Happy Birthday, Taranos.
Taranos: A birthday frog? How kind. Thank you, Ma.
Hilda: No, silly boy. Cherry likes her frogs. I have knitted you some socks. The wool was a bit stripey and so they are quite eye-catching.
Taranos: They are marvelous, Ma. I will keep them for best.
Hilda: I can teach to you knit if you like. I know you are Creative.
Taranos: I thought I would continue with my violin.


Taranos: Really? I would say “get a room” but we only have one room if we do not count the privy. Ah, I know. GET A TENT.
Hilda: Mmmm, good idea.
Taranos: Thank you, son.
Jupiter: Squawk


Chad: Well, Hilda was very affectionate yesterday. It has put a spring in my step. Even the bees seem happier today.


Hilda: Can I have a word, Chad?
Chad: If it is about the goat and sheep then, yes. I only need to trek to the forest one more time so we will have time for more livestock.
Hilda: We may not have more time, dearest man. I am with child again.
Chad: Another child to bless our home. That is much better than goats and sheep.


Cherry: I do get lonely with no-one my age to be with but this camp fire makes me happy and I love playing my lyre.


Cherry: Happy Birthday, Belle. If you wait while I finish this campers stew, I’ve got a frog for you.
Belle: That will not be necessary, thank you anyway. Ma has given me some stripey socks. They are more than enough.
Cherry: Suit yourself. Still, if you ever have time to look for frogs, I really want to find one with whirls on.


Chad: These are such pretty butterflies to add to my collection. I am glad I can keep them in terrariums and not stick them to frames. They are so much more beautiful alive.


Belle: What are these?
Taranos: An experiment. Minced beef in a small loaf. What do you think?
Belle: Mmm. Good but I think they could be loaded with…..lots of other things.
Chad: It is good to be able to cook, son, but you do not need to do it much. I do need you to find a wife.
Taranos: I have been looking, Da. I promise I have.


Taranos: Ah, the peace of the night. Well, Reflection, how are we going to find that special someone.
Reflection: There are lots of fish in the sea.
Taranos: Sea? What is this sea of which you speak? I must go there.


Taranos: I do not know how to get to the sea but the strangely-dressed people here like my violin playing.
Cherry: And my lyre playing. We have made several coins.
Taranos: No people our age though.
Cherry: Thank goodness.


Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Belle, Cherry, Chad, Hilda, Taranos
Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (4/4)

Qualifying Skills
1.   Cooking by Hilda on Week 3, Saturday (day 21)
Qualifying Aspirations
1.   Soulmate by Hilda on Week 3, Friday (day 20)
2.     Angling Ace by Chad on Week 4, Sunday (day 22)

Previous Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Young Adult (pregnant, 2 days to Adult)
   Friend of the World 3/4; Knitting 3
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (8 days to Elder)
Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4; Comedy 6, Gardening 5, Herbalism 7

Gen 2:
: Sunny/Angelic Creative, Foodie Teen (3 Days to YA)
   The Curator 2/4; Guitar 6, Wellness 3
Thunder: Wiggly/Inquisitive Loves Outdoors, Creative Teen (8 days to YA)
   Violin 8, Wellness 2
Bluebell: Calm/Independent Good Child (5 day to Teen)


Despite setting the park (Von Haunt estate) as a Teen Hangout, not one teen has graced our paths. They don’t come past the house either. There used to be children wandering past but that was in the No Tech Era when the family had to avoid everyone and Gen 2 weren’t old enough to justify finding a spouse. Finding a spouse might have to wait until the next era when they can go to school.

Thanks to @oshizu  for pointing me in the direction of Mimsy’s garden to the side of the Von Haunt Estate. I’ve not been there over the magic 4-7am period so there may be harvestables then.

The Roman emperor Constantine adopted the Christian faith in the 4th century and rolled it out across their empire. Some would say it was a political move to control the empire which previously disagreed over which of their many gods should be worshipped. When the Romans gave up Britain, the locals adopted a more nature-based way of viewing the Christian God.

I’m hopeful of getting into the next Era in the next episode. Hopeful but a little sad. I do like the simplicity of the life style. If there were some teens around I might be tempted to draw it out. However, the next Era goes to a Normal Lifespan so Chad should have a bit longer before reaching his Elder years.

