The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 3b: More FishPreviously at Banwell Camp: having entered the Low Tech Era and got new clothes and some new names, our family settled into the arable life. They explored the Roman park and made their first trek to the forestEra: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Cherry, Chad holding Belle, Hilda, Taranos
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Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (3/4)
Chad: We have come here to meet some potential husbands for you, Cherry. No digging for fossils.
Cherry: I wish I had brought my lyre with me.
Hilda: I cannot see any suitable candidates. This Wolfgang Munch does not seem very nice and he is already an Adult. Such strange clothing too.
Cherry: Well, Ma, I think I will just run on home. There is a spot I did not dig this morning.
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Cherry: Well Chick, you have brightened my day!
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Hilda: Good girl, Belle, sitting on these strange chairs in this strange house. Do not touch anything.
Belle: Babble?
Hilda: These things are beyond our ken. You play with that rattle.
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Chad: This forest man is not a suitable candidate for Cherry and the bear definitely is not so I will just ignore them. Now I am an Angling Ace I wish to catch 5 more fish to really explore this forest.
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Chad: My fifth fish. I wonder what plants grow in the summer forest. I shall go for a hike.
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Hilda: That is a good dish that you have cooked. I no longer worry about fires. Taranos will have to learn when he is a bit bigger.
Cherry: Da says that cooking is women’s work.
Hilda: He can say that all he likes. What I know is that, when he is hungry, he is more than capable of fending for himself by cooking.
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Chad: These plants are new to me, especially the sage. It is a shame that there are no leaves to harvest.
Mimsy: You can take cutting from my garden if you will? I am always happy to share my handywork. Are you here to visit the temple?
Chad: Oh, I am a native. I do not follow the Roman gods.
Arun: Have you not heard? They only follow one god now and say there are no other gods.
Chad: This is very puzzling and so are your clothes.
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One-Paw: There’s eggs. There’s eggs!
Two-Paw: But we can’t go in.
One-Paw: We’re not friends with anyone. The cub is stealing out eggs.
Two-Paw: The male has made this gate so we can’t get in.
One-Paw: I'm sure I could squeeze under it.
Two-Paw: I don’t know but it's just not possible.
One-Paw: Why am I called One-Paw, anyway?
Two-Paw: Because originally we were both called Two-Paw and Watcher was getting confused.
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Taranos: Ow! Right I am going to put this tooth under my pillow and get a sticker, whatever that is. I do hope the monster does not come tonight. I do not like it.
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Chad: Back to the forest and I have harvested 8 different types of strange plants, none of which can be planted. Oh! I wonder what is through this vine. A cave? I remember caves…
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Chad: Good day. Are you the hermit I have heard tell of?
Hermit: Yes.
Chad: You don’t look very holy. Are you wise, like the Roman priests with their big buildings and strange formalities?
Hermit: Theirs is a different kind of wisdom. Mine involves fishing and exploring nature.
Chad: That sounds like the wisdom I want.
Hermit: A good way to start. Fish with me. And then I will show you where to harvest some mushrooms.
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Chad: The hermit told me to try tasting these plants. Ah, that is chamomile and this is, ugh, toxic chamomile. I’d better experiment some more so I can identify the others.
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Hilda: Happy Birthday, Taranos.
Taranos: A birthday frog? How kind. Thank you, Ma.
Hilda: No, silly boy. Cherry likes her frogs. I have knitted you some socks. The wool was a bit stripey and so they are quite eye-catching.
Taranos: They are marvelous, Ma. I will keep them for best.
Hilda: I can teach to you knit if you like. I know you are Creative.
Taranos: I thought I would continue with my violin.
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Taranos: Really? I would say “get a room” but we only have one room if we do not count the privy. Ah, I know. GET A TENT.
Hilda: Mmmm, good idea.
Taranos: Thank you, son.
Jupiter: Squawk
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Chad: Well, Hilda was very affectionate yesterday. It has put a spring in my step. Even the bees seem happier today.
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Hilda: Can I have a word, Chad?
Chad: If it is about the goat and sheep then, yes. I only need to trek to the forest one more time so we will have time for more livestock.
Hilda: We may not have more time, dearest man. I am with child again.
Chad: Another child to bless our home. That is much better than goats and sheep.
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Cherry: I do get lonely with no-one my age to be with but this camp fire makes me happy and I love playing my lyre.
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Cherry: Happy Birthday, Belle. If you wait while I finish this campers stew, I’ve got a frog for you.
Belle: That will not be necessary, thank you anyway. Ma has given me some stripey socks. They are more than enough.
Cherry: Suit yourself. Still, if you ever have time to look for frogs, I really want to find one with whirls on.
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Chad: These are such pretty butterflies to add to my collection. I am glad I can keep them in terrariums and not stick them to frames. They are so much more beautiful alive.
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Belle: What are these?
Taranos: An experiment. Minced beef in a small loaf. What do you think?
Belle: Mmm. Good but I think they could be loaded with…..lots of other things.
Chad: It is good to be able to cook, son, but you do not need to do it much. I do need you to find a wife.
Taranos: I have been looking, Da. I promise I have.
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Taranos: Ah, the peace of the night. Well, Reflection, how are we going to find that special someone.
Reflection: There are lots of fish in the sea.
Taranos: Sea? What is this sea of which you speak? I must go there.
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Taranos: I do not know how to get to the sea but the strangely-dressed people here like my violin playing.
Cherry: And my lyre playing. We have made several coins.
Taranos: No people our age though.
Cherry: Thank goodness.
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Era: Low Tech
Family from L-to-R: Belle, Cherry, Chad, Hilda, Taranos
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Villareal Estate, Windslar, Windenburg
Good Soil, Homely, Great Acoustics, Off-Grid, Wild Foxes
Season: Summer (4/4)
Qualifying Skills1. Cooking by Hilda on Week 3, Saturday (day 21)
Qualifying Aspirations1. Soulmate by Hilda on Week 3, Friday (day 20)
2. Angling Ace by Chad on Week 4, Sunday (day 22)
Previous Progress:Qualifying Skills
1. Fishing by Chad (week 2, Wed)
2. Fitness by Chad (week 2, Fri)
3. Parenting by Hill (week 3, Wed)
4. Singing by Hill (week 3, Thu)
5. Charisma by Hill (week 3, Fri)
Completed: Day 20
Hilda: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors; Young Adult (pregnant, 2 days to Adult)
Friend of the World 3/4; Knitting 3
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented; Adult (8 days to Elder)
Outdoor Enthusiast 3/4; Comedy 6, Gardening 5, Herbalism 7
Gen 2:
Sunny/Angelic Creative, Foodie Teen (3 Days to YA)
The Curator 2/4; Guitar 6, Wellness 3
Wiggly/Inquisitive Loves Outdoors, Creative Teen (8 days to YA)
Violin 8, Wellness 2
Calm/Independent Good Child (5 day to Teen)
NotesDespite setting the park (Von Haunt estate) as a Teen Hangout, not one teen has graced our paths. They don’t come past the house either. There used to be children wandering past but that was in the No Tech Era when the family had to avoid everyone and Gen 2 weren’t old enough to justify finding a spouse. Finding a spouse might have to wait until the next era when they can go to school.
Thanks to
@oshizu for pointing me in the direction of Mimsy’s garden to the side of the Von Haunt Estate. I’ve not been there over the magic 4-7am period so there may be harvestables then.
The Roman emperor Constantine adopted the Christian faith in the 4th century and rolled it out across their empire. Some would say it was a political move to control the empire which previously disagreed over which of their many gods should be worshipped. When the Romans gave up Britain, the locals adopted a more nature-based way of viewing the Christian God.
I’m hopeful of getting into the next Era in the next episode. Hopeful but a little sad. I do like the simplicity of the life style. If there were some teens around I might be tempted to draw it out. However, the next Era goes to a Normal Lifespan so Chad should have a bit longer before reaching his Elder years.