The Banwell SimTech Dynasty Week 13: Technically, Life's a BeachPreviously at Banwell Manor: The family flounced to the end of the More Tech Era in style. The three remaining careers were topped by Cherry (Painter: Master of the Real) on Monday; Hilda (Culinary: Celebrity Mixologist) on Saturday and Imran waited until Monday of week 13 to become Mr Solar System in the Athlete career. Era: High Tech
Family from L-to-R: Henry, Belle, Hilda, Cherry holding Dusty, Chad, Imran, Matthew
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Sapphire Shores, Sulani
Season: Spring (1/4)
Chad: Come on Imran! You said you’d help me build this rocket.
Imran: I’m just finding my self a new job.
Chad: I thought you didn’t want a job.
Imran: Ah – Watcher had me drink a re-traiting potion so I’m not a Freegan anymore.
Chad: What are you then?
Imran: I’m a Geek and proud of it. You know there are games on these phones? They’re amazing!
Chad: Is that why everyone spends all their time looking at them?
Imran: That and the internet.
Chad: It’s the beginning of the end!
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Imran: Chad’s wrong. I know he’s my Father-in-Law and one of our Founders but he’s wrong. Video games are brilliant. And now I’ve got a bit of Programming skill, I can mod them to make them even better. I can’t believe I get paid to do this!
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Belle: Come on, you people out there. You know you want to follow me! Look! How can you not want to follow someone dressed like this?
Watcher: Um…
Belle: I know. I know. But you sent me to work and this is what they gave me to wear. I think it’s a hazing thing.
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Belle: OK. No-one’s going to watch me unless I do something interesting. Time to re-establish my Archaeology skills. I really hope this is genuine. Streaming a significant find live would really up my numbers.
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Henry: But I don’t understand it, Uncle Matthew. Dad’s at peak fitness from when he maxed his Athletic career but look at him compared to you.
Matthew: I’m top fitness too, you know.
Henry: But Dad’s so wiry and you’re….well…ripped!
Matthew: I guess it’s all in the genes, lad.
Henry: What about me. What if I get fit?
Matthew: Who knows. It’s worth a shot. Now you’ve taken over the family club from your Mum and got to be Leader of the Pack, you can set us doing anything you want. Keep the oldies off the exercising though. We don’t want to lose them if we can help it.
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Henry: Come on, Dusty, I’ve finished the laundry. Let’s go for a jog.
Dusty: Woof
Henry: And no getting lost in the undergrowth this time. This extendable lead is only extendable up to a point.
Dusty: Woof
Henry: We just need to stay out of the sun today. I fell asleep while sunbathing and was lucky not to get burnt. Maybe we can do some beach combing later.
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Chad: And that’s why we all just need to get along. Sign up to support World United. Every vote counts.
Hilda: Very nice, dear.
Matthew: Great speech, Dad.
Chad: Didn’t anyone stop to listen?
Imran: They will. You’re getting better every time.
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Belle: Like this?
Cherry: Perfect. Now try a different pose.
Belle: Just make me look good for my profile pic.
Cherry: I’m nearly level 3 photography. I’ll get better with practise.
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Cherry: Let’s take one together.
Belle: The Banwell sisters still rocking it!
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Belle: I know if we can get more people to commit to acts of random kindness, the world will truly be a better place and my father’s dream of a World United will come to be.
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Hilda: Oh Gabriella, it’s so lovely to meet you.
Gabriella: People call me Gabby.
Hilda: And I will too. Would you like me to knit you something?
Gabriella: A toy would be great. I’ve got loads of sweaters.
Hilda: And how about this sweetie I found in my pocket?
Gabriella: Yum! Thanks Granny.
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Belle: And this is Belle, signing off on her first vlog. My amazing Dad will be upgrading this station soon so stay tuned for even better vids.
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Matthew: I wish everyone would stop going on about my body. I like being Active and this is just a side effect. I’m a creative soul too but no-one comes to listen to my pipe music. It’s lonely being a Musical Genius who’s a hunk.
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Cherry: The weekend, finally. I’m so glad to get out to Selvadorada again. I know I’ve got some sort of curse. I forgot to bring the laptop but I’ve heard that statue in the square sometimes cures people miraculously so I’ll give that a go.
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Hilda: I do hope Gabby likes this octopus. I’ll have to take it over there next week. It’s a bit hard knitting in this humidity but I need a sit-down after drinking that cocktail I made. It made me into a Master Mixologist, don’t you know! I think it’s time to try for Lady of the Knits, now I can sell things on Plopsy.
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Belle: Drat, the light’s fading. And the drone’s battery is giving up. Time to head for home but I just know we’ll be returning. I wonder what all these artifact-shaped lumps of mud are hiding!
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Qualifying Skills 0/5Qualifying Aspirations 3/5 1. Leader of the Pack by Henry on Week 13/Tue day 87
2. Musical Genius by Matthew on Week 13/Thu day 89
3. Master Mixologist by Hilda on Week 13/Sat day 91
Qualifying Careers 0/5 Completed: Day ?
Previous Progress:No Tech Era
Qualifying Skills
1. Fishing by Chad on week 2/Wed day 11
2. Fitness by Chad on week 2/Fri day 13
3. Parenting by Hill on week 3/Wed day 18
4. Singing by Hill on week 3/Thu day 19
5. Charisma by Hill on week 3/Fri day 20
Completed: Day 20
Low Tech Era
Qualifying Skills
6. Cooking by Hilda on week 4/Sat day 21
7. Violin by Taranos on week 5/Sun day 29
8. Herbalism by Chad on week 5/Wed day 32
9. Guitar by Cherry on week 5/Thu day 33
10. Gardening by Chad on week 6/Mon day 37
Qualifying Aspirations
6. Angling Ace by Chad on week 4/Mon day 23
7. Soulmate by Hilda on week 4/Fri day 20
8. Friend of the World by Hilda on week 5/Mon day 30
9. Outdoor Enthusiast by Chad on week 5/Fri day 34
10. The Curator by Cherry on week 5/Sat day 35
Completed: Day 37
Mid Tech
Qualifying Skills
11. Knitting by Hilda on week 7/Tue day 45
12. Painting by Cherry on week 7/Thu day 47
13. Handiness by Chad on week 8/Wed day 52
14. Wellness by Cherry on week 8/Thu day 53
15. Veterinary by Hilda on week 8/Sat day 55
Qualifying Aspirations
11. Super Parent by Hilda on week 6/Wed day 39
12. Serial Romantic by Taranos week 8/Mon day 51
13. Big Happy Family by Hilda week 8/Wed day 52
14. Painter Extraordinaire by Cherry week 8/Wed day 52
15. Fabulously Wealthy by Belle on week 9/Sun day 57
Completed: Day 57
More Tech Era
Qualifying Skills 5/5
1. Logic by Cherry on week 9/Sun day 57
2. Baking by Belle on week 9/Sun day 57
3. Comedy by Chad on week 9/Mon day 58
4. Piano by Belle on week 9/Tue day 59
5. Selvadoradan Culture by Cherry on week 9/Thu day 61
Qualifying Aspirations 5/5
1. Freelance Botanist by Chad on week 9/Tue day 59
2. Renaissance Sim by Cherry on week 9/Wed day 60
3. Country Caretaker by Imran on week 10/Sat day 70
4. Body Builder by Chad on week 11/Mon day 72
5. Master Chef by Hilda on week 11/Sat day 77
Qualifying Careers 5/5
1. Gardener: Botanist by Chad on week 11/Wed day 74
2. Entertainer: Musician by Belle on week 11/Wed day 74
3. Painter: Master of the Real by Cherry on week 12/Mon day 79
4. Culinary: Mixologist by Hilda on week 12/Sat day 84
5. Athlete: Bodybuilder by Imran on week 13/Mon day 86
Completed: Day 86
Hilda: Creative, Family-Oriented, Foodie +Loves Outdoors +Outgoing +Neat; Elder (lived 139 days);
Pipe Organ 2, Research & Debate 2, Rocket Science 2, Writing 6; Lady of the Knits 0/4; Food Critic 5/10
Chad: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Self-Assured +Family-Oriented +Perfectionist +Active; Elder (lived 139 days);
Rocket Science 7; Nerd Brain 2/4; Politician – Charity Organiser 6/10
Gen 2:
Cherry: Creative, Foodie, Family-Oriented +Romantic +Cheerful +Overachiever Adult (139 Days to Elder);
Rocket Science 3, Writing 7, Video Gaming 2; Jungle Explorer 2/4; Trend Setter 6/10
Imran Watson: Animal Enthusiast,
FreeganGeek, Neat +Cheerful +Active Adult (lived 104 days); husband to Cherry;
Pet Training 3, Programming 4, Video Gaming 4; Friend to the Animals 1/4; Tech Guru 5/10
Belle: Good, Foodie, Unflirty +Self-Assured +Neat +Creative Adult (158 days to Elder)
Archaeology 8, Mischief 8, Rocket Science 3, Video Gaming 4, Writing 4; Archaeology Scholar 2/4; Social Media - Internet Personality 5/10
Matthew: Self-Assured, Neat, Active +Cheerful Young Adult (95 days to Adult)
Pipe Organ 7, Rocket Science 3; Extreme Sports Enthusiast 0/4; Astronaut 6/10
Gen 3:
Sunny/Charmer Neat, Romantic Teen (70 days to YA)
Programming 3, Rocket Science 4, Writing 6; Beach Life 1/4
NotesAll the new careers have been chosen to embrace the technologies now available. I’m hoping that all 3 elders will make it to the end now lifespan has changed to long despite Hilda having her first death notice in the previous era.
Hilda maxed the Knitting skill back in the Mid Tech Era but Lady of the Knits requires a Plopsy sale so she’s working on it now. Matthew has moved on to the Extreme Sports Aspiration but we won’t be focussing on that until Cherry completes Jungle Explorer. Dusty continues to be too well-behaved to help Imran complete his Friend to the Animals Aspiration so he’ll focus on his new Geek love of Programming and Gaming. Henry is very busy sunbathing and beachcombing for his Beach Life Aspiration.