Author Topic: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale  (Read 14921 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« on: September 18, 2023, 06:40:08 AM »
2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale

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Welcome to the 2023 Challenge Tournament Finale. This is the most critical event of the season, and as such, it carries triple weight. As the title implies, the heart of this challenge is the Simology tab: milestones and traits. And Dynasty players note you will enjoy a nice headstart on the upcoming Simology Dynasty, unveiled in November. The Simology Dynasty will be the forum's 15th rendition of the beloved annual challenge, so that number appears in the rules and scoring. The team worked hard to make this special event challenging and straightforward with few restrictions. Play as you want to play.

Challenge Rules

  • Remember, the General Rules apply to all Tournament challenges. Exceptions may be noted below.
  • Lifespan: Normal. All other options = default settings (but you're free to turn on Wants and Fears).
  • Environment and pack settings = player's choice.
  • The Growing Together expansion is required.
  • Home Chef Hustle is not allowed.
  • In CAS (no Story Mode), create 2 Young Adult Sims (all life states allowed). Relationship status is the player's choice.
  • Moving the household may only happen in Live Mode - no using the Household Management screen.
  • This challenge concludes at the end of five Sim weeks.


So, what exactly is this Finale all about? What's the point? The point is...acquiring lots of points. Copy the spreadsheet (see purple link below) and earn points by checking off your household's completed milestones and traits.

All traits are worth 1 point.
All Milestones are worth 3 points.

Any Sim death or a Sim moving out hits you with a 15-point penalty. Multiple deaths of a single Sim receive the same penalty for each different type of death. Pet deaths and pets moving in and out of the house are free.

Perfect 10 Bonus - This is an optional bonus that one of your founders can tackle. If that founder accomplishes ten traits and ten milestones on your spreadsheet in your first ten days of play (pause your game at Week 2, Day 4, 8 a.m.), you earn an extra 10 points. Only traits and milestones earned after starting Live mode count.

Fabulous 15 Bonus - This is an optional bonus your other founder could tackle. If that founder checks off 15 traits and 15 milestones (all different from Perfect 10 traits/milestones) on your spreadsheet in your first 15 days of play (pause your game at Week 3, Day 2, 8 a.m.), you earn an extra 15 points. Only traits and milestones earned after starting Live mode count.

Museum Points - This is another optional bonus with restrictions. The spreadsheet will have a separate box for you to list a maximum of 15 placeable items, either earned, created, or collected. Enter the value of each item, and the spreadsheet will then calculate the number of points the museum adds to your total. There can be overlap in the items submitted (i.e., you may offer more than one book or painting), but any given household member can only place one museum item. Each item must be the sole responsibility of one Sim (no helping from others).

Household Simology Final Points: Pause your game at Week 6, Day 1, 8 a.m., and note your score via your copy of the spreadsheet. Mark off all the trait and milestone cells (Yes/No) your household acquired. If you run out of time (i.e., you could only play 3 Sim weeks), that's okay. You can still use your copy of the spreadsheet and compute your score. Add the names of household Sim members who died or were moved out, and the spreadsheet will deduct 15 points for each line. 

A Few Additional Specifics:
The team does not want to edit and change the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else, we may ask affected players to redo their effort.

If you have questions and need clarifications, ask away — you can either post your questions in this thread, or if you feel a question might reveal a particular strategy you are considering, then feel free to PM the team. Choose the My Messages tab > Send Message > Send to Group (show membergroups) > Check the Challenge Board Moderator group.

The winner will be announced the Monday following the closing date below. Once the event has closed, everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, and the winner is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Household Simology Final Points
Metropolis Man455

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2023, 06:42:05 AM »
The team is posting the above rule set a full two weeks before the Finale goes live, hoping that the more eyeballs that see it and offer feedback, the better the final product will be.

One specific area that may need tweaking is the museum formula. Let the team know if Total Museum Simoleans/1500 seems like a balanced scoring addition.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2023, 02:31:01 PM »
This looks fun. I love that you've included the new milestones as I've not focused on them much. I'll definitely be giving this a shot at some point.

Dividing the items worth by 1500 for the museum seems reasonable to me especially as each household member can only contribute one item. There's a variety of objects to go after so it keeps the gameplay options wide.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2023, 02:45:05 PM »
This looks fun. I love that you've included the new milestones as I've not focused on them much. I'll definitely be giving this a shot at some point.

Dividing the items worth by 1500 for the museum seems reasonable to me especially as each household member can only contribute one item. There's a variety of objects to go after so it keeps the gameplay options wide.

Thanks for the feedback. I look forward to your story down the road. Speaking of which, honestly, the Dynasty rule set will not be much different. I see no reason why. I think the main thing the team will need to figure out is the minimum number of points a player needs to accumulate to get into the Dynasty Hall of Fame. That's it. The only other thing I was kicking around is to have another museum for Dynasty players. In other words, you'd have an initial museum for the first five weeks, and then that museum's points would be final. But, at the beginning of Week 6 you would begin your final museum. Not sure. Have not even told the team about that idea. Lol. @mismck would say I am word-vomiting right now.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2023, 02:22:52 AM »
For the Perfect 10 and the Fabulous 15 bonuses, it suggests that they are done by different founders not just one of them. Is that the rule or just a suggestion?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2023, 06:57:24 AM »
For the Perfect 10 and the Fabulous 15 bonuses, it suggests that they are done by different founders not just one of them. Is that the rule or just a suggestion?

It's the rule that each has to be done by different founders, but the bonuses themselves are optional.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2023, 02:33:22 PM »
@Teresa is back from vacation and hammered out the museum addition to the spreadsheet. So, that should be a wrap. Please review the rule set and let the team know if anything needs to be tweaked. Happy testing! :)

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2023, 04:57:01 AM »
I am wondering about a thing.
Is it really the meaning that we start with -30 points on our score?

I get that we have a -30 defecit before we can add more sims to the household, but I didnt read it as if it would give us minus to our score.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2023, 06:24:15 AM »
I am wondering about a thing.
Is it really the meaning that we start with -30 points on our score?

I get that we have a -30 defecit before we can add more sims to the household, but I didnt read it as if it would give us minus to our score.

I see your point. Let me see if I can reword it a bit.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2023, 08:11:55 AM »
The following rule has been eliminated. My thanks to @LenaLJ for bringing to the forefront some spreadsheet confusion...

Any household addition requires 15 points earned. This rule also applies to your two founders, so you must acquire 45 points before adding to your household via any means (try for baby, adoption, a pet, etc.). If you try for baby and have twins or triplets, that's fine. You would incur another deficit and must acquire enough points for each household addition.

So, basically, bring whoever you want into your household, but you are still hit with the 15-point penalty for any death/moveout.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2023, 03:29:07 PM »
This event starts one week from today, so please, if you have time, do some play testing and see if the spreadsheet has any traits or milestones missing.

Offline Vesper

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2023, 06:14:08 PM »
items for the museum need to be "earned or created" - is there a list of what counts for this? Would earned be things like career rewards?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2023, 06:47:43 PM »
items for the museum need to be "earned or created" - is there a list of what counts for this? Would earned be things like career rewards?

It's a long list, but this link to the Immortal Dynasty should give you a basic idea. Scroll down the rules and look for the qualifying museum items section. I'm glad you brought this up, Vesper, because collected items would also be fine, so I will clarify that.

EDIT: And yes, career rewards would be examples of earned items.

Offline Vesper

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2023, 05:21:19 AM »
if we move someone into the household, presumably we would only count new traits and milestones earned with play rather than those they start with. Is this correct?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2023 Challenge Tournament Simology Finale
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2023, 06:20:55 AM »
if we move someone into the household, presumably we would only count new traits and milestones earned with play rather than those they start with. Is this correct?

As of now, everything counts. The starting traits of your founders would not count towards Perfect 10 and Fabulous 15 bonuses. Those only happen after you start Live mode. But, we can change it to where no inherent traits of any household Sim would count. We're trying to go with as few rules as possible. And remember, you are hit with a penalty when you move someone out.