Author Topic: Figuring It Out  (Read 9714 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2023, 01:20:28 AM »
Chapter Thirty Five: Meetings

"Are you sure you are ready?" I asked.

It's been two weeks since the conversation with Lucas about Nathan. Lucas told me he was ready to meet Nathan almost immediately but I wasn't quite ready to have my worlds merge just yet. I still had that fear in me that it wouldn't go well, that either Nathan wouldn't like Lucas or the other way around. Then I would have to make the tough decision of ending it with Nathan either way. I didn't mean to let two weeks go by before setting up the meeting, but Nathan had been busy at his new job. He was a rookie at the local police station where he hoped he would eventually become a cop. I had mixed feelings about it because it was obviously a dangerous job but he seems passionate about it. It was an initial shock though because he never once mentioned wanting to become a police officer. But I suppose when you're newly unemployed the thought of testing out the waters is exciting.

"Yes mom, are you?" He asked.

"I think so." I said.

I took a deep breath as we stood in the park that we chose. It was chilly but not too bad that we would be miserable. I figured a park was a safe neutral place for the two of them to meet and hopefully bond. I placed a hand on Lucas' shoulder and gave it a squeeze while smiling down at him. Lucas ran over to the pirate ship where there were fake cannons to fight the sea monsters.

"Mom! You're a monster!" Lucas said.

"Gee thanks." I giggled.

"No! You need to be a monster I can defeat!" He told me.

I got in position.

"You're mine sea monster!" Lucas called out.

"No! Please!" I begged.

"Mooooom, sea monsters don't talk!" He laughed.

"Right, I mean... ARGGH!" I growled.

Lucas pointed the cannon at me and made fake explosion sounds as I jumped around trying to be the best sea monster ever. He suddenly stopped playing and stood up straight, I was about to ask him what was wrong when I looked behind me and saw Nathan walking up to us.

"Is that him?" Lucas asked.

"That's him, now remember we can go home at any time, okay?" I said.

He nodded shyly.

Lucas slowly stepped off of the pirate ship and went to sit down on a bench as Nathan walked up.

"Hi beautiful." Nathan said.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, I brought you this." He said.

He brought out a single red rose that he was carrying inside his coat.

"It's beautiful!" I said.

I held it up to my nose to take a sniff.

"So! This must be Lucas!" Nathan said.

"Yes! Nathan this is Lucas, and Lucas this is Nathan." I introduced.

"Hi." Lucas said, looking at the ground.

"How are you today?" Nathan asked.

"Fine." Lucas whispered.

It was weird seeing Lucas so shy, but then suddenly Lucas looked up and his eyes got wide.

"Hey wait a minute! You're the dog walker!" Lucas gasped.

"The what now?" I asked.

"That dog walker I told you about! The one I saw after school that one day!" Lucas told me.

"Oh yeah! Now I recognize you!" Nathan said.

I looked around still confused.

"I still can't believe you were walking five dogs!" Lucas said.

Nathan chuckled, "It was chaos."

I laughed as I looked between the two. I remember Lucas telling me about meeting a dog walker, and I knew that Nathan was a dog walker. I just don't know why I never put the two together before now. Nathan walked over to the bench and sat down and listened to Lucas talk about how he wanted to be a dog walker like him.

"Are you still a dog walker?" Lucas asked.

"No, I have a new job now." Nathan told him.

"Why aren't you walking dogs anymore?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas-" I started.

"No, it's fine! Just didn't work out kiddo, but I am working on becoming a police officer." Nathan told him.

Lucas' eyes bugged out of his head, "You are?!"

Nathan nodded.

"That's so cool." Lucas said.

Everything was going so well that none of us noticed it was getting darker out.

"It's dark out, do we have to go home?" Lucas asked.

"We should probably head home." I told him.

Lucas groaned.

"Go play for a little bit longer." I said.

Lucas hopped off the bench before running back to the pirate ship to claim his spot at the cannon. Nathan laughed as he stood up and walked over to stand in front of me.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

Was it weird to ask that?

"He's a great kid Rae." Nathan said, smiling.

"He really is." I said.

We looked over at Lucas who was shooting bubbles out of the cannon making explosion sounds.

"How is the job going?" I asked.

"Good, I'm still getting my footing but so far I like it." He said.

"That's good." I said.

He took my hands in his.

"I know you're worried, but everything is going to be okay." He told me.

"I have no right to be worried, but I am." I said.

"Of course you have a right, I know we haven't been going out that long but it's sweet you're worried about me." He said.

I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"No monsters here! Let's move out!" Lucas called.

"What do you mean there's no monsters?! What do you call THIS!" Nathan yelled.

Nathan jumped in front of the cannon and started flailing his arms around while making growling noises.

I placed my hand over my chest as I watched Nathan play sea monster for Lucas. I felt myself fall even more in love with Nathan in that moment, and Lucas was handling this like a champ. I soaked up this moment while I could because we were one day close to Lucas becoming a teenager.

"Alright! Time is up!" I called.

"Awww man!" Lucas groaned.

"We will come back another day where you can fire bubbles at sea monsters." I promised him.

"Can Nathan come over for a movie?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know, can he?" I asked.

We both turned to look at Nathan.

"I would love too." Nathan said.


We walked into the apartment and hung up our coats.

"I'm going to go pick out a movie!" Lucas said.

I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Where is Oliver?" I asked.

I walked into the bathroom to find Oliver at his latest spot.

"Oliver! No!" I scolded.

"What is he doing?" Nathan asked.

"His latest obsession is licking out of the water bowl we call a toilet." I groaned.

"Dogs are great." He laughed.

"It's starting!" Lucas called from the living room.

"Come on Oliver!" I said.

We all managed to somehow get comfortable even though the couch was small and uncomfortable at times. Lucas however didn't make it through the movie before falling asleep, I gently stroked his head as he slept on my lap. Nathan and I finished the movie however, but I could honestly say that I have no clue what happened in it. It was some space movie that didn't hold my attention but Nathan and Lucas seemed to enjoy it so I was having fun. Once the movie was over I tried to maneuver Lucas to somehow carry him to bed without waking him up.

"I can get him." Nathan whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course." He said.

Nathan picked up Lucas with ease and I showed him where Lucas' room was. Once I got him tucked into bed we headed back into the living room. We stood there facing each other for a few moments in silence.

"So, um, would you like to stay over?" I asked.

"As in, sleep here?" He asked.

"Yea- I mean, if you don't want to-" I started.

"No! I would love too." He said.

I smiled before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom, closing the door behind us.

First meeting went well! I hope you guys have an amazing week! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2023, 02:47:38 AM »
Chapter Thirty Six: Promises

Guess what I did!! -R

I stared at my phone waiting for Finley's response to my text.

WHAT?! Does it have to do with Nathannnnn? -F

Oh my god STOP hahahaha -R

Finee, what did you do? -F

I gave myself a makeover! -F

Yesterday while Lucas was at school I decided that I needed a new look for this new chapter of my life. I went with a orange-brown shirt with a simple gray jacket to go over it, and then I chose a darker pair of jeans with holes in them. The holey jean phase hadn't quite died out yet I suppose, but I liked how they looked. I went to the hair salon and got a slight trim just to get rid of the dead ends and decided to style it a little bit different. There was a slight moment when I almost chopped it off above the shoulders but I wasn't ready for that drastic of a change.

I need pictures ma'am! -F

Sending! -R

LOVE it!!! -F

Thank you! -R

I smiled and placed the phone on the counter.

"We're back!" Lucas called.

I walked to the living room to see Lucas and Oliver standing there. Oliver huffed before jumping on the couch and laying down.

"Did he go potty?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I think he's sad." He told me.

"Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"Look at him mom." He said.

He did look sad as he lay on the couch staring at the floor.

"What do you think his problem is?" I asked.

"I think he needs a place to run around, and grass instead of concrete. I think he needs a backyard." He told me.

I sighed, "That's hard with an apartment."

"I wish we had a house." Lucas said, sadly.

I walked over and hugged him.

"One day, I promise you. We will have a house with a backyard for Oliver to run around in." I said.

"I would like that." He said.

"Would you miss the apartment?" I asked.

"In a way yeah, but I think a bigger space would be good for us all." He said.

I smiled and looked around the living room thinking of all the memories here. It was hard to believe that when we first got here there were holes in the walls, barely any furniture, and let's not forget the mice that still make an appearance every once in a while. I would miss it only for the fact that this was the start of forever with Ian until fate decided the take another turn. I was taking baby steps with Nathan but I was finally feeling at peace with moving on. I would always love Ian, but it was time to get on with my life and find happiness again.

"I'm going to go get a workout in, how about a pajama day?" I asked.

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast?!" He asked.

"Well duh!" I said, giggling.

"And then he threw it across the room!" Lucas exclaimed.

"He did not!" I gasped.

"The teacher was so mad mom!" He laughed.

"I would be to if someone threw I dissected frog across the room! That's gross!" I grimaced.

Lucas laughed as he swung his legs back and forth as he sat on the chair. I mixed that pancake mix in the bowl as I listened to him tell me more stories about his classmates. My phone went off on the table and Lucas looked at it.

"It's Nathan, he wants to come over." Lucas said.

"I will reply later." I said.

"You don't want him to come over?" He asked.

"Nope, today is you and me bud." I said, smiling.

I saw a brief look of relief in his face before he smiled and nodded.

"So, do you like Nathan?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Lucas, you can be honest with me." I said.

I poured the batter on the pan and went to sit at the table for a few moments.

"Is he going to replace dad?" He asked.

"No! Lucas, no one can replace your father and he doesn't want too!" I told him.

"Do I have to call him dad? If you guys get married?" He asked.

"Not if you don't want too, I'm sure he would be fine with you calling him Nathan." I said.

"Okay, I think he's nice and funny." He said.

"He thinks he's funny at least." I joked.

Lucas laughed.



Knock! Knock!


I jumped awake before looking around the room confused and disoriented.

"Mom?! Are you in there?" Lucas asked.

"What is it sweetie?!" I called out.

Nathan stirred in the bed next to me while Oliver slept peacefully by the door.

"I don't feel well, can I stay home from school?" He asked.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Six in the morning." He told me.

I groaned.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked, half asleep.

"I have to go check Lucas." I said.

I climbed out of bed before opening the door and closing it before Lucas could tell Nathan stayed over.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My throat hurts and I think I have a fever." He said.

I felt his forehead and it did feel a bit warmer than normal.

I sighed, "Go back to bed. I will let the school know."

"Thank you mom. Is Nathan going to have breakfast here?" He asked.

I stopped in my tracks.

"Nathan isn't here." I said.

"You don't have to lie to me mom, I know he's been staying over here a few times." Lucas said casually.

"I- Wha- How?" I asked.

Lucas laughed a little before groaning.

"Okay, off to bed with you." I ordered.

He shuffled back to his room before I turned to go back into the bedroom.

"Is he okay?" Nathan asked.

He was sitting on the bed running his hands over his face.

"Yeah, but he is staying home today." I told him.

"Crap, I can sneak out." He said.

"Don't bother, he apparently knows you're sleeping here." I said.

"How?!" He asked.

"No clue, kids getting too smart for his own good." I laughed.

Oliver was up too and barked.

"I'm going to take him out." I said.

"I'll go make some soup for Lucas." He told me.

"Look, I know you're sick of the concrete but you have to go potty." I said.

Oliver looked up at me before turning around and doing his business. I cleaned up after him and we headed back upstairs to find Lucas curled up on the couch with his pillow and blanket. I could hear Nathan clanking around in the kitchen so I sat on the edge of the couch. A cartoon was playing on the television but I hit mute before turning to Lucas.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Nathan staying here." I told him.

"I don't mind." Lucas said.

I brushed the hair from his face.

"Can I watch my show now?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

I handed him the remote.

"Soup is ready!" Nathan said, walking into the room.

"I'm not hungry." Lucas said.

"That's okay! We can reheat it when you are." Nathan told him.

"Do you like cartoons?" Lucas asked.

"I love them!" Nathan said.

"You can watch it with me, if you aren't afraid of getting sick." Lucas said.

"Germs don't scare me kiddo." Nathan told him.

Nathan sat down in front of the couch on the floor.

"I emailed my boss that I'll be working from home, so if it's okay with both of you I'm going to get some work done." I said.

They both waved me off and I laughed as I headed into my bedroom.

Just a small update! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #47 on: December 23, 2023, 05:06:05 PM »
Chapter Thirty Seven: Changes

Trigger warning: Minor car accident and flashbacks

One Year Later

"Good morning." Lucas said.

"Good morning sweetie!" I said, smiling.

I sprayed the table before wiping it clean with a dish towel. Lucas walked over to the sink and got a glass of water before sitting down at the table.

"What is on the agenda today?" I asked.

"I was suppose to ask you if I can stay over at Wyatt's house after school." He said.

Wyatt was a little boy that Lucas had befriended at the beginning of the school year. I had met his parents a few times while dropping Lucas off at school. Wyatt's father was an attorney, and his mother was a dental assistant. Both had very busy jobs, but managed to be there for Wyatt without struggling. I told them if they ever needed a place for Wyatt to go he was more than welcome to come to the apartment and hang out. Wyatt himself was very energetic and quite the character when it came to bad jokes. Lucas was always telling me the latest joke, the next one always worse than the last.

"Are his parents okay with it?" I asked.

"Yeah! His mom has the weekend off!" He told me.

"Well, as long as you are finished with your homework before you go I don't see the issue." I said.

"I'm going to go pack!" He said.

He darted off the chair and sprinted to his bedroom.

"Homework Lucas!" I called after him.

I laughed and shook my head as my phone went off.

Up for company? -N

Always! -R

I stood up and finished cleaning up the kitchen before walking into the living room. Oliver was laying on the couch until he heard a knock on the door and immediately jumped up and started barking.

"Oh stop it! It's Nathan you silly thing." I laughed.

"Is that Nathan?!" Lucas asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

I walked over to the door as Lucas came out of his room now dressed for the day and sat on the couch. I opened up the door to find Nathan standing there and gave him a kiss before letting him inside of the apartment. Oliver came over to him with his tennis ball before dropping it at his feet before huffing a little.

"Hi Nathan." Lucas said.

"Hey little man. What's up?" Nathan asked.

"I'm going to a sleep over today." Lucas announced.

"That sounds fun!" Nathan exclaimed.

I walked over and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Happy Anniversary." I said.

"Happy Anniversary." He said, smiling.

Today was our one year anniversary which was crazy to think about. I ended up giving Nathan a key to the apartment a few months ago because he was here so much it made sense. I had a stable schedule with work now that I was in a official position, but there was still a few days where I would have to stay late. If that was the care I would text Nathan and if he was able to he would come sit with Lucas until I got home. It was nice for Lucas to have a male figure in his life, someone to teach him the things that I cannot. It was great watching the two bond and form a friendship. It was less great watching them scream at the tv during the latest episode of Sim of the Dead which became their favorite show.

"Hey! Are you going to be over next week for the new episode?!" Lucas gasped.

"For the season finale?! Heck yeah kiddo!" Nathan said.

"Sweet, hey mom we need some popcorn!" Lucas said.

"I will see what I can do." I said, chuckling.

Lucas got off the couch as Nathan sat down and watched Lucas toss the ball to Oliver.

"Hey, what did I tell you Lucas? Take him downstairs please." I said.

"Sorry mom." He said.

Lucas leashed Oliver before taking him out of the apartment. I sat down next to Nathan and leaned over giving him a quick kiss.

"So, Lucas is going to a sleep over?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, maybe for the whole weekend." I told him.

Nathan made a humming noise.

"What's spinning in your brain mister?" I asked.

"I think it's time for you to come to my house." He said.

Nathan refused to let me come to his house. At first I found it extremely strange for obvious reasons. Was he hiding something? Did he have a home? I waited patiently until he was finally ready to tell me just why we never went to his house. He bought a fixer upper, and by fixer upper I meant heavy on the fix part of the word. The way he described it was being held up by a few rusty nails and holes in the roof. Imagine having multiple buckets on the floor to catch the rain so he wasn't living in a lake. He was embarrassed for me to see it like that even though I told him that there was nothing to be ashamed of. But he insisted that we wait until it was officially renovated and which his new income it was going a lot faster. He would sent me snip bits of parts of rooms and it was coming along nicely.

"Is it done?!" I gasped.

"It is, and what better opportunity then a sleep over?" He asked.

"Can we go now?!" I asked.

Nathan laughed and took my hand.


"So, this is it!" Nathan said.

I took both his hands in mine and swung them back and forth. The house was small, but had a charm to it with it's stone walls on the outside and a grey wooden roof. There were a few bushes around the side and in the front with little pink flowers on them. The front porch was empty but had a perfect spot for a nice little bench we could sit on.

"It's lovely." I said.

"You haven't even seen the inside." Nathan giggled.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I asked.

Nathan led me to the front door and we walked inside to the most beautiful kitchen. The walls were a soft yellow coloring that paired with the teal green counters and cabinets. On the wall between the bathroom and bedroom was a white steering wheel to a ship that complimented the kitchen very well. There wasn't room for a full dining room table so there were three bar stools lined up. There was a countertop stove top built into the countertop, and an oven built into the cabinets. On top of the oven there was a raised sink which I loved. I looked around in awe as Nathan stood by the front door smiling at my reactions to all the little decorations.

"So what do you think?" Nathan asked.

"This is beautiful." I whispered.

"I'm glad you think so because it cost a pretty penny." He laughed.

"I can imagine, it probably cost more than my apartment alone." I said.

"You wanna go sit on the couch?" He asked.

He took my hand and led me a few feet into the living room. It was small, tucked away in a little corner but it was perfect. It had just enough room for the couch and a television with two small tree plants on either side. Nathan sat on the couch before I sat down next to him and took in the surroundings.

"I'm surprised the couch doesn't clash with the walls." I said.

"I wasn't going to go with a yellow couch at first, but it is so comfortable." He told me.

"That it is." I said.

Nathan leaned over slowly before giving me a deep kiss.

"That was nice." I whispered once we broke apart.

"I don't think I've shown you the bedroom." Nathan said.

"No, I don't believe you have." I said.

Needless to say we didn't stay in the living room for long.


"Hey that's not fair!" Nathan gasped.

"Yeah well life's not fair!" I giggled.

"You sound like my mother." He said.

"Gee thanks." I said.

I raised the pillow over my head as Nathan prepared to seek his revenge.

"WAIT!" I squealed.

Nathan whacked me with a pillow as I screamed out.

"That was hard!" I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot I was the one who started this little war!" He said.

I laughed.

Nathan raised his pillow again and I screamed.

"NO!" I cried.

"I'm going to get you!" I laughed.

"I'm not afraid of a girl." He teased.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

I raised the pillow before whacking him in the head.

"How is that for a girl?" I asked.

"It was kind of weak." He said.

"Weak?! Well what about this!" I said.

I raised the pillow.

"Truce! Truce!" Nathan said.

"What, too afraid that you'll be beat by a girl?" I asked.

"No, but Lucas is calling." Nathan said.

He pointed to my phone and sure enough, Lucas' picture was flashing on the screen. I leaned over and grabbed it before answering it and bringing it to my ear.

"Lucas? Is everything okay? It's the middle of the night!" I said.

"Is this Raegan Barnes?" A woman asked.

"This- This is her, who are you? Where is Lucas?" I asked.

Nathan was immediately alarmed.

"Hi Raegan, this is Dr. Smith down at County General-"

"Where is my son?!" I demanded.

"I'm calling to let you know that your son Lucas was brought into the hospital a half an hour ago." Dr. Smith stated.

My heart stopped, "The hospital?! Is he okay?!"

"Your son was involved in a car accident-"

Everything happened so quickly yet very slow at the same time. After she said the words car accident the phone fell from my hands and I went numb. Nathan asked me what was going on before realizing I was in shock. He quickly grabbed the phone from the mattress before getting off of the bed to talk to the doctor.

"Ma'am?" The man asked.

"This is Officer Peters, and I'm Officer Sampson." The girl introduced.

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Ma'am, we are here to inform you that there was a car accident a few hours ago. A semi truck turned over and caused a massive car pile up on the interstate. It took a while for us to clear everything up and-" Officer Peters started.


I could hear Nathan, but it was like I was in some kind of trance. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't talk.


"Not again." I finally managed to say.

"Can you just tell me why you are here? Please." I demanded.

"Mrs. Barnes, we regret to inform you that your husband Ian was involved in a serious car accident. Due to his injuries he sustained during the accident he was rushed to the nearest hospital where doctors did everything they could to save him. But unfortunately they were unable to bring him back. I'm sorry but Ian passed away Mrs. Barnes." Officer Sampson said.

"NO!" I wailed.

"Raegan, we have to get to the hospital." Nathan said.

"It's happening again." I whispered.

"It's not happening again, okay? He is going to be fine. Raegan, he is going to be fine." Nathan assured me.

"Ian-" I said.

Nathan grabbed my hands and squeezed them before rushing to the living room before returning with my shoes. He knelt down at my feet and slipped them into the shoes before throwing on a t-shirt. I don't even know what happened in the next twenty minutes but before I knew it we were standing in the hospital. I heard babies crying, people yelling, and children laughing but I felt like this was a nightmare.

"Raegan?" Nathan asked.

I realized that we were standing at the registration desk and the nurse was looking at me impatiently. I looked at Nathan for a few moments before swallowing and taking a deep breath.

"My name is Raegan Barnes, I got a call from a Dr. Smith about my son Lucas?" I asked.

"I will let the doctor know you are here, please take a seat." The nurse said.

Nathan led me to the rows of chairs in the waiting room.

"How did we get here?" I asked.

"I drove us here, you went into shock which is why you don't remember." He explained.

"I froze, I'm sorry." I said.

"You have nothing to apologize about, I have you." He assured me.

I leaned into him and closed my eyes trying to fight back the tears. Lucas needed me to be strong for him right now and I could do that even if I was scared to death.


I looked up to see a young doctor standing there with a clipboard. Nathan and I stood up and I grabbed his hand bracing for the worst.

"I'm Dr. Smith, we talked on the phone a little bit before someone took over." Dr. Smith said.

"Yes, I'm sorry I guess I went into shock." I said.

"Very common, as a mother myself I can't say I wouldn't of done the same." She said, giving me a gentle smile.

"Is Lucas okay?" I asked.

I was thankful for the reassurance, but I needed to know what was going on.

"Your son is okay, he was brought in a little bit ago. Thankfully he was wearing his seatbelt so he only sustained minor injuries." She told me.

"What about the others? He was staying with a friend." I asked.

"The other little boy managed to go unscathed, the mother however has a few broken bones and a possible head injury. Overall though everyone will pull through." She explained.

Dr. Smith explained that a driver ran a red light, but thankfully hit the front end of the car instead of the middle. The other driver was an elderly man who thought the light had changed. He was fine as well, and was distraught over the entire situation. Dr. Smith walked us down the hall to a room where she knocked before we entered the room.

"Mom!" Lucas gasped.

"Baby!" I said.

I ran over and threw myself at him before gathering him in my arms.

"I'm okay mom." He said into my shoulder.

"Let me look at you." I said.

He had minor cuts but otherwise he looked like he was untouched.

"It was so scary mom." He told me.

"I know sweetie, I am so sorry that happened." I said.

"Hey mom?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Do you think dad was scared?" He asked.

I stroked his cheek before giving him a small smile.

"I think your dads accident happened so fast that he didn't even know what was going on." I said, my voice cracking.

"That's good." He whispered.

I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

A few hours later we were home, and by home I mean we were at Nathan's house. I wanted to get Lucas somewhere to rest as quick as possible and Nathan's happened to be closer. Lucas loved it just as much as I did and insisted we bring Oliver over some day so he could experience having a yard to run around in. I set the bags we got from the store down on the countertop before going to help Lucas get situated on the couch.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in the bed? I can take the couch." Nathan suggested.

"No, this is fine! The tv is huge!" Lucas gasped.

I laughed, "You can watch a bit of it but you need to get some sleep."

"Okay mama." He said.

I kissed him on the forehead before heading into the kitchen. Nathan opened his arms and I walked right into them before melting in his arms.

"Rough night." Nathan whispered.

"I've never been so scared." I said.

"I know, but you did amazing." He told me.

"Only because you were with me. I don't know what would have happened if I just stayed there frozen on the bed." I said.

He kissed the top of my head.

"You don't have to do anything alone anymore, I've got you and that little boy now." He whispered.

"Thank you." I said, a few tears falling from my eyes.

I closed my eyes and just let Nathan hold me for a few moments later before getting Lucas his pain medicine and a glass of water.

I decided to do a time jump because I think I'm going to wrap this story up in a chapter or two. BUT, don't worry it's not the end for these three! I'm going to make a new story with them, I just don't want to this one be too long if that makes sense! A new story for their new chapter in life! =] I hope you enjoyed!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2023, 12:23:44 AM »
Chapter Thirty Eight: Moving On

"How is your friend?" Nathan asked.

I was standing by the stove while Nathan sat with Lucas at the table.

"Wyatt? He's doing better. He was at school today." Lucas told him.

"That's good." Nathan said.

"What about his mom?" I asked.

"She's fine as well, she said to tell you she was sorry again." Lucas said.

Wyatt's mom apologized profusely for what had happened. She knew how Ian passed away and couldn't believe she put me through another situation like that. I didn't blame her nor was I mad at her at all. Accidents happen every day, I was just thankful that everyone including the driver was okay. I brought Nathan and Lucas their bowls of soup before going to grab my own.

"We need to buy another chair." I said.

I walked over and stood by the boys.

"Or you could move in." Nathan said.

I laughed a little at his suggestion. It wasn't his first time making the suggestion, but it wasn't something that I could decide by myself.

"Can we?!" Lucas asked.

My head shot towards Lucas, I wasn't expecting him to answer let alone ask if we could.

"We will talk about it later." I said.

"Okay." He said, disappointed.

"I want to go for a run, could you stay with Lucas for a little?" I asked Nathan.

"Of course, be safe." Nathan told me.

I gave him a quick kiss before walking into the living room to find Oliver pacing.

"You wanna go for a run Oliver?" I asked.

He gave a small bark as I bent down to pet him.

"Let me go get changed and then we will go." I said.

I stood up and walked into the bedroom to get changed into my work out clothes. The way Lucas asked if we could move in with Nathan so easily made me wonder if Nathan had brought it up to him before. Then again I guess it wasn't so shocking that it might be the first step seeing as we'd been dating for a year now. He could always move into the apartment, but it would be a lie if I said that I wasn't excited about the possibility of living in an actual house. Lucas could have a bigger room and Oliver would have a backyard to run and play in. I looked around the room before my eyes fell on Ian's urn.

"Would you be okay with this?" I whispered.

Moving on was hard especially if that conversation never came up. The more I thought about it though the more I realized that if the roles were reversed I would want Ian to move on. I walked over and placed a hand on the side of the urn and sighed. I put my hair up in a pony tail before heading out into the living room and grabbed Oliver's leash.

"I'm taking the dog!" I called out.

"Come on Oliver!" I said.

I looked over my shoulder to see Oliver running behind me.

"You sure you can handle this?" I asked.

Oliver barked.

We ran for a little while longer before heading back to the apartment. Lucas and Nathan were sitting on the couch watching some cartoon when we returned. I let Oliver off his leash before heading straight to the shower. Once I was out of the shower I went to the bedroom to change back into my normal clothes. I was just finishing up drying my hair when a mouse scurried from the hole causing me to scream.

"Raegan?!" Nathan shouted.

He opened the door looking panicked.

"It's a mouse!" I shrieked.

I jumped on the bed as the mouse ran around the floor.

"What's going on?!" Lucas asked.

"You mom has a new friend!" Nathan laughed.

"It's not funny! Get rid of it!" I said.

"Can we keep it?!" Lucas asked.

"No we can't keep it!" I hissed.

Nathan laughed again before he scooped the mouse in his hands causing me to shriek again. Lucas went back to watching the cartoon and Nathan walked into the bedroom no longer carrying the mouse.

"There, you are saved!" Nathan announced.

"My hero!" I said dramatically.

He walked over and gave me a kiss.

Later on I was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"I'll be right back." I heard Nathan tell Lucas.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist as I stirred the taco meet.

"I called the landlord." I told him.

"What did she say?" Nathan asked.

"She'll be over in the morning to set more traps." I said.

"She should close the holes." He told me.

"I've mentioned it in the past, Ian even tried a few times, but she still hasn't done it." I said.

Nathan gently pulled me away from the stove and took me in his arms. I looked up at him before he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said.

I smiled.

"Move in with me." He said.

I sighed, "Nathan..."

"I don't have mice." He said.

"That is a plus." I told him.

"What's stopping you?" He asked.

"I need to make sure Lucas is okay with this, and I don't know this- this apartment..." I said.

"It's where you and Ian started your life, and your first home." He finished my sentence.

"It's just going to be weird." I said.

"Is that a yes?" Nathan asked, smiling.

There was a sizzling sound from the stove and Nathan turned to go stir the meat for me before I jumped on his back.

"That is a I have to talk to Lucas before I commit to anything." I said.

"Lucas is okay with it!" Lucas called from the living room.

"Hush you!" I laughed.

Lucas slowly lowered me back to the ground before turning face me again. He brushed the hair from my face before draping his arms on top of my shoulder and touching his nose to mine.

"You are cute." He said.

"You're not to bad yourself." I said.

"I want you and Lucas to move in with me. I have an extra bedroom for Lucas and we can decorate it however he likes it. It's close to his school, but you'd have to drive a little further for work." He told me.

"Lucas?" I called.

"I'll start packing!" He called back.

I laughed before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Move in with me." Nathan said.

"Okay." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked, grinning wide.

"Yeah!" I said.

He laughed before giving me a kiss.

"Now, can I finish cooking?" I asked.

"I suppose." Nathan said.

I laughed before returning to making tacos. I took a deep breath as to calm the butterflies in my stomach. They were good butterflies, the excited kind rather than the terrified kind. I was ready for this new chapter in my life, I just hope that Lucas was truly okay with it.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2023, 06:51:30 PM »
Chapter Thirty Nine: Figuring It Out

"It's the big day!" I said.

Lucas looked at me as we sat on the couch.

"It doesn't feel real." Lucas said.

"And you are sure that you want to do this?" I asked.

"Mom! Everything will be fine!" He assured.

I took a deep breath and looked around the living room.

"I know, I'm just scared." I said.

"I am too." He said.

I stroked his cheek and smiled.

"You're growing up so fast." I said.

"Says the one who turns into an old lady soon." He said, giggling.

"Excuse you! I'm not that far yet!" I protested.

My birthday was in a few days and I was going go be an adult. It's hard to believe that I've been in my young adult years this long because I feel like I've lived a life time and then some. I grabbed onto Lucas' hand and he scooted closer letting me take him in my arms. It was never the plan to live in this apartment forever and the day was here that we moved out into an actual home. No more loud neighbors keeping us up at all hours of the night, no more friendly visits from the mice, and definitely no more bugs crawling up the kitchen walls. I contacted Sarah as soon as I told Nathan that we would move in. She told me that since we were such good tenants that we could break lease as long as we keep her updated on how we are. It was nice to have a landlord that cares so much because you hear horror stories. Sarah came by yesterday to do a inspection on the apartment and to give us our deposit back since we kept it in such great shape. Before I had painted the walls she told me that I needed to repaint them a neutral color but then decided that the paint job was nice and let us keep it. I'm sure it would help her find a tenant in no time. It helped knowing we were leaving this place for someone else to have, maybe it would go to another couple that was just starting out.

"Well, we should get packing up the rest of our stuff." I said.

"Are you ready?" Lucas asked.

"As long as I have you kid, I'm ready for anything." I told him.

"You and me mama." He said.

"Always and forever." I said.

The front door opened and Nathan walked in carrying folded up boxes.

"Hi Nathan!" Lucas said.

"Hey kiddo." Nathan said.

I stood up and helped Nathan put the boxes down before he dropped them all. Lucas grabbed some boxes before taking off to his bedroom to finish packing up. Nathan and I headed into the bedroom and sat down on the bed.

"Where is the moving company?" Nathan asked.

"I was about to check." I told him, pulling out my phone.

"They will be here in two hours." I said.

"Alright, shall we start?" Nathan asked.

"Wait, I need to do something first." I said.

Nathan looked at me questioningly as I took a deep breath. I looked at him before looking down at my left hand and slowly removing my wedding ring. Nathan's eyes went wide as I walked over to the urn and placed my wedding ring next to it before returning to the bed.

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked, grabbing my hand.

"I loved Ian with all my heart, and I will love him until the day I die. However, I am ready to start my life with you and I am ready to give you my heart one hundred percent." I told him, my voice cracking.

Nathan squeezed my hand.

"I love you so much, and I can't replace Ian even if I wanted too. But I promise to protect you and love you until the day I die, just as he did." He said.

I smiled before leaning over and kissing him.

My ring finger felt empty, but I planned on creating a nice box to put the ring in and place it next to his urn.

"Alright, lets get this done." I said.


"Well, that's all of it." Nathan said, walking from the bedroom.

"The movers are on the way to your house." I told him.

"Our house." He corrected.

I smiled and looked down at the floor.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just remembering seeing this for the first time." I said.

Nathan walked over to me and stared down at the chalk drawing on the ground. It somehow managed to survive replacing the floors which was strange to me, but I guess the next tenant got to experience the shock of it now.

"Was someone murdered here?" Nathan asked.

"No idea!" I giggled.

"Well, maybe the next person will think you're a murderer!" He told me.

Be both laughed as I kissed his cheek.

"I'm going to go check the kitchen to make sure there isn't anything left." I said.

"The bugs are back!" I called out.

"They're coming to say goodbye!" Nathan said.

I laughed as I looked around the empty kitchen. As much as I was going to miss this apartment I was excited to cook in Nathan's kitchen, well I suppose our kitchen now. It was absolutely beautiful and felt like it had a lot more space to work with then this one. It was a nice starter kitchen though and for that I was thankful. Except for the times I would burn meals and stunk up the apartment! The apartment didn't have windows that could open since we were so far up so the apartment would smell for days after if I burned the food bad.

"Lucas! How are you doing?" I asked.

I walked to his room and opened up his door to find him standing in an empty room. Oliver was with him but was currently sleeping on the floor.

"You're not taking your night light?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm getting too old for it." Lucas said.

"You are, huh?" I asked.

"Besides, I'm going to be a teenager soon." He told me.

"You don't have to remind me of that." I groaned.

He laughed, "Maybe the next people will have a kid and they can use it."

"That's nice of you sweetie." I said.

"Was this my room even as a baby?" He asked.

"Yep! It was originally your dads office, but once we discovered that you were on the way he converted it to a nursery!" I told him.

"It was a good room." He said.

I kissed his forehead before telling him we leave in ten minutes. I had one room I wanted to see before we left anyways. I walked into the living room before giving Nathan a quick peck and walking into the bedroom alone. I took a deep breath and looked around the empty space thinking of the first night that Ian and I slept in here. Well, there wasn't a lot of sleeping but boy that night was special. One thing I didn't miss was the air mattress that we slept on for the longest time. The back aches were horrendous and my diet consisted of water and pain pills for weeks.

"Goodbye Ian." I whispered.

I kissed my fingers and placed them on the wall of the bedroom while closing my eyes. Ian was with me wherever I went, but this was our room and where we began our story.

"We should get going." I said, walking out to the living room.

"Are you ready?" Nathan asked.

Lucas walked out of his room with Oliver and I felt my chest tighten with so many emotions. Happiness most of all, but sadness and anxiety were there as well. I looked around the apartment having a sudden feeling of wanting to put it all back and stay. Nathan grabbed my hand letting me know everything was okay and to take my time. As much as I wanted to stay though I was ready to leave.

"I think I am." I said.

"Are you having doubts mama?" Lucas asked.

I looked down at him before grabbing his hand, "No baby, we will figure it out."

The End.

I was thinking of making another chapter to make it an even 40 chapters, but I am excited for what I have planned for them next! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for taking the time to read it and keep an eye out for their next adventure! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2024, 12:43:38 PM »
I really enjoyed your story, @Ally3772

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2024, 12:13:35 AM »
I really enjoyed your story, @Ally3772

Thank you!! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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