Author Topic: Figuring It Out  (Read 9705 times)

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2023, 11:23:07 PM »
Chapter Thirteen: A Night Out

"This is great!" I said.

"Do you like it?" Ian asked.

"I love it!" I said.

Ian surprised me with a treadmill in our bedroom. He had to move the painting easel and we decided we could do without the play pen for now. He put it in the corner next to his desk and it was perfect.

"We can even put a small TV on the wall if you want." He told me.

"No this is perfect." I said.

I got changed into my workout clothes and couldn't wait to give it a go.

"I'm going to go check on Lucas." Ian said.

I ran for about an hour before taking a shower and getting cleaned up. There was knock on the door when I was brushing my teeth and I heard Ian answer it. I finished up and walked out the door to see who was there.

"Fin!" I said, smiling.

"Hey! I was just stopping by to check on you guys!" She said.

Ian was standing out in the hall with Lucas in his arms.

"Come here little guy." Finley said.

"Hannah's birthday is coming up, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah! Next week, I'm short on cash so it's just going to be a small party if you can call it that." She said.

I could tell that it was bothering her that she couldn't throw Hannah a huge party.

"There's nothing wrong with that!" Ian told her.

"Yeah, sounds pretty comfy if you ask me." I agreed.

She smiled, "Thanks guys."

"Oh! Do you want to come see the living room?!" I asked.

"You redecorated?" She asked.

"Yeah, now all we have is to redo the bathroom!" I said.

"Let's go see then!" She said, smiling down at Lucas.

We all walked into the living room and I shut the door behind Finley. We patched all the holes in the wall and painted them a dark red color. They looked amazing paired with a black wood flooring. We choose some nice paintings to go on the main wall, a plant hanger to go on the other, and a giant five panel canvas with tree branches and leaves. By the door we picked out a wooden wall hanger to hang things on, and we moved the thermometer by our bedroom door. We still had to update the rug, get a bigger TV eventually, and maybe even a newer couch but so far it was coming along nicely.

"This is beautiful." She said.

"It was a fun project actually." I told her.

Lucas started wiggling and getting fussy.

"He's probably hungry." I said.

"I'll go feed him." Ian offered.

"I should get going." Finley said.

"No! Stay!" I said.

"I need to go pick out Hannah's cake." She said.

I walked over and gave her a hug before walking her out.

"You know, if he eats this much as a teenager we may have to sell our kidneys." Ian called out.

I walked into the nursery laughing.

"He does eat quite a lot." I agreed.

"What do you think kidneys go for these days?" He asked.

I laughed, "We won't have to worry about that."

Ian looked down at Lucas as he fed him his bottle.

"Mom always said I'll never know true love until I had a child, and I understand now." He said.

"I know, I love you so much, but the love for him is different." I agreed.

I looked at the time.

"It's about time for his nap." I said.

Ian stood up and got Lucas changed into his shark onesie.

"Goodnight little man, see you soon!" I said.

Ian laid him down in the crib carefully.

"Oh no!" I groaned.

I rushed into the bathroom and grabbed towels before heading into the kitchen.

"Again?!" Ian asked.

"And the roaches are back!" I said.

Ian came over with the wrench.

"I'm calling Sarah." I said.

"No, I will take care of it." Ian said.

After the bugs were squished and the water was stopped we sat down for dinner. We ordered a pizza because neither of us felt like cooking anything.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Good! Jack told me that we are getting brand new computers soon." He said.

"About time! How is Jack?" I asked.

Jack was his work buddy and the office clown. Ian was always coming home with a new story of something Jack did or said that day.

"Him and his wife are getting a divorce." He told me.

"Nooo! They seemed so happy." I said.

"I know! That's what I was saying!" He said.

The front door opened causing an immediate reaction from Ian. He jumped from his chair and rushed to see who it was and I was close by him about to make a run for the nursery.

"Lucas is mine!" Finley shouted.


I confusingly watched her rush into the nursery, and exit with Lucas in her arms and his diaper bag on her shoulder.

"Have a good night!" She said.

She rushed back out of the apartment leaving a very confused Ian and I alone.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"I think our son just got kidnapped?" He said.

"Well, um. So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"I have an idea!" Ian said.

Twenty minutes later we were out of the apartment and walking to the festival being held out in the court yard. There were three food trucks this time selling tacos, pizza, or egg rolls, an interesting combination if you put them together. I wanted Pizza so I ordered a few slices of cheese pizza while Ian got a few tacos and we choose a picnic table. There was a young lady playing a guitar for tips and she was really good! Ian and I talked for what felt like hours but ended up only being an hour. It made me realize just how little we've gotten to just be us for a little bit. After we finished eating we gave the girl a tip in her jar before heading over to a bench. The sun was setting and it was so peaceful, I grabbed Ian's hand and leaned my head against his shoulder as we watched it.

"This is nice." I sighed.

"I didn't realize that I needed this until now." Ian agreed.

My phone went off.

Enjoying the night? ; ) -F

You little sneak! -R

I remember how it felt, being consumed by your child 24/7 -F

It's nice to be just us for a little, thank you -R

"Finley is a great friend." Ian said.

"I'm glad she moved in." I said.

"Is it bad that I miss Lucas?" He asked.

"I miss him too, but I also feel guilty because I'm enjoying just being with you." I said.

"Yeah, I am too." He said.

He kissed the top of my head.


Ian walked into the bedroom and I gasped before slowing down on the treadmill.

"What did you do?!" I asked.

"Well, let's just say I had a fight with the razor, and the razor won." Ian told me.

Ian was completely beardless, and I'm talking baby faced.

"I tried to trim it, and went so short it was impossible to save." He said.

"The beard." I fake cried.

"It'll grow back." He chuckled.

"Knock knock!"

"That must be Finley." I said.

"We don't have any more children to kidnap." Ian joked.

"Yet." I said.

He laughed as I stepped off of the treadmill. Lucas was still dressed in his pajamas and laying on the floor. He looked so adorable as he reached up in the air, I took out my phone and snapped a photo.

"You are too much." I said.

"Can you watch him while I go get changed?" I asked.

"Of course." Ian said.

By the time I was back from the bedroom Finley had left.

"Come here little man!" I said.

I picked him up and set him in the kitchen.

"Let's show daddy what we've been working on!" I said.

It took a few tries but he shakily got to his hands and knees.

"That's it!" I said.

"Is he going to crawl?!" Ian gasped.

"He hasn't done it yet, but we've been working on it." I said.

I made the grabby hands towards Lucas coaxing him to crawl to me.

"Come on!" I cooed.

With one hand and one knee forward, Lucas slowly started to crawl towards me. Ian knelt down next to me as we watched our son clumsily crawl his way to us.

"He's doing it!" Ian said.

"Lucas! You crawled!" I said.

Ian picked him up and swung him around.

"Good job buddy!" He said.

Lucas squealed excitedly probably having no idea what he just did.

"Now you can slow down on growing up little man." I scolded.

"He is going too fast." Ian chuckled.

I gave Ian a kiss before walking into the living room. I flipped the TV on looking for a movie to watch thinking that Ian and I could watch one to end this perfect day.

Sooo I accidently hit the wrong option and BAM Ian's beard is gone. I'm hoping it'll grow back if not I will add it back hahaha! I hope your weekend was wonderful! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2023, 01:52:21 PM »
Chapter Fourteen: Progress

"IAN!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?!" Ian yelled.

"Can you fill the sink with warm soapy water?" I called.

Ian walked into the room.

"Lucas had a blow out." I groaned.

"On it!" He said, leaving the room again.

"This is my least favorite part kid." I said.

His whole onesie was just covered and I didn't even want to explain the smell. I made a mental note to buy gloves for the next blow out because this was disgusting. I put he onesie in a plastic bag for immediate washing and worked on getting his diaper off. I carried Lucas to the kitchen where Ian had the sink ready to go. Lucas squealed and laughed as I carefully placed him into the sink. Ian took over while I went to wash myself up in the bathroom.

"That was traumatizing." I said.

"I'm so glad it was your turn." Ian laughed.

"We also should see if we can fit a tub in the bathroom." I said.

"What you don't enjoy giving Lucas a bath where we wash dishes?" He asked.

I gagged making Ian laugh more.

Why didn't you tell me that kids a gross? -R

Oh god, what did he do? -F

Two words: blow out. -R


I laughed as I put my phone away.

"I'm going to work out." I said.

After the work out it was dinner time already. Ever since Lucas came I feel like the days, even weeks, were just flying by.

"What smells so good?" Ian asked.

"Food." I said.

"Har har." He groaned.

"I sold another sweater today." I told him.

"That's great! I may have to have you to make me one." He said.

"I would be happy too!" I said.

"Great!" He said.

A Month Later

"Look at you!" I gasped.

Ian and I walked into the nursery to find Lucas standing up and hanging onto the bars. I ran out of the room to grab my camera before he decided to sit back down.

"You need to slow down growing up." Ian told him jokingly.

"Look at him!" I gushed.

"He's going to be walking before he's even a toddler at this point." He laughed.

"I'm going to buy a brick." I joked.

"I don't think that's going to stop him." He told me.

He leaned over the crib and picked Lucas up in his arms.

"Good morning buddy." He whispered.

"Alright, Finley is ready." I said.

Lucas turned around and smiled at me.

"You look amazing. I am so proud of you." Ian said.

"I'm not done, but I feel amazing." I said.

"Go get pampered, your boys will be here when you get back." He said.

I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. I smiled before heading out to meet Finley in the hallway. All of my hard work at running on the treadmill has paid off because I was losing weight like crazy now! I still had a lot of work to do, but I was seeing results and feeling so much better. I had more energy during the day now and I was finding myself not avoiding mirrors like I used too. It was Finley's idea to go out and get a new outfit and go to a spa to get pampered. In the end I picked out a new shirt and shoes for now, I still wasn't confident in my legs so I decided to wait for new pants. We grabbed coffee and talked for a bit before getting manicures and pedicures at the spa and finishing off with massages. It was a nice girls day and I couldn't wait to get home to show Ian my new shirt and shoes. It was a simple white cut off sweater with straps that go over the back and stomach. I almost talked myself out of it because it showed my stomach, but I was pushing myself to be more comfortable with my body.

"I'm home!" I called.

I closed the door behind me.

"Welc- whoa."

Ian stopped walking and just stared at me.

"You like it?" I asked.

"I think we need to go in the bedroom." He said.

I laughed.

"But seriously. Wow. You are beautiful and stunning! I need pictures!" He said.

I groaned as he led me to the kitchen where we seemed to take the majority of our pictures for some reason.

"Ready?" Ian asked.

"If we must." I giggled.

"Babe you look amazing." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

I gave him another pose because he seemed like he was enjoying this.

"I think losing the sweater helped me too." I said.

"How's that?" He asked.

"I used the sweater as a shield almost, if that makes sense. I could hide myself with the sweater. But now I'm losing the weight and I feel amazing and slimmer." I said.

"I can't say it enough babe, I'm proud of you." He said.

I teared up as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out some left overs to heat up. I sat on the floor as he set the table for dinner even if it was just left overs. I was tired from all of the running around today even after getting a massage.

"Tired?" He asked.

"It was a long day, but I had a lot of fun." I said.

"I'm glad you did! You deserve it queen." He said.

I laughed.

"I'm going to get Lucas so he can see his mama." He told me.

I stood up from the floor when I saw Ian walk out of the nursery holding Lucas.

"Little man!" I said.

I held out my arms as Ian handed him to me.

"Let's stand!" I said.

I placed him on the ground and tried to get him to stand up.

"So strong!" I said.

He squealed as he looked up at me.

"So high!" I said.

I threw him in the air and he laughed so hard every time that I threw him in the air.

"If he pukes on you I'm going to laugh." Ian said.

"You get to clean it up this time." I said.

"No way!" He said, laughing.

My phone beeped and I looked at it.

"Everything okay?" Ian asked.

"That girl that bought the sweater wants another one, but by next week! I'd have to start now to get it made and shipped in time!" I said.

"Well then go! Knit away! I'll bring dinner to you instead." He said.

I handed Lucas to him and rushed to the living room.

I threw on a TV show I could mindlessly watch as I worked on her order. She wanted a light blue one this time for her brother's birthday which should be easy enough. Time to crochet until my hands fall off.

Just a small little update =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2023, 02:13:31 PM »
Ah, the glorious blowout. I loved it. It's hilarious and brings back memories.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2023, 02:16:09 PM »
Ah, the glorious blowout. I loved it. It's hilarious and brings back memories.

Hahaha thanks! I had to wonderful experience of one with my nephew when he was a baby, they are not fun!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline TheGoat

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2023, 10:50:58 AM »
Love the story, Ally! I finally came back to Carl's after playing a different game for a year, and I was so excited to see you had a current story going when I showed up. I love watching your sims grow.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2023, 04:03:51 PM »
Love the story, Ally! I finally came back to Carl's after playing a different game for a year, and I was so excited to see you had a current story going when I showed up. I love watching your sims grow.

Thank you!!! I'm glad you are enjoying it so far! ;D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2023, 12:45:44 AM »
Chapter 15: Come Home to Me

"Are you ready to see Aunt Finley?" I asked.

I bounced Lucas on my hip as I waited for Finley to answer the door. Yesterday was Hannah's birthday, we were going to stop by but they got home late from Jason's house and I didn't want to bother them.

"Hey! Come in!" Finley said when she answered the door.

I stepped into the apartment and set Lucas on the floor. I gave him a few toys that were laying around before standing up.

"Hannah! Look at you!" I gasped.

"Hi Raegan!" She said.

"You've gotten so big!" I said.

"Come here! Tell me all about your birthday!" I said.

We walked over to Finley's bed and sat down.

"We spent it at dad's house! He made me tacos for dinner and then we had cake and ice cream while watching a movie." She said.

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" I said.

"I even got a bike for my present! But I had to leave it at dad's house because there isn't anywhere to ride it here." She said, sadly.

"Hey, but that just means you have that much more to be excited about when going to visit your dad!" I told her.

"One day we're going to live in a house with a big back yard baby, I promise you that." Finley told her.

"I know mommy." Hannah said.

I glanced over at Lucas who was asleep on the floor.

"Looks like someone had too much fun." I giggled.

"He's so cute." Hannah said.

"Until he's up at three in the morning." I said.

"I should get him home." I said.

"It was so nice to see you." Hannah said.

"You know where I am, come by anytime!" I told her.

I walked over to Lucas after giving Finley and Hannah a hug goodbye. I carefully picked him up before heading home so that he could nap in his crib.

A Week Later

"I can't believe it's Lucas' birthday already." Ian said.

"I know!" I said.

I leaned over and put the cake in the oven before closing the door.

"Hey, so I need to talk to you about something." He said, sounding nervous.

"Oh boy." I said.

"Miles, my boss, wants Jack and I to go to a seminar for this new software that we're implementing." He told me.

"Oh, that's all?" I asked.

I leaned against the counter as I waited for Ian to answer the question.

"It's a few states away." He said.

"Oh, for how long?" I asked him.

"A week, maybe more if things don't go as planned." He told me.

I just looked at him while I processed what he just said. I turned around and checked the cake even if I had just put it in before walking past him into the living room. I heard him follow me as I sat on the couch and took a deep breath. I didn't know which fact was worse, him being a few states away or him being gone for a week maybe more. He sat down next to me on the couch and put his hands on his lap as he began to speak again.

"I know it's scary-"

"Ian we're not talking about a trip across town for a week! You're going to be a few states away." I hissed.

He looked shocked at my sudden outburst.

"I will be a phone call away." He said.

"And what happens if I need you sooner?" I asked.

"I don't have an answer for that." He said.

I took a frustrated deep breath.

"If you need me to come home I will be on the next plane out." He told me.

"I just don't get why they can't send someone else." I said.

"Because he trusts me and Jack." He said.

"When does he want you to leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Ian said.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Tomorrow morning?!" I gasped.

"It was a sudden decision." He said.

The timer for the cake eventually went off and I stood up.

"Please go get Lucas so we can celebrate his birthday." I said.


"Please." I said.

I walked into the kitchen to put the icing on the cake before adding the candles. I understood that it was his job and I was proud that Miles trusted him to do this. But how can your boss suddenly make this kind of decision? Especially for someone he knows has a family to take care of. Maybe I was being silly by getting upset about this trip but I just didn't like the thought of Ian being gone so long and a few states away. Ian carried Lucas in just as I finished lighting the last of the candles. Ian walked up to the cake and Lucas looked at the flames before looking at Ian in amazement.

"What are those?!" Ian gasped.

"Are you ready to blow them out?" Ian asked.

"You might have to help him." I said.

"Let's go little man!" He said.

He leaned over to the candles and blew, Lucas tried to mimic his behavior but it was mainly Ian who blew out the candles.

"Yay!" I said clapping.

Lucas clapped his hands as well and giggled.

"Do we want to take some pictures?" Ian asked.

It was awkward because he knew I was upset. But it was Lucas' birthday and we couldn't let our little argument ruin that.

"Yeah, I'll go get the tripod." I said.

We got some good pictures once I got it set up. Once we were finished I walked over to Ian to show him the pictures.

"Those are adorable." Ian said.

"I can't believe he's a toddler now." I said.

"Time is flying by." He agreed.

"Let's get a few more." I said.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower, can you keep an eye on him?" I asked.

"Rae, we need to talk about this." Ian told me.

"After he goes to bed." I said.

He sighed, "Okay."

Ian sat on the ground with Lucas who started crying.

"Why are you crying buddy?" He asked.

Lucas pointed to me as I went into the bathroom.

"She'll be back! She's just going to shower!" Ian explained.

I smiled a little.

I was laying on the bed when Ian came into the bedroom. He started to get changed into his pajamas while I watched him get ready for bed in silence.

"How much is this going to cost?" I asked.

"Miles is covering everything." He told me.

We didn't fight and I couldn't even remember the last time we did so it was extremely awkward going through it now. He walked over and climbed into bed next to me and turned to face me, I put the book that I was reading down and turned to face him.

"I don't like the thought of you leaving, but it's your job so if you have to go then I understand." I finally said.

"I know you're scared, but everything will be fine. I will talk to Finley about helping out when needed and like I said I will be a phone call away." He said.

I sighed, "Okay."

"So, I can go?" He asked.

"Yeah, it would be selfish of me to hold you back." I said.

"Thank you babe." He said.

"But, Miles needs to know that he can't just spring another seminar on you like this so short notice." I said.

"I will talk to him about it." He promised.

"Good." I said.

We gave each other a kiss, before shutting off the lights and eventually went to sleep after some fun.


"Do you have everything?" I asked.

It was probably the fiftieth time I asked him this morning but my nerves were fried. His suitcases were packed and ready for the taxi to take him to the airport.

"Yes, I have everything." He said.

"You need to go say goodbye to your son." I said.

I was trying my best to keep my voice even and not get upset. I followed Ian into Lucas' room to wake him up so he could say goodbye. We had gotten his walls painted a light blue but that was as far as we had gotten decoration wise. I was going to go to the store soon to get the furniture he needed. I guess that would give me a project to work on while I waited for Ian to get home. Ian scooped up Lucas who had fallen asleep in his regular clothes, we didn't want to wake him up to get him in his pajamas. Lucas whined a little before sticking his thumb back in his mouth.

I gave Ian a small smile while I watched conflict flash in his eyes.

"Maybe I'm making a mistake." He whispered.

"You have to go." I said.

"What if he forgets me?" He asked.

"Honey, he won't forget you! I promise! We will video chat every night while you're gone." I said.

He groaned as he kissed Lucas' cheek.

"Daddy is going on a trip buddy, but I promise you I will be back before you know it." Ian said.

I bit my lip and blinked back tears.

"Your mom is going to be here with you, and I know that you guys will have an amazing time together." He said.

Lucas began to whimper.

"Shhh." Ian cooed.

I watched as Lucas turned around in Ian's arms and cried into his shoulder.


"We will be fine." I reassured him.

Ian said his final goodbyes to Lucas and told him he loved him before putting him back in his crib. Lucas fussed for a few minutes before snuggling back in his pillow and going back to sleep. Ian took my hand and led me back out into the living room where he pulled me into his arms. I took deep breaths while he kissed the top of my head and we just stood there listening to each other breathe.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said, my voice shaking.

"I'm going to miss you more." He told me.

"Not possible." I said.

Ian wiped a tear that managed to escape my eyes and he kissed me on the lips.

I felt him glance at his phone.

"I should probably get going." He whispered.

"I know." I said, letting the tears fall.

He pulled apart and looked into my eyes.

"I love you Raegan." He said.

"I love you too Ian." I said.

He smiled, before slowly walking towards the door.

"Ian!" I gasped.

He turned around just in time to catch me in his arms, I gave him another kiss as I felt him hold me tighter.

"Please come home to me." I whispered.

"I will be home before you know I'm even gone." He told me.

He slowly put me down and gave me one final kiss before grabbing his suit cases.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He told me.

I gave him a small wave and smile as he walked out of the door.

This update was a little heavy on the pictures, but I got a lot of good ones! I hope you had a great weekend! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2023, 02:52:54 AM »
Chapter Sixteen: Keeping Busy

"Thank you so much." I said.

The delivery man smiled and waved. After Ian left for the airport I decided to waste no time and went to the furniture store. I was able to pick out what I needed for Lucas' room pretty quickly and the sales person worked with me to get it delivered today. Now all I needed to do was unpack all of the boxes and assemble the furniture.

Ian left? -F

Yeah this morning. -R

How are you doing? -F

Nervous wreck, he said he'll call when he lands. -R

Need company? -F

Not yet, I'm going to be busy with Lucas' room. -R

I'm here if you need me Rae <3 -F

Thank you. -F

The problem with Finley texting me was now I was checking my phone for the hundredth time to see if I had anything from Ian. It had only been an hour though and his flight should be taking off right now. Then from there it was at least a four hour flight so it was still going to be quite a while before I heard from him. I put Lucas in my bed for a nap while I did my magic on his room. I decided on a dark brown wooden frame for his bed and a simple blue bedspread. I got this cute little book rack to hang above his bed for when Ian and I read to him at night. I found this tree that fit perfectly in the corner of the room. Even though we already had a place for his books above his bed, I found this cute bookshelf with deer and trees painted on it. As he grew up we would fill it up with books and I found some pillows that he could sit on as he read. Next to the pillows I put a blue chest to hold his all of his toys that I also bought at the store. Finally, in the last corner of the room I found this giant adorable stuffed dog with a blue scarf around its neck. To top the room off I laid a circular blue rug with the moon and stars in the middle of the room. I really hoped that Ian was going to love it, and I couldn't wait to show it to him.

By the time I was finished Lucas was up from his nap. I got him fed, dressed, and ready for the day to come.

"Alright little man, what shall we do today?" I asked.

He looked up at me.

"You're right, we can watch some cartoons!" I said.

Lucas' face scrunched up and started to cry.

"What's wrong little man?" I asked.

My phone went off and my heart leapt.

I can hear him crying all the way from here, is everything okay? -F

I groaned as I typed out a response.

He is fine, I think he's just cranky. -R

Like his mama. -F


See. -F

I laughed as I put my phone away.

"Your Aunt Finley thinks she is funny." I said.

I scooped up Lucas in my arms and rocked him until I eventually got him to calm down.

"Why don't we go sit on the couch and watch your show?" I asked.

I carried him to the couch and sat him down. I didn't want him to grow up attached to the television, but at the same time a little now and then wouldn't hurt. He enjoyed this show about dogs that were police officers, fireman, and doctors. I felt like I was losing brain cells watching it, but he enjoyed it so that was all that mattered to me.

"Look! Your dog show!" I said.

We watched a few episodes before I checked the time. Ian should be landing in the next hour and my heart raced in anticipation.

"Daddy should be landing soon!" I told Lucas.

Lucas looked up at me and clapped.

"He's going to call me when he lands! I'm sure he misses you already." I said.

Lucas scooted off the couch and toddled to his room.

"Okay, well bye!" I giggled.

He was the cutest kid, but I guess I was biased being his mother. He already was growing into his own little personality and it wouldn't be long until he started talking. I sighed in content as I pulled over my knitting basket while humming to myself. Maybe when Ian got home we could settle back into a routine and maybe even start thinking about having another baby. I didn't want to bring it up to him and freak him out but I was ready. I missed the newborn stage and how little they were with their little hands and feet. I would not miss the lack of sleep and questioning my own sanity though, but it was all worth it in the end. I'm sure Lucas would love having a sibling to play with even with the age gap that they would have.

I also didn't want to mention this to Ian, but my business wasn't doing as well as I made it seem. I was getting orders still, but they were few and far between. I still kept up with crocheting in hopes that the projects I would complete would sell. But I wasn't getting the results I hoped for and would end up donating the projects while Ian was at work. I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to tell him because I knew he would be supportive. But I felt like I was a failure because I didn't have an actual job because I thought I could grow this into one. Ian was fine with me doing that and being the primary worker, but I also wanted to contribute to the household. I laughed to myself hearing Ian tell me that I did more than contribute and that I was just being silly. I glanced at my phone after a while and smiled when I realized that he should be getting off any moment. I made sure my ringer was on so that I wouldn't miss the call even if I wasn't going anywhere.

"Alright babe, just waiting on you." I said.

I took a deep breath, and waited.

Another sneaky update! ;)
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2023, 03:44:02 PM »
Chapter Seventeen: Silence

Trigger Warning: Mention of death

I bit my nail as I paced the room for the fifteenth time. Ian's plane should have landed an hour and a half ago and I still haven't heard anything from him. I listened as Lucas babbled on the floor with his toys completely unaware that anything could be wrong. I called the airport and they told me that everything went according to plan and that the plane landed as scheduled. They were working on getting a list of passengers that checked in and was going to call me back.

Something is wrong -R

Still nothing? -F

No, Fin something is wrong I can feel it -R

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened it quickly to find Finley standing there with Hannah by her side. I gave Hannah a small smile so I didn't worry her and stepped aside to let them in.

"Han, why don't you take Lucas in his room and play for a bit?" Finley asked.

"Sure mama." Hannah said.

I watched as Hannah grabbed Lucas' little hand and led him into his room before closing his door. Finley immediately pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back feeling numb and empty.

"What can I do?" She asked.

"Nothing, there is nothing to do. The airport is working on finding out who checked in on the flight. I've tried calling and texting Ian but no response." I said.

Finley led me to the couch and we sat down.

"Come here sweetie." Finley whispered.

She pulled me close to her as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I told him not to go at first, and I wish I would have stuck to my answer." I whispered.

"Maybe he got stuck in traffic and missed the flight." Finley said.

"Why isn't he answering his phone then?" I asked her.

"Maybe it died." She said.

"And Jacks phone?" I asked.

"I don't know." She whispered.

I knew she was trying to offer comfort, but I was having a hard time letting myself be comforted when I felt like something was wrong. I listened to the sounds of Hannah and Lucas laughing in the other room. I looked at the clock and realized that Lucas hasn't eaten anything since this morning.

"I have to feed Lucas." I said.

"No, you stay here. I will make the kids dinner." Finley said.

"He should have ate way sooner then this, I should have-"

"Rae, you're doing the best you can." She stopped me.

I nodded.

I was so busy keeping my mind busy and off the thought of Ian traveling that I forgot the basic needs of my own son. What kind of mother did that?

"Hey Fin?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Lets go get food at the food truck." I said.

I needed to get out of the apartment, and I needed to feed my son. I didn't know here Ian was but that doesn't mean I could ignore Lucas and his needs right now. We grabbed the kids and headed outside to the courtyard. It was dark now, but there was always some kind of festival going on which meant food trucks. I held Lucas on my hip as I ordered him some chicken nuggets with fries and got myself a salad.

"Hannah picked us a table." Finley told me.

"Normally there's music playing, I guess no one wanted to do it tonight." I said.

I carried Lucas and the food to the table with the help of Finley. I cut up Lucas' chicken nuggets into small pieces as I watched him carefully pick up the pieces. He was slowly learning how to eat solid food and it was cute to watch him try to hold the food in his fingers. After he was done I put him down so that he could run around with Hannah.

"Look Lucas! Leaves!" Hannah said.

Lucas squealed excitedly.

"Does he even know what leaves are?" Finley giggled.

"No, if you tell him anything with an excited expression he just squeals." I said, smiling a little.

"Not to far away from us Hannah." Finley said.

"Okay mama!" Hannah called back.

We finished up eating and we got the kids back to the apartment. I changed Lucas into his dinosaur pajamas as Finley got Hannah ready for bed. I told Finley she could go home and I would let her know if something happened but she refused to leave me alone. So I told her Hannah could sleep in the bedroom for now so she was in there getting her settled.

"Alright little man, time for bed." I said.

I gently laid him down on the bed and covered him up.

"How about we read a book on dinosaurs? Since someone is dressed up as one for bed!" I said.

I was trying to put on a brave face for him because kids can sense when something is wrong.

There was a knock on the door just as I finished the book. Lucas had fallen asleep already but I just kept reading anyway. I heard Finley cross the living room and answer the door as I put the book back on the shelf.

"Rae?" Finley called.

My blood ran cold as my world shifted into slow motion. Every bone in my body felt the shift as I realized something had happened I just didn't know it yet. I took a deep breath before slowly walking out of the bedroom. Finley was standing in front of the doorway blocking my view at first as I closed Lucas' bedroom door. Finley looked over her shoulder before she stepped aside to let me see who was at the door.

"No." I said.

Two police officers stood in the doorway with their police hats in their hands. My own hands went numb as I my feet stopped working and I just stood there. The female officer was the one to talk first but I couldn't hear what she was saying. It was like I was underwater and I could barely focus on the fact that they were even talking in the first place. I closed my eyes tightly and reopened them again. Finley walked closer to me and grabbed my hand tightly as I took another deep breath.

"Ma'am?" The man asked.

"This is Officer Peters, and I'm Officer Sampson." The girl introduced.

"Why are you here?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Ma'am, we are here to inform you that there was a car accident a few hours ago. A semi truck turned over and caused a massive car pile up on the interstate. It took a while for us to clear everything up and-" Officer Peters started.

"Can you just tell me why you are here? Please." I demanded.

"Mrs. Barnes, we regret to inform you that your husband Ian was involved in a serious car accident. Due to his injuries he sustained during the accident he was rushed to the nearest hospital where doctors did everything they could to save him. But unfortunately they were unable to bring him back. I'm sorry but Ian passed away Mrs. Barnes." Officer Sampson said.

"NO!" I wailed.

Finley gasped as she caught me just as my legs gave out.

"I got you." Finley said.

I gasped for air as I sobbed on the floor. I don't know what happened after that or when the police left because I was busy falling apart. I glanced at the floor next to the door and saw a plastic bag that was labeled as 'Personal Belongings' with a business card stapled to it. I cried harder when I realized that in the plastic bag were all of Ian's belongings that he had on himself. He was on the way to the airport, and he never made it because there was an accident. I was hyperventilating as I sat back on my legs and looked into Finley's eyes as she tried to get me to calm down.

"J-Jack did they say anyt-anything about Jack?" I gasped.

"He also didn't make it." Finley told me calmly.

"Oh god!" I cried.

"Shhh, I'm here." She said.

"Wha- What am I going to do!?" I sobbed.

Finley rubbed my shoulders as I worked on processing everything.

"He's dead. Ian is dead." I whispered.

"I am so sorry Raegan." Finley said.

"Lucas, what am I going- He needs his father." I gasped.

"I know." She soothed.

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion but in full speed all at the same time. I heard the door to our bedroom open and Hannah stepped out of it rubbing her eyes.

"What's going on?" She asked, yawning.

"Honey, go back in the room okay? Everything is fine." Finley said.

"Rae, you're crying!" She said.

"I-I'm okay." I gasped.

"I'll be in with you in a little bit sweetie, go back inside." Finley told her.

Hannah hesitated at first, but eventually went back into the room.

"You-You can go to bed." I cried.

"I'm not leaving you." Finley said.

I gasped for air as I looked around the apartment. It was almost complete, all that needed to be done was the bathroom and Ian said he would help with that.


"Oh god!" I wailed.

"I got you." Finley said.

"He's dead! Ian!" I screamed.

This was the day, the day my world went silent.

Ian, he was gone.

This one was a rough one to write, and a tough decision to make. I'm sorry if it upset anyone!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2023, 05:37:38 PM »
Oh, wow. That was a tough read indeed. Very well written, @Ally3772.

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2023, 05:40:19 PM »
Oh, wow. That was a tough read indeed. Very well written, @Ally3772.

Thank you very much :)
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2023, 12:56:43 AM »
Chapter Eighteen: Shock

Trigger Warning: Grief and mention of car crash/death

I heard knocking on the door, but I couldn't move. I heard Lucas crying in his room, but I couldn't move.


I stared blankly at the wall in the kitchen and I couldn't remember just how long I've been sitting on the floor. I only vaguely recognized the sound of the front door opening and closing before rushed footsteps ran into Lucas' bedroom. The crying stopped after a few minutes before I saw Finley walk out with Lucas on her hip.

"Rae?" She asked.

I continued to stare.

"Rae, how long have you been down there?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

It's been almost a week since the police showed up to tell me that my husband had passed away. According to all the news outlets a semi truck had blown a tire and lost control of the truck causing a major car pile up. But what they didn't tell you was that Ian and Jack's car they were driving was sandwiched between two other cars. They died on impact so I guess it should come with some relief that they didn't feel any pain. I decided to have Ian cremated so we had a small gathering for him so those who wanted to could say goodbye. Not many people showed up because we had no other friends or family. A lot of his coworkers showed up though and they were very sweet. His boss, Miles, showed up but I was so angry at him that I dodged him the entire time. Finley tried to get me to talk to him but I blamed him for my husbands death. After all, if it hadn't been for him and that stupid seminar Ian would have been here with us.

"Daddy is going on a trip buddy, but I promise you I will be back before you know it." Ian said.


I snapped out of it and looked up at Finley feeling annoyed that she was here.

"What?" I asked.

"Lucas was crying." She told me.

"He seems fine now." I said.

Finley sighed.

"I'm trying." I whispered.

"I know, and I cannot even begin to imagine what you're going through. But Rae, Lucas is still here and he needs his mom." She told me.

"And he needs his father." I retorted back.

I closed my eyes, instantly regretting snapping on her. She has been amazing throughout this whole process and has barely left my side. She even offered to move in with Hannah temporarily but I told her that I could handle it. She was just across the hall after all, but I did give her a set of keys to the apartment.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't fair." I said.

"Don't worry about it, look I'm going to feed Lucas. Go take a shower and hopefully it'll make you feel better." She said.

I groaned putting my head on my knees before going to stand up.

I shut the door to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I needed to remodel this room, but Ian said he was going to help me with it. I numbly stripped off of my clothes before turning on the shower. I couldn't even tell you if I showered or not but the water was cold before I noticed that I was still there. Once I pulled myself out from the cold water I wrapped myself in a towel before working on drying my hair.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said, my voice shaking.

"I'm going to miss you more." He told me.

"Not possible." I said.

"How could you leave me?" I whispered, looking up at the ceiling.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Finley and Lucas on the couch.

"Where is Hannah?" I asked.

"At Jason's house." Finley told me.

Lucas was pointing at a picture I had framed by the TV of Ian and I.


My heart stopped.

"Wh- Has he talked before?" Finley asked.

My hands went numb as I shook my head before running to the toilet barely making it before throwing up. I wiped my mouth as I sunk back to the wall and sobbed as my sons first words echoed in my head. Then I started to laugh a little at the cruel irony that he chose to say daddy first. Eventually I got up off the floor and brushed my teeth before heading back into the living room again.

"You okay?" Finley asked.

"Yeah, did he eat?" I asked.

"Like a bulldozer." She said.

I ran my fingers through my hair feeling like I was failing him. I just didn't know how to take care of someone when I felt like I was completely falling apart. I sat back down on the couch and took Lucas from Finley's lap and held him close to me. I stared at Ian and I in the photo, it was taken shortly before he proposed to me. We were at our favorite park enjoying a nice picnic on a blanket. He made us cold cut sandwiches and brought bottles of fruit punch for us to drink. Everything was going so well until two dogs came out of now where and shot through the blanket, sending the food and drinks all over the place. I was soaked in red from the fruit punch while Ian was wearing the sandwiches. The owners of the dogs were mortified and offered to pay for our dry cleaning. We laughed it off and told them that it was fine as long as the dogs were okay. I was dabbing at my shirt when Ian just popped the question out of no where as he stared at me. I stared at him blankly before my brain registered what he had just asked. Before I knew it I was screaming yes and tackled him in a hug feeling over the moon. We thought we had our whole lives a head of us, and we did have a wonderful life with the time we had.

"I'm going to go put him down for a nap." I said.

"Okay, wanna watch a movie?" Finley asked.

"Sure." I said.

I carried Lucas into his room.

"Alright sweetie, nap time." I said.

"Daddy." He said again.

I bit my lip feeling the urge to puke again. I set him on the bed before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Daddy isn't here." I told him.

He looked up at me questioningly. I took his impossibly small hands into my own as I thought over my words carefully.

"Daddy isn't here because he died baby." I said.

"Bag?" He asked.

It took me a minute to translate bag to back.

"No baby, daddy isn't coming back." I said.

He immediately started to cry and curled up in a ball on his bed. I rubbed his back hoping that I explained it well enough for him to understand. Judging by his reaction though he understood enough. I would explain more when he was old enough to fully understand and eventually I would tell him the full story. It took about twenty minutes but he eventually took a shuttering breath and fell asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and a sudden sense of deja vu came over me. I felt glued to the bed but eventually I got up and walked out of the bedroom. There was no one at the door and Finley wasn't in the living room anymore. I checked every room before heading into our- my bedroom to find Finley putting a golden urn on the desk next to the computer. I haven't touched that computer since Ian last used it, and I could barely sleep in the bed some nights. I found myself sleeping on the couch often falling asleep to some show on the TV. Finley turned around slowly and clasped her hands together slowly.

"Um, the funeral home... they just delivered-"

"Ian." I whispered.

"They apologized for the delay, but they wanted to get the urn cleaned." Finley whispered.

"Thank you." I said.

"I'll give you a moment." She told me.

She squeezed my arm lightly before closing the door behind her.

"Please come home to me." I whispered.

"I will be home before you know I'm even gone." He told me.

"You were suppose to come home." I whispered.

I slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I already had said my goodbyes at the viewing before everyone showed up but I had a feeling I'd spend the rest of my life getting used to saying goodbye to him. I stared at the golden urn that sat in front of me looking nice and shiny from the cleaning the funeral home did. Typically after the viewings people took the urns home, but the funeral home we chose offered cleanings. I don't remember much of that day as I felt like I floated through most of it just going through the motions. Finley took care of the majority of the arrangements and it was a very nice day considering. I kissed my fingers before placing them on the urn before walking out of the room.

"I have to go get Hannah, are you going to be okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." I told her.

"I love you Rae." She said.

"Me too." I said, smiling a little.

She waved a little before leaving the apartment. I shuffled back to the kitchen and walked to the counter before sinking to the floor again. I looked at Lucas' room making sure I didn't hear any crying before allowing myself a little bit longer to fall apart. I laid my head on my kneed and cried so hard my whole body shook.

"I should probably get going." He whispered.

"I know." I said, letting the tears fall.

He pulled apart and looked into my eyes.

"I love you Raegan." He said.

"I love you too Ian." I said.

"Come back." I whispered.

It's almost Friday! Also, thank you for almost 600 views!!! ;D
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2023, 12:01:55 AM »
Chapter Nineteen: Picking Up the Pieces

"I'll be right there baby!" I called.

Lucas cried in the living room while I prepared his lunch.

"Alright, here we go." I said.

Lucas made the grabby hands that he made when he saw food. I laughed and sat on the couch next to him, normally I would bring him to the table but this was fine.

"How about we watch your cartoon?" I asked.

He clapped his hand, fisting his chicken nugget as he did so.

It has been a month since Ian has been gone. I missed him every day but day by day it got a bit easier to manage. Finley took me out for a girls day where we went to lunch, got manicures, and finished off with massages at the spa. Now it was time for me to step into my new role as a single parent to Lucas and I've been in therapy to come to terms with that. There are still days where it's hard to look into Lucas' eyes because they are Ian's eyes. But with the help of my little village of Finley and Hannah I was getting through it. I threw myself into the final project of the apartment and now it was finally complete when I finished the bathroom remodel. It turned out really well I picked a nice tile for the flooring and a light grey wall. Then I chose a shower and tub combo so no more bathing Lucas in the sink. Which was good because he was getting bigger and bigger by the day and soon enough he would be a child.

Just like that, the apartment was officially finished.

"Well, I did it Ian. I made what started out as a crappy apartment a home." I whispered.

"Mama!" Lucas squealed.

I jumped out of my head and focused back on Lucas who was holding up his empty plate.

"You ate it all?! Good job bubba!" I said.

He clapped his hands once I took the plate from him. I set it down on the side table and picked him up, throwing him in the air making him giggle. The power flickered before going out completely causing Lucas to whimper. I rubbed his back before going over to the fuse box and groaning when I see sparks coming from it. I set Lucas down on the ground and told him to go in his room to play for a bit before grabbing my phone and texting Sarah. She replied almost instantly saying that she would head over in a little bit and she wasn't lying. Twenty minutes later she was knocking on the door.

"Hey Sarah, thank you for coming by." I said.

I stepped aside to let her in.

"No problem! It's the fuse box?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, it's sparking again." I told her.

We headed into the the kitchen and she got to work.

I watched her and suddenly the power came back on.

"Let there be light." She said.

"Oh my god thank you so much." I said.

"No problem. Is there anything else you need help with?" She asked.

"Not that I know of, but you know how it is." I chuckled.

"Well you know you can call me anytime. I'm here to help." She said.

"I appreciate it." I said, smiling.

The mood in the room suddenly shifted and I knew what was coming.

"I'm so sorry to hear about Ian." She said.

"Thank you, it's been rough but I'm getting through it." I told her.

She gave me a gentle smile before we said our goodbyes. I turned around to see Lucas standing in the living room holding his arms up in the air.

"Up mama!" He said.

I picked him up and he immediately laid his head on my shoulder and put his thumb in his mouth.

"Is it nap time?" I asked.

He nodded his head before I took him into his bedroom and changed him in his pajamas. I read him a book before he eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep. I took a deep breath before putting the book back on the shelf. My phone went off as I exited his room.

Hannah is being a handful today I swear -F

Want me to come over? -R

Sure, maybe she'll be calm with you! -F

I grabbed the baby monitor that I sometimes still used with Lucas and headed over to Finley's apartment. We found out when Lucas was still a baby that the monitor still worked even if I was at her place. So I felt fairly safe with leaving him alone for just a little while because I would hear him if he got up.

"I got it!"

Hannah answered the door after I knocked twice.

"What if I was a stranger?" I asked.

"Then I would have screamed." Hannah said, matter of factly.

"And if I would have covered your mouth?" I asked.

"I would have bit your hand." She said.

I laughed and shook my head as she let me inside the apartment.

"You look great Rae! Have you lose more weight?" Hannah asked.

"I've been working on it! Thank you!" I said.

I bent down to give her a big hug.

She glanced at my left hand as I pulled away.

"You're still wearing your wedding ring." She stated.

"Hannah!" Finley scolded.

"No, it's fine! I know it's been a month, but I'm still not ready to remove it." I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything bad by it!" Hannah apologized.

"No worries Hannah banana." I said.

I smiled as Hannah and Finley talked about nothing in particular as I felt myself getting lost in my own thoughts. Maybe it was time to take my ring off but I didn't feel ready for that. I knew he wasn't coming back and that I technically wasn't married anymore. But what would it hurt to keep the ring on just a little while longer? It wasn't like I was jumping at the bones to meet someone new and start dating. The truth was I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get to that point again. I was almost an adult and I needed to focus on raising Lucas so the thought of starting over and dating just overwhelmed me. If it happened then it would happen at the right time.


I snapped out of my head.

"Sorry, I was in my head." I giggled.

I stayed for a little longer before going home and changing into my pajamas. Tomorrow I started the hunt for a job that had more of a steady paycheck. I loved crocheting but it was time to face the facts that it couldn't pay the bills. I would still crochet on the side and on my days off, but it would no longer be my primary job for income. I sat on the couch and pulled out my yarn and needles before starting a new project. Lucas had woken up shortly after I got into my pajamas and was playing with his blocks on the floor.

"Bue!" Lucas said.

"Blue!" I corrected.

He looked at the block he was holding up like it was the most confusing thing he had ever seen.


"Lucas get back here!" I giggled.

Lucas ran the best he could away from me but I eventually caught up to him.

"It's bath time!" I said.

I carried him into the bathroom where I had the water waiting for him. He was getting used to the baths now, but the first few were rough and I ended up being the one that was soaked. Now he just liked to look at the bubbles and try to grab them with his tiny hands.

"So clean!" I said.

"Bubbles!" He cheered.

"You're going turn into a bubble." I joked.

He splashed his hands in the water as he squealed.

After the bath it was bed time for Lucas. He went down pretty fast which was good because I needed some chill time. I sat on the couch and took a deep breath before putting my head in my hands. I was healing from the loss, but I still had moments when I felt like it was going to pull me under.

"I miss you." I whispered.

I miss Ian. -R

I know you do, do you need me to come over? -F

No, I'll be fine it just hit me suddenly -R

I'm here -F

I smiled as I put my phone back on the table.

I allowed myself ten more minutes of self pity before going into the bedroom and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow was a big day and I was both excited and nervous to get back out there. I haven't had a real job in a while and I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do. All I knew was I had to get something or else Lucas and I wouldn't have a home much longer.

Sorry for the delayed update! This week has been crazy! I hope you guys have had a great week! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2023, 02:05:30 AM »
Chapter Twenty: A New Chapter

"Lucas please!" I groaned.

I got out of bed for what seemed like the fifth time tonight. He has been fighting bed time for the past couple nights and I had no idea what have gotten into him. I opened up my bedroom door and walked into his bedroom to find him running back and forth in his room.

"Lucas!" I scolded.

"Mama!" He squealed.

"It is bed time." I said.

"No! Play!" He huffed.

"We cannot keep doing this Lucas, in that bed right now!" I said firmly.

"Play!" He whimpered.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I needed to be firm and stand my ground, but if I just played with him a little then maybe he would go to bed.

"Just tonight, and I mean that." I said.

I picked him up in my arms and placed him on my back. He squealed as I spun him around in circles as I held on tightly to him with one arm.

"Faster mama!" He yelled.

"Okay little man, play time is over. Now it is bedtime." I told him.

"Okay." He said sadly.

I tucked him back into his bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead before shutting the lights off and closing the door. I looked at the clock and groaned when I realized it was three in the morning already. I heard my phone beep from the bedroom and I walked into my room before closing the door behind me. I sat on the bed before grabbing my phone and unlocking it.

Everything okay? I heard Lucas squealing -F

Oh my god Fin I am so sorry! He is fighting sleep, everything is okay! -R

No biggie! I just wanted to check! -F

I groaned as I put my phone back down. Now the entire apartment building probably hated me, but at least none of them came pounding on the front door so there's that small miracle. I shut my light off before heading to bed.

The Next Morning

Lucas was still asleep which was a miracle because today was the day that I apply to jobs. I have been searching and have a few picked out, but I narrowed it down to one that I really want. It was a food or an art critic job where I would write articles reviewing either food or art and submit it to a blog. I was unsure as to which direction I wanted to go in right now but there was still time to decide. I stepped up on the treadmill for my morning workout while thinking of what to say on the application.

I ran for half an hour before slowly winding down and stepping off of the treadmill. I touched Ian's urn before sitting at the computer and turning on the computer. I loaded up the critic application and took my time filling out the basic information first. They asked if I had any knowledge with food or art and while I wasn't an expert I had some knowledge of both. I was willing to learn about everything and felt a sudden burst of excitement as I submitted the application.

"Wish me luck Ian." I whispered.

I stood up from the computer to go check on Lucas. He was just waking up and I gave him his morning bath before getting him dressed for the day. I walked back into the nursery holding him before setting him down on the pillows.

"I'm going to go make breakfast okay?" I said.

"Otay." He said.

I smiled at his baby talk. I took a book off of the bookshelf and handed it to him.

"Read this book, it's about dinosaurs!" I told him.

"Like my pajamas?" He asked.

"Just like your pajamas!" I said.

"Now, I will be right back." I told him.

My phone went off as I walked into the kitchen.

Did you apply?! -F

I did! Now the waiting game starts -R

We could just go beat them up -F

I laughed a little.

Then I wouldn't have a job to accept -R

I suppose you're right, keep me updated! -F

I made eggs and sausage cut up in small pieces so that he didn't choke. I filled one of his sippy cups with milk before carrying it all to his room.

"Lucas no!" I gasped.

"We do not eat books!" I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Sorry mama." He said.

I put his plate on the footstool as he scooted off the pillows and handed me the book. He walked over to the footstool and started to eat carefully.

"Mama applied to a job today." I said.

"What's a job?" He asked.

"It's a place I go to make money." I told him.

He looked at me like he didn't understand still.

"Which means mama won't be with you all the time now." I explained.

"Where I go?" He asked.

"I'm going to find a great day care for you, okay? You're going to have lots of toys and you're going to meet other kids your age!" I told him.

He thought about this for a moment before nodding his head as if he approved of this plan. I was extremely nervous leaving him with strangers, but I would make sure that I researched the best in the neighborhood.

"It's a new chapter for both of us." I told him.

He looked up at me and smiled.

How are we in October already?! Craziness.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: Figuring It Out
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2023, 11:58:27 PM »
Chapter Twenty One: Acceptance

"Anyone home?" I called into Finley's apartment.

"In here!" Hannah replied.

I pushed the door open and walked into the apartment. Hannah was sitting at the computer but I didn't see Finley anywhere.

"Where is your mom?" I asked.

"I'm right here." Finley said.

Finley was walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh! Hi!" I said.

She looked as if she had been crying.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I was fired from my office job today." She said.

"Oh Fin! I am so sorry!" I said.

"Guess we're in the same boat." She told me.

I bit my bottom lip.

"I guess this would be a bad time to say that I got out of the boat?" I asked.

"Did you get the job?" She gasped.

"I did." I said, suddenly scared of her reaction.

"Raegan that is great!" She told me.

"I got you something." I said.

I held out a box that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper with stars on it and a yellow ribbon.

"For what?!" She gasped.

"For everything you have done for me in the past month. You got me through what was one of the darkest times of my life and you took care of my son no questions asked. What is in this box is no where near what you deserve because I would be lost without you." I told her.

"I wouldn't of dreamed of not helping you because I know you'd do the same for me." She said.

She smiled as she took the box.

I watched as she slowly opened up the lid and pulled out a crocheted llama plant holder.

"Rae! Did you make this?" She asked.

"Finished it last night, I hope you like it." I said.

"I love it so much, thank you!" She said.

"I better get back, Lucas is probably got the entire apartment tore up by now." I laughed.

She walked me to the door and we gave each other one last hug before I walked back into the apartment. First I checked his room, and it seemed in order but without Lucas. I was heading to the kitchen when I heard splashing.

"Oh no." I groaned.

I walked into the bathroom to confirm my suspicions. Lucas was head first into the toilet splashing the water with his hands.

"Lucas! No!" I gasped.

I rushed over and scooped him up. The front of his pajamas were soaked with toilet water so it was straight to the bath with him. I stripped his soaked clothes off while the bath filled with warm soapy water. Once it was full enough I turned I plopped him into the tub and began to wash his hair.

"Now, I hope that is the end of our toilet adventures." I said.

I set Lucas on the floor while I worked on drying him off. I scooped him up after getting him dressed in his normal clothes. I'll admit that most of the days he spent in his pajamas, but that was going to change now. Because now that I got the job as a critic I had to search for a day care that I felt was best suited for the both of us.

"Mama got the job!" I said.

Lucas looked at me confused.

"That means, for a few hours you'll have to go to a daycare while mama works." I told him.

"You leave?" He asked.

"Only for a little while, but I promise you that I will be there to get you as soon as I am off of work." I said.

"Otay mama." He said.

"Who knows, maybe you'll even make some friends!" I said.

I carried him to his room where I set him up to play for a little.


"Be right there Lucas!" I called.

I set the treadmill from hill mode to normal mode before slowing it down. I climbed off of it once it was stopped completely and wiped my face with a towel. I walked out into the living room before going into his bedroom. He wasn't there so I decided to check the bathroom incase he was splashing in the toilet again. When he wasn't there panic set in especially when he wasn't in the kitchen. I ran to the front door throwing it open.

"Lucas!" I screamed.

My heart sank in relief when I saw Lucas standing there in the hallway.

"Lucas! You can't do that!" I scolded.

It was an extra relief to see Finley standing there. She was dressed in a yellow maids outfit with white sneakers and looking rather embarrassed.

"He heard me and decided to come out into the hallway." Finley said.

"I don't know how he got the door open, I'm so ashamed." I said.

"Don't be, maybe it didn't just latch." She said.

I knew she was trying to make me feel better, but that could have ended so much worse.

"Are you just getting home?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. I- uh, I got a job." She said.

"Fin! That's great! Where at?" I asked her.

"Cleaning peoples houses." She whispered.

"Are you embarrassed about that? Finley, there is nothing wrong with cleaning other peoples houses! You're doing the best you can and putting food on the table. You should be proud of that!" I said.

"I just feel like I'm taking steps backwards." She said.

I took her hands in mine.

"I got married to Jason, and then had Hannah. We got this beautiful house and we both had amazing jobs. It was a true fairy tale life, and now look at me. Divorced, living in a cramped apartment, I've lost my job, and have to share Hannah with Jason." She said.

"I can't imagine how hard it's been." I said.

"Oh, Rae I'm sorry I didn't mean to compl-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, you are allowed to complain! I lost my husband, and it is rough! But I'm okay, I will be okay!" I told her.

"I should get in, Hannah will be wondering where I am." She said.

I hugged her before taking Lucas into the apartment making a mental note to make sure the door latches from now on.

"I'm going to go change now, stay here and then we can be naughty and have cake before bed!" I said.

"Cake!" Lucas screamed.

I laughed before heading back into my room. I took a deep breath and sat on the bed before getting changed into my pajamas. I started the new job in a week and I was excited to see what this new adventure was going to lead us.

It took me forever to decide what job to go with! I didn't want to go with a painter because I feel like I've over used that in other stories. I don't think I've ever did the critic job before so I chose that!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

