Chapter Thirty Three: Moving Slow"I'm off to school!" Lucas called.
"Have a great day sweetie!" I said.
I heard the door close behind him as I refreshed my email to make sure I was up to date. Work was going great! Everyone congratulated me when I got into the office the next morning after the email was sent. I got my own office with my own desk which I decorated with pictures of Ian and Lucas right away. Amy, my boss, had a cupcake and balloon waiting for me which was sweet of her to do. She had me write a few test articles for her before my first official one was published which happened to be my top five pizza places around town that I had been working on. Everyone seemed to love it which was a major confidence booster for me. My phone beeped letting me know I had a text message.
What are you up too? -N
Working on my next article -R
Feel like going on a date? -N -R
Yeah, those things that two people do when they like each other? -N
Ha ha. -RI stared at my phone wondering what to tell him. I glanced up at Ian's urn as if it was Ian himself looking at me with puppy eyes.
"You're okay with this, aren't you?" I whispered.
Ian and I never had the conversation about what one of us would do if the other passed away. We were like any other couple that never thought they'd have to worry about something like this. I placed a hand on the cool metal of the urn and closed my eyes. I think that Ian would be okay with me taking slow steps to moving on with my life. Besides it wasn't like I was starting to date someone the day after he passed away. I looked down at my phone and typed out a response.
I would love too. -R
I suddenly had a outfit to plan since I probably shouldn't go on my first official date in my pajamas. I dug out almost every piece of clothing I owned before deciding on a simple outfit, nothing too flashy, but something still looked nice. I chose a tan crop top and chose a tan/brown flannel to go over it in case it got cold I could button it up. I picked out a pair of black jeans with some holes in the legs and a pair of knee high tan boots. I brushed my hair and decided to keep it down today instead of putting it up.
"Okay." I breathed.
I took one last look in the mirror before deciding that I looked date worthy. Now if I could just stop feeling like I was going to projectile vomit all over the place. I remember feeling this way when I first started to see Ian. I remember having to pull over on the way to the restaurant we were going too because I thought I was going to puke all over my steering wheel. The date obviously went well even though I did manage to spill his soda all over him when I reached for a napkin.

Nathan sent me the address of the place that he picked. It was a boba tea and thrift store downtown that just opened up last month and the reviews were great so far! Maybe I could write up an article on it for next weeks paper if I enjoyed it. I opened up the door to the cafe and looked around for Nathan but didn't see him anywhere so I decided to go a head and order.
"Hello! Welcome, how can I help you?" The cashier greeted.
"Hi! I will take a banana mango please." I said.
"Excellent choice." She said, smiling.
While I waited for my tea I texted Nathan to let him know that I was here.
Running a bit late! -N
No worries, do you want me to order you anything? -R
You don't have to do that! -N
This place had a very welcoming environment with a soft green and yellow theme throughout the store. There were tables and couches one the cafe side and on the thrift store side there were racks of clothes that people made and sold here. I picked a table next to the sofa and sat down taking a sip of my tea which was wonderful. The door opened and Nathan walked in and immediately spotted me. I gave him a small wave as he made his way to the table.
"It's sprinkling." Nathan said.
"Oh no! Hopefully it doesn't start raining." I said.
"Especially since after this I figured we could take a walk." He laughed.
"That would be wonderful. How are you?" I asked.
"Better now." He said, smiling.
"Still no luck on the job search?" I asked.
"Negative, but something will come up I'm sure." He said.

"Are you going to get a tea?" I asked.
"I don't really like tea." He told me.
"So why did you pick a boba tea place?" I giggled.
"I heard it was good! What did you get?" He asked me.
"A banana mango." I told him.
There was a few second of awkward silence before Nathan started telling me about his childhood and growing up with two brothers that tortured him every chance they got. His sister was his defender which he wasn't proud of because he should be able to stick up for himself. I laughed at the funny parts but my palms were sweating from the nerves.
"Did they like your first wife?" I blurted out.
"Oh, my first wife? As in there's going to be a next?" He asked.
"You don't want to get married again?" I asked.
"Well sure if I meet the right girl, but maybe I already have." He said.
He gave me his winning smile as I took a long sip of my tea while I screamed in my head.

Once I finished my tea I took a look at the clothes that were on the racks.
"Need any help finding anything?" The cashier from earlier asked.
"I'm just looking but thank you!" I said.

"You ready for that walk?" Nathan asked.
"Yeah! Let's go." I said.
He offered me his hand and I took it with a smile. We walked outside to see that it stopped drizzling so we walked around the little park that was across from the cafe. We traded stories of growing up which lead to stories about Ian. It was so weird to talk about him not only in the past tense, but talking about him without crying or feeling that panicked feeling in my chest.
"So then we pull the turkey out of the oven and it just flies across the floor!" I giggled.
"It did not!" He gasped.
"It did! We thought we could save it but then it ended up being raw in the middle still." I said.
"So what did you do?" He asked.
"Ordered pizza, we ate it on the living room floor since we didn't have any furniture yet." I laughed.
Nathan laughed so hard he had to place a hand on his stomach.
"Should we sit down?" I giggled.
"Yes please." He laughed.

"Ian sounded like he was a great guy." Nathan said.
I looked down at my ring and smiled.
"He really was." I said softly.
"So, I have a question to ask." He said.
"Oh boy, should I be scared?" I asked.
He slid closer to me on the bench.
"Depends." He laughed.
"What is it?" I asked.
My stomach was doing flip flops.
"I know that this is technically our first date, but I was wondering if you- if you'd like to keep going out with me?" He asked, nervously.

"Should two people with holy jeans really go out together?" I joked.
He looked down at our legs and laughed.
"So, is that a no?" He asked.
I looked at the ground.
"Like girlfriend and boyfriend?" I asked.
"Well, we don't have to label it if you want." He said.
I bit my lip and thought for a moment.
"Nathan... I- I have something that I haven't told you about." I said.
He looked nervous.
"Like a secret?" He asked.
"Kind of." I said.
He grabbed both my hands in his, "What is it?"

I started to speak but the second I opened my mouth it started to rain.
"The timing." Nathan laughed.
"Should we go back to the cafe?" I asked.
"No, there's a gazebo over there." He said.
We sprinted to the gazebo even though it wasn't raining too hard. We took a seat on the bench that was on the back of the gazebo and I took another deep breath.
"Now, where were we." He said.
I picked at my jeans thinking of the best way to start this.
"I don't know how to tell you this, but I'll start off by saying that I understand if what I'm about to tell you changes things. I in no way expect you to stay if this is something you don't want in your life." I said.
"Rae, what is it?" He said.
He didn't say it in a mean way, but in a caring and sweet way that made my heart swell.
"I haven't been completely honest with you about a big part of my life. Nathan, I-"
I took a deep breath blinking back tears.
"I have a son." I whispered.

Nathan looked at me for a few moments and my heart stopped beating for those moments. We haven't reached the topic of kids and I knew that he didn't have any children of his own from his first marriage. I wouldn't blame him if he decided to walk away because children are a huge responsibility.
"You have a son?" He asked.
I nodded, blinking back nervous tears.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, taking one of my hands.
"I was scared that it would scare you off. I felt horrible for keeping him a secret, but I wanted to make sure that you were going to be something serious." I said.
"You didn't want to bring anyone into his life that was just going to leave him." He offered.
"Yes! I didn't like lying to you Nathan, but my first priority is him and I don't want to cause anymore trauma to him." I explained.
"Raegan, you don't have to explain anything. I completely understand, okay? I can't even imagine losing your spouse and have a child to raise." He said.
I covered my face with my hands and cried into them.
"Sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." I sniffled.
"What's his name?" Nathan asked.
"Lucas." I said.
"Well, I can't wait to meet him when you are ready to introduce us." He said.
"What? You- you don't want to walk away now?" I asked.
"Raegan, I know we are still new to this, but the thought of walking away from you- I- I want to see where this goes. That being said I in no way want to replace Ian for you or for Lucas. He will forever be apart of your life and that will never change." He said.
"I- I don't know what to say." I whispered.
"Say that you want to see where this goes as well." He said.
"On one condition." I said.
"What's that?" He asked.
"I get to do it as your girlfriend." I said.
Bold move, but it was now or never.
"Done." He said.
He smiled as he leaned forward and kissed me.

"One more small thing I want to add." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"I know you still wear your wedding ring, and that is absolutely fine with me, but you take it off when you are ready. Even if down the line we get engaged you can wear both if that's what you choose." He said.
"You're being so understanding." I whispered.
"Like I said, I can't imagine how hard it is to lose a spouse, but I do know how hard grief is. So we do it in your own time, just let me know what I can do to help you and Lucas." He told me.
"Thank you." I said.
Finley was going to freak out when I told her about everything that happened today.
"Now, tell me about Lucas." He said.
I grinned as I started to speak.
Welcome in Nathan!