Author Topic: A Hundred Lives to Change  (Read 5159 times)

Offline Ally3772

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My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 07:19:01 PM »
Chapter One

"I just don't understand why you want to do it."

I sighed and rested the phone between my ear and shoulder as I dug my keys from my purse. I slid my key into the lock and turned until I heard the all too familiar click. I walked inside my one bedroom apartment and closed the door behind me. As I looked around I realized what a disaster this place was. I had laundry practically taller than I was, dishes lined the counter because the sink was full, and I had a stack of over due bills. I glared back at the final notice on my electricity bill as I set my things down on the counter and shrugged my coat off.

"Are you still there?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm here." I replied.

"I said, I don't understand why you want to do it."

Madison meant well. We've been friends since grade school and now we each were adults living our best lives. Well, at least she was. She was married to this great guy named Riley and they were just home from their honeymoon in Mexico.

"I don't know, have you ever had that moment in your life where you feel stuck? Then this sign from the universe happens and you're like I have to do this? It just feels like that!" I explained.

"Jules, listen to yourself. You're not talking about some job at a burger joint. This is a big big deal!" She gasped.

"I know it is! But Madison I have to try. It's been a week and I cannot stop thinking about this." I whispered.

I heard her resigned sigh on the other end of the phone. I knew that I had her at that moment even if she didn't understand or agree with me.

"The second, and I mean the second something feels off, Riley and I are coming to get you." She told me.

"Understood." I said.

"You know I love you Julia. I just want the best for you." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I know you do, and I really appreciate it." I said trying to hide my voice cracking with emotion.

"Okay, well I am going to let you go before both of us end up sobbing. I am here for you, day or night babes." She said.

"Same to you." I said.

We said our goodbyes and I set my cell on the counter. I picked up the piece of paper that was once stuck on the bulletin boards of the local diner in town.


The Family Horizon Foster Company is in need of a willing adult looking for a rewarding job! Do you like kids? Taking care of a household? Do you have determination to make the best out of a bad situation? We have just the job for you! The Family Horizon Foster Company is working hand in hand with the local police station and fire station this year to help infants through teenagers find their forever home! This job isn't for everyone though, so be ready to put in the hard work!


-We are looking for a foster mom or dad who is willing to accept the responsibilities of raising multiple children at one time. We have agreed to take on exactly one hundred foster kids. Age ranges from infants all the way to teenagers. Once they are young adults they will work with our Jobs and Housing team to find a job and their own house from there.

-We will provide housing at our newly built foster home in Windenburg! However, while we provide the house the person who takes this job will be responsible for all extra necessities and bills. You are also responsible for providing food for the children to eat. Take advantage of the beautiful garden we had put in place, or take a boat to town and visit the beautiful market place!

-As for pay, we will send a check every Monday for a set amount for each child in the household currently. Amount is based of of the age of each child and will change accordingly as they age up. Use this money as you will, you can use it for the bills, or to provide the children with whatever they may need. The person who takes this job is not allowed to accept any other job outside of this one. However, you may find alternative ways to bring in extra income if needed.

-One final thing, this may seem a lot to take in, however we have resources available for any help you may need. If you find a particular child is struggling in anyway, we have certified help in each field they may need. Feel free to call us any time as we have a 24/7 line available for you. You are not alone if you so choose to take this job.

(888) 123-4567

Send applications to:

456 Plaza Dr


Email us at: familyhorizon@simmail

The familiar sinking feeling happened in my chest and stomach as I placed the job posting back on the counter. I can understand why Madison thought I had lost my mind. I mean we're not talking about a few children here, we're taking about one hundred children. Was I out of my mind? I tapped my fingers on the counter. The truth was, this wasn't the craziest of things to happen in our lives. Scientists have evolved over time, and about ten years ago someone made a break through and created a way for someone to live forever. Trust me when I say that I thought they were joking. But people signed up for testing and time after time it was proven that they would not age past being a young adult. Madison was hesitant at first which wasn't shocking to me. She is always the more careful one of the two of us. However, when she found out that Riley was one of the test subjects and had no complications she eventually agreed to try it as well. I followed suit because if my best friend was going to be immortal then so was I. At first, it was hard to comprehend the fact that if your loved ones refused the treatment then they would eventually pass away.

I stared right back at the job listing until I finally picked it back up again and walked over to my couch. I use the term couch loosely because it was basically an old futon mattress on a makeshift couch frame. I opened up my laptop and looked over the application I had already filled out earlier this week. I dragged the file into a new email message and stared at the 'send' button at the bottom right corner. I stood up and paced a few times in my small living room shaking my hands to get rid of the numbness. After a few deep breaths and a quick pep talk I returned to the couch. After making sure the file was attached correctly I hit send right away so I had no chance to second guess myself.

It was done. I had applied to be a foster mom to a small number of one hundred children.

I was out of my mind.

A Week Later

"I'm going to miss you."

I looked over at Madison who was leaning on her car next to me.

"Mads, you can literally come see me any time." I told her.

We both knew she wouldn't, and I couldn't blame her for that. She and Riley we not kid people at all because they were too sticky and loud as Madison would say.

"I'm a phone call away." She said.

"I will call you if something goes wrong, or just because." I told her.

We both stood up straight as I walked to the back of the car to retrieve my last of my bags. With a last hug, kiss on the cheek, and a lot of tears shed, I walked away from her and up to my new house for the foreseeable future. I couldn't believe it when they called me shortly after applying for the job to let me know that they wanted to interview me. The interview went great, and my background check came up clear. So, I packed up what little I had in my crappy apartment and here I was. Standing in front of this house, if you could call it that.

It was massive.

Hi guys!!!! I'm back with a new story! It's been so long and I've missed it! With this story I am doing a different version of 100 Baby Challenge. I will be following the rules of a streamer I follow who does a 100 Orphan Challenge. I wanted the first chapter to be short and sweet without any pictures. There was a lot of set up for this story, and I am so excited to finally be able to actually open up the game and start playing! I hope you enjoyed this small chapter! =]

Also side note, I want Julia to remain a young adult throughout the whole story. So I hope that the reasoning behind her not aging makes sense! Also, obviously the address, phone number, and email are fake ones.
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2023, 12:18:30 AM »
Chapter Two

As I was saying, this house is massive.

You could probably classify it as a mansion. The left corner of the front yard alone was bigger then my apartment. On the right side of the front yard there was this huge pool with a few tables with umbrellas to sit in. It would be nice to have that during the summer so the kids would have something to do. I couldn't believe that this was the place that I was living at now. I gripped the handles of my bags and took a deep breath. Apart of me wondered if it was too late to change my mind and go back to the safety of my small crappy apartment. But the other part of me couldn't wait to get started.

The backyard had a hot tub, a play area for the children, the massive garden, and a roller rink! A roller rink! Whose backyard had one of those?! Mine apparently. I took one final deep breath before walking up to the front door.

"You can do this." I told myself.

I took out the key ring that I was given and set my bags down. I turned the key until I heard the click of the lock before opening the door and walking in. I set my bags off to the side to unpack later as I stood in the foyer and took everything in.

"Honey, I'm home." I joked.

I noticed a piece of paper sitting on a cabinet in the foyer and walked over to it.

Dear Julia,

Welcome to your new home! We are so glad you made it safe! You already have the basic requirements in your The Family Horizon Foster Company file, but we just wanted to take a second to thank you for choosing us as your next journey! It will be a very challenging journey, but one that will be rewarding in it's own way. We look forward to hearing about your progress! Attached is the itinerary of how this is all going to work out including a list of every children coming your way and when to expect them! Please let us know if you need anything and we will do our best to accommodate those needs! Good luck!

Sarah Walton
The Family Horizon Foster Company

I flipped through the pages until I reached the page I need. It looked like I was getting two newborns that were girls, and a teenage boy. My heart raced when I realized the huge age gap between newborn and teenager. What if the teenager hated me? I shoved those thoughts to the back of my mind as I read over each of their little backgrounds they came with.

Catherine Davis


Mother: Susan Davis
Father: Unknown


Catherine Davis is a newborn that was dropped off at the fire station in town when her mother Susan realized she was unfit as a mother. There was no family history or any information left with Catherine, all that she had was a torn up towel that she was wrapped in. When questioned why she thought she was an unfit mother Susan said that her own mother wasn't the best, and she was afraid that she would be just as bad. She wanted her daughter to have a different life then she did.

Meredith Baker


Mother: Samantha Baker
Father: Julian Andrews


Meredith Baker is a newborn that was surrendered to our office. Samantha and Julian were not planning on having children, and had no set plans for adoption. We know that both sets of parents are healthy with no health issues on either side. Their only request was that she be placed in a home that will give her everything they couldn’t give her.

Anthony Hunt


Mother: Cindy Hunt
Father: Hank Hunt


Anthony Hunt is a teenager with a troubled past. He didn’t have the best childhood, and has run away several times. The parents are never home, and he has been skipping a lot of school. He was brought to us by the police as a last attempt to get him back on track. He is known to have a bit of an anger issue and may need further counseling to work through the root of his anger.

According to the instructions they were set to arrive in...


I whipped around and slowly walked to the door. I opened the door to find a guy in a suit standing there.

"Um, hi." I said.

"Hello, are you Julia?" He asked.

"Yes, can I help you with something?" I asked.

It wasn't until he shifted on his feet that I noticed the two newborn babies in car seat carriers at his feet.

"Now?! But I just got here a little bit ago!" I gasped.

"Sorry ma'am, I'm just doing what I'm told." He said.

He picked up the babies and walked them into the foyer. Once inside he was followed by a teenager who had his head down to the ground. I tried not to make a sound of protest as the guy in the suit set the babies down by me.

"I'm sorry, there has to be a mistake. I thought I would have at least a few days to adjust!" I argued.

"You're going to have to take that up Sarah, I was just told to drop them off to you." He told me.

He held out a clip board and a pen. I took it after a moment of just staring at him and signed the agreement that I have received the children. He gave me a small goodbye nod and swiftly walked out of the house like he just hadn't dropped three human beings off to me. I looked over to Anthony who was just kind of awkwardly standing there in the foyer. All he had was a garbage bag full of his belongings.

"Um, I- I'm going to bring them up to the nursery and I'll be right back." I told him.

He gave me a grunt as I lifted the girls and carried them upstairs. As I gently set them in their bassinets my phone dinged in my back pocket. I made sure that Catherine and Meredith weren't going to wake up before pulling it out to check.

All settled in? -M

Well, I was about to unpack when this strange guy shows up and DROPS THREE CHILDREN AT MY FEET! -J

NO! -M

I wish I was joking Mads. Two newborn girls whose names are Catherine and Meredith, and the third one is a teenager named Anthony who is very interested in the floor. -J

Can you talk on the phone? -M

I heard a crash from downstairs.

Crap gotta go! -J

I rushed downstairs to the foyer where Anthony's garbage bag lay on the floor.

"Um, Anthony?" I called.

I found him in the kitchen rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Um, are you hungry?" I asked.

He jumped and closed the door.

"I can fix you a sandwich. I'm not sure what we have yet, I just got here myself so I haven't been able to go to the store." I told him.

He just looked at me and walked to the living room.

"Listen, I know this must be scary-"

"You don't know anything." He snapped.

I was taken aback by his sudden comment.

"Um, well, I suppose you are right. But I do know that you must be confused with how many changes are happening in your life." I said.

"Look, you don't know my life." He hissed.

I gulped.

"Why don't we just take a breather, okay? I don't know you, and you don't know me. This is all very new and different for the both of us." I said.

He paced a little and took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I just have a lot of anger inside me." He said.

"Hey I get that! But we're going to get through this together. We're going to get you the help you need, okay?" I assured him.

I saw him soften just a little.

"Okay." He whispered.

Baby steps.

A Few Days Later

"You know Catherine, you're going to have to work with me on not pooping every ten minutes." I said to  her.

She cooed up at me.

"Your uh, sister? If you can call her that? She sleeps a lot, so maybe take some notes from her." I joked.

It has only been a few days, but so far there hasn't been any issues. Anthony didn't come out of his room much so far and when he didn't he only talked when I spoke to him. I made a mental note that I needed to re-enroll him at the high school. I also needed to get a hold of the counselor Sarah told me about and get him enrolled. The girls on the other hand were causing havoc however they could. I still haven't figured out their sleep schedule but at least they were consistent with eating and diaper changes. I was down in the kitchen looking through Simmle on my laptop when Anthony walked in.

"What are you doing?" Anthony asked.

I jumped, the sound of his voice suddenly scaring me.

"Oh, I'm looking for a gardener. I want to utilize the crops, but it's a lot to handle by myself and take care of the girls." I told him.

"I- I um, could help with them, if you need me too." He offered nervously.

"You could? Did you have siblings?" I asked.

The way he shifted at first made me question if I pushed too far too fast.

"I did, but they were taken away." He said sadly.

"Oh. Anthony I'm s-"

"It's fine, it was for the best." He said cutting me off.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle out.

"Can we order a pizza tonight?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said a little over enthusiastically.

He grunted what I assumed was his version of a thank you and went back to his room. I couldn't help but feel excited that he was very slowly opening up more and more. I didn't know a lot about troubled teens but I figured not pushing them to open up would only backfire. I wrote down a few number for the highest rated gardener and made a note to call about a quote. I was about to look at pizza places when I heard a cry come from the nursery, I glanced at the clock and sighed.

"Right on schedule." I said.

I stood up from my stool and walked upstairs to the nursery.

"Little miss Meredith, what could possibly be wrong sweetie?" I cooed.

I checked her diaper, and rocked her, but she kept fussing.

"Are you hungry again?" I asked.

I made a bottle one handed and carefully put it in her mouth.

As I fed her I thought about the real reason I wanted to do this job. I was a single child, and my parents had split when I was young. Growing up I had always wanted to be a mother, but I didn't necessarily want to have the kids myself. So if you think about it this job was perfect for me. I got to be a mom to kids that needed it, and I could help children who had rough childhoods. Mine wasn't nearly as bad as some of the cases I was sure I was going to get though. I would be lying if I said I was a little afraid of one thing in this whole process though. I was afraid that I was going to get attached to all of my kids. In my packet of information it stated that since this is a foster home, there is a chance that they could eventually find a permanent home. However, the chances of that happening are very small so I don't think that was going to be an issue. It was when they grew up to be young adults was where it was going to be tough to say goodbye. They had things in place already for helping them get jobs and a place to stay once they move out. I would just have to let each and every one of them know that they will always be welcome here. They could visit any time they would like, and I would be here no matter what for them. Especially when it came time to decide if they wanted to continue growing old, or go the route that a lot of people seemed to be going and stay young. Meredith finished eating and I rocked her gently in my arms. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. An immediate smile plastered my face as I accepted the call.

"Hey stranger!" I said.

"Hey!! How are things going?" Madison asked.

"Good so far! But I know that it's just the beginning and things will get a lot harder." I told her.

"So no need for an emergency rescue mission?" She asked.

"Not yet, but if Catherine doesn't stop filling up her diapers so fast I may take you up on that." I giggled.

I glanced over at Catherine who was peacefully sleeping in her bassinet.

"So Riley and I just got back from this nice restaurant downtown. I had the steak and I swear if you could marry food I would have divorced Riley right then and there." She said.

"That good huh?" I laughed.

"It really was, but I wished that you were there." She said.

"You don't want me to third wheel." I said.

"We could always-"

"No. I do not want to be set up. I am perfectly happy with being single." I cut her off.

"Okay." She whined.

"Besides, I'm not going to have time to date. What am I going to lead with? 'Hi my name is Julia and I am going to be raising a hundred kids'?" I laughed.

"Well when you put it that way it does sound insane." She giggled.

Catherine started to fuss as I continued to rock Meredith.

"I hate to cut this short, but Catherine is waking up and I need to order dinner." I said.

"Okay, I love you. Call me soon!" She said.

"Love you too Mads." I said, hanging up.

I set Meredith back in her bassinet.

"Alright Catherine, let's do this."

I hope you enjoyed the second chapter!

So I only did three kids to start with so I can get back into the swing of things. I just came back from taking a couple months of sims itself and then decided it was a good idea to start a huge challenge hahaha. A head of actually starting the game I made a word document and created a hundred little backgrounds for each kid. I thought it would be a cute way of creating a file for each kid! I don't have a set schedule on when I'm going to be making updates as of yet. I may not ever have a set schedule, but I will do them as often as I can! I'm really excited to keep going with this! Also a little small note, I do want to apologize if skin tones change after they age up to infants. Sims can be funky sometimes with the newborns as we all know and it is not my intention to offend anyone at all!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2023, 01:30:14 AM »
Chapter Three:

It has been a week already and everything has been going smoothly. I was going to cherish this time because Sarah called last night to inform me that I will be getting more children soon. She was unsure of how many this time and would let me know the closer we got. I walked into the kitchen with a basket of lemons, carrots, and mushrooms.

"Looks like you got a good haul." Anthony said.

I set it on the island and picked through it.

"I did! I'm not sure if we can make anything with it, so I'm probably going to have to have you watch the girls soon so I can go to the market." I told him.

"That's fine." He said.

I stopped and watched him for a moment. I was still taking things slowly with him, but he was starting to warm up to being here more and more every day. We had a few moments where he was angry, but he was working with his counselor to manage it. When he felt like he was about to explode he would either go work out or go for a walk and that usually did the trick. He was also enrolled in school now though that was the current struggle we were facing. I have to fight to get him out of his room in the mornings on time to get the bus.

"Did you get your homework done?" I asked.

I began to put the fruit and vegetables away.

"I don't get why I have to do it right away." Anthony groaned.

"It doesn't have to be right away, but you do need to do it before bed." I said.

He was busy mixing the salad for dinner.

"Whatever." He whispered.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"This is stupid." He hissed.

He pushed the bowl of salad away roughly and stormed out of the kitchen.

"Anthony! Get back here!" I said.

I followed him up the stairs and towards his room where he went in and slammed the door right in my face. I gasped before opening the door and storming in.

"We do not slam doors in this house, especially with two sleeping babies down the hall!" I hissed.

"Get out of my room." He snapped, plopping on his bed.

"Technically this isn't going to be just your room Anthony. Right now you are the only one here, but real quick we're going to have more kids." I reminded him.

"Ah yes, because you're doing some charity case." He mocked.

I stopped to take a few breaths.

"I am going downstairs to finish dinner. It will be ready in half an hour and I expect you down there, hopefully with an apology." I said calmly.

I turned around and walked out of the room before shutting it quietly. I peaked inside the nursery to make sure that the girls were doing okay. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen before leaning against the counter and started crying softly. That had come out of no where and after a simple question about homework. I didn't think I was out of line by asking him it and it wasn't like I meant he had to do it right then and there. So what brought that on?


"He used to make me feel stupid."

I jumped at the sudden sound of Anthony's voice. I turned around in my chair at the dining room table. Anthony walked over with his plate of food and sat down next to me at the table. I gently set my fork down and turned towards him.

"He used to make me feel stupid, my so called dad. I would need help with certain subjects and he would call me names. So eventually I stopped doing homework all together and I guess it's just hard for me to adjust to having to do it again." He said.

The whole time he told me that he didn't look at me. Instead he played with the food on his plate and looked ashamed.

"Thank you for opening up to me first of all. Secondly, that was wrong of him to do and I am sorry for that. If you ever need help I am here, I will admit math is not my strong suit when it comes to school but I will do my best. There might also be extra tutoring available for you either at school or Sarah might even know of someone." I told him.

He was quiet for a moment.

"I don't want to go back." He said.

"You don't have too." I assured him.

"Why did you want to do this?" He asked.

"I get asked that a lot. I've always wanted children, but didn't necessarily want to have them myself. Then I saw the posting for the job one day, it came out of the blue really. Something drew me to it and I don't know how to really explain it. But, I thought about it and I wanted to help those who have had people turn their backs on them. I want to give a safe place to those who never knew what that felt like. I know you're my first oldest child to come here, and we haven't had much time to get to know each other, but if there's one thing I hope you feel it's that you feel safe." I explained.

He thought about this for a moment.

"You haven't given me a reason not to feel safe." He said.

"I'm glad to hear that." I said.

He took a few bites of his food before looking at me for the first time during dinner.

"I'm scared of what happens next." He said.

I gave him a warm smile.

"I know I only get you for a short time, but you always have a place to visit here." I reminded him.

"Do I have to move out?" He asked.

"If I had my way you could all stay. But, apart of the agreement is that you work with your assigned counselor to find a job and a place to stay." I told him.

"Maybe I'll come back if you have pizza." He said, serious at first but then he laughed.

"Is that right?" I laughed.


"Look who is a big girl now!" I cooed.

Meredith giggled in my arms.

Catherine and Meredith both aged up to be infants. I couldn't believe how fast they grew because it felt like it had only been a few days!  Sarah called to check that everything was going well so far and was pleased to hear that I had no complaints. Anthony walked downstairs and into the living room holding Catherine.

"There's sissy!" I said, pointing to Catherine.

Anthony walked over, "I can put her down to nap if you'd like."

"Sure, let's swap." I said.

We managed to swap them pretty easily.

"Okay, nap time little one." Anthony said quietly.

Catherine cooed in my arms quietly.

"How are you today?" I asked her.

Her bright red hair took both Anthony and I by surprise. I obviously had no pictures to go by, but it was so different compared to Meredith's brown hair.

"How about we do some tummy time?" I asked her.

I laid down her mat and set her gently on her stomach. At first she got angry and started to fuss, but eventually she figured out that she could push herself up even if it was just by her hands this time. She let out a loud screech of happiness and shockingly it didn't wake up Meredith who was already asleep.

"Look at you! You are so strong!" I gapsed.

She tried to get on her knees too but couldn't and fell face first into the mat. She started to cry at the shock of the impact and I scooped her up in my arms.

"We will try again tomorrow." I told her.

I brought her upstairs and laid her in a crib. I gently rubbed her chest and hummed softly until her little eyelids slowly closed and she was fast asleep. I walked to the window to close the blinds. I glanced in the backyard to see that Emma was here already to water the plants. Finding a gardener was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be once I called the number I had wrote down. They were here the next day and gave a reasonable price with even a small discount after they found out what I was doing. So far I was only getting lemons, carrots, mushrooms, and a few flowers I could sell for extra money. The rest of the stuff was out of season but I couldn't wait til I could cook with just the ingredients from the garden.

"Look who is awake!" I said.

I walked into the kitchen to find Anthony with Meredith strapped to his back.

"She is insistent on being held, but I'm hungry." Anthony said.

"Hey, it works!" I shrugged.

"When are more kids coming?" Anthony asked.

"I think if I understood Sarah correctly we should be getting more tomorrow." I said.

"So what you're saying is, enjoy the peace and quiet?" He laughed.

"That is exactly what I'm saying." I said.

"I think I'm going to try to put her down for another small nap, she didn't sleep that long." He told me.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"No! I'm enjoying helping out." He said.

I smiled, "Knock yourself out."

Later that night I walked into the living room. Anthony was sitting alone on the couch looking at the floor.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, motioning towards the couch.

He acted like he didn't hear me.

"Anthony?" I asked.

"Huh? What?" He asked, looking up.

"I said is this seat taken?" I asked.

"Oh, no. You can sit." He said.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm just thinking about everything that led me to here." He told me.

"Sounds heavy." I said.

"Yeah, but if it's okay, I'm not ready to talk about it." He said.

"I am here whenever you are ready and whatever you say will stay between us." I assured him.

"Thanks." He said.

"You want to hear a funny story?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"When I was in middle school I was in the school choir, right? I wasn't the best singer in the choir but somehow landed a solo song at the spring festival. Everything was going smoothly and it finally came up to the solo part of the night. I was so nervous that I was going to trip and fall on the way to the mic, but I didn't. Something much worse happened." I said.

"What?" He asked, invested in the story.

"I stepped up to the mic, and I had this whole plan where I was going to introduce myself and say the name of the song I had picked. But the second I opened my mouth I somehow accidentally let out the loudest burp." I said, wincing.

"You did not!" He gasped.

"I did." I sighed.

He busted out laughing.

"I was mortified. I ran off the stage and locked myself in a stall in the bathroom." I said.

"Oh no." He said laughing.

"I was offered another chance at the next choir event, but I wasn't about to do an encore." I sighed.

He laughed, "Oh man, my sides hurt."

"I hope my horrifying experience makes you feel better." I said.

"It does, thank you." He said.

"Anytime." I laughed.

I stood up and ruffled his hair a little before walking towards the stairs.

"Hey Julia?" He asked.

I turned back around to see him stand up from the couch. I held my breath as he walked over to me and gave me a hug. I stood there motionless for a moment before carefully hugging him back. He hugged me for a little longer before pulling away.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For giving me a home." He said.

My heart swelled, and broke all at the same time.

Next chapter chaos will ensue!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2023, 11:47:57 PM »
Chapter Four

I yawned as I shuffled into the kitchen. I flipped on the light and let out a scream as I jumped back.

"It's me! It's me! Sorry!" Anthony gasped.

"Anthony! Jesus!" I said placing a hand on my chest.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" He told me.

I squinted as I looked at the clock.

"It is 3:24 in the morning, what are you doing up?" I asked.

"Um, making mac and cheese?" He said shyly.

"As one does at three in the morning." I giggled.

"I couldn't sleep." He admitted.

"Same, anything on your mind?" I asked.

I shuffled over to the coffee maker and started to process of making a pot of coffee.

"No, just a bit nervous about today." He said.

"Delivery day." I sang.

"Do we know how many we are getting?" He asked.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up the text message from Sarah that I received last night.

"According to this we will be getting three. Two boys, one a child and the other a newborn and a girl who is a toddler." I told him.

He nodded his head.

"Hey, you do realize that all you have to focus on is healing and being a teenager, right?" I asked.

My question must have taken him by surprise because he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No! No, absolutely not! I appreciate all of the help you do with the girls so far! I just want you to know that it's not your responsibility. It's a lot to handle being a young adult, let alone a teenage boy. So, if there's ever a day you want to go out and do something you can. But, I enjoy the help as well. I just don't want you to feel pressured to help." I explained.

He gave me a smile, "I know, but I don't have any friends to go out. Plus, I love those little girls. I would do anything for them."

My heart swelled. It has been a decent amount of time with the three of them, yet it feels like I just got them yesterday. To hear that he has bonded and loves them as much as I do makes my heart very happy.

"They are pretty great, along with their brother." I said.

"Stop." He whined, but he was smiling.

I smiled back as I set the coffee maker.

"I'm going to go check on Catherine, she was fussy so I brought her down here so she wouldn't wake up Meredith." I said.

"Good thinking, Mer is a nightmare if she gets woken up." He agreed.

I walked into the living room and leaned over the play pen. I was already dressed to go outside because I had to harvest the garden and it was a bit chilly outside.

"Sleep well baby girl." I whispered.

I let Anthony know that I was leaving the house so that he could keep an ear out for them to cry. I enjoyed harvesting in the morning because the town was still quiet. The house was apart of the island in Windenburg which originally I thought I was going to hate. But there was something peaceful about less traffic and the fact that if you needed to go to town you had to take a boat to get there. I took a deep breath of fresh air as I grabbed my basket that I kept by the gate of the garden. Emma would be here to water and weed shortly so I tried to ignore the weeds that were growing around the carrots.

I walked back inside thirty minutes later to Anthony sitting on the floor with Catherine in his lap. Meredith was fussing upstairs so I quickly changed back into my normal clothes and headed upstairs to the nursery. I flipped the light on and walked over to her crib where she was bouncing up and down while holding onto the railing. I smiled at her as I lifted he up into my arms and carried her downstairs. I made calming shushing noises as I walked into the dining room and placed her into a high chair.

"How about we try some smashed peas?" I asked her.

She happily slapped the tray in front of her as I scooped some of the nasty green mush on the spoon.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

She said some gibberish that I couldn't understand.

I carefully fed her the peas and watched her face squish up before she pushed the peas out of her mouth with her tongue. They fell all down her dress as she continued to make a face of disgust.

"Yeah, I don't blame you kid." I laughed.

"Julia!" Anthony yelled.

"Yeah?! What's wrong?!" I called back.

"I think they're here!" He said.

"Alright Meredith, you ready to meet your new siblings?!" I asked.

She just looked at up at me, mushy peas all over her face. I quickly wiped her face off and did the best I could with her dress before picking her up from the high chair. I put her on my hip and walked to the foyer. Anthony held out his arms and I handed her over to him to put her in the play pen with Catherine so they could play with each other. I opened up the door to see the same guy who dropped off the three kids the first time standing there.

"We meet again." He said.

I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, sorry about the first time." I said, scratching my neck nervously.

"No biggie, it was a stressful moment I'm sure." He said.

"I never got your name." I said.

"Adam." He said.

He reached out his hand for me to shake.

"Julia, it's nice to meet you." I said, shaking his hand.

He smiled.

"Come in!" I said.

I stepped aside letting him walk in the door. He had a car seat with a little baby in it, and there was a little girl clinging to his leg looking terrified. As soon as he was in the foyer I noticed that the other child was just standing on the porch. I slowly walked over to him and couched down so that I was eye level with him. He looked at me for a moment before quickly turning to look somewhere else.

"Hello, my name is Julia." I said.

"Jackson." He whispered.

"Hi Jackson, did you want to come inside?" I asked.

"I want to go home." He said sadly.

I clasped my hands together to fight the urge to hug him, I didn't want to stress him out any more than he already was.

"I know, but you know what? There is a lot of cool things inside and I bet you're going to have a lot of fun here. We have a roller rink!" I told him.

He perked up a little, "I used to go to a roller rink with my mom."

"Yeah?! Are you good at skating? Do you think you could teach me?" I asked.

"I could try." He said, a little excitement in his voice.

"I can't wait! Did you want to try to come inside?" I asked, holding my hand out to him.

He slowly took it and I led him inside.

"So, as you know that is Jackson. This little girl on my leg is Jennah, and this little ones name is Emerson." Adam said.

Jackson Fleming:


Mother: Mia Berry
Father: Stephan Fleming


Jackson Fleming is a child that was turned over to us by Mia. She didn’t want to go into specifics, but it wasn’t a safe environment with Stephan. She wanted to ensure the safety of Jackson and feared that wouldn't be the case if he stayed with them. Her parents are too old to take care of him, and her only sibling had five of her own children. She begged us to take him and find him a family that would make him safe.

Emerson Rivera:


Mother: Unknown
Father: Hunter Rivera


Emerson Rivera is an infant that was left at the hospital late one night. Hunter admitted that his girlfriend had just delivered him at home, but neither of them were ready to parents. He didn't want to give us the name of the mother for fear that her parents would find out and they'd get in trouble. He left shortly after without giving us anymore information.

Jennah Sparks:


Mother: Hannah Marshall
Father: John Sparks


Jennah Sparks is a toddler that was brought to us by her father John. He stated that it was getting too hard to make ends meet and it wasn’t fair for Jennah. The mother didn’t want anything to do with either of them and left shortly after giving birth to her. His parents were no longer alive and had no other support system in place.

"Thank you Adam." I said.

"No problem, I'll see you next time." He laughed.

"We're going to be seeing each other a lot. You sure you don't want to stay and help?" I joked.

"I think I'm good." He said.

The Next Day

Shortly after Adam left we all just spent time adjusting to the newness of the situation. Jackson warmed up to Anthony very quickly, especially when they started talking about video games. I was still working on getting Jennah to talk to me because she was still scared and didn't understand where she was. Emerson seemed like he was going to be a very fussy baby because so far we were constantly up there calming him down. I made a mental note to keep an eye on it because he could potentially be colicky and I would need to make a doctors appointment.

I wouldn't be able to do it today though because today was Catherine and Meredith's birthdays! I couldn't believe how fast it went and it made me a little sad that they were already going to be toddlers. I felt very guilty that I wasn't able to work with Catherine as much as I did Meredith with tummy time. But there were going to be times where I succeeded and areas that I needed to improve on. I just hoped that it wouldn't be more difficult to give each children the attention they needed.

"Blow the candles out!" I said to Catherine.

She tried her best but ended up spitting all over the cake more than blowing out the candles.

"It'll be extra moist." Anthony shrugged.

"Gross!" I laughed.

"Meredith's turn!" I sang.

I picked her up and re-lit the candles to the cake.

"Now, blow through your lips!" I said.

With the help of me we blew out the candles.

"Yaaaay!" Anthony sang, clapping his hands.

"Happy Birthday girls!" I cheered.

"Three toddlers in the house, what could go wrong?" Anthony asked.

"I'm tired already." I laughed.

My phone buzzed.

Hey! It's been a while! Is everything okay? -M

HEY! Sorry, we just got three more kids and celebrated Catherine and Meredith's birthdays! -J

Three more already?! That seems fast. Are you sure you can handle this? -M

I would be lying if I didn't say that comment kind of made me angry.

"You okay?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, just my friend checking up." I said.

Of course I can handle it. I knew what I was signing up for. It was never going to be just one child at a time. -J

I just don't want you to get stressed out. -M

I appreciate it Mads. -J

I exited the text app and put the phone down. Something seemed off about that interaction but I chucked it down to misunderstanding tones through text messages. But I couldn't stop the nagging feeling that kept hammering away at me. She has been doubting me from the very beginning with this and hiding behind not wanting me to be stressed or overwhelmed. I get that and I do appreciate it, but I need support now then ever.

"Where is Jackson?" I asked.

"I think I saw him outside." Anthony said.

"I'm going to sneak upstairs for a quick bite of food, can you watch everyone?" I asked.

"I got it." He said, saluting me and laughing.

I walked upstairs and into the mini kitchen. I closed the door behind me and poured a bowl of soup. As I sat there I thought about how I haven't talked to my own parents in a while. We didn't hate each other, but we also weren't a close knit family either. Maybe one day I would reach out to mom at least and see how everything is with her. I didn't really have a desire to reach out to dad because of what he had done to mom.


"Hungry, tired, and needs a diaper change. That's a dangerous combination." I said.

I walked into the nursery because Emerson has been crying for ten minutes.

"I can't get him to stop." Anthony said.

"Change his diaper and I will start making his bottle." I told him.

Anthony laid him down in the bassinet and quickly changed his diaper. I warmed up a bottle and walked it over to him. Together we managed to get him fed and calmed down enough to get him to sleep. I looked at the clock and noticed it was already almost nine at night.

"You feel like helping me try to get Jennah down?" I asked.

"Yeah, why don't we try a story tonight? See if that won't help her calm down." He suggested.

The first night with Jennah was almost worse then Emerson crying constantly. She herself was crying a lot, but it was more like wailing in pain. She would throw herself on the ground and would kick and scream if Anthony or I would try to pick her up. She finally wore herself down so much from crying that she fell asleep on the rug in the toddler room. She was in the corner playing with the toys when Anthony and I walked in. I walked to the dresser and picked out her pajamas. Anthony distracted her by playing with a toy while I quickly swapped her outfits and sat her on the bed.

"How about we read a book before bed?" Anthony asked.

If looks could kill then Anthony would be toast.

"What is that look?!" I giggled.

The laughing didn't stay last however when she finally spoke the first thing since she's been here.

"Where dada?" She asked.

Anthony looked at me.

"Oh boy." I breathed.

Anthony got up from the bed to let me sit down in front of her. He excused himself to give us privacy and I ran my fingers through my hair. How was I going to explain to a toddler why she wasn't going to see her father anymore?

"Your dad brought you here to me because he needed to take care of some things." I said.

"Come back." She said.

"No honey, he isn't coming back." I said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to keep my emotions in check. I could not fall apart in front of her because she would get more upset. I needed to remain strong for these kids because that is what they needed. Tears were reserved for behind closed doors in my bedroom.

"No love me anymore." She said.

"Jennah, your dad loves you so much. I will explain this so much better when you're old enough to understand better, but he did what was best for you." I told her.

She looked at me for a few moments before laying down. I brushed the hair from her face as I saw a single tear fall from her eyes.

"I've got you baby girl, I promise you that." I whispered.

First of all, almost 100 views! Thank you! I hope you all are enjoying it so far!

Secondly, I made a small oopsie in the story! For some reason I had short life span turned on. I must have had it on for another save file and never turned it back to normal. I think this messed up the age span of Catherine and Meredith, but by the time I realized it they were about to age up. It has been turned back to normal and everything should be good to go from here on out!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2023, 03:49:59 PM »
100 Foster children! So ambitious of you!
I'm not sure why 100 Foster children seems more daunting than 100 babies, but it does.

Your Sim is gorgeous, and I really love the way you're covering Anthony, and how he's coming out of his shell over time and becoming so helpful with the little ones.
And that LOOK from Jennah! It's great that you were able to catch that in a screenshot - it's just perfect!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2023, 06:02:05 PM »
100 Foster children! So ambitious of you!
I'm not sure why 100 Foster children seems more daunting than 100 babies, but it does.

Your Sim is gorgeous, and I really love the way you're covering Anthony, and how he's coming out of his shell over time and becoming so helpful with the little ones.
And that LOOK from Jennah! It's great that you were able to catch that in a screenshot - it's just perfect!

Oh it can be A LOT! When I added three more to the mix I had to take a break at one point because all three toddlers were in red and the baby was crying. I was like we're just gonna say nope and stop for a little bit haha!

Thank you!! I'm glad you are enjoying it! I was worried I was making Anthony feel rushed with opening up, but I almost have too since I won't have the teenagers in the household as long as I will the others! Her face was PRICELESS! I had the game paused for a second while I did something, and went to look where Anthony was and she was just glaring at him like that. I swear it's the face I have when I walk into work in the mornings!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

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Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2023, 05:19:14 PM »
Chapter Five

"Like this?" I asked.

"Yeah! You're doing it!" Jackson screamed.

I steadied myself as I almost fell for the third time since we started. Jackson slowly made his way around me for another lap around. He was coming out of his shell quicker then I originally thought he would when he first got here. It's been a week so far and he's more talkative then ever as well.

"You and your mom used to skate, right?" I asked.

I was cautious of bringing up his mom, but the therapist told me that it might be good to get him talking about her.

He slowed down his pace a little.

"Yeah, we would go sometimes when my dad got home." He said.

He came to a stop by the wall and I carefully skated over to him.

"Did your dad come too?" I asked.

"No, he was always too mad to come with." He whispered.

If I could take the pain that had to be filling his heart and soul away, I would in a heart beat. I put my hand on the top of his back and gave reassuring rubs while he thought about whatever was going on inside his head.

"I'm sorry he was mad a lot, but it sounds like you and your mom had a lot of fun." I said.

"After we got done we would always go for ice cream, but we couldn't tell dad that because it would spoil dinner." He said.

"What is your favorite ice cream?" I asked.

"Mint Chocolate Chip!" He said excitedly.

"Really?! Mine too!" I gasped.

"That's so cool." He said.

I smiled down at him, "Why don't we skate a little longer? Then we'll go inside and have some ice cream."


Emmerson was now an infant!

"He big man." I said, picking him up from the play pen.

"Look at you!" I cooed.

He looked up at me.

"How about we do some tummy time?" I suggested.

I laid down his little baby mat and carefully laid him down on his stomach. He immediately started to cry and dropped his head down on the floor and screamed.

"Oh really, we don't think that is a bit dramatic?" I giggled.

"Is he okay?" Jackson asked.

I looked up to see Jackson standing there.

"Oh, yeah. He apparently doesn't like tummy time." I told him.

I picked Emmerson up and he let out a few shaky deep breaths before slowly calming down. I rocked him a few times as I walked over to Jackson, I smoothed his hair down and smiled down at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah! Anthony is going to help me with my science homework." He told me.

"That's great!" I said.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Always." I told him.

"Is Anthony my brother now?" He asked, looking up at me.

I went to open my mouth, but I was interrupted.

"I can be, if you want me too."

We both looked over to see Anthony standing there in the doorway. I smiled at him as I looked back at Jackson who seemed to be contemplating what Anthony had just said.

"I've never had a brother, it could be cool." Jackson mentioned.

"Then, you've got me. Forever and always kid." Anthony said.

Jackson ran over and threw his arms around him, Anthony hugged him back ruffling his hair a little.


It was dinner time and I was in the middle of making tacos. I pulled out my phone and opened up my text messages with Madison and started to type out a message, but something stopped me. I put the phone down and bit my bottom lip as I got lost in my thoughts. Madison and I had been friends since grade school which was a very long time ago. We went through everything together, from getting our periods to our first heart break. I was the first person she told when Riley proposed to her, and she was the first person I told when my parents got divorced. We promised to always be there for each other no matter where we lived or what was going on in our lives. So why was it starting to feel like things changed when I took this job? I know she has her doubts and worries and I understand where she is coming from. But lately it felt like every time we talked it felt tense and like she didn't believe in me anymore. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck vaguely smelling smoke but not making the connection. I should call her and talk through it, but I was always so busy with the kids. Maybe that was the issue because I have always been able to drop everything when she needed something. Just like I knew she'd drop everything if I told her I needed something. I came to the conclusion that I would give it a bit more time before confronting her.


I snapped out of my thoughts at the sudden scream and whipped around. The stove was on fire! I gasped and immediately started to panic, but Anthony dove into action. He grabbed a pot holder from the counter and grabbed the handle of the pan that was in flames. He rushed over to the sink and threw the pan in the sink before turning the water on and extinguishing the flames. He waved the smoke from his face as he waited for the flames to die out before turning the water off. He turned around looking just as shocked and scared as I did. But then something clicked in my brain.

"...Did you just call me mom?" I asked.

He looked at me like a deer in headlights.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. I-"

He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"No! No, please don't apologize!" I said.

I walked over to him and brushed the hair out of his face.

"So, you wouldn't mind if I called you mom?" He asked.

My eyes betrayed me as they started filling with tears.

"I would love for you to call me mom." I whispered.

"Now now, don't get all mushy on me." He laughed.

"Sorry." I said, wiping my eyes.

"Now, let's get a new plan for dinner started!" He said.

He opened the fridge and pulled out the stuff we needed to make a new meal.

"Come on Catherine please." I begged.

She huffed and turned her nose up.

"It's apple sauce! Your sister loves it!" I said.

She glared at me.

"Apple sauce must have been bad to her in a past life." Jackson joked from the table.

Anthony laughed at that.

"I thought she would have loved it." I said.

We decided to get the girls dressed for bed before dinner so that maybe we could get them down faster tonight. They were up super early this morning so everyone was running on very little sleep. I sighed and picked the bowl of apple sauce up and handed her the bowl of animal crackers I had for back up. She squealed and began eating them by the handful.

"It's not the greatest option for nourishment, but I will take what I can get." I sighed.

"I'll start clean up." Anthony said.

"Jackson, how about you help your brother?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

I picked up Catherine from her high chair and carried her on her hip. Jennah and Meredith clumsily followed me to the stairs and slowly climbed up them behind me. We all walked into the room with their toddler beds and I set Catherine down.

"Alright girls, half an hour of playtime then it is bed time." I told them.

I walked down the hall to the nursery where I found Anthony holding Emerson.

"You guys cleaned up fast!" I said.

"Yeah, Jackson offered to finish the rest of the dishes while I came up here to get this little man dressed and ready to go to bed." He told me.

"What a cute picture moment." I said.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pointed the camera at Anthony who groaned.

"Oh just smile grumpy pants!" I laughed.


A Week Later

"Bath time!" I said as I walked into the girls room.

Jennah was singing to Meredith who was clapping along.

"Beautiful singing!" I cooed.

Jennah giggled as I picked her up.

"Bubbs!" Jennah said.

We walked into the bathroom where a nice warm bubble bath was waiting.

"That's right, bubbles!" I said.

I carefully undressed her and put her in the tub, handing her the rubber ducky to play with.

"What color is this?" I asked, pointing to the pink sponge.

"Blue!" She said, but it came out as "boo" instead.

"No, this is pink!" I told her.

"Pink." She said back to me.

I got her dressed and we walked downstairs. Anthony was outside getting the crops from the garden for me so that I could get the girls ready for the day.

"Look who it is!" I gasped.

I set Jennah down in the living room.

"Sissy!" Jennah yelled.

She waddled over to Catherine, throwing her arms around her neck and hugging her.

"Sis." Catherine repeated.

"Okay, you guys behave now." I said.

I walked out of the living room and into the dining room where Jackson sat at the table.

"I don't get this." He groaned.

I sat at the table, "What are you working on?"

"Stupid math homework." He groaned, pushing the book away from him.

"Hey, it's okay, we can figure this out together!" I said.

I pulled the book back over and leaned over his shoulder. Twenty minutes later we had the problem figured out and he was able to continue to do the next couple ones by himself.

"Keep it up! I'm going to get started on lunch, but after you're finished you can watch some TV if you want." I told him.

"Okay!" He said.

I walked into the kitchen to get lunch together when I saw that the kitchen was still messy from the night before.

"This place is a mess." I whispered.

But, my kids were happy and that was all that mattered.

Sorry it's been a few days! I hope you guys had an awesome weekend!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2023, 12:47:14 AM »
Chapter Six

"What do you mean you can't get him in for a week?" I asked.

I was standing in the kitchen at the island with Emerson's file in front of me. He had been sick for the past few days and I was starting to get worried. He was inconsolable most of the time and barely slept. He had a fever the majority of the time, and he was constantly pulling at his ears. I listened as the lady on the other end of the line told me that there was no available doctors for the next week.

"He's had a fever for a few days now." I told her.

"I'm sorry ma'am, if anything opens up I will let you know." She said.

"Thank you." I said.

I hung up the phone and let out a small scream of frustration.

"I take it that they couldn't get him in?" Anthony asked.

"Nope. I guess we just keep trying to get him in, and hope his fever breaks." I sighed.

I didn't want to show my anger in front of Anthony. I found it completely unacceptable for a clinic to basically say 'good luck' and turn their backs on us. I needed to get dinner started though, so while I cooked I could stew about it some more.

After dinner I walked outside to see Anthony by the pool with Meredith.

"DUCK!" Meredith said, holding up a yellow rubber duck.

"That's right! Duck!" Anthony said.

I smiled as I walked up to them.

"Having fun?" I asked.

"I'm more wet then she is, but yeah I am!" Anthony laughed.

"Plash!" Meredith squealed.

Meredith brought her hand down on the water as it flew everywhere. I laughed as Anthony splashed her back causing her to squeal more in excitement.

"A few more minutes and it's bed time for you missy!" I told her.

"Cat!" She said.

"Yes, Catherine too." I said.

Tomorrow was Jennah and Emerson's birthdays which seemed crazy to think about. I was excited to be over the constant diaper changing for the moment however. I pulled my laptop over to me while I waited for Anthony to dry off Meredith and get the girls in their pajamas. I searched the symptoms of what Emerson was experiencing even though you always here you shouldn't do that. After about ten minutes of reading articles on SimMD I was almost positive that Emerson had an ear infection and it needed to be treated as soon as possible. But how was I going to do that when I couldn't get him into see a doctor. I sighed and shut the laptop down before heading upstairs. Catherine and Meredith were at the top of the stairs hugging each other. I was loving how close they have gotten and they didn't even seem to notice that they weren't biological sisters.

"Alright girls, ready for bed?" I asked.


"Happy Birthday Jennah! Smile!" I said.

"Do I have too?!" She groaned.

"Trust me, the sooner you let her do it the faster it'll be over." Anthony said.

"Hey!" I scolded.

"I'll smile if I get an extra piece of cake." She negotiated.

Anthony and I looked at each other.

"She's already making demands, world watch out." I laughed.

"Alright, now we have to get your brother to blow out his candles." I said.

Anthony handed Emerson to me as we walked back to the kitchen.

"Alright little man, I know you don't feel well. But do you want to blow out the candles?" I asked.

He just looked at me like I had three heads.

"Ready? 3...2...1!" I said.

We learned over and blew out the candles together.

Just like that, Emerson was a toddler!

I put the kids upstairs to play a little bit before bedtime. I walked downstairs to check on Jackson and Jennah who were both doing their homework. Jennah didn't really have any to do since she didn't have her first day at school yet, but she wanted to watch Jackson do his. I found Anthony sitting alone in the living room on the couch playing with his hands.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

He stood up and walked away from me after I sat on the couch next to him. I looked up at him as he paced around, I noticed that he was angry from the clenching and unclenching of his fists as he paced the living room.

"Did something happen Anthony?" I asked.

He stopped pacing with his back towards me.

"Why don't they want us?" He whispered.

My heart fell from my chest all the way to my feet.

"Anthony.." I said softly.

"These kids, we are watching them grow up to be their own little people, and I think to myself. What did they do that was so bad that their own parents abandon them?" He asked.

I stood up and walked towards him.

"You guys did nothing wrong. Okay? Do you hear me?" I asked.

"Why wasn't I good enough? Why were they never home? I had to take care of myself, get myself to school and back, and find food every night." He said, his voice shaking.

I watched as tears filled his eyes and slowly fell down his cheeks before he quickly turned around so I wouldn't see them fall. I rushed over to him, pulling him in to my arms and let him sob. It came out of no where, he showed no signs of being upset all day long. His whole body shook as I rubbed his back soothingly.

"Is he okay?"

The sudden voice in the room made us both jump. Anthony wiped his face as fast as he could before turning to face Jackson.

"Yeah! Of course I'm fine! I just saw a sad movie, and mom was making me feel better." He said.

"Oh, okay. I was wondering if you wanted to go skate a little?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah bro! Go get your skates and I'll be there in a minute." He told him.

Jackson smiled before going outside. Anthony turned towards me and put his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"You are enough. It is not your fault that your parents failed you." I told him.

"I know." He said.

I smiled before he turned around and followed Jackson out the door.

A Few Days Later

"How did you get this dirty?!" I asked.

Emerson looked up at me as I squirted shampoo in my hands.

"Alright, bend your head." I said.

I gently bent his head forward, but that made him cry.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." I said.

"Is everything okay?" Jennah asked.

"Yeah, I think his ears are bothering him again." I told her.

"Here, here's the magic duck." She said.

She walked me over the rubber duck.

"You know, this thing has gotten around." I said laughing.

I handed the duck to Emerson and he tearfully took it and put it in his mouth.

"The girls are ready for their pictures." Anthony said, poking his head into the bathroom.

"Oh! Can you finish up with him?" I asked.

"Of course." He said.

It was Catherine and Meredith's birthday today. It was bittersweet as they were the first two infants that were brought to me.

"Alright Catherine! Smile!" I said.

"Cheese!" She said.

"Very pretty!" I said.

"Let me see!" She said.

I showed her the picture on my phone.

"My hair is so red!" She said.

"It's one of my favorite things about you!" I told her.

"Me next! Me next! I want it to be outside!" Meredith said.

We walked outside and she stood in front of the back door.

"Alright Mer! Smile!" I said.

"Look at you!" I said.

I turned the phone towards her.

"I like it!" She said.

"Can we watch a movie tonight?" Catherine asked.

"It is your guys' birthdays! Go pick the movie and I will pop the popcorn!" I told them.

They ran inside talking about which movie they wanted to watch. I stood outside feeling like time was flying by way too fast. Anthony's birthday was coming up next week but that wasn't going to be a happy occasion. His birthday meant he was moving out of the house and I no longer had his help with the small army we had. I took a deep and calming breath before heading into the house. Time was going too fast but I had tonight with my kids and I was going to soak it all in.

Hi guys! I am so sorry. I have been exhausted this week and every time I went to work on a chapter I was just too tired! I hope it didn't feel rushed! Have a good weekend and I hope to get another post done soon! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2023, 02:50:28 AM »
The kids are growing up so well! And Anthony will be sorely missed when he moves out.
I hope can get some rest this weekend - take care of yourself!

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2023, 12:25:14 AM »
The kids are growing up so well! And Anthony will be sorely missed when he moves out.
I hope can get some rest this weekend - take care of yourself!

I feel like they're growing up so fast even with fixing the aging mistake hahaha! I'm loving seeing them grow up for sure! Thank you and I hope you had a great weekend! =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2023, 01:49:53 AM »
Chapter Seven

"Anthony!" I yelled.

He came rushing in, "What?!"

He became even more alarmed when he saw that I was crying.

"What's going on?" He asked.

I was kneeling down to Emerson's level. I had just brought him downstairs for the day and he began crying like normal and tugging on his ears. I was trying to soothe him but nothing was working. Then I was noticing that Emerson didn't even seem to react to anything I said, almost like he couldn't even hear me.

"He's not responding to anything I'm doing!" I gasped.

"Emerson! Hey buddy, what's going on?" Anthony said.

"Something's wrong." I cried.

Anthony stood up and walked across the room and started to clap his hands loudly. But Emerson didn't even flinch or look in the direction of which Anthony was standing. Emerson stood in front of me and wailed even louder. He stomped his feet as he screamed in agony. I felt absolutely useless.

"That's it." Anthony said angrily.

He walked over to Emerson and scooped him up in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"We are going to the clinic and they are getting us in there today." He growled.

We pulled up to the clinic fifteen minutes later. I ushered the girls and Jackson into the waiting room and got them situated before heading to the front desk with Anthony. The clinic was packed with people swarming every inch of the waiting room. Every sound you could think of was going on and it was all a bit over stimulating for me, let alone children. The receptionist eyed us as she finished up with her phone call.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"I need a doctor to see my brother." Anthony said.

"I'm sorry but-"

"No. This is my mother and she called you guys a few days ago. There is no way you are making him wait another second." He told her.

The receptionist looked stunned, as she slowly pulled out a clipboard.

"What seems to be the problem?"

We turned around to see a middle aged man in a white doctors coat standing behind us. He had black hair with a few grey hairs mixed in and green eyes, his name tag read Dr. Williamson.

"Hi, this is my son Anthony, and this little one is Emerson. Last week Emerson started to develop a fever and seemed to be in pain, he tugs on his ears and cries for hours. Today when getting him ready for the day I noticed he wasn't responding to any noise. Something is wrong, I can feel it." I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I see, I can take you in exam five. Anthony would you mind filling out some paperwork while we go take care of your brother?" Dr. Williamson asked.

"Sure." Anthony said.

I told Anthony to fill it out as best he could, and I'd fill out the rest. I hurried to catch up to Dr. Williamson with Emerson on my hip. We walked into a small room with your typical medical instruments. I carefully placed Emerson on the table as Dr. Williamson pulled up a stool. I watched as he took Emerson's temperature, and he seemed to be a little concerned about the results. He then took some kind of tool to look into Emerson's ears as I tried to keep him as still as possible.

"Did you set up an appointment with us?" He asked.

"I tried, but the receptionist told me she couldn't get us in until next week." I told him.

He looked at me shocked, "I'll look into that, because this should have been made a priority."

I felt relieved that someone understood that something was wrong, and that this should not have been pushed as long as it had.

"Now, he does have a fever, and I am concerned about a few things. It appears Emerson has an ear infection, I would like to prescribe him some antibiotics." He told me.

I sensed there was more to this then he was telling me.

"What else?" I asked.

"I am concerned that your son may have permanent hearing loss." He explained.

"I'm sorry, as in he can be deaf?" I asked.

"Correct, we still need to run some tests. I want to run some CTs to rule out any other head injuries. Has he hit his head recently?" He asked me.

"Not that I am aware of, and he's normally with me or my older son Anthony." I told him.

"Good to know." He said.


I was sitting in Dr. Williamson's office with Emerson on my lap and Anthony sitting to my right. The door behind us opened and then shut as Dr. Williamson walked behind his desk and sat down. He opened up Emerson's file before taking his glasses off and looking up at us. I had been holding my breath ever since he said the word deaf.

"I wish I had better news, but it appears that Emerson is deaf." He said softly.

I covered my mouth to stifle a sob.

"First, I want to apologize profusely for the mistake on our part not getting him in sooner. I assure you that we will investigate and make sure proper action is dealt. I have been at this hospital for ten years and this is not how we run things." He told me.

I held Emerson's little hands in mine.

"Will the antibiotics reverse the hearing loss?" I asked.

He sighed, "It might, but it's highly unlikely."

I nodded as Dr. Williamson took out three boxes. One of them was red, one was blue, and the other was green. He set them in front of Emerson with a warm smile.

"These are hearing aids. He can have any color he wants." Dr. Williamson said.

"They're so small." I whispered.

I watched as Emerson leaned forward and took the red case in his little hand and held it up for me to see. I gave him a small smile tying to portray that everything was okay. Dr. Williamson stood up and walked over to Emerson as he showed us how to put the hearing aids in. He explained to us that he wanted to try them to see if they would help Emerson hear even if it was a little bit.

A Few Days Later

"Look at you mister!" I said.

Emerson looked at me as if I wasn't even talking.

I was still in complete shock over what had happened. It all seemed to happen so fast all while feeling like it was going in slow motion. I informed Sarah of everything that happened and mailed her the hospital bill for them to cover. Anthony had been amazing throughout all of this by really stepping up and taking charge. I froze up completely and failed Emerson in so many ways possible. I walked into the kitchen and found Anthony making a snack.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I said.

"Emerson okay?" He asked.

I sighed, "Yeah."

Anthony stood up and gave me a comforting hug.

"None of this is your fault." He said.

Tears filled my eyes as I hugged him back.

"I wish I could believe you, but I feel like I failed him." I told him.

"You did not. You did everything you could do." He assured me.

"I didn't barge into the clinic with him like you did. Had I done what you did, then maybe we would have caught it in time." I said.

"Maybe, but maybe not. Besides maybe a miracle will happen and he'll eventually gain his hearing back." He told me.

"When did you get so mature?" I asked.

"I had some help." He said.

"Well, don't grow up too fast kid." I said, smiling.


My head snapped up to the living room. Anthony and I looked at each other before heading in and seeing Catherine running up to us.

"I lost a tooth!" She said proudly.

"You did?! You know what that means?" I asked.

"The tooth fairy is coming!" She said as she jumped up and down.

"Now, go sit on the couch and I'll make you a special snack! Make sure you keep that tooth safe!" I told her.

I was doing the dishes from dinner.

"Higher!" Meredith squealed.

I smiled as I watched Anthony push Meredith on the swing.

"Higher? You want to go to the moon?" Anthony joked.

"That would be so cool!" She said.

"That is possible you know, if that's what you want to do with your life." He told her.

"I'm just a kid." She giggled.

"Alright, no going to the moon yet." He said.

"But I still want to go higher!" She screamed.

I walked through the living room on my way to check on Emerson. Jennah and Jackson were in the living room watching some kids show on the television. They were talking about two of the characters on the show and which one was the best. I gave them their ten minute warning as I headed upstairs.

"I put it under my pillow!" Catherine said.

I finished climbing the stairs and stood in front of her.

"Good! Now you just wait and sometime in the night the tooth fairy will visit!" I told her.

"And leave me money?" She asked.

"It's possible!" I said.

"I'm going to sleep!" She screamed, running to the room.

I laughed as I walked into the boys toddler room.

"Emerson time to go to bed." I said.

He was standing there with his hearing aids on the ground. I walked over and picked them up and held them up to him, he shook his head and pushed them away. I grabbed the case and put them away before setting them on the dresser.

"We can leave them out at night." I told him.

He looked at me.

"My baby boy." I whispered.

I took him in my arms and hissed his cheek. There was so much for me to learn about his new diagnosis, and I was going to learn everything I possibly could. Starting off with learning and teaching him sign language so that we can communicate.

"I've got you." I told him.

He giggled as I planted several kisses on his cheek.

"We will figure this out together, I promise." I whispered.

An idea struck and I ran with it. I hope I did it correctly and I tried researching it as best I could. I apologize if I got any of it incorrect! I hope you guys had an awesome weekend!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2023, 03:43:56 PM »
Chapter Eight

"He came! He came!" Catherine said bolting into the kitchen.

"He did?!" I gasped.

"Look! I have ten dollars! He even hung up a certificate about my bed!" She exclaimed excitedly.

She waved the ten dollars in the air for me to see with a proud grin on her face.

"Wow! We should go to the store later so you can pick something out!" I told her.

"I'm going to go tell Mer!" She yelled.

I chuckled as she ran out of the room. I hope she always kept her excitement over the little things. For some reason Catherine never questioned her situation or why she didn't have parents, and Meredith didn't seem to either. Both had similar stories of their parents not ready to become parents which was the responsible choice. I hated to think that if they hadn't made that decision that Catherine and Meredith would feel unwanted in this world. I tried my best to make them feel loved and that they mattered. I was cleaning the kitchen which had become a disaster area after last night. The kids and I baked cookies and it turned out to be a bigger job than I had anticipated but it was still a lot of fun. Emerson ended up covered in flour when he got a hold of the flour bag which made Jennah bust out laughing nearly dropping an entire tray of cookies.

My phone rang suddenly and I picked it up from the counter to see Madison calling. Instead of feeling the excitement I normally felt my stomach filled with dread.

"Hey! What's going on?" I asked.

"Hi." She said.

I could tell almost immediately something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Riley and I had a huge fight, I think he's going to ask for a divorce." She whispered.

"No! What happened?" I asked.

I stopped what I was doing and leaned against the counter as she started to sniffle. She went on to tell me about how they had just gotten back from dinner and everything was fine. She had asked Riley about some girl he was talking to at the bar at the restaurant and he got defensive. She didn't think he was cheating on her, but she was curious about who she was. He blew it out of proportion and stormed out of the house claiming that he should be allowed to talk to other girls.

"I don't know what started it." She cried.

"Honey I am so sorry." I said.

"I don't think he's coming home tonight. Can you come over?" She asked.

I bit my bottom lip.

"Mads, I can't leave the kids." I told her.

"Can't Andrew watch them? He's old enough." She said.

"His name is Anthony, and he is just a teenager. I can't leave him to take care of five children, especially after Emerson's scare we had." I told her.

I filled her in on everything that happened with Emerson getting sick and then ending up deaf, but I had the sense that she just asked to be nice and didn't actually care.

"What happened to us?" She asked after a bit of silence.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You used to drop everything for me, and I would do the same for you." She told me.

I gaped at the phone taking a moment to think of what I wanted to say.

"Things have been difficult here Madison, this is my job. I can't just abandon these kids like their parents did to them. I wish I could come over and we could hang out like old times, but this is my life now. I love you and always will, but I do feel things have changed. Every time I bring up the kids or this job I feel like you shut down and don't care." I explained.

"Because it was such a drastic change Jules. One day you woke up and decided that you wanted to be a mom to a hundred kids!" She said.

"Because I was sick of my boring life and needed a change! This was a opportunity of a lifetime!" I said.

"Well I'm sorry that I was so boring that you had to go make a major change." She scoffed.

"That is not what I meant and you know it Madison. Don't put words in my mouth." I scolded.

"I have to go." She said.

She hung up before I could get another word in. What just happened?


"There's my honor roll student!" I said.

I walked into the girls room and saw Jennah sitting on the pillows about to do her homework. She came home today with he report card with straight A's and high praises from her teacher. They awarded her honor roll with how well she was doing.

"Stop." She said blushing.

"I'm proud of you." I told her.

"Thanks." She said.

She fidgeted with her shorts looking sad.

"Everything okay?" I asked, sitting on the bed by her.

"Why did my dad give me up?" She asked.

I tried to hide the shock on my face, but she hit me with a question that I was not expecting from her. I took a deep breath and chose my words carefully.

"When you came to live here I got a file, as I do with every new child that I get. Your dad loved you so very much, but he was unable to keep you due to financial reasons. He wants you to have the best of everything in life. So, he made the most difficult decision to place you up for adoption and that is why you were brought here." I explained.

She looked at the floor, "But he could change his mind, right?"

Hello heartbreak.

"He does have that option, but I don't think he's going to sweetie. But Jennah, it's not because he doesn't love you. He didn't want to give you up but he had no other choice. Sometimes parents have to make difficult decisions." I told her.

"Do you think I could write him a letter?" She asked.

"I will have to take that up with Sarah, but go a head and write it! Even if you can't send it to him, I believe he will know that you are thinking of him!" I told him.

"Okay, thank you." She said.

I gave her a warm smile as the three other kids walked into the room.

"The homework crew has arrived!" Jackson announced.

They were all in their pajamas already which wasn't normal but I wasn't going to fight it. That just meant an easier bed time routine for us tonight.

"Stop kicking the bed!" Jackson hissed.

"Whoa! Sorry." Meredith scoffed.

"Hey, Jackson if it bothers you then move to another bed. Or go sit at the desk that is in your room." I told him.

"I don't have a room." He said.

"You know what I mean. I know this isn't the ideal set up, but it's what we have." I told him.

"I know." He grumbled.

"I like it here." Catherine said.

I smiled at her.

"Kiss up." Jackson mumbled under his breath.

"Jackson! Enough. One more warning and you're grounded!" I warned.

He huffed before returning to his homework. I walked out of the bedroom hoping that he was just overly tired and that it wasn't going to escalate into a bigger fight. Normally Jackson was a peaceful child and generally happy. I made a mental note to keep an eye on his behavior in case something bigger was going on.

"Watch it!" Anthony gasped.

I walked into the bathroom to find Anthony bent over the bathtub and Emerson being the culprit of why Anthony was now drenched in the front. I giggled as I handed him a towel to kind of dry himself off.

"He found mud in the backyard, so a bath was needed." Anthony said.

I looked at him, "Do I ask too much of you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're a teenager, but I feel like you do too much to help me." I said.

"I love helping you. I don't feel overwhelmed or asked too much of me." He told me.

"As long as you know that you don't have too." I told him.

I know we've had this discussion before. I was just feeling guilty that he acted more like an adult then a teenager. When he first arrived I was worried that he would be a trouble maker, but after he let his walls down he showed me who he really was.

"My birthday is next week." He said, sounding sad.

"I know, I try not to think about it." I admitted.

He looked up at me for a moment.

"I was thinking about talking to Sarah about possibly staying here? As a helper of some sort, that could be my job. That way I didn't have to leave." He said.

"Really? That's what you want to do?" I asked him.

"Yeah! I don't like the thought of leaving, and taking care of kids is actually a lot of fun along with challenging!" He said.

"That it is, but it wouldn't hurt to ask! Worst she can say is no, right?" I said.

The next day I walked into the bathroom to find Jackson and Emerson standing there.

"Hey boys, what's up?" I asked.

"I was seeing if he could hear yet." Jackson said.

I gave him a small smile.

"He may not ever get his hearing back." I explained.

"Because he got sick?" He asked me.

"Yeah, the ear infection was left untreated and it damaged his hearing. He's on some medication that has a small chance of helping his hearing come back." I told him.

He looked down at Emerson.

"So we can't talk to him?" He wondered.

"Well, there's always sign language. I was thinking of finding a class on learning it, would you like to come with when I do?" I asked him.

"I think we all should, so he has people in his corner." He told me.

"That is very sweet of you Jackson. When I find one, I will sign us all up for it!" I said.

He gave Emerson a tight hug.

Dear Sarah,

I am following up on the recent diagnosis of Emerson and his hearing loss. I was wondering if you know of any sort of class around the area that teaches sign language specifically? And would that be covered in the insurance that is offered? I want to be as well informed as I can to be able to help him in any way possible.

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!


I sent the email and decided to walk across to the other half of the house to do some yoga. Now that this group of children were all basically able to care for themselves and help each other when needed I had more free time for myself for once. So I had picked up yoga and have also been painting a bit more too. I had even worked with Emma, the gardener, to re-work the garden so that it made a bit more sense for what I needed. I needed more potatoes and vegetables, and the old garden had mainly flowers to offer. I still wanted flowers as they offered a bit of extra cash when I sold them to the gardener in town.

After yoga I walked into the giant play room that the kids had to play in. Emerson was in the big tunnel play thing that took up a majority of the room.

"And what are you doing all the way up there mister?" I asked.

I knew he couldn't hear me, but I didn't want to treat him any different then I did the other kids. He giggled and hopped up and down in excitement. The meds had been kicking in finally which meant that the old Emerson was showing up again. He wasn't in pain it seemed and no longer tugged on his ears. Adjusting to the hearing aids was also going a lot better then I thought it had. He seemed excited to put them in each morning. I did give him small breaks during the day without them in so that he didn't feel any discomfort from them. Without him being able to tell me if they hurt him was the tricky part of it all.

"Just be careful little man, you've reached your quota for hospital visits this week." I laughed.

"No! I was so close!" Jackson yelled.

I walked into the video game area that was attached to the play room. Jackson was standing in the gaming mat playing some game that I didn't understand.

"So close to what?" I asked.

"Winning! You have to match colors up and can't let the blocks get too high or else you lose." He explained.

"Ah, sounds complicated." I said.

"It can be!" He admitted.

"Your birthday is also coming up. Do you want to do anything special?" I asked.

"Hmmm, can we skate?" He asked.

"Of course, with ice cream after like always." I said.

"Maybe pizza for dinner!" He said.

"I think I can manage that." I giggled.

"Thank you mom." He said, grinning.

"You called me- Jackson." I gasped.

He walked over to me and hugged me.

"I know you aren't my biological mom, but I think she would be very happy you're taking such good care of me." He said.

I wrapped my arms tighter around me as I closed my eyes trying not to cry in front of him.

Another impromptu chapter! According to the Sim Calendar we have Jackson's birthday coming up along with Anthony and Emerson's! Time is flying by with the kids and I need them to slow down! I've gotten attached to them!
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2023, 03:08:22 PM »
Chapter Nine

"I wrote it!"

I turned around in the kitchen to see Jennah standing there with an envelope in her hand. She held it out to me and I took it carefully. She had everything written nearly with her name in the top left corner. Anthony had helped her with the address to the house which she wrote perfectly. I smiled down at her and put the letter on the counter, I smoothed her hair down and kissed the top of her head.

"I will email Sarah today about it, okay?" I said.

"Alright, can I go outside to play?" She asked.

"If you be careful! It's dark out, and wear a jacket!" I told her.

She rushed out the door to get her coat. It was getting colder outside which meant winter was just around the corner. The leaves on the trees were starting to fall to the ground which reminded me that I needed to get outside to rake.

"School is dumb." Jackson huffed.

"Rough first day?" I asked.

"I lost my locker combination twice and these girls were laughing at me. Mom, they were cute too." He said.

I covered my mouth to hide my giggle.

Jackson was now a teenager. He was tall and scrawny which made him completely self conscious of his body, oh to be back in high school. His hair had grown out to be super long and was already touching his shoulders. He shuffled his feet and sat at the island as he put his backpack on the ground.

"It'll get better, it was only the first day." I told him.

"Can't I be homeschooled?" He asked.

"No! Then everyone is going to want to be homeschooled." I said.

He grumbled.

"How about we order in tonight?" I asked.

I walked over to the fridge and dug out the coupon book we got in the mail for the various food places in town.

"Can we do that Italian place?" He asked.

"Of course! Get everyone's orders and I'll get it ordered!" I told him.

I followed Jackson outside to see Jennah sitting on top of the monkey bars.

"Jennah! Be careful!" I scolded.

"I'm so high up!" She giggled.

In retrospect, she wasn't that high up. But I still didn't want to risk a fall and a trip to the hospital.

"Do you want to see me get to the other side?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said.

Jackson went over and helped her climb down. She positioned herself in the correct way and started to swing to the other side of the monkey bars. I took a few pictures on my phone as she giggled.

"Good job!" I told her.

"Jackson! Come here!" Meredith yelled.

Meredith was on the pirate ship jungle gym behind the swings.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

"You're a monster! And I'm here to save the ships from your terror!" She yelled.

"Can he be a monster that takes your order for the Italian place?" I asked.

"Monsters don't eat Italian food!" She giggled.

"Well, do pirates?" Jackson asked.

She sighed, "I want the spaghetti with meatballs."

"Thank you." He said.

"Can we play monsters now?" She asked.

I laughed and grabbed the list of food from Jackson to go ask the other kids while he was defeated by his sister.



I received your email regarding letters sent from the children to their biological parents. After discussing it with the higher ups, we came to the conclusions that the children may write letters. However, we cannot guarantee that the parents will accept the letters or write them back. I will attach a file that we have of all known addresses for each of the kids.

Also, we have a few more children in need of placement coming. I will text you the official date of when they will arrive.


I set my phone down with a sigh. I was happy that Jennah would get to write her dad letters. However, I was nervous that she was going to be hurt in the process if he decided not to write back. Then there was the small chance that the parents would write back and want to take the kids back. Obviously it would be their right as parents, but I couldn't stop myself from getting attached to these kids. I was about to turn around and leave, when my phone went off.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi honey."

I froze.

"" I asked.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine, how about you?" I asked.

I listened as he answered willing my heart to leave my stomach.

"Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but why are you calling me?" I said.

"I heard from Madison that you have this amazing new job!" He told me.

"Wait, Madison?" I gapsed.

"We ran into her at the market last week." He mentioned.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Things have been tight around here, with this new job I was thinking-"

"That I would send you money? No. You thought wrong." I said.


"No, I'm not doing this anymore." I hissed.

I hung up the phone and threw it on the counter. I needed to forget about that stupid phone call and today happened to be a nice day. I decided to put on my swimsuit and enjoy it while the children were at school and Emerson was down for his nap. I walked into the yard with a towel and filled up the inflatable kiddie pool before stepping in.

"Mom? Mom?!"

I jumped awake. I had to shield the sun from my eyes as I looked up at Anthony standing over me.

"What? Did I fall asleep?" I asked, disoriented.

"Yeah, Catherine needs help with the cake." He told me.

"The cake! Emerson's birthday!" I gasped.

Anthony helped me out of the pool and we ran into the house. I hurried up and got dressed while Anthony helped Catherine get the ingredients out of the cabinets. I walked back into the kitchen and washed my hands. Catherine was telling Anthony about her day at school and how the class got to go to the gym to watch a movie with each other.

"Alright! Are we ready to do this?" I asked.

"Yeah! I think we got everything here." Catherine said.

"Can I help?" Meredith asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Of course! Where is Jennah?" I asked.

"She had homework." Meredith said.

"Who wants to butter the cake pan?" Anthony asked.

"ME!" Catherine said.

An hour and we had a freshly baked cake.

"Alright, let's get that birthday boy!" I said, clapping my hands together.

"Here he is!" Jackson said.

He walked into the kitchen with Emerson on his hip.

"Come here my little man." I said.

Emerson clapped at the candles lit on the cake.

"Those are for you! Are you ready to blow them out?" I asked.

I tried signing the best I could with him in my arms. I counted to three and we bent down and blew out the candles.

Everyone as a family went to the local college for a seminar on sign language. It was a work in progress, but we were able to teach Emerson how to talk using it as well. We had several doctors appointments since his initial diagnosis, but he was showing no signs of his hearing coming back. So we came to terms with our new normal and went from there. He needed me to give him a safe home, but now he needed me to be in his corner to be his voice.

"Smile!" I signed.

Emerson smiled as the flash went off.

"He is going to be a heartbreaker." Anthony laughed.

"Yes he is." I agreed.

"Can we have the cake now?!" Jennah groaned.

"There's always a kid impatient about the cake." I laughed.

We all headed into the kitchen to eat some cake and ice cream. Soon, we'd have more kids in the house. But I was ready for this next chapter. However, this next chapter meant potentially saying goodbye to Anthony. We were still waiting on a response from Sarah about him staying to help as his job.

Hey guys! I am so sorry! I have not been able to touch sims all week let alone get a chapter out! I feel bad, but I will try to get a chapter out when I can! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Have a great week =]
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3

Offline Ally3772

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Re: A Hundred Lives to Change
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2023, 12:51:48 AM »
Chapter Ten

"I'm faster then you!"

"No you're not!"

I peaked up from the garden to see Meredith and Catherine in the skating rink.

"Jackson taught me how to skate really fast!" Catherine said proudly.

"He taught me too! See!" Meredith said.

"Girls, what's with the sudden competition?" I called.

"We're just playing!" Meredith said.

"Just be careful!" I said.

"We wi- AHH!" Catherine screamed.

My head shot up as I saw Catherine on the ground. I tore my gloves off and hopped the fence before running onto the roller rink.

"Catherine!" I gasped.

"Ow!" She hissed.

Meredith was over her already.

"Don't move! What hurts?" I asked.

"My head, and my back!" She said.

"Can you move your legs, arms, toes, and fingers?" I asked.

She practiced moving each of those things, and once I was sure that she was okay overall I helped her sit up slowly.

"Alright, in the house and get an ice pack. Then go in the living room and lay on the couch for a little bit." I ordered.

Meredith helped her to her feet.

"Can I watch TV?" She asked.

"Yes, and I'll have Anthony bring you something for the pain." I told her.

I pulled out my phone and texted him as they walked in the house. I sighed shaking my head as I picked up the skates they took off and put them back in the bin. They had never once showed any competitiveness before so this was a whole new ball game. I just hoped that it didn't develop into something more because I didn't want them to be at war with each other. I walked into the house to find Jackson sitting at the island. He was looking kind of down as he stared at his cellphone like it was going to combust at any moment.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"I asked a girl out." He sighed.

"You did?!" I sang.

"Yeah, but she hasn't gotten back to me." He said.

I walked over to him, "Give her time."

He groaned.

His phone dinged and his face lit up.

"It's her!" He gasped.

"I told you!" I said.

"She said Friday!" He yelled.

"Mark it on the calendar so I remember!" I said.

He hopped up to mark it on the calendar that was filled to the brim. I walked into the dining room to see Emerson doing his homework. I sat down next to him and tapped his arm to let him know I was here.

Math homework He signed.

"Need help?" I signed back.

Almost done. Gaming after? He asked.

I thought about it for a moment.

"Catherine hurt herself, she's okay but is relaxing in the living room. But you may go in my room for a little and use my TV." I told him.

He nodded quickly.

I told her skates were dangerous. He signed.

I giggled.

"I think she gets the memo now." I signed.

I kissed his forehead before hearing a yell coming from upstairs.

"Now what?!" I sighed.

Anthony came running in the room.

"I can stay! Sarah approved my request to stay here for my job!" He gasped.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Yeah! I'm so excited! Just in time for my birthday!" He said.

"Is it your birthday today? Hm, I must have forgotten." I joked.

"Har har!" He said.

"She did say that if things got too crowded in the house that we might have to figure something else out." He told me.

"There will always be room here." I assured him.

"Cake is done!" Jackson called.

The cake has been cooling for the past half an hour and Jackson must have frosted it in the excitement of this girl replying.

"Your brother has a date on Friday." I told Anthony as we walked into the kitchen.

"What is this I hear about a date?" Anthony asked Jackson.

"Mooooooom." Jackson groaned.

"Alright, alright, let's do this!" I laughed.

"I guess acne stays with you through adulthood." Anthony groaned.

"Mine stayed for a few weeks." I told him.

"I don't get acne." Jackson boasted.

"Careful, you would hate for it to pop up before Friday." Anthony poked.

Jackson jumped up from the stool he was on and rushed to the bathroom.

"He must really like her." I laughed.

The Next Day

"Coming!" I called.

I opened up the door to see Adam, the... uh... delivery man? I would have to think of a better term for him. I opened up the door and smiled at him as I let him inside.

"Hi Adam." I said.

"Julia, I hope everything is going okay." He said.

"Can't complain so far." I told him.

"I was sorry to hear about Emerson." He told me.

"It was a shock, but he's a strong kid." I said.

"Well, ready for two more?" He asked.

"Bring it on, who do we have here?" I asked.

"This is Sophia, and this is Megan." He explained.

Sophia Green:


Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown


Sophia Green is a child who wandered into the local hospital alone. The police were called, but she wasn’t sure where her parents were or even their names. The searched for any leads but ended up coming up short.

Megan Johnson:


Mother: Aimee Nelson/Julie Johnson
Father: Frank Johnson


Megan Johnson is an infant and a unique case. Aimee agreed to be a surrogate to her best friend Julie and Frank Johnson. However, Julie passed away in a car accident shortly after the birth of Megan. Distraught with grief Frank changed his mind about taking Megan. Aimee wasn’t able to care for a child either.

I took a quick peek at their files before closing them back up and placing them on the closest table.

"Well, thank you Adam." I said.

"Good luck." He said.

I closed the door behind him.

"Catherine went up to bed." Jennah said, walking into the foyer.

"Good, Jennah this is Sophia. Sophia, this is Jennah." I introduced.

"Hi." Jennah said.

"Hi, how long have you been here?" Sophia asked.

"Since I was a toddler." Jennah told her.

"I'm not going to be here that long." Sophia stated, before walking into the living room.

Jennah looked at me, just as confused as I was.

"Um, how about you go watch TV with her for a bit." I suggested.

"Should be fun." She groaned.

I walked up to the nursery. I haven't been in here for what felt like ages.

"Well Megan, this is your new home. Are you going to stay here longer then Sophia is planning on staying?" I joked.

She looked up at me with her big eyes.

"I hope you do, because the other kids seem to like it here." I told her.

She cooed up at me.

I kissed the top of her head before carefully placing her in a bassinet.

"Get some sleep little one." I whispered.

Tomorrow started a new adventure.

Almost 400 views! Thank you!

I decided to keep Anthony around because I got too attached to him since he was the first one. Also two more kids! Now I really have a full house haha
My Stories:
Figuring It Out / Something to Hide *Complete*
It's just a spark, but it's enough to keep me going.
And when it's dark out, no one's around, it keeps glowing. <3