Are our sims allowed to help each other with earning perk points?
Eg. if Sim A is doing club perks, are Sim B and C allowed to be in Sim A's club so long as they never purchase club perks? Or similarly, if Sim 1 is doing retail perks, does she have to run the retail store entirely on her own or can Sim 2 and 3 ring up customers and/or restock items sometimes so long as Sim 1 is the only one to buy retail perks?
Perks that can be bought more than once presumably only count the first time they're purchased...? Or can we buy them multiple times?
Counting club perks:
- do the default club perks count? It seems like they are counted by the game in the "active club perks" number listed in the top left of the perks screen but our Sim didn't actually "purchase" them and they don't cost points...?
- In the club status and club handshake categories only 1 perk can be active at a time in each of these categories but can we count the other ones if we bought them at some point during the challenge?