Prioritised achievements that would give most points per time/ effort spent. Used all the good strategies from previous versions of this challenge including from Nikitachi in Calling All High Achievers, GlazeyLady and Tuija in 2019s Mid-Season Major, and LenaLJ in That's Quite an Achievement! and others.
Top tips: micro home for friendship and skills, wishing well for promotions (though it is so variable), move in rich sims then murder them, once wealthy add columns, windows etc to fulfils Mansion Baron so that everyone joining household can get loads of satisfaction points right away, Legacy Leader can be achieved with 10 generations of one family if they move to 10 different locations (theoretically).
Alphabet legacy was very grindy and I knew that it would be a challenge but it was worth it with points. Made it worse for myself by committing to a naming scheme of words that ended in -ment because thats their surname and coming up with 28 was tricky (poor generation 17 whose name should not be shared).
What I learnt about ghosts I can barely tell them apart, they feel the need to be close to dying sims even when you have locked those sims in a room to murder them, they cant be killed though so weeping/ mourning while standing in fire is fine, they can break showers (see Ill get around to it!)
Details below, have named when I moved in a sim for that specific skill/ career, let me know if anything is unclear.
Achievements gained
50-mile-high Club woohoo in rocketship 10
All Nighter have a Sim stay awake for 24 hours - 25
Alphabet Legacy play a household for 26 generations+ - 100 adopt child age up twice then they adopt and so forth. When house is getting full move out Sims to different lots for Legacy Leader
Are You Entertained? max Entertainer career 50 Baako Jang
Beyond Repairs max Handiness skill 50
Black Widow have a Sim outlive five spouses 25 didnt register Dominic Fyres death by fire (lol the irony) for achievements
Bow-dacious max violin skill - 50
Captain of Industry max Business career 50 Lily Feng
Cast Away max fishing skill 50
Code Monk max programming skill 50
Connoisseurus Rex max gourmet cooking 50 Raj Rasoya
Elementary max logic 50
Event Horizon earn silver or higher on five different social events 25 date, dinner party, incognito costume party, keg party, house party
Fired up max fitness skill 50
Flying colors max painter career 50 Anaya Yang
Full House eight-sim household 10
Games within Games max video gaming skill 50
Ghostly have a ghost join your household 25 oddly the first ghost joiner wasnt Archie V. The ghost of Kado Akiyama rolled up saying he thought someone was swell and wanted to be their best friend so he was invited to join household right away.
Green Thumb max gardening skill 50 Moira Fyres
Harvested Interest harvest from 50 wild plants 25 started in spring and then reverted to spring again the next week with an upgraded Dr. June's Weather Control Device. Lived in Foundry Cove in Willow Creek which has plenty of snapdragons, bluebells, mushrooms, and a strawberry plant
Hello, Darkness, My Old Chum befriend the Grim Reaper 25
Host with the most host 50 bronze or better social events 100 lots of dates for Soulmate plus the parties for Event Horizon and The Main Event
Ill get around to it! have 10 broken objects on Sims lot 10 just kept broken stuff rather than replacing. Then, once I ghostified everyone, I found out that they can possess to break showers which sped it up.
Im the Mix Master mix 100 drinks 25 done while skilling mixologist and making the tons of Beetle Juice I didnt need
Its not brain surgery max rocket science skill 50
Ivory tower max piano skill 50
Just getting started play sims 4 for five hours 25
Knock, Knock
- visit 25 different lots 50
Legacy Leader have 10 households that have been played for 10 generations or more 100 learned from previous challenge that this didnt need to be separate lines. Didnt register for me and was at 9/10 even when I had 14 different households with sims from the alphabet legacy achievement
Legacy Player play a household for 10 generations or more 100 see alphabet legacy
Literal Genius max writing skill max writing skill 50 Geeta Rasoya
Mischief Mastered max mischief skill 50
My, Youve Changed! have a Sim become both max thin and fat 25 used potions
Natures Course max herbalism skill 50 books then skill classes (thanks Nandarelle for the tip from the skilling challenge)
No excuse have a sims bladder fail on a lot with five or more toilets 10 this made me laugh so hard. Just forgot to tend to Wonders needs so quickly locked him out of the house and bought more toilets. He also asked Jacques Villareal on a date for So
Ill Call You? Which is a relationship I hadnt planned but it worked out well (for Wonder once Jacques got his promotion he was Black Widow victim #2)
Older & Wiser have a sim age up 10
On a whim have a Sim complete 10 Wants at a single social event 25 Raj only really got whims to listen to a type of music or cook a meal so he was used for this
Over-Achiever have a sim complete 5 aspirations 100 Wonder completed Mansion Baron, Fabulously Wealthy, Nerd Brain, Soulmate, Friend of the World
Picture Perfect max photography skill 50 done while working on the Simstagram achievements
Piece of Cake max baking skill 50 Raj while waiting for promotions
Polar bear club have a sim go for a swim while the weather is freezing 25 first time Ive achieved this! Once I was done with the spring harvesting I used Dr Junes machine to make it winter and to snow then made some sims swim laps in the pool as you can't do any other kind of swimming when it's freezing. This was also used for the last few murders for Vengeful Deity
Problem child max mischief skill as a teen 25
Refined Palette max painting skill 50 Anaya Yang
Rosebud gain 1,000,000 simoleons in a single household 100 moved in rich households mainly, for variety had the club go on klepto outings to the Goths, the Pleasants, and the Landgraabs
Simstagram celebrity gain 1500 simstagram followers 50 didnt register until had over 2500 so think its a typo
Simstagram influencer gain 250 simstagram followers 25
Simstagram starter gain 25 simstagram followers 20
Smooth talker max charisma skill 50
Ill call you? have a sim bladder fail while on a date 10 see No excuse
Splice of Life unlock a new plant type through grafting 25
Stellar work max astronaut career 50 Wonder the MVP
Straight for the jocular max comedy skill 50 Diego Lobo
Suave Criminal max criminal career 50 Jacque Villareal. This took so long I had a life potion on hand. In the end the wishing well didnt do it but old fashioned going to work
Tender loving max mixology skill 50 moved in Sara Scott for this as shes already maxed but it didnt register so skilled up Jacques
The Main Event earn gold rating on five different social events 100 - date, dinner party, incognito costume party, keg party, house party
The most interesting sim in the world have a sim with 12 or more traits 50
Tungsten chef max cooking skill 50 Raj Rasoya
Up a notch max culinary career 50 Raj Rasoya
Vengeful Deity kill off 10 of your sims via unnatural causes 25 didnt register so killed an extra just in case but stuck at 9/10. Deaths were by fire (started by Gemma Charm using inferniate in a locked room), steam, and freezing to death (swimming laps in the pool)
View all Myshuno Meadows Sculptures 25
View to a Skill max all (base game) skills 100
What would it be like? woohoo with a ghost 10 starter sim Archie V. married Vlad with the plan to murder him with sunlight for black widow but he died instead. Vlad was waiting for him to return
Whimsical complete 100 whims across all sims 50 gave everyone likes in several of the same music types which often gave them whims to listen to that type of music
Notable not achieved
Til Death Do Us Part have a sim die at their own wedding 100 - I think the wedding expansion has made people immortal during weddings. Lilith Vatore was happily fishing with low needs and no smoking. Later it took less than half the time for her to die of sunlight. I should have tried again though
Ghost Family have family of eight playable ghosts 100 see post above. Attempted a terrible strategy for this but learnt about playing with ghosts
I, Spy max secret agent career 50 Bjorn Bjergsen was level eight. Planned to use Geoffrey Landgraab but he died very early on so couldnt move him in
In the Game play the sims 4 for 24 hours 50 so close at 20 hours
Startup Upstart max tech guru career 50 Vlad was level eight
Super Best Friends make 20 BFFs with non-player sims 50 - was close at 16/20 but was so busy at the end this got dropped
You Reek A Make a scientific breakthrough while taking a shower 10 dont think Ive ever not got this before when playing someone in the science career. Strange