Author Topic: The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House  (Read 11803 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House
« on: June 22, 2023, 10:09:02 AM »
Hype Man:  That's right, y'all!!  It's Time fo' Talk wit' yer gurl Ayumi Kimura, AKA DJ AK-47!

Hype Man:  And our first guest on today's show is known as the Most Tenacious Simmer, the prince of puns, and the guru of goofiness...

Hype Man:  that's right, y'all, it's Pippiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!

Ayuki:  Welcome to the show, Pippin.
Pippin:  Thanks!  So glad to be here!
Ayuki:  So, I understand you have some really big news?

Pippin:  That's right, Morgan and I are expecting!!
Ayuki:  Wait...what?
Pippin:  ...what?
Ayuki:  Expecting?
Pippin:  Oh, umm...we were...expecting you'd ask us that question...when we were chatting casually...when we randomly encountered each other...not on a date or anything...
Ayuki:  So...big news?
Pippin:  Right!  Yes!  Big news!  News that's big!

Pippin:  I'm starting a new challenge!
Ayuki:  Interesting, what type of challenge?
Pippin:  Well, first off, let's meet our Founder...

Ayuki:  There's...literally no one there.
Pippin:  Oh.  Are you sure?  Of course you're sure.  She must be running late.  Or walking late, running would have probably made her be on time...
Ayuki:  Fine, how about you tell us about the challenge while we're waiting?
Pippin:  Right!  Yes!  Challenge!

Pippin:  So, as we all know, everyone loves two things...
Ayuki:  Me and my DJ skills?
Pippin:  Nope!  I mean, wait, sorry, yes, but no.  Everyone loves occult Sims and babies!!
Ayuki:  I'm not sure everyone loves those...
Pippin:  And this challenge will mix those two together by having our Founder mother babies of all sorts of occult types with various occult babydaddies!
Ayuki:  You're forcing some poor gal to have a whole bunch of babies that all have different fathers?
Pippin:  Yes!

Pippin:  ...wait.  It actually sounds slightly bad when you put it that way.
Ayuki:  Literally just summarized what you'd said.
Pippin:  OK, so it's...a wonderfully diverse family showing the richness and fullness of the many and multiple types of amazing peoples that populate the Sims universe!
Ayuki:  But not werewolves.
Pippin:  ...yeah...I didn't get that pack.  It's not discrimination, though!!
Ayuki:  Oh, looks like we're finally out of time, so...

Chavreen:  Sorry I'm late!  I couldn't find the way in!

Ayuki:  Ummm...I assume this is your founder?
Pippin:  Yes!!  And right on time other than being late!  Ladies and gentlemen, Chavreen Took!
Chavreen:  So, I thought I'd found the door...

Chavreen:  but there was, like, no way to get to it.  I could see the people, though, so I knew you could get in, so I asked some nice lady for directions.

Chavreen:  Hi, ma'am!  Can you show me how to get into this building?
Candy:  You...can't figure out how to get into the building?
Chavreen:  Exactly!!
Candy:  Ugh, why are Pippin's founder always so...special?
Chavreen:  Awww, thanks!

Ayuki:  OK, thanks or whatever.  Please leave now so I can chat with our next guest, my future husband, the hunky Victor Feng!
Victor:  Thanks, Ayuki, I...wait...future husband?

Chavreen:  I feel like that went really well!!
Pippin:  I feel like we need to work on what "really well" means, but your low standards bode well for my chances of looking like a good and attentive Watcher.
Chavreen: Did you know there are stairs that lead up to the door?!?!?
And with that auspicious introduction, we begin the Occult Baby Challenge!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--The Rules
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2023, 10:09:24 AM »
The Challenge:  This challenge, based on, involves a Founder whose goal is to have at least one baby of each of 13 different Lifestates (I am excluding the Werewolf lifestate as I do not own that pack).  The specifics are listed below:

Founder Must:
-be a normal Sim (no lifestate changes)
-purchase a home or lot with starting funds and gets to keep any funds left over and can move at any time
-complete super parent, big happy family, successful lineage, and one artistic aspiration.  Founder can only use these four aspirations
-cannot work a rabbit hole job, but can do freelance work or work from home jobs
-Founder can open a retail store or vet clinic, but must bring all non-nooboo offspring along if/when she goes to the store or clinic
-Must accept any invitations for dates (not required to bring offspring on dates that come from invitations, do need to bring the kids along for any date the Founder initiates)

-Flower Bunny (holiday)
-Yamachan (holiday)
-Father Winter (holiday)
-Plant Sim (forbidden fruit from magic bean tree)
-Island Elemental (need "child of the islands" trait, move in and de-ghostify)
-Grim Reaper (shift click to add to family, traits.clear_traits then traits.equip_trait GrimReaper)
-Tragic Clown (tragic clown painting)
-Servo (build via robotics)
-Ghost (from well)
-Batuu Alien (by skin color, not mask)
-Science Baby (with a normal Sim)

Offspring Requirements (early age up is allowed after the requirements are completed):
-Nooboo-can age up immediately if desired
-Infant-must hit two milestones
-Toddler-must master potty training and at least two other skills
-Child-must get a B in school, earn one scout badge OR get at least one promotion in an after school activity, and complete one childhood aspiration
-Teen-must max a skill OR get to level 3 in a part time job, must get at least a B in high school, must earn at least one character trait

Occult Lifestate Requirements:
-Patchy:  max gardening and flower arranging
-Alien:  max rocket science and programming
-Vampire:  max vampire lore and pipe organ
-Merman:  max fitness and singing
-Spellcaster:  learn 5 spells
-Flower Bunny: painting and pet training OR veterinary science
-Yamachan:  max 2 of skiing, climbing, or snowboarding
-Father Winter:  max wood working and baking
-Plant Sim: max 2 of gardening, herbalism, or wellness
-Island Elemental:  must clean up Sulani (the rest of the family can assist in this)
-Grim Reaper:  must meet and become best friends with Grim Reaper
-Tragic Clown:  max comedy and mischief
-Servo:  max robotics and logic
-Ghost:  must max 2 10 level skills no other child has maxed
-Batuu Alien:  max robotics skill and programming
-Science Baby:  must complete the Strangerville aspiration

Normal Sim Lifestate Requirements:
-Must max 1 10 level skill
-Must max a unique aspiration
-Must reach an A as a child and as a teen

Move Out Requirements:
in order to move out, an occult or normal Sim offspring must:
-Complete all of their lifestate requirements
-Be good friends with the Founder and at least one sibling
-Purchase a home (or purchase a lot and build a home worth at least $20,000 simoleans) or marry and move in with their spouse
*Offspring are not required to be moved out*

-No cheats (except resetsim and as specified to make some babydaddies functional including using CAS to make make females into potential babydaddies as needed)
-No mods that give an unfair advantage
-Life extending items (potions and etc.) are allowed only for the Founder
-Founder cannot move in any Sims, household can only grow through pregnancy with the exception of moving Grim and Patchy in only for as long as it takes to use the cheats and successfully try for baby
-Science baby option is only allowed for the science baby offspring requirement, all other babies must have normal conception and pregnancy
-No babysitters, nannies, or butlers (though older children can help with child care/skill building) with the exception of day care being permitted if the Founder is asked on a date
-Regarding occult lifestates (such as vampires, spellcasters, mermaids, etc.) only children born with that lifestate count.  Normal Sim children born of those unions must be kept and must fulfill the Normal Sim Lifestate Requirements
-In the event of twins or triplets born to a lifestate, each such child must complete the requirements for their occult type
-Pets are allowed, but can only be moved out with one of the offspring

*Rules are subject to change as I make new stuff up or encounter things that don't work as expected*

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--Chapter Index
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2023, 10:09:43 AM »
Chapter Index
Chapter One-Making a Deal...and a House

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--Occultboo Stats
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2023, 10:10:06 AM »
Reserved for Occultboo Stats

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--Normalboo Stats
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2023, 10:10:23 AM »
Reserved for Normalboo Stats

Offline oshizu

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Re: Pippin's New Challenge
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2023, 11:47:12 AM »
I am far beyond excited about your new challenge, Pippin!
It's such a brilliant idea to enjoy some of the chaotic fun of a 100 Babies Challenge but without the grind of, well, 100 babies.
OH. I just realized that each of Chavreen's kids will go through an infant stage.  Hahahaha.

Going back to your founder, I was at first surprised that you'd pick a rather ordinary-looking (for you) sim like Ayuki as your founder.
I should've known.
VERY sneaky of you to conceal Chavreen's face.  Very sneaky.
With her Took surname, however, we can assume she will have The Nose, but we don't know yet what kind of nose.

I eagerly await your next update where Chavreen embarks on her new adventure!

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2023, 12:10:33 PM »
Given that we can see the tip of her nose in a couple of screenshots, I think a Took nose is coming. This should be fun (for us to read, and hopefully for you to write).
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2023, 11:54:41 AM »

Another Pippin story - excellent! I enjoyed the bit about running late (if she had run then she wouldn't be!). Clearly we've got the took nose going on, but the hair obscures the face. Very tricksey of you.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2023, 08:45:35 AM »
I am far beyond excited about your new challenge, Pippin!
It's such a brilliant idea to enjoy some of the chaotic fun of a 100 Babies Challenge but without the grind of, well, 100 babies.
OH. I just realized that each of Chavreen's kids will go through an infant stage.  Hahahaha.

Going back to your founder, I was at first surprised that you'd pick a rather ordinary-looking (for you) sim like Ayuki as your founder.
I should've known.
VERY sneaky of you to conceal Chavreen's face.  Very sneaky.
With her Took surname, however, we can assume she will have The Nose, but we don't know yet what kind of nose.

I eagerly await your next update where Chavreen embarks on her new adventure!
Yep, I for sure considered the 100 Baby Challenge, but that seemed a bit repetitive and non-varied, so I thought this would make it shorter and more interesting.  Glad you like it!  :=)
Haha, suckered you with Ayuki, eh?  Yeah, I just thought it would be a fun and reasonably random way to start the silliness  :=)
What?  Are you implying that I hid her face on purpose?!?!?  Yep!  Sure did  ;=)

Given that we can see the tip of her nose in a couple of screenshots, I think a Took nose is coming. This should be fun (for us to read, and hopefully for you to write).
I am already having a blast playing and writing this, so I certainly hope you will all enjoy reading about the nonsense this challenge will surely entail  :=)
And yes, Took nose inbound  ;=)

Another Pippin story - excellent! I enjoyed the bit about running late (if she had run then she wouldn't be!). Clearly we've got the took nose going on, but the hair obscures the face. Very tricksey of you.
Haha, glad you enjoyed the "running" gag!
Right?  Her hair was so perfect for letting me be a sneaky and tricksy Watcher  ;=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2023, 08:46:10 AM »
We begin at a barren lot in San Sequoia.
Chavreen:  Ooo, my house is really flat!  And made of dirt.  Covered in grass.  And not a house.

Pippin:  Well, I suppose we can get you a tent, a cooler, and a bush know...pooping and things.
Chavreen:  Or...

Chavreen:  what if I had a house made out of house parts that went together in a house-like way to become a house?
Pippin:  Maybe we could...
Chavreen:  Great!  Here we go!
Pippin:  Wait, I haven't really said what we could...

Chavreen:  Tada!!  What do you think, Pippers?
Pippin:  It's Pippin, and it...looks like a double decker bus had a baby with a patio...
Chavreen:  Thanks!
Pippin:  Not sure it's a compliment...
Chavreen:  Grand tour!!

Chavreen:  Downstairs is for cooking and eating, because staying alive!
Pippin:  I mean, that's practical...and shielded from the elements by the middle floor, so...nice...and plenty of room for adding items later...

Chavreen:  Middle floor!  Bedroom and bathroom, because sleeping and pooping, and closet because babymaking!
Pippin:  That's...I mean...yeah...

Chavreen:  Upstairs for child skilling, because children!  And a railing, because safety!
Pippin:  OK, and this all fit in the budget with a nice cushion left over...
Chavreen:  And only 32 tiles that count!
Pippin:'s it's a...
Chavreen:  Tiny house!!  Quick skilling and lots of happy!!
Pippin:  Yes, so now you can live a long and happy life...speaking of...let's go find you a spellcaster babydaddy because potions and long life go together quite nicely!

Chavreen:  And here we are at The Boil and Bubble!
Pippin:  No, it's actually called...ummm...hmmm...what is the name?
Chavreen:  The Boil and Bubble!  Magic babydaddy, here I come!!

Chavreen:  Oooo, her face is like Heaven wrapped in bacon!
Pippin:  That's really weird...
Chavreen:  No, bacon is delicious!
Pippin:  Your point is valid, but maybe let's not mention that oddly phrased compliment to her.
Chavreen:  Should I just directly ask her to be my girl babydaddy?
Pippin:  ...just go freshen up and let's try a flirty introduction.
Chavreen:  Got it!!

Chavreen:  Oh hey, did you notice my back?  Because I am back!
Pippin:  That's...something...
Chavreen:  Yeah, I'm bad at flirting and she's so out of my league.  Wait, why am I talking like that?!?!?
Pippin:  Embarrassed mirror moodlet.  We're off to a great start.  Well, go get 'er, tiger.
Chavreen:  OK, Pippers.
Pippin:  It's Pippin.

Chavreen:  (shouting down the bar) Oh, hi!  I didn't see you there...despite how radiant you are...and hard to not see...
Morgyn:  Umm, maybe you could actually go closer to her...and yell more quietly?
Chavreen:  Oh, right.  Umm...your face is like heaven wrapped in bacon!
Pippin:  (facepalm)

L. Faba:  So...I have something on my face?
Chavreen:  No.  Ummm...your face is...good...for looking at...with pretty...for my see...
Morgyn:  Oooo, what pretty clouds there are outside.  You should go gaze at them.  Together.
Pippin:  Thanks, Morgyn.
Morgyn:  It's such a delightful train wreck, I just want to make sure it lasts longer.
Pippin:  Odd motive, but I see where you're coming from.

L. Faba:  So, cloudgazing. 
Chavreen:  Yeah.
L. Faba:  ...
Chavreen:  ...
Pippin:  Maybe try some small talk?

Chavreen:  Look, that's my plumbob!
Pippin:  Less weird small talk.
Chavreen:   Oh, uh, I hear your name is El Faba.  Is that Spanish for The Faba?
L. Faba:  What's Spanish?
Pippin:  Oh, "Spanish" is the Swedish word for "Swedish."
L. Faba:  Oh, that makes sense.
Chavreen:  OK, enough cloud time.

Chavreen:  So, how many magic babies do you want to have?
Pippin:  Dude!
L. Faba:'s getting late, so...
Pippin:  Wait, by "magic babies," she meant "students."  You know, because you teach at the school.
L. Faba:  Oh.  I mean.  Only a few students at a time.
Pippin:  Why don't you kids go chat at the vampire park?

Chavreen:  You know why you shouldn't want to be a vampire?
L. Faba:  Ummm, why?
Chavreen:  Because you'd be a sucker!
L. Faba:  Oh.  Heh heh.  That was actually kind of funny.
Pippin:  Yes!
Chavreen:  Cool, let's go back to my place!
Pippin:  Oh no (facepalm).

L. Faba:  Wow, your house is...something.
Chavreen:  It certainly is a thing, but it didn't used to be!
L. Faba:  O...K?
Chavreen:  So, what say we head upstairs for a little play time?
Pippin:  Wait what?

L. Faba:  Do you mean what I think you mean?
Chavreen:  If you're thinking of what I mean, then I certainly do...or am...I got confused, what was the question?
L. Faba:  Sure, let's go play!
Pippin:  Wait, that worked?

Pippin:  Well well well, heading up to the bedroom, eh?

Pippin:  Ummm...bedroom's on the middle floor, people.
Chavreen:  But playtime is on the top floor!

Pippin:  ...seriously?
L. Faba:  Yes, seriously!  And I warn you, I'm an absolute master of this game, so you don't stand a chance!
Chavreen:  Oh yeah?  Well, let's make a bet:  if you win, I'll tend the garden and pick up the books at the magic school for a week, but if I win, you have to be my magic babydaddy!
L. Faba:  Extremely inappropriate suggestion, but since you don't stand a chance, I accept!
Chavreen:  Deal!

L. Faba:  Another piece for the champion!

Chavreen:  Hmmm, maybe...this piece?
L. Faba:  Beginner's luck!  Now let me show you how a pro does things!

L. Faba:  Aaaaand...OOPS!!

Chavreen:  ...hey there, magic babydaddy!
And with that auspicious beginning and the first babydaddy in place, we bid adieu to the soon-to-be-larger Took household.
Pippin: did that work?
L. Faba:  I want a rematch!!
Chavreen:  Let me give you a tour of the closet.
Auspicious beginning indeed.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2023, 10:57:49 AM »

Hehe, I love the house: it's just so "Chavreen." (Patio had a baby with a double decker, ha!)

Offline oshizu

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2023, 11:47:11 AM »
What an absolutely clever micro home with its outdoor stairs not counting toward the 32 tiles!  Brilliant.

Oh, L Faba is the poifect choice for Babydaddy #1. Her hair color matches Chavreen's house!
Such a quirky courtship!
Crossing my fingers for multiple births!
*whispers: On the Ley Line lot trait?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: The Occult Baby Challenge--Making a Deal...and a House
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2023, 12:28:15 PM »
So fabulous to see you starting a new challenge (although I admit I am sad the Big Dreams is over).

But what a great start! I love the way Chavreen converted her flat, made-of-dirt, grass covered, not-a-house into such a unique and personally appropriate . . . abode! Such a creative way to get so much living space and still be within 32 tiles!

And L. Faba as the first Babydaddy? What a great, fun choice. They somehow seem made for each other.

I'm so excited that I didn't miss much while I was . . . "away".
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