We begin at a barren lot in San Sequoia.Chavreen: Ooo, my house is really flat! And made of dirt. Covered in grass. And not a house.

Pippin: Well, I suppose we can get you a tent, a cooler, and a bush for...you know...pooping and things.
Chavreen: Or...

Chavreen: what if I had a house made out of house parts that went together in a house-like way to become a house?
Pippin: Maybe we could...
Chavreen: Great! Here we go!
Pippin: Wait, I haven't really said what we could...

Chavreen: Tada!! What do you think, Pippers?
Pippin: It's Pippin, and it...looks like a double decker bus had a baby with a patio...
Chavreen: Thanks!
Pippin: Not sure it's a compliment...
Chavreen: Grand tour!!
Chavreen: Downstairs is for cooking and eating, because staying alive!
Pippin: I mean, that's practical...and shielded from the elements by the middle floor, so...nice...and plenty of room for adding items later...

Chavreen: Middle floor! Bedroom and bathroom, because sleeping and pooping, and closet because babymaking!
Pippin: That's...I mean...yeah...

Chavreen: Upstairs for child skilling, because children! And a railing, because safety!
Pippin: OK, and this all fit in the budget with a nice cushion left over...
Chavreen: And only 32 tiles that count!
Pippin: Wait...it's got...so it's a...
Chavreen: Tiny house!! Quick skilling and lots of happy!!
Pippin: Yes, so now you can live a long and happy life...speaking of...let's go find you a spellcaster babydaddy because potions and long life go together quite nicely!

Chavreen: And here we are at The Boil and Bubble!
Pippin: No, it's actually called...ummm...hmmm...what
is the name?
Chavreen: The Boil and Bubble! Magic babydaddy, here I come!!

Chavreen: Oooo, her face is like Heaven wrapped in bacon!
Pippin: That's really weird...
Chavreen: No, bacon is delicious!
Pippin: Your point is valid, but maybe let's not mention that oddly phrased compliment to her.
Chavreen: Should I just directly ask her to be my girl babydaddy?
Pippin: ...just go freshen up and let's try a flirty introduction.
Chavreen: Got it!!

Chavreen: Oh hey, did you notice my back? Because I
am back!
Pippin: That's...something...
Chavreen: Yeah, I'm bad at flirting and she's so out of my league. Wait, why am I talking like that?!?!?
Pippin: Embarrassed mirror moodlet. We're off to a great start. Well, go get 'er, tiger.
Chavreen: OK, Pippers.
Pippin: It's Pippin.

Chavreen: (shouting down the bar) Oh, hi! I didn't see you there...despite how radiant you are...and hard to not see...
Morgyn: Umm, maybe you could actually go closer to her...and yell more quietly?
Chavreen: Oh, right. Umm...your face is like heaven wrapped in bacon!
Pippin: (facepalm)

L. Faba: So...I have something on my face?
Chavreen: No. Ummm...your face is...good...for looking at...with pretty...for my eyes...to see...
Morgyn: Oooo, what pretty clouds there are outside. You should go gaze at them. Together.
Pippin: Thanks, Morgyn.
Morgyn: It's such a delightful train wreck, I just want to make sure it lasts longer.
Pippin: Odd motive, but I see where you're coming from.

L. Faba: So, cloudgazing.
Chavreen: Yeah.
L. Faba: ...
Chavreen: ...
Pippin: Maybe try some small talk?

Chavreen: Look, that's my plumbob!
Pippin: Less weird small talk.
Chavreen: Oh, uh, I hear your name is El Faba. Is that Spanish for
The Faba?
L. Faba: What's Spanish?
Pippin: Oh, "Spanish" is the Swedish word for "Swedish."
L. Faba: Oh, that makes sense.
Chavreen: OK, enough cloud time.

Chavreen: So, how many magic babies do you want to have?
Pippin: Dude!
L. Faba: Umm...it's getting late, so...
Pippin: Wait, by "magic babies," she meant "students." You know, because you teach at the school.
L. Faba: Oh. I mean. Only a few students at a time.
Pippin: Why don't you kids go chat at the vampire park?

Chavreen: You know why you shouldn't want to be a vampire?
L. Faba: Ummm, why?
Chavreen: Because you'd be a sucker!
L. Faba: Oh. Heh heh. That was actually kind of funny.
Pippin: Yes!
Chavreen: Cool, let's go back to my place!
Pippin: Oh no (facepalm).

L. Faba: Wow, your house is...something.
Chavreen: It certainly is a thing, but it didn't used to be!
L. Faba: O...K?
Chavreen: So, what say we head upstairs for a little play time?
Pippin: Wait what?

L. Faba: Do you mean what I think you mean?
Chavreen: If you're thinking of what I mean, then I certainly do...or am...I got confused, what was the question?
L. Faba: Sure, let's go play!
Pippin: Wait, that worked?

Pippin: Well well well, heading up to the bedroom, eh?

Pippin: Ummm...bedroom's on the middle floor, people.
Chavreen: But playtime is on the top floor!

Pippin: ...seriously?
L. Faba: Yes, seriously! And I warn you, I'm an absolute
master of this game, so you don't stand a chance!
Chavreen: Oh yeah? Well, let's make a bet: if you win, I'll tend the garden and pick up the books at the magic school for a week, but if
I win, you have to be my magic babydaddy!
L. Faba: Extremely inappropriate suggestion, but since you don't stand a chance, I accept!
Chavreen: Deal!

L. Faba: Another piece for the champion!

Chavreen: Hmmm, maybe...this piece?
L. Faba: Beginner's luck! Now let me show you how a
pro does things!

L. Faba: Aaaaand...OOPS!!

Chavreen: ...hey there, magic babydaddy!
And with that auspicious beginning and the first babydaddy in place, we bid adieu to the soon-to-be-larger Took household.Pippin: How...how did that work?
L. Faba: I want a rematch!!
Chavreen: Let me give you a tour of the closet.
Auspicious beginning indeed.