Author Topic: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?  (Read 4357 times)

Offline Peanuts61

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Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« on: June 16, 2023, 08:29:08 PM »
Hi fellow simmers!

I am trying to start a homeless rags to riches game in starlight shores, but I can't place my sim on an empty lot. Help!  do i have to place an empty house on the lot first or can the sim just be put on the empty lot so i can try to build a home on it? i have tried, but not working. had no problem in sunset valley placing the homeless sim. I put her on recurved strand and she just slept in a sleeping bag there. no home yet. trying to wait till fall and have her a little hut before winter sets in.  thanks all!

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2023, 10:25:10 PM »
 ✽ Click images to get larger view.

You should be able to move your homeless Sim onto an empty lot -

Select Options in the lower left corner > Edit Town > Change Active Household


> Choose Household (pick a household from the town and select them to play)


or Move In Household (select a household from the household library and place them on an empty lot.)

Pick Family from Library, Choose the lot, Purchase the lot, Place them on an empty lot and then start playing the family.

Does either method not work for you?  Is that's what happening in your game?
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Offline Peanuts61

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2023, 10:37:21 AM »
it did not work! so odd, because i have a saved file in sunset valley and moved her on to recurved strand with just her sleeping bag. but i will keep trying. i wanted to have one saved game in sunset valley with a female, and one in starlight shores with a male. i wonder if a certain mod is preventing it? only because after starting the sunset valley game, i added a few more mods before starting starlight shores. as always, thanks mrs. flynn. i'll keep you posted if that's ok?

Offline Peanuts61

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2023, 03:26:48 PM »
I was also wondering, Mrs. Flynn, if We can copy an Npc sim and play them. I think gaga briody of sunset valley is a cutie and I would like to play him. is it possible to do this? I put this question here as a continuation from our conversation, sorry

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2023, 04:31:39 PM »
Yes, you can save Gage Brody to the Household Library and then move him into any of your saves.

Sims 3 - How To: Save a Household to Library

It is very possible that a mod is preventing you from moving in someone to Starlight Shores.

I'm not sure what mod that could be, so you'll have to test. I usually test mods and custom content a couple files at a time and delete cache in between testing.

Any time you add or remove mods and custom content, it's recommended to delete the cache files from your Sims 3 user folder located in Documents - \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

For reference those are:

 – CasPartCache.package ; compositorCache.package ; scriptCache.package ; simCompositorCache.package ; socialCache.package

Anytime you add or delete mods or custom content it's a good idea to delete the cache files to help refresh the game's memory of the removed files.

Read more about Fixing issues with Mods and Custom Content in the post linked below.

Sims 3 - How-To: Fix Problems with Mods/CC
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Offline Peanuts61

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2023, 05:41:59 PM »
I do that too. i always save and quit my game, then clear cache because they accumulate so doggone fast. thanks, I really like gage, so he will be added. i haven't figured out yet what kind of job to give him though. 

Offline Peanuts61

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2023, 05:56:31 PM »

I am playing that game now, Mrs. Flynn and I still can't place her on an empty lot, so I downloaded a seedy motel from Mod the sims and I am letting my sim stay there. she sleeps in her sleeping bag there and takes showers and brushes her teeth. this is just temporary though. I have big plans!

thanks for the help!

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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Placing Homeless Sim on an Empty Lot?
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2023, 06:31:50 PM »
Hmm.. Okay, try this: (thinking something in the folder may have corrupted)

Create a new Sims 3 folder don't add anything back. Create a new test-save in Starlight Shores to see if you can move someone in from the library.

To create a new Sims 3 folder, go to: (\Documents\Electronic Arts) - right-click on the Sims 3 folder and select Rename. I usually rename it something like Sims3-old or Sims3-1. Everything is safe in your old Sims 3 folder.

Launch the game and exit it so it creates a new folder.

Start a new test save in Starlight Shores, move someone in from the library. Does it work?

Quit without saving.

If all is good, it might be something in your old folder got corrupted. You can then start copying files/folders over from your old folder into your new one.

If you need help in knowing what to add, see the post linked below:

Sims 3 - How To: Saving Folders/Files: (
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