Author Topic: Alvah Occults Legacy - 7/1/23 Chapter 10: Moon Children  (Read 15155 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Alvah Occults Legacy - 7/1/23 Chapter 10: Moon Children
« on: June 16, 2023, 10:38:41 AM »
The Alvah Occults Legacy

Generation One: Morgaine Alvah - IN PROGRESS

Traits: Evil, Non-Committal, Romantic
Bonus Trait: Dastardly


Regular Create-a-Sim Start
No Roommates
Must Accept All Invitations from Romantic Interests
Serial Romantic Aspiration
Villainous Valentine Aspiration
Secret Agent Career
? ? ?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2023, 10:58:00 AM »
Challenge Goals

This Legacy is a jumble or mishmash of various challenges. I'll be playing in accordance with the general conventions for multi-gen challenges. That is, no money cheats and no mods that offer any unfair advantage in gameplay, etc. Lifespan is set to normal.

As much as I loved playing my Immortal Occults Dynasty, I found it was not ideal for me. By keeping my sims immortal, I found myself trying to play all immortals/heirs at the same time, instead of dedicating all my attention to each new generation. This multi-tasking led to incredibly slow gameplay, with frequent pausing and micromanagement. It also kept my sims housebound, since the home could provide everything for each sim at the same time in a way that public lots could not. I also spent an excessive amount of time building and decorating, further slowing progress.

Therefore, some of the goals for this challenge are to embrace - and say goodbye to - each generation as it comes. Each generation will move to a new home at the young adult stage - no building mega mansions! Dynasty museum and graveyard will be kept off lot, to the extent that I build them. The plan is to keep going until all aspirations have been completed.

I am using the Fleuralia save file, which can be found at It's an absolutely amazing world which I encourage you to check out.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2023, 12:29:35 PM »
Lovely to see the return of Morgaine. Looking forward to reading her new adventures. :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2023, 12:37:36 PM »
Lovely to see the return of Morgaine. Looking forward to reading her new adventures. :)

Aw, thank you! I'm just posting her first week now. I chose Morgaine for my founder because I think she's about the prettiest sim the game's ever generated for me. She's a fresh copy, of course, so no skills or what not.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2023, 12:37:54 PM »
Chapter One - The Mid-NoWhere

It all starts here, in Mid-NoWhere, a 20x20 residential lot located in the Crumbling Isle of Windenburg,

With a witch named Morgaine Alvah (who you may be familiar with) and a cat named Deva, her familiar, who is entirely new.

The welcome wagon is prompt to introduce themselves,

But two of the men are angry and arguing with each other, so Morgaine focuses her attention on this one: Sergio Romeo.

And can you believe it? They have amazing compatibility!

That's some major "look deeply into eyes" right there.

Sergio is so enamored, in fact, that as soon as the welcome wagon leaves - himself included, he calls Morgaine with a surprising question.

She accepts, of course, then departs for the magic realm for some training, when this happens.

Moragine: "You followed me all the way into the magic realm to ask me to be your best friend, and offer me this rose? My, how delightfully eager! My nascent magic must be even more powerful than I thought!"

She introduces herself to Simeon Silversweater, the practical arts magic teacher. He's kind enough to teach her the plentiful needs potion recipe, along with repairo.

She also meets fellow magic student Darrel Charm, and they also have amazing compatibility. Two in one day! Truly, she was born under a blessed star.

As if that wasn't enough, she also discovers that he's soon to be a married man. He's engaged to one Emilia Earnest. Excellent! Morgaine imagines the destruction she will cause and relishes the thought -- Oh, did a certain Watcher forget to mention that Morgaine is evil?

She invites him back to her place, and after a little wooing . . .

And woohooing . . .

Darrel agrees to be her boyfriend. They even take an autonomous picture together to commemorate the event.

Moragine finds that both of her suitors are quite motivated.

Sergio swings by with flowers.

Darrel, with presents.

Sergio takes Morgaine out on the town,

Spends Valentines day with her,

And even invites her to the Romance Festival.

According to the Love Guru, it's a perfect match!

It's all a bit . . . Well, it's all a bit suffocating, isn't it?

Moragine drops by the Goth estate in search of more variety. "I'm afraid our compatibility is quite bad, Mortimer. Now where is that wife of yours?"

They hit it off quite well, and their compatibility is good, but Bella Goth simply isn't into the ladies.

Still, Bella is eager to be friends and storms into Morgaine's house to ask her to besties.

Bella: "I understand you've just joined the Secret Agent career. That's fabulous, darling, I'll take you under my wing and show you the ropes! I sense your powers of seduction may even rival mine."

As if all of that didn't make for one dramatic, exciting first week to her legacy, Darrel decides to up the ante.

He barges into her house unexpectedly one evening to propose!

Morgaine: "Yes! Yes, of course, my love! Of course I'll marry you. Just please look the other way, and don't mind the man in my bed."

Morgaine: "But, now dearest, if we're to be wed, don't you think it's time to break up with Emelia?"

Darrel, however, thinks otherwise. This man wants to have his cake and eat it too.

He still has the gumption, however, to ask Morgaine to move in together. It's definitely not the right time!

Yes, Morgaine thinks, she'll have no weight on her conscience for what happens to this one.

Week One Progress: Serial Romantic: Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend ✔️ Go on Two Dates ✔️ Achieve Level Four Charisma Skill ✔️

Gallery Downloads:
"Witch Cat" by sagakiss.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23 Chapter One: The Mid-NoWhere
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2023, 03:42:15 PM »
This is hilarious! The autonomous relationship stuff is quite intense. So glad to see Morgaine making the most of it.

I like Sergio but oh - that Darrel Charm - a strong bloodline...and violet eyes...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23 Chapter One: The Mid-NoWhere
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2023, 05:12:10 PM »
I was really surprised to see that Morgaine has embarked on a new adventure to found a new legacy!
How wonderful that you've decided to join Glazey and I on a create-your-own legacy challenge!!!
Great choice for founder!  Indeed, Morgaine is an extremely attractive sim!  Your choice of hairstyle for her really suits her vibe, too!
You will definitely enjoy the greater freedom of playing each generation differently and moving around to different towns!

Morgaine, forget about Darrel Charm! 
Yes he has a strong magical bloodline, but have you asked to see Sergio's swimwear?  Dem abs!
You listed Serial Romantic as Morgaine's aspiration, but will she also attempt Dastardly Valentine?

Looking forward to learning about Morgaine's future adventures!
(Lol, how many engagements and marriages can she break up before reading her adult stage?)

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23 Chapter One: The Mid-NoWhere
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2023, 09:07:54 AM »
Oh my heavens, Morgaine is delightfully evil!!  The "don't mind the other man in my bed" part was fantastic!  Actually, so many parts were fantastic!  I'm definitely intrigued to see who ends up being the eventual father (fathers?) of gen 2, though I'm in no rush for the next gen since Morgaine (who I've finally stopped calling Morrigan in my own head) is making the ride there so enjoyable  :=)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/16/23 Chapter One: The Mid-NoWhere
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2023, 10:33:12 AM »
This is hilarious! The autonomous relationship stuff is quite intense. So glad to see Morgaine making the most of it.

I like Sergio but oh - that Darrel Charm - a strong bloodline...and violet eyes...

It's everything I wanted for Morgaine! When she did this last time, no one asked her out autonomously or anything, despite lots of very high romance bars. Maddening! Glad to see the game is being more cooperative this time around! :P

I was really surprised to see that Morgaine has embarked on a new adventure to found a new legacy!
How wonderful that you've decided to join Glazey and I on a create-your-own legacy challenge!!!
Great choice for founder!  Indeed, Morgaine is an extremely attractive sim!  Your choice of hairstyle for her really suits her vibe, too!
You will definitely enjoy the greater freedom of playing each generation differently and moving around to different towns!

Morgaine, forget about Darrel Charm! 
Yes he has a strong magical bloodline, but have you asked to see Sergio's swimwear?  Dem abs!
You listed Serial Romantic as Morgaine's aspiration, but will she also attempt Dastardly Valentine?

Looking forward to learning about Morgaine's future adventures!
(Lol, how many engagements and marriages can she break up before reading her adult stage?)

Yes, you and Glazey were quite inspiring! I even borrowed Glazey's idea to use a save file created by another player. It's making the worlds and sims much more interesting to explore and meet. I'm also borrowing doing updates in the week long bits, as many of you do. I realized I'd been playing my Occults Dynasty since AUGUST, and I mean, really playing! A lot! A new challenge to force things to keep a faster pace seemed appropriate. So here I am!

Like you, I'm trying to keep some of the requirements for each generation under wraps until they're obvious. In this case, because it's so obvious, I don't mind sharing that Morgaine is definitely  doing Villainous Valentine as well. I messed it up in my last challenge by completing Serial Romantic first, making it impossible to cheat, so I won't make that mistake again.

Oh my heavens, Morgaine is delightfully evil!!  The "don't mind the other man in my bed" part was fantastic!  Actually, so many parts were fantastic!  I'm definitely intrigued to see who ends up being the eventual father (fathers?) of gen 2, though I'm in no rush for the next gen since Morgaine (who I've finally stopped calling Morrigan in my own head) is making the ride there so enjoyable  :=)

I know right?? I had no idea what was going to happen when Morgaine accepted a proposal from Darrel with Sergio right there. The answer is nothing, apparently, as Sergio kept right on napping and was utterly unperturbed.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/18/23 Chapter 2:
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2023, 10:40:29 AM »
Chapter Two: Water Fun

Morgaine starts week two with her first day of work, and - hey! - she gets a promotion.

This is also just a great shot of the house interior.

The next day is Summer Fun Day, a holiday to enjoy water fun, barbecuing, fireworks, and more.

Morgaine hits up the Windenburg pool to celebrate.

And, of course, scope out some potential targets.

She meets Agatha Crumplebottom in the hot tub and learns the old gal is still exploring, even at her age. How progressive!

Morgaine is all too happy to help her explore.

Morgaine: "Come. I'll show you how it's done."

It's a little awkward, considering it's the old biddy's first time with a lady, but that's probably to be expected.

Sergio catches wind of their time together, but fortunately remains blissfully ignorant.

Morgaine: "Yes, hon, my new . . . um, friend."

Despite her water fun on Summer Fun Day, both pool and otherwise, Morgaine feels strangely burnt out on work.

She heads to Sulani for a little beach side relaxation.

After a sufficient rest, she notices a gathering of sims at the Ohan’ali Town Pavilion. She introduces herself to Alamea Marina, average compatibility, and Kalamainu'u Iona, amazing compatibility.

"Should she go for it?", the Watcher wonders. Kalamainu'u isn't Morgaine's grandmother in this universe. (That's her with the blue hair and fire batons to the right.)

Next up, Darrel calls to invite her to the Spice Festival.

He's a little down about something or another.

What a wet blanket. Not much of a way to show a lady a good time!

Still, Morgaine manages to enjoying herself by sampling the food.

And gathering a few new plants for her garden.

After a . . . friendly? game of chess at the park, Morgaine levels up her Logic.

And earns a second promotion.

Finally, the week ends with Prank Day, and boy does Morgaine have a prank in mind!

She visits the Charm residence and introduces herself to Darrel's other fiance, Emilia Earnest.

Since he won't break it off with her, at dinner, Morgaine blows Darrel a little kiss.

Emilia is sufficiently steamed! What fun!

Morgaine tries to exacerbate the the situation further, but Emilia has the most annoying way of leaving the room at exactly the wrong time.

Look at all that canoodling she's missing out on witnessing!

Yes, it's definitely been an excellent prank day.

Week Two Progress:

Serial Romantic: Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend ✔️ Go on Two Dates ✔️ Achieve Level Four Charisma Skill ✔️ Have Had Three First Kisses ✔️ Achieve Level Six Charisma Skill ✔️ Have a Strong Relationship with Three Sims at Once ✔️

Secret Agent Career: 3/10

Offline oshizu

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/18/23 Chapter 2: Water Fun
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2023, 03:30:11 PM »
Looks like Morgaine's really having the time of her life!
It's so fascinating how much the game throws at her when she's the only active sim you're playing.
She really deserves all the attention.  So happy for her!

No help for Darrel, but Emilia's makeover is really nice!
In my weird simverse, MCCC decided to break up the Darrell/Emilia and Tomax/Grace relationships, marrying off Darrel/Grace and Tomax/Emilia.
Haha, I was shocked to see Morgaine living in such a small home.  How the mighty have fallen!  (just kidding!)

By the way, whose save file are you using?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/18/23 Chapter 2: Water Fun
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2023, 01:54:07 AM »
Good to see Morgaine live life to the full and not rushing into the next gen. Prank Day was designed with her in mind! Now, are you going to get her Fitness up so she'll enjoy Brawl Day too? Lol!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/18/23 Chapter 2: Water Fun
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2023, 08:12:55 AM »
Looks like Morgaine's really having the time of her life!
It's so fascinating how much the game throws at her when she's the only active sim you're playing.
She really deserves all the attention.  So happy for her!

No help for Darrel, but Emilia's makeover is really nice!
In my weird simverse, MCCC decided to break up the Darrell/Emilia and Tomax/Grace relationships, marrying off Darrel/Grace and Tomax/Emilia.
Haha, I was shocked to see Morgaine living in such a small home.  How the mighty have fallen!  (just kidding!)

By the way, whose save file are you using?

Haha, yes. This is quite a transition for Morgaine. I decided that part of her requirements were a regular Create-A-Sim start, which gave her roughly 22,000 to by a starter 17,000 home. She's also not allowed to invite roommates to gain early riches or help.

I'm using the Fleuralia save file, which can be found at It's an absolutely amazing world which I encourage anyone to check out.

Good to see Morgaine live life to the full and not rushing into the next gen. Prank Day was designed with her in mind! Now, are you going to get her Fitness up so she'll enjoy Brawl Day too? Lol!

I know, right? The only requirement was mischief interactions, but Morgaine put her own spin on it.  ;) As for Brawl Day, you better believe it!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/19/23 Chapter 3: And I'd Do It Again, Too!
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2023, 08:32:54 AM »
Chapter Three: And I'd Do It Again, Too!

Week three begins with Morgaine in one of Windenburg's cafes with a new acquaintance, Hailey Staton.

A friendly chat turns flirty. Morgaine scores a kiss.

And a great reputation.

She's in Sulani and about to chat up Kalamainu'u Iona, too, when Morgaine receives a call.

Perhaps it's for the best, all things considered. "Used to be related in another life" is a questionable basis for a romantic relationship.

At any rate, Hailey has the right idea. The spa is gorgeous.

And the ladies enjoy their pampering,

In more ways than one.

Morgaine even runs into her bestie and fellow co-worker, Bella.

Bella: "Glad to see you're treating yourself, darling!"

They get to chatting, and it seems Bella has quite a few, very big questions on her mind.

Should she and Mortimer have another child?

Should she pursue of friendship with a powerful vampire?

More beautiful Goth babies? And you know Morgaine is friendly with those occult types. The answers are "Yes and yes!"

The next day, a flood of visitors unexpectedly flock to her home.

Including both Darrel and Sergio.

This is an opportunity, she realizes, for chaos.

She flirts with Sergio the whole night, but Darrel does nothing but stamp his feet in anger. What? No fighting? No dramatic break up? She's disappointed by the overall lack of excitement.

Morgaine spends some time pondering her next move at Windenburg's Hare Square.

With several lovers under her belt, perhaps it's time to start thinking about the future, and the child she must inevitably have as a legacy founder. More specifically, as a founder of an occult legacy.

Yes, it's time to head to Grim Tooth Bar and Bunker in Moonwood Mill and introduce herself to the locals.

Morgaine scores a kiss with werewolf Taga Star,

When she gets a call from Darrel. Really, he didn't get the hint already?

She accepts the invitation, if only to put matters to bed.

Morgaine: "It's over, Darrel. Say buh-bye!"

Ah, to be single again!

Unfortunately, Darrel has a little trouble coming to terms with Morgaine's decision. In a fit of pique, he follows her home and even barges into the bathroom demanding answers!

Boundaries, Darrel. Boundaries. Is she going to have to be worried about stalkers now?

She awakes the next morning to see that the apple trees she planted have finally produced fruit.

Perfect! Now she can finally make Plentiful Needs potions to her heart's content.

The potion backfires, a firm reminder that she's no Virtuoso anymore, and Morgaine is struck with the Curse of Repulsiveness.

How can she possibly woo anyone with a countenance like this?

She heads to the magic realm to seek training, when she's interrupted by a call from Taga.

Fortunately, her appearance is (temporarily) back to normal. Taga jumps in the water, and Morgaine decides to follow him in with a skinny dip.

Their romantic dip finished, Taga shakes himself off. It's dog-like for sure, but also alluring.

There's nowhere to go but the bushes, but Morgaine simply must have him.

And she'd do it again too!

Despite the fact that Taga is a good sim - and Morgaine's occasional insults on the matter - they have a stellar time. Just look at the reviews!

Now, if only she can get rid of this blasted curse . . .

Generation One: Week Three

Regular Create-a-Sim Start
No Roommates Allowed
Must Accept All Invitations from Romantic Interests
Serial Romantic: Have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend ✔️ Go on Two Dates ✔️ Achieve Level Four Charisma Skill ✔️ Have Had Three First Kisses ✔️ Achieve Level Six Charisma Skill ✔️ Have a Strong Relationship with Three Sims at Once ✔️
Villainous Valentine: Get Caught Cheating 10/10 ✔️
Secret Agent Career: 4/10
? ? ?

Gallery Downloads:

Taga Star is "Werewolf Male" by Disgroofle.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Alvah Occults Legacy - 6/19/23 Chapter 3: And I'd Do It Again, Too!
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2023, 09:01:38 AM »
Morgaine is doing fabulously...despite how dull Darrel is!  C'mon, Darrel, at least yell and scream to give our glorious evil founder some chuckles and a positive moodlet  :=)
The 4th wall breaking commentary about how she used to be related to Kalamainu'u in another universe was absolutely delightful!
Awww, Morgaine is going to have a puppy?  That's awesome!!  Looking forward to seeing the nooboo and to seeing what's next for the queen of mean   :=)

