Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31255 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 14: CALculating (14-Sep)
« Reply #240 on: September 14, 2023, 11:23:49 AM »
Calvin’s portrait and collection of his own 7 paintings brings the Tangata museum value up to a whopping $46,942, beating the Calixte value of $28,505 hands-down. The value of the Kenna museum after Evelyn’s contribution was $22,874. Can Kate find the required $24,068 in this last week to win the day?
I doubt I've ever had my sims participate in Brawl Day. If I see it on the calendar, I delete it in advance.  Was it fun, Watcher?
Terrific job with the restaurant, Leo! It seem glitch-free, too!

Hello, Kate?  Omiscan Treasures? You can do it!

Watcher, you are so quick to updating your story! Is it because the final week of your RDC offers less to do?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 14: CALculating (14-Sep)
« Reply #241 on: September 14, 2023, 12:28:24 PM »
Calvin’s portrait and collection of his own 7 paintings brings the Tangata museum value up to a whopping $46,942, beating the Calixte value of $28,505 hands-down. The value of the Kenna museum after Evelyn’s contribution was $22,874. Can Kate find the required $24,068 in this last week to win the day?
I doubt I've ever had my sims participate in Brawl Day. If I see it on the calendar, I delete it in advance.  Was it fun, Watcher?
Terrific job with the restaurant, Leo! It seem glitch-free, too!

Hello, Kate?  Omiscan Treasures? You can do it!

Watcher, you are so quick to updating your story! Is it because the final week of your RDC offers less to do?
Once the Gen 5 heir has moved, I'm really just killing time with them. It was fun for Calvin to seek the other heirs out for Brawl Day and to carry it on to the Prom with Malcolm. What's funny is that, as it's Brawl Day, they always hug afterwards and their friendship/enemy level doesn't change! Here's Edie hugging Calvin immediately after brawling!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Genetic Ancestry for each Bloodline
« Reply #242 on: September 14, 2023, 03:00:55 PM »
At this point, before the final episode, I thought anyone following this little challenge might like to see the full ancestry of each Bloodline and how different facial features and colouring varies over the generations.

The Kennas - Well-Educated

Kenna All Genes.jpg

The Calixtes - Spellcasters

Calixte All Genes.jpg

The Tangatas - Retail

Tangata All Genes.jpg

All comments welcome :)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Genetic Ancestry for each Bloodline (14-Sep)
« Reply #243 on: September 14, 2023, 10:53:29 PM »
Thank you so much for sharing the portraits of your five generations of founder/heirs and their spouses.
I was fascinated by how much Will's features seem to have "resurfaced" in Kate.
And Evelyn's deep-set eyes, did they originate from Will as well?

Edie looked surprising a lot like Minerva! Even more so than the lovely Stephanie, but that might just be my imagination.
As for the Tangatas, it's no surprise that they're such an attractive bunch!  They married in some of the best-looking premade sims in The Sims 4! :D
Of course, the roster of "best-looking sims" is completely subjective and no doubt varies from simmer from simmer.
But Yuki and Morgan are two of my favorite premade sims. Oh, and among the Tangatas, Leo is my favorite! :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Genetic Ancestry for each Bloodline (14-Sep)
« Reply #244 on: September 15, 2023, 01:59:07 AM »
Thank you so much for sharing the portraits of your five generations of founder/heirs and their spouses.
I was fascinated by how much Will's features seem to have "resurfaced" in Kate.
And Evelyn's deep-set eyes, did they originate from Will as well?

I think the deep-set eyes must have come from Will Kenna. They're not evident in Valentine or Emmanuel but Wolfgang doesn't seem to have them either. Maybe it's just a curve-ball randomization thing. I do like Kates features. I think they could be described as elfin...

Edie looked surprising a lot like Minerva! Even more so than the lovely Stephanie, but that might just be my imagination.
I think you mean Natalie and I also think she's the loveliest of the Calixte line.

As for the Tangatas, it's no surprise that they're such an attractive bunch!  They married in some of the best-looking premade sims in The Sims 4! :D
Of course, the roster of "best-looking sims" is completely subjective and no doubt varies from simmer from simmer.
But Yuki and Morgan are two of my favorite premade sims. Oh, and among the Tangatas, Leo is my favorite! :)

Leo is quite vulnerable-looking and still has Maaike's chipmunk-esque round face, very prominent in Stephanie but the picture of Maaike defending her babies' sink from Edie shows it very clearly.
I prefer Calvin with the slightly longer face from Morgan's genes.

As you say, it's all very subjective.

I forgot to mention that only Cyrus (Calixte spous) was inserted into the Simverse. All other spouses were either original townies or later spawns.

In the game, Kate is building up some jungle skills and getting ready for another temple-run  :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 15: Bringing Up The Rear
« Reply #245 on: September 15, 2023, 10:02:36 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 15: Bringing Up The Rear

Previously in the Kenna Household: Having completed her requirements, our current heir Evelyn devoted herself to helping her daughter Kate meet hers, ably assisted by her husband Daichi and twin (teen) brother James. A couple of trips to the jungles of Selvadorada meant Kate was well on her way to being an Archaeology Scholar

L-to-R: James, Evelyn, Daichi, Kate
Ridgeline Drive, Cookout Lookout

Kate: I’ve got so many artifact-shaped lumps and unauthenticated artifacts that I really need to start work on them. It seems like a lonely task but my family are always around chatting to me…
Watcher: Distracting you!
Kate: …that I don’t get lonely at all!


Kate: So the basics of Archaelogy are…
James: This is incredibly interesting….
Kate: I’m so glad you liked my lecture. When I included you with all the other family to lecture, half of them wandered off and it wasn’t successful at all.
James (Clapping): I know but this one was great!
Kate: I’m planning to write a book on it next. Could you give me some writing pointers?
James: Anything for my favourite niece.


James: Wow. I can’t believe you’ve written your book in just one sitting.
Kate: I couldn’t do it without you, Uncle James.
James: Congratulations on being an official Archaeology Scholar.


Watcher: You know you could finish now, if you want?
Kate: Are these artifacts valuable enough to win, now that James has painted that better portrait of me?
Watcher (counting on fingers): Not quite, sweetie. But you know it’s the taking part that counts?
Kate: Not good enough. I’m in it to win. Book us on the next flight to Selvadorada!


Watcher: I don’t think you’ll manage a best portrait than the last one.
James: It’s worth a shot. Besides, you’d just have me digging around if I’m not painting.
Watcher: True enough.


Evelyn: What, Grandad?
Valentine: How are you getting on?
Evelyn: I can’t hear you Grandad. The reception’s really bad.
Valentine: Are you by the waterfall?
Evelyn: I think it’s because we’re by the waterfall. It’s making everyone Flirty.
Valentine: Good luck!


Kate: Well, Uncle James, you may not be feeling Flirty but Mum and Dad surely are.
James: It’s like they’re teenagers again.
Kate: I’ll keep hacking these vines. You go and did somewhere.


Kate: I just need to solve this last trap before the final treasure room and then I’d better get back to civilisation and get me some antidote. This is the 2nd time that bees have stung me badly!


Back home and Kate went on a couple of skill-building trips in Oasis Springs:
Fishing with Emrys Calixte and working out with James, mentored by Becca Clarke.


Kate: Hey Mum, I’ve come home to work on my gardening and charisma skills.
Evelyn: Oh! Confetti!
Kate: Mum! Are you pregnant?
Evelyn: That Flirty waterfall!
Kate: Congratulations?
Evelyn: Oh yes! It’s wonderful news. Daichi will be so pleased.


Leo: I’ve come to see how you’re getting on. You know my boy Calvin moved out last week?
Evelyn: Yes, I know. I’m sure he did very well. All his little paintings…
Leo: Some of them are quite large, you know.
Evelyn: Look, Kate keeps suggesting that I fix our relationship. What do you think?
Leo: OK, we can move past it. Hey, I called yesterday and there was no-one here.
Evelyn: We were in Selvadorada again. Look here are my pics.
Leo: Oh yes, I saw Kate’s collection of artifacts. Not very valuable but very cute.
Evelyn: There’s more than artifacts. She’s got 5 pieces of treasure now. She just needs 2 more.
Leo: Treasure? No-one told us anything about treasure!


James: Ah – back in the jungle and the big house near the ruins. I’ll just make some breakfast while Kate makes a start.
Daichi: And I’ll just check out the shower…
Evelyn: Me too.


Daichi: How did he get here?
Kate: He must have just followed us through the archways.
Daichi: You know he asked if he could be Best Friends with your Mum?
Kate: NO!
Daichi: You’d better get on with the traps and check he’s not with you when you get to the last one!


Leo: You know a young girl like you shouldn’t be messing about with ancient temples. It’s very dangerous.
Kate: I think I know what I’m doing but thank you for your concern.


Leo: There – see! You could have got badly hurt. No-one would think less of you for sticking with the artefacts.
Kate: I know I got that wrong but it actually gave me some more archaeology skill for avoiding the trap. At least it would have if I hadn’t already maxed it.
Leo: I think you’d be safer at home.


Stone Head: Ho h oho! That’s a good joke. Through you go to the last room.
Kate: And if you see a brown haired guy follow me…?
Stone Head: I’ll distract him.
Kate: Thank you Stone Head. You’re the best!


Daichi: You got the temple treasure. Why aren’t we heading home?
Kate: I’ve got to try all these gates. Sometimes there’s treasure in the vines…
Daichi: Your Mum really needs to lie down.
Kate: I see something shiny…..YES! My 7th piece of treasure! Home we go!


Emmanuel: Happy birthday, son.
James: Thanks Dad. Kate asked if I wanted to stay a teen but I’m ready to adult now.
Emmanuel: I’m glad. Wolfgang would have loved to be here (sniff)
James: Of course he would.


Kate: Happy Birthday, Uncle James
James: Are you sure you don’t want me to move with you?
Kate: Well, you’ve become a little Self-Absorbed plus you want to be a Purveyor of Potions. I’m not sure how I feel about that!


Kate: Thanks for everything, Mum.
Evelyn: I’m sorry your Gt Gt Grandad Will isn’t here. I don’t know where he is but we’re all so very proud of you.


Kate: Ah! A small home on the last lot in Newcrest but with all the artifacts I’ve amassed plus the work from the institute, I won’t be here long!


Kate – Self-Assured in her final lot.
Bridgeview, Comfy Cubby

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

Of course, you’re all desperate to know which bloodline won…the Finale will be released shortly.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Finale
« Reply #246 on: September 15, 2023, 12:07:04 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Finale

Our three Bloodlines have lived through 5 generations to give us our final Gen 5 heirs, all teens:

Kate Kenna – Well-Educated


Edie Calixte – Spellcaster


Calvin Tangata – Retail


Kate: Hey, you guys! Want to get together at mine to discuss the winner?


Kate: Oh – that’s too bad.


Kate: I’ll just have to declare myself the winner and post photo proof online


Calvin: Did you see Kate’s post?
Edie: That’s not her real hair.
Calvin: It’s not a crown either. Only I won a Prom Crown.
Edie: Still it looks like real jewels, did you say she got Omniscan treasures? Looks like she won the museum value part.
Calvin: But I ended up with the most dosh in my pocket. Retail’s a great way to make money even if it is hard work.
Edie: And I finished first so…who won?


Watcher Notes

Officially, with all Bloodlines getting 5 of the 15 available lots in Newcrest, the winner is the one with the most valuable collections and portraits – that would be the Well-Educated Kennas:

$81,108 Well-Educated Kennas
$46,942 Retail Tangatas
$28,505 Spellcaster Calixtes

As a race, clearly the Spellcaster Calixtes won:

wk 14, Sun – Spellcaster Calixtes
wk 14 Thu – Retail Tangatas
wk 15 Wed – Well-Educated Kennas

And as Calvin pointed out, the Retail Bloodline made the most money over all. This isn’t mentioned in the rules, but it makes the Retail Bloodline happy.

This was a fun challenge and very different, if you’ve not done rotational play before. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride.

Incidentally, a household containing my 3 Gen 5 teens has been uploaded to the Gallery.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 15: Bringing Up The Rear (15-Sep)
« Reply #247 on: September 15, 2023, 12:27:56 PM »
Congratulations on winning the Rival Dynasties Challenge, Kate!
We all knew you would do it!  *applauds heartily

A tip too late to be useful but another incredibly helpful skill for Selvadorado is Wellness.
Getting to L7 Wellness lets our sims teleport around the jungle.  But you probably already knew that, Kate. ;_
Great work, Watcher!
And, Kate, good idea to move out before the arrival of your infant sibling(s). (Though I do wonder what they'll look like...)

P.S. Yes, thanks for correcting me.  I meant Natalie Calixte.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #248 on: September 15, 2023, 12:32:36 PM »
Well, darn it!  I posted my previous comment before you psted your Finale episode, Watcher.
How wonderful that each of the Gen5 heirs considered themselves the winner in one aspect of the challenge.
Still, Kate worked hardest on her collection.  She deserves the official title of RDC Victor!  Hurray!  *throws confetti

And congratulations, too, to their Watcher on a job well done!
What next?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #249 on: September 15, 2023, 03:57:07 PM »
Well, darn it!  I posted my previous comment before you psted your Finale episode, Watcher.
How wonderful that each of the Gen5 heirs considered themselves the winner in one aspect of the challenge.
Still, Kate worked hardest on her collection.  She deserves the official title of RDC Victor!  Hurray!  *throws confetti

And congratulations, too, to their Watcher on a job well done!
What next?
I've had a lot of fun with this one. So tempting to dive straight into a new one....

I did know about Wellness helping with transportation in the jungle but i always forget until I'm there! Doh!

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #250 on: September 15, 2023, 04:18:43 PM »
I've had a lot of fun with this one. So tempting to dive straight into a new one....

Congrats, Granny. :) I post the rule set for the 2023 Tournament Finale on Monday. I know you're not a Tournament player, but this will be a taste of the upcoming new Dynasty, and Dynasty players will be able to continue their Finale file.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #251 on: September 16, 2023, 01:49:22 AM »
I've had a lot of fun with this one. So tempting to dive straight into a new one....

Congrats, Granny. :) I post the rule set for the 2023 Tournament Finale on Monday. I know you're not a Tournament player, but this will be a taste of the upcoming new Dynasty, and Dynasty players will be able to continue their Finale file.
Monday seems so far away !  ;)

I'm really looking forward to seeing the new dynasty  but sadly won't have a chance to compete as part of the tournament.  I will not be able to do any "serious" simming at that time for ..... reasons - good reasons but...nonetheless. I've held the middle position on this year's leader board after doing the first few challenges. It'll be a shame to miss the final with its bonus scoring and slip down.  :(

Good luck to all the competitors - I'll be cheering from the sidelines!

I'm hoping to do the new dynasty after my break. Oh, what could it be! Historical, fantastical, a race? The possibilities are endless!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #252 on: September 18, 2023, 02:13:46 AM »
If you've enjoyed reading my challenge-based stories on here and wondered whether you could write your own, do it!

I started reading others stories as a way of picking up hints and tips and I was nervous of my own creative limitations. But, taking screenshots and screen captures of the weird and funny things my Sims get up to, I find the stories often write themselves.

It's not high art, just a bit of fun. It also helps me stick to the ruleset that I've chosen as others read, comment, advise & encourage.

As @Metropolis Man mentioned, the new tournament challenge is to be announced later today. Go, check it out, make all your notes, ask all the questions and then write it up as you play it. I'd love to read along when it goes live in October!  :)

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Re: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)
« Reply #253 on: September 26, 2023, 12:30:27 AM »
What a fabulous finish to a wonderful story! I love that each of the bloodlines "won" in one way or another!