Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31254 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 13: EDIfication (8-Aug)
« Reply #225 on: September 08, 2023, 04:20:48 PM »
Great jo passing on Minerva's nose to four generations!
Congrats to Cassie for maxing her career and finding Osprey who's such an enthusiastic father.
I can understand why Edit shouldn't cast Inferniate on Kate, but why won't you let her be mean to some of her deserving schoolmates?
I hate the mean interactions but Edie needs to be disliked by 2 people for the Chief of Mischief. I was torn between getting through that asap or waiting until the other heirs are teens as she needs to be enemies with them as well. I wimped out basically.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 13: EDIfication (8-Aug)
« Reply #226 on: September 09, 2023, 01:10:43 PM »
Tangatas: Morgan Fyres is lovely - what a solid choice for Leo! Nice work, Watcher, with a vet clinic and a restaurant going at the same time.

Kennas: I was going to say this household's not getting by with anything with Kate around! But I have to amend that - it's not just the household! It's everyone - even child-hating Lily Feng.

Calixtes: Edie is quite the rival for Kate, although the museum rules do seem to handicap the Calixtes and give Kate great fodder for taunting. The exchange between child Kate and teen Edie was fun - can't wait to see how things unfold as they age and possibly take it up a notch!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating
« Reply #227 on: September 09, 2023, 01:48:43 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating

Previously in the Tangata family: Leo, our current heir, moved out of his tense parental home and set up a more supportive family with Morgan Fyres, her mother Moira and niece Leilani. Our next heir, Calvin made their happiness complete as he aged up to a toddler. Leo got to level 8 in his REDACTEDcareer and got his restaurant up to 3.5 stars

L-to-R: Leilani, Leo, Morgan holding Calvin, Moira, Cilla
Ridgeline Drive, Civic Cliffs

Calvin: GanGan?
Moira: Hi sweetie. Just let me finish this row.
Calvin: What doin?
Moira: Knitting a wonderful sweater than I can show off to people.
Calvin: ?


Leo: Congratulations on your birthday, sis. Gosh, you do look like Mum.
Cilla: That’s a good thing, right? By the way, I’ll take over the cooking. I’m a Vegetarian now.


Cilla: Such a short toddlerhood but a Happy one!
Calvin: Pfft


Calvin: Watcher sent me out to look for frogs but the house is so crowded, I’ve stayed out here to play with this figurine that someone sent me. I really like being alone.


Moira: I told you I’d teach you once you were big enough to be safe with the needles.
Calvin: It’s harder than it looks. All these people at Dad’s restaurant…I can't concentrate.
Moira: We can relocate upstairs if you like. There’s no customers up there.


Leo: I really hoped I could stick to a desk job in this career but they’ve sent me out to find evidence. I kind of hope I don’t find any.


Leo: Hm I couldn’t see anything in this pile earlier. But since I’ve looked at the locked door, these strange seeds have appeared. Maybe I could plant them when I get home…
Watcher: Maybe not!


Morgan: What is it?
Moira: It’s a onesie for the baby. Don’t pretend you’re not pregnant.
Morgan: Oh I so wanted another child and Watcher said we could try once…
Moira: And once is all it took. I’m so pleased for you.


Leo: Finally! Made it to the top. I’m handing my notice in right now. I do not want to be responsible for anything else going on in StrangerVille. Time to concentrate on the Restaurant.
Watcher: Or the new baby!


Morgan: Welcome baby Curtis. You look so cute in the onesie your Granny knitted for you.
Curtis: Wah!


Cilla: This is great! It’s Summer Fun day so Watcher’s put a water slide down at the restaurant. Whee!


Leo: Well done, son. You got that A!
Calvin: I can’t believe that you made me go to school on Summer Fun day!
Leo: It was worth it! Blow out your candles.
Angela: Yes, quickly! I want a go on that slide!
Leo: That slide is going back to our home. The customers keep leaving their meals to go on it. That and the dance floor. It seemed like such a fun thing to do!
Watcher: But ultimately, we want to succeed as a restaurant not a fun house!


Edie: Who are you to come here, mocking my outfit?
Calvin: Calvin Tangata’s the name and my Bloodline will be winning this Dynasty!
Edie: Says you and whose army?
Calvin: I’m going to shove you now!
Edie: With your eyes closed? Really?
Calvin: Come on, you know Watcher hates this bit. She can’t Watch it!
Edie: Oh OK. Let’s get this over with then.


Osprey: Don’t you talk to my daughter like that!
Calvin: Oh. I see you’re Loyal! Well, only a father could like her.
Edie: That was low!
Calvin: And here’s lower! You’re now my enemy.
Watcher: Phew.


Watcher: Wow, Calvin. You came back all Confident from fighting and deposed your Dad from the family club! Congratulations!


L-to-R: Calvin, Leo, Morgan holding Curtis, Moira, Cilla, Leilani
Ridgeline Drive, Civic Cliffs

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Rivals Gen 5 Status at the end of week 13

Well-Educated – Kate Kenna – Child
Spellcaster – Edie Calixte – Teen
Retail – Calvin Tangata - Teen

Watcher Notes

Little Curtis does not have Morgan’s eyes – probably the only reason that I gave into her desire to have another child. Ah well. The onesie was Legendary but I do think Curtis was more restless than usual. I’d always put it down to substandard knitwear before now.

I think Calvin favours his father Leo, mainly.

Genes Calvin.jpg

Being a Loner, Calvin would have a terrible time running any retail business. It’s just as well that he doesn’t have to. Unless something terrible happened to one of the other lines!

I love that Osprey’s Loyal trait kicked in when Calvin was mean to Edie! Adorable!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating (9-Aug)
« Reply #228 on: September 09, 2023, 02:54:24 PM »
I'm with you, Watcher! I don't enjoy playing sims with the Mean trait or a sim required to do Mean interactions.
It was also my least favorite aspect of my RDC challenge. 
Once, a vampire heir got enraged from being declared an enemy by another bloodline and starting biting sims indiscriminately. 
It's easier being mean to random townies than to other sims we are playing. :D

Congrats to Leo on maxing his career!

Calvin is very handsome. I agree that he largely resembles Leo except he shares Morgan's perfect lips!
I can't imagine a Loner sim running any kind of retail business successfully.  Except maybe a vet clinic?

So close to the finish line now, Watcher!  *whispers: Go Kennas!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating (9-Aug)
« Reply #229 on: September 10, 2023, 02:11:48 AM »
I'm glad you like Calvin. I wasn't sure about the quiff he aged up with. You're right, Morgan's lips but why couldn't he have her eyes too? Sigh

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating (9-Aug)
« Reply #230 on: September 11, 2023, 01:06:29 AM »
I agree about playing mean Sims, but I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the antics of @Rhoxi's evil Morgaine Alvah.

I loved the line about succeeding as a restaurant, not a fun house - it's so hard to add anything fun to do because the Sim's always abandon what they're supposed to do to go play.

All your bloodlines are trying so hard and doing so well, it kinda' makes me sad that there can only be one winner. But if they all take the same number of lots, and the only difference is the museum value, then it feels like they are all winners (especially since one bloodline is restricted as to the value they can reach, while the others have much more flexibility).

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 13: CALibrating (9-Aug)
« Reply #231 on: September 11, 2023, 02:38:50 AM »
I agree about playing mean Sims, but I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the antics of @Rhoxi's evil Morgaine Alvah.

I loved the line about succeeding as a restaurant, not a fun house - it's so hard to add anything fun to do because the Sim's always abandon what they're supposed to do to go play.

All your bloodlines are trying so hard and doing so well, it kinda' makes me sad that there can only be one winner. But if they all take the same number of lots, and the only difference is the museum value, then it feels like they are all winners (especially since one bloodline is restricted as to the value they can reach, while the others have much more flexibility).
Morgaine (@Rhoxi ) was delicious and I did relish my evil orange gen in my Not So Berry dynasty. I think I prefer Evil to Mean

I wanted fun things in Leo's restaurant because both he and Morgan are Party Animals. I'd really like to create an old-fashioned place like you get in old movies: a stage for performers with a dance floor in front of it surrounded by dining tables. But the Sims restaurant can't run efficiently like that. If it wasn't a race, I could have tried harder to get that effect... I really ought to write a list of things I'd like to do outside this challenge!

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate
« Reply #232 on: September 11, 2023, 11:38:09 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate

Previously in the Kenna Household: Evelyn, our current heir, graduated with honours in her distinguished degree of Psychology and immediately got appointed as a level 8 Diamond (Secret) Agent. Her assignment of romantic interactions finally got her engaged to Daichi. Their only child Kate, our next heir, grew to be a (very) Self-Assured Child.

L-to-R: James, Evelyn, Daichi, Kate
Ridgeline Drive, Cookout Lookout

Evelyn: Come here, handsome!
Daichi: Oh I love your work assignments!
Evelyn: Mwah!


Leilani Fyres: I don’t think you’re a brat at all!
Kate: Why would you think I was?
Leilani: My cousin Edi Calixte says you are but I like you.
Kate: I like you too!
Leilani: Shall we be Best Friends?
Kate: Definitely!


Daichi: RWorar!
Kate: Monster off the Port Bow!
Daichi: RRA GRAH ah!
Kate: Ha Ha this is such fun!


Kate: This is fun too, I guess, finding all the ways to be good at fishing. I just wish we lived in a neighbourhood with fishing areas!


Evelyn: Well done for getting your A in school. Time to age up!
Daichi: Time goes so quickly here!
Kate: Pfft!
Kate: Can we get a dog?
Evelyn: I knew you were a Daddy’s girl! Maybe when you move…


Daichi: I love that you put a wedding topper on Kate’s cake!
Evelyn: Mmm, tasty.
Daichi: Are we married now?
Evelyn: No, but let’s exchange vows right now. I want to be truly tied to you.
Daichi: Hook, Line and Sinker!


Kate: I thought you knew how to do this Gt Grandad!
Valentine: It’s been a while since I maxed handiness but I can show you the basics. Why do you want to learn it anyway. It can’t be one of your skills because it was mine.
Kate: I don’t know. Watcher’s got me learning all sorts. Charisma, Fishing, Gardening… I’m amazed she doesn’t want Rocket Science!


Evelyn: Look at these photos, honey, from when I went on a Selvadoran study class.
Kate: Oh that looks interesting. And you say there are some ruins there?
Evelyn: Yes, with fabulous treasures hidden.
Kate: Wow! Can we go?
Evelyn: Now you’ve graduated, after only one day…
Kate: Without Watcher!
Evelyn: … I just need to get my last promotion, hopefully this evening, and then Yes! Let’s go!


Watcher: Congratulations, Eveylyn, you did it in perfect timing.
Evelyn: It was fun being a Diamond Agent but I think I’ll hang up my little black dress and heels for now so we can go on that adventure.


Kate: I thought I was supposed to be doing archaeology. Why am I the one doing all the vine clearing?
Watcher: Because you sometimes get amazing treasures while you do that. It’ll be worth it, I promise.


Kate: This is a selfie showing me about to chop down another set of vines.
Daichi: Try not to lose another machete. They don’t grow on trees you know!
Evelyn: This is so wonderful and relaxing.
James: Why am I here, exactly?


Kate: Just don’t turn round, OK?
Evelyn: What’s the matter, darling?
Kate: I thought those plants were OK but they’ve given me some awful disease.
James: Do we need to go back?
Kate: It might just go by itself. Let’s carry on.


James: I thought you wanted to excavate in the temple?
Kate: I do but Mum’s going to see if she can work out the traps while I dig here.


Kate: This site was already established next to this old bench. Let’s see if anything is left.
James: What do we do?
Kate: Use the trowel but if it touches anything hard, start using the brush. Thanks for helping.
Daichi: It’s fun but I need to go and find a bush outside.
Kate: Set up the tent while you’re out there. This could take a while.


Kate: Oh Statue, I was foolish not to come to you sooner to get your wisdom and blessing. Please help me in my time of need. You know far more than my Watcher who has forgotten how to get the antidote… Oh thank you, thank you. May your basket be always full.


James: Argh! Fire spiders got me!
Watcher: You’re right by this ancient pool. Stop panicking and jump in!
James: Right!


Kate: I’m back at the temple on a second day. All the others are exhausted and grumpy so I left them at the lodge. None of the vines had grown back and I got to the centre treasure chest. You won’t believe the gold dish I found. I’ve got lots of artifacts and artifact-shaped lumps that all need processing but I love the treasure!


Kate: So you’re the Tangata heir. I hear you’re enemies with Edie Calixte and I came to see if the enemy of my enemy could be my friend.
Calvin: Yeah I’m enemies with Edie Calixte but if you think I want to join forces with you, you’ve got another think coming! I’m going to win this dynasty because we’re already in the lead, value-wise. Besides, you’re not even enemies with Edie yet. You really are deluded.
Kate: You’re a jerk and I don’t even care that your infant brother can hear this. You are officially my enemy.


James: That’s right! Just hold it for a mo!
Kate: Is that long enough? I want to get on with this.
James: You asked me to come along as official recorder. If you want a portrait memorialising this, you’ve got to cooperate with me.


Kate: It’s chucking it down today. We got to the centre of this new temple yesterday but I couldn’t do any excavating because I got some other curse or disease. The statue didn’t cure me again so I had to order the antidote on the computer in the museum. I wish I’d remembered to bring a laptop! Anyway, I’m heading back to the temple to excavate in there, out of this rain.


Kate: The way to the temple was locked. It must have been because I’d triggered something when I got the main treasure. I explored all the side areas and picked up more treasure – 4 pieces now. I just need to find some more artifacts to authenticate for my Archaeology aspiration.


Malcolm: Did you forget to look in a mirror before you left the house?
Kate: What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?
Malcolm: If you have to ask, luv, you really are in trouble.
Kate: I’ll have you know that I’ve just come from an amazing adventure!
Malcolm: With no showers?
Kate: Where’s a complete relic when you need one?


L-to-R: James, Evelyn, Daichi, Kate
Ridgeline Drive, Cookout Lookout

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

I was planning to get James and Kate back home in time for Prom but time goes so quickly when they’re on holiday. The prom notification took them both there but only Kate could do any of the Prom activities. James took himself off to do some Cheerleading. After Prom, the vacation had been ended which is what I wanted anyway. I didn’t think it was a good idea to leave them 2 weeks in the jungle by themselves!

I’m fond of Kate and her self-confidence. I toyed with the idea of her getting a dog to take on adventures but no. It’s time to focus…. She has Daichi’s colouring but her mother’s eyes. An attractive Sim of course, with such attractive parents.

Genes Kate.jpg

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate (11-Sep)
« Reply #233 on: September 11, 2023, 01:45:21 PM »
So, the enemy of the (planned) enemy is the first enemy!  ;D
Congrats to Evelyn and Daichi. Cute pic of them forking cake at each other.
I really like the Selvadorada pack - it's one of my favorites.
Jumping around on fire while next to a pool of water is just so . . . . Sim-appropriate!  ;D
I do like Kate - she's a great follow-up to Evelyn.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate (11-Sep)
« Reply #234 on: September 11, 2023, 11:13:36 PM »
Vacations to Selvadorada never get old!  The scenery is so lovely and there the rental closest to the marketplace has toddler beds.
In your next challenge, if your sim travels there with a dog (which is super fun), be sure to take along Wellness treats.

Congrats to Evelyn for maxing her career so quickly!
(By the way, who did Evelyn inherit her deep-set eyes from?)

To reset the temple chests and archways we need to end the vacation and return on a new vacation, as you already know.
Good luck, lovely Kate, on amassing your pricey collection of Omiscan treasures!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate (11-Sep)
« Reply #235 on: September 12, 2023, 01:35:50 AM »
So, the enemy of the (planned) enemy is the first enemy!  ;D
Congrats to Evelyn and Daichi. Cute pic of them forking cake at each other.
I really like the Selvadorada pack - it's one of my favorites.
Jumping around on fire while next to a pool of water is just so . . . . Sim-appropriate!  ;D
I do like Kate - she's a great follow-up to Evelyn.
I try to minimise the mean interactions by doing it when they're teens so they can fight and then each one makes an enemy of just one of the other same-gen heirs. Any of the Bloodlines would count but this way is the quickest.

Selvadorada is amazing but this is the first time in this challenge that I've been able to justify the time.  I love the interactions with the skeleton caretaker and the random items left in the temple. There was a room with a bar and THREE stereos on Kate's last run!. With the artifacts, relics & treasures it really is a great pack
Vacations to Selvadorada never get old!  The scenery is so lovely and there the rental closest to the marketplace has toddler beds.
In your next challenge, if your sim travels there with a dog (which is super fun), be sure to take along Wellness treats.

Congrats to Evelyn for maxing her career so quickly!
(By the way, who did Evelyn inherit her deep-set eyes from?)

To reset the temple chests and archways we need to end the vacation and return on a new vacation, as you already know.
Good luck, lovely Kate, on amassing your pricey collection of Omiscan treasures!
The treasures are an amazing price, as they should be. Calvin Tangata may need to do more than knit...
I need to go back to check for the source of Evelyn's eyes. Wolfgang always wore eye-makeup so it was hard to see his...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 14: Kicking Back
« Reply #236 on: September 13, 2023, 01:02:47 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 14: Kicking Back

Previously in the Calixte family:Our current heir Cassandra completed her requirements and so the focus moved to Edie, our next and final heir. She maxed Mischief and Programming and, while we were away, Calvin Tangata called round and they became enemies.

L-to-R: Edie, Cassandra, Osprey, Shaina, Emrys

Edie: Well, hello Hawea? You’re a nice new teen to meet at the Magical HQ. Adventurous but Unflirty. I could work with that…
Hawea: If that’s flirting then please don’t.


Edie: The Kenna household…unharvested plants? I don’t mind if I do…


Kate: Don’t think I didn’t see you stealing my Dad’s nectar plants!
Edie: Oh come on! Like you’re going to be making nectar for your collection! I know you’ve been looting ancient monuments!
Kate: Discovering ancient relics and preserving them for posterity, I’ll have you know!
Edie: A likely story. Anyway, we all know that I’m going to be the true winner of this Dynasty and you’re going to help me do it.
Kate: No Way! Fight!
Edie: Enemies! See how you just helped me? You’re the 2nd person to dislike me – moving my Mischief aspiration right along and you’re my 2nd Bloodline enemy moving my requirements along. Thank you so, so much!
Kate: GRRRR!


James Kenna: Hey Edie, I know we didn’t get a chance to introduce ourselves when you were busy with Kate, my niece, but would you like to be Best Friends?
Edie: I’m in the middle of some computer mischief right now but sure, why not?
Osprey: You can’t be Best Friends with a Kenna Bloodline. They’re our rivals!
Edie: Have you heard the phrase “keep your enemies closer!”?


Emrys: Ms Prescott, I’m so sorry!
Edie: I’m not! That was hilarious.
Ms Prescott: I have to say, Ms Calixte, that it was a surprising turn of events that enabled you to graduate after only one mediocre day of High School but I can’t say that I’m sorry you are no longer my responsibility.
Edie: Yeah – about that. You might want to increase the High School computer security. It’s like ridiculously easy to hack. I’m not saying that’s what I did, of course…


Hawae: Oh Edie, please be Best Friends with me?
Edie: Oh – yes – that would be great…?
Moira Fyres: There’s not enough time, dear.
Edie: What? Who are you?
Moira Fyres: I’m Calvin Tangata’s Grandmother and our Bloodline will be winning this.
Edie: I could have a baby and get the last plot before Calvin or Kate get there…
Moira: As I said, dear, there’s really not enough time, although I’m sure this young man would make a lovely Baby Daddy.
Hawae: Baby Daddy? I just want to be Best Friends…


Will: Hey! What are you doing here at the Kenna Museum?
Edie: Don’t mind me. I’m just fixing your sink.
Will: Clogging my sink, you mean. Get out of here!


Edie: Ah – the lovely Maaike! And how many babies? Four? Good grief, Maaike. You really need to stop asking people in the other Bloodlines whether to have another baby or not. You know they only say “yes” to mess with you.
Maaike: But I love all my babies.
Edie: You do know you’re a Gt Gt Grandmother now, don’t you?


Maaike: I thought you came to meet all my babies but instead I find you clogging our only sink!
Edie: It just had to be this one!
Maaike: Do you know how hard it is to keep a 4-baby household clean?
Edie: I could age them all up to Infants if you like?
Maaike: NO!!!!!


Darrell Charm: Hey, Man! You’re family. You shouldn’t be messing with our sink.
Edie: Gt Gt Granny Kiama said it was OK. This is the last thing I need to win this Dynasty!
Darrell: Kiama’s a GREAT GREAT GRANNY? How did I not know this?


Edie: See – Chief of Mischief and I’ll be the first of Gen 5 to take my lot.


Kiama: Well done Edie. You’ve made us proud.
Edie: I clogged your sink and I would have fixed it but it’s fine.
Kiama: Don’t worry about that. Let’s see your brooms…yes they’re a nice addition.


Kiama: This is Jade. She was born first, I think
Edie: She’s very cute.


Emrys: This is Kirsten. Edie says she wants me to go with her and help her make babies with some guy I’ve never met. I don’t know what to do with babies. This one is looking at me funny and is starting to smell. I really don’t know…


Emrys: We didn’t really need to take the biggest lot if all we’re going to do is sit on garden chairs for the rest of the week. It’s only Sunday!
Edie: It’s a shame it’s not Summer any longer. We could have got a tan.
Emrys: I’m so glad you’ve decided not to have a baby.
Edie: Nah – that Moira Fyres was right. There really wasn’t enough time and this way I can enjoy a full length teendom.
Emrys: What are we going to do with all this time and space? I know we both like the outdoors but…


Emrys: Monday morning and I’d better do my homework.
Edie: Mffle wffle?
Emrys: I’m still in High School remember?
Edie: Gfffle Earflle?
Emrys: Oh yeah! Good idea! Yes, I will Graduate Early. Hey wasn’t it weird sleeping all night in a real bed?


Liberty (Kenna household): Well I had to come for the Welcome Wagon. Will wouldn’t. Why did you come?
Stephanie Tangata: Same – Welcome Wagon didn’t really give me an option. Still, it’s her grandmother Natalie that I’m enemies with. I’m fairly neutral about this one.
Liberty: I never got to be enemies with anyone. Not actually blood, you see.
Edie: Um…thank you for coming?


Edie: Our holiday home in Chestnut Ridge is amazing. Just a quick jog or fly down to this lake. We’re both loving it.


Edie: But this is the real reason we’re in Chestnut Ridge. Meet Cal!
Emrys: She’s a bit small for a horse.
Edie: She’s a foal still. She’ll grow.
Emrys: I also thought you were going to get a rescue horse.
Edie: They were all Defiant. I think that would be tricky for a first-time rider.
Emrys: You know the holiday property hasn’t got a stable…
Edie: We’d better end this vacation then


Cal: OK, Newcrest is cooler than Chestnut Ridge but I’ve got a bed, some water and some hay. Edie and Emrys give me a bottle plus fresh apples and carrots. Life is good.


Kate Kenna: I can’t believe that Edie Calixte dared to show her face here at the pre-Prom gathering. Did you hear what she did?......


Emrys: I don’t understand why all the other teens left.
Tania: They said they had to get ready for the Prom. What about you?
Emrys: I’m not sure we’ll be going but thanks for inviting us here.
Leon: Your sister seems very at home.
Emrys: She’s not been near any sinks has she?


Edie: Thanks for inviting me to the Romance Festival, James.
Emrys: Yeah thanks. Are you sure we should be drinking this?
James: You don’t have to but that is why I asked Edie here.
Emrys: Say no more. I’m off home to see to Cal.
Edie: You’re sweet, for a Kenna.
James: You’re pretty cute for a Calixte. My sister Evelyn says you’re going to try for Gen 6.
Edie: Are you offering to help me with that?


L-to-R: Cal, Emrys, Edie

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Watchers Note

Keeping Cal is a bit like keeping a dog or cat. Lots of socialisation, grooming and feeding. I’m assuming she won’t get sick enough to need a vet. It will be more interesting if she becomes an adult when riding becomes possible.

Edie will not be trying for Gen 6. Moira Fyres is right when she said there’s no time. It’s possible that the Tangatas will get their 5th lot in the next episode and the Kennas are not far behind.

The grand total worth of the Calixte Museum items, collections and portraits, comes in at
$ 28,505

to save you clicking back, this is less than the Gen 4 value of the Tangata Museum…

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate (11-Sep)
« Reply #237 on: September 13, 2023, 01:18:35 PM »
For a minute there, I thought Edie might go for the Champion Horse Rider aspiration (or whatever it's called)!
No, James!  You will not be making babies with a Calixte!

So, is the Magic bloodline finished and simply waiting for the Tangatas and Kennas to be done?
Being restricted to collections of magical artifacts really cripples the Magic bloodline's museum collection.
The Vampire bloodline also has a very limited range of museum items but they benefited from double portraits (human and dark form) for each generation.

Well, the Tangatas are the Retail bloodline. It would go against their nature to not be the wealthiest with the most valuable museum collections.
But.... go Kennas! :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 14: Lara Kate (11-Sep)
« Reply #238 on: September 13, 2023, 01:34:31 PM »
So, is the Magic bloodline finished and simply waiting for the Tangatas and Kennas to be done?
Being restricted to collections of magical artifacts really cripples the Magic bloodline's museum collection.
The Vampire bloodline also has a very limited range of museum items but they benefited from double portraits (human and dark form) for each generation.

Yes, the Spellcasters are done! To have given them a fighting chance I should have focussed more on strong artists in every gen plus all the painter rewards giving Inspired buffs and got higher value portraits. But both the other Bloodlines could have done that too. Trying to be fair to each Bloodline is...interesting.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 14: CALculating
« Reply #239 on: September 14, 2023, 10:29:55 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 14: CALculating

Previously in the Tangata family: Leo, our current heir, maxed his career and quit to focus on his restaurant in Oasis Springs, bringing it up to 4 stars. Calvin, our next heir, made enemies with Edie Calixte and started work on his knitting while Leo’s twin Cilla paints him. Morgan blessed Leo with another son Curtis. Her mother continued to help the family, including Morgan’s niece Leilani

L-to-R: Calvin, Leo, Morgan holding Curtis, Moira, Cilla, Leilani
Ridgeline Drive, Civic Cliffs

Calvin: I’m doing really well at this knitting lark. Granny Moira often mentors me and I get to do it all on my own which is great because I don’t really like other people. I’ve got to go to High School for the first time tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to it.


Morgan: Happy Birthday, Leilani!
Leilani: Thanks, Auntie Morgan. Shall I put the cake in the fridge for later?
Morgan: Good idea. Watch out! How did you not see that chair leg?
Leilani: Oops. I guess I’m a little Clumsy.


Cilla: Well done for getting an A on your first day.
Calvin: It was stressful but I did it.
Cilla: Are you going to Graduate Early?
Calvin: Already done! Now, I just need Gt Grandad Rick to mentor me in art.
Cilla: I thought you were knitting.
Calvin: I can’t put knitted clothing in the museum and the items I can knit don’t even make the $100 mark. I’ve decided to go for painting.
Cilla: And I’ll paint you while you do it!


Watcher: Way to go, Moira! Autonomously bathing Curtis. You really are a treasure!


Alan: Um – I think your food is ready.
Customer: Oh I know but I saw it was raining and I just couldn’t resist. I’ll move your review up to 5 stars to reflect the rain showering!


Leo: Ah – a reviewer! Let me comp your meal.
Reviewer: If you think that will help your review, you’re absolutely right.
Leo: Well you can see Ulrike and her family are happy with the service and they form part of our rivals…


Leo: Oh no! Cassandra and her daughter. I’ll have to get Cilla to schmooze them. I really want to keep my 5-star rating on this 2nd day.
Cassandra: Remember, whatever it tastes like, we give it just 3 stars.
Edie: Right!
Osprey: It is nice here though…
Edie: Dad!


Osprey: Wow! That was amazing. 5 stars from me.
Cassandra: No no no!
Edie: I just posted a photo of my food. It was delich!
Cassandra: And you added 5 stars. Oh well, we’ve already won the race. I guess it doesn’t matter now.


Calvin: Hey squirt, did you know you’re my favourite. Especially now you’re a toddler.
Curtis: Whee!


Leo: 5-stars for a 3rd day. We’ve made it folks. Much as it pains me to sell a thriving business, we’ve drained the household funds for this enterprise and Calvin needs some starting money.


Alan: Well done, lad. Those paintings are an eclectic mix but they make a tidy sum. Have you decided who’s coming with you?
Calvin: Just me, Gt Gt Grandad. The way I like it.
Alan: I understand. Don’t be a stranger


Calvin: Ah! I feel like I can breathe. It’s small but it’s just for me. Time to do what I want!


Leilani: Hey, Calvin, thanks for inviting me over for a chat but I thought you wanted to be alone.
Calvin: I do but I also wanted to chat with you.
Leilani: But you’re having a party.
Calvin: It’s the Welcome Wagon. You see the one in shorts? She’s Natalie Calixte! This is a nightmare!


Saturday – Brawl Day
Calvin: If I can’t beat them, I’ll join them!


Calvin: How come I’m Prom King? I hardly know anyone.
Malcolm: How come I’m Prom Jester? I’ll get whoever voted for me!


Calvin: You see, girls, it’s like this – the game has obviously already decided that I’m the winner by gifting me the crown. You losers can just sit back and watch my victory dance!
Kate: Did he just invite us along to the after-Prom party to crow over us?
Edie: I couldn’t care less. I clearly won the race as I moved out on the Sunday evening of week 14 and he only moved out Thursday evening of the same.
Kate: But it’s down to museum value and that’s not final yet!
Edie: Keep telling yourself that, if it make losing feel any better!


L-to-R: Calvin on his tod!
Bridgeview, Oak Alcove

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rivals Gen 5 Status at the end of week 14

Well-Educated – Kate Kenna – Teen
Spellcaster – Edie Calixte – Teen - complete
Retail – Calvin Tangata – Teen - complete

Watcher Notes

Poor Leilani rolled Clumsy to add to her Erratic trait. She seems to get by though.

Calvin’s portrait and collection of his own 7 paintings brings the Tangata museum value up to a whopping $46,942, beating the Calixte value of $28,505 hands-down. The value of the Kenna museum after Evelyn’s contribution was $22,874. Can Kate find the required $24,068 in this last week to win the day?

