Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31462 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 11: Parental Supervision
« Reply #195 on: August 30, 2023, 02:18:06 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 11: Parental Supervision

Previously in the Tangata family: Our future heir Leo aged up to a Party Animal teen and graduated from High School, choosing to work on his Nerd Brain aspiration. He fell hard for Morgan Fyres at his Prom. His mother Stephanie, our current heir, got up to level eight in her Military Officer career and established her Vet Clinic at 3.5 stars. Her husband Rohan continued to Share the Love with everyone and things were tense for the household, including Leo’s twin Cilla and Uncle Kane. Things were or were not helped by both Evelyn and Cassandra becoming Leo’s enemy during their weeks

L-to-R: Stephanie, Rohan holding Cilla, Kane, Leo
Llama Lagoon, Avarice Acres

Cilla: More, Mama, More
Stephanie: OK sweetie. Up in the air you go again.
Cilla: Where Leo?
Stephanie: He asked to take a brief vacation. He won’t be long.


Leo: Hm, so if I just stare at this for a while, no photos, no notes, I’ll learn how to make one?
Watcher: Not as big but a small copy, yes!
Leo: Cool.
Watcher: That’s it. Time for home.
Leo: But the fish. The plants. The bugs?
Watcher: Maybe another time.


Leo: Happy Birthday, Cilla.
Cilla: Pfft
Rohan: Where are you off to, young man?
Leo: Morgan rang to ask me to be her boyfriend so I’m going on a date.
Rohan: No can do, Leo! You’ve got to get your Logic up.


Kane: You look great, Cilla.
Cilla: Yay! All sparkly. Play chess with me, Leo?
Kane: Sure thing, squirt. And Uncle Kane can mentor me.


Watcher: Erm, Rahul?
Kane: It’s OK, Watcher. He’s with me. We’ve still got romantic feelings for each other from when we were Teens so he’s aging up.
Rahul: I can’t believe you didn’t invite me to the Prom! I’m so angry with you!
Kane: Hot-Headed, now are we? No thank you!


Stephanie: You may have got your Nerd Brain aspiration but Drop and Give me 20!
Leo: Mum! I’ve already got level 10 Fitness. I just need to work on my woodwork collection.
Stephanie: Oh. Well you can come and do that at the Vet Clinic. I’m up to 4 stars now!


Alan: Well done, Leo. 7 Camping Mascots is a great addition to the museum.
Leo: Thanks Gt Grandad.
Alan: Now Stephanie, how’s your career coming along?
Stephanie: You know that day-off we had for Spring Cleaning? It really messed me up. I couldn’t go to work and missed a whole day. I tried to negotiate a bonus but I actually lost performance. I’ve only got Friday left this week!


Leo: Yay, I can age up.
Watcher: But not move out!
Leo: And now I’m Outgoing. Morgan? What do you think? Will your parents mind if you age up now?
Morgan: They just want me to be happy.
Leo: No requirements? No adding to a family museum?
Morgan: No sweetie, nothing like that. I’ll join you and they’ll be happy for me.
Leo: Wow. Your parents sound great.


Leo: Morgan? Now we’re both young adults, will you marry me?
Watcher: Get engaged, he means. You can’t get married yet.
Morgan: As long as all you want is my happiness, yes.
Leo: And you want mine, right?
Morgan: That goes without saying.
Leo: Um
Watcher: It’s OK Leo, she’s become Self-Absorbed but she’ll be a lovely spouse.
Leo: Great?
Morgan: Absolutely.


Stephanie: Yes! 5 stars. This has been hard work!
Watcher: You need 2 more days of 5 stars. That’ll be Sunday and Monday next week and you should get the final promotion on Monday. Monday it is!
Stephanie: Aha, I think we’ll be beating the Kennas then.
Watcher: Oh no! The Kennas! I didn’t sign Evelyn onto her uni course. Drat!


L-to-R: Cilla, Leo, Kane, Rohan, Stephanie
Llama Lagoon, Avarice Acres

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Watcher Notes

Leo’s Camping Mascots come in at a whopping $1500 each and add enormous value to the museum. If all three Bloodlines manage to get 5 lots each in Newcrest, the winning Bloodline will be determined by museum worth.

I’ve chosen Work-From-Home careers for all the Retail generations in order to give them time to run their chosen businesses. They have been harder to progress in than I’ve found previously.
With the businesses, the Vet Clinic has been particularly hard to get to 5 stars. There’s a possibility that I’ve got a bug as I kept getting a splash screen saying it had another star but stayed persistently on 4. Thank goodness it eventually got to 5.

This is the second time that I’ve forgotten to sign the Kenna’s on to their Uni course. It won’t delay Evelyn moving out but it is annoying.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 11: Parental Supervision (30-Aug)
« Reply #196 on: August 30, 2023, 02:35:35 PM »
For future reference, if Leo had the Marketahble trait and crafted his mascots while Very Focused, they would be worth up to 4,500 simoleons each. 
Leo and Morgan make a lovely couple. Their kid(s) will be sooooo cute!

As premade townies goes, Rahul really has great genes.  Too bad about his becoming Hot-Headed, though.

The poor Kennas!
Remembering to enroll during the previous bloodline's week makes the Well-Educated bloodline the trickiest to play as part of a rotational challenge, doesn't it?
For me, it was hard enough at first to remember switching households at the end of the week.
It's like golf with the Kennas getting a handicap!  Go Kennas!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 11: Parental Supervision (30-Aug)
« Reply #197 on: August 31, 2023, 01:58:05 AM »
For future reference, if Leo had the Marketahble trait and crafted his mascots while Very Focused, they would be worth up to 4,500 simoleons each. 
Leo and Morgan make a lovely couple. Their kid(s) will be sooooo cute!

As premade townies goes, Rahul really has great genes.  Too bad about his becoming Hot-Headed, though.

The poor Kennas!
Remembering to enroll during the previous bloodline's week makes the Well-Educated bloodline the trickiest to play as part of a rotational challenge, doesn't it?
For me, it was hard enough at first to remember switching households at the end of the week.
It's like golf with the Kennas getting a handicap!  Go Kennas!
I'd really thought that faithful Kane would find true love with Rahul but it seems a poor reward to send him off with a hot-head. I wasn't planning a family for him. He did meet someone at the clinic who might be his future.

I really should have done more research on the camping mascots. I knew that they were a good source of income but I'm not good at holding information in my brain unless i have an immediate plan for it. That would have tripled their worth to the museum.

The Kenna handicap re the enrolling is an issue. Running a retail lot is so intense that the Sim time flies by.

I have just worked out that Gen 4 will be the last that need to do a degree or run a retail business or even learn any magic as they are Bloodline Requirements rather than moving out.

Completing the Gen 4 requirements and getting Gen 5 ready to move out will be a very different game I think. Unless, of course, Spellcaster Edie thinks she can raise and release a Gen 6 before one of the others releases Gen 5...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 11: Parental Supervision (30-Aug)
« Reply #198 on: August 31, 2023, 03:19:56 PM »
I'd really thought that faithful Kane would find true love with Rahul but it seems a poor reward to send him off with a hot-head. I wasn't planning a family for him. He did meet someone at the clinic who might be his future.

I really should have done more research on the camping mascots. I knew that they were a good source of income but I'm not good at holding information in my brain unless i have an immediate plan for it. That would have tripled their worth to the museum.

The Kenna handicap re the enrolling is an issue. Running a retail lot is so intense that the Sim time flies by.

I have just worked out that Gen 4 will be the last that need to do a degree or run a retail business or even learn any magic as they are Bloodline Requirements rather than moving out.

Completing the Gen 4 requirements and getting Gen 5 ready to move out will be a very different game I think. Unless, of course, Spellcaster Edie thinks she can raise and release a Gen 6 before one of the others releases Gen 5...

I'm a bit biased against the Tangatas for eating into the Kenna's progress.
I didn't intentionally wait until the camping mascots became the official museum collection to share their true worth, but I couldn't have timed the info release better.
In my heart, the Kennas will always be The True Winners.

Speaking of the Well-Educated bloodline, I skimmed through some of their earlier updates to see what the gap would be between enrolling on Friday or Sunday.
My research was inconclusive, but I can say that my sims have never heard back from uni on a Saturday or Sunday about applying or enrollment.
I've also learned that, instead of waiting for the mail, my sim can check application status on the compter as early as 6 am or thereabouts.

You've done a great job with all three bloodlines, Watcher!

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone? (28-Aug)
« Reply #199 on: September 01, 2023, 02:14:25 AM »
That picture of Kirsten messing up the garden in her "Charity Shop Accident" apparel is priceless!
Ditto on the one of Cassandra with Leo and Cilla.  ;D
Hurray for Cassandra for finding Osprey - one look at Edie shows that he's her perfect match.

Oh, I see you've posted an update between the time I started this comment (Wednesday) and the time I realized I didn't finish it (Thursday). So now it's not placed correctly. What to do . . . . I guess I'll read the new post, and just add my comments here in the same post.

Leo and Morgan make a very cute couple.
Profits from those camping mascots really add up - this hasn't been in an update yet, but Rose in my Jumble has been selling them off the vendor table for $6000 each. She can easily sell 6 - 8 in a single yard sale in her front yard, so saving up to move out is not going to be difficult.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone? (28-Aug)
« Reply #200 on: September 01, 2023, 12:39:17 PM »
That picture of Kirsten messing up the garden in her "Charity Shop Accident" apparel is priceless!
Ditto on the one of Cassandra with Leo and Cilla.  ;D
Hurray for Cassandra for finding Osprey - one look at Edie shows that he's her perfect match.

Oh, I see you've posted an update between the time I started this comment (Wednesday) and the time I realized I didn't finish it (Thursday). So now it's not placed correctly. What to do . . . . I guess I'll read the new post, and just add my comments here in the same post.

Leo and Morgan make a very cute couple.
Profits from those camping mascots really add up - this hasn't been in an update yet, but Rose in my Jumble has been selling them off the vendor table for $6000 each. She can easily sell 6 - 8 in a single yard sale in her front yard, so saving up to move out is not going to be difficult.
I'm always doing that...writing a comment and then getting distracted and forgetting to click Post. Well recovered.

I was so distracted with the full house so the 2nd set of Natalie's twins Kirsten & Bill were effectively unWatched and I felt a bit guilty for them. Infants are always getting left in odd places - through walls, etc but I'd never seen them mutually entwined before.

It sounds like your Rose is doing really well. Looking forward to see your next update  :)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 12 – First Love
« Reply #201 on: September 01, 2023, 02:50:01 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 12 – First Love

Previously in the Kenna Family: Our Next Heir, Evelyn has completed all her Moving Out requirements and is waiting on her father Emmanuel to top his career. Her younger brother James enjoyed a whole week as a child while “uncle” Tim (son on Liberty & Travis) fell deeper in love with Zoe Patel
L-to-R: Evelyn, Emmanuel, Tim, James
Ridgeline Drive, Sandy Run

Daichi: I think you’re swell and want to become Best Friends.
Evelyn: That’s all well and good Daichi, but I saw you talking with Shaina Calixte after the last Prom. Wouldn’t you rather be Best Friends with her?
Daichi: There’s no spark with her. But with you…
Evelyn: So can we actually be more than just friends?
Daichi: Oh yes!


Daichi: Happy Birthday, Evelyn. Does this mean you’ll be moving out?
Evelyn: Not yet. Dad needs to top his career first. But I need to age-up so I can earn some money tutoring at Uni. Teens can’t do that. Hm…I feel very generous and… well, Good, actually.
Daichi: Shall I age-up too? I can’t flirt with you now.
Evelyn: That would be perfect. I’ll just relight these candles. There!
Daichi: Is this a gourmet cake? I’m so glad. An everyday cake just wouldn’t suit us somehow.
Watcher: Ah – a Snob! Coupled with Child of the Islands and Dog-Lover, it’s not really bringing anything useful to this Bloodline. Apart from his looks, of course…


Emmanuel: You’re doing so well, James. So much practising. I don’t know why you haven’t mastered riding a bike yet.
James: Thanks anyway Dad.


Will: Ah – First Kiss is it?
Emmanuel: I don’t know why Watcher’s letting this go on. I thought she was set on pale blondes for our Bloodline.
Will: Max would have been OK but Daichi was her first crush. Don’t you want to see Evelyn happy?
Emmanuel: Yes. I’m just glad Wolfie isn’t here.
Will: Me too.
Watcher: Me three!


Emmanuel: Evelyn?
Evelyn: Yes Dad, I’m eating for 2.
Emmanuel: I thought you had to be living in your new home with the father for a baby to be heir.
Evelyn: We will be by the time this baby is born. It’s due on Friday morning.
Emmanuel: So I need to get that last promotion! Way to pile the pressure on!


Emmanuel: Phew! I was worried when the phone rang but it was just that Cassandra Calixte asking if she should get engaged to Osprey. Like I don't know they've already moved in together! Anyway, my last promotion! Evelyn will be relieved! So will Tim. He’s asking Zoe to move in before Evelyn and James leave. I hope I won’t feel like a third wheel but I’d rather that than live by myself.


Daichi: Thank goodness Evelyn consulted me before decorating this place. I like Rocker and Hipster fashions but I really like Boho furnishings. Everywhere I look, I see something I like and I know quality when I see it. I asked about getting some Nectar in, us Snobs always want a glass of Nectar, but apparently I have to make it myself. It’s harder than it looks you know.


Evelyn: Happy Birthday, James. You look Cheerful!
James: Life is good. Daichi’s been helping me with everything and he’s going to take me clothes shopping. He says he knows all the right places.
Evelyn: Lovely!


Daichi (autonomous kiss): Oh Evelyn. I’m so happy. Thank you so much for making me part of this Bloodline.
Evelyn: I know our nooboo will be lovely – just like you.
Daichi: I can’t believe we’ve made a life in there!
Evelyn: I can believe it when it presses on my bladder!


Daichi: Wish me luck on my first day!
Evelyn: Thank you so much for going and meeting my future colleagues at the oh-so-Secret Agency. Once I’ve met them too, you can do anything you like.
Daichi: Hm. I’ll have to think about that.


James: It was nice of Evelyn to invite us all to hang out in Britechester while she tutors. Who knew I could swim here. I need to clear my head. I got a big crush on Savannah Price then she asked to be Best Friends. I said yes of course and I said yes when she asked me to go to the Prom with her and not “as friends”! I tried to compliment her appearance, seeing as we had a clear pink bar but she told me she wasn’t interested in that type of relationship with me. What the Plumbob? I said we should just be friends then but if she thinks I’m wasting my only Prom as her not-romantic date, she’s got another think coming. Just as well I’m Cheerful!


Evelyn: Oh! Kate! You’re so beautiful! Isn’t she, Watcher?
Watcher: Too soon to tell, sweetie!


Daichi: I’m so glad you suggested coming to the Spice Festival while James watches Kate.
Evelyn: How did you beat the curry challenge when you’ve never had any spicey food?
Daichi: Natural talent, I guess.
Evelyn: I love you.
Daichi: I love you too, sweet Evelyn.


Evelyn: I knew she’d be the cutest!
Will: She certainly is.
Evelyn: Just 19 hours to teach her lots of milestones.
Will: If she stays awake. Look she’s really tired already. You go and study for your last class on Monday and I’ll put her to bed.


Daichi: And this ring is teal. Some people will tell you it’s green but teal is a much better colour.
Kate: Coo


L-to-R: James, Evelyn holding Kate, Daichi

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

19 hours seemed like ages to get Kate’s Milestones done but, like most Infants, she needed many sleeps. Ah – the life of a new parent! Evelyn’s eye colour and hair from Daichi.

Genes Kate.jpg

Snob Sims constantly want to drink Nectar so Daichi has been making some. He poured the first bottle when it was lightly-aged into 4 glasses and drank one but it didn’t tick off his Want. Maybe it has to be Excellent – not Poor like his first bottle. Incidentally, teen Savannah Price helped herself to a glass while she was messing up James’ love life. Maybe that was the only reason she came over in the first place!

Evelyn will take 2 more weeks to complete her Heir requirements so Kate has that long to race through hers before the pressure is on. With a minimum of 3 terms of University plus getting a career from level 8 (uni-level entry) to 10 makes this Bloodline the more predictable timing.

Incidentally, Daichi’s little family has been uploaded to the gallery, in case anyone thinks his genes should be proliferated more widely in the Simverse 😉

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 12 – First Love (1-Sep)
« Reply #202 on: September 01, 2023, 05:56:20 PM »
What, you don't like playing Snobs, Watcher?
It's a pretty harmless trait and results in some hilarious interactions.
But I agree, Daichi's personality traits are so random!  I like his Loyal and Neat traits, though!

You mentioned that Kate inherited Daichi's eye and hair colors, but isn't Kate's eye color closer to Evelyn's?
Kate has her mouth a bit pursed into the disdainful look of a snob in the making.  Actually, do her lips take after Daichi's?

The first Nectar Gisela ever made was Excellent quality, which I attributed to her use of Excellent-quality Grapes.
Nectar-making is obscenely lucrative!  Obscenely!

Wow, you are down to your last two generations, Watcher!  Has it seemed to go by super quickly for you as Watcher as it has for us the readers?
Yaaasss!  I have downloaded Daichi et al. into MyLibrary.  I will need to think carefully which generation's heir he could marry.
Hmmm, if he marries into the Gen5 Misturas, the Gen6 boys might resemble him....or, no no no.  I will keep it hush hush so you will be surprised, Watcher!
Don't worry, by the time the Gen5 heir is born and grown up, Kate will have moved out and claimed victory of your RDC.  Go Kennas!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 12 – First Love (1-Sep)
« Reply #203 on: September 02, 2023, 01:57:14 AM »
You mentioned that Kate inherited Daichi's eye and hair colors, but isn't Kate's eye color closer to Evelyn's?

The first Nectar Gisela ever made was Excellent quality, which I attributed to her use of Excellent-quality Grapes.
Nectar-making is obscenely lucrative!  Obscenely!

Wow, you are down to your last two generations, Watcher!  Has it seemed to go by super quickly for you as Watcher as it has for us the readers?
Yaaasss!  I have downloaded Daichi et al. into MyLibrary.  I will need to think carefully which generation's heir he could marry.
Hmmm, if he marries into the Gen5 Misturas, the Gen6 boys might resemble him....or, no no no.  I will keep it hush hush so you will be surprised, Watcher!
Don't worry, by the time the Gen5 heir is born and grown up, Kate will have moved out and claimed victory of your RDC.  Go Kennas!
Yes - Evelyn's eye-colour and Daichi's hair. I'll go back and edit that.

The Kennas haven't been keeping gardens through the generations so they don't have excellent plants to make Nectar. However, Daichi did make some Excellent Nectar just by being in a Very Inspired mood. If Kate becomes a Snob, she may well take up Nectar-making. I think it's only a 5-level skill sadly and the new Aspiration is only 1 level so neither can be used for other requirements.

The race aspect of the RDC challenge really has made me rattle along with all 3 Bloodlines. There's never any question of lingering over a particular Sim. Just: get the requirements; get the next gen going; make sure there are mentors on tap. I've learnt a lot about rotational play. Assuming all 3 Gen 5 heirs move out, the challenge will be complete at that point so we've definitely entered the end game.

I'm glad you like Daichi. I look forward to trying to spot him in your story.
His earned Loyal trait is a real blessing after some of the shenanigans we've had. I let all my non-heir household members get the Neat trait. It's offered at the drop of a hat and a very helpful way of keeping them happy.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation
« Reply #204 on: September 03, 2023, 09:38:50 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation

Previously in the Calixte family:Cassandra, our Gen 4 heir maxed her Fitness while completing her Frog collection to achieve The Curator Aspiration. She met and fell hard for Paranoid Osprey Jones at Magical HQ so they moved out together with Cassandra’s teen aunt Shaina and her child twin Emrys. Infant Edie came along to be our Gen 5 heir-in-waiting. During our absence, Cassandra found a ring in Ospreys bag and asked Will Kenna if she should say “yes” so now they are engaged
L-to-R: Shaina, Osprey holding Edie, Cassandra, Emrys
Llama Lagoon, Asphalt Abode

Osprey: You’re doing so well at your Socials, Edie. You just need to lift that head and roll over…
Edie: Wah!


Osprey: I know I could be checking my phone right now but this little Snuggly Sleeper is just so cute, I can’t take my eyes off her.
Edie: Snore!


Osprey: And just like that, you’re ready to age up.
Edie: Pfft


Osprey: Come on, gorgeous girl.
Emrys: What’s that in her ear?
Osprey: Just something to help her hear. Isn’t she lucky having your family’s wonderful pointy ears to hold the hearing aid so well?


Edie: Dada busy tap tapping. Mama not here. What’s Dis?


Shaina: You don’t need to keep ringing me from work, Cassandra. You concentrate on getting the next promotion.
I’ve done Flash Cards with her. She did really well. Actually I think Watcher’s forgotten that we only need Happy Toddler. By the time you get home I think she’ll be up to Top-Notch.
Watcher: Oops
Shaina: Oh…I’d better go. Edie’s just…no, she’s fine…PUT THAT DOWN…gotta go.


Cassandra: I’m so sorry I’ve missed so much of you growing up. Your Daddy and Aunt Shaina have done well by you. Blow out your candles, sweetie.
Edie: Pfft


Edie: Welcome to my world. Here’s me beating my Granny Natalie at chess while Gt Aunt Shaina coaches me. I think Gt Aunt Shaina secretly likes me to beat her twin sister. And I’m happy to oblige.


Edie: Here’s me on my first day at school. Can you tell I like red and black clothes? My Gt Gt Granny Kiama says that’s what she likes too but she also wears purple. I wonder what I’ll like when I’m as old as she is.


Edie: Here’s me and nearly my whole family hiding in Dad’s basement because there’s a thunderstorm. Dad spends most of his time down here programming. He’s switched to Tech Guru now him and Mum have met their 2 Conservationist colleagues.
That’s Gt Grandad Mosi helping with my school project and Gt Gt Granny is training Mum in magic. I don’t need magic but I might do it when I get older.


Edie: When we can, me and Uncle Emrys go fishing. We have to sneak round the back of one of the Kenna houses but they’ve not caught us yet. Me and Uncle Emrys love being outdoors so we fish as much as we can. Mum uses anything we catch to fertilise her plants. They’re doing really well now.


Edie: It was Easter on Friday so I missed school. Mum went to work and got to level 8 on her career ladder. That made her really happy because she’s become Ambitious now. We couldn’t ask the Flower Bunny for any eggs but we all hunted round the house and got enough.


Edie: Uncle Emrys aged up to a teen on Friday and on Saturday Gt Aunt Shaina aged into a Creative young adult. To be honest, I thought she was an adult already and she says it feels like she has been.


Edie: This? This is Akira. He came to visit Dad because he’s a Tech Guru too. He’s Romantic like Gt Aunt Shaina. Hm….I wonder.
He’s fun because he liked me telling him about the Apocalypse and laughed when I tricked him with the hand buzzer. He even had a good answer for my Impossible Riddle.


Edie: You can’t see much of Uncle Emrys in this pic because Watcher keeps forgetting to get him into the wardrobe while no-one’s at work and he’d got some terrible outfits. We can here to Mua Pelam for Mum’s work task and lucky Uncle Emrys got to fish. I had to go to Scouts.


Edie: Dad, why do I have to go to Scouts.
Osprey: It’s an amazing training ground, honey. You won’t regret it.
Edie: But you get to spend all day playing on the computer and you didn’t go to Scouts.
Osprey: I’m working not playing. As soon as you age up, I’ll teach you some programming and you’ll be amazed at what you can do.
Edie: Ha ha – you’d be amazed at the idiots that reply to a bit of harmless bait on these forums. They get so cross it’s hilarious!


L-to_R: Edie, Cassandra, Osprey, Shaina, Emrys

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Watchers Note

If Cassandra seems a little absent in this episode, it’s because I’m being a bit more pushy in her Work From Home career. If she’s nearly at a promotion point but doesn’t get offered it at the start of shift, I send her to work to be certain of getting it that day. If she’s mid-way to a promotion she works from home. She’s getting a promotion reliably every other day this way although I’ve been marvelling at the career promotion strategies over on the latest Forum Challenge Zero to Hero.

Edie aged up with a hearing aid in her right ear for her everyday outfit. I’d decided long ago that any such aids including glasses would be kept if on the everyday outfit and added to their other appropriate outfits.

Genes Edie.jpg

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation (3-Sep)
« Reply #205 on: September 03, 2023, 01:34:26 PM »
Wow, Gen5!  Edie really looks a lot like Papa Osprey at this stage but with Cassandra's jawline.
Edie will no doubt change considerably on her teen birthday. What a cutie!

Edie: Ha ha – you’d be amazed at the idiots that reply to a bit of harmless bait on these forums. They get so cross it’s hilarious!
Um, is Edie referring to me?!

P.S. I couldn't resist moving Daichi into a household of his own and giving him a makeover last night.
      He'll definitely be making an appearance in the Mishmash Legacy. Thanks so much for sharing him!  <3

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation (3-Sep)
« Reply #206 on: September 03, 2023, 01:54:06 PM »
Wow, Gen5!  Edie really looks a lot like Papa Osprey at this stage but with Cassandra's jawline.
Edie will no doubt change considerably on her teen birthday. What a cutie!

Edie: Ha ha – you’d be amazed at the idiots that reply to a bit of harmless bait on these forums. They get so cross it’s hilarious!
Um, is Edie referring to me?!

P.S. I couldn't resist moving Daichi into a household of his own and giving him a makeover last night.
      He'll definitely be making an appearance in the Mishmash Legacy. Thanks so much for sharing him!  <3
I think Edie will have Minerva's nose. It's already quite angular although not so obvious in the pics.
She's building Mischief so I'm really sorry if you've been getting chain letters or prank calls. I'm sure she'd never target you on her trolling exercises. Fairly sure...I'll check her log...

I can't wait to see Daichi appear in your Legacy! I only changed his clothes to match his given wardrobe preferences so it'll be fun to see him reach his full potential   :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation (3-Sep)
« Reply #207 on: September 03, 2023, 02:08:07 PM »
I think Edie will have Minerva's nose. It's already quite angular although not so obvious in the pics.
She's building Mischief so I'm really sorry if you've been getting chain letters or prank calls. I'm sure she'd never target you on her trolling exercises. Fairly sure...I'll check her log...

I can't wait to see Daichi appear in your Legacy! I only changed his clothes to match his given wardrobe preferences so it'll be fun to see him reach his full potential   :D

Oh okay, Edie was referring to the targets of her mischievous online pranks. I confess that I'm quite an easily-swayed forum reader. :D
I'm not sure Daichi will reach his "full potential," but he's looking very appealing!  He motivates me to rush through Gisela's generation, lol!
By the way, I quite admire the way you respect each household addition's likes and dislikes when giving them makeovers.
Since I worked with a clone of original Daichi (who has my mother's maiden name Ishida, by the way), I felt free to give him a new personality, a new look, and a new wardrobe.

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation (3-Sep)
« Reply #208 on: September 03, 2023, 02:42:41 PM »
With Ishida being a family name of yours, he clearly will be very at home with you. He must have been trying to find his way into your Simverse and took a wrong turn into mine, lol

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 12: EDIcation (3-Sep)
« Reply #209 on: September 03, 2023, 11:27:13 PM »
Again I find myself commenting on two chapters at once - work has been crazy for me the last couple of weeks and it's so easy to get behind in my reading.

Can't wait to see what Emmanuel told Cassandra about marrying Osprey - does he say yes and wish them happiness, or does he say no to mess with their bloodline?
I couldn't not laugh at the picture of snob Daichi butt-down in the grape-stomping tub!  ;D ;D
I haven't tried nectar-making yet but plan to make sure it finds its way into a future Jumble generation. For now, I live variously in the nectar tubs through the Kennas and the Misturas.
I don't think I ever realized Sims could swim in Britechester . . . it's amazing how much I learn from everyone's stories!
I loved the bit about Kate being so beautiful . . . "Too soon to tell, Sweetie!" So true and so funny!
And I agree with Daichi, teal is a better colour!

I'm not sure if Cassandra phoned Emmanuel or Will, but either way, calling the competition was a bit risky. I'm glad the answer resulted in an engagement!
Ah, Edie, your black and white dress is cute, but maybe Gt Gt Granny Kiama is channeling Jenny Joseph . . . "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me." 
So much going on in the basement! I love how you have everything everyone needs so they can do what they need to do, and you can get them all in one screenshot.

