Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31304 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 10: Making Up Is Hard To Do
« Reply #180 on: August 25, 2023, 07:04:23 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 9: Making Up Is Hard To Do

Previously in the Tangata family: Stephanie, our current heir got to level 6 in her Military Officer career and set up her Veterinary Practice. Her relationship with Rohan was challenged by his tendency to Flirt. The next heir, Leo aged up to an Active child and his twin Cilla stayed an infant. Both of them relied on Uncle Kane (adopted son of Gt Grandma Maaike) and the wider family for stability in their lives.

L-to-R: Stephanie, Rohan holding Cilla, Kane, Leo
Llama Lagoon, Avarice Acres

Rick: That’s in, Leo. Just keep practicing.
Leo: I’ll never get it, Grandad.
Rick: You will. I know you will!


Rick: Happy birthday, bro.
Kane: It doesn’t seem very fair that my reward for being the Family Helper is that I age up to an Adult.
Rick: What can I say? You were always my big brother and now you are again. You don’t have to move on with Leo, you know.
Kane: I’m thinking about that. I’m not sure.


Rohan: Happy Birthday, Cilla.
Leo: Yay! Cilla! You’re catching me up!
Kane: Ages are strange in this household!
Rohan: Tell me about it. I’m not sure I’m enjoying all this race business.
Kane: You get used to it.
Rohan: I’m not sure we could do it without you. You’re great!


Stephanie: Aw – aren’t you cute!
Watcher: You know you don’t have to keep Chickens. They do take up a lot of your time.
Stephanie: But you let me become an Animal Enthusiast so I love it. Besides we can’t change the lot traits or challenges so the Simple Living means we need the eggs.
Watcher: We could order them instead. You know Rohan is feeling a bit neglected…
Stephanie: He’ll be OK


Leo: Uncle Kane! You’re the best! I’d never have learnt to ride my bike without you.
Kane: You would, lad but I was glad to help.
Leo: Mum’s so busy and Dad is…distracted. Thanks so much.


Cilla: Stohwy!
Leo: Here’s a funny one….
Cilla: He he!


Stephanie: I’ve got to practice giving orders and this Bot is giving me grief.
Watcher: Not as much grief as when you tried ordering Rohan about.
Stephanie: It’s a work task. He should understand.
Watcher: But you’re developing a Difficult family dynamic. That’s not good.
Stephanie: Do you want me to get on in my career or not? I’ve still not been to the Vet Practice this week. I don’t have time to molly-coddle him!
Watcher: Maybe a little molly-coddling wouldn’t go amiss?


Stephanie: I’m sorry, Rohan, for trying to order you around.
Rohan: And I’m sorry for flirting with your grandmother.
Stephanie: It’s all a bit weird. Can we make up?
Rohan: In the shower?
Stephanie: Yay!


Stephanie: Why oh why have you made me march around in a blizzard?
Watcher: I thought it would up your work performance.
Stephanie: Well, I’m freezing and a bit scared so I’m out of here!


Kane: Happy Birthday Leo!
Leo: Where are Mum & Dad?
Kane: They’re both at work but your mum said not to wait.
Leo: Oh. OK, I guess.
Kane: Look at that – you’re a Party Animal!
Leo: Whoop Whoop!


Kane: Look, I know your Mum and Dad aren’t here but I can help with your homework.
Leo: It’s OK. I want to get through High School as quickly as possible so them not bickering around here makes it easier to concentrate.
Kane: Yeah. Things are sure getting strange around here.
Leo: Can I ask you, Kane, did I see Dad flirting with you?
Kane: Yes! I had to ask him to cool it. I mean, I like guys, as well as girls, but your Dad’s married.
Leo: Yes – to my Mum!
Kane: Sorry, kid.
Leo: It’s not your fault.


Leo: I’ve done a load of work on the handicraft table and been on 5 space adventures and upgraded our loo and sink a lot! I joined Mum at her vet practice while dad looked after Cilla. I didn’t do any vet work. I just played chess while she did. Life’s a lot easier with Mum & Dad on their own.
Anyway, I don’t want to talk about them. I had the best Prom night ever. I’d not really met anyone there before but, as soon as I saw her – the prettiest girl in the world – I voted her prom queen before I even knew her name! I told her and so she agreed to dance with me.


When she actually got the crown, she made sure to show it off to me. I nearly dropping my bowl of food.


And then I made sure she came with me to the after party and got her number! And a kiss! It was the best night ever!


L-to-R: Stephanie, Rohan holding Cilla, Kane, Leo
Llama Lagoon, Avarice Acres

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

With the race element, I never spend any work time with the heirs socializing with colleagues so they never know who to be friendly with, which I believe ups their performance. If I remember, I’ll try that in the next gen.

I forgot to restrict Rohan’s romantic interests. I’m so cross with him for flirting around. Stephanie’s cross with him too. So he’s cross with her for yelling at him. It’s a real mess! And a bit sad.

All traits are generated using Pinstar’s generator unless they’re totally wrong. Party Animal will give Leo an interesting future…I still haven’t decided on his retail branch – Shop or Restaurant. Not Vet as heirs can’t max a skill that a previous heir has claimed (Stephanie claimed Vet skill).
Despite being a Party Animal and maybe because of his parents, Leo has a vulnerable look to him, don’t you think. I’m quite fond of him. I planned to have him make enemies with Cassandra in this episode but, look at that face! I couldn’t do it.

Genes Leo.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 10: Making Up Is Hard To Do (25-Aug)
« Reply #181 on: August 25, 2023, 10:08:03 AM »
Stephanie & Rohan are such an attractive couple--the Tangata line has strayed far from its pale-skinned, green-haired origins.
Leo is very cute. He mostly resembles Stephanie but with Rohan's nose.  Naturally, we support wholeheartedly his choice of Morgan Fyres.
It's so odd that your sims continue to fool around despite the Free Love NAP no longer being active.
Or it was never active for the Tangatas, right?
Rohan is so out of control--I've never seen such shameless behavior from that sim. Shame on you, Rohan!

As for the "Socialize with Coworkers" work mode, I find that occasionally switching between Work Hard and Socialize with Coworkers gives an extra bump to job performance.
Could you use one of your clubs to see other sims in the Military career?  Actually, Steph's so close to L10 now, it doesn't matter.
Great job, Watcher!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 10: Making Up Is Hard To Do (25-Aug)
« Reply #182 on: August 25, 2023, 12:18:53 PM »
Stephanie & Rohan are such an attractive couple--the Tangata line has strayed far from its pale-skinned, green-haired origins.
Leo is very cute. He mostly resembles Stephanie but with Rohan's nose.  Naturally, we support wholeheartedly his choice of Morgan Fyres.
It's so odd that your sims continue to fool around despite the Free Love NAP no longer being active.
Or it was never active for the Tangatas, right?
Rohan is so out of control--I've never seen such shameless behavior from that sim. Shame on you, Rohan!

As for the "Socialize with Coworkers" work mode, I find that occasionally switching between Work Hard and Socialize with Coworkers gives an extra bump to job performance.
Could you use one of your clubs to see other sims in the Military career?  Actually, Steph's so close to L10 now, it doesn't matter.
Great job, Watcher!
I'm so disappointed with Rohan. I was really pleased when he reversed his Loner trait to Outgoing but I'm now thinking that is the cause of his Flirting with everyone. None of the other Sims get so Flirty!

I was always hoping to keep the Retail Bloodline with coloured hair of some sort but there's not many options. Morgan at the Prom will do very nicely and Leo seems Smitten. She's Good and Outgoing. Her 3rd trait may decide it...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary
« Reply #183 on: August 26, 2023, 11:47:07 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary

Previously in the Kenna Family: The current heir Emmanuel managed to complete his 2nd term of a Distinguished Fine Arts degree, despite losing his spouse Wolfgang Munch to hysteria. The next heir Evelyn, groomed to enter the Criminal career by Wolfgang, graduated from High School and applied to University.

L-to-R: Evelyn, Emmanuel, Tim, James

Evelyn: This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster so I’m going to write it all down and hope that it makes sense. I am not being a drama llama when I say this is TOP SECRET stuff and so don’t pass it on!
I got my University place on Monday morning, just as Dad went off for his first class. There were so many options but I knew my late Dad had wanted me to study Villainy.
I had just entered Foxbury on the application site when this guy shows up saying he was a friend of Wolfgang. His name is Diego Lobo, an Art Critic. He was all friendly with Dad and pretty soon they were best friends.


I thought maybe Dad might fall for him but no – it turns out that Wolfgang had suggested Diego as my future husband and could he have a private chat with me! Dad was all for it but then Dad always did do everything Wolfgang wanted.
Just as I was about to put this guy straight, Diego explained that he’d been trying to infiltrate Wolfgang’s gang, pretending to help him steal artwork.  As I was in receipt of stolen goods – apparently my pendant was stolen property – I would have to take over the infiltration, using Wolfgang’s contacts, or face imprisonment! They would train me as a Diamond Agent, studying Psychology instead of Villainy at Foxbury so it would look the same.
I hadn’t been sure about being a villain but I’m not sure about being a secret agent either. Diego was very nice about it but didn’t give me any other options so I signed on to the course.


My life became one long round of studying, presenting papers and writing essays. It was interesting stuff but I still wasn’t sure about my role and I was conflicted about what Wolfgang had been doing. I was also a bit out of sync with everyone else because I started term on Tuesday.


One night I decided to see if Dad had know what Wolfgang was really like so I asked him as we sat outside in the snow, studying together. I didn’t get very far. Dad has rose-tinted glasses when it comes to his Wolfie and it just started to make him sad.


I decided to make the best of things – get the best degree and sort out the mess I was in. I went back to the Villareal estate and invited Jacques to come for Christmas. He was delighted to see me but said he would be busy but that Luna and Hugo would come. After all, they needed to get to know their future step-mother! Just how many people did Wolfgang promise me to?


I called Diego and he said not to worry - he would come at Christmas too and help me keep things together. It was a relief. I mean, I like Luna but I feel weird deceiving her.


I was curious that Diego seemed a bit sad with his present from Father Christmas. Tim asked his bother – yes, Diego has a brother called Max – who said that Diego’s been on Santa’s Naughty list ever since he became Hot-Tempered. Hm, I’d better stay on his good side then. Santa’s as well as Diego’s.


Diego is a Snob as well. We found that out on Thursday which was Film Premiere day. James had got a Penguin TV set from Father Christmas so we settled down to watch it on that. Diego could hardly bear to look at the TV because it was so, and I quote, “hideously common”. He said he had to leave before he smashed something in horror. Actually I think it was more to do with the fact that he used our loo. None of the household use it so we’d just left the purple prank Zoe Patel had done. Poor Diego. Max hung around and helped clear up the Christmas debris.


On Friday, after I’d finished my seminars for the week, I got to thinking about Diego and how my life is in the hands of this Hot-Headed Snob. It made me so insecure that I developed a Mean streak. Maybe I’m more like Wolfgang than I want to admit. I was going to the family museum at GGrandad’s house when I passed the current Retail household. How dare they set up a house in that neighbourhood! I laid into that Leo Tangata and gave him what-for! He looked a bit shocked but my Mean streak really kicked in.


When I got back, we found out that Dad had got his Distinguished degree in Fine Art and he immediately got a job as a level 8 Musician. He’s so happy to be playing his violin again. He couldn’t wait to start practicing. I was feeling weird with making enemies and my studies and my future plus there was Prom to get ready for. Max was still with us and we had a nice chat. He’s a Good Proper Dog-Lover. After I’d vented about my life, he told me all about the dog he wants to get. I felt a lot calmer after that.


When it was time for the Prom, I realised I’d not done my homework for my last session this term on Monday so I had to study all through Prom. I’d totally forgotten about Daichi, the boy I was crushing on last week, but he wasn’t there anyway.


When Morgan Fyres invited me to the After-Party, I persuaded Daichi to come along. We had a laugh together but I’m totally over my crush. This is Evelyn, your trainee Secret Diamond Agent, signing off after a very confusing week.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

When Evelyn got to Leo’s house he was in his everyday outfit and was starting to turn blue. Having shoved him a few times, he was too embarrassed (?) to show her his cold weather outfit so she had to lead him inside to continue the fight! It was absurd!

I was surprised that Evelyn had totally forgotten her crush while we were away. She’s got the Beloved trait so her relationships are not supposed to fade. He wasn’t in her contact list so she couldn’t contact him until the After-Party.

Evelyn has completed all her Moving Out requirements so we’re just waiting on Emmanuel to top his career. There are clearly a few options for her future spouse, ranging from highly desirable through to a hard “no” – Jacques Villareal – we’re talking about you! Daichi is sweet but what would his adult trait be? Max Lobo is a CAS construct – a genetic twin of Diego but with violet eyes. I rolled the in-game dice for his traits and left his clothing as default.

James and Tim have had a quiet but happy week although Tim has a Want to get married to Zoe. Next week, Tim, next week!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #184 on: August 26, 2023, 12:28:16 PM »
I still find Daichi extremely attractive but Max Lobo shares Will's white-blond hair and violet eyes.
Compared with the horrendous townies spawned in my Mishmash simverse, Daichi is such a dreamboat!
Also, Max is definitely better-looking than his twin Diego.  Btw, I'm a Diego fan though I've only ever played him as a helper, haha.

Evelyn's so close to moving into a place of her own!  Get a move on, Emmanuel, and max your career!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #185 on: August 26, 2023, 01:14:46 PM »
I still find Daichi extremely attractive but Max Lobo shares Will's white-blond hair and violet eyes.
Compared with the horrendous townies spawned in my Mishmash simverse, Daichi is such a dreamboat!
Also, Max is definitely better-looking than his twin Diego.  Btw, I'm a Diego fan though I've only ever played him as a helper, haha.

Evelyn's so close to moving into a place of her own!  Get a move on, Emmanuel, and max your career!
Your townie teens were truly awful. Not even a makeover could save any of them.

Evelyn hasn't made a decision yet. Max Lobo wants a dog which is not ideal and Daichi is a Child of the Islands plus an unknown trait to come. I can't remember his other trait except that it was a neutral.

Hugo (!) and Luna are in the running but not very likely. Rory, from the previous week's Prom, has fallen by the wayside. His looks were odd.

The necessity of a degree - 3 week's- plus a career - 1 week does impede progress. Early graduation and uni enrollment has resulted in alternate generation delays. Gen 1 Will held Gen 2 Valentine back but he maxed his career way before gen 3 Emmanuel was ready.

If I'd mapped out a Gantt chart to manage the gen progress I might have had a better flow.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #186 on: August 26, 2023, 03:06:12 PM »
I still find Daichi extremely attractive but Max Lobo shares Will's white-blond hair and violet eyes.
Compared with the horrendous townies spawned in my Mishmash simverse, Daichi is such a dreamboat!
Also, Max is definitely better-looking than his twin Diego.  Btw, I'm a Diego fan though I've only ever played him as a helper, haha.

Evelyn's so close to moving into a place of her own!  Get a move on, Emmanuel, and max your career!
Your townie teens were truly awful. Not even a makeover could save any of them.

Evelyn hasn't made a decision yet. Max Lobo wants a dog which is not ideal and Daichi is a Child of the Islands plus an unknown trait to come. I can't remember his other trait except that it was a neutral.

Hugo (!) and Luna are in the running but not very likely. Rory, from the previous week's Prom, has fallen by the wayside. His looks were odd.

The necessity of a degree - 3 week's- plus a career - 1 week does impede progress. Early graduation and uni enrollment has resulted in alternate generation delays. Gen 1 Will held Gen 2 Valentine back but he maxed his career way before gen 3 Emmanuel was ready.

If I'd mapped out a Gantt chart to manage the gen progress I might have had a better flow.
Just because Max Lobo has the Dog Lover trait, that doesn't mean he must own a dog.  Haha, Watcher, you are too kind!
What about taking Max on weekly visits to the Brindleton Bay dog park? With that trait, he'd make a great spouse for the heir running a vet clinci. ;)

As for personality traits, you had lots of experience in your Asylum Challenge with swapping traits. 
I can deal with most traits except for Goofball and Mean.  Recycle Disciple is also a bit of a pain because the sim will start autonomously recycling stuff if not supervised.
Oh yean, I don't like Squeamish either because I love fishing in game.  haha, my list of disliked traits keeps getting longer...
My irrelevant vote would be Max for hair/eye-color genetics or Daichi for sheer handsomeness.

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #187 on: August 27, 2023, 01:17:36 PM »
Wow! I've missed a lot - Gen 4 already!

I keep thinking I have a favorite bloodline, but then it seems to change with the next chapter.
Right now I'm very partial to Evelyn, but Stephanie is right up there. I'm not quite as attached to Cassandra, but that might be because the other two bloodline chapters came after her last one for me.

I've never played with aging off - it keeps surprising me to see original townies in the Gen 4 timeline.

Great story . . . hoping I can keep up going forward.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #188 on: August 28, 2023, 02:33:21 AM »
Thanks for the read  :)

Evelyn has had the most detailed storyline - Wolfgang as her father dictated that and overshadowed poor Emmanuel.

Cassandra hasn't had much of a voice yet. She's been busy collecting and working out.  I'm hoping she'll find her voice in the next update. When the Spellcaster line first held on to Minerva's distinctive nose I was a bit dismayed. But now I like that they all have unusual looks and enjoy the challenge of styling them.

It's very strange doing my best for each Bloodline, getting fond of each heir in turn.

Aging off is strange and I'm not sure I like it. With NSS on, the townies and former heirs have children but they never get past babyhood! I think if I was starting again, I'd turn NSS off or maybe disallow babies. Adoptions would work...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #189 on: August 28, 2023, 09:30:06 AM »
Thanks for the read  :)
Aging off is strange and I'm not sure I like it. With NSS on, the townies and former heirs have children but they never get past babyhood! I think if I was starting again, I'd turn NSS off or maybe disallow babies. Adoptions would work...

Don't the rules allow a sim in your active household to age up early any townie or other non-heir in the other bloodline households, provided that they become good friends first?
I don't exactly remember how the rule went, but I seem to remember taking advantage of that rule to keep an heir's twin sibling closer in age or speed up a helper's growth.
All the babies stuck at the newborn stage thanks to NSS must be terribly annoying. But ThrifTea and Copperdale High also spawns new teens, right?
Oh wait, your simvers  population must have a disproporate ratio of babies!  That's just sad.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 11 – Evelyn’s Secret Diary (26-Aug)
« Reply #190 on: August 28, 2023, 12:30:29 PM »
I planned to have Gen 2 return to their parent's homes and age up the babies born offscreen but it took soooooo long to become good friends with the babies that I only did it for one.

Yes, there are a lot of babies in my Simverse. Including within the Bloodlines. If they become friends with helpers in other Bloodlines, I always have the onscreen Bloodline say "yes" to the baby question in order to mess the other Bloodlines up. It's mainly Maaike that gets pregnant this way. I've lost count of her progeny!

Clearly this tactic would mess me up when I move on to that family if it happens in the current generation but that's the headgame of the RDC!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone?
« Reply #191 on: August 28, 2023, 03:11:50 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone?

Previous in the Calixte Family: Our current heir Natalie completed her requirements while her husband Cyrus struggled to keep their 3 youngest children fed and watered, significantly aided by Natalie’s twin (teen) sister Shaina and her uncle Aadan.
Our next heir Cassandra aged up to a Cheerful, Loves Outdoors teen and started collecting things while building Logic and Fitness. Her twin, Emrys aged up to a Child who also Loves Outdoors while the young twins Bill & Kirsten aged up to Toddlers.

L-to-R: Cassandra, Natalie holding Bill, Uncle Aadan, Cyrus holding Kirsten, Shaina, Emrys

Cassandra: I really need a striped frog to breed the rest of my collection. Just 5 left to find or breed! Yes! A Tiger Frog. Perfect. And that’s bred me a Striped Leaf Frog straight away. Time to work on my Fitness while I wait for them to recover!


Cassandra: Thanks for coming to my home Marcus. I didn’t know if you would do home mentoring.
Marcus: Well, only for Watched Sims. Besides, I heard you might be looking for a dark-haired Sim soon.
Cassandra: Um – yes – I’d forgotten that step. How old are you, exactly?
Marcus (adult): Age is just a number. I’m very fit!
Cassandra: Yes!
Marcus: Yes?
Cassandra: Oh – er – not you. I’ve just got my last frog. Apparently I can breed frogs in my pocket as I work out…


Kirsten: Watcher pays me and Bill no heed at all. We can mess up the garden and run riot. Look – she didn’t even bother to sort out our wardrobes!
Watcher: Your everyday outfits are cute…
Kirsten: But not co-ordinated! And what do you call this sleepwear ensemble? Charity Shop Accident?
Watcher: Sorry.


Cassandra: I did it Great Granny! 7 wands and Uncle Aadan finally painted a portrait worth hanging.
Kiama: You’ve missed a bit out, haven’t you?
Cassandra: Ah – enemies with the Retail Bloodline. OK OK, I’ll do it.
Kiama: And the other thing…you need someone to make babies with.
Cassandra: Baby – singular!. Aunt Shaina is quite clear on that. Um, I’ve not met anyone I like.
Kiama: A spellcaster with pointy ears would be ideal. Watcher wants dark hair and she doesn’t want to generate one. Why don’t you try visiting the Magical HQ. You never know… And there’s always Tomax…


Cassandra: Really? Hugging his little twin sister? And I’ve got to declare him my enemy? OK – switch the camera off. I don’t want a record of this!


Cassandra: Oh – my – um – you weren’t here last time I visited.
Osprey: No. I’m not sure where I’ve been but I’m here now.
Cassandra: Are your parents around?
Osprey: No. I don’t know who they are. I don’t even have a house to live in. It’s not much fun being a Teen all on my own. I always worry that people are out to get me. But I’m glad I’ve met you.
Cassandra: You can come and hang out at my house if you like.


Cassandra: What do you think, Aunt Shaina? You’re the expert in Romance. He’s asked to be my Best Friend. How do I move from the friend-zone to the girlfriend zone?
Shaina: Give him a rose and see what he says.


Shaina: Happy Birthday, Cassandra. I see you’re Active now. Not surprising since you’ve already maxed Fitness. Osprey’s still here I see.
Cassandra: Yes. I’m going to ask if he wants to age up.


Cassandra: How do you feel, being a Young Adult?
Osprey: I think I want to start a family!
Cassandra: Perfect! How would you like to join me, my Aunt Shaina and my twin Emrys in a new household?
Osprey: I didn’t know you had a twin? Where is he?
Emrys: Right here, mate! I know, I know. I’m Cassie’s twin but I’m only a child. It’s complicated.
Osprey: Oh. Does this new house have a basement?


Watcher: And so Cassie’s new home is mainly basement so that Paranoid, Self-Absorbed but Family-Oriented Osprey would feel comfortable. In fact, he felt so comfortable plus having Soulmate as an aspiration, that he asked Cassie to move into the girlfriend-zone, becoming Loyal in the process. He was also more than happy to get with the baby-making program. He was even happy when Shaina restyled his hair and tweaked his wardrobe to be both Polished and Boho but with no red – as per his preferences. She even co-ordinated his Cold Weather outfit with Cassandras.


Cassandra: This is nice.
Osprey: It really is.
Cassandra: With us both working as Conservationists, it’s good to get to know the area.
Osprey: And each other…


Emrys: Will you read to me, now that you’ve adopted me.
Osprey: I was happy to adopt you, lad. I’ll teach to ride a bike too. Wait! What was that?
Emrys: Just someone going past. I think we need to put one of these couches downstairs so you can relax!


Cassandra: I didn’t realise I’d bump into you and Makoa while working. My boyfriend went to work to meet you so we could all collaborate.
Janet: Oh yes, we met Osprey before we came out. Makoa’s just confronting that wrongdoer. What’s your assignment?
Cassandra: I’ve got one Ocean sample. I’m just waiting to get a couple more.
Janet: When’s the baby due?
Cassandra: Just past midnight, early Friday morning.
Janet: Every blessing!


Cassandra: Baby Edie, meaning success! You, little girl are eons ahead of the others. I know you can win this for us!


Cassandra: Back to work and it’s cleaning up garbage. You’d think the tourists around here would want to pitch in and help but no. Hey – that sailor looks familiar…


Shaina: Thanks for mentoring me Nanny Hali’a. Why are you dressed for the beach, exactly?


Cassandra: Meet your gt gt granddaughter, Edie!
Kiama: Isn’t she adorable! Back to black hair for our Bloodline.
Natalie: But with her father’s eyes. Beautiful!
Edie: Coo.


Olivia: I hear you’ve got a niece.
Emrys: Yeah. That’s why I’m out here building Snowpals.
Olivia: Can I come and prank your loo?
Emrys: You’re funny!


Shaina: I get one Prom and I’m Romantic. Aurelio, Duana, Greta? Any takers?


Shaina: When Evelyn Kenna invited me to the After Party, I saw you on her list of invitees. You look cute.
Daichi: I guess…
Evelyn: What?!?!?!


L-to-R: Shaina, Osprey holding Edie, Cassandra, Emrys
Llama Lagoon, Asphalt Abode

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Watchers Note

I couldn’t believe the game had gifted Cassandra with Osprey. His teen traits weren’t great but he’s gorgeous. His lack of pointy ears didn’t matter as Edie got hers from Cassandra. Edie is pronounced E-D. She’s gorgeous. I’m sure you’ll agree.


Just a moment to note that Emrys’ piercing blue eyes turned to violet when he became a child and I’ve only just noticed. I think he’s rather lovely now, too.


I nearly laughed out loud when Evelyn invited Shaina to her after party and Daichi was available. Her face! Shaina is Romantic and would like a beau but she's never developed a crush on anyone. Daichi might be worth pursuing though...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone? (28-Aug)
« Reply #192 on: August 28, 2023, 03:56:31 PM »
Edie's is so very lovely and her pointy ears are amaaaaazing!
Emrys has also aged up into a handsome lad!
Great luck with running into Osprey, Cassandra.

As for Daichi: Evelyn, you better make up your mind and snatch up that dreamboat Daichi!
Your child with Daichi will be gorgeous and the kid can always dye their hair later, lol!
If you don't want him, I'm asking your Watcher to upload Daichi to the Gallery for my Misturas. 

Back to the Calixtes, I laughed out loud at Osprey's traits. Most importantly, he's Family Oriented. What a keeper!
I love that you built them an underground home to assuage Osprey's paranoia. You are so good to your sims, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone? (28-Aug)
« Reply #193 on: August 28, 2023, 04:15:27 PM »
Edie's is so very lovely and her pointy ears are amaaaaazing!
Emrys has also aged up into a handsome lad!
Great luck with running into Osprey, Cassandra.

As for Daichi: Evelyn, you better make up your mind and snatch up that dreamboat Daichi!
Your child with Daichi will be gorgeous and the kid can always dye their hair later, lol!
If you don't want him, I'm asking your Watcher to upload Daichi to the Gallery for my Misturas. 

Back to the Calixtes, I laughed out loud at Osprey's traits. Most importantly, he's Family Oriented. What a keeper!
I love that you built them an underground home to assuage Osprey's paranoia. You are so good to your sims, Watcher!
Ha ha! You're so easy to bait!
I don't really have spare time for Shaina to have a significant romance and she only has neutral compatibility with Daichi. It would be a waste.
Evelyn thanks you for your kind advice and will take it into consideration.  ;)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone? (28-Aug)
« Reply #194 on: August 28, 2023, 09:17:50 PM »
Ha ha! You're so easy to bait!
I don't really have spare time for Shaina to have a significant romance and she only has neutral compatibility with Daichi. It would be a waste.
Evelyn thanks you for your kind advice and will take it into consideration.  ;)

Um, it appears that I have a type? *winks