Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 11 – Which Zone?
SpellcasterPrevious in the Calixte Family: Our current heir Natalie completed her requirements while her husband Cyrus struggled to keep their 3 youngest children fed and watered, significantly aided by Natalie’s twin (teen) sister Shaina and her uncle Aadan.
Our next heir Cassandra aged up to a Cheerful, Loves Outdoors teen and started collecting things while building Logic and Fitness. Her twin, Emrys aged up to a Child who also Loves Outdoors while the young twins Bill & Kirsten aged up to Toddlers.L-to-R: Cassandra, Natalie holding Bill, Uncle Aadan, Cyrus holding Kirsten, Shaina, Emrys
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Cassandra: I really need a striped frog to breed the rest of my collection. Just 5 left to find or breed! Yes! A Tiger Frog. Perfect. And that’s bred me a Striped Leaf Frog straight away. Time to work on my Fitness while I wait for them to recover!
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Cassandra: Thanks for coming to my home Marcus. I didn’t know if you would do home mentoring.
Marcus: Well, only for Watched Sims. Besides, I heard you might be looking for a dark-haired Sim soon.
Cassandra: Um – yes – I’d forgotten that step. How old are you, exactly?
Marcus (adult): Age is just a number. I’m very fit!
Cassandra: Yes!
Marcus: Yes?
Cassandra: Oh – er – not you. I’ve just got my last frog. Apparently I can breed frogs in my pocket as I work out…
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Kirsten: Watcher pays me and Bill no heed at all. We can mess up the garden and run riot. Look – she didn’t even bother to sort out our wardrobes!
Watcher: Your everyday outfits are cute…
Kirsten: But not co-ordinated! And what do you call this sleepwear ensemble? Charity Shop Accident?
Watcher: Sorry.
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Cassandra: I did it Great Granny! 7 wands and Uncle Aadan finally painted a portrait worth hanging.
Kiama: You’ve missed a bit out, haven’t you?
Cassandra: Ah – enemies with the Retail Bloodline. OK OK, I’ll do it.
Kiama: And the other thing…you need someone to make babies with.
Cassandra: Baby – singular!. Aunt Shaina is quite clear on that. Um, I’ve not met anyone I like.
Kiama: A spellcaster with pointy ears would be ideal. Watcher wants dark hair and she doesn’t want to generate one. Why don’t you try visiting the Magical HQ. You never know… And there’s always Tomax…
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Cassandra: Really? Hugging his little twin sister? And I’ve got to declare him my enemy? OK – switch the camera off. I don’t want a record of this!
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Cassandra: Oh – my – um – you weren’t here last time I visited.
Osprey: No. I’m not sure where I’ve been but I’m here now.
Cassandra: Are your parents around?
Osprey: No. I don’t know who they are. I don’t even have a house to live in. It’s not much fun being a Teen all on my own. I always worry that people are out to get me. But I’m glad I’ve met you.
Cassandra: You can come and hang out at my house if you like.
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Cassandra: What do you think, Aunt Shaina? You’re the expert in Romance. He’s asked to be my Best Friend. How do I move from the friend-zone to the girlfriend zone?
Shaina: Give him a rose and see what he says.
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Shaina: Happy Birthday, Cassandra. I see you’re Active now. Not surprising since you’ve already maxed Fitness. Osprey’s still here I see.
Cassandra: Yes. I’m going to ask if he wants to age up.
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Cassandra: How do you feel, being a Young Adult?
Osprey: I think I want to start a family!
Cassandra: Perfect! How would you like to join me, my Aunt Shaina and my twin Emrys in a new household?
Osprey: I didn’t know you had a twin? Where is he?
Emrys: Right here, mate! I know, I know. I’m Cassie’s twin but I’m only a child. It’s complicated.
Osprey: Oh. Does this new house have a basement?
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Watcher: And so Cassie’s new home is mainly basement so that Paranoid, Self-Absorbed but Family-Oriented Osprey would feel comfortable. In fact, he felt so comfortable plus having Soulmate as an aspiration, that he asked Cassie to move into the girlfriend-zone, becoming Loyal in the process. He was also more than happy to get with the baby-making program. He was even happy when Shaina restyled his hair and tweaked his wardrobe to be both Polished and Boho but with no red – as per his preferences. She even co-ordinated his Cold Weather outfit with Cassandras.
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Cassandra: This is nice.
Osprey: It really is.
Cassandra: With us both working as Conservationists, it’s good to get to know the area.
Osprey: And each other…
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Emrys: Will you read to me, now that you’ve adopted me.
Osprey: I was happy to adopt you, lad. I’ll teach to ride a bike too. Wait! What was that?
Emrys: Just someone going past. I think we need to put one of these couches downstairs so you can relax!
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Cassandra: I didn’t realise I’d bump into you and Makoa while working. My boyfriend went to work to meet you so we could all collaborate.
Janet: Oh yes, we met Osprey before we came out. Makoa’s just confronting that wrongdoer. What’s your assignment?
Cassandra: I’ve got one Ocean sample. I’m just waiting to get a couple more.
Janet: When’s the baby due?
Cassandra: Just past midnight, early Friday morning.
Janet: Every blessing!
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Cassandra: Baby Edie, meaning success! You, little girl are eons ahead of the others. I know you can win this for us!
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Cassandra: Back to work and it’s cleaning up garbage. You’d think the tourists around here would want to pitch in and help but no. Hey – that sailor looks familiar…
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Shaina: Thanks for mentoring me Nanny Hali’a. Why are you dressed for the beach, exactly?
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Cassandra: Meet your gt gt granddaughter, Edie!
Kiama: Isn’t she adorable! Back to black hair for our Bloodline.
Natalie: But with her father’s eyes. Beautiful!
Edie: Coo.
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Olivia: I hear you’ve got a niece.
Emrys: Yeah. That’s why I’m out here building Snowpals.
Olivia: Can I come and prank your loo?
Emrys: You’re funny!
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Shaina: I get one Prom and I’m Romantic. Aurelio, Duana, Greta? Any takers?
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Shaina: When Evelyn Kenna invited me to the After Party, I saw you on her list of invitees. You look cute.
Daichi: I guess…
Evelyn: What?!?!?!
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L-to-R: Shaina, Osprey holding Edie, Cassandra, Emrys
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Llama Lagoon, Asphalt Abode
ProgressFounder: Kiama Calixte Adult
Active, Cheerful, Romantic +Outgoing +Music Lover
• 10-level career: Detective
Co-parent (dec): Minerva Charm
Fiancé: Darrel Charm
Gen 2 Former Heir: Mosi – Young Adult
Bookworm, Creative, Romantic +Outgoing +Cheerful +Family-Oriented
• Aspiration: Lord of the Knits
• Skills: Knitting, Guitar
• Collection: Familiars
• 10-level career Culinary: Chef
Spouse: Grace Anansi
Helpers: Gemma Charm (half-sister)
Gen 3 Former Heir: Natalie – Young Adult
Bookworm, Creative, Romantic +Family-Oriented +Perfectionist
• Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
• Skills: Gardening, Violin
• Collection: Potions
• Career: Gardener – Floral Designer
Spouse: Cyrus Tally
Helpers: Aadan Calixte (uncle – young adult),
Gen 4 Current Heir: Cassandra – Young Adult
Loves Outdoors, Cheerful, Active
• Aspiration: Curator
• Skills: Logic, Fitness
• Collection: Wands
Boyfriend: Osprey Jones – Family-Oriented, Paranoid, Self-Absorbed +Loyal
Twin: Emrys (Child) – Loves Outdoors
Helper: Shaina Calixte (Aunt – Teen) – Bookworm, Romantic
Gen 5 Next Heir: Edie – Infant
Watchers NoteI couldn’t believe the game had gifted Cassandra with Osprey. His teen traits weren’t great but he’s gorgeous. His lack of pointy ears didn’t matter as Edie got hers from Cassandra. Edie is pronounced E-D. She’s gorgeous. I’m sure you’ll agree.
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Just a moment to note that Emrys’ piercing blue eyes turned to violet when he became a child and I’ve only just noticed. I think he’s rather lovely now, too.
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I nearly laughed out loud when Evelyn invited Shaina to her after party and Daichi was available. Her face! Shaina is Romantic and would like a beau but she's never developed a crush on anyone. Daichi might be worth pursuing though...