Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31343 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 4: Work Harder, Dad! (29-Jun)
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2023, 07:08:39 PM »
Nothing worse than technical difficulties!  I hope your keyboard is back soon in working order!

Good luck to Alan in earning his remaining retail perks!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 4: Work Harder, Dad! (29-Jun)
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2023, 09:43:43 AM »

Sorry to hear about your tech; always frustrating when it doesn't work. It occurs to me that this isn't the first time you've run a retail business. I've never done it. Is it a lot of fun? If I want to give it a go sometime, do you have some tips? Have you tried running a restaurant?

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 4: Work Harder, Dad! (29-Jun)
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2023, 11:52:22 AM »

Sorry to hear about your tech; always frustrating when it doesn't work. It occurs to me that this isn't the first time you've run a retail business. I've never done it. Is it a lot of fun? If I want to give it a go sometime, do you have some tips? Have you tried running a restaurant?
I quite like running a shop. It's quite repetitive so it's worth making the items for sale something quirky or to your taste. I like the concept of selling Sim-made items. Alan is mainly selling paintings by the family and only restocking the ones worth over 1,000 simoleans.
Any surfaces get filthy and need regular cleaning so painting s hung on the wall are good. Interacting with the customers is essential for getting the perk points which then start to get easier. You get them for sales and restocking but you need more.
Having a family-only section means your Sims can be there 24-7 and starting club meetings gets you a work force without employees. Employees are unhelpful at best, distracting and time-consuming at worst.
I find the time when a shop is "open" quite intense - working the customers and watching out for sales which can be missed. It's hard if you've only got one Sim onsite.
Rick is working up to running a restaurant. The Retail Bloodline can have shops, restaurants and vet clinics.
I've only ever taken over an existing restaurant before so building one from scratch and low funds will be interesting.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 4: Work Harder, Dad! (29-Jun)
« Reply #108 on: July 06, 2023, 03:16:59 PM »
I hope your tech issues are getting worked out! It's so frustrating when the tech doesn't work.
I've read several chapters in a row to get caught up - wow, your families are really busy! What a whirlwind of activity! This challenge always seems overwhelming to me, but you are acing it!

That Free Love Nap sure does create some interesting story options . . .
The requirement for each heir to have an enemy in the rival bloodlines also adds lots of opportunity for some fun drama.

Overall, well done! Looking forward to more (and hoping not to get so far behind in the future). 

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us
« Reply #109 on: July 17, 2023, 06:07:54 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 23.5 Of Us

Watcher: Hey Summer, that picture of Val is perfect!
Summer: Thanks. Hey! Where have you been?
Watcher: Keyboard issues and they’re still not fixed. I’m having to use an external keyboard so I’m tied to a desk. No more using my “laptop” on my lap! But at least I’ve got my laptop back.
Summer: Have you noticed that I’ve maxed Painting, Fitness and Logic?
Watcher: You really are the full package, Summer.
Summer: Tell me about it!


Valentine: Are you sure it’s safe?
Watcher: You’ve maxed your Fitness, with your Mum’s help. Doing a Zero-G workout could max your Body Potential.
Valentine: Or not. I’ll just do an Epic Workout… See! Just call me Mr Universe!
Watcher: OK. You were right, I was wrong.
Valentine: I enjoyed going into space though. Nice to have a break from all the uni studying.
Watcher: How very convenient. How about using the Observatory to see what else is up there?


Valentine: Thanks for hauling me over to GeekCon this afternoon. Those 3 lectures this morning nearly killed me!
Watcher: You can play games to your hearts content here. I think Geekcon should help you get better faster. Oh – your phone’s ringing. It’s Gemma Charm. What does she want?
Valentine: She asking if I might ask her out! That’s so weird. Doesn’t she know I’ve got a girlfriend?
Watcher: I thought she’s a Young Adult now as well. Totally inappropriate. You’d better not go round there again. No more catering gigs. That’s your phone again. Who is it, this time?
Valentine: It’s Kiama now. She’s found a ring in Darrel’s bag and can’t decide whether to say “yes”. Why is she asking me?
Watcher: Don’t get involved. It’ll just get messy.
Valentine: I’ve told her to say “yes”. Messy for them is good for us.
Watcher: Oh…Don’t forget you need to go to another guest lecture this evening.
Valentine: I hope it’ll be better than yesterdays.


Valentine: Look, man, you need to keep your ditzy family in line.
Mosi: How dare you talk about my Mum and my sister like that.
Valentine: Is she your sister? Or is she your step-aunt-in-law-to-be?
Mosi: Wait! What?
Valentine: Your Mum…
Watcher: Nothing starting with “Your Mum” is ever good, Val! Don’t go there!
Valentine: He keeps trying to flirt with me. I’ve got to do something extreme.
Watcher: Oh, I can’t… la la! (fingers in ears)
Valentine:… there! Someone of us are just better than the rest of you.
Mosi: Argh!!!!!


Liberty: I can’t believe my baby is growing into a teen!
Travis: Happy birthday, son.
Tim: Thanks, Dad. Sorry I was trying to sleep in the treehouse when you and Summer blew your candles out, Mum. I never did make the full 6 hours!
Travis: That reminds me. I need to get the axe out to chop that treehouse down.
Tim: Nooooo!
Travis: We need room for the museum.
Tim: Museum?
Liberty: A portrait of every heir plus their collections. Val’s collecting Space Rocks.
Tim: Naw! He told me they were too hit and miss. He’s got 6 Space Prints from the Observatory.
Travis: Wow. Only one more needed! Hey, what’s the matter?
Tim: No one has exchanged Friendship Bracelets with me. I’m really sad!
Travis: Have you actually made a Friendship Bracelet?
Tim: Well – no…
Travis: Get to that Knitting Basket!


Will: Watcher! I got the phone call this morning, just after Tim left for his first day of High School. I’ve reached the top of my Education Administration career.
Watcher: Well done, Will. 2 promotions in one week! I knew it was possible. You’ve done great.
Will: Is Val ready?
Watcher: I think he is…


Liberty: Um, Summer? I’ve got some Big News to Share…
Summer: You too! But when did you…?
Liberty: You know when Tim was trying to sleep in the treehouse?
Tim: La la la. I am not hearing this!
Liberty: When did you…?
Summer: Will said he wanted to show me something in the dumpster! And then I wanted to show him something in the shower!
Liberty: One extreme to the other!
Summer: Oh I’m so glad we’re going to be preggers together again!
Liberty: Me too. And this time our babies will stay at the same age.
Tim: Babies? Plural? Oh no!


Will: You maxed Rocket Science instead of Singing! How come?
Valentine: Singing was taking ages but I got my Rocket Science from my Physics studies. So that and Video Gaming are my 2 unique bloodline skills.
Liberty: I like your Space Prints. Only one duplicate.
Valentine: I wish I’d started collecting them sooner and then I could have chosen the best ones.
Will: They’re good enough, Val. It’s time.


Tim: Are you sure you don’t mind me moving in with you?
Valentine: If you hadn’t asked, I’d have asked you.
Tim: Do you think we’ll be OK…2 teens on our own?
Valentine: Our parents are just over there. We’ll be fine.


Valentine: Are you OK to help me with my new rocket?
Liberty: I’ll stop if it gets uncomfortable. I’m pregnant, not ill.
Travis: If I can’t stop you, at least I can help!


Sofia: I don’t know why I agreed to this date! You still haven’t asked me to Prom!
Valentine: You know you love me. Look – see here. It says once I’ve graduated early I can’t invite someone to the Prom.
Sofia: Oh. I suppose I’ll forgive you then.
Valentine: You could always invite me…?
Sofia: I’ll think about it.
Valentine: Come on, let's do some karaoke to celebrate me finishing this term with another A+


Tim: How was your date?
Valentine: She forgave me, eventually, after a bit of…you know.
Tim: No. I don’t know. Tell me more…!
Valentine: Another time. I need to get some sleep so I'll be on form to do some tutoring tomorrow. Hey, this is weird. It’s the first time I’ve worn my PJs
Tim: Yeah. And actually gone to bed since we were toddlers.
Valentine: Weird.
Tim: Yeah.


Elsa: So why is Val here?
Sofia: Because he’s my boyfriend.
Elsa: But this is a pre-Prom get-together and he hasn’t invited you to the Prom.
Sofia: I invited Tim here and Val came too.
Elsa: Because they live together?
Sofia: Yes.
Elsa: Ah – it all makes sense now.
Valentine: Look, squirt, me and Tim moved out to make plenty of room for our parents to have more babies. We’re not….
Elsa: Making babies?
Valentine: Yes. I mean, no, we’re not.
Elsa: You could make babies with Sofia… Mum and Dad have been making babies. We’ve got 2 new baby brothers. And I know how they’re made.
Sofia & Valentine: Um…


Valentine: Thanks for coming over for my birthday.
Sofia: It’s quite late. I thought we were going to wait.
Valentine: It turns out that I can’t tutor anyone until I’m a Young Adult and so I thought…if you’re ready too…? Only if you are?
Sofia: I’ve been a teen since before you were born. I’m definitely ready.


Valentine: It’s not the best shower….
Sofia: It’s quite pretty…
Valentine: …but I was hoping…now that we’re Young Adults…
Sofia: Our first time as Young Adults! No more Messing Around. Yes, let’s!


Sofia: Oh! I’m pregnant!
Valentine: But how?
Sofia: We didn’t do anything different…
Valentine: Oh. We should have listened to your sister. Young Adults means we weren’t Messing Around!
Sofia: And we didn’t.
Valentine: No. We definitely weren’t Messing Around.
Sofia: Oh.


Valentine: Look, Sofia, it’s like this. I love you and I want to marry you and I need you to move in so that our baby will be my heir.
Sofia: What? This is all a bit sudden!
Valentine: It’s sooner than I thought but we don’t have time to think, Sofia. Watcher’s going to close us down for 2 weeks in less than an hour and your baby will be born while she’s not….Watching. And it has to be born in my house with you here too!
Sofia: I don’t understand!
Valentine: Just say “yes”, darling Sofia!
Sofia (whispering): Yes
Valentine: Yes?
Sofia: YES!


Tim: I moved here to get away from babies, Dad!


L-to-R: Tim, Sofia, Valentine

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

Sofia actually moved in, game-wise, after “visiting” the shower with Val so that I could have her take a Pregnancy Test.  I couldn’t bear the suspense of not knowing. She's kept her main outfit but she's had other outfits to fit in line with her preference for Boho/Rocker Fashion plus the colour green.

For the Floorplan Fans, here's the new Kenna residence, Tranquil Crescent. As you can see, this compact bachelor pad will need a bit of adapting for the expanding household. I've done a bit already, to add a basinet so I'll know who was born first if there are twins or triplets. Poor Tim! I didn't spend a whole heap of time designing it so it really is just a plain, functional build, as is the museum left on the Founders Lot.


The world wants more babies from Will & Summer, Liberty & Travis. Who am I to deny them? Especially when I don’t have to do all that childcare!

We haven’t exhausted all avenues to repair my limping laptop but, if it’s not possible, it will have to suffice for now as we’re saving our pennies for a big celebration of a significant anniversary. I am tied to my desk with the inconvenience of an external keyboard so it will reduce my playing time. It’s good to be back though.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us (17-Jul)
« Reply #110 on: July 17, 2023, 01:04:30 PM »
Yay, #Team Kenna continues to advance in leaps and bounds!
In your Progress, you describe Val as "Former Heir," but isn't he currently the Active Heir?
Val and Sofia make a stunning couple.
Poor Tim, trying to escape from babies and landing in a smaller household where he'll need to become one of the caregivers.

Nice timing on Sofia's pregnancy, Watcher, with Val only a week away from graduation!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us (17-Jul)
« Reply #111 on: July 17, 2023, 01:57:20 PM »
Yay, #Team Kenna continues to advance in leaps and bounds!
In your Progress, you describe Val as "Former Heir," but isn't he currently the Active Heir?
Val and Sofia make a stunning couple.
Poor Tim, trying to escape from babies and landing in a smaller household where he'll need to become one of the caregivers.

Nice timing on Sofia's pregnancy, Watcher, with Val only a week away from graduation!
Heirs are the ones working on the Moving Out requirements. The "Former Heir" or Founder have to do the 10-level career and bloodline requirements before the current heir (yet to be born in the Kenna household) can move out, even if they've completed the moving-out requirements.

I ummed and ahed over using this terminology as given in the original ruleset but couldn't decide on a better set...

I've been favouring  #teamKenna because I thought they'd fall behind but the 3 week teen phase with early uni entry has them breezing through.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us (17-Jul)
« Reply #112 on: July 17, 2023, 04:05:07 PM »

Love the shot gun proposal, with the Watcher about to switch families, hehe! Plus, Val's run in with Mosi and those phone calls. We'll see what kind of drama he cooks up!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us (17-Jul)
« Reply #113 on: July 17, 2023, 04:08:58 PM »
Heirs are the ones working on the Moving Out requirements. The "Former Heir" or Founder have to do the 10-level career and bloodline requirements before the current heir (yet to be born in the Kenna household) can move out, even if they've completed the moving-out requirements.

I ummed and ahed over using this terminology as given in the original ruleset but couldn't decide on a better set...

I've been favouring  #teamKenna because I thought they'd fall behind but the 3 week teen phase with early uni entry has them breezing through.
Thanks for explaining your choice of terms!
Like you, I initially assumed that the Kenna Well-Educated bloodline might be at a disadvantage despite the head start on a career.
But teens being able to enroll in uni makes their timing much easier.
You're doing a superb job with my favorite #TeamKenna!

Also, so much weirdness with the phone calls between the households!
And Kiama phoning about finding Darrel's engagement ring? LOL

P.S. I absolute love "Just the Two of Us," performed by Grover Washington Jr! <3 <3 <3

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 2 Of Us (17-Jul)
« Reply #114 on: July 20, 2023, 06:07:27 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 5: Go, Man Go

Kiama: What do you mean, that Valentine Kenna has moved into his own residence? And got some flibbertigibbet knocked up?
Watcher: They met all the requirements while you – you’re only on level 7 of your career and you need 3 more perk points. Plus that curse thing!
Kiama: Right! No more messing about. I’ve got loads of Good luck potions. Let’s get Very Confident and wish me a promotion!
Wishing Well: Your wish is my command, Mistress. You have an immediate promotion to level 8.
Kiama: And I’ve solved enough cases for my next promotion too! Oh WW, you’re the best!
Wishing Well: You are as gracious as you are beautiful, Mistress.


Mosi: I’m fed up of those 2 jerks from the other Bloodlines coming over here to insult me and my family. I tried to be romantic with them and they just got worse. Can they not feel the loving atmosphere in our home! You feel it, don’t you bees.
Bees: It’s Winter. We’re dormant. Just leave us in peace!
Mosi: Peace out, I suppose. Back to knitting. I need 2 more legendarys.


Kiama: Come on L! You know you want to curse me!
L: It’s no fun cursing you if you want to be cursed. Where’s the mischief in that?
Kiama: At least this is increasing my skill. Plus, we look amazing doing magic on a sunny snowy day.


Darrel: We appear to be engaged, Kiama.
Kiama: Well, I found a ring in your bag and I asked Valentine Kenna and he thought I should say “yes”.
Darrel: But that was Emilia’s ring. I was having it re-sized.
Kiama: Oh. Don’t you want to be my fiancé?
Darrel: We’ve not even had a first kiss!
Kiama: Well, that’s easy to remedy!
Darrel: I asked you once before if I could move in. Now we’re engaged properly, is now the right time?
Watcher: Oh go on then. I reckon I’ll only have to manage you for the rest of this week.


Mosi: Grace, you’re quite different to me. I’m worried that you judge me.
Grace: Where did that come from?
Mosi: I think it’s just teenage angst but can you help me figure out our differences?
Grace: Well, sweetie, I’m a Goofball, Romantic but also Non-committal. I love being here in your house because I can enjoy the best of both worlds. Your mother Kiama is Romantic too. She’s lovely. You’re a bit like her, you know, so... maybe…
Mosi: Maybe you and me could be similar?
Grace: Why not! You’re a cute boy. When’s your birthday?


Kiama: Argh!
Watcher: What’s the matter?
Kiama: Well I came to the magical realm to celebrate my promotion to level 9…
Watcher: I thought you were on level 8?
Kiama: I got my level 9 promotion as soon as I got to work this morning. Just one more level to go. Anyway, I challenged all of the magic masters to duels and now I’ve been cursed through losing too many duels in a row.
Watcher: That’s great!
Kiama: It is?
Watcher: You remember! You need to remove a curse. Which one did you get?
Kiama: Unwarranted Hostility! I don’t want to meet anyone right now. They’ll try to fight me!
Watcher: You’ve got the curse removal potion in your inventory already.
Kiama: Ah, but I haven’t learned the copying spell and Mosi will need some.
Watcher: He can’t take it with him unless he’s made or found it himself. He’ll have to sort his own out. Quick, take it now and then it’s time to visit the Wishing Well again.


Watcher: Liberty? Is that you stalking naked Britani Cho?
Liberty: Um, no! Absolutely not! I was just out for a jog to lose my baby weight and she just stripped off in front of me.
Watcher: I’m sure I saw you pass her and then turn around. Actually, never mind. You’ve had your baby?
Liberty: Yes, a little boy called Mekhi. Summer had a little girl called Teresa. They’re both so cute.
Watcher: What about Sofia? Is she OK?
Liberty: She’s had a little boy and called him Emmanuel.
Watcher: Emmanuel? OK – that’s a nice name.


Watcher: You did it, Kiama! You’re the Chief.
Kiama: I preferred my last work outfit.
Watcher: We all do. But you can make it work.
Kiama: Nah! I’m quitting to concentrate on selling my potions.
Watcher: OK


Mosi: Finally! A 5th Legendary Octopus. I know I love Classical music and Knitting but I think I’ll take a break for a while. Unless I can think of something I need.


Emilia: I miss you in the house, Darrel.
Darrel: Well, I left the dog with you.
Emilia: It’s not the same.
Darrel: I tell you what, come up to the treehouse with me.
Emilia: OK. Hey did you hear that Kiama’s got 13 magical perks now?
Darrel: I want to concentrate on one fiancé at a time, darling. Come into the Enclosure!


Kiama: Oh, I’m pregnant?
Mosi: Um. Who’s the father?
Kiama: Darrel.
Emilia: Darrel?
Darrel: Um…


Mosi: I’m ready to move out, Mum.
Kiama: That’s probably for the best.
Mosi: Gemma’s asked if she can come too. She’s a bit confused about you and Darrel.
Kiama: That’s probably for the best.  I think I might ask him to move back with Emilia. You know she’s pregnant too and all alone apart from the dog…
Mosi: But then you’d be alone with your baby. I can’t move out without my twin Aadan.
Kiama: He’s only a boy. No, wait, it’s his birthday today.
Mosi: We can share a cake – after all, as twins, it’s only right we should age up together. Me to a Young Adult and him to a teen.
Kiama: Maybe I’ll keep Darrel around…


Grace: Happy Birthday, Mosi!
Mosi: This is for you!
Grace: I knew you’d be a Romantic, just like me!
Aadan: It’s just as well that I’m Self-Assured now and therefore not grossed out by my twin brother flirting with someone who saw him getting his nappy changed!


Mosi: Thanks for coming over to my new home. Gemma says you wanted to move in with us at Mum’s place. How do you feel about moving in here?
Grace: With Gemma here too? I thought you’d never ask.


Grace: I’ve been wanting to do this forever!
Mosi: You mean it’s your first time too?
Grace: Me and Tomax were never….intimate. And now Watcher wants me to explore our Romantic natures fully.
Mosi: OK


Kiama: So you understand the deal, Grace?
Grace: Not exactly. You know I’m Non-Committal? I love Gemma as well as Mosi.
Kiama: That’s not a problem but you do need to provide Mosi with an heir. The Kenna's have already started Gen 3 and we need to catch up.
Grace: That sounds like commitment to me…
Kiama: It’s non-negotiable, Grace. Once he has an heir, you can be as Non-Committal as you like.
Grace: Cool!


Aadan: Thanks for doing a Sweetheart Dance with me.
Savannah: It’s nice but I’m really cold.
Aadan: Let’s put out Cold Weather gear on.
Savannah: Are you enjoying being a teen? Your household’s a bit crazy, I’ve heard.
Aadan: Well, Gemma’s my half-sister and Mosi is my twin.
Savannah: But he’s a Young Adult now?
Aadan: Yes. And he’s having a baby with Grace Anansi – she moved in as soon as we got our new home. She loves Gemma too.
Savannah: And I heard that one of your mothers is having a baby with her fiancé, your half-brother?
Aadan: Darrel, yes. We don’t really like him because he’s a Snob. His other fiancé likes him though. Emilia’s having his baby as well. My other mother, Minerva, died when I was little. Me and Mosi were Science Babies.
Savannah: It is a crazy family.
Aadan: It seems normal to me.


L-to-R: Mosi, Gemma, Grace, Aadan

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watchers Note

With 2 Bloodlines establishing their 2nd residences, will the Tangata family match their progress? Oh – the suspense! I haven't decided whether to keep the game-given names for the Gen 3 heirs.

Grace likes Basics fashion which doesn't include her iconic yellow outfit. She also hates Orange. I have added that she likes Yellow and tried to find suitable outfits within the Basics style. I might tweak them as time goes on. She's got quite wide hips (like Maake) so she doesn't suit every style.

Title from the lyrics to Shame and Scandal in the Family - a fun song about complicated families. It makes me laugh every time I hear it.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 5: Go Man Go (20-Jul)
« Reply #115 on: July 20, 2023, 12:17:27 PM »
Congrats to Kiama for finally getting cursed and for maxing out her career!
Mosi certainly inherited Minerva's nose!
Thanks so much for explaining Aadaan's "pedigree" again.
While reading through this latest update, I couldn't remember who his parents were. But now I do!

If I were you, I'd try to get every heir to Adept rank as an unwritten requirement.
At Adept rank, they'd learn either the Potion of Curse Cleansing or Decursify, or both.
Mosi can invite the sages to his home to train him. ;-)

Good luck with your new start, Mosi!  Looking forward to the Gen3 Kiama!
(But I'm always #TeamKenna, lol!)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 5: Go Man Go (20-Jul)
« Reply #116 on: July 20, 2023, 12:47:23 PM »
Congrats to Kiama for finally getting cursed and for maxing out her career!
Mosi certainly inherited Minerva's nose!
Thanks so much for explaining Aadaan's "pedigree" again.
While reading through this latest update, I couldn't remember who his parents were. But now I do!

If I were you, I'd try to get every heir to Adept rank as an unwritten requirement.
At Adept rank, they'd learn either the Potion of Curse Cleansing or Decursify, or both.
Mosi can invite the sages to his home to train him. ;-)

Good luck with your new start, Mosi!  Looking forward to the Gen3 Kiama!
(But I'm always #TeamKenna, lol!)
Mosi definitely favours Minerva and has very sharp narrow features. His ears are rather magnificent. Aadan has more of Kiama's looks but his golden locks were a bit of a surprise.

Grace has quite cute features and the dark hair I wanted. I'm hoping her nooboo(s?) with Mosi will be lovely.

To get the required 13 perks, they have to get 3 levels above the top named level but I've not been prioritising that as its not required until they are the current generation. Getting that unique aspiration is the first main challenge. With the race between Bloodlines, I'm not always able to do things in the most efficient order

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 5: Go Man Go (20-Jul)
« Reply #117 on: July 20, 2023, 01:32:31 PM »
Mosi definitely favours Minerva and has very sharp narrow features. His ears are rather magnificent. Aadan has more of Kiama's looks but his golden locks were a bit of a surprise.

Grace has quite cute features and the dark hair I wanted. I'm hoping her nooboo(s?) with Mosi will be lovely.

To get the required 13 perks, they have to get 3 levels above the top named level but I've not been prioritising that as its not required until they are the current generation. Getting that unique aspiration is the first main challenge. With the race between Bloodlines, I'm not always able to do things in the most efficient order
RoM wasn't out when I played my RDC, so thanks for explaining about the magical perks and bloodline requirements.
Erm, if Kiama gives a Potion of Curse Cleansing to Mosi as a Friendly Gift, then could he move out with it?
Otherwise, you'll be constantly checking the Casters Alley Potion shop for that potion, which is okay too, I guess.

Yes I agree that Grace Anansi is a lovely sim!
As for Aadan's hair color, I wonder what color Minerva's hair was before she turned gray. 
Oh, but her kids are both brunettes. The mystery continues....

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 5 - Work Hard For The Money
« Reply #118 on: July 22, 2023, 08:24:33 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 5: Work Hard For The Money

Alan: I’m proud of you, son!
Rick: Thanks Dad. And thanks for setting up the museum although I don’t really like that portrait of me fishing in my Fast Food outfit.
Alan: It’s the best of all the ones that Ulrike has done. She really did herself proud. It’s kind of appropriate as well, surrounded by your most valuable fish collection.
Rick: I guess. You know I can’t move out yet?
Alan: I know. I know. I need those 4 remaining major retail perks. It’s going to be tough.
Rick: You can do it, Dad. I’ve made some more cupcakes to sell.
Alan: Thanks, son. Your little pastries are always welcome. I’m sure people would like them if they tried them.


Rick: Little pastries! Little pastries! Does he just not notice how they sell like hot cakes? Literally! I hardly have time to clean the cabinet in between sales.


Alan: Always nice to have Spellcasters in here. And I see you’re expecting a nooboo?
Emilia: Yeah yeah. Just show me where the cupcakes are. I’m eating for 2 and I’m going to make the most of it.
Alan: This is an Art Gallery, you know. Not a café!


Grace: I want to get some décor for our new home. I wonder if Mosi would like one of these portraits. The artist Ulrike sure likes painting this one guy.


Rick: It’s a bit weird that Dad’s selling the cheaper portraits of us in the Gallery. But people keep buying that side-view of me. I don’t get it. I prefer any of the others – well mainly the ones that are not of me or Dad. They’re not even unique as we keeping churning out copies by restocking. Nearly all the pictures are worth over £1k now. I must admit that this Gallery is a great success. Just one perk to go now!


Alan: Happy Birthday, Maake!
Maake: Well, thanks to you – fulfilling my want to Try For A Baby – it turns out that my “birthday surprise” stopped my birthday!
Alan: I’m confused. I thought it was your birthday?
Maake: It was but I didn’t blow my candles out before taking a pregnancy test and…
Alan: I still don’t understand.
Maake: I’m Eating For Two! I can’t age-up while I’m pregnant.
Alan: That’s wonderful – but, if it’s not your birthday, I didn’t need to take time out from running the shop for your birthday treat!
Maake: Alan! Do I have to have a birthday to get some attention from you? You’re impossible! It's been wall-to-wall retail activities all week. You know we only just completed Christmas celebrations before you sold the tree. I hope our son develops a better work-life balance than you.


Alan: OK, Wishing Well, it’s like this. I’ve got all 5 of those major retail perks but Rick can’t move on until I get my last promotion. It’s Friday night and I’ve got one shot at it tomorrow morning. My skills are up to it. Just one work task to complete. But I’ve only just got my level 9 promotion so I need to get my work performance up somehow. If you don’t come through, Rick’s got to wait another week. Since he could have moved out last week if not for me, I really need your help. It’s make or break.
Wishing Well: I’m a little miffed that you’ve only just bought me and now you're putting all this pressure on me but, that was a generous offering so – as long as you get that last work task complete, you should get the promotion tomorrow.


Yuki: There’s too many people here. I don’t like it.
Rick: We had to come here for Dad to review the busker. Quick, let’s go and find a quiet spot amongst the art.
Yuki: Oh – this is better. Now what did you want to say to me?
Rick: Not say. Do!
Yuki: Oh, Rick.
Rick: Oh, Yuki. I love you!
Yuki: What?
Rick: I’ve had a crush on you like forever but I know it’s true love!
Yuki: I think I love you too.
Rick: Phew!


Kane: Are you sure you’re ready? Dad’s not got his promotion yet.
Rick: Watcher’s checked the rules. I can age up with my requirements complete. I just can’t move out until Dad’s are!
Kane: But why not wait?
Rick: There’s a lot I want to sort out and, well, I’ve waited long enough. Yuki is aging up too!


Rick: You will marry me, won’t you, Yuki?
Yuki: I don’t know. The world seems a sad place. Why would you want to marry me?
Rick: I know you’ve become quite Gloomy but I’m sure I can turn your frown upside down. Plus, I’m really Ambitious now and I know I can make you happy. I’ve got big plans. There’s a new world out there that’s just dying for a Fish and Seafood Restaurant! I’m just hoping that it’s got a river or somewhere to fish. That would be perfect.
Yuki: It sounds really exciting. But you know the Geek in me wants to be a Computer Whiz?
Rick: That’ll work! We’ll set up a special Geek Zone just for you!


Watcher: Well done, Alan. You got your final promotion as soon as your shift notification popped up.
Alan: Thank goodness. I really didn’t want to let Rick down for another week. I’ve sold the Gallery so he can start from fresh with a new one. It’s so important that he becomes a self-made retailer. Also, with my connections, I’ve got him a level 4 Critics job.
Watcher: Well, it was actually his own Connections reward trait that got him level 4. You know he’ll have to take the Food Critic branch, not the Arts one?
Alan: I suppose so but I’ve trained him up well in the Arts business. I’m sure his Gallery will do even better than mine.
Watcher: Um…


Sofia: But it’s snowing!
Rick: Come on, sweet Yuki! It’ll be fun!
Sofia: I thought you wanted to move out?
Rick: Watcher wants to sort a couple of things out before I do.
Sofia: I like the idea of going into utter darkness.
Rick: Oh my dark angel. I promise there will be stars for you too.


Simeon: I’ve missed you, my beautiful Ulrike. How is our son. I really want to get to know him.
Ulrike: That’s why I invited you over, Simeon. Let’s get married!
Simeon: But…of course. Yes! And you’ll live with me?
Ulrike: Me and Lex. It’s time we were a proper family.
Simeon: I don’t have a proper home to offer you but my Acolyte Tomax was only asking the other day if I would move in with him. He needs help paying the bills on his large house now Grace has moved out. He also wants some magical training. Would that be OK?
Ulrike: It sounds perfect. I’d love to have some magical inspiration for some new painting. And I think Lex could fit right in!


Ulrike: A bare plot of land isn’t the most romantic settings for an elopement.
Watcher: Time is of the essence. I’ll build something in a mo. I just need to check some things…
Kane: You will let me do a bit more outdoor stuff, won’t you?
Watcher: You’re difficult to please, Kane. You’re a Bookworm who Loves Outdoors.
Kane: How about an outdoor reading nook?
Watcher: I’ll think about it.


Rick: Welcome to the family, Buttilda!
Buttilda: I don’t know why I’m here. You’re not Simple Living so you don’t need my milk.
Rick: Cooking with Goats Milk could give my Restaurant the edge it needs.
Buttilda: OK. I guess I look cute too.
Rick: You sure do!


Yuki: Just let me finish this level and then I’ve got something important to tell you.
Rick: What is it, beloved?
Yuki: I’ve got some Big News to Share! I’m Eating for Two!
Rick: That’s perfect news, Yuki! Take that, Val & Mosi! I’m back in the game!
Yuki: What?


Kane: More outdoors I said, and she gets me a goat who butts my shin despite being well-cared for and petted to an absurd degree. This relationship is going to be a challenge!
Buttilda: Meh-eh-eh-eh-eh!


L-to-R: Rick, Kane, Yuki, Rick

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Watcher Notes

At the end of week 5 for all Bloodlines, they all have nooboos delivered or on the way. Grace gifted Mosi with twin girls during the Tangata week, Natalie and Shaina although I'm yet to discover which was born first and therefore the Gen 3 heir. Val Kenna (Well-Educated) is possibly the furthest in the lead as he has completed 2/3rds of his degree and that will bump him up the career ladder. His son has higher age-up requirements though so that will slow them down.

Yuki, with her Gloomy and Loner traits is not ideal. Her looks are mainly make-up too. With a clean face, she is quite ordinary-looking. However, Rick loves her and I'm fairly confident that I can keep her happy for long enough to reverse her Gloomy trait. She favours Boho clothes which, like with Grace's preference, doesn't include her main outfit! She's kept it as a back up but I have given her other Boho outfits in greens and blues.

All 3 of the Gen 2 houses are very perfunctory and I'm embarrassed to display them. For some reason, adding in fine details seems such an effort when I want to rush on with the gameplay. Maybe I'll get inspired during Week 6.

I have downloaded the Horse Ranch pack and each Bloodline will explore that in different ways. Home residencies have to stay in Newcrest but Rick's restaurant can be in the new world.  :D

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 5 - Work Hard For The Money (22-Jul)
« Reply #119 on: July 22, 2023, 11:13:33 AM »
The Tangatas did a great job this week, catching up with the other bloodlines at the very last minute.
My Mishmash has plans for a bakery later down the line, so I'm looking forward to Rick's business.
I laughed to see all the museum-reject portraits on sale at Alan's Art Gallery! LOL! Great idea!

Rick didn't inherit Alan's green hair, but hopefully the next Tangata heir will have Yuki's turquoise hair!

P.S. Maaike asks that you add the "i" in her name. ;-)
P.P.S. How goes things with your faulty keyboard?