Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 5: Just The 23.5 Of Us
Well-EducatedWatcher: Hey Summer, that picture of Val is perfect!
Summer: Thanks. Hey! Where have you been?
Watcher: Keyboard issues and they’re still not fixed. I’m having to use an external keyboard so I’m tied to a desk. No more using my “laptop” on my lap! But at least I’ve got my laptop back.
Summer: Have you noticed that I’ve maxed Painting, Fitness and Logic?
Watcher: You really are the full package, Summer.
Summer: Tell me about it!
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Valentine: Are you sure it’s safe?
Watcher: You’ve maxed your Fitness, with your Mum’s help. Doing a Zero-G workout could max your Body Potential.
Valentine: Or not. I’ll just do an Epic Workout… See! Just call me Mr Universe!
Watcher: OK. You were right, I was wrong.
Valentine: I enjoyed going into space though. Nice to have a break from all the uni studying.
Watcher: How very convenient. How about using the Observatory to see what else is up there?
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Valentine: Thanks for hauling me over to GeekCon this afternoon. Those 3 lectures this morning nearly killed me!
Watcher: You can play games to your hearts content here. I think Geekcon should help you get better faster. Oh – your phone’s ringing. It’s Gemma Charm. What does she want?
Valentine: She asking if I might ask her out! That’s so weird. Doesn’t she know I’ve got a girlfriend?
Watcher: I thought she’s a Young Adult now as well. Totally inappropriate. You’d better not go round there again. No more catering gigs. That’s your phone again. Who is it, this time?
Valentine: It’s Kiama now. She’s found a ring in Darrel’s bag and can’t decide whether to say “yes”. Why is she asking me?
Watcher: Don’t get involved. It’ll just get messy.
Valentine: I’ve told her to say “yes”. Messy for them is good for us.
Watcher: Oh…Don’t forget you need to go to another guest lecture this evening.
Valentine: I hope it’ll be better than yesterdays.
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Valentine: Look, man, you need to keep your ditzy family in line.
Mosi: How dare you talk about my Mum and my sister like that.
Valentine: Is she your sister? Or is she your step-aunt-in-law-to-be?
Mosi: Wait! What?
Valentine: Your Mum…
Watcher: Nothing starting with “Your Mum” is ever good, Val! Don’t go there!
Valentine: He keeps trying to flirt with me. I’ve got to do something extreme.
Watcher: Oh, I can’t… la la! (fingers in ears)
Valentine:… there! Someone of us are just better than the rest of you.
Mosi: Argh!!!!!
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Liberty: I can’t believe my baby is growing into a teen!
Travis: Happy birthday, son.
Tim: Thanks, Dad. Sorry I was trying to sleep in the treehouse when you and Summer blew your candles out, Mum. I never did make the full 6 hours!
Travis: That reminds me. I need to get the axe out to chop that treehouse down.
Tim: Nooooo!
Travis: We need room for the museum.
Tim: Museum?
Liberty: A portrait of every heir plus their collections. Val’s collecting Space Rocks.
Tim: Naw! He told me they were too hit and miss. He’s got 6 Space Prints from the Observatory.
Travis: Wow. Only one more needed! Hey, what’s the matter?
Tim: No one has exchanged Friendship Bracelets with me. I’m really sad!
Travis: Have you actually made a Friendship Bracelet?
Tim: Well – no…
Travis: Get to that Knitting Basket!
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Will: Watcher! I got the phone call this morning, just after Tim left for his first day of High School. I’ve reached the top of my Education Administration career.
Watcher: Well done, Will. 2 promotions in one week! I knew it was possible. You’ve done great.
Will: Is Val ready?
Watcher: I think he is…
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Liberty: Um, Summer? I’ve got some Big News to Share…
Summer: You too! But when did you…?
Liberty: You know when Tim was trying to sleep in the treehouse?
Tim: La la la. I am not hearing this!
Liberty: When did you…?
Summer: Will said he wanted to show me something in the dumpster! And then I wanted to show him something in the shower!
Liberty: One extreme to the other!
Summer: Oh I’m so glad we’re going to be preggers together again!
Liberty: Me too. And this time our babies will stay at the same age.
Tim: Babies? Plural? Oh no!
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Will: You maxed Rocket Science instead of Singing! How come?
Valentine: Singing was taking ages but I got my Rocket Science from my Physics studies. So that and Video Gaming are my 2 unique bloodline skills.
Liberty: I like your Space Prints. Only one duplicate.
Valentine: I wish I’d started collecting them sooner and then I could have chosen the best ones.
Will: They’re good enough, Val. It’s time.
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Tim: Are you sure you don’t mind me moving in with you?
Valentine: If you hadn’t asked, I’d have asked you.
Tim: Do you think we’ll be OK…2 teens on our own?
Valentine: Our parents are just over there. We’ll be fine.
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Valentine: Are you OK to help me with my new rocket?
Liberty: I’ll stop if it gets uncomfortable. I’m pregnant, not ill.
Travis: If I can’t stop you, at least I can help!
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Sofia: I don’t know why I agreed to this date! You still haven’t asked me to Prom!
Valentine: You know you love me. Look – see here. It says once I’ve graduated early I can’t invite someone to the Prom.
Sofia: Oh. I suppose I’ll forgive you then.
Valentine: You could always invite me…?
Sofia: I’ll think about it.
Valentine: Come on, let's do some karaoke to celebrate me finishing this term with another A+
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Tim: How was your date?
Valentine: She forgave me, eventually, after a bit of…you know.
Tim: No. I don’t know. Tell me more…!
Valentine: Another time. I need to get some sleep so I'll be on form to do some tutoring tomorrow. Hey, this is weird. It’s the first time I’ve worn my PJs
Tim: Yeah. And actually gone to bed since we were toddlers.
Valentine: Weird.
Tim: Yeah.
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Elsa: So why is Val here?
Sofia: Because he’s my boyfriend.
Elsa: But this is a pre-Prom get-together and he hasn’t invited you to the Prom.
Sofia: I invited Tim here and Val came too.
Elsa: Because they live together?
Sofia: Yes.
Elsa: Ah – it all makes sense now.
Valentine: Look, squirt, me and Tim moved out to make plenty of room for our parents to have more babies. We’re not….
Elsa: Making babies?
Valentine: Yes. I mean, no, we’re not.
Elsa: You could make babies with Sofia… Mum and Dad have been making babies. We’ve got 2 new baby brothers. And I know how they’re made.
Sofia & Valentine: Um…
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Valentine: Thanks for coming over for my birthday.
Sofia: It’s quite late. I thought we were going to wait.
Valentine: It turns out that I can’t tutor anyone until I’m a Young Adult and so I thought…if you’re ready too…? Only if you are?
Sofia: I’ve been a teen since before you were born. I’m definitely ready.
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Valentine: It’s not the best shower….
Sofia: It’s quite pretty…
Valentine: …but I was hoping…now that we’re Young Adults…
Sofia: Our first time as Young Adults! No more Messing Around. Yes, let’s!
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Sofia: Oh! I’m pregnant!
Valentine: But how?
Sofia: We didn’t do anything different…
Valentine: Oh. We should have listened to your sister. Young Adults means we weren’t Messing Around!
Sofia: And we didn’t.
Valentine: No. We definitely weren’t Messing Around.
Sofia: Oh.
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Valentine: Look, Sofia, it’s like this. I love you and I want to marry you and I need you to move in so that our baby will be my heir.
Sofia: What? This is all a bit sudden!
Valentine: It’s sooner than I thought but we don’t have time to think, Sofia. Watcher’s going to close us down for 2 weeks in less than an hour and your baby will be born while she’s not….Watching. And it has to be born in my house with you here too!
Sofia: I don’t understand!
Valentine: Just say “yes”, darling Sofia!
Sofia (whispering): Yes
Valentine: Yes?
Sofia: YES!
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Tim: I moved here to get away from babies, Dad!
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L-to-R: Tim, Sofia, Valentine
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ProgressFounder: Will Kenna Adult
Bookworm, Geek, Genius +Outgoing +Self-Assured +Perfectionist
📚Founder Requirements: Portrait; Career Education: Administrator
📚Bloodline Requirements: Academic Aspiration; Distinguished Degree in Economics
Spouse: Summer Holiday, Adult, Active, Cheerful, Outgoing +Ambitious +Art Lover - pregnant
Helpers: Travis & Liberty - pregnant
Gen 2 Former Heir: Valentine – Young Adult
Genius, Bookworm, Active
📚Heir Requirements: Unique Aspiration – Bodybuilder; Skills (Rocket Science, Video Gaming); Good Friends with Founder +3(Sofia/Kaori/Rahul); Bloodline Enemies (Mosi/Rick); Portrait; Collection (7 Space Prints)
Former Heir Requirements: Unique Career 0/10
Bloodline Requirements: Academic Aspiration 2/4; Distinguished Degree (Physics) 8/12
Fiance: Sofia Bjergsen (Young Adult) – Cheerful, Music-Lover, Self-Assured – pregnant
Helper: Tim Lee (Teen) – Genius, Outgoing
Watcher NotesSofia actually moved in, game-wise, after “visiting” the shower with Val so that I could have her take a Pregnancy Test. I couldn’t bear the suspense of not knowing. She's kept her main outfit but she's had other outfits to fit in line with her preference for Boho/Rocker Fashion plus the colour green.
For the Floorplan Fans, here's the new Kenna residence, Tranquil Crescent. As you can see, this compact bachelor pad will need a bit of adapting for the expanding household. I've done a bit already, to add a basinet so I'll know who was born first if there are twins or triplets. Poor Tim! I didn't spend a whole heap of time designing it so it really is just a plain, functional build, as is the museum left on the Founders Lot.
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The world wants more babies from Will & Summer, Liberty & Travis. Who am I to deny them? Especially when I don’t have to do all that childcare!
We haven’t exhausted all avenues to repair my limping laptop but, if it’s not possible, it will have to suffice for now as we’re saving our pennies for a big celebration of a significant anniversary. I am tied to my desk with the inconvenience of an external keyboard so it will reduce my playing time. It’s good to be back though.