Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31300 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Captain Val
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2023, 03:01:20 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2:

Summer: Oh well done, Valentine! You’re more or less sitting. Who’s a clever boy!


Geoffrey: Well, isn’t he a fine fellow!
Summer: You’re his first visitor. He’s got exactly 3 milestones in each developmental area. Will you stay for his candles?
Geoffrey: Is it a party?
Summer: No – just cake.
Geoffrey: Another time!


Liberty: Happy birthday, Valentine. It’s difficult to believe we’ve got another 4 days before Tim ages up.
Valentine: Pfft!
Will: Val is doing so well. Top-Notch Infant and I bet he’ll be a Top-Notch Toddler in no time!


Valentine: zzzzz
Tim: Rustle rustle rustle
Will: I’ll just do my homework here while you settle, Tim. You really do take a long time. But that’s OK. You can help me not to fall asleep either!


Will: And so the Astronaut was both very clever…
Valentine: Unca Tavis?
Will: Yes, just like Uncle Travis has become a Genius…and very fit.
Tim: Mama?
Will: Yes, your mama is very Active now.


Valentine: La la la!
Summer: That’s a lovely song, Valentine. I’m sure our guest appreciates it.
Valentine: I love singing.
Summer: Yes you do!


Valentine: Play wiv toys – They good.
Tim: Goo Goo
Nanny: That seems to count as your first word, Timmy! Well done.


Liberty: Yes! Finally it’s Timmy’s birthday. And he’s got so many milestones!
Watcher: Sorry – I forgot to note them all.
Travis: And he’s aged up with some toddler skills. Maybe he’ll catch Valentine up!


Will: I know you’d like to wait for Tim but you’re just about there with your skills.
Valentine: Whee!
Will: I’m so glad the end of my Uni weeks are light on studies to do. I’ve got plenty of time for you.


Will: In between my 8am and 3pm exams, there’s plenty of time for a birthday party.
Watcher: Well, almost!
Will: Happy birthday, Valentine. My own little Genius.


Maaike: This isn’t much of a party. Hardly any guests and the candles were blown out before they arrived!
Bartender: There’s no-one wanting a drink
Entertainer: And only a guitar. I’m a pianist, for goodness sake!


Valentine: Dad’s brought me here to work on a school project while he does some tutoring next door. He got A+ in his uni studies so he’s really Self-Assured now. I conned someone into helping me for a bit but they had to go. Still, I’m loving all this solar system stuff.


Valentine: This is Captain Val, blasting any Freezer Bunnies in range!


Will: Come on, Travis. Let’s make a start while Val is at Scouts.
Travis: There’s instructions, but who needs those!
Will: Yeah, only people with half a brain need instructions!
Travis: Tim’s going to love this when he ages up too.


Summer: I’ve looked at the online instruction video and it’s obvious that you’ve use the uprights as the lintels!
Liberty: The instructions make it quite clear! It’s like you didn’t even look at them?


L-to-R: Valentine, Liberty, Travis holding Tim, Will, Summer

Founder: Will Kenna Young Adult
Bookworm, Geek, Genius +Outgoing +Self-Assured
General Requirements: ++
Bloodline Requirements: Academic Aspiration 2/4; +
Spouse: Summer Holiday, YA, Active, Cheerful, Outgoing +Ambitious
Helpers: Travis, Liberty and their Toddler son Tim

Gen 2 Heir: Valentine - Child

Genes Valentine.jpg

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Captain Val (12-Jun)
« Reply #61 on: June 12, 2023, 11:49:57 AM »
Great idea requiring 3 milestones in each of the 3 infant skills as the early age-up requirement for infants.
Not too easy but not impossibly difficult, either.

Valentine has grown from an adorable infant into an adorable toddler and now into a handsome child.
His features currently favor mama Summer, but I look forward to his teen appearance.
Will Will and Kenna have a second child?
Loved the scene where the ladies are schooling the men on how to build a treehouse.
Liberty's an astronaut so, yes, she's a rocket scientist!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Captain Val (12-Jun)
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2023, 03:13:53 PM »
Great idea requiring 3 milestones in each of the 3 infant skills as the early age-up requirement for infants.
Not too easy but not impossibly difficult, either.
I'm going for 3 in each for Well-Educated and only 2 in each for other Bloodlines. I might tweak that as both give Top-Notch Infant - very easy in a Tiny House.
Valentine has grown from an adorable infant into an adorable toddler and now into a handsome child.
His features currently favor mama Summer, but I look forward to his teen appearance.
Will Will and Kenna have a second child?
Loved the scene where the ladies are schooling the men on how to build a treehouse.
Liberty's an astronaut so, yes, she's a rocket scientist!
Valentine definitely takes after Summer in looks. He is the designated heir. I don't think they'll have another child unless it's a Want for both of them. Infants and Toddlers are soooo time-consuming!

I thought the treehouse building was hilarious. They were all supposed to be doing it together but the lads started first and were doing all the hammering. Summer seemed to just be checking her phone but she had the treehouse as her current activity and she was gaining handiness. Liberty unrolling the blueprint was the icing on the cake.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Captain Val (12-Jun)
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2023, 10:40:32 AM »
Great idea requiring 3 milestones in each of the 3 infant skills as the early age-up requirement for infants.
Not too easy but not impossibly difficult, either.
I'm going for 3 in each for Well-Educated and only 2 in each for other Bloodlines. I might tweak that as both give Top-Notch Infant - very easy in a Tiny House.
Valentine has grown from an adorable infant into an adorable toddler and now into a handsome child.
His features currently favor mama Summer, but I look forward to his teen appearance.
Will Will and Kenna have a second child?
Loved the scene where the ladies are schooling the men on how to build a treehouse.
Liberty's an astronaut so, yes, she's a rocket scientist!
Valentine definitely takes after Summer in looks. He is the designated heir. I don't think they'll have another child unless it's a Want for both of them. Infants and Toddlers are soooo time-consuming!

I thought the treehouse building was hilarious. They were all supposed to be doing it together but the lads started first and were doing all the hammering. Summer seemed to just be checking her phone but she had the treehouse as her current activity and she was gaining handiness. Liberty unrolling the blueprint was the icing on the cake.

I used to think toddlers were so time-consuming and dragged my feet over loaded my game to play them.
Especially with an RDC, where you'll have a rotation to three households of infants/toddlers to raise one after another.
After raising Graham and his younger twins, though, toddlers feel so easy to raise.  Their skills are so simple and straightforward to acquire!

But I'm crossing my fingers anyway that both Will and Summer "Want" another child, hehe.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 2: Relying On Gemma
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2023, 11:01:11 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 2: Relying On Gemma

Gemma: If you could just hold him for a mo, Darrel.  I really need a shower.
Darrel: It’s difficult to believe that he’s my half-brother!
Gemma: I know, brother. It’s a bit of a head-game, especially seeing Mum breastfeeding!
Darrel: Ew – maybe I won’t hang about.


Minerva: I don’t care that I’m an old crone. You and Aadan have brought me such joy in my old age.
Mosi: Coo
Minerva: Mind you, kneeling on these stone slabs is taking it’s toll on my knees!


Gemma: Come on, Aadan. You can hold your head up!
Aadan (kicking legs and crying in frustration): Wah!
Gemma: Not more crying! I’m going to start turning my music up loud!
Watcher: Don’t forget you love Christmas music!
Gemma: Yes! And all the neighbours will have to love it too!


Kiama: Happy Birthday, Mosi! A Top-Notch Infant if ever I saw one!
Minerva: Did I miss the candles? Look what a strong Toddler we’ve made!
Mosi: Babble


Gemma: Just one more ride and then I’ve got to go.
Mosi: Why?
Gemma: Look, Squirt, you’re cute but I’ve got a life to live!


Kiama: You’re such a Messy Eater. How did the fruit salad get speared on your pointy ears?
Mosi: Princesses?
Kiama: No princesses round here. Just a cuddly dragon.


Kiama: Thanks for painting my portrait, Gemma, now you’ve maxed your painting skills.
Gemma: I don’t know, Kiama. You brewing potions in your police uniform…it’s not very…
Kiama: You’re right. I never seem to have the time to change. Would you mind trying again?
Gemma: Whatever.


Minerva: Aha! I got to be here for your cake, Aadan. Those bees give us all the lovely honey we need to make healthy honey cakes, just for my boys.
Gemma: Hurrumph!
Kiama: Toot Toot. All in time for the Longest Day!
Minerva: Aw – what a little Angelic Toddler you are.
Aadan: Babble


Kiama: Are you sure the boys can’t see me?
Watcher: They can’t be able to or you wouldn’t be able to streak.
Kiama: And why is it a Longest Day activity?
Watcher: Well, you wouldn’t want to do it in the Winter, would you?
Kiama: I can’t see anyone else streaking.
Watcher: Trust me – there’ll be loads later.


Aadan: Rain rain, flash bang, me wet
Watcher: Sorry about the storm, Sweetie. Let’s get you out of those wet clothes…
Aadan: Ta Da!
Watcher: Oh …and into some dry ones.
Aadan: Me like Mama!
Watcher: Yes you are!


Kiama: Gemma, could you just…
Gemma: Wash the dishes? Play with the boys? Do the garden? There’s always something that I could just…
Kiama: I’m sorry Gemma. We do take advantage of you, don’t we. I was going to ask you to read to Mosi while I voted on the NAP. You remember, we got the Juiced one repealed last week and I want us to vote a helpful one in. Maybe cooking or something like that.
Gemma: I’d rather do the voting. I should learn how to take responsibility for our neighbourhood – good citizenship and all that…
Kiama: Good idea. Thank you, Gemma.


Gemma: So, Watcher, what should I vote for?
Watcher: What’s already been voted on?
Gemma: We could go for the Cooking one, like Kiama suggested. Or the Rock Your Body one?
Watcher: As long as it’s not Free Love, I don’t mind.
Gemma: What’s Free Love?


Gemma: “As long as it’s not Free Love”. Ha! I think Watcher has forgotten that I’m a Goofball.


Kiama: Let’s read you a story now!
Aadan: Mama love Aadie?
Kiama: Of course I do, Sweetheart. I’m sorry I go out to work a lot but I’ve taken today off to avoid Burnout and I really wanted to read you a story.
Aadan: Yay!


Kiama: Can you hear Gemma’s music? It’s really loud today. Funnily enough, it’s turned me into a Music Lover!
Simeon: I prefer it when she’s practising guitar. She’s getting really good at that.
Kiama: Such a reliable girl. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Thanks for playing with Mosi for me.
Simeon: What else should I be doing. Not hanging out with my fiancé Ulrike, no! Why would I want to do that.
Kiama: Oh, I’m sorry, Simeon. Should we let you get on with other things?
Simeon: I’ll stay in the club this week, but then I’d like to leave.
Kiama: It’s a deal.


Emilia: Happy Birthday, brother-in-law-to-be!
Kiama: That’s a mouthful but thanks.
Mosi: Yes, thank you. We are a confusing bunch. Maybe I’ll just go and read a book. I liked books as a Toddler and now I’m a Bookworm like Mum. Mummy Minerva, that is.


Mosi: Yes – a confusing family. Saturday was Talk Like a Pirate Day so we all stood by the henhouse before Mummy Kiama went off to work. We told tales of the sea and sang. Very odd!


Emilia: Thank you for coming again, Kiama. Can you believe the coincidence?
Kiama: You’re very welcome, Emilia. Now tell me what happened.
Emilia: It was an Elder Genius who just came barging in; set fire to the fridge; broke the PC and upset Doris.
Kiama: Doris?
Emilia: Our dog. She really wants to “go busy” but for some reason I’m not telling her too.
Kiama: I’ll take care of Doris before there’s any accidents and then I’ll get some other clues.


Kiama: Right Camile, you’re the only Elder Genius here at San Myshuno Gym. I’m taking you in.
Camile: You’ll have to catch me first!
Kiama: Now, here at the San Myshuno Lounge, I still know it’s you. I’ve got you bang to rights!
Camile: Oh dear. Those cuffs are awfully loose. Bye Bye!
Kiama: I can’t believe you made it all the way to Mt Komorebi. This time, I’ll get you back to the station if it’s the last thing I do!
Camile: Drat!


Kiama: Ah – the Romance Festival. These are my kind of people. I’ve been desperate to Flirt with someone for ages.


Kiama: I’ve respectfully introduced myself and am slightly surprised to find that you are Unflirty, but what do you see in my Romantic future?


L-to-R: Gemma, Minerva holding Aadan, Kiama, Mosi

Founder: Kiama Calixte Young Adult
Active, Cheerful, Romanti +Outgoing +Music Lover
General Requirements: Career 4/10 (Detective);  Portrait
Bloodline Requirements: Aspiration - Purveyor of Potions 2/3; ++
Co-Parent: Minerva Charm (Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Self-Assured) - Elder
Helper: Gemma Charm (Goofball, Art-Lover) – Teen

Gen 2 Heir: Mosi - Child

Genes Mosi.jpg

Gen 2 Spare: Aadan (Angelic) – Toddler

Watcher Note

I nearly lost Kiama in this week! She came home "dazed" from work on the Longest Day, threatening a Burnout. Before I could get her in from the thunderstorm, she flew off on her broomstick to "See What's Happening" - a common problem when there's Streaking as a holiday activity. She got zapped by lightning so double-dazed! I was too desperate to get her inside to take any pictures! It was very alarming.

Re: Arresting Camile - I get a mildly irritating bug in the Detective career that happens when you arrest someone. You get back to the station and they’re not in the cells. You issue another APB and go and get them from a new location and they might or might not be in the cells when you get back. This only happened 3 times with Camile but I’ve had it happen 6 times before… In some ways it’s quite funny.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord Calixte Week 2 - Relying On Gemma (13-Jun)
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2023, 02:00:53 PM »
Haha, yes, I remember now. You are already doing double infants in each household as a grow-your-own-spouse strat!
I am terribly sorry but I no longer remember where Aadan came from.
Is he adopted? Or, since he's described as a spare, is he Kiama's second Science Baby with Minerva?
Aadan's very adorable!

Glad Kiama finally got Camille into a prison cell.
Ooooh! Kiama's future holds a tall, dark stranger?  I wonder who that will be? Can't wait to find out!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord Calixte Week 2 - Relying On Gemma (13-Jun)
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2023, 03:17:39 PM »
Haha, yes, I remember now. You are already doing double infants in each household as a grow-your-own-spouse strat!
I am terribly sorry but I no longer remember where Aadan came from.
Is he adopted? Or, since he's described as a spare, is he Kiama's second Science Baby with Minerva?
Aadan's very adorable!

Glad Kiama finally got Camille into a prison cell.
Ooooh! Kiama's future holds a tall, dark stranger?  I wonder who that will be? Can't wait to find out!
Aadan is Mosi's twin, born immediately after. I'd like to keep dark hair in the Spellcaster line so I'd probably have favoured Mosi with his dark colouring as heir even if he'd been 2nd.

I'm thinking that hair colour might help me keep the Bloodlines recognizable but the best-laid plans etc. I know spares are fair game as spouses in other Bloodlines so things could get interesting!

A dark-haired stranger to meet Kiama's Romantic needs might just serve my purpose very well!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord Calixte Week 2 - Relying On Gemma (13-Jun)
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2023, 04:39:53 PM »

I think this is the second time I've seen you mention Longest Day as a holiday, with an activity of streaking. I've never seen this holiday in my game before. Did you make it based on an English holiday, or where is it coming from? At any rate, it's pretty funny. The trouble with locking up perps sounds both frustrating, but also incredibly amusing and useful for story purposes.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord Calixte Week 2 - Relying On Gemma (13-Jun)
« Reply #68 on: June 14, 2023, 02:41:16 AM »

I think this is the second time I've seen you mention Longest Day as a holiday, with an activity of streaking. I've never seen this holiday in my game before. Did you make it based on an English holiday, or where is it coming from? At any rate, it's pretty funny. The trouble with locking up perps sounds both frustrating, but also incredibly amusing and useful for story purposes.
I've got 4-week seasons so 16-week years and I'm allowed 8 holidays per year which have to remain unchanged once set. I've added some and modified existing ones to include a good variety of the available activities, 5 in each. Only half of them include a day off work/school. To keep it fair for all 3 Bloodlines, I've one every 2 weeks. When there's too much going on it gets skipped over in the narrative.

So far I've had:
Spring Cleaning - fasting/cleaning/exercising;
Easter - Flower Bunny/ceremony/eggs (replacing Love Day which is annoying for Sims not in a romantic situation!);
Longest Day - streaking/bonfire/drinking/holiday spirit (a nod to the stone circle gatherings that happen in the UK although I don't know that they streak ;) )

Coming up, I've got:
Summer Fun - water activities/bbq/games
Harvest - the default one
All Souls Day - stories/fireworks/dressing-up - a mixture of the 3 consecutive days Halloween(All Hallows Eve), All Soul's Day and All Saint's Day plus fireworks as a nod to the British Guy Fawkes night
Christmas -  Winterfest renamed
New Year's Eve - default plus polar bear plunge!

Adding in 5 activities usually means any Sim can tick the holiday off with 3 off them. I do like to personalise the holidays, especially as the default ones don't use all possible activities. It also better reflects my own experience/nature/culture

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord Calixte Week 2 - Relying On Gemma (13-Jun)
« Reply #69 on: June 14, 2023, 10:11:29 AM »

These are some really great holiday ideas. Thank you for sharing!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 2: The Mash
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2023, 03:20:40 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 2: The Mash

Watcher: We left the Tangata household with Ulrike pregnant. We return to meet her baby son Lex. How’s it going, Ulrike?
Ulrike: He’s been a baby for 6 days! Surely it’s time for him to become an Infant.
Watcher: Sorry. It’ll be early tomorrow morning!


Maaike: Well done, SpudRick. Holding your head up is a great milestone.
Rick: Coo!
Maaike: And so is saying Coo. That’s my boy!


Watcher: Looking fine, Maaike!
Maaike: Feeling great, Watcher. Thanks for helping me get fit.
Watcher: Well, you’ve maxed your Writing skill already and maxing Fitness would be helpful.
Maaike: Phooee! What’s that smell? Is it me?


Watcher: Um – Maaike? It seems that Spud is excessively Windy. I think you’d better wake him up and sort him out.
Maaike: It’s Rick, not Spud. We really need to knock that nickname on the head.
Watcher: Maybe when he’s got more hair…


Alan: There still doesn’t seem to be any time to work the Art Gallery but I am collecting the decent art that the others create. It’s going to be great when I do find time. First I need to work up my Arts Critic career. A bit of mural painting in the Spice District.


Alan: It’s my son’s birthday tomorrow. Are you sure you can’t give me a discount?
Vendor: Go on then. What are you after?
Alan: We’ll skip the Voodoo doll but the purple llama would be great for Lex, the triceratops for Kane and the dragon for Spud.
Watcher: Rick
Alan: For Rick.


L Faba: I heard you talking about your family. Is it right that you’ve got a son of Simeon there?
Alan: Er – yes. What’s it to you?
L Faba: You realize that he could be a Spellcaster?
Alan: Oh – surely not. He’s just a baby.
L Faba: And Simeon is a Spellcaster Master. You’re going to need help.
Alan: Maybe I’d better get home…


Alan: Well done, Spud, you got your 2 milestones in each area. Time for candles and more hair, hopefully.


Alan: There you go! Who’s a good-looking boy?
Rick: Spud!
Alan: Oh, your name is Rick, not Spud. And you’re Wild.
Rick: Babble


Kane: Thanks for coming to my sleepover, guys but would you mind coming back tomorrow night?
Elsa: But we’re here now?
Kane: Well, Mum organized a social Sleepover but I only get it ticked off if we schedule it first.
Gideon: That’s crazy!
Kane: We’ll have pizza tomorrow. We’ve only got Pasta Primavera tonight.


Kane: Yay! Thanks for coming again.
Gideon: Is it true your brother is a Spellcaster?
Kane: Lex isn’t my brother. He’s…Aunt Ulrike’s son.
Amy: So your cousin, then?
Kane: No. Mum isn’t sister to Ulrike. I just call her Aunt because…
Gideon: But is he a Spellcaster? He’s pretty funny looking…
Kane: We don’t know yet.


Rick: You Lex. Me Spud.
Lex: Coo
Rick: You no Wrestle! Me wanna mash mash mash!
Watcher: I know you’re a bit Aggressive, Rick, but you can’t roughhouse with Lex. He’s too little.


Alan: Will! So good of you to drop by.
Will: It’s good to be here. I met Maaike before you settled in so I’ve been meaning to see how you’re getting on. How’s the family?
Alan: It’s a bit crazy, if I’m honest. With a Child, a Toddler and an Infant, life just goes from one skilling moment to the next!
Will: You’ve got 3 kids?
Alan: Only one heir. We’ve adopted Kane and Lex is Ulrike’s son by a Spellcaster. Only Rick is truly my bloodline. He’s around here somewhere. Rick? Rick?


Will: Nice to meet you, Rick?
Rick: Me Spud! Me mash you!
Will: Ow! What was that for?
Maaike: Oh Will. I’m so sorry. He got Wild when he aged up and the just became really Aggressive. We have to watch him around other people.
Rick: Me mash mash again.
Maaike: No, Rick, we don’t kick. Ah ah ah – no I’m not going to let you Chomp me either!


Alan: I think it’s time we lost that Aggressive quirk, Spud. You’ll have Happy Toddler when you age up and that’s all we need and it’s only Thursday!


Rick: Thanks for bringing me the Treehouse, Kane. This is cool!
Kane: It was cooler when it was a Desert Island. This playing House is a bit lame.
Rick: I thought we’d be cooking stuff, not cleaning up!
Kane: Want to mash, mash, mash?
Rick: Don’t remind me! Anyway, why have you got a homework book stuck to your hand?
Watcher: That’s weird. Let’s just sort that out.


Rick: Thanks for Stargazing with me.
Yuki: That’s OK. It’s so hot this Summer, it’s a relief to lie on the cool grass.
Rick: It’s nice that we’re friends now but you don’t count as a child or an adult. I need to make more friends.
Yuki: Later, Spud
Rick: Later.


Alan: I’ve brought the boys to the Spice Festival so Spud can harvest the plants but he’s not got enough Logic yet so I did it. I also completed the Spice Challenge. Yay for me!


Rick: This Pho is too hot and too slippery for me today but I’m going to get that cool spice t-shirt one day!


Ulrike: OK, Lex, it’s your time now. Time to be Little Mr Independence!


L-to-R: Rick, Alan, Ulrike holding Lex, Maaike, Kane

Founder: Alan Tangata Young Adult
Outgoing, Creative, Self-Assured +Loyal +Active +Cheerful
General Requirements: Career 5/10 (Critic: Art Critic); portrait ($2,590)
Bloodline Requirements: Shop (?/100k), +
Spouse: Maaike Haas (Bookworm, Creative, Snob +Family-Oriented +Cheerful +Active) Young Adult
Helper: Kane Haas (adopted child of Maaike & Alan), Ulrike Faust (Young Adult) and her Toddler son Lex (Independent)

Gen 2 Heir: Rick – Child

Genes Valentine.jpg

Watcher Notes

Lex was the name given by the game for Ulrike’s baby. The only Lex I’ve heard of is Lex Luther, Superman’s enemy but I guess it could be short for Alex. He has a weak bloodline but he’s not showing as a Spellcaster – does that come as a child if at all?

Spud’s hair seems to be a lighter shade than Maaike’s. It currently looks like he’s got her mouth and Alan’s eye shape. I don’t know if he’ll get Maaike’s freckles when he ages up or whose face-shape. He got to age up a whole day earlier than the other bloodlines but Alan is making less progress on his requirements.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 2: The Mash (16-Jun)
« Reply #71 on: June 16, 2023, 04:58:23 PM »
Wow, the Tangata household is giving their Watcher loads of practice with infants, toddlers, and the new childhood aspirations!
Looks like they'll all be going through the different stages at different times.

Alan mentioned reserving paintings for his Art Gallery? Has he bought a retail lot yet?
Paintings in personal inventory count toward a household's lot value.
The Mistura household unintentionally completed Mansion Baron due Graham/Colby each having around 20 small paintings (in personal inventory) they'd crafted. After they sold off the paintings, lot value dropped to $350k+ down to around $223k.

I was confused by Kane having to host two sleepovers. Prince has scheduled two separate sleepovers from the calendar, first for Graham/Colby and later for Carlos/Sheila.
Is the aspiration goal not ticking off for you, Watcher, unless your grown-up sim hosts two slumber parties?
Kane: Well, Mum organized a social Sleepover but I only get it ticked off if we schedule it first.

Look at Rick, wielding his chopsticks like a pro! He's a really cute kid!

As for Lex, a sim can inherit a bloodline trait from a spellcaster parent (or not) without actually becoming a spellcaster (with a Glimmerstone in personal inventory).
Since Ulrike is a non-occult, Lex had a 50/50 chance of being born a human or a spellcaster.

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 2: The Mash (16-Jun)
« Reply #72 on: June 17, 2023, 02:27:20 AM »
Thanks for the info about Spellcaster likelihood. Would he have the Glimmerstone as a Toddler?

Maaike called in the first Slumber Party as a Social event from her phone with Kane as a guest so it then started immediately. It did not tick off Kanes aspiration requirement. She used the calendar to schedule one for the following night and it ticked off Kane's requirement as soon as it started.
If you hover over the requirement, it does say to "schedule" the slumber party but it does feel like an oversight.

Alan has bought a Retail lot but the family have only had it open one day. Now Lex is a toddler I'm hoping it will be easier to get Alan there and I can get to grips with that plus a skilling/painting area there.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 2: The Mash (16-Jun)
« Reply #73 on: June 17, 2023, 10:20:14 AM »
Poor Ulrike, a baby for six whole days! Watcher to the rescue!

One way to tell if Lex is a spellcaster is to look in "Plan Outfit" or "Change Sim" in the mirror. To the left, there should be an extra little occult state icon over the traits. For spellcasters, it's a little brown book icon. It'll show up at every life stage. Picture for reference:

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 3: How Many Besties?
« Reply #74 on: June 19, 2023, 12:28:51 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 3: How Many Besties?

Valentine: Sunday morning and I’ve conned another Student into helping me. This time to ride a bike. I’m really wobbly but the flat areas round Foxbury campus are great for practicing. Dad’s here somewhere, tutoring in Charisma! He’s not got that much himself but apparently it’s enough.


Maaike: Will, you’ve got to help me make a decision! I think another nooboo could be great. You know, to add to my adopted child Kane, my child with Alan – Rick plus Ulrike’s Lex. What do you think?
Will: Isn’t this something you should discuss with Alan?
Maaike: Oh – all he thinks about is getting on with his Art Gallery. Another nooboo, that would delay things…
Watcher: Yes, it would.
Will: Look, Maaike, I could tell you to go ahead so that Alan’s bloodline gets bogged down with child-rearing but that wouldn’t be right. You’ve got to make up your own mind.


Valentine: Are you going to have another nooboo, Mum?
Summer: I’m a bit too Ambitious to put my career on hold for another one, Val. We’ve got you and Tiny Tim. That’s enough for me.
Valentine: And Dad doesn’t want another?
Summer: If he does, he’s not mentioned it to me.
Watcher: Or me – sorry @oshizu


Valentine: Can you help us, Dad?
Will: Your Mum can help you, plenty! I’ve got homework. What is it this time?
Summer: It’s a volcano! I’m looking forward to seeing the lava!
Valentine: Me too!


Valentine: I really wanted to ride my bike properly so will you help?
Brytani: Oh – that’s a surprising request but it makes a change from selfies and autographs. Why not!
Valentine: I did it. Thank you so much. Hey! How come I’ve got a good relationship with you but I can’t introduce myself?
Brytani: It’s the price of fame, darling.
Valentine: How about a hug?
Brytani: Oh! That’s actually rather nice.


Will: Argh! My brain feels like it’s being sucked inside out! Still, for $390 maybe it’s worth it. I’ve got to fund my studies somehow as I’ve been denied the Newcrest Resident Scholarship.


Tim: Yay! Candles!
Valentine: It’ll be your turn tomorrow, Tim. I got my A in school today (Wednesday) so I’m ready to age up.
Tim: Party?
Valentine: No, mate. I’d be sad if I wasn’t so excited about getting to High School!


Summer: Move those feet!
Valentine: I’m trying. I’m trying! I just keep getting distracted by the Cooking show on the Gym TV.
Summer: Concentrate!
Valentine: You’re a bit mean as a mentor.
Summer: No pain – no gain!
Valentine: And you’ve not maxed Fitness so how come you can mentor me?
Summer: It’s my Bodybuilder job task. So get down and give me 100!
Valentine: Ow. This is gonna really hurt in the morning!


Valentine: Mm, my meatball tamales were great. I can’t believe I’ve got time to study for my exams.
Kaori: My name’s Kaori Nishidake. Nice to meet you.
Valentine: Likewise! I’m Val. And you,…?
Cassandra: Cassandra Goth – one of the old families.
Valentine: OK – I guess I’m an Incomer then…
Kaori: Will you be Best Friends with me?
Valentine: Sure!


Cassandra: Will you be Best Friends with me?
Valentine: Oh um, yes?
Liberty: Look girlie, I know you’ve got the same hairstyle as me but I think you’d better leave. Val needs to get all his homework done. He’s shooting for an A tomorrow!
Tim: Don’t mind me. I aged up this morning into another Genius but I know I’m just the spare.


Kaori: Hey Val, you’ve done all your homework and studied for the exams tomorrow?
Valentine: Yep! Just need to get me some skills!
Kaori: Well, I know you’ve become Best Friends with Cassandra instead of me but will you go to the Prom with me as friends?
Valentine: Hey! That’d be great. I was wondering whether to just go solo but a designated friend there would be great!


Valentine: Thanks for sending me to High School on my own, Watcher. It was much easier to get that A.
Watcher: How do you feel about Graduating Early?
Valentine: I can’t wait. High School’s fun but I’d rather get on with my own stuff!
Watcher: You’ve got it. Just make a few things on the Workbench… Your Logic’s already pretty good. And then you can apply.


Summer: Well done on Graduating Early.
Will: And you got your Uni Application in? Great! I got another A+ for my 4 modules. Time for some Summer Fun!
Summer (Splat): Ow. I wasn’t ready for that!
Valentine: I got you good!
Will: And here’s one right back at you.
Tim: This is great! My turn.


Valentine: Nice to meet you, Sofia
Sofia: I was just passing. It looks like you’re having good times with your folks.
Valentine: Hey! Maybe I should join the Good Timers club?
Sofia: My dad runs that. He doesn’t have as much fun as you’re having here.
Valentine: Wanna hang out? You can meet my folks.
Sofia: Sure.


Tim: Watcha doin’?
Valentine: I’m making a Friendship Bracelet for Kaori. We’re going to the Prom this evening as Friends and I didn’t want to show up empty-handed. Thanks for letting me have some of the craft stuff from your tables.
Tim: No problem.


Sofia: Hi Val. I thought I’d pop round to see if you’d be my Best Friend?
Valentine: Oh, um, yeah, that’d be great!
Sofia: What’s that you’ve got?
Valentine: It’s a Friendship Bracelet.
Sofia: Oh – for me? How sweet! Here’s one for you.
Valentine: Great!
Tim: Do you want more stuff to make another one?


Will: Thanks for all coming to the Library with me. I’ve really wanted to read something here for ages.
Liberty: Me too
Tim: Me three
Valentine: Me four.


Valentine: Nice to meet you, Sir.
Bjorn: What a polite young man. You seem to have a good reputation.
Valentine: I met your daughter yesterday.
Bjorn: Which one? I have 2 – Sofia and Elsa.
Valentine: Sofia. We’re Best Friends.
Bjorn: Ah. So you’re the one she’s expecting to go to the Prom with as friends?
Valentine: Oh, um, ….


Kaori: This is nice!
Valentine: Mumble, Mumble, Mumble
Kaori: I’m sorry. What was that?
Valentine (Why can’t I form words anymore?): ????
Kaori: I've got a Friendship Bracelet, if you'd like to exchange one?
Valentine: (mumble) only one (mumble) already done (mumble)
Kaori: And just who have you already exchanged one with?


Valentine: Thanks for coming to the After-Prom gathering. I missed you at the actual Prom, Bestie!
Sofia: Did you, now? I heard from Rohan, who heard it from Ash, who heard it from Malcolm, that you were there with Kaori!
Malcolm (evil chuckle)
Valentine: She asked me first… and I’ve developed a major crush on her!
Sofia: Oh really? And I want to know this, why?
Valentine: You’re my Best Friend, Best Buddy, you know – banter, etc!
Sofia: I guess I forgive you. But stop messing me around, OK?
Valentine: Just what are your Romantic Interests?
Sofia: I’m still exploring.
Valentine: That’s very interesting. Oh wait! It’s gone 12. I’ve got to go.


L-to-R: Valentine, Liberty, will, Travis, Summer, Tim

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Genes Valentine.jpg

Watcher Note

I have changed the childhood early age-up requirements to be 2 of the now 8 aspirations but 3 for the Well-Educated bloodline. I have also added the requirement to have an A in school.

I think Valentine has inherited Will’s face-shape and skin tone. His eye and hair colour are from Summer. His mouth seems to be a combination. A good-looking lad – this Watcher is happy.

People wanting to be Best Friends is all a bit too much but it was funny for Valentine. I didn't realise that you could only have 1 Friendship Bracelet Buddy. I'm not sure why Sofia was mad with Valentine. He did need to apologize for something. Her profile says they are both deeply connected and doesn't mention a "hurt". It also says that Valentines feelings for Sofia are "adoring" yet it's Kaori that he has the crush on!

Valentine applied for Uni about 5pm on the Friday and he checked the status just after midnight on Saturday. It was still being processed, as I expected. I’m hoping it clears while I’m playing the other bloodlines so that he can enrol for his first 4 modules at the same time as Will enrols for his last 4. If not, well, that’s OK. I was pleased that he got to apply before then end of the week as I think it’s crucial in order for the Well-Educated bloodline to keep up with the others.