Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 3: How Many Besties?
Well-EducatedValentine: Sunday morning and I’ve conned another Student into helping me. This time to ride a bike. I’m really wobbly but the flat areas round Foxbury campus are great for practicing. Dad’s here somewhere, tutoring in Charisma! He’s not got that much himself but apparently it’s enough.
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Maaike: Will, you’ve got to help me make a decision! I think another nooboo could be great. You know, to add to my adopted child Kane, my child with Alan – Rick plus Ulrike’s Lex. What do you think?
Will: Isn’t this something you should discuss with Alan?
Maaike: Oh – all he thinks about is getting on with his Art Gallery. Another nooboo, that would delay things…
Watcher: Yes, it would.
Will: Look, Maaike, I could tell you to go ahead so that Alan’s bloodline gets bogged down with child-rearing but that wouldn’t be right. You’ve got to make up your own mind.
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Valentine: Are you going to have another nooboo, Mum?
Summer: I’m a bit too Ambitious to put my career on hold for another one, Val. We’ve got you and Tiny Tim. That’s enough for me.
Valentine: And Dad doesn’t want another?
Summer: If he does, he’s not mentioned it to me.
Watcher: Or me – sorry
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Valentine: Can you help us, Dad?
Will: Your Mum can help you, plenty! I’ve got homework. What is it this time?
Summer: It’s a volcano! I’m looking forward to seeing the lava!
Valentine: Me too!
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Valentine: I really wanted to ride my bike properly so will you help?
Brytani: Oh – that’s a surprising request but it makes a change from selfies and autographs. Why not!
Valentine: I did it. Thank you so much. Hey! How come I’ve got a good relationship with you but I can’t introduce myself?
Brytani: It’s the price of fame, darling.
Valentine: How about a hug?
Brytani: Oh! That’s actually rather nice.
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Will: Argh! My brain feels like it’s being sucked inside out! Still, for $390 maybe it’s worth it. I’ve got to fund my studies somehow as I’ve been denied the Newcrest Resident Scholarship.
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Tim: Yay! Candles!
Valentine: It’ll be your turn tomorrow, Tim. I got my A in school today (Wednesday) so I’m ready to age up.
Tim: Party?
Valentine: No, mate. I’d be sad if I wasn’t so excited about getting to High School!
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Summer: Move those feet!
Valentine: I’m trying. I’m trying! I just keep getting distracted by the Cooking show on the Gym TV.
Summer: Concentrate!
Valentine: You’re a bit mean as a mentor.
Summer: No pain – no gain!
Valentine: And you’ve not maxed Fitness so how come you can mentor me?
Summer: It’s my Bodybuilder job task. So get down and give me 100!
Valentine: Ow. This is gonna really hurt in the morning!
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Valentine: Mm, my meatball tamales were great. I can’t believe I’ve got time to study for my exams.
Kaori: My name’s Kaori Nishidake. Nice to meet you.
Valentine: Likewise! I’m Val. And you,…?
Cassandra: Cassandra Goth – one of the old families.
Valentine: OK – I guess I’m an Incomer then…
Kaori: Will you be Best Friends with me?
Valentine: Sure!
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Cassandra: Will you be Best Friends with me?
Valentine: Oh um, yes?
Liberty: Look girlie, I know you’ve got the same hairstyle as me but I think you’d better leave. Val needs to get all his homework done. He’s shooting for an A tomorrow!
Tim: Don’t mind me. I aged up this morning into another Genius but I know I’m just the spare.
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Kaori: Hey Val, you’ve done all your homework and studied for the exams tomorrow?
Valentine: Yep! Just need to get me some skills!
Kaori: Well, I know you’ve become Best Friends with Cassandra instead of me but will you go to the Prom with me as friends?
Valentine: Hey! That’d be great. I was wondering whether to just go solo but a designated friend there would be great!
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Valentine: Thanks for sending me to High School on my own, Watcher. It was much easier to get that A.
Watcher: How do you feel about Graduating Early?
Valentine: I can’t wait. High School’s fun but I’d rather get on with my own stuff!
Watcher: You’ve got it. Just make a few things on the Workbench… Your Logic’s already pretty good. And then you can apply.
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Summer: Well done on Graduating Early.
Will: And you got your Uni Application in? Great! I got another A+ for my 4 modules. Time for some Summer Fun!
Summer (Splat): Ow. I wasn’t ready for that!
Valentine: I got you good!
Will: And here’s one right back at you.
Tim: This is great! My turn.
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Valentine: Nice to meet you, Sofia
Sofia: I was just passing. It looks like you’re having good times with your folks.
Valentine: Hey! Maybe I should join the Good Timers club?
Sofia: My dad runs that. He doesn’t have as much fun as you’re having here.
Valentine: Wanna hang out? You can meet my folks.
Sofia: Sure.
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Tim: Watcha doin’?
Valentine: I’m making a Friendship Bracelet for Kaori. We’re going to the Prom this evening as Friends and I didn’t want to show up empty-handed. Thanks for letting me have some of the craft stuff from your tables.
Tim: No problem.
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Sofia: Hi Val. I thought I’d pop round to see if you’d be my Best Friend?
Valentine: Oh, um, yeah, that’d be great!
Sofia: What’s that you’ve got?
Valentine: It’s a Friendship Bracelet.
Sofia: Oh – for me? How sweet! Here’s one for you.
Valentine: Great!
Tim: Do you want more stuff to make another one?
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Will: Thanks for all coming to the Library with me. I’ve really wanted to read something here for ages.
Liberty: Me too
Tim: Me three
Valentine: Me four.
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Valentine: Nice to meet you, Sir.
Bjorn: What a polite young man. You seem to have a good reputation.
Valentine: I met your daughter yesterday.
Bjorn: Which one? I have 2 – Sofia and Elsa.
Valentine: Sofia. We’re Best Friends.
Bjorn: Ah. So you’re the one she’s expecting to go to the Prom with as friends?
Valentine: Oh, um, ….
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Kaori: This is nice!
Valentine: Mumble, Mumble, Mumble
Kaori: I’m sorry. What was that?
Valentine (Why can’t I form words anymore?):
Kaori: I've got a Friendship Bracelet, if you'd like to exchange one?
Valentine: (mumble) only one (mumble) already done (mumble)
Kaori: And just who have you already exchanged one with?
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Valentine: Thanks for coming to the After-Prom gathering. I missed you at the actual Prom, Bestie!
Sofia: Did you, now? I heard from Rohan, who heard it from Ash, who heard it from Malcolm, that you were there with Kaori!
Malcolm (evil chuckle)
Valentine: She asked me first… and I’ve developed a major crush on her!
Sofia: Oh really? And I want to know this, why?
Valentine: You’re my Best Friend, Best Buddy, you know – banter, etc!
Sofia: I guess I forgive you. But stop messing me around, OK?
Valentine: Just what are your Romantic Interests?
Sofia: I’m still exploring.
Valentine: That’s very interesting. Oh wait! It’s gone 12. I’ve got to go.
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L-to-R: Valentine, Liberty, will, Travis, Summer, Tim
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ProgressFounder: Will Kenna Young Adult
Bookworm, Geek, Genius +Outgoing +Self-Assured +Perfectionist
General Requirements: Portrait; +
Bloodline Requirements: Academic Aspiration 3/4; +
Spouse: Summer Holiday, YA, Active, Cheerful, Outgoing +Ambitious
Helpers: Travis, Liberty and their Child son Tim
Gen 2 Heir: Valentine - Teen
SensitiveSillyGenius, Bookworm
Early Age-Up Requirements: 3 Infant Milestones per area; Top-Notch Toddler; 3 childhood aspirations (Whiz Kid, Rambunctious Scamp, Mind & Body); A in Junior School
Heir Requirements: A/Graduated from High School; Scout badges 8/9; Unique Aspiration - Bodybuilder 2/4; Unique (in Bloodline) Skills – Singing 3, Video Gaming 5; Good Friends with Founder +0/3; +++
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Watcher NoteI have changed the childhood early age-up requirements to be 2 of the now 8 aspirations but 3 for the Well-Educated bloodline. I have also added the requirement to have an A in school.
I think Valentine has inherited Will’s face-shape and skin tone. His eye and hair colour are from Summer. His mouth seems to be a combination. A good-looking lad – this Watcher is happy.
People wanting to be Best Friends is all a bit too much but it was funny for Valentine. I didn't realise that you could only have 1 Friendship Bracelet Buddy. I'm not sure why Sofia was mad with Valentine. He did need to apologize for something. Her profile says they are both deeply connected and doesn't mention a "hurt". It also says that Valentines feelings for Sofia are "adoring" yet it's Kaori that he has the crush on!
Valentine applied for Uni about 5pm on the Friday and he checked the status just after midnight on Saturday. It was still being processed, as I expected. I’m hoping it clears while I’m playing the other bloodlines so that he can enrol for his first 4 modules at the same time as Will enrols for his last 4. If not, well, that’s OK. I was pleased that he got to apply before then end of the week as I think it’s crucial in order for the Well-Educated bloodline to keep up with the others.