Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 1: First Born Again
Kiama: Thanks for the discount on my Pho. I was hoping to find some useful collectibles at the Flea Market but there’s nothing I can use.
Lilith: I’m just selling Pho, lady. I don’t control the stalls.
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Kiama: So your name is Gemma. And you’re a Spellcaster?
Gemma: Yep. If you’re serious about being a Spellcaster, you need to meet Morgyn, Simeon and L. Faba. She’s the best. Especially if you want Mischief spells. People say she’s Mean but I think she’s cool.
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Kiama: Hey! What do you know! Singing about New Skills Day gives me the Singing skill and ticks of the requirement.
Simeon: La la La La
Morgyn: Hooray!
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Kiama: I can’t believe I’ve been sent to Selvadorada to find a Mean Red-Head. This woman’s a red-head but I don’t think she’s Mean. I need to get this right. My Logic isn’t good enough to get evidence analysis right and every time someone tells me to Talk to the Chief, she gets mad at me and tells me to get back to work. I do hope I can make this job work!
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Gemma: Thanks for coming over, Kiama. Maybe you can help diffuse the tension here.
Kiama: What seems to be the problem?
Gemma: You know I told you about my brother, Darrel?
Kiama: Tried to set me up with him, you mean!
Gemma: Ah, well his fiancé Emilia…
Kiama: Fiancé?
Gemma: Yes. She wanted a dog but Darrel’s a Snob…
Kiama: Snob?
Gemma: Yes and so he wanted this huge lollopy thing as a status symbol. Mum is not pleased about it and Darrel’s a bit of a Hot-Head…
Kiama: Hot-Head?
Gemma: Yes, so he and mum are having a full on barney! It’s usually me she’s mad at. I’m worried they’ll start casting at each other in a minute!
Kiama: I can calm the situation but…
Gemma: Can’t I just come and live with you? I’m fed up of all this tension!
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Minerva: Ah – I’ve always wanted bees. I couldn’t let Gemma come on her own, of course. Not to a strangers house. I know we don’t always get on but I love her. If she’d only move away from the Mischief Magic! I was glad to move out of our ancestral home. Darryl and Emilia need to make it their own – no room for me anymore. This will be a new start for me and Gem.
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Minerva: I’ve ditched that old dress I’ve had for years. No-one bothered to ask before but I like Polished Fashion and I like white. I’ve kept a fair bit of grey and black in my wardrobe but white is my favourite. Gemma, bless her, likes Basic and Rocker Fashion and Brown. Her wardrobe hasn’t changed much but I do like her new choppy hairstyle. She wasn’t sure about the green dip-dye, too close to her old Mum’s, but she’s decided it suits her. You know, I think I’ve become Cheerful. Isn’t that great!
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Gemma: So – why are we doing this?
Kaori: It’s cool
Gemma: Why?
Kaori: It just is – you’ll feel it in a moment! And then you’ll be cool too.
Gemma: I think your definition of "cool" and mine are a little different.
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Gemma: Watcher wants me to show you my classmates. We’re all on our phones before the lesson starts, too busy to actually talk to each other! Anyway, you’ve already seen Kaori and in between us is Jeb Harris – you know, bag boy. On the front row is Cassandra, Duane and Darling. Watcher says it’s unusual to have townie teens in High School. Whatever!
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Kiama: It’s Friday night, Minerva, and I’ve still not found a suitable father for my baby.
Minerva: You could have had my Darrel if you’d wanted him. He’s easily led…
Kiama: I couldn’t break up his relationship with Emilia. After all, they’ve got a dog together!
Minerva: Well, dear. I don’t know what to suggest. I’d love a little baby in our household. I think it would be good for Gemma too.
Kiama: There is a way…if you’d be willing…
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Minerva: I can’t believe I’ve had another baby at my age! Little Mosi, first born in this household! And I can breastfeed you too. Who would have thought it!
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Kiama: And little Aadan – an extra little gift of the Ley-Line we live on. I didn’t know if that would affect having Science Babies!
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Simeon: Don’t you mind? Having baby brothers? It must have been a surprise.
Gemma: It’s keeping Mum busy – look at her upgrading the cot ready for the boys birthday. She’s got less time to pick fault with me.
Simeon: She’s got your best interests at heart, Gemma. You really do need to be careful with Mischief magic.
Gemma: Yeah, Yeah.
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Kiama: Hello, Nanny Hali’a. I need you to help Minerva and Gemma look after the babies while I’m at work.
Hali’a: Other people to help me out. This gig is going to be a breeze! Did the agency tell you that I’m Lazy?
Kiama: Hm!
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Kiama: Look, lady, I need your confession before I go home and let me tell you, I’m not in a good mood. I’ve left my twin babies with my elderly co-parent and their Goofball half-sister and a Lazy nanny. Plus the lighting in here is really bad! Just sign this and we’ll be through!
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Hali’a: I don’t understand why you’re firing me. You could just dismiss me and then I won’t look bad.
Minerva: No hard feelings dear, but you weren’t much help. We’ll be hoping for someone else next time.
Hali’a: Oh! But I enjoyed myself today.
Gemma: Yeah! We noticed!
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Watcher: So, after a long day at work plus a short recovery time, the birthday notice popped up for the boys. It was all a bit hectic, with them needing feeding and then being put to bed just before midnight and this Watcher forgot to take any pics. Suffice it to say, both boys are very cute!
L-to-R: Minerva holding Aadan, Gemma, Kiama holding Mosi
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Founder: Kiama Calixte Young Adult
Active, Cheerful, Romanti +Outgoing
General Requirements: Career 3/10 (Detective); +
Bloodline Requirements: Aspiration - Purveyor of Potions 2/4; ++
Co-Parent: Minerva Charm (Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Self-Assured) - Elder
Helper: Gemma Charm (Goofball, Art-Lover) – Teen
Gen 2 Heir: Mosi - Infant
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Gen 2 Spare: Aadan (Sunny) – Infant
Watcher Note
Mosi is still a traditional Swahili choice for the eldest child. Aadan is more Somalian and means “of the Earth”.
Neither twin inherited Minerva’s lovely violet eyes, getting Kiama’s black ones. Aadan’s golden locks were a surprise – I’d not looked at the base-colour for Minerva’s multi-coloured hair. If I fiddle about in a separate save file, create her twin and age her down to see hair colour, it’s the light brown next to the green on the bottom row. It will be interesting to see what colour Aadan will get as a teen. Their mothers and sister chose their clothes so they are a mixture of red, white and brown.
The original rules don’t include Science Babies but I think the boys are covered by “both parents must live on the lot”. We’ve got our Ancient Bloodline babes without involving Darrel, thank goodness!