Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 1: The First Time
Well-Educated Bloodline
Will: Now then. What is I need to do? Get some skills up and meet some helpers. Let’s make a start!
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Will: Hello. I thought I’d pop round and introduce myself. I’m a Bookworm, like you. I used to be Family-Oriented but now I’m a Geek, also like you. I also happen to be a Genius! We ought to get on like a house on fire!
Liberty: And yet, you and I are incompatible. You’d better come in and meet the others. Just don’t mention the weather. For some reason, Summer really hates that.
Will: OK.
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Travis: Ah – a fellow Geek. Are you thinking about joining the Tech Guru career like me?
Will: Yes but I thought I’d get a degree first. I don’t know if it will help but it should give me all the skills I need.
Travis: Interesting.
Summer: Oh – he seems really nice! I must be cool. I’ve been considered for dynasties before. Will looks like he’d be kind. I wonder if his Watcher would treat me with respect.
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Summer: Thanks for adding us to your Kenna Club. You’ve got an interesting place here. Most of your living space is outside.
Will: I’m starting a dynasty and it’s a bit of a race so when we have kids they’ll need the advantage of a Tiny home.
Summer: “we” have kids?
Will: Oh, um, “we” as my family. Although, now you bring it up, is it something you’d be interested in?
Summer: Would you let me be truly me? Not just set me up as a stereotype?
Will: Why don’t you move in and have that conversation with my Watcher?
Summer: OK. Travis and Libs will come too, if there’s room?
Will: Definitely!
Summer: By the way, you’re very chatty. Are you sure you’re not Outgoing like me?
Watcher: He is now.
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Will: Wow – your new wardrobes aren’t what I expected at all.
Summer: In chatting to Watcher, we realized that I like Basics and Outdoorsy fashions in Greys. I knew you liked Blue so that’s what we’ve got. I’ve kept my stripey outfit because apparently that’s iconic!
Will: You look great. Liberty too!
Liberty: Like you’ve got eyes for me! I went for Hipster and Rocker fashions in Purples and Greys. It’s weird how Summer and I both like Grey.
Summer: I thought you only liked Hipster fashion. It’s Travis that likes Rocker styles. Oh! I see you’re not wearing any red either.
Liberty: Just because Travis hates red, doesn’t mean me not wearing any means anything.
Summer: Of course it doesn’t! What do you think, Will?
Will: Oh no! I’m not jumping into this minefield!
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Watcher: Travis removed all the red in his wardrobe, although I may have left his iconic pringle sweater. He kept his job as a Tech Guru but Summer and Liberty both got new careers. Summer as a Bodybuilder and Liberty as a Scientist. We won’t be following her to work until she reaches higher levels.
So, with Summer no longer incompatible with Geeky Outgoing Will, their romance progressed smoothly with a series of ever better dates, until Summer popped the question and Will said “yes”!
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Watcher: Travis loved Liberty’s new outfits but was glad that she kept her hair in bunches. Their relationship developed over her love of chess which builds her lightbulb moments for work. Whilst they only had a few dates, Travis was moved to ask and Liberty said “yes”, of course.
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Watcher: Everyone dressed up and went to Myshuno Meadows to get married. Travis was the Officiant for Will and Summer’s somewhat embarrassed vows.
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Watcher: By the time our Founder and his Bride had stuttered through everything they wanted to say, the weather had turned cold and everyone had changed into their Cold Weather outfits. Travis and Liberty didn’t mind. They said their vows confidently and without hesitation, not being constricted in Formal outfits.
It is worth noting at this point that all this had happened by early Tuesday morning! Ah, the wonders of Sims relationships!
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Watcher: Tuesday this week is GeekCon. Liberty really wanted to go to work but the other three called in a vacation day.
Will: I know GeekCon isn’t really your thing Summer.
Summer: Oh, I live with 3 Geeks! I know it’s part of the deal. Besides which, there are lots of lovely people to meet here and I’d really like to be a Friend of the World! By the way, have you submitted your University application like you wanted?
Will: Yes – I got my programming and video gaming up both up to level 3 so it was time. But I actually brought you here because, well, I want our first time to be special.
Summer: Our first time at GeekCon?
Will: No. Our first time, you know…
Summer: Oh! Our First Time! Right!
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Watcher: But before their First Time, some celebrity called Judith Ward scooted into the rocket, making sure lots of people noticed her and took lots of photos. Drat that woman!
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Summer: There’s lots of interesting people around here.
Watcher: Yes – look behind you.
Summer: Oh, yes but he doesn’t look very interesting.
Watcher: He’s Father Winter!
Summer: No! Surely not! Dressed as Indiana Jones?
Watcher: Wrong franchise. Never mind.
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Travis: This is great! I’m not going to win on my first attempt but it’s great fun. Difficult to believe I’m not upping my Fitness. I can definitely feel aerobic activity going on.
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Will: Finally! I thought that woman would never return. Quick! Before anyone else gets in.
Summer: There’s only an hour left of GeekCon. Do we have time?
Will: We have all the time in the world. Let’s go round the moon twice for luck!
Summer: Oh Will. You really are special!
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Liberty: If we try now, our baby will be born just after Summer and Will’s. Look – it’s all here on this App.
Travis (playing Blicbloc): Hm?
Liberty: I said…never mind. Put that down and come with me.
Travis: Where are we going?
Liberty: There’s a tent out there with our names on it!
Travis: Really? I thought we could use either of them.
Liberty: Travis! I know you’re smart but not as smart as me so just do as I say!
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Summer: Thanks for asking me on a date after work.
Will: You’re doing really well. I reckon you’ll get a promotion tomorrow.
Summer: Liberty’s doing better but she didn’t take Tuesday off.
Will: Hm. She should have done. She’s heading for a Burnout.
Summer: Did you get your University offer?
Will: Yes but I didn’t get on the Distinguished degree course for Computer Science.
Summer: Oh no! Why not?
Will: I needed more Research & Debate skill. Well, any in fact!
Watcher: Sorry – my bad!
Summer: What Distinguished degrees have you been offered?
Will: Economics, History, Communications and Psychology. It will mean a different career… I’ll have to think about it.
Summer: You’ll make it work. Wasn’t it weird – that old witch serving behind the bar!
Will: I think they like to be called Spellcasters. I didn’t get a chance to say hello but I think her name is Minerva Charm.
Summer: She must be short of a bob or two to be working in her Elder lifestage.
Will: Maybe she enjoys it.
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Will: Congratulations on your promotion, Darling!
Summer: Mwa!
Watcher: Llama Unicorns blowing kisses? Why not!
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Liberty: I can’t believe you’re beating me!
Summer: Just lucky I guess!
Liberty: But I’m a Genius and you’re….
Summer: Yes? I’m….?
Liberty: A very smart woman with an agile mind.
Summer: Well saved!
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Medical Intern: I’ve never had this before!
Will: I know! She got so big in the outfit that she can’t get it off!
Medical Intern: We’ll have to cut it off, I think!
Summer: Anything! Just get this baby out! I’m going to POP!
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Summer: Welcome, little Valentine. For some reason, I really thought you were going to be a girl…
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Liberty: It's time - I'm ready to have this baby
Receptionist: Thank goodness you're in normal clothes. It’s just that we had to cut the last patient out of their work outfit…
Liberty: Tiny Tim! You’re just what I was hoping for. You’ve made me so Cheerful!
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Watcher: 24 hours later, just before midnight on Saturday...
Valentine (Smiling)
Summer: What a lovely smile, sweetheart. And you’ve got my bright blue eyes.
Watcher: Not violet?
Summer: No, bright blue. He’s perfect.
Watcher: Yes, he is. And for some reason, you are now Ambitious. Interesting!
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Liberty: You’re perfect too. Just wait until next time. We’re going to have so much fun!
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L-to-R: Travis holding Tim, Liberty, Will holding Valentine, Summer
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Founder: Will Kenna Young Adult
Genius, Bookworm, Geek +Outgoing
General Requirements: ++
Bloodline Requirements: Distinguished Degree Offer; +
Spouse: Summer Holiday – Active, Cheerful, Outgoing +Ambitious
Helpers: Travis, Liberty & their Infant son Tim
Gen 2 Heir: Valentine Kenna Infant
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Watcher Note
I was hoping for a girl again but not to name her Helen. I’d picked out the name Valentina after Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space. Maybe he should be Yuri but Valentine he is.
In doing the townie makeovers this time, I'm hoping to take their existing preferences into consideration rather than my own. I am removing their dislikes of certain décor though. It's so hard to make sure something you put in "isn't" a particular style and then they get all stressy about it.