Author Topic: Three Strands Accord - a Rivals Dynasty Challenge: Complete (15-Sep)  (Read 31393 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2023, 01:26:27 PM »
I think on normal life span, infancy lasts only 5 days. Helen and Tim are so cute that you might want to keep them around that long. On the other hand, they are in a race...
I can't see Will & Summer getting all 31 milestones with little Helen. Non-heirs can't be aged up anyway, as you know, so Well-Educated Helen will almost certainly wait for Tiny Tim for this birthday at least.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2023, 06:09:51 PM »

An incompatible couple, what fun! I haven't tried a couple with conflicting chemistry yet. Hopefully yours will provide plenty of interesting dramas and plot twists! :D

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2023, 07:23:37 PM »
Helen is adorable with her father's violet eyes and her mother's blond hair.
Tim also got blond hair. Here I though blond hair would be recessive relative to Liberty's dark hair.
I must've missed a reference. Who resembles Bruce Willis?

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2023, 07:28:35 PM »
I must've missed a reference. Who resembles Bruce Willis?
Lol, TS4 newborns in general.
TS4_x64 2023-03-29 01-29-08.jpg

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2023, 01:43:26 AM »

An incompatible couple, what fun! I haven't tried a couple with conflicting chemistry yet. Hopefully yours will provide plenty of interesting dramas and plot twists! :D
I targeted Summer to get that household moved in and so her blonde hair might not override Will's white-blonde.
I saw a bubble over Summer's head with a crossed out snowflake when Will first arrived so I thought he could break the ice, so to speak, by talking about the cold weather. She reacted badly to that (-ve signs) and then everything he said to her just made her hate him more.

That's why Will befriended Travis to get them all to move in.
In the Kenna household, Travis has compatibility with everyone, Liberty with both Travis & Will. Liberty & Summer are neutral. Only Will & Summer are -ve

It brought me up short, not being able to just bowl Summer over but once I'd got over the shock, I quite liked the extra challenge. The extreme reaction to her flirting with Dominic means I'll have to be careful with their ongoing relationship.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Kenna 1.1: Incompatible (25-May)
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2023, 01:46:55 AM »
Helen is adorable with her father's violet eyes and her mother's blond hair.
Tim also got blond hair. Here I though blond hair would be recessive relative to Liberty's dark hair.
I must've missed a reference. Who resembles Bruce Willis?
I was also expecting Liberty's hair genes to prevail. The % of getting a blonde irl is slim. I am so tempted to research pictures of Travis-Liberty offspring, of which I'm sure there are many, to peek into Tim's future...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 1: All About Chemistry
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2023, 12:39:09 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Tangata Week 1: All About Chemistry

Alan: Right! Let’s find some free stuff to sell in the shop I don’t own yet. Ah - a lump of metal, a crystal, a MySims trophy and some strawberries. All worth $10 or less. This is not going to get me very far. I have such dreams of a top-end Art Gallery…what’s the best way to do that, I wonder.


Alan: I’ve heard there’s the perfect artist living here. She can be the start of my arts club. We’ll develop beautiful paintings and sell them in our gallery and become rich together.
Watcher: You know that Holly Alto is higher up in the career?
Alan: Yes, but I can’t introduce myself to her. She’s too famous already. I will mould this Sim’s fame and together we will be supreme!


Alan: So what do you think? Start an Artistic movement of our own and become rich and famous?
Ulrike: And you’ll want to start a dynasty with me too, right?
Alan: Oh um, it was part of the plan. But…
Ulrike: You don’t feel it either?
Alan: No! Isn’t that amazing? I mean, you’re so cool and a great dresser. But I’m getting no chemistry.
Ulrike: No. But I could still help with the painting. Only I need to talk to my housemate, Maaike. She’s a writer.
Alan: I think I could sell books too. She can come too, if she’d like to?
Ulrike: OK. I’ll see you later, with or without Maaike.


Alan: Welcome to the household, Maaike. I’m glad you decided to join me too.
Maaike: I know you really only wanted Ulrike but I thought I could contribute a bit.
Alan: Contribute a lot, you mean. I’m excited to see if I can sell your books alongside the art-work. Besides which, I’ve got a job as a critic and I could use your mentoring me in writing.
Maaike: I’m not that good yet. But I’m getting better.
Alan: This is going to be great.
Maaike (to self): one Mississippi, two Mississippi’s, three Mississippi’s. This is a long hug!


Alan: Let’s take a photo to commemorate the start of our Arts movement. We’ll call it… MAU – the start of all our names.
Maaike: With my name first? Are you sure?
Alan: Yep! But before that, Ulrike is dying to give you a makeover. I’m not sure why. You’re pretty cute, just as you are


Watcher: Well, there might not have been any chemistry between Alan and Ulrike but the sparks started to fly off Alan and Maaike (Alaike? Maan? Nope!), fuelled by his desire to find a Soulmate. On their 2nd date at Windenburg Library…
Alan: It’s here somewhere…
Maaike: What’s happening?
Alan: Will you…oh bother it. I’ve forgotten all the words. I wanted this to be the perfect proposal for my literary angel.
Maaike: Are you asking me to marry you? But we’ve not even kissed yet.
Alan: I’ve kissed you a thousand times in my head since I met you. Will you?
Maaike: Yes! Oh Yes!


Maaike: Our first kiss.
Alan: First of a million!
Maaike: Oh Alan – you’re so…
Alan: Mmmmmm


Alan: There’s no-one out there.
Maaike: That was so naughty.
Alan: But nice? Right?
Maaike: Oh yes!
Alan: Let’s go home.
Maaike: Home! How lovely that sounds.


Ulrike: What do you mean, you’re eating for two! Is that a euphemism?
Maaike: I’m not sure, is it?
Watcher: I’ll Simsearch it.
Maaike: I’m pregnant.
Ulrike: Oh Maaike. Did Alan take advantage of you.
Maaike: He married me, if that’s what you mean. Oh Ulrike, say you’re happy for me!
Ulrike: Of course I am. You’ll make a great mother.
Watcher: Right! I think it’s a euphemism but because it’s frequently used in Sims, it’s becoming an idiom. What? Oh, lost the moment. Never mind. Carry on


Ulrike: I was pleased for Maaike. Of course, I was. But it is usually me that gets the attention. I guess that’s why, when a certain dark knight came a-calling, I grabbed me a bit of romance too. Ah Caleb. Your vampiric ways speak to my soul!


Will: With the funds that Maaike and Ulrike brought with them, we had enough money to buy a shop, fit some basic shelves plus a cash register. I put an artists studio and shower at the back, staff only, and Maaike called a meeting of her club – she makes such a great club leader – the Avant Gardes. She added painting to the activities and we were off. You can see the metal, rose and MySim trophy in this shot. I’ve set them on the lowest mark-up so we won’t make much profit but all these things were free in the first place. They’re just novelty items to get the shop going. I won’t restock them once they’re gone. No, the important merch is what we’ll paint ourselves.


Will: Look – here’s one of my new customers – Dina Calliente. People say she’s not the same as she used to be but she was friendly. Didn’t buy anything – this time.


Maaike: I only just fit at this desk. Not long now.
Alan: Hmmm? What, gorgeous?
Maaike: Alan! It’s like you don’t even notice how big I’ve got!
Alan: When I look at you, all I see are your lovely hazel eyes and cute freckles. But should I notice more? Are you feeling OK?
Maaike: I’m feeling good.
Alan: Very good….? Or a bit naughty?  I’d put the tent outside in case anyone needed a nap. It’s very convenient. We don’t even have to close the shop…


Caleb: I’ve brought a present for my favourite artist. An inspiring postcard
Elrike: Oh Caleb, it’s lovely. I’ll put it in my tent so Alan doesn’t sell it. Why don’t you come and help me hide it.
Maaike: Remind me again why I have to sit here, in labour?
Watcher: Ulrike’s just….hiding Caleb’s postcard…we can go to hospital when she’s done.
Maaike: But it really hurts!
Watcher: And you’re really hungry. Have something to eat while we wait.


Maaike: I’m so glad you came too.
Alan: I’m with you every step of the way.
Watcher: No time for autonomous hugging. Get over to the front desk.
Alan: But I’ve just realised I’m Good.
Watcher: Great – we’ll celebrate that later. There’s a baby coming.


Alan: Oh Oh Oh
Maaike: Oh oh oh
Watcher: And with a lot of oh’s and ah’s, baby Monica was born.
Alan: Named for Monica Galetti, a Samoan-New Zealand chef working in the UK and a judge on Masterchef.
Maaike: Hey, little one. Aren’t you gorgeous. I never want to put you down.
Watcher: And just like that, you’ve become Family-Oriented.


Summer: Oh hey! I hear you’ve moved in with Will’s friend, Alan? He’s into ink, is he?
Ulrike: That’s a little personal but yes, I’ve moved in with Alan but no, he’s not bothered about my tats. He’s married my friend Maaike.
Summer: Ouch! That’s gotta hurt. I could never be the supporting character in my own story!
Ulrike: Isn’t Will the main character in your story?
Summer: I’m a crucial character! I really am.
Ulrike: And yet, you’re so forgettable.
Summer: What!?!?!


Alan: Wow! Isn’t she precious!
Maaike: I love her little side knot. But no green hair?
Alan: She’s got your beautiful eyes.
Maaike: There’s so much for her to learn.
Alan: But a full day ahead of Will’s Infant Helen.


Holly: Hey, Ulrike. I thought I’d pop round, as we’re work colleagues.
Ulrike: And yet I can hardly talk to you.


Holly: I’ve been thinking about settling down – you know I’m homeless currently…so what do you think?
Watcher: Simsearch – traits good, career good, fame – meh. We can cope. OK, why not!


Maaike: She’s finally gone to sleep!
Alan: How are you?
Maaike: Tired and in need of a shower. You know the little terror peed on me while I was changing her nappy! She was smiling about it too!


Alan: You know, Watcher put in a proper bath/shower combo so we can bathe Monica. There’s a way we can both get clean.
Maaike: Or a little bit dirty?
Alan: Oh Maaike, you naughty girl!


Tangata Progress at end of Week 1
Middleton Meadows, Bridgeview

L-to-R: Ulrike, Alan holding Monica, Maaike, Holly

Founder: Alan
General Requirements: Career – Arts Critic 5/10; ++
Retail Requirements: Shop 75/100k; +
Spouse: Maaike Haas
Helpers: Ulrike Faust, Holly Alto
Gen 2: Monica – Infant; 10 Milestones (Learned to Grab/Reach/Laugh/Coo, 1st Smile/Bath/Pee on Caregiver, Lifted Head, Rolled over to Back)

Monica Genes.jpg

- Title - All About Chemistry - 2001 single by Semisonic

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Tangata 1: All About Chemistry (26-May)
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2023, 01:05:15 PM »
Wow, Maiike got quite the CAS magic!  I've never seen her looking so small-waisted!
Since Monica is blond rather than brunette like her mother, there's a chance she'll get get Alan's green hair as a teen.  *crosses fingers

Ulrike & Caleb! Oh Watcher! You're finally taking the plunge into the dark world of vampires!  mwahahaha

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Three Strands Accord - Tangata 1: All About Chemistry (26-May)
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2023, 02:29:37 PM »
Wow, Maiike got quite the CAS magic!  I've never seen her looking so small-waisted!
Since Monica is blond rather than brunette like her mother, there's a chance she'll get get Alan's green hair as a teen.  *crosses fingers

Ulrike & Caleb! Oh Watcher! You're finally taking the plunge into the dark world of vampires!  mwahahaha
Maaike hit the treadmill after having Monica with a bodybuilder aspiration swapping in and out with bestselling writer. The small waist is purely her hard work and no moaning. A better haircut, eyebrows and wardrobe plus a little makeup. It was a very easy makeover.

Ulrike (& Holly as a bonus) are perfect art producers but I am hoping the green hair will carry down the gens so Maaike was a better bet. Not crucial but satisfying.

Ulrike is an interesting Sim. It feels like she's more of a free spirit and Caleb is quite the player I understand.

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Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 1: What's Love Got To Do With It?
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2023, 06:33:30 AM »
Three Strands Accord: Calixte Week 1: What's Love Got To Do With It?

Kiama: My immediate priority is to get some magical training, so it was off to Glimmerbrook and through the magic portal. I was really surprised that Morgyn Ember was so friendly and happy to teach me some magic.


Kiama: My second aim in going to the Magical Realm was to find a spellcaster spouse. A suitable person to help me found my spellcaster commune. This chap, Darrel seems a possibility. Some might write off that nose but he has violet eyes and is very alluring, if you don't turn the lighting up too high. We did get friendly enough for me to ask him to move in but, honestly, his mother and teenage sisters looks only add to the family oddity. Also, I wasn’t sure who Emilia was. It was all very strange so I put him off.


I didn’t put him off very well. Darrel called and asked me to be his girlfriend. Well, it’s nice to be asked so I repeated my invitation to move in. Darrel said Emilia wouldn’t want to join us but his mother Minerva and sister Gemma were very interested in a Spellcaster commune.


Emilia: Thanks for asking me on a date, Darrel, but I’ve got a few questions.
Darrel: Oh – well, there’s something we need to discuss but you go first.
Emilia: Right, well, dearest fiancé, I was wondering why your family has all moved out leaving me to rattle around in your ancestral home. I was wondering when we were going to set a date for our wedding. Finally, and possibly the thing that I would most like the answer to, who the Plumbob is Kiama and how come she’s your GIRLFRIEND?
Darrel: Ah! Well the answers to those questions are, let me see: to start a commune; never and she’s the love of my life. It’s not you, it’s me. We’re through!
Emilia: That – was – brutal!


Darrel: Come on, Apprentice. I’m an Adept so you have to do what I tell you. Let’s get married right now and get on with starting this dynasty.
Kiama: Yes dear!
Darrel: And after that, you need to do something about the décor. I’m used to much better, you know!


Minerva: I’m very happy that you’re expecting my first grandchild but I am a bit concerned about your relationship with my son.
Kiama: Oh, I know. It was a whirlwind romance but I am totally committed to this family. I’ll do my best to make him happy.
Minerva: Kiama, dear! I love my son but he has his faults. Please keep your own identity. It is you who is founding this dynasty. Darrel is merely your assistant, despite being a higher level Spellcaster. You will become even greater than him and your child even more so. It will cause friction but I can help see you through that.
Kiama: Can you see the future?


Minerva: I can see how the runes may fall but nothing is certain. By the way, how did your first day as a detective go?
Kiama: I went out on patrol. I met that new Dina Calliente. She attacked me and I had to issue a citation. She’s not very nice.
Minerva: I hope you helped her understand that Spellcasters should be treated with respect.
Kiama: I only know Deliriate but yes, I couldn’t resist it.
Minerva: Speaking of delirious stuff, you know we let the Free Love NAP go through?
Watcher: Bother, I forgot all about getting the power and water conservation NAPs reversed and now we’ve got Free Love? Oh dear!


Gemma: Thank you for adopting me as a caregiver. Mum and I don’t really get along so it’s nice to have someone else take an interest in me.
Kiama: I’m sure Darrel cares.
Gemma: He just ignores me. Especially when he’s madly in love with someone. His other squeezes don’t usually notice me either. That’s why I wear crazy outfits. To get attention.
Kiama: Other squeezes? The past can stay in the past. Well, your crazy outfits are fine by me if you like them. But don’t go wearing things for other people. Please yourself.
Gemma: OK.


Minerva: You’re married now, Darrel. And you’re going to be a father. I hope you’ve made up your mind to settle down.
Darrel: You know me, mother. I’ve always been looking for my soulmate.
Minerva: Whilst that is true, sometimes your actions look more like a Serial Romantic.
Darrel: I don’t know what you mean.


Lilith: Thank you for inviting me in. Ooh, being in a Free Love household is so liberating. Just a little bite?
Darrel: Oh, that feels nice.
Watcher: What?


Kiama: Darrel, darling! I’m having our baby. Are you going to come and hold my hand?
Darrel: Sorry dear. Watcher seems to be mad at me for some reason and has got me filling in reports even though I’m almost certain to get a promotion tomorrow already.
Watcher: Keep at it, Boy!
Kiama: Watcher!
Watcher: It’s good for him. Look, he’s become ambitious. Let me call Minerva to support you.


Kiama: Welcome, little Mosi. It means “born first” in Swahili. You are going to be so special.
Watcher: Congratulations, Kiama
Kiama: And Darrel!
Watcher: Hm...
Darrel: You’re welcome. Now, can we forget the earlier incident?
Kiama: Is it OK that I’ve become Family-Oriented? I love little Mosi but there’s so much to do with our community.
Watcher: It suits you, Kiama and it will give Mosi a great advantage.


Darrel: Hey, Mother, I’ve become Family-Oriented too!
Minerva: Have you? Really? It seems like you haven’t done much to show that.
Darrel: The algorithms don’t lie!
Minerva: Hm!


Alan: I’m so glad I found you, Kiama.
Kiama: What’s going on?
Alan: There’s been a lot of trouble in the neighbourhood. Can you get it sorted?
Kiama: It doesn’t sound too serious, tbh Alan.
Alan: We’re trying to run a business, you know. We can’t have hoodlums running around.
Kiama: You know it’s Brawl Day this Saturday?
Alan: Oh no!


Watcher: Go on, kiss him. Right now. Just there
Kiama: OK
Darrel: Oh, that’s nice!
Lilith: Very nice. I know he is only kissing her because of ze Free Love NAP. I could not care less.


Watcher: Lilith? What are you doing? I thought you didn’t care!
Lilith: He’s mine. I cannot have him loving anozzer. Even if she is ze mozzer of his child.
Watcher: But…
Lilith: Look, he has accepted my offer to be my boyfriend. He clearly doesn’t love zat voodoo voman!
Watcher: What?
Lilith: Let us see vat happens ven I lure him right avay!
Watcher: Oh, you can have him. I’m so over his stupid face!
Lilith: Even his violet eyes? I zink you vill miss zem! But you can keep his crone of a mozzer and badly-dressed sister. I haff no need of zem.


Kiama: Thank you for joining our Community Club, Morgyn.
Morgyn: When we heard that Darrel had gone to live with Vampires, Silvester and I wanted to come support you and your little one. What’s his name?
Kiama: We’ve called him Mosi, the first-born of this community and probably the only one…
Morgyn: You’re only just starting out. There’s no telling the future. Well, actually Minerva has some skills in that area. I’m glad she’s helping you.
Kiama: She loves her grandson. She and Gemma are great.


Morgyn: You know, this Free Love thing is…
Kiama: Fun! Yes?
Morgyn: Oh yes! Will you be my girlfriend?
Kiama: Yes!
Morgyn: Actually, let’s get married!
Kiama: This is getting complicated!
Watcher: You’re telling me! I don’t think you can actually be married to 2 people but at least you waited until Darrel had moved out before exploring this Free Love thing fully!


Kiama: Happy Birthday, Sunny Mosi!
Mosi (1st smile – just like that!)
Kiama: I love your violet eyes and black hair. You’re perfect!
Watcher: Isn’t he! Ancient Bloodline in one generation. Thank you Darrel, I suppose.


Minerva: I don’t see why the young folks should have all the fun.
Silvester: You’re a wise woman indeed.
Minerva: You don’t think I’m too old?
Silvester: I’m not far behind you. Will you be my girlfriend?
Minerva: What fun!


Watcher: Oh! You can be married to 2 people! Is that the Free Love NAP?
Kiama: I don’t know but I’m so very happy and Family-Oriented that I really want another child.
Watcher: I’ve been clicking on Morgyn and the tent and the shower but it’s just not an option! You can WooHoo all you want.
Kiama: But another child is what I really want!
Watcher: I’ll do a bit of searching. Maybe it’s Morgyn…
Kiama: Can we invite Darrel round?
Watcher: No!


Kiama: So glad to see you on Brawl Day, Lilith!
Lilith: You are velcome! For zum reason I don’t mind zat you attacked me. I am quite pleased, in fact. I vill tell Darrel zat you are insanely jealous and he vill despise you!
Kiama: Oh, do say “hi” to my second-best husband when you see him next. You might want to ask him about Emilia…


Calixte Progress at end of Week 1
Ridgeline Drive, Optimist Outlook

L-to-R: Gemma, Kiama holding Mosi, Minerva.

Founder: Kiama
General Requirements: Career – Detective 3/10; +
Spellcaster Requirements: Purveyor of Potions 2/4; 3/13 Perks; ++
Spouse: Darrel Charm (Hot-Headed, Bookworm, Ambitious, Snob, Family-Oriented)
Helpers: Minerva (Elder) & Gemma (Teen) Charm
Gen 2: Mosi – Infant; 5 Milestones (Learned to Coo, 1st Smile/Visitor/Pee on Caregiver)

Mos Genes.jpg

Watcher Note

For the Floorplan Fans. I spent the most time building Kiama’s home. Will’s was designed to be efficient, Alan’s was designed cheaply to leave money for the shop. At Kiama’s there’s a cauldron in a circle of silver birches top right. The surrounding trees make things harder from a game-play point of view but our voodoo voman enjoys the atmosphere.


I really was in 2 minds about getting Darrel’s family to move in. They all have such “interesting” features but I wanted to keep Kiama’s dark hair. Darrel being a strong bloodline gave us a shortcut to get Mosi with the Ancient Bloodline plus violet eyes! Will he get the strange features too? Let’s call them characterful, if he does.
I am coming to love Minerva and Gemma has already graduated early and loves Art so she’s an asset too.

I’ve got NPC voting on for the NAPs. Even if it’s off a NAP gets put in each week. I decided that having the voting on gives a bit more game challenge – something else to remember which I clearly forgot for Kiama’s neighbourhood. I’m glad it’s worked that way. I would have liked to get the power conservation and water conservation NAPs reversed – they are really annoying – but I would never have allowed Free Love to go through.

The Free Love Nap, bigamy, instant romances and no jealousy! It’s all new to me and will change the Spellcaster Community into a different vibe than I was planning. It’s definitely affecting Kiama’s narrative.
I am wondering if the no Try For A Baby option is to limit the powers of the Free Love? I’m sure someone out there has had Morgyn father a baby so I doubt it’s that. The next time we roll round to Kiama we should have a plan if Kiama still wants another child.
*Edited* A little googling and apparently Morgyn is unable to get others pregnant. He's unable to pee standing up either but that's another matter. Well, I wonder if Kiama will still want a child when we come back to her...

The title is, of course, in honour of the late, great Tina Turner. An amazing pioneer of women in the music industry, starting and re-starting from scratch.

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What utter chaos the NAPs are creating!?  Darrell seduced away by Lilith, an Italian vampire who enunciates like Ze Pink Panther?

Morgyn comes premade with gender customization settings that neither allow him to impregnate or become pregnant.
What about a Science Baby?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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What utter chaos the NAPs are creating!?  Darrell seduced away by Lilith, an Italian vampire who enunciates like Ze Pink Panther?
Ah - the mysterious Vatores. Always throwing us a curve ball. I'm wondering if Lilith is just vamping it up, lol! I'm pretty sure Caleb didn't have any accent when he was wooing Ulrike.
Morgyn comes premade with gender customization settings that neither allow him to impregnate or become pregnant.
What about a Science Baby?
That's a good idea.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Oh wow! So much chaos and drama and fun, oh my! I love what the Free Love NAP is doing to Kiama's story. Do you plan to leave it on, or repeal it? Alan and his artsy family are cute too. Poor Maaike though! - waiting while somebody had to go, um, yes, hide that envelope. :P

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Oh wow! So much chaos and drama and fun, oh my! I love what the Free Love NAP is doing to Kiama's story. Do you plan to leave it on, or repeal it? Alan and his artsy family are cute too. Poor Maaike though! - waiting while somebody had to go, um, yes, hide that envelope. :P
I was thinking a Spellcaster community would be an interesting concept - more nature-based than the magical hq. But the Free Love NAP transforms it into a very different sort of community!  There's people snogging each other right, left and centre. Not having played with this particular NAP before, I didn't realise that "love" would develop albeit without any jealousy.

Poor Darrell. When Lilith came visiting, she was the first non-family member to appear. I'd forgotten about the NAP and took umbrage on Kiama's behalf.

It was definitely not in my plan but yes, I'm going to leave it on. It will, of course, affect the other lots in the neighbourhood and there's no restriction on where each bloodline takes up residence within Newcrest!  :o

Spending a week with each family is so intense and i get very fond of them and then, boom, I'm with a different one. I'm curious how the "race" aspect of this challenge will play out and whether I'll have a favourite.

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Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Our House It Has A Crowd
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2023, 03:28:49 PM »
Three Strands Accord: Kenna Week 2: Our House It Has A Crowd
Well-Educated Bloodline

Summer: Come on, Nelly! You could grab toys last week.
Helen: Burble, Burble!


Liberty: It’s like we’re starting from scratch again.
Summer: I know but we’ve got until their birthday on Thursday. If we work together, Tim and Helen will do great.
Travis: Yay! Go team!


Summer: There’s my girl! Oooo – a little wobble – you can do it!
Helen: O-o


Will: Oh, you don’t want me in this photo. This is all I’m doing this week! That and attending guest lectures. Focus on little Nell! This is the quickest way to get her to sleep but it does tie poor Summer in one place.


Summer: Now they’re both sitting, what are we going to try?
Liberty: They can’t hold finger food so its gooey stuff.
Helen: om om om
Time: whee!
Travis: Oh Tim – what a mess you’re making!


Summer: Hey, are you Maiike? I met your spikey friend Ulrike here the other day.
Maiike: Ah yes. She did mention something about you being a great supporting star in this challenge, just like me!
Summer: And yet this week it’s all about me. Look! Even our little Helen isn’t here!
Maiike: That’s fine, Summer. I’m happy for our little Monica to take the spotlight off me. I’m Family-Oriented now.
Summer: Not me!
Watcher: No, you’re not, are you Summer! Very interesting.


Travis: That’s Timmy asleep!
Will: Not Helen. I wonder how much peek-a-boo I’ve got in me?
Travis: You must be exhausted with 3 classes today.
Will: I’ve one more day like that. Tomorrow & Friday I’ve only got one. My 2 papers are in and I’ll get my presentation done tomorrow. I do like having it balanced this way. Only one exam to revise!
Travis: I’m feeling the strain at work. So are the girls. We all need to relax a bit.


Helen: Babble, Babble.
Watcher: I’m sure that was a first word! No?


Travis: I like this sort of relaxing. Thanks for sitting so still for me.
Will: How’s it coming on?
Travis: It’s a masterpiece. Not worth that much, but still a masterpiece.
Will: I’m supposed to build a museum to put my portrait in but I’ll do that when Nelly’s much older. There’s weeks and weeks to go yet!
Travis: I might manage a better one. I am an Art Lover now!


Liberty: Travis, you know me and Sums have got burnout?
Travis: Yes. And I’m borderline.
Summer: And Watcher won’t let us on the computer until we’ve got better?
Will: So no gaming to relax!
Summer: Libs and I have thought of a good way to relax!
Travis: Relax!


Will: Happy Birthday, Nelly! You were a Top-Notch Infant and now you’re an Inquisitive Toddler!
Summer: Don’t mind me. Pregnant lady, waddling through!


Liberty: Oh Timmy! Have you been at your chocolate cake already? I’m sure you only have to be in the vicinity of food to look like that! And now you’re a Wild Toddler. There’ll be no stopping you now! Just as well that I’ve become Neat so I can clean up after you. And this nooboo that’ll turn up on Friday night.


Watcher: Helen’s first book! She doesn’t like going to bed but she always wakes up happy. She also loves anything that makes a noise!


Watcher: Tim is an early riser and a messy eater. He hasn’t developed any other quirks. Making friends with Helen gave him his “make new friend” milestone. At that point, Helen hadn’t developed enough communication to unlock that Milestone. Once she had the skills, she needed to find another person to become a “new friend” (which she never did)


Summer: I wasn’t sure having another nooboo was a good idea but, now you’re here Heather, I love you just as much as Nelly.
Liberty: Isn’t is great having a houseful! Little Tabitha is just perfect? We chose the name Tabitha because it starts with T and Watcher likes it.
Summer: Oh little Heather is named for Will’s Scottish roots. He doesn’t look very Scottish but Kenna is a Scottish surname.
Liberty: He did well to get A+ on all his modules considering all the chaos here this week.
Summer: And it'll be chaos for his 2nd week of studies too but he really wanted another child. That's it though! No more room in this house.


Will: Can you believe it’s your birthday again, Nelly? I’m sorry I’ve kept you up but it’s Saturday night and we’ve only just got time. You’re a Top-Notch-Toddler by rights. Well done!
Helen: Timmy Too?
Will: Not yet, honey! He’s got to wait a few days/weeks.


Helen: And just like that, I’m a Dog-Lover! Mum’s busy with my little sister Heather, who I wasn’t pleased to see, I can tell you! Now, I know that you think I’ve got a great Dad because he celebrated both my birthdays but I bear a deep resentment because he seemed to be all focused on Heather just when I needed him! He’s got a lot of making up to do! I know Mum is looking after Heather right now but, for some reason, I don't mind that. I do mind them calling me Nelly, though. Helen or Nell is fine but definitely not on your Nelly!


Summer: Come on Will, let her win.
Will: Nope. How will she learn if I do that. I know I’ve developed a strict relationship with Nelly but it’s all for her good!
Helen: NELL!
Summer: Travis has a permissive relationship with Tim.
Will: Well that’s their choice. Now I’ve become Self-Assured, I feel very confident in my choices. Come on, Nelly...sorry...Nell, it's your turn.


Watcher: Right, it’s just gone midnight! Time to wrap things up here.
Summer: But we’ve just had the nooboo’s birthday notices!
Liberty: We can’t leave them as nooboos for 2 weeks!
Watcher: Go on then. But be quick about it.
Summer: Cautious Heather, just like Helen!
Liberty: And Sensitive Tabitha!
Watcher: Better keep her nappy clean. Right – a house with 3 Infants and a precocious child? Time for me to leave you to it.


Kenna Progress at end of Week 2
Rippling Flats, Llama Lagoon

L-to-R: Travis holding Tabitha, Helen, Summer holding Heather, Will, Liberty holding Tim

Founder: Will Kenna - Young Adult
Genius, Bookworm, Family-Oriented +Geek +Self-Assured
General Requirements: ++
Bloodline Requirements:  2/4 Academic Aspiration; 4/12 modules of Distinguished Degree (Computer Science)
Spouse: Summer Holiday – Active, Cheerful, Outgoing +Neat
Helpers: Travis, Liberty & their Infant children Tim & Tabitha
Gen 2 Heir: Helen Kenna - Child
Cautious,Inquisitive; Top-Notch Infant & Toddler, Dog-Lover
Sister: Infant Heather

Helen Genes.jpg

Watcher Note
As @MarianT  found in her Before They Were Famous story, Infants have lost any milestones they previously gained when you come back to them in rotational play. This being the case, I will endeavour to have future generations end “their” week pregnant so that the Infant life-stage starts and ends within their next played week.

Helen definitely didn’t have all 31 infant milestones before aging up to a toddler. I think she had about 18. She did get the Top-Notch-Infant trait. I’ve seen on Reddit that someone doing the 100 Baby challenge got 3 milestones in each of the 4 categories and got Top-Notch-Infant for hers. My plan is to try that with the next family on rotation – Alan Tangata’s daughter Monica – and see what happens.

Title - Our House It Has A Crowd – from Our House by Madness 1982

