Author Topic: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Complete (22-May-2023)  (Read 21745 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business
« Reply #90 on: May 11, 2023, 04:36:59 AM »
Caretakers Journal Week 7 – Tue-Fri

It’s been a long week in The Facility following the loss of Gulliver. Nico felt it the most, having been close to both Jacqueline and Gulliver. Ace came in and immediately hogged the computer to play The R.E.F.U.G.E. No-one has got higher than level 2 before but he’s hoping to get there.


Ace’s settling in to the Facility was hampered somewhat by the reappearance of The Beast, at 7.30pm! I thought we had until the next full moon.
Watcher: I did too!
Sky: You didn’t research Werewolves enough. Fallon got really angry and then just exploded. It was unfortunate that it chose to terrorize Ace although, to be fair, he wasn’t the only one.


After the running and screaming had died down – just 2 hours – Ace went to check with Hector and Nico. Apparently he was worried about Fallon as he hadn’t seen her during the Reign of Terror. He also asked if she was seeing anyone. I hope they put him straight…


Rabbit: What is Nico doing?
Naked: He appears to be moving snow from one place to another. I can’t think why.
Happy: Who cares? It’s snowing! Isn’t it great!


Ace, it turned out, had spent the night napping on the bench by one of the fishing spots. It looked like he’d been enjoying the snow too, in between napping and playing games on his phone.


Fallon and The Voice built a Snowpal. In short, snow fun is helping cheer everyone up.


Even the Life Contemplating has come to an end. I’ve been left with a liking for mixology – OK – but Media Production? Where did that come from?


Jacqueline chose that night to visit and boy, was she angry. Apparently if you die by drowning you are forever a watery ghost and drip water everywhere. You can’t see it very well in this pic but her form was all rippling. Plus, if she stood anywhere for long, she left a puddle which Watcher kept worrying was a Bathroom Accident. I can understand Jacqueline's anger but there’s not a lot I can do about it now.


One last date, or I hope the 7th of many, and I achieved Soulmate with Flint. Ah – that man! So reliable, always available and very easy on the eyes. My first Graduate – he was always special. As it happens, I also maxed my Gardening skill and became a Freelance Botanist. That’s 3 Aspirations now – Friend of the World was the first – so I can start Upcycling all the furniture and décor! You’re going to see some changes over the next few days. Only upgrade slightly each time but we’ll eventually get a fantastically-decorated Facility.


The other Residents joined me at the beach to celebrate. Ace’s Materialistic trait will be in heaven! I led everyone into the shallows, checking they all had swim buddies and then let them decide for themselves. No leading them into deep water. I also kept a close eye on them. With the floaters, the beach loungers and the towels, there are plenty of places to nap here. Hector didn’t nap. He swam around with Nico and got his fitness up to 5. Time for Independent Living!


We had another houseparty. I’ve got Golds for all the possible parties – we don’t have a fire pit or a keg – and I prefer Dinner Parties which increase everyone's Cooking and Charisma more. But Hector was really tired so I didn’t want ask too much of everyone.


I will miss Hector – he’s the Neat one after all. We didn’t reverse his Snobbery but I would say that he’s very good at keeping it under wraps. He managed not to put on too much weight at The Facility, looking at no-one…
Watcher: Joel!
Sky: …and got quietly on with skilling. Good on you, Hector! He’s off to live in San Myshuno with Melissa as he is friends with her. She’ll be glad of his cleaning skills. He’s left us with a new bed, thank goodness!


As Hector goes, we welcome Zane to our ranks. He’s Neat and Squeamish! Those 2 traits definitely go together although I’ll be surprised if he’s happy to clean up our loo! Isn't it strange how, just as one Neat Resident leaves, another one turns up?
Watcher: Um - read the rules - we're only allowed one Neat Resident and I don't want to leave you to clean up everything.
Sky: But all the other Residents do some cleaning. I'd be fine.
Watcher: Well, if Zane graduates, we'll consider managing without one but don't blame me if we end up in a mess.

L-to-R: Deirdre, Ace, Fallon, Sky, Zane, Gabriela, Nico, Joel

Zane tried to get to know people by telling the “Now You See It Now You Don’t” story but since we all tell that one to anyone that will listen plus the plants, all Gabriela and Joel could do was carry on dancing politely.


Gulliver visited that night, also in rippling form. He was angry too so we left him alone. I was too tired to deal with that. Eventually he went outside and made a Snow Angel. It's perhaps just as well he was hot from being angry. If his watery nature had been cooler he might have got frozen to the snow.


After a day at the gym and then another carefully-monitored beach visit to rehydrate Nico, we returned to the Facility via Mt Komorebi. I have been having problems with the Residents staying in hot-weather or swimwear when we get home from the beach so a quick jaunt to the snowy mountains gets us all in cold-weather gear. Zane went over to get some food from the vendor who thought he was a Spellcaster. He is wearing one of their Winter coats. Maybe he’s trying to impress Deirdre. That reminds me, I really must take her on another trip to Glimmerbrook.


I wanted to knit on the rocking chair but Fallon grabbed it while I was on my way. With the bench gone and all the beds occupied, the loo was the only “comfortable” place to do it. I know it looks odd but these socks aren’t going to knit themselves. I moved as soon as I saw Nico doing the Widdle Waddle.


We have all had to adjust to The Shower changing daily. We all know, in our heads, that each change means an improvement. But our hearts, well our hearts are finding it hard. We miss the massage jets and other upgrades that I’d done on the original Shower. We are all looking forward to the day when the daily changes reach the ultimate in showers and we can reacquaint ourselves with this vital member of The Facility.


Fallon is amazing. Not only does she have to contend with her alter-ego, she is the only Resident to reach level 5 in Gardening and in Painting. As she got level 5 Charisma at Hector’s leaving party, she is ready for Independent Living. Look! She’s even painted a picture of her future home!


I decide a Dinner Party will get everyone cooking again. Without a dining table, everyone gathers in the kitchen to eat and never leave it. I set the stereo to Classical to try to get everyone listening to it but that did mean no dancing. We have so many graduated Residents now that they fill the guest list. I’m very happy to have everyone together.


Fallon has been our most challenging Resident but her painting and gardening are unparalleled! I’m so proud of her. She’s found a small cottage in Moonwood Mill and hoping to join one of the Packs there. She’s left us a small telescope. I’ve heard they can be dangerous so I’ll be upcycling it as soon as possible


Nico upped his Charisma at Fallon's party so he’s ready for Independent Living too. Making sure that his scales got plenty of hydration was possibly the main reason we lost 2 Residents to drowning but I’m glad to call him a friend. He is, to my belief, the only Resident to never have caused a fire, passed-out or had a Bathroom Accident! Amazing. He has no living friends outside the Facility but he’s still a Loner so he’s built himself a small desert island house in Sulani. He’s promised to return for parties, especially as his leaving gift is a hot tub! A hot tub, everyone! I wonder if we can get everyone in at the same time!


2 new Residents arrive together. Malakai is a Family-Oriented Slob – I’ll have to monitor his conversations with Child-Hating Gabriela. Lola is High Maintenance and Loyal. We lost High Maintenance Sam to anger. I hope Lola won’t get quite so worked up.

L-R: Deirdre, Malakai, Gabriela, Sky, Zane, Ace, Lola, Joel

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Watcher’s Note
I have gone through all the traits that I think are “unhelpful” so I’ve re-used the ones for those past Residents that dieddidn’t graduate. I will be needing more new Residents before this challenge is over and I can’t avoid Paranoid for ever. If you have suggestions for interesting trait combos, do let me know. One trait has to be Erratic.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business (11-May)
« Reply #91 on: May 11, 2023, 10:13:04 AM »
The Gnome conversation is quite creative and fun! Huge kudos to Fallon who progressed so quickly, and to Nico as well for also being ready for Independent Living. Sky is doing so well helping her residents.

The first time I played the werewolf pack, I had my Sim exploring Moonwood Mill on Day 1, and that included checking out the telescope on the roof - I got the popup - don't remember what it said - about the meteor, and it took me a couple of seconds to work out what it meant - memories of Sims 3. I think my Sim lasted all of 3 Sim hours before her death from the meteor. I've been pretty reluctant to even acknowledge their existence in the game since then. So I will surely be cringing anytime your residents use that little deathtrap scientific apparatus.

I wonder if Sky's assertion that the Facility would be fine without a neat resident will be an example of "Be careful what you wish for."

And a hot tub! What a perfect gift for a merman to give!

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business (11-May)
« Reply #92 on: May 11, 2023, 10:46:41 AM »

Three new residents and three completed aspirations! Nice! I'm curious to see just how much unlocking all the up-cycling is going to do for the residents. And the new showers - goodbye old friend!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business (11-May)
« Reply #93 on: May 11, 2023, 01:13:31 PM »
The first time I played the werewolf pack, I had my Sim exploring Moonwood Mill on Day 1, and that included checking out the telescope on the roof - I got the popup - don't remember what it said - about the meteor, and it took me a couple of seconds to work out what it meant - memories of Sims 3. I think my Sim lasted all of 3 Sim hours before her death from the meteor. I've been pretty reluctant to even acknowledge their existence in the game since then. So I will surely be cringing anytime your residents use that little deathtrap scientific apparatus.

And a hot tub! What a perfect gift for a merman to give!
I wanted my Nine Lives Dynasty to all max logic so I put some telescopes on each balcony. I lost a spare and a club member before I realised what was going on! There are only 3 telescopes available so we'll get to the big one quickly. I hope quickly enough.

When the Facility isn't desperate for a bed or chair I try to have the leaving Sim leave some sort of appropriate gift. Hence a telescope for moon gazing from werewolf Fallon and a hot tub for rehydrating from Merman Nico.

Three new residents and three completed aspirations! Nice! I'm curious to see just how much unlocking all the up-cycling is going to do for the residents. And the new showers - goodbye old friend!
Some items have more "grades" available than others so they'll take longer. I can't add anything, only replace. I'm sticking to a colour pallette of pink, blue and white where possible but it's quite strange revamping everything once a day!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business (11-May)
« Reply #94 on: May 11, 2023, 03:32:42 PM »
Congrats on graduating not one, but three, more residents.
Thanks so much for identifying the residents in the household portrait--so much easier for my foggy memory and I to follow Sky's progress.
I confused myself with the Independent Living stats (nobody has L5 skills...).

Sky's achieved so much and I loved seeing the wall of photos of the rehabilitated sim!
It's curious how some residents take so much longer than others.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 7.2: There's Snow Business (11-May)
« Reply #95 on: May 11, 2023, 04:27:43 PM »
I confused myself with the Independent Living stats (nobody has L5 skills...).
I've updated the stats for the new Independent Living peeps. I'd moved them before updating them alongside the others *facepalm*

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 8.1: Is This A Weenie I See Before Me?
« Reply #96 on: May 12, 2023, 03:23:48 AM »
Caretakers Journal Week 7-8 – Sat-Sun

Flint arrived to see me just as I needed to welcome Malakai and Lola. I told them to go have a look around and come back with any questions. I can’t leave my husband out in the cold when he’s come all the way from Britechester. With just 3 weeks to go, we’ve started discussing where we’d like to live. Previous Caretakers have made a home out of their Facility but we think we’d like somewhere else.


Lola and Malakai took their lives in their hands time to meet The Voice. He was looking somewhat snappish that evening but no cake. That was good.


Flint asked Malakai what he thought of The Facility. He commented that the décor was very nice. Deirdre said that was too bad as it would change again the following evening. She’s shooting off an email to the directors, saying that a constantly changing environment isn’t conducive to anyone’s rehabilitation. I do agree but each day is getting better and eventually it will stabilize.


Lola asked Gabriela’s advice on the self-care options in The Facility. She was wondering where the massage table was and who was available to do her nails. She wasn’t impressed when Gabriela said that no-one in the Facility had got above 1 in Wellness skill. Actually, I’m nearly up to 3 but she doesn’t need to know that. I’m not here to give everyone manicures.


After the usual sort of day – gym, beach, home – we realize that Joel has finally upped his Fitness to level 5. It was too late to throw a party but Joel didn’t mind. He was off to live with his good buddy Nico on a desert island. Joel has been the most Charismatic Resident, reaching level 8. He has been a joy although a challenge as he has taken the longest of any Resident to achieve Independent Living status. His Non-Committal trait is probably to blame for that and it is still very much intact. Joel may give his parents grandchildren but he’s unlikely to be the one to raise them. I am concerned that, having developed his Charisma so well in here, he is on course to be a Serial Romantic. Although he wasn’t bothered about fitness, he has left us with a basic weights machine to add to our little gym area. I think he was being ironic.


One out, one in. Paranoid Randy came complete with headgear. I told him that he was just in time for the coffee that Gabriela had brewed – a party reward – but he said he never drank stimulants, legal or otherwise. He also doesn’t eat any additives or drink alcohol. He was quite calm and polite about it though. His full name is Randy Handy which is...
Watcher: I used the Randomizer, honest!


Randy said he would cook all his own meals but with no cooking experience, I was quite relieved when he stopped mid-fry-up. He’d heard voices from elsewhere. I explained that we all hear them and some were real but they were the ones you didn’t need to worry about.


If Randy was going to do his own cooking I decided to get him trained up as quickly as possible. Deirdre made some comment about pandering to the new boy but it was only because she wanted to get back to working out. Look how neat today’s fridge is! All bright and fresh!


Deirdre went back to the gym area. She finds it the best way not to be Mean to everyone – being on her own. Before I could start to worry that she might become a Loner, she reached level 5 Fitness. With 6 Charisma and 5 Dancing, she has achieved Independent Living status in our now standard set of skills. I’m sorry I couldn’t really help her with her Spellcasting but she’s moving to the Amicable Acolytes house to live with Grace Anansi. Her roommate Tomax was one of my first friends but he died a while ago now. Deirdre liked Singing but never got the chance to do much at The Facility so she’s going to leave us a Karaoke machine. Hm, where are those free earbuds?


To celebrate Deirdre moving out, Watcher sent us to Desert Bloom Park for a Weenie Roast. She’d put a campfire near the playground and rearranged some benches. Deirdre was so tired from working out that she’d passed out near the loos when Gabriela went to find her.


It was a Silver standard Weenie Roast. Who knew you got a seat for a Silver Weenie Roast Party? Look at all the food Gabriela and Zane made. With 3 grills, they couldn’t seem to stop and have both got their Cooking skills up to 4. Will Cooking make an appearance as a graduation skill? I can say many more Weenie Roast parties in our future! Deirdre just couldn’t decide what to have first from all the goodness on offer.


No-one, I repeat, no-one caught on fire. Watcher hardly took her eyes off us all. Not surprisingly as everyone kept adding more and more logs and everyone shuffled up close to roast marshmallows. Not hotdogs which would have got us Gold but marshmallows are yummy. No-one sang Kumbyah.  It was a good party.


So, who’s coming in? Elsa is a Childish Perfectionist. Is Child-hating Gabriela OK with Childish Sims? We’ll find out…

L-to-R: Malakai, Randy, Elsa, Sky, Zane, Ace, Gabriela, Lola

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Watcher Note
Come celebrate with me, for I have reached a 5-figure score! Par-Tay! Whoop! Whoop!

The rules I originally found don't mention anything about using party rewards in The Facility except emotion-affecting items are banned so I haven't placed the date-reward Flirty buckets. Other items, like the Landlord Whisperer stereo and coffee pot, have been added to the lot. The camping chair won for a Silver Weenie Roast is a real blessing. As Cooking and Charisma skills also rose greatly, we will be having more despite the fire-risk. If I'd considered this before starting the challenge, I would have done more research on Social rewards and chosen other items within the restrictions.

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Offline Rhoxi

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What a great discovery about the Weenie Roast, both the reward and the cooking thing! The new guy - what a name! Haha. The hat's a great touch, too.

Offline oshizu

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Great job, Sky, on earning a silver medal for your Weenie Roast without a single fire!
What an achievement!
Congrats, too, Watcher, on your five-figure score!  Way to go!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Congrats to Joel and Welcome to Malakai, Lola and Randy. And congratulations to Sky for graduating another resident and hosting a no-Sim-on-fire weenie roast!
And most of all, congrats to Watcher for a great score!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 8.2: L O L A Lola
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2023, 10:10:07 AM »
Caretakers Journal Week 8 – Mon-Fri

I was pleased to see that Lola’s love of Wellness extended to offering foot massages. She had to reassure Randy that the oils she was using were only natural ones but the two of them seemed to be getting on really well.


Naked Gnome: Oh ho, Nookie Notice! Happy couple in the Hot Tub!
Rabbit: What? What? I can see. Someone turn me around!
Happy: No need. Randy’s gone to sleep. Nothing to see.


Happy: That Randy sure is a strange one.
Naked Gnome: Yeah! Who needs a safety helmet to punch a bag.
Happy: Actually, it just punched him back. Maybe he’s got a point.
Rabbit: What? What? Why am I always facing the wrong way?


The Residents continue to be disturbed by the changing Facility items. Ace was bemused by having a pink loo and was annoyed that someone had left dirty plates on it. Elsa made sympathetic noises and decided to put her dirty plate somewhere else.


Lola: What’s this? Sky’s journal? Let me see…what does she write in here? Oh – this is very interesting. Very interesting and very useful. I think I know how to reorganize things around here to my liking…
Sky: Hey – what’s going on?
Lola: What’s going on, sister, is that you’ve been writing stuff about us and reporting back to the directors. How do you think the other Residents are going to feel about that?
Sky: I…I… there’s nothing in there I’m ashamed of!
Lola: But how would folk feel if they read….this bit here? Or this bit?
Sky: Um…
Lola: So. Here’s what’s going to happen. Instead of a trip to the library, we’re going to that Spa over there. And then I think a daily mani-pedi for me is enough for now.
Sky: Watcher!


Lola: Stupid Stupid Gym! I’ve got changed into my robe but I’m just not going to any of the multiple massage chairs or tables. Argh!!!!!


Lola: Argh! Grrrr! @#$%&!!!!! Oh No!
Watcher: Not again!


Sky: Come On, Man in Black, please?
Grim: I’m just not picking up any sincerity here…
Watcher: Come on, Sky, make it look good.
Sky: Pretty Please?
Grim: OK – no it is!


Sky: Right, Watcher, let’s get back to normal. Who have we got?
Watcher: This is Octavia Hook. She’s a Dog-Loving Child of the Ocean who likes Singing.
Sky: Okey Dokey, so avoid fish in the cooking and order more earbuds. Got it!


Sky: Elsa had a chat with Gabriela about having children. She herself can’t wait to have them but that’s mainly so she can play with all their toys. Gabriela pointed out all the work she’d put in to getting into shape and why would she sacrifice all that? They didn’t fall out. Just agreed to disagree and that’s healthy.


Happy: There’s 4 of them in the Hot Tub now!
Rabbit: What? What? I still can’t see.
Naked Gnome: Don’t get all excited. They’ve all got swimsuits on.


Naked Gnome: Now, who are these guys?
Snowman: We’re here for Christmas.
Happy: Yay! Christmas!
Fawn: Momma, this grass is a funny colour!
Doe: Just eat what’s in front of you and look cute.
Rabbit: Hey! I’m the cute one around here.
Happy: Don’t sweat it, Rabbit. We’re all cute!


Sky: I got to have a mistletoe kiss with the World’s Greatest Husband plus we shared a Friendship Bracelet Buddy thing. Oh – rainbow swirlies! We’ll do that again.


Things got heated in the Facility on Friday morning when Gabriela broke the doll house – the top of the range doll house – and Elsa got all upset about it. Those 2 like each other but they’re like chalk and cheese.


To diffuse the tension, we went off clubbing. Yes, in the morning! It’s a quiet time and most of us have a bit of energy. We got to do the Boogie Woogie and Gabriela got to level 5. Time for Independent Living.


Ah Gabriela! We haven’t done what her parents wanted but she is more than capable of Independent Living. I promised to write to her parents explaining that it’s vital for her ongoing mental health that they never raise the issue of children again. It’s sort of true. We posed for a suitable pic to send them. Gabriela has joined Nico in never passing out but she did have 1 Bathroom Accident. She has been chatting with Joel about living together in a child-free house at the beach in Tartosa. Nico likes Joel but really wants to be alone on his island. It suits them all. Gabriela blesses us with a much-needed bed. We’ll be back to 4 now.


Another Weenie roast but sadly surprisingly we get a Gold prize – we’ve already got an underused chess table and no spare chairs to go with another one!

Screenshot 2023-05-13 112038.jpg

Gabriela’s replacement is Laurie Crowell. She is an Active Animal Enthusiast. I wonder how she’ll do in the Facility.

L-to-R: Randy, Elsa, Octavia, Sky, Laurie, Zane, Ace, Malakai
Screenshot 2023-05-13 115611.jpg

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Watcher Note
Last update’s celebrations were clearly a little premature especially with the 11 pass-outs (mainly Ace) but Gabriela has saved us from too much ignominy.
Lola is the 2nd High-Maintenance Resident to die of Cardiac Explosion, Sam being the first. Are they incapable of independent living, I wonder? I had a whole narrative planned about Lola getting Sky to do everything she wanted! It would have been hilarious, of course! Full of “oohs” and “ahs”. Never mind. We’ll move on.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 8.2: L O L A Lola
« Reply #101 on: May 13, 2023, 11:03:18 AM »
Congrats to Gabriela, and condolences for Lola . . . I was looking forward to her antics and then poof, she's gone. That Grim is a mean one sometimes.
I do enjoy the gnome conversations . . . poor bunny, never looking where the action is.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 9.1: Raison D'Etre
« Reply #102 on: May 14, 2023, 02:17:58 PM »
Caretakers Journal Week 8/9 – Sat-Tue

After Gabriela’s leaving do, Ace decided to tease Elsa about playing with the dolls house. She asked him about his passion for video games and pointed out it wasn’t much different. She seems to be very comfortable with her Childish nature.


I was feeling nervous about Lola’s ghost visiting and I was right to be trepidatious. She went from the loo to The Shower and then the sink, breaking each as she went. She was not in a good mood. I’ve allowed all the other ghosts to visit when they like but I think, for Lola…


Happy: What’s going on? I can hear a whosh but I can’t see.
Rabbit: Well, if you’re asking about Sky, she’s just released Lola’s spirit.
Happy: What else would I be asking about?
Rabbit: Oh…Watcher has been moving a few…plants around for the coming Spring.
Happy: That’s not very important.
Snowman: But she’s moved….
Rabbit: Sh – he doesn’t need to know.


Sky: When my friend Iosphina phoned to say she’d got a new puppy, I thought it would be lovely for Dog-Loving Octavia and Animal-enthusiast Laurie to meet him. They couldn’t be less interested. It was so strange. By the way, I thought Angela Pleasant had got married to Vanessa Jeong but Iosephina asked me about going on a date with Angela and she had a very nice time, by all accounts. Maybe I should let Vanessa know, via @oshizu


Ace carried on playing his video games, this was Simscuffle, but I think Elsa’s comments had got to him and he only played for short periods. He’ll never get up to level 5 at this rate!


I made a new friend when Lilith knocked at the door. She really is very pretty but it is disconcerting as she dashes from place to place in a puff of black smoke. She appreciated my level 3 foot massage. Or rather she didn’t wince too much. Getting to level 3 completed my New Years Resolution – I’m never very ambitious in my resolutions.


I did make a New Years Eve toast to my beloved Flint. This time, 2 weeks hence, we’ll be footloose and free as birds. Now – will it be Sulani…or Tartosa?


Monday was Prank Day. I had fun but only Randy and Octavia joined in. Can you see Laurie washing up in that filthy sink? I don’t know what Zane was doing. He’s usually much more on the job than that. Just that one wash in a dirty sink made Laurie realize that she was Squeamish!


When the same thing happened to Ace, Elsa told Zane he needed to concentrate on his job. He replied that it was actually my job but he usually enjoyed helping out. He was just having a break that day. I cleaned the sink so no-one else got Squeamish.


Look at our lovely, top-of-the-range cooker. The fridge got upcycled to the max on Tuesday as well. Now it’s worth upgrading everything. It would have been lovely to get Nerd Brain so I could do insta-upgrades but getting all those rocket trips at Geekcon would have left the Residents passing out right left and centre.


Rabbit: Don’t look now but The Voice has got cake.
Happy: I love cake!
Snowman: You don’t want this cake.
Happy: How do you know what I want? Anyway, buddy, your days are numbered.
Snowman: What do you mean?
Naked Gnome: It’s like this see, it’s Spring and we don’t have Snowmen in Spring.
Snowman: That’s a little excluding. What about the deer?
Rabbit: They don’t have the same heat issues.


Sky: Zane and Elsa shared a moment. I saw not one but two sets of hearts above them. Hm, I wonder what they’re planning.


These 2 are not sharing a moment. They are sharing a coffee brew. Randy has capitulated and is now addicted to caffeine. In fact everyone is addicted to coffee. When they are tired, instead of going to bed to sleep, they often grab coffee. I’m sure we’re getting more pass-outs because of that!
Watcher: Maybe we should put the coffee machine in the attic.


When Sam’s ghost visited, he only broke the sink. Malakai ran off in a panic when he saw him but paranoid Randy just kept dancing! In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Randy panicked. How strange.


Rabbit: It’s OK, the cake has gone. Sky’s come to feed The Voice.
Happy: What’s that I can feel dripping down my back. It feels warm and….goey.
Naked Gnome: Oh gnome! You don’t want to know what that is. Hey, Fawn, keep away from my cube. It’s a vital part of my raison d’etre.
Fawn: Where are the raisins? Have you et them all?
Naked Gnome: Gerroff!


Sky: Zane was so busy dancing alongside Randy that he got up to level 5. With Charisma at 6 and the only Resident to get level 5 in Cooking, he’s ready for Independent Living. I asked where he planned to live and he said Elsa would like to live near the Water Park so he’s going to set up a place for the 2 of them. I know The Facility got a bit grubby when he took a Neatness break but I think we’d be OK without a Neat sim here.


Zane is leaving us with a chair. With the camp chair that we got for a Silver Weenie Roast (Yay) and a bit for shifting around, we now have three chairs arranged at the end of the dining table. How civilized! There’s only one chair at the chess table now but hardly anyone plays a proper game anyway.

Our newest Resident is a another Spellcaster, Romantic Hot-headed Kiama. The last Hot-Head swapped that trait for being Cheerful. I wonder if Kiama will do the same.

L-to-R: Malakai, Ace, Octavia, Sky, Laurie, Elsa, Randy, Kiama

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Watcher Note
The random traits generator was taking too many clicks to get Erratic and the other traits were coming up as a bit too easy. I thought, for Sky’s last too weeks, she needed more of a challenge. You’ll notice that Kiama does not have the Neat trait…Sky did say she could manage.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 9.1: Raison D'Etre
« Reply #103 on: May 14, 2023, 02:42:20 PM »
The gnomes are a hilarious narrative addition!
Rest in peace, Lola.  Some residents don't last long at all, do they?
Speaking of lasting long, does Gabriella hold the dubious honor of spending the longest time at the Facility so far?
I haven't really been keeping track but it seems like she was there forever!  Congrats, Gab!

As for trait randomizer, can't you assume the Erratic trait then randomize traits for a Teen sim?
P.S. Thanks for letting us know about Angela. In the Mishmash simverse, she is very much in love with Prince's neighbor. ;-)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 9.1: Raison D'Etre
« Reply #104 on: May 14, 2023, 11:12:31 PM »

Lola, your stay was brief and most unhelpful. We say farewell to even your vengeful, bathroom destroying spirit. Perhaps high maintenance sims are simply not for this challenge.

