Author Topic: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) Complete (22-May-2023)  (Read 21758 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2023, 06:00:16 AM »
Caretakers Journal Week 1.2 – Thu-Sat

After her successful (no fire) cooking session, Robyn lost the race for beds and went outside to find Travis. Not being flirty, she tried to impress him with one of her stories. I don’t think it worked.


Coral and Emery snaffled the 2 bench seats for their naps. It doesn’t look comfortable, does it? Ironically they still choose the benches over the beds but they can only nap on them. In a bed, even though it’s uncomfortable, they’ll get a full night’s sleep. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a Sim healthy, wealthy and wise.


Julienne’s sleeping pattern is difficult to determine but she’s become very focused on her fitness. Bernard is also very Active now but Julienne is doing really well. I’m trying to get over the hurt I feel about something she said. I didn’t notice at the time but just being with her reminds me of it…whatever it was.


Arguments go on all the time in the house. It’s not surprising really. We’re all on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Some of those growing pains are bound to hurt and we take it out on those around us. If I’m around, I try to calm things down but I can’t be everywhere at once. Bernard accused Sam of hogging the shower. Sam said "talk to the hand" and accused Bernard of ignoring the needs of others. They are so similar – they could be really good friends if they tried.


Me and Robyn, though, we’re Good Friends now. It’s all the cooking we do together. Sadly it doesn’t seem to increase Robyn’s cooking skills much but it is good for our relationship. I think I could get us all cooking together but too many cooks spoil the broth.


Bernard was really going for it, cleaning up the water gushing from the loo. Julienne pointed out the pointlessness of his efforts but he just kept on. Neither of them thought to actually fix the loo. Nope, that was down to yours truly!


We tried our luck again at Magnolia Promenade. I should have kept a closer eye on everyone. Poor Bernard. He didn’t get much sleep the previous night. I thought about going home straight away but it seemed a shame to wake him. We went as soon as he came round though. Sam and I both got cowberry buds. And I got a dragonfruit!


Sam was really angry about something when we got home. It might have been that I took the cowberry off him. Every day at 9pm, just after curfew, I get everyone to empty their pockets so that no-one hoards everything. There’s usually a lot of books to return to the bookcase. I sell any fish. Anyway, Sam was annoyed about the cowberry. I pointed out that selling it has brought in much needed funds. Needs must when the devil drives. I’m starting to worry about the bills arriving on Monday. Sam did pick up the bin later. I don’t usually have to worry about that. Someone usually picks up the bin soon after it gets kicked over. Which happens a lot!


I did some gardening, planting the dragonfruit. I’m level 2 now. I wish I knew how to fertilize things – that’s the next thing to learn at level 3. I get plenty of work for my handiness. I got 2 robot parts from doing this. They got sold straight away. Flint got energized from the Bracing Breezes here and for the NAP encouragement. He was so pleased with doing his push-ups but he passed out straight after this shot. I really must improve the bed situation.


Ah yes, this! I’d taken the cowberry bud out of my pocket while I was gardening – it feels weird in there – and then forgot all about it. So Sam has planted it. Does he look smug in this photo? I know he was. While the cat’s away, the mice will play!


Flint went out to talk to the plants but then got worried that they were talking back to him. We all struggle with those voices.


Bernard’s complaints against Sam hogging the bathroom seem well founded. He was trying to wash up the dirty plates – it’s handy having a Neat Resident – and there was no hot water. Bernard really needed to wash himself up too. Sam can’t stand any ickiness.


I tried to do some cooking with Julienne because she’s the only Resident that I’m not friends with and you can catch more flies with honey. Before we could start, Robyn dived in to do it. I understand that it had become “our thing” but I need to be even-handed with all the Residents.


Friday I took everyone to the Karaoke Bar Waterside Warble. Everyone joined in and I’m hoping that we’ll get some more singing at the Facility. I even sang a duet with Julienne and we became friends, finally. The Facility that plays together stays together. Everyone was rude about everyone else’s singing but it was all done in a friendly way, I think.


Friday night and I was so pleased to note Coral cleaning the loo. I really don’t like that job but doing it reduces the likelihood of a breakdown. A stitch in time saves nine. Coral’s become really Cheerful now. It’s difficult to believe she’s Evil. Maybe she’s cheerful because there’s usually someone suffering…that puts a different spin on it. I really do need to keep an eye on her.


Oh dear – Flint! Ah, yes, the rocket picture (env 2) …that appeared in the household inventory after our trip to the karaoke bar. Julienne looked quite smug. We have talked about her Kleptomania but our relationship's still in the balance and that girl’s working on her Mischief! I might sell it if we need the funds for bills but it improves the environment without affecting our emotions so we’ve hung it there for now.


Robyn agreed that the other Residents might benefit from sharing the cooking so she was on hand to encourage Sam when I asked him to join me. He wasn’t sure about getting his precious hands dirty but he had a good go at it. You never know until you try.


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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2023, 08:04:55 AM »
This is so cute. Good luck to Sky Not Blue; she needs it! (Incidentally, I tried the Apocalypse Challenge with Sims 3, and only made it to my 3rd or 4th generation. The rules for TS4 have always looked too hard!)
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2023, 08:53:26 AM »

Oh, Sky Not Blue and all her little proverbs. :) The fact that you can only control one character really does make this such a unique challenge.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2023, 12:24:43 PM »
Such a fun story . . . I am really enjoying how you write about the simple activities in a way that gives insight into your Sims' personalities. Working in references to their traits is so helpful from a reader perspective and helps me feel like I'm really getting to know them.

I admit that your story is making me consider trading out one generation in my Ten-Gen Jumble for a challenge where I don't control all the Sims . . . not decided yet, but thinking about it . . .

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2023, 01:22:07 PM »
I got to thinking-- If you went to a different save and started creating a new sim, you could select Erratic and see what, or even if, other traits greyed out when you chose it.  That would tell you what to try to trigger, to swap out Erratic.

As a standalone challenge/story, this is a fun read.  But as an epilogue to Nova's tale, it's kind of sad... "Sky Not Blue never made it to Sulani.  Instead she got thrown in the loony bin for the rest of her life."

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 1.2: The Book of Proverbs (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2023, 02:31:08 PM »

Oh, Sky Not Blue and all her little proverbs. :) The fact that you can only control one character really does make this such a unique challenge.
It's definitely a different way of playing for me. I'm enjoying it though. In some ways the lack of responsibility for the others is a bit relaxing.
Such a fun story . . . I am really enjoying how you write about the simple activities in a way that gives insight into your Sims' personalities. Working in references to their traits is so helpful from a reader perspective and helps me feel like I'm really getting to know them.

I admit that your story is making me consider trading out one generation in my Ten-Gen Jumble for a challenge where I don't control all the Sims . . . not decided yet, but thinking about it . . .
Oh - that could be fun! I'd only ever had uncontrolled household Sims for Elders in my Apocalypse challenge before Doctor was cleared. Then it was more a question of limiting the damage they could do before they died and it was a bit/very sad. It's interesting to see what Sims can achieve on their own in this. A Tiny House would speed things up too.
So much to think about in your Jumble - I'm a bit in awe of the breadth and planning!
Good idea! I'll try and find the link you mentioned as well :)
I got to thinking-- If you went to a different save and started creating a new sim, you could select Erratic and see what, or even if, other traits greyed out when you chose it.  That would tell you what to try to trigger, to swap out Erratic.

As a standalone challenge/story, this is a fun read.  But as an epilogue to Nova's tale, it's kind of sad... "Sky Not Blue never made it to Sulani.  Instead she got thrown in the loony bin for the rest of her life."
Good idea. I'll try and find that link you mentioned too.
Sky Not Blue is a bit too busy to think about herself and she hasn't really remembered any of her previous life. I choose to see it as safe place until she re-finds (refines?) herself. Maybe a group outing to Sulani might help her memories... ;)
She will get out on the day of her elder birthday and has the option of taking a Potion of Youth to relive her Adult life - as per the ruleset. A lot will depend on the relationships that happen along the way.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.1: It’s Just A Shower
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2023, 02:56:33 PM »
Caretakers Journal Week 2 – Sun-Mon: It’s Just A Shower

It turned out that Robyn wasn’t very happy about me cooking with Sam, especially after he refused to clean up the icky mess he’d made. She forbade him to ever cook with me again. Oh dear. I need to reassess my relationships within the Facility.


Emery suggested to Robyn that it wasn’t a good idea to wind Sam up but he did it in his apologetic Socially-Awkward way so she didn’t realize what he was saying and kept on dancing. Sam of course kicked over the bin.


Emery decided to practice talking to the loo as he found it less scary.


When Bernard praised Robyn for putting Sam in his place, Sam focused intently on his chess moves and pretended not to hear. Emery didn’t say a word and carried on clearing the dishes. As I wrote before, I don’t have to clean up ever. I think everyone does a bit.


I am the only one who does repairs though. Can you tell the shower was broken? Poor Julienne had been working out and really needed a shower.


I had a word with Sam about hogging the shower but cushioned it by saying I’d talk to Robyn about being over-possessive. I think he took it well. He promised to cut down to only essential maintenance unless no-one else needed to be in there.


I’ll say one thing for Sam – his love of the shower means he cleans it too. With 8 of us using it, the cleaning is super-necessary.


Emery found the nerve to try talking to me. Sadly I was too pre-occupied fixing the sink to respond properly. I do feel it was a lost opportunity. Still, he’s doing really well with his fitness so I’m hopeful he’s being helped here.


I asked Sam, Emery and Bernard to cook with me to see if they could get over their issues with each other. But then I had a flare-up and got scared of why they were staring at me. By the time I rallied only Emery was still engaged in the task but I’ll count that as a win.


Coral got really sad out in the garden. It’s a good place to be sad. You can talk to the plants and never feel judged by them. Not often anyway. I tried to Help Coral Out, now that I’m Good. It did cheer her up but our relationship suffered. Her Evil ways and my Good ones will always be a barrier.


She’s a funny one, that Coral. Just when I think she’s a real problem, I saw her cleaning the loo. It was really clogged badly that time, too.


Of course then she went and destroyed the doll house and started dancing to show how not sorry she was. More work for me.


We tried the gym in Del Sol Valley. Plenty of loos and showers to go round. I got a bit of coaching from Summer Holiday who is a trainer there. She didn’t seem to mind me telling one of my stories and we even became friends.


In fact, the gym visit was going swimmingly – literally, as half the Residents went in the pool – but then it started raining outside. I spotted Flint initiating our Facility ritual, him Loving Outdoors so much, and decided to get us out of there.


We made a quick stop at Willow Creek Museum as a treat for Julienne. I thought she'd be spoilt for choice but she passed out, poor girl with no additions to our inventory. No, I don't think I'm exploiting her Kleptomania for financial gain. She has a condition and society needs to accept that. The other museum visitors were a bit concerned about the swimwear but I explained that it could have been worse – much worse. It wasn't raining outside, after all.


When we got home – did I just call the Facility home? – Robyn had got herself in a bit of a state and had the 2nd of our household bathroom accidents. Unfortunately Sam was on hand to make the most of it. Those 2 really don’t see eye to eye. He did clean it up though.


I cheered Robyn up while Flint made supportive comments. We couldn’t understand why she didn’t just go shower but, as I said, she’d got in a bit of a state. Sam just looked smug.


Sam does have the right to feel a bit smug. He’s the best of us at Yoga. Makes it look easy, doesn’t he?


The fridge broke down. I’d not fixed a fridge before. That sparking and the leaking water looked dangerous so I was a bit worried to see Julienne in the middle of it. She was OK thankfully.


We all held our breath when the bills were delivered. Ha! We’ve even got funds to spare! I bought some skill books – Logic, Gardening and Wellness. It’s time to pat ourselves on the back. Well my back really. Apart from a few fish, the others have done very little to earn Facility funding. I have moved the easel inside to encourage painting. With the new Creative Arts NAP in place, maybe we’ll all get a bit more creative.


I love this pic. It looks like we’re regular girls having a regular gossip. I suggested a trip to a club to celebrate the bills being paid and they were well up for it.


When we got to the club, there’s the mandatory trip to the bathroom. But this looks like another girl-bonding moment. Ah – life is improving!


Nearly all of us joined in a group dance. I lead it but actually they’re all better dancers than me. Only Flint loses time but he did a bit of dad-dancing at the back.


When we got home, Coral demonstrated that Yoga is not as easy as Sam makes it look.


And Sam tried to overcome his reluctance to share his beloved shower.


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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.1: It’s Just A Shower (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2023, 06:24:45 PM »
Quinn in my BDD was my first experience playing the erratic trait, so I never realized that every rain results in erratic Sims stripping down and showering in the rain. It was funny with one, but 8 Sims running outside naked every time it rains has to just be hilarious.

Your little "family" is really coming together and you are doing a great job capturing their expressions! This is such a fun read. So I won't mention the trend I see in the score . . . it's really about the fun anyway!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.1: It’s Just A Shower (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2023, 08:08:03 PM »

I love everybody's little quirks. Sam and his showers, Robyn and the cooking, and of course everyone stripping in the rain. It makes me miss Iris, from my Immortal Dynasty, who used her erratic trait to strip *constantly* at work. (Rhevi, meanwhile, has done it *once*!)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.1: It’s Just A Shower (27-Apr-23)
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2023, 03:26:13 AM »
Quinn in my BDD was my first experience playing the erratic trait, so I never realized that every rain results in erratic Sims stripping down and showering in the rain. It was funny with one, but 8 Sims running outside naked every time it rains has to just be hilarious.

Your little "family" is really coming together and you are doing a great job capturing their expressions! This is such a fun read. So I won't mention the trend I see in the score . . . it's really about the fun anyway!
Erratic Sims are the best! I'm getting so fond of them all.
The naked showering is brilliant and the thing that makes me laugh the most is that they get shocked by each other doing it!

I love everybody's little quirks. Sam and his showers, Robyn and the cooking, and of course everyone stripping in the rain. It makes me miss Iris, from my Immortal Dynasty, who used her erratic trait to strip *constantly* at work. (Rhevi, meanwhile, has done it *once*!)
Sam's High Maintenence trait means he's constantly in the shower. I think working on the Yoga mat comes from that too.
Do you think as Watchers, we're more protective of our Erratic Sims? They're so funny that I'd have them all the time if they didn't keep dropping their queues! I don't bother giving Sky Not Blue more than 1 instruction at a time because they just disappear.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.2: The Voice
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2023, 04:44:05 AM »
Caretakers Journal Week 2 – Tue-Wed: The Voice

I can't cut my cooking sessions with Robyn totally. She’s got up to level 2 now so it does help her. See how proud she looks. When I cook with others, it’s me that actually works on the stove – safest that way – but it’s handy to have them there. With our shared Erratic trait, you never know when one of us is going to have a moment.


Sadly, Robyn’s confidence led her to tell Julienne, in an unhelpful way, all about the bonding moments she’d shared with me and Coral. Julienne didn’t take being excluded well. It wasn’t deliberate. They just happened to happen when she was elsewhere.


An advert for GeekCon popped up and I thought – Why not - as a distraction? Bernard was rather hungry. A couple of us needed more sleep and Flint was feeling Flirty. I’m not sure why.


I went to play BlicBlock. I’ve never played computer games before – the others hogged them on our library trips. It was such a blast – in 3D! Robyn had a go too. No-one entered the contest. We’re all newbs  and so didn’t stand a chance.


I panicked when I saw Sam buying a burger ($12!) but then I remembered that our fund situation was OK and relaxed. I would have been annoyed if he’d dropped it though. He’s become Clumsy through trying lots of things. Coral has too. A few of the others also bought food. It was shaping up to be a grand day out.


As our “family” weren’t really engaging with the GeekCon activities on offer we all went inside. With just one talking loo per gender, we all took turns being surprised by it. Coral did a solo duet while the rest of us relaxed in various ways. I was having a catch-up with Flint about him becoming Active when I noticed Julienne and Robyn on the floor. When they came to, it was time to leave. Would you believe Julienne is Cheerful now? I’m not sure it’s very evident but she is.


When we got back to the Facility, Sam rushed round the back to find… Yes, folks, we now have a new Resident. I have reservations about it’s presence but I’ll let this play out for now. It’s made Sam Cheerful anyway.


Sam introduced his new friend to Emery. Apparently he’s calling it The Voice. I guess that’s ironic as it doesn’t talk. Emery said “hello” and Sam told it that Emery was off-limits. Does that mean some of us are in-limits? Surely not. I mustn’t develop the Paranoid trait!


While I was fixing the radio and Sam was clearing up the water from the broken sink that was next on my never-ending list of jobs, I checked with him about The Voice. He said it was fully under control and that I didn’t need to worry. OK…


OK. I am worried. The Voice is a dangerous addition to The Facility and I would uproot it but… everyone loves going to play with it. And I mean everyone! Not only that, every time they play with it, their Gardening skill increases. So that’s got to be good, right? Still, I watch carefully every time there’s a “learning opportunity” going on. Particularly if it’s Bernard and Robyn. Sam does not get on with those 2 and maybe it’s them that are in-limits.


I want this pic in because I want to raise an issue that I cannot resolve. It is between the hours of 4am and 8pm, during the day if you will. I am often working through the night and I have gone to bed properly – to sleep albeit uncomfortably. Bernard and Robyn were also up all night and nearly dropping on their feet but have they gone down for a sleep? Nope! During the “day” all the Residents will only take themselves off for a Nap. It’s not surprising that so many of us pass out. Not me so far but everyone else has at least once. I’m not sure how to get them to sleep during the day.


As a lazy Wednesday drew to a close, I caught The Voice offering cake! I know all about that ruse. I quickly went and fed it. And gave it some petting to – you know – stay off-limits! I must keep an eye on this beast. Surely it wasn’t cowplant petting that earned me the Adventurous trait. I nearly refused it as I can’t see us going on a climbing trip. Too late now.


I invite every caller in, just to be friendly and to allay any neighbourhood fears about our Facility. I was playing chess when this woman called so I yelled out to come in. Would you believe she went round to the side and came in through the window? It’s supposed to be a fire-escape. There’s one in the activity area and one in each of the single bedrooms. This woman is the first to ever make use of it. I wonder if anyone else will, now they’ve seen that it’s possible.


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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.2: The Voice (28-Apr-23)
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2023, 09:55:06 AM »

I couldn't believe you let the cowplant in before, but I see now that it has it's usefulness. Coming in through the window - is it the one from the high school ep? Or are there others that open too? I've never seen a sim do this before, but it's pretty funny. I agree that erratic sims have a special place in my heart.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.2: The Voice (28-Apr-23)
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2023, 10:29:55 AM »
Oh, I do hope you can keep the Voice under control! I never realized playing with it gave gardening skill - good to know. I haven't used that window from HSY, but I'd really only thought of it as a way to sneak out/in -  didn't know that visitors to the lot could use it as well. As for the napping during the day, I think that just must be the preference during certain hours - I know my Sims do that too and I have to switch them over to sleep. I guess you wouldn't be allowed to have tents . . . Sims don't sleep that fast in tents either, but they do sleep, so it might be faster than napping. And they wouldn't get up as quickly.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.2: The Voice (28-Apr-23)
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2023, 12:47:55 PM »

I couldn't believe you let the cowplant in before, but I see now that it has it's usefulness. Coming in through the window - is it the one from the high school ep? Or are there others that open too? I've never seen a sim do this before, but it's pretty funny. I agree that erratic sims have a special place in my heart.
Sky Not Blue is working (very slowly) on the Botanist aspiration behind the scenes so she'll need a cowplant at some point. I'm keeping a close eye on it.
Yes, it's the HSY exit window. I put them in for comedy value and have been a bit disappointed that they've not been used - just once by the visitor. I did once have vampires coming in through them in a previous challenge
Oh, I do hope you can keep the Voice under control! I never realized playing with it gave gardening skill - good to know. I haven't used that window from HSY, but I'd really only thought of it as a way to sneak out/in -  didn't know that visitors to the lot could use it as well. As for the napping during the day, I think that just must be the preference during certain hours - I know my Sims do that too and I have to switch them over to sleep. I guess you wouldn't be allowed to have tents . . . Sims don't sleep that fast in tents either, but they do sleep, so it might be faster than napping. And they wouldn't get up as quickly.

I would count a tent as a bed space so I could only add it to the facility as a leaving gift. Some of the Residents are getting close so maybe that's an option...

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Sky Not Blue (Asylum Challenge) 2.3: The Birds And The Bees
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2023, 12:58:25 PM »
Caretakers Journal Week 2 – Thu-Fri: The Birds And The Bees

I finally got more than one person to join in the cooking with me. It doesn’t create more than the 12 servings I get with just one helper but I do think it improves our relationships.


This is an example of one of the many arguments we have in the house. Sometimes one of us wakes up in a really foul mood. This time it was Flint who is normally so calm, if a little Gloomy. Those of us with Wellness skills can sometimes be calm about it. Sometimes not.


Our poor old patched-up punch bag gets a lot of use. Coral and Julienne give it the most grief but Bernard and Emery give it a run for it’s money, too.


Sam was concerned that he was neglecting his beloved shower in favour of The Voice. He sang it a love song to appease it’s miffedness. No-one was desperate for a shower so I let that go on.


Having maxed his Dance skill to level 5, Sam was happy to pass on his expertise. Emery thought it might improve his social skills. I don’t know if you can get a sense of it in this pic but they were totally in time at this point. Awesome!


Julienne and Robyn improved their relationship by dancing together without Sam’s help. And this pic raises another issue I have been trying to manage. These 2 and me have been in and out of CAS to remove our body hair. I know some people say it’s not a problem but it keeps coming back. Poor Julienne, with her ultra light skin tone and black hair has the most obvious growth. If I believed in a Watcher, which I don’t, I’d blame her for not sorting it out in the beginning. I fear it’s set in stone now.


Sam was very excited about a new development that happened in our area. Someone called Damabiah-Gaming has built a Willow Creek Spa just across the way. He really wanted to go and it seemed like a good way to increase everyone’s wellness.


Everyone was very quick to go and get into their complimentary robes but then seemed a little overwhelmed with the choice on offer. They didn’t even move when a Yoga class was announced.


Eventually Coral and Bernard decided to treat it like a gym.


Robyn, Flint and Julienne found the sauna. I got a little worried that they’d got stuck in there so I took everyone home. No-one took a class. No-one had a mani or pedi. All-in-all it was a bit of a dead-loss.


When we got home, Robyn and Julienne told me that the robes weren’t complimentary in the sense that we could take them home. Just use them while in the spa. I promised to return mine in the morning. It’s handy that it’s just across the street.


My friend Angela (yes, I have friends!) came over and had the same conversation with Flint.


Angela wasn’t too sure where to look when it started raining. She decided to treat it like a life-drawing class although I’m not sure it should be stored electronically. She says it’s OK because it’s art.


She’d just finished a game of chess with Julienne when Emery decided it was his turn to shower.


Angela was really shocked at Emery and tried not to look. Julienne explained that Emery is Socially-Awkward and that we needed to be calm about it. Angela said she really needed to leave…


Coral decided it was time to break the doll house again. It was at this point she had a moment of self-discovery that she Hates Children – her 3rd extra trait.


What is going on here? Oh – that’s a bit creepy. I’d better have a word…


We celebrated Easter on Friday. I gave everyone a flower from the garden. Only Emery liked his.


I was glad that the Easter Bunny turned up but I did suggest that she wrapped things up before the rain returned. She didn't really understand what I was getting at, so...


The Flower Bunny celebrates Spring and new growth, the birds and the bees and all that, right? She seemed a bit…embarrassed? Sam wasn’t embarrassed at all.


Finally, someone painted a picture. This is the first of 2 that Robyn tried. She’s the only one having a go but maybe the others will follow her lead. This was actually after a quick fishing trip to Oasis Springs. Robyn realized she Loves Outdoors after a time spent fishing so maybe that was the inspiration for painting.


Julienne explored her creative side by telling The Voice all about her 2 passing-outs at the park.


The Flower Bunny seemed quite taken with Sam. Just look at her moves!


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