Caretakers Journal Week 9 – Tue(eve)-ThuI was confident that Zane leaving with his Neatness trait wasn’t going to be a problem. I’m sure it won’t. Flint came to visit and we were the first to sing a duet. We’re, neither of us, very good at singing so it was a relief that no-one was listening. It was very romantic though.
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While we were singing Ace “worked” on his gaming skill and became ready to move out. Two graduates in one day. He was really tired, like the rest of us and decided to skip a celebration do. Ace is the first Resident to get to level 5 in Video Gaming although, to be fair, we didn’t have a decent computer until recently. Ace’s Materialistic tendency was never a problem because his stay here coincided with all the upcycling we’ve done. He wanted to move out to the Fashion District in San Myshuno because that’s where they hold Geekcon but the only apartment he could afford was in the Spice District, opposite Penny Pizzazz. He left us with a desk so that we could free up more of the dining table for eating together.
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One Geek out another one in - our new Resident is Alan Tangata, an Outgoing Geek Alien. I’m sure he’ll do just fine. Not Neat.
Watcher: You said….
Sky: It’ll be fine.
L-to-R: Malakai, Elsa, Alan, Sky, Laurie, Octavia, Randy, Kiama
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Laurie is very quiet and we’re never too sure what’s going on in that noggin of hers. I thought she was doing OK but she clearly was having a bit of a
glitchmoment on Wednesday when I called her and Malakai to help me cook breakfast. I didn’t realise those 2 had got so close!
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It started raining after breakfast so Laurie shed her dungarees, permanently! Kiama was shocked, even though she’d just been naked showering, and said a few choice things.
Happy: You said it, girl!
Naked Gnome: I don’t see what the problem is.
Rabbit: I don’t see anything! What’s going on?
The Voice: Heeeeeee
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Happy: What’s Alan saying to the Doe?
Rabbit: He’s just telling that old “nudge nudge” joke. We’ve heard that a million times!
Naked Gnome: But they always get the punchline wrong.
Happy: Yeah! It should be…
Naked Gnome: Careful, young ears present.
Fawn: Drat! And I was keeping so quiet, hoping I’d hear something fun!
The Voice: Lloooooo
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Happy: Hey, Rabbit – you can see all this naked showering going on, right?
Rabbit: Yeah but I’m not sure I wanna.
Naked Gnome: I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
Fawn: What’s happening, Momma
Doe: Just eat your greens, dear.
The Voice: Heeeeellllloooooo?
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Anyway, I was on a mission to get Malakai maxing his fitness so we all trouped off to the gym in Oasis Springs, where it’s not raining. Malakai is just half a level shy of his total and working really hard to get the perfect body. In fact we were all working really hard INSIDE the gym apart from Randy. WATCHER! Why are you showing a picture of only Randy outside the gym?
Watcher: Just look at him. I mean…just….look!
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Watcher: OK, OK, here’s Malakai working really hard.
Sky: Kiama too, although she doesn’t look very happy. She was asking me about Spellcaster training and I promised her, as soon as Project Malakai is done, we’ll take a trip to Glimmerbrook.
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Randy has now had a panic attack. Goodness knows what spooked him at the San Myshuno gym but there he was, in full Argh-mode. Considering he’s officially Paranoid, just the once so far is not bad.
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Naked Gnome: Hey look – it’s a guys night only in the Hot-Tub. Isn’t it great to just hang out with us guys – no girls allowed.
Doe: Don’t mind me!
Rabbit: Who says I’m a guy?
Naked Gnome: The beard?
Rabbit: What do you know about rabbittanatomy? I could be female?
Naked Gnome: Are you?
Rabbit: No.
Naked Gnome: There you are then. Guys night it is.
Happy: Um….
Naked Gnome: What now?
Happy: Well, you know how it is with Gnomes….we all have beards…guys and girls…my real name is actually Felicity.
The Voice: Hello, Felicity
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The Shower: Thank goodness. I thought I’d been forgotten. Ever since I reached the pinnacle of shower awesomeness, those Gnomes have been stealing the show-er. I thought it was because I no longer have a fancy cubicle.
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Back to the gym again. I will help Malakai achieve
myhis goal! I did overhear Alan chatting to Kiama about being a Spellcaster. She told him that he’d have to renounce his Alien nature if he wanted to become one. She asked him about being an Alien and he said that you either were one or you weren’t. You couldn’t become one. It was quite an intense conversation but, tbh, I think they were just trying not to comment on the rather rich aroma that Makoa Kealoha was bringing to the area.
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Finally, Malakai maxed out his fitness and, because he was rather desperate, I gave him some time to have a shower at the gym before we went home to celebrate. He had a bit of a moment about betraying The Shower with another one but we all promised not to tell.
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We held a dinner party to celebrate. I like the Weenie Roasts to get extra seating but it doesn’t do anything for anyone’s Charima. Malakai is only the 2nd Resident to max a skill to level 10, Emery being the first and that was also in Fitness. Malakai is very sweet apart from the occasional trump (Slob trait) and a tendency to wear unnecessary blusher. He is Family-Oriented and, once he’s settled into his flat next door to Ace, Ace has promised to introduce him to Penny. He’s left us with another bed. We’ve been just about coping with 4 but 5 will be lovely!
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I’m expecting our new Resident to be quiet as well, Genius Bookworm Will Kenna. He’s a regular human, not Occult and not Neat!
L-to-R: Will, Elsa, Alan, Sky, Laurie, Octavia, Randy, Kiama
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Progress+2000 – New Resident Independent Living: Ace by 3 skills to level 5 (Charisma, Fitness, Video Gaming) & Malakai by 1 skill to level 10 (Fitness)
+410 – Skill levels over requirements 41(*+10)
+100 – New Skill to level 10
+200 – New friend outside Facility 1(*+200) Ali Logan
-200 – New Passing Out: 2(*-100)
+12160 Current scoreRandy: Charisma 3, Cooking 3, Dancing 4, Fitness 8, Mischief 2; Paranoid, Cheerful +Clumsy+Active
Elsa: Charisma 4, Cooking 2, Dancing 4, Fitness 8, Video Gaming 2; Childish,
PerfectionistClumsy +Active
Octavia: Charisma 3, Cooking 3, Dancing 4, Fitness 8, Mischief 2, Video Gaming 2; Child of the Ocean, Dog-Lover +Active
Laurie: Charisma 3, Cooking 3, Dancing 3, Fitness 6; Active, Animal Enthusiast +Squeamish+Clumsy
Kiama: Charisma 4, Fitness 3;Hot-Headed, Romantic Spellcaster +Active
Alan: Charisma 3, Fitness 3; Outgoing, Geek, Alien +Clumsy
Will: Genius, Bookworm
Independent Living 19Ace: Charisma 5, Cooking 3, Dancing 4, Fitness 7, Video Gaming 5; Materialistic, Geek +Active+Squeamish; 6 Pass-Outs
Malakai: Charisma 4, Cooking 4, Dancing 4, Fitness 10, Mischief 2, Video Gaming 2; Slob, Family-Oriented +Active+Adventurous; 2 Pass-Outs
Previous ResidentsSky: Cat-Lover, Outgoing + Good+Adventurous+Perfectionist; likes Fitness
(All household Sims have the Erratic trait)