Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 39311 times)

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.09 Black Widow (1/9/24)
« Reply #150 on: January 09, 2024, 01:48:34 AM »
A huge congrats, Jasmine, for completing the Black Widow phase of your life!
Brilliant idea to give Devon those Potions so he could power through his aspiration while you get your beauty sleep!
And how great that you completed Mansion Baron so easily!

Looking forward to all the exes getting their HEAs, especially Jason! :D
What a generation this has been so far!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.09 Black Widow (1/9/24)
« Reply #151 on: January 09, 2024, 02:09:34 AM »
Congrats on the Black Widow challenge while keeping us all fond of Jasmine! Ooh, that must mean it's time the the next gen to make an appearance  :D

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.09 Black Widow (1/9/24)
« Reply #152 on: January 09, 2024, 02:29:56 AM »
A huge congrats, Jasmine, for completing the Black Widow phase of your life!
Brilliant idea to give Devon those Potions so he could power through his aspiration while you get your beauty sleep!
And how great that you completed Mansion Baron so easily!

Looking forward to all the exes getting their HEAs, especially Jason! :D
What a generation this has been so far!
I have often thought of doing the Black Widow Challenge but I just couldn't bring myself to play an evil, murderous Sim. 🤣  But playing it this way was so much fun! Way more fun than I thought it would be. That said, I am ready to close off this part of Jasmine's life and move on with a family for her . . . and a better life for all of her exes.

Congrats on the Black Widow challenge while keeping us all fond of Jasmine! Ooh, that must mean it's time the the next gen to make an appearance  :D
I'm so glad you still like her! In the next chapter, we'll send all the exes off to live again, and then . . . well . . . you know. . .  ;)

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.10 Alive Again (1/11/24)
« Reply #153 on: January 11, 2024, 10:44:29 PM »
3.10 Alive Again

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine and Devon rented a house in Windenburg for a few days to focus on Spouse 5 requirements without any jealous exes around. There was minimal physical interaction between them - just enough for them to get married and for Devon to pursue Soulmate. Devon completed the Angling Ace Aspiration, which included maxing fishing and catching an angelfish. They returned home and had their 3rd gold date, satisfying the gold-date-in-the-house requirement and completing the Soulmate Aspiration for Devon. Jasmine quickly purchased landscaping for the house and a single Virtuoso Violin to complete Mansion Baron, and then Devon went outside to have dessert with Cake-a-moo, the cowplant. The next morning, Devon had breakfast with Cakamoo, earning his visit from Grim, after which he quickly rejoined the household.

Jasmine: I moved Devon’s grave out with the others. My challenge was complete - I had five dead spouses, with their ghosts all living in my household. They all completed their requirements, and we’d completed Mansion Baron. Now it was time to give them back their lives so we could all pursue our Happily-Ever-Afters. I do hope I’m not being overly optimistic thinking this way - I so much want everyone to be happy and have wonderful lives.

Jasmine: I gathered all my exes in the kitchen, laid out the ambrosia ingredients, and got busy cooking.
Watcher: Do you notice how Gideon, Tory, Harley and Devon are focused on the ambrosia ingredients, but Jason and Jasmine only have eyes for each other?

Jasmine: I didn’t want to play favorites, so I cooked up all five servings before dishing them out. I think the guys were excited, but also a little apprehensive, about the change to come.

Jasmine: Harley, Jason and Tory were the first to dig in, while Gideon and Devon wanted to play musical chairs first. By the time I got them back in their seats and eating their dessert, the others were in the middle of their changes.

Jasmine: Gideon was my first ghost, but was the last to regain life. I don’t think he was reluctant; I think he was just savoring the moment.

Jasmine: When life was restored to all my exes, we all went out to call Camille and Chanel.

Jasmine: I wasn’t sure how to convince them to eat ambrosia, since they aren’t members of the household, so I used the Dedeathify Spell on them instead, restoring them to life as well. It was really fast, and I think I took them a bit by surprise, but they kept running off and I kept having to call them back and it was getting frustrating, so I didn’t bother explaining. I just got them back and waved my wand and there they were - back in solid form.

Jasmine: Before they could run off again, both Devon and Gideon dropped to one knee and proposed.

Jasmine: Both ladies said Yes.

Jasmine: Devon and Camilla were both very firm on the idea that Chanel should celebrate her YA birthday before getting married, so I quickly baked a strawberry cake and Chanel blew out the candles. She added the Party Animal trait to her High Maintenance and Cheerful traits.

Jasmine: When I went to order the wedding arch, our cowplant disappeared! I don’t know why, but it’s probably just as well. That cake is just too tempting. Devon and Camilla made use of the arch as soon as it arrived. The ceremony was quick, but lovely. Unfortunately, Gideon and Chanel missed it. Where did those two get off to?

Jasmine: We soon discovered they were in the treehouse. Ah, young love! So impatient.

Jasmine: Next up was Gideon and Chanel’s wedding. This time Camilla missed it. I think she was still looking for Gideon and Chanel and didn’t realize the wedding was happening. Oddly, Gideon’s jealousy kicked in right in the middle of his wedding ceremony. So the next order of business had to be a Re-traiting potion.

Jasmine: Gideon kept his Music Lover trait, but traded Neat for Family-Oriented and Jealous for Loyal. He removed his Fear of Being Cheated On with a Fear-Be-Gone Potion, and changed his aspiration to Purveyor of Potions. He dropped the Sandoval name and went back to his original surname of Jansen, and asked me if I was okay with him and Chanel moving to the Glimmerbrook house where he and I started out together. I thought that was a great idea, and offered to have Watcher make a few changes to the house before they moved in.  Watcher turned the main floor bedroom into a nursery/toddler bedroom, removed the cowplant out front, and added some toys for toddlers and children. I wonder if she knows something we don’t know about that treehouse incident?

Jasmine: Tory didn’t need to change any traits, he just needed to decide on a new aspiration and a new home. He’s an art lover, so he chose Painter Extraordinaire. He didn’t really want to live alone though, so he summoned the Island Elementals.  Three new elementals came, not the ones he met while on our honeymoon. He became Best Friends with Enele Paewai, a Good, Family-Oriented Child of the Ocean, and asked him to move in. They moved to a private island in Sulani and had a Science Baby - a little girl named Tonya. Tory also dropped the Sandoval name and became known once again as Tory Brown.

Jasmine: Devon and Camilla moved to a nearby ranch and bought two new horses, Stallion Revel and Mare Shiloh. Now that he had Camilla back, Devon’s Championship Rider motivation had returned.

Jasmine: Harley kept his Genius and Bookworm traits, but traded Jealous for Creative. He chose Best-Selling Author as his next aspiration, and invested in three Fear-Be-Gone potions to remove his Fear of Fire, his Fear of Failure, and his Fear of Being Cheated On. Lastly, he drank an Insta-Lean potion and chose a new shirt and a new hairstyle. Harley really wanted a partner in life and I just couldn’t send him off without helping him find one. So I suggested he start a club, for single adults, and only invite women to join. He met several women that way, but was most drawn to Sofia Abrams.

Jasmine: After a very long club meeting, Harley and Sofia decided to live together. They moved to a lovely 5-bedroom home in Windenburg that has plenty of room inside and several outdoor spaces for adults and kids. Why such a big house you ask?

Jasmine: Harley was a bit surprised (as was Watcher) to find that Sofia had two children at home. But Harley was thrilled about gaining a whole family. Aren’t they just beautiful together?

Jasmine: That just leaves me, Jason, and the animals on the ranch. It’s pretty quiet these days, and I think Ginger and Quincy are missing all their ghost friends. As for me and Jason, I kept my Neat and Creative traits, but traded Jealous for Family-Oriented. I also got rid of my Fear of Being Cheated on. Since Jason’s jealousy was a discovered trait, he couldn’t use a Re-Traiting potion to trade it out. I called on Watcher to help with that. I wonder if removing it will allow him to discover another new trait - I guess time will tell.

Jason: I’m finally having time to work with the horses on barrels and jumping.

Jasmine: We’ve gotten a few non-hatchable golden eggs, but finally got a hatchable one! And now we have a cute little golden chick that we’ve named Goldie. We also have a chick named Cricket. It’s a little hard to tell them apart, but if you look closely, Goldie has a bit of a glow and sometimes she sparkles. That’s her in front of Henrietta, the brown hen.

Jasmine: Without the ghosts to help with the gardening, we’ve started grafting cuttings from non-perfect plants onto perfect plants. Our goal is to reduce the total number of plants we have to care for while still having the variety of produce. I didn’t realize how much work the ranch would be with just the two of us.

Jasmine: Of course, we haven’t spent ALL of our time working. Before long, I’ll be busy with one, or maybe two, other . . . little responsibilities . . . so we’re talking about hiring a new Ranch Hand. I think we’re going to need one. Don’t you?

Watcher's Note:  This concludes Jasmine's Black Widow Challenge requirements and wrap-up. She has no additional requirements other than to bring in Gen 4. I've never played any version of The Black Widow Challenge before, and I have to say, this generation was so much fun to play! I'm also happy that each spouse had a different cause of death - it wasn't a requirement, but it was something I just wanted to do. Aging is now back on - no one is happier about that than Jasmine's Uncle Clay (her mother Rose's brother). Clay has had twin nooboos in his house for 12 Sim weeks.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.10 Alive Again (1/11/24)
« Reply #154 on: January 12, 2024, 12:45:33 AM »
Congrats to Jasmine and her Watcher on Rose completing every last one of her many, many heir requirements!
Her generation was literally a challenge within a challenge!
Loved the parallel shots of Gideon and Devon proposing, followed by Chanel and Camilla jumping into their respective fiance's arms. Such perfect timing!
When Harley was doing his Ambrosia leap, I was surprised at how chubby he'd gotten.
Later, after he'd had his makeover and slimmed down, I didn't recognize him at all until I read the narration.

Whenever a sim accepts a self-discovered trait, a new milestone is triggered.
I wonder whether removing Jason's self-discovered Jealous trait also removed its milestone.
If yes, he could possibly gain another self-discovered trait. If the milestone remains, he probably can't discover an additional trait.

Congrats to Jasmine on her pregnancy!  We are all very excited to meet what excellence the superior genes of Jasmine and Jason bring forth!
Great update, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.10 Alive Again (1/11/24)
« Reply #155 on: January 12, 2024, 03:40:09 AM »
Wow - you directed this brilliantly! The shots of all the ghosts together getting their potions, truly wonderful.
Jasmine & her Watcher are very kind, giving all ex's a happily-ever-after. Thank you for sharing all their endings. I wonder if your later gens will overlap...
Looking forward to Jas-Jas nooboos  :)

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable? (1/21/24)
« Reply #156 on: January 21, 2024, 09:10:49 PM »
3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable?

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine completed her Black Widow Challenge, with five ex-spouse ghosts living in the household. That meant it was time to resurrect them and let them live out their lives. She made ambrosia for them all, and then also resurrected Camilla, Devon’s wife, and Chanel, Devon’s daughter and Gideon’s new love, with the Dedeathify spell. Devon and Camilla remarried and moved to a nearby ranch, adopting two new horses on the way. Chanel aged up to YA and enjoyed a quick tryst with Gideon in the treehouse before they married and moved to Glimmerbrook. Tory and his best friend and romantic interest, Enele Paewai, moved to Sulani and had a Science Baby. Harley met and fell in love with Sofia Abrams, and they moved to a large house in Windenburg with Sofia’s two children. Surrounded by quiet and a big house, Jasmine and Jason cared for their animals, and got started on a family of their own.

Jasmine: I thought it was time to try those golden eggs we were getting, so I made some Golden Eggs and Toast. I felt all . . . sparkly . . . after eating them. I’d heard they could be helpful with the garden, so I wanted to see what that was about. I discovered I could deliver a “Golden Pulse” to any plant that would make the plant instantly perfect! It didn’t matter what the quality was before the pulse . . . it could be normal or it could be magnificent . . . but after the Golden Pulse, it was perfect! I did as many plants as I could before it wore off, and then Jason said he’d do some more after he had breakfast.

Jason: I wanted to get in some more training with the horses. If I’m going to meet my new aspiration of being a Championship Rider, I have work to do. I really want to get both Ginger and Quincy to championship status. That will improve the odds of them having a foal together with the Championship Genes bonus trait that speeds up learning. I’m hoping I’ll have a son with the same love for horses that I have. What a great thing it would be for him to be able to raise a horse from foal to elder, and win all the competitions in between!

Jason: “Are you going to get a sonogram to let us know if we’re having a boy or a girl?”
Jasmine: “I don’t think so. We don’t have much longer to wait, and I kind of want to be surprised. Is that okay with you?”
Jason: “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

Jasmine: I was a little surprised at twins since I’d done nothing to encourage that, but I was even more surprised to come home from the hospital and find my babies in the stable!  The horse bed was clean, and the stable is covered, and it’s not too hot, so they were fine, it just doesn’t seem right - little babies in the stable. We moved them into the house right away.

Jasmine: This is me with Amber, and Jason with Oliver. We like the names, even if we didn’t get to pick them. Apparently Grandpa Leo had a requirement to name all his children with nature names, and Watcher decided to continue that. That’s why I’m Jasmine, my sister is Iris, and my brother is Reed. Watcher’s granddaughter really wanted my son named Oliver, and Watcher seems unable to deny her anything, so Oliver he is! Amber was the name of a much-admired older girl that Watcher remembers from her own preschool days.

Jasmine: We each focused on one of the kids and very quickly they both felt loved and well cared for, so we pulled a cake out of the fridge and celebrated. Look how excited Oliver is! Amber was a little less sure about the candles, but she blew them out successfully.

Jasmine: Amber has my darker coloring with a slight olive green tint to her eyes, while Oliver favors his father in skin tone and eye color.  Both kids have freckles like me. I’m not sure how Oliver feels about that curly hair, but he aged up with it and I think he’s just too cute to change. It fits his Angelic nature perfectly. Amber’s hair isn’t curly like her brother’s, but it’s a little wavy on the ends and seems appropriate for her Charmer personality.

Jason: While Jasmine got busy teaching Oliver to talk, Amber started learning on her tablet. I decided it was time to hire a ranch hand. I didn’t want to have to spend all my time on ranch chores! I wanted to help with the toddler skilling.

Jason: I was a little concerned when our Ranch Hand, McDonough, arrived and ran straight for the garden. I was trying to gather the manure for fertilizer and harvest the plants before he got to them. But I was pleased to discover that he has a policy on those two chores.

Jasmine: Oliver became very sad about all the words involved in learning to talk, so I was going to comfort him when he reached out to hug me. It was so sweet! Being a mom is just the best thing!

Jason: With McDonough taking care of the ranch, I had time to read to Amber.

Jasmine: The kids love the ball pit out back. The best part about it is that they can play in it together.

Jasmine: Oliver has really taken to Goldie. I guess her glow attracts him. He dances for her, pets her, tells her jokes and hugs her so tight I’m surprised Goldie allows it.

Jasmine: Amber loves the bunnies. And they seem to like her too. But I’m watchful - I haven’t forgotten what they did to Camilla and Chanel. Amber is not being mean to them, but she is just a toddler and sometimes doesn’t realize she’s not being gentle.

Jason: I just got these little goats and sheep, and they seem really taken with the kids. Maybe it’s because they’re all about the same size? The kids adore these little animals as well.

Jason: This little sheep is named Marshmallow. It jumped up on Oliver and Oliver gave it a big hug. It was so adorable the way he looked at me and said, “It lubs me.”

Jason: Later that day Grim came for Bianca, our first chicken. Apparently all that time aging was off for us and the horses, but still on for the other animals. I was just glad the kids were inside at the time. They’ll come to understand this part of the life cycle soon enough.

Jason: McDonough seems to be doing a good job with the animals. He always has an apple for the horses, and I often see him hugging the chickens. But the chicken coop is filthy every day and I end up cleaning it myself. Sometimes it’s so bad that Jasmine has to scruberoo each of the chickens when they come out.

Jason: I was surprised this ghost showed up. He didn’t die on the lot, and neither Jasmine nor I know him. His name is Jody Hardy. He doesn’t seem to be the type to live on a ranch. I watched him as he floated across the property, through the house (the kids didn’t even notice him) and out the back door to the hot tub. Maybe that’s what attracted him. He didn’t stay long and I haven’t seen him since.

Jasmine: The kids love playing in here by the fire. It’s just turned Autumn, but it's still warm out. Still, having a fire going makes the house feel so cozy.

Jason: While Jasmine was making breakfast one morning, Amber toddled out to say good morning to Cluckeye. She asked him about chicken video games, but he was not impressed. If you look closely, you can just see our first hatchable golden egg in the coop and along with two normal eggs.

Jasmine: Amber didn’t like the Roast Chicken, the Beef Wellington, the Golden Eggs and Toast, or the Mac-n-cheese. So I thought I’d try pancakes for breakfast. What kid doesn’t like pancakes?  My kid, that’s what kid. Well, maybe. What does this mean? Yummy food . . . yucky food . . . at the same time? Yummy for 4 hours, yucky for 2 . . . so, more yummy than yucky? Does she like the syrup but not the pancakes? Or the pancakes but not the syrup? Oh, why does parenting have to be so confusing? Her hunger bar is full green; I guess I’ll just have to be happy with that.

Jasmine: Jason loves playing with the kids. Sometimes I worry that he’s too rough, but they seem to love it.

Jasmine: These cute little cowpokes have mastered all their toddler skills and are ready to celebrate their birthday!

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable? (1/21/24)
« Reply #157 on: January 21, 2024, 10:03:53 PM »
A golden rooster or hen has permanent use of that Golden Pulse, but it's fun to watch our sims use it plus our sims can choose exactly which plants to boost.
All the shots of the toddlers with the animals were so cute!
But the best shot, of course, were the mini-cowpokes--all done with their skilling and ready to blow out their candles.
The twins are adorable and how cute that they both share their mother's rosebud mouth!
Jason has big dreams for himself as a champion rider and his horses.  May all his dreams come true!

Looking forward to meeting the toddlers again as children.

P.S. I can't figure out what hairstyle your Ranch Hand has...I'm going to go check CAS again, lol.
P.P.S. I don't remember anymore, but I thought we could insta-upgrade the coop to keep it cleaner?
         Or does the upgrade only provide auto-feeding?

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable? (1/21/24)
« Reply #158 on: January 21, 2024, 10:17:15 PM »
P.P.S. I don't remember anymore, but I thought we could insta-upgrade the coop to keep it cleaner?
         Or does the upgrade only provide auto-feeding?

I thought I could do that, but never found the option. But since you asked, I looked again - it's buried in the "Action" choice.

But it looks like the upgrades don't keep the coop clean - there are three:
1) ComfortCare Life Extender - Extends Chickens' lifespan (Bianca and Henrietta are cursing Watcher from the grave for not upgrading!)
2) Livestock Auto Feeder - Automatically scatters feed forever - hope it won't be tons . . .
3) Box-Be-Gon Alarm - Prevents Foxes from attacking the Coop - we don't have foxes

So - Jasmine will do the Insta-upgrade now that I've found it, but why isn't the Ranch Hand cleaning the darn coop?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable? (1/21/24)
« Reply #159 on: January 22, 2024, 08:48:00 AM »
Oh my word, you are spoiling us with all the farmyard toddler spam. I do love their interactions with the animals. It almost seems a shame to age them up. Still, they'll be able to help clean out the chicken coop then, lol.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.11 Gen 4 Is In The . . . Stable? (1/21/24)
« Reply #160 on: January 22, 2024, 10:35:05 AM »
Oh my word, you are spoiling us with all the farmyard toddler spam. I do love their interactions with the animals. It almost seems a shame to age them up. Still, they'll be able to help clean out the chicken coop then, lol.

The toddlers are so adorable with the animals! Devs did a good job on that for sure!
I haven't played much beyond where this chapter ends, but I did get to see the animation of a child getting on a horse - it's so cute as well. Some of these make me thing we should be putting short video clips in the stories sometimes - not sure if we can even do that - but sometimes a single image just doesn't do it justice.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.12 Growing Up on the Ranch (2/22/2024)
« Reply #161 on: February 22, 2024, 08:34:36 AM »
3.11 Growing Up on the Ranch

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

With her Black Widow requirements complete, and her ex-spouses revived and living out their lives with new partners, Jasmine was free to remarry Jason and get started on a family of their own. Jason worked with the horses, training them for competition, but hired a ranch hand to help with many of the other ranch chores. This freed him up to help with the twins when they arrived. Oliver and Amber quickly progressed from nooboos to infants to Top-Notch Toddlers, all the while, loving the animals on the ranch and learning their skills through a combination of active play and tablet games.

Jasmine: We celebrated the twins' birthdays with a blue confetti cake. Oliver was first, and he was out the door the instant Amber’s candles went out. He said he’d waited long enough for his first ride on Ginger.

Jasmine: We only let him ride around the yard since it was night. He was so excited to “finally” be riding a horse.

Jasmine: The next day was Saturday and we took the twins to the Celebration Center in San Sequoia to meet some kids and make friends.

Jasmine: We haven’t explained to Oliver his role and requirements as heir just yet, so he didn’t understand why we were so interested in a slumber party right away. Still, he and Amber both were excited for the chance to have a party with their new friends. They threw out sleeping bags and gathered the kids for stories.

Jasmine: Amber and Jamar Nair became fast friends and traded friendship bracelets.

Jasmine: Oliver traded his bracelet with Natalie Abrams. Remember Harley Burnette? Jasmine’s lottery-winning former spouse? He married Sofia Abrams, and Natalie is her daughter.
By the end of the slumber party, Oliver only needed one more level in Creativity to finish off his Slumber Party Animal aspiration.

Jasmine: After the slumber party ended on Sunday, Jason took Oliver with him when he went into town for the horse competitions. While Jason competed with Quincy, Oliver rode Ginger around outside the competition arena. He’s not quite able to lift himself up into the saddle just yet, so Ginger lies down to accommodate him.

Jasmine: He’s a little unsteady, but he’s not giving up. I do believe he’s getting the hang of it.

Jasmine: The kids started school and enrolled in scouts. I tried to get Oliver to clean up after Quincy before swinging right there, but he couldn’t be bothered. At least he didn’t step in it!

Jason: On Harvestfest morning I went out to clean the chicken coop and found this. Grim never said a word, and I couldn’t talk to him. He just stood there, the whole time I was cleaning the coop, waiting. I think he was waiting for Cluckeye to come out, as Cluckeye’s time was near.

Jasmine: I was about to make breakfast when Oliver yelled from the other room, “Mom! You need to come in here!”
Jasmine: “Oh, the gnomes! They always come at Harvestfest. Let’s get your Dad and Amber in here - the gnomes want gifts.”
Oliver: “I call the green one!”
Amber: “I’ll give something to the Grim one, but I don’t want anything to do with those naked guys!”
Jason: “Okay, Amber, you give yours a slice of pie.”
Jasmine: “And Oliver, yours wants your future cube.”

Amber: “Mine disappeared before I could give him anything!”
Jason: “Mine grabbed his toy and disappeared too. But they’re here somewhere. Let’s go find them.”
Oliver: “What did you give yours, Mom?”
Jasmine: “A toy. The naked ones always want toys.”

Jason: “Found them! Come in here Amber. And bring the pie.”
Amber: “I always wondered what was in here.”
Jason: “Before your mom and I were married, the Grant family owned this ranch. I was their ranch hand and I lived here. When the Grants moved, they gave the farm to me and your mom.”
Oliver: “Why do you keep it locked up?”
Jason: “Watcher locked it up because every time your mom cooked anything, she’d get everything out of the fridge in the house, but then she’d run out here to prep and cook it. I never understood why . . . the oven in the house is much better. But Watcher got tired of it and locked up the space.”
Oliver: "Watcher? Who the heck is Watcher?”
Jason: “Oh . . . ummmm . . . we’ll explain that when you’re a little older.”

Jasmine: I went out late afternoon, and Grim was still waiting patiently by the coop. I checked and Cluckeye wasn’t in the coop after all. I could have called him in, but I figured if he was hiding all day, then he wasn’t ready to go, and I certainly wasn’t going to betray him. I tried everything I could think of to get rid of Grim, but nothing worked. I finally called on Watcher to help. She used a cheat to add him to the household and had him move away from the coop, and then removed him from the household. After she did that, I could tell him to Just Go Away. He glided a short distance toward the coop and then disappeared. But we knew he’d be back.

Jasmine: With the gnomes appeased and Grim gone, we enjoyed a lovely Harvestfest meal together.

Jasmine: Oliver loves all the mini animals, but Marshmallow is still his favorite.

Jasmine: The next day Grim returned. This time Cluckeye was ready for him.

Jason: “I am so proud of both of you . . . Llamacorn Scouts already! Just look at those trophies!"
Amber: “I like having them here with all your riding awards.”

Oliver: “Please, Dad! Enough. I promise I’ve learned Please and Thank you. Didn’t you just hear me say “please”?”
Jason: “Okay, okay. I think it’s enough.”
Oliver: “Thank you!”

Jasmine: Oliver is much more comfortable in the saddle these days. He’s a level 6 rider already. Every time he gets a few extra minutes, he’s on that horse.

Jasmine: We let him venture off the ranch, but not too far. He ran into Devon not long ago and they had a nice chat. Jason sees him sometimes at the competition arena, but I haven’t seen him or Camilla since they moved. When Oliver told me he’d seen Devon, it got me thinking I should go visit the others.

Jasmine: Gideon and Chanel are thriving with their triplets Ava, Bobby, and Janie.

Jasmine: I also visited Harley and Sofia. I was surprised to see Natalie had become a teen, and Sofia was an elder. I was pleased to meet Izaiah, who was a toddler when Harley and Sofia married.

Jasmine: Tory and Enele are loving life in Sulani with their daughter Tonya.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.12 Growing Up on the Ranch (2/22/2024)
« Reply #162 on: February 22, 2024, 09:39:58 AM »
Oliver & Amber are doing so well - Llamacorn scouts already! Looking forward to seeing the horse riding and how Oliver gets on.

I love that Jasmine completed the Black Widow challenge with grace and integrity. Hm - I'm not sure my legacy family will come out of it so well, lol!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.12 Growing Up on the Ranch (2/22/2024)
« Reply #163 on: February 22, 2024, 12:18:28 PM »
The oliver and Amber are TOO adorable in their lil cowboy hats and boots!
Congrats on the gold-medal slumber party!  That storytelling from the sleeping bad is always such a tedious task for me, I mean, y sim children.

Well, now Chai knows why Grim never showed up at Beard Beard Cave to reap his house guest, Cirta Choo!
Grim was obsessing over Cuckeye Sandoval!  You should've made Cluckeye an obsidian rooster so he'd fight Grim for his life, LOL!
Still, how weird that Cuckeye disappeared for a day and Grim patiently stuck around for so long.

Wos, I was suprised to see how many riding award Jason has won while we were not looking!  What a hero!
Loved seeing Oliver grow gradually accustomed to riding Ginger.  L6 Horseriding already---how impressive!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.12 Growing Up on the Ranch (2/22/2024)
« Reply #164 on: March 01, 2024, 09:34:16 PM »
Oliver & Amber are doing so well - Llamacorn scouts already! Looking forward to seeing the horse riding and how Oliver gets on.

I love that Jasmine completed the Black Widow challenge with grace and integrity. Hm - I'm not sure my legacy family will come out of it so well, lol!
So the reality is that Watcher is anxious to get on to the teen years, when Oliver can really get started on his requirements . . . so the kids' childhood is a little . . . . speedy.  ;)

I'm glad that you liked the way I played out the Black Widow . . . I wasn't sure how I was going to play that, but it was fun, making them all a family of sorts and giving them all a great life to go on to.

The oliver and Amber are TOO adorable in their lil cowboy hats and boots!
Congrats on the gold-medal slumber party!  That storytelling from the sleeping bad is always such a tedious task for me, I mean, y sim children.

Well, now Chai knows why Grim never showed up at Beard Beard Cave to reap his house guest, Cirta Choo!
Grim was obsessing over Cuckeye Sandoval!  You should've made Cluckeye an obsidian rooster so he'd fight Grim for his life, LOL!
Still, how weird that Cuckeye disappeared for a day and Grim patiently stuck around for so long.

Wos, I was suprised to see how many riding award Jason has won while we were not looking!  What a hero!
Loved seeing Oliver grow gradually accustomed to riding Ginger.  L6 Horseriding already---how impressive!
Thank you for the comment about their cowboy hats - there are no game default cowboy hats for toddlers, so I had to find them in cc. I think they are just too cute and I'm glad you thought so too.

I don't know where Cluckeye was . . . I was thinking he was just . . . gone. But then he came back, so maybe he was stuck somewhere and saving, closing and re-opening the game maybe un-stuck him.

Jason has won a lot of competitions, but has more to win. You'll be seeing a lot more about the competitions as Oliver pursues them.