Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 39304 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.02 NO! Gideon! (11/24/23)
« Reply #120 on: November 24, 2023, 12:53:33 PM »
3.02 NO! Gideon!

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine, our Gen 3 Heir, moved to Glimmerbrook with a desire to pursue more spellcaster knowledge. For several days she focused on spells, potions, and earning money by selling Baked Alaska and ice cream at her food stand. She also got to know Gideon much better, and he proposed at the Romance Festival. They married quickly and went on Honeymoon to Granite Falls. When they returned, they built a magic room for Jasmine. They both focused on working toward their goals, one of which is for both to complete the Soulmate aspiration.

Jasmine: The first couple days of Fall were cold, cloudy, and sometimes rainy, so we mostly stayed in and worked on our goals. I alternated experimenting at the cauldron to learn new potions and practicing my wand skills to learn new spells. I’m now a Virtuoso Spellcaster, but still have some things to learn. Gideon maxed his wellness skill and found Inner Calm. When we have the money to expand our house again, we’re getting a massage table!

In between all this goal-oriented work, we took time for romance here and there.    A little outdoor dancing, a little woohoo fun. It all contributed to our Soulmate Aspirations, but if we’re being honest, it wasn’t just about that. 😉

Watcher: “Jasmine! What happened here? How did the woodworking bench get burned?”
Jasmine: “Why are you asking me?”

Watcher: “What is going on around here? Two fires in one day?”
Jasmine: “No worries! I got it!”

Watcher: “Jasmine? You’re causing these fires!”
Jasmine: “Ummm . . . why do you think that?”
Watcher: “Because right now, you’re looking very pleased with yourself.”
Jasmine (laughing): “I learned Inferniate! But don’t worry. I also learned Chillio.”
Watcher: “Enough with the fires! You two need to get out of the house for a while. Go on a date somewhere. And no more fires!”

Jasmine: We were tired of the cold, so we went to Sapphire Shores Beach in Sulani. It was nice and warm and we snuggled up and just enjoyed being together.

Oh, and we both completed the Soulmate Aspiration.

Gideon: “Why are we constantly wanting to wash our hands all of a sudden?”
Jasmine: “ I don’t know, but . . . c’mon! I’ll race you back to the beach.”
Gideon: “Is teleporting allowed?”
Jasmine: “Sure! You teleport and I’ll transportalate. You don’t have a chance.”

Jasmine readied her wand and shot a ball of energy into the air as Gideon pulled energy in and centered himself.

Jasmine disappeared in a puff of pink while Gideon was still focusing his mind.
Jasmine: “What took you so long?”
Gideon: “Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . I’m going to the Magic Realm.”
Jasmine: “I’ll meet you there.”

Jasmine: I don’t know whether Sage Arihi was going to the beach or coming from it, but I quickly asked her to teach me the ultimate practical spell. She agreed, so I now know the Rite of Ascension spell, which means I can bestow the gift of magic to another Sim. Before she jumped in the portal she told me that Sage Daisuke (Untamed Magic) and Sage Leinani (Mischief Magic) were both here, if I wanted to learn those ultimate spells as well.

I learned Duplicato from Sage Daisuke and Burgliate and Strangeify from Sage Leinani. Duplicato will let me create a perfect, but temporary, replica of myself. That might be handy if I need to be in two places at one time. Burgliate allows me to acquire things that don’t belong to me. It sounds like stealing to me, but Sage Leinani swears it’s different. Strangeify will let me cause another Sim to appear repulsive to others which sounds like a pretty mean thing to do, so I’m not sure I’ll need that one.

Gideon: I was working at the cauldron, just experimenting, when this kid came in and sat down and started talking about dueling. He seemed to think he was pretty good at it. I asked him how many duels he’s won, and he got a little cranky and said, “More than you, I bet! In fact, why don’t we give it a go?”
“Right now?” I asked.
“Sure, if you’re not afraid of losing,” he said.
So of course I said yes. What was I supposed to do? Run scared from this scrawny little teen with his big imagination?

Gideon: I got off the first attack, but he blocked it.

Gideon: I immediately hit him with another, and he wasn’t expecting that. I was feeling pretty good at this point.

Gideon: But then he zapped me, grabbed me, picked me up and whirled me.

Gideon: And I was done. I guess I underestimated him.

Gideon: Back at HQ I met Yamato Uchida. I was feeling angry about my loss and I was determined to win one. So I challenged Yamato to a duel.

Gideon: Now that’s much better. I knew I could do it!

Jasmine: “Gideon, come in. It’s cold out here and you’ve been at it all night. Come in before you overcharge.”
Gideon: “I’m fine. The more magic I know the sooner I’ll be able to learn to transportalate and the more duels I’ll win.”

Jasmine: “Seriously Gideon! You’re overcharging! This is dangerous! You have to stop!”

Jasmine: “NOOOOOOO! GIDEON!!!”

Jasmine: “Oh, how could this happen? We’re watched Sims! This shouldn’t have happened!”

Watcher: “Jasmine? Honey, we need to talk.”
Jasmine: “Watcher! Look what happened! This is your fault! You let this happen! Why? You’re supposed to be watching us! How could you let him be taken from me?”

Watcher: “Let’s go inside and talk. I need to tell you about your challenge requirements.”
Jasmine: “My challenge requirements? Losing Gideon is one of my challenge requirements? How is that fair?”
Watcher: “Jasmine, have you ever heard the term ‘Black Widow?’

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.01 Magic, Marketing and Marriage (11/22/23)
« Reply #121 on: November 24, 2023, 01:28:11 PM »
Oh wow! And here I was thinking Jas & Gideon couldn't be a happier couple!
Poor Jasmine!  You've got a heart-breaking road ahead of you!
The drama!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.02 NO! Gideon! (11/24/23)
« Reply #122 on: November 25, 2023, 03:33:13 AM »
Oh dear! We do put our beloved sims through the wringer, don't we!

Well Jasmine, are you going to embrace your destiny or be crushed by each loss? I've often looked at the Black Widow challenge. Good luck, Watcher!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.03 In With #2 (12/3/23)
« Reply #123 on: December 04, 2023, 12:05:42 AM »
3.03 In with #2

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Gideon mastered Wellness and found Inner Calm, and both Jasmine and Gideon complete the Soulmate aspiration. Gideon realized that Transportalate is much faster than Teleport, and decided to get serious about his magic. But he got a little too serious, overcharged, and got a visit from Grim. Watcher visited Jasmine in her grief, and explained her Black Widow challenge requirements.

Jasmine: Losing Gideon was such a shock. And then Watcher explained my fate, and I must say, it’s all a bit overwhelming. She said to take it one step at a time, and I guess that’s good advice.
First thing was to strengthen Gideon’s ties to the physical world. Watcher said his ghost would come on his own when he’s ready and I hope that’s true.

Jasmine: Next, I needed to do some research. My simoleons were running low, so I needed to run my food stand again. Watcher explained that I can only do that while I’m between husbands, and that most of my money has to come from my husbands - five of them in all. To complete my challenge, I’ll need to be living in a house worth at least §350,000! So I’m going to need to find Sims with a lot of money.

Jasmine: I know I should wait, but I just can’t. It’s too sad without Gideon. I have to Necrocall him.

Jasmine: “Oh, Gideon! Remember what Grandma Lily said about her afterlife? She said she was living a very full life since her death! You can, too. I just know it! Join the household now so you don’t fade away. Then once I complete my legacy requirements, I’ll make you a special dessert that you can eat to escape the death realm and rejoin the living and we can live out our future together, just like we planned.”
Gideon: “Really? We can have our life together? Okay, tell me what I can do to help with these challenge requirements.”

Jasmine: I was making Baked Alaska for my food sale when the stove caught itself on fire. We got §1,120 as an insurance settlement, and I was able to repair it for free with Repairio. By then it was light out, so I set out to San Myshuno to meet my second husband.

Jasmine: According to my research, that is Mr. Tory Brown, single romantic adult with §142k in the bank and living alone in a fully furnished 7-bedroom apartment.

Jasmine: I pulled out all the stops with an enchanting introduction.

Jasmine: It was the right move, because Tory immediately started flirting with me.

Jasmine: Apparently Tory has been living here since his university days. Roommates have come and gone, but the decor is the same. As an adult, he’s grown tired of living like a student and stopped looking for roommates, but hasn’t really found his own purpose yet. I smiled coyly and told him I think I can help him with that.

Jasmine: We chatted and flirted and got to know each other a little better. Before long I decided to go in for a first kiss, which was very well received, and then I told him I needed to go tend my food stall. He didn’t want me to leave, which is exactly the response I was hoping for. Always leave them wanting more, right?

Gideon: “So, how did it go with Tory?”
Jasmine: “Great. He’s definitely interested. And that apartment is pretty full of stuff, so when he sells it all to move in, he should be bringing in a nice chunk of change.”
Gideon: “That’s good. And how was your food sale?”
Jasmine: “It went well. I made over 15,000 simoleons, but the best part was what I overheard from one of the customers.”

Jasmine: “Zoey Miller was there, and she was going on and on about how her ex, Harley Burnette, won the lottery. She was ticked off that he won now, after he’s her ex. Now he’s married to Sienna Burnette. There’s a new baby, but get this, the baby isn’t Harley’s. So there’s Harley, with over a million simoleons, and a new baby that isn’t his.”
Gideon: “Hmmmm . . . ok, you pursue Tory and I’ll see what I can learn about Harley.”

Jasmine: “Tory! I’m so glad you called! I’d love to go out with you.”

Jasmine: “Want to play foosball? Or darts?”
Tory: “Foosball and darts. I’ve played so much foosball and darts over the years, I’m just sick of them.”

Jasmine: “Karaoke!”

Jasmine: “Tory, what’s wrong?”
Tory: “I’m sorry, Jasmine. This was the worst idea. I’m so sick of living this university life. I’m an adult now. But I just can’t seem to break away. I hate going home, because it’s all that same stuff everywhere. And every place I know to go is like this.”
Jasmine: “I have an idea. Sell all that stuff. Move in with me. I’ll take you places you’ve never been before.”

Tory: “Really, Jasmine? Move in with you? Does this mean you're my girlfriend?”
Jasmine: “Absolutely! I mean . . .  if you want me to be.”
Tory: “Absolutely! How big is your place?”
Jasmine: “Well, it’s not very big, but we can make it bigger, and just right for the adult Tory Brown.”

Tory: Ummmm . . . Jasmine . . . ?”
Jasmine: “Tory, this is Gideon, my . . . ghost.”
Tory: “Your . . . ghost?”
Jasmine: “Yes, he lives here too. Don’t worry. You’ll like him. Gideon, this is Tory, my . . . boyfriend. He’s moving in with us.”
Gideon: “Tory. Welcome. Nice to meet you.”
Jasmine: “I’m just going to have Watcher pull out this landscaping and add on to the house.”
Gideon: “Perfect.”
Tory: “Watcher?”

Tory: “Whoa! What the heck?”
Jasmine (laughing): “Thanks, Watcher! This is how Watcher works. We blink, and she’s added a whole addition and another floor to the house.”
Tory: “That’s amazing.”
Gideon: “Tory, why don’t you have a look around. I need to chat with Jasmine a minute.”
Tory: “Sure thing.”

Gideon: “I’m glad Tory is here and all, and I’m with you on this, Jasmine, all the way. I want the life we planned when it’s all over. And I understand what has to happen to get there. But I need you to agree to one rule.”
Jasmine: “What’s that?”
Gideon: “No woohoo here. Not anywhere on this lot. I’m still a jealous sim, and I just can’t stand the thought of you like that with anyone else.”
Jasmine: “Sure, Gideon. That’s easy. No woohoo here. Well . . . unless it’s with you.”
Gideon (grinning): “ Now we’re talking!”

Gideon: “So, knitting, huh?”
Tory: “Yeah, it was a little surprising to me, but I really want to be the Lord of the Knits. I guess it’s about as far from a university activity as you can get, right?”
Gideon: “Hey, whatever makes you happy.”
Tory: “So what’s your story? You known Jasmine long?”
Gideon: “Yeah, we went to high school together.”

Tory: “Why only one fish?”
Jasmine: “It’s an angelfish. Gideon caught it from the pond out back and named it Gideon Jr. It does need a friend though. Maybe you could catch one too.”
Tory: “I’ve never been fishing, but I could try.”

Tory: “It took me all afternoon, but I caught one! Gideon Jr., meet Tory Jr.”
Jasmine: “Nice! Want to go out to dinner to celebrate?”
Tory: “I’d love to! I’m starved!”

Tory: “You were so right, Jasmine! I’ve never been here before, and this was a much better date than that place I picked. I'm so lucky I met you!”

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.02 NO! Gideon! (11/24/23)
« Reply #124 on: December 04, 2023, 04:38:58 AM »
Oh Tory - you poor sap! Out of the frying pan into the fire, trying for that Soulmate status when Jasmine's already Soulmates with a live-in ghost! And she is already lining up spouse no. 3...

I really like that Gideon is helping her and they've got a finale to aim for. No woohoo in the house except with him! Of course not! Such fun!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.03 In With #2 (12/3/23)
« Reply #125 on: December 04, 2023, 03:35:15 PM »
Jasmine has such fantastic heir requirements!  I love it!
Not a big fan of Tory, but he's only a stepping stone, right?
So clever of Jasmine to go after the most recent lottery winner!
Her last husband could be homeless and Jasmine would still end up in a house worth $350k!

Bring it on, Jasmine!  Can't wait to find out what's next.
Fab update, Watcher!

P.S. I laughed at the "No woohoo on the home lot" rule. 

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.03 In With #2 (12/3/23)
« Reply #126 on: December 04, 2023, 07:24:22 PM »
Oh Tory - you poor sap! Out of the frying pan into the fire, trying for that Soulmate status when Jasmine's already Soulmates with a live-in ghost! And she is already lining up spouse no. 3...

I really like that Gideon is helping her and they've got a finale to aim for. No woohoo in the house except with him! Of course not! Such fun!

With the option to give any/all of the ex-spouse ghosts ambrosia, I have found a way to play this that is fun and doesn't feel . . . . wrong. Whether or not I'll actually give them all ambrosia, though, remains to be seen. Might depend on how many times each ghost feels the need to break the sink/toilet/tub/etc. 😀

Jasmine has such fantastic heir requirements!  I love it!
Not a big fan of Tory, but he's only a stepping stone, right?
So clever of Jasmine to go after the most recent lottery winner!
Her last husband could be homeless and Jasmine would still end up in a house worth $350k!

Bring it on, Jasmine!  Can't wait to find out what's next.
Fab update, Watcher!

P.S. I laughed at the "No woohoo on the home lot" rule. 
I actually just changed how I am showing the challenge requirements - with 5 spouses total, they're long, but hopefully the new way is both more complete and more clear.

Tory is cuter than I expected, and as a romantic, geeky, child of the islands, his traits are fine. Not sure why but in general conversation he sometimes looks angry when he's not, so I'm careful about screen shots with him.
The lottery was timely - I nearly canceled it because Jasmine would not be allowed to win, but I figured the odds were low of that happening and if it did, I'd give or cheat the money away. I was hoping for it to go to a single elder, but this gives more drama to stir up.
I forgot to mention it, but all told, after selling his household items, Tory brought in over §300k, and after the house additions, they have over §250k left. I'm sure Harley will leave some money when he leaves what's-her-name, but he'll be bringing the bulk of his winnings. 🤑
That no-woohoo on the home lot (except with Gideon) is to protect both Gideon and Jasmine - Gideon is a jealous Sim after all. He already got a little out of hand when he caught Tory passionately kissing Jasmine, as you'll see in the next update.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.04 Another One Bites the Dust (12/11/23)
« Reply #127 on: December 11, 2023, 12:52:31 PM »
3.04 Another One Bites the Dust

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

After Gideon's demise from overcharging, he returned as a ghost and rejoined the household. Jasmine explained her Black Widow requirements. Gideon wasn't happy about them, but he knew it was the only way he and Jasmine could have their life together, so he agreed to help. With Gideon back in the household, Jasmine set out to meet her next husband - Tory Brown, a romantic adult with §142k in the bank and living alone in a 7-bedroom apartment. Jasmine quickly wooed him and got him really interested and then went to run her food stand, where she learned a little about Harley Burnette, recent lottery winner. Just as she finished telling Gideon about Tory and Harley, Tory called to ask her out on a date. By the end of the day, Tory was moved in and getting started on his requirements.

Tory: “One gold date in the house! Coming right up!”

Gideon: “What the . . . !?”
Gideon slaps Jasmine several times.

Tory: “So . . . you two were more than friends, right?”
Jasmine: “Yes. We were friends . . . lovers . . . soulmates . . . and we were married.”
Tory: “I see.”
Jasmine: “But I’m with you now. Gideon’s just the jealous type. I’ll talk to him.”
Tory: “Do you want me to talk to him?”
Jasmine: “No, let me take care of it. Meanwhile, shouldn’t we be BFFs by now?”
Tory: “Indeed!”

Jasmine: “You can NOT come in slapping me every time you see me with Tory!”
Gideon: “You know I’m jealous! Why would you do that right in front of me?”
Jasmine: “It wasn’t right in front of you! I asked you to go out and fish and you went. How was I to know you’d be trotting right back into the house in less than a minute?”
Gideon: “Well I wanted to tell you something.”
Jasmine: “Gideon, if I ask you to go do something, there’s a reason. Tory will not be the last, you know that. I will try to help you stay away from it all, but you have to cooperate.”
Gideon: “Okay, I know, I know. It was my fault I walked in. This just . . . . sucks.”

Jasmine: “I know it does. But have you forgotten about the requirement I have for us that comes after Tory and I are married?”
Gideon: “You know, for a minute there I did, but see there? That reminder took me from angry to playful in a heartbeat! Thanks, Jasmine. I love you.”
Jasmine: “I love you too. We know what we have to do. But never forget, you’re my always and forever.”
Gideon: “I won’t forget again, I promise.”
Jasmine: “And no more slapping.”
Gideon: “No more slapping.”

Tory: “Listen, I understand you and Jasmine were close . . . were married . . . when you were alive, but dude, you can’t be slapping her like that.”
Gideon: “I know, man. We talked it out. It won’t happen again. I know she’s with you now. I’ll deal with it.”
Tory: “Okay, because you know, if it does happen again, I’ll have to get involved.”
Gideon: “I’d expect nothing less. But I’d appreciate it if you’d keep the PDA to a minimum when I’m around.”
Tory: “It’s not really ‘public’ here in our own house, but I’ll try to keep it away from you. Can’t guarantee you’ll never see anything between us though.”
Gideon. “I understand.”
Tory: “Good. I’m glad we understand each other.”
Gideon: “Me too. And I’m sure as time goes on, we’ll understand each other better and better.”

Gideon: “How does Tory feel about you sleeping in our bedroom with me?”
Jasmine: “I gave him a Potion of Plentiful Needs, so he doesn’t need to sleep. He’s in there knitting away. I told him I didn’t want to sleep upstairs without him. I didn’t mention that you might be in here.”
Gideon: “So maybe we could do a little more than just sleep?”
Jasmine: “Not yet. You know the requirement.”

Tory: “Dancing at the Romance Festival is so . . . romantic! Marry me, Jasmine! You heard what the Guru said - ours is a love to last the ages! Say yes.”
Jasmine: “Yes.”

Tory: “I do.”
Jasmine: “I do.”
Tory: “We’re MARRIED!!”

Tory: “What a wonderful place for a romantic honeymoon. How did you find it so fast?”
Jasmine (laughing): “I knew we’d honeymoon here as soon as I discovered you’re a Romantic Child of the Islands. My Grandpa Leo brought my Grandma Lily here for their honeymoon, and Grandma Lily said it was so romantic. She loved it, and I thought we’d love it too.”
Tory: “You knew back then that we’d get married?”
Jasmine (giggling): “Well, I hoped we would.”
Tory: “And here we are! And it’s lovely, just like you.”

The newlyweds enjoyed a romantic wedding night full of cuddling, sweet words, and the things they couldn’t do at home. Although Tory didn’t know about that restriction just yet.

Jasmine and Tory were up early the next morning, full of energy and ready for an early morning outing on the jet skis.

The afternoon was spent snorkeling. As evening came, Tory tried to make a friend, but the Dolphin swam away before making up his mind about Tory.

As a Child of the Islands, Tory called in the Island Elementals and thoroughly enjoyed socializing with them. But the encounter gave Jasmine feelings of anxiety and pangs of jealousy. Maybe because one of them was an attractive YA female?

A visit to the waterfall brought Tory a little closer to completing his Soulmate Aspiration.

Back at home, with Tory knitting the night away in the other room, Jasmine and Gideon spent some romantic time in their bedroom getting that achievement Gideon had been not-so-patiently looking forward to.

Tory: “I’m so glad you wanted to come out after your nap! This date has been so much more fun than knitting.”

Tory: “That’s right! Just go around and don’t drop the stitch . . . perfect!”
Jasmine: “Tory! You’ve completed your Lord of the Knits Aspiration!”
Tory: “So I have. And I’ve already purchased a Potion of Youth and given it to you, so I’ve done everything I needed to do. Let’s go out to celebrate.”

Jasmine: At The Oak Barrel bar I suddenly got the urge to run upstairs and fix the toilet. Don’t ask me why I sometimes get weird urges like that, but I generally find it’s best to just follow them. And guess who came in the bathroom while I was making the repair? If you guessed Lottery Winner Harley Burnette you’d be right! Of course I introduced myself, and what do you know, he’s a jealous Sim. It’s going to be a little tricky, but I do need two more jealous husbands. He excused himself and went downstairs while I finished up.

Harley: “Oh, yeah, the kids in town love it when it snows like this. Perfect weather for sledding and building snowmen.”
Tory: “You know, that’s a great idea. Jasmine wanted to build a snowman before we came here, but we didn’t have enough snow at home. I think I’ll go build her one as a surprise.”

Tory: Jasmine’s going to love this. Just a little more . . . “

Tory: “Jasmine! You weren’t supposed to come out yet! I wanted this to be a surprise.”
Jasmine: “Tory, you’re freezing. You need to come in.”
Tory: “Almost done.”
Jasmine: “Here, I’ll help you.”

Jasmine: “I think this is good enough. Let’s go in now, Tory. Tory? TORY!”

Jasmine: “Oh, Tory! Of course this was coming, but I didn’t realize it would be today. Well, okay, I guess I was thinking today when I asked you to build a snowman earlier . . . and it works out much better this way since coming here gave me the chance to meet Harley.  But still, it does make me sad. Let’s get you home.”

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.04 Another One Bites the Dust (12/11/23)
« Reply #128 on: December 11, 2023, 01:45:15 PM »
I'd never really felt interested in the Black Widow challenge, but I absolutely love the way you're playing it.
The extra aspirations and skills make it so much more than a killfest and we get to know each spouse a little better.
What perfect timing, with Tory freezing the death soon after you run into Harley in the bathroom.

Good luck with Spouse #3!  Oh, I just read the requirements and Harley will be moving in as a ghost, too?
Will the ghostly exes have their own room(s)?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.04 Another One Bites the Dust (12/11/23)
« Reply #129 on: December 11, 2023, 02:13:23 PM »
It's gonna get crowded! Sad but fun. RIP Tory.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.04 Another One Bites the Dust (12/11/23)
« Reply #130 on: December 11, 2023, 02:36:40 PM »
I'd never really felt interested in the Black Widow challenge, but I absolutely love the way you're playing it.
The extra aspirations and skills make it so much more than a killfest and we get to know each spouse a little better.
What perfect timing, with Tory freezing the death soon after you run into Harley in the bathroom.

Good luck with Spouse #3!  Oh, I just read the requirements and Harley will be moving in as a ghost, too?
Will the ghostly exes have their own room(s)?

I wasn't that interested in it either, until I started thinking about how to spin it so that the Black Widow was still lovable and not just an evil greedy witch. And thinking about it in the middle of a longer legacy, where she'd need to have an heir - it started coming together in my head. I wasn't sure when I initially started planning whether she'd stay with the first spouse or one she married along the way, but I really like Gideon, and when I learned he was a spellcaster, that kind of sealed the deal. And it gave the opportunity for him to go along and "help" with the planning. It's kind of fun this way, and in the end, ambrosia is an option for the others as well as Gideon - we'll have to see how that plays out.

Tory will move in as a ghost, and eventually, Harley, and two more as well. It will be interesting with all these ghosts . . . and three of them jealous . . .

I haven't decided about their rooms yet.

It's gonna get crowded! Sad but fun. RIP Tory.

When Gideon first came back as a ghost, he was jumping into everything and breaking them - the toilet, the tub, etc. But after a bit he stopped doing that. I hope they all stop that pretty quickly. It'll be really crazy if they don't.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.05 Third Time's a . . . Midlife Crisis (12/13/23
« Reply #131 on: December 13, 2023, 10:27:19 PM »
3.05 Third Time's a . . . Midlife Crisis

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Gideon suffered a bout with jealously, repeatedly slapping Jasmine, when he accidentally witnessed a passionate kiss between her and Tory. Another Romance Festival resulted in another proposal, this time with a wedding the same night.  Tory and Jasmine had a romantic honeymoon in Sulani, where Tory tapped into his Child of the Islands nature. Back at home, Tory started knitting with a fervor, not even noticing that Jasmine and Gideon were busy in the bedroom earning the What Would It Be Like? achievement. Tory finished off his requirements quickly, and took Jasmine to The Oak Barrel bar in Chestnut Ridge to celebrate. While there, both Jasmine and Gideon met Harley Burnette, recent lottery winner. Tory went out in the snow to build a surprise snowman for Jasmine, and stayed a little too long, freezing his way into a meeting with Grim.

Jasmine: “I forgot to tell you, I met Harley Burnette at The Oak Barrel Bar. I got an urge to go upstairs to repair a toilet and he came in to practice a speech. It was a weird way to meet, but now that I know him, I can message him on Social Bunny. And get this, he’s the one that gave Tory the idea to go build a snowman."
Gideon: “Really? Was his wife there with him?”
Jasmine: “No. Oddly, I feel worse about breaking them up than I feel about the rest.”
Gideon: “Well, you did say she has a new baby with another man. Surely he can’t be happy about that.”
Jasmine: “No, and he’s jealous by nature, so who knows? Maybe they’d break up anyway. Hey, do you mind if I store these gnomes away? Getting two Grim Reaper gnomes on Harvestfest has me kind of creeped out.”
Gideon: “I was thinking we could put them out with the tombstones.”
Jasmine: “I was thinking we should put the tombstones in a less obvious spot as well.”

Jasmine: I asked Harley if he’d like to meet me at the Via Romanza Rec Center - he lives in Tartosa, so I thought my chances were good. He agreed, and we chatted outside for a bit. I tried a gentle flirt and he responded well, so we’ll see where this goes! We do have good, although not amazing, compatibility.

Jasmine: Harley shared his insecurities, so I hugged him, and he responded with a romantic embrace. Maybe this won’t be hard after all.

Jasmine: I suggested we go in and play cards, and he agreed right away. Then he blew me a kiss across the table. Yes, this was going very well.

Jasmine: Suddenly I got a call from Tory. I don’t understand it. It was the middle of the day, I hadn’t Necro called him, so how was he even out of the grave? And who is Vaea Misipeka? I never even heard of that Sim. I didn’t know what to tell him, but I thought he might think I had ulterior motives if I told him no, so I told him to go for it and hoped that was a good answer.

Jasmine: After cards, we took a look around the Rec Center and found a sauna upstairs. It wasn’t even hard to get Harley to agree to Relax Together. I was happily surprised when he made the first move. So I took his hand, and we looked deeply into each other’s eyes. And then . . .

Jasmine: Two people just came walking in like we weren’t even there. We made a hasty exit, but then Harley pulled out this rose for me. It was amazing! I don’t know where he was carrying it, but it sure was a nice surprise.

Jasmine: Down the hall we found another place to . . . be alone together. This was moving along so much faster than I expected.

Jasmine: I suggested we go to dinner at the Italian Restaurant nearby, but Harley wanted to go to a place I’d never heard of called Tiki’s Container Restaurant in Evergreen Harbor. We were asking for a table when we heard a loud commotion. What does this old biddy have against turtles?

Jasmine: “This place is really crowded. It must be good.”
Harley: “It is. Especially the steaks. And it’s not in Tartosa, so that’s a plus.”
Jasmine: “I thought you loved Tartosa.”
Harley: “I do. It’s just, we could run into a lot of people I know there.”
Jasmine: “Got it. Don’t want to be seen out to dinner with me.”
Harley: “Hey, I love being out to dinner with you. It’s just, well, you know I’m married.”

Harley: “I’m sure you can guess that it’s not a happy marriage. Not for me at least.”
Jasmine: “Why’d you get married?”
Harley: “Oh, I’m not good alone. She said she loved me. I was a little starstruck. She’s beautiful. Not as beautiful as you, but still, beautiful. I was getting older. I thought it would work. Now there I am, with a horse I didn’t want, a baby that isn’t mine, and a wife I can’t trust.”
Jasmine: “Sounds like it’s not the right thing for you.”
Harley: “You’re right. It’s over with her. Let’s move in together!”
Jasmine: “While you’re still married?”
Harley: “Suddenly, I’m not married. You convinced me to leave her, and as soon as I decided, I was instantly not married any more. Who knew it would be so easy? Come here, I need to ask you something.”

Harley: “Will you marry me? Will you elope with me right this minute and move me in with you?”
Jasmine: “Uh . . . Y-ye-yes. Yes. Yes I will.”

Harley: “What an amazing day this has been! My whole life has changed!”
Jasmine: “Yes, it’s quite breathtaking. There’s something I need to do at home, and then we can leave for our honeymoon.”
Harley: “Honeymoon? Oh, yes, let’s have a honeymoon! Where shall we go?”
Jasmine: “You think about that while I take care of my business at home, ok?”

Jasmine: “Oh, Tory! It’s good to see you! But why are you so angry?”
Tory: “I guess I just feel like my life was stolen from me. I just wanted to surprise you with a cool snowman . . . but I guess I overdid it. Now I feel like my anger is consuming me. Can you help me?”
Jasmine: “Here, drink this.”
Tory: “What is it?”
Jasmine: “It’s a Potion of Emotional Stability. It should take care of the anger.”

Tory: “It worked. Thanks, Jasmine. Um . . . I guess I’m like Gideon now, huh?”
Jasmine: “Well, yes, you are.”
Tory: “And we’re not married anymore, are we?”
Jasmine: “No, we’re not. But we’re still best friends and have amazing compatibility.”
Tory: “I think I’ll go talk to Gideon. Maybe he can help me . . . adjust.”
Jasmine: “I’m sure he can.”

Jasmine: Harley and I rented a lovely 2-story bungalow called Casa Selvadorada, with Convivial, Romantic Aura, and Homey lot traits. We quickly unpacked and then headed for the Selvadorada Eldorada Bar for our first honeymoon date.

Jasmine: This lovely Statue of Madre Cosecha stands in the courtyard. It’s said that she has the power to bestow a curse-ending blessing. We bought some supplies from a vendor table, but the food cart was closed, so we headed into the bar for drinks and a bite to eat.

Jasmine: The bar was casual and quaint with a lot of locals to chat with. Still, we had time to focus on each other, it soon became clear that we have a Close Family Dynamic. But I was surprised, and not just a little disappointed, to learn that Harley was feeling bored and in need of more excitement.

Jasmine: Back at Casa Selvadorada, I gave my new husband some excitement, all right. Complete with hearts and fireworks. And you know what? It didn’t change a thing! Apparently that wasn’t enough excitement for him! Tell me that doesn’t sting!

Jasmine: The next morning we set out for the jungle. Maybe something in there could give him the excitement he needs. He cut through vines to gain entrance for us, looted an ancient treasure chest and found a rare and valuable Gold Perereca treasure along with a curse, excavated dig piles, and then went on a date to the Selvadorada Temple Museum where we became BFFs. And guess what? If you guessed that Harley still needed more excitement at the end of all that, you’d be right.

Jasmine: We went to the La Taberna Selvadorada Restaurant for dinner and were seated at a table right out front. It was nice out, but it felt a little weird to be seated outside right by the entrance. I thought Harley should try something a little more exotic and, dare I say, exciting, but I guess he’s a steak kind of guy. I went for the Lobster Thermidor, and it was excellent. While at dinner, his sneezing curse spread to me, so we visited the Madre Cosecha to see if she could really end the curse. And she actually did.

Jasmine: After a romantic, but apparently not exciting, night back at Casa Selvadorada, we headed out early the next morning, determined to make our way to the temple before our honeymoon ended. We examined traps, and Harley was able to successfully remove the first one. But then he chose the wrong activation, not once, but twice. First he was overcome with the feeling that he was alone in the world and became very sad. Alone in the world, while on his honeymoon! With me! But the second one was even worse - a poison dart in the neck!

Jasmine: Our honeymoon was almost over and we weren’t sure if the Madre Cosecha could cure a curse this big. We left the temple immediately to try, but there was no option to request a cure. We didn't know if we could get the antidote outside of Selvadorada, so we went to the museum to use the computer there. Harley ordered the antidote, which magically appeared immediately in his backpack. One big swig and he was cured! We were both so relieved.

Jasmine: We had just enough time to appreciate some of the museum’s artifacts and treasures before we were whisked back home.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.05 Third Time's a . . . Midlife Crisis (12/13/23)
« Reply #132 on: December 14, 2023, 01:19:42 AM »
What does Jasmine do to maintain her fabulous figure?
Every screenshot taken of Jasmine from the side showcases her perfect posterior and thighs. What a bod!

Harley will no doubt be the only sim you every play who sports that bald-spot hairstyle.
I couldn't help but giggle when I saw the back of his head during his oh-so-romantic proposal! *rofl

Jasmine's generation is so fun to read about!  In fact, each of her spousal saga reads like a different generation!
Fantastic update, Watcher!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.05 Third Time's a . . . Midlife Crisis (12/13/23)
« Reply #133 on: December 14, 2023, 02:23:50 AM »
Poor watcher - nearly losing Harley too early! That would have been hilarious.

I would imagine Jasmine can't wait for Harley to bite the dust. No-one wants someone to feel bored spending time with you.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 3.05 Third Time's a . . . Midlife Crisis (12/13/23)
« Reply #134 on: December 14, 2023, 12:05:42 PM »
What does Jasmine do to maintain her fabulous figure?
Every screenshot taken of Jasmine from the side showcases her perfect posterior and thighs. What a bod!

Harley will no doubt be the only sim you every play who sports that bald-spot hairstyle.
I couldn't help but giggle when I saw the back of his head during his oh-so-romantic proposal! *rofl

Jasmine's generation is so fun to read about!  In fact, each of her spousal saga reads like a different generation!
Fantastic update, Watcher!
Rose, Jasmine's mom, was constantly juggling the soccer ball to keep her figure; Jasmine does it occasionally, but other than that, nothing really. But she also doesn't eat a lot - relies more on Potions of Plentiful Needs. When she does eat, it's the healthier, protein foods, not desserts or sweets.

I considered changing Harley's hairstyle, but as I played him, I don't know, it just seemed to suit him.

I've paid more attention to the individual spouses than I usually do - their expressions, how they move, actions they choose autonomously - watching for how to make them distinct since there's a lot of repetition here at the core. It's been fun. Harley was really a surprise - I was expecting it to be a challenge to woo him and separate him from his wife, but it wasn't at all. I wasn't sure how receptive he was going to be to Jasmine's romantic overtures, but he was all over that! And initiated a lot of autonomous romantic actions, so then the story became him pushing to move faster.

Thank you for the kind words.  :D

Poor watcher - nearly losing Harley too early! That would have been hilarious.

I would imagine Jasmine can't wait for Harley to bite the dust. No-one wants someone to feel bored spending time with you.
Oh, losing him early would have really taken some thought about how to proceed . . . the rules just say you have to have 5 that meet the goals and come to live in the house as ghosts - they don't say they have to be consecutive spouses. And Jasmine did already have his money. So I guess if he'd died from that poison dart, she would have released his spirit and found a new number 3.

This is the first time the game has ever given me a mid-life crisis, so we're going to play it out and see if we can get him past it. I just think it's hilarious so far - the timing - he divorced his wife, autonomously pursued a beautiful young woman, married her, they're on their honeymoon in Selvadorada, and he's bored.  😂 It's such a hilarious example of how what the game throws out can be so out of sync with what's going on at the time.

