Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 39342 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.06 Rose's New . . . Everything (9/28/23)
« Reply #90 on: September 29, 2023, 10:36:32 PM »
Lovely to catch up with Rose again.

Rose sure did well earning all that money from her Woodwork. And she's got herself a perfect life with Colin & Jasmine. Surely nothing can go wrong! The random requirements make me so nervous for her.

Naughty Watcher, not getting nooboo photos! But you're right, they could take pics themselves.

Was it the teenage pregnancy mod that let Rose age up while pregnant? Or was it just Colin that aged up then?

It really is so easy to earn a ton of money with that camping mascot. And Plopsy makes it so easy.
It was actually MCCC that lets her continue to age while pregnant, and also to age up. But she can't blow out candles, so she just ages up when the game does it.

And of course nothing could go wrong . . . except . . . you know . . . when that unexpected thing happens and you stare at the screen for minutes and minutes watching your whole plan blow up.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.07 Accidental Wish (9/30/23)
« Reply #91 on: September 30, 2023, 01:47:22 AM »
2.07 Accidental Wish

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Rose finished high school, and as she twirled her way into her young adult life stage, her baby bump appeared. She promptly emptied her substantial savings account, bought a house, and asked Colin to move in with her.  Happily living together with a baby on the way, Colin popped the big question and the couple made plans to marry. Little Jasmine made her appearance in the world before the wedding, which took place at the Bella Vista Gardens in Tartosa where Rose's parents, Leo and Lily were married. Colin settled into his job as a musician, but took off a day to share a lovely Harvestfest with his wife and daughter.

Rose: Two new appliances magically showed up on the counter the morning after Harvestfest! A mixer and a waffle-maker. I figured out how to use them really quickly and made berry waffles for Jasmine.

Rose: She loved them! I have to admit I tried one . . . or three . . . and they were very tasty.

Rose: Colin spent most of the next weekend on his music, but he took some time to work on flashcards with Jasmine.

Rose: I gave in to her request for another bath. Ever since Colin put her in the baby pool on Harvestfest, she has been obsessed with water.  I have to say, I have completely forgiven Watcher for the no-nooboo-pictures-thing. I don’t know how many times she has intercepted Jasmine coming to ask for another bath or running off to splash in the toilet.

Rose: She loves story time with Daddy!

Rose: Between the books and the dollhouse, Jasmine’s imagination flourished.

Rose: I've enjoyed getting time to meditate, but imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes to discover I was floating mid-air! I nearly fell from surprise, and got the option to switch my recently-acquired perfectionist trait for clumsy. No thank you very much! I'm quite happy as a perfectionist.

The day before her birthday Jasmine had maxed all her toddler skills except movement. I took her to the swimming pool and park next to our house to play. The little imp hid in the ball pit and had me running all over the park looking for her!

As she slid down the slide, she maxed her movement skill. She was happy but tired, so we headed for home.

With her birthday coming the next day, I decided it was time to expand the house to include a second floor. The tiny nursery was fine as a nursery but it really wasn’t big enough to be a child's bedroom. And I’d always known that Jasmine wouldn’t be an only child.

Rose: I baked Jasmine a zombie cake the next morning, but couldn’t resist taking a piece before I could get the candles on it, so I had to bake another one. I do love me some cake! As soon as Jasmine aged up, I told her about her role in the Ten-Gen-Jumble and also about how she was descended from a long line of Cordova’s who had spellcaster blood. She ran up to see her room and was thrilled with the spellcaster themed science table.

Rose: I went up to see how she liked her room, and thought it was the perfect time for my weekly prank.

Rose: “Jasmine! What’s that spot?”
Jasmine: “What spot? Where?”

Rose: “Got you!”
Jasmine (laughing): “Oh, mom! That was pretty funny. But watch out, cause I’ll get you back for that!”

Rose: Colin was working late again so Jasmine and I went over to the Meshram’s in the evening. Her friend Bert (short for Heriberto) wasn’t home, but his older brother Tristen was there. He was just a couple of days away from his teen birthday, so he still qualified as a child friend for Jasmine’s Social Butterfly aspiration. I was so excited to meet little Leroy, Nora’s new infant. We visited a bit and then headed back across the street. I wanted to be there when Colin got home. He’s been so stressed from work, to the point of burnout.

Rose: When he got the call about the Starlight Accolades Award, he was over the moon! He said he had to take some deep breaths, but ultimately he did submit his work. Then he was all tense about the competition, on top of the fact that he hadn’t been promoted lately. When they notified him that he won, he was beyond excited for about a minute, and then he started feeling tense and overwhelmed at the recognition.

Rose: When Jasmine went to say goodbye to him that morning in his music room, she found him trying to dance his stress away. She joined him for a few minutes before she had to leave for school. When he went to work later that day he thought surely it would be the day he’d get the promotion, and I was worried about how he’d be feeling if he didn't get it.

Rose: Looks like I was right to worry.

Colin: “Rose, let’s sit down and talk. I need to tell you something.”
Rose: “This sounds serious. What’s going on?”
Colin: “You know how I’ve been coming home all burned out and tense the last few days? And even though my work performance is maxed and the box is checked for my promotion, I haven’t actually been promoted? You know how I thought sure today would be the day? Well it wasn’t.”
Rose: “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. You’ve been working so hard. And everyone knows you deserve that promotion.”
Colin: “Thanks. Well, I got a little fed up and thought I’d try out that new wishing well and see if I could get my promotion that way. But I made a mistake. And I accidentally didn’t wish for a promotion. I accidentally wished for something else.”
Rose: “Okay . . . what did you wish for?”

Colin: “Oh, honey . . . . I accidentally wished for . . . . . a child . . . .”
Rose: “A child!?! But . . . .but . . . .but we already have one child and another on the way . . . “
Colin: “I know, Rose. I’m so sorry. It was completely accidental. But now I don’t know what to do. I guess I don’t have to follow through on the adoption, but I can’t stop thinking, there are little children in this world who need a home and a loving family, and we have plenty of room, and we have plenty of love . . . .and I don’t know . . . part of me thinks maybe it happened because it’s meant to be.”
Rose: “Okay, I just need a minute to process. Just . . . let me breathe for a minute.”

Rose: “Okay . . . you know what? It’s fine. Really. It’s fine. We do have plenty of room with the upstairs expansion finished. And our house is full of love. And my heir requirements do say I need to have three children total. It’s true, I wasn’t expecting two babies at once, or having one come through adoption, but maybe you’re right. Maybe it was meant to be.”

Colin: “What if it’s not two babies at once? What if I adopt a toddler? And then he or she will already be learning toddler skills when our new baby comes?”
Rose: “That’s a great idea, Colin! My requirements are for three children, and adoption does count, and there’s no specific requirement for age. So, yes, adopt a toddler. And make it boy, okay?”
Colin: “Are you sure?”
Rose: “I’m sure. I saw my doctor today. We’re having another girl, so it would be nice to also have a boy in the  house.”

Colin: “Rose, you are the best wife a man could ever ask for.”
Rose: “And you are way too handsome and irresistible in that suit.”
Colin: “Only in this suit?”
Rose (giggling): “Well, out of that suit, too.”

Colin: “Rose, meet Reed Sandoval, our son.”
Rose: “Hello, there, Reed. Aren’t you just the cutest thing ever?  Um, Colin, are sure you there isn’t something else you need to tell me?”
Colin: “What do you mean?”
Rose: “Red hair, green eyes . . . “
Colin: “I know, right? As soon as I saw his red hair, I knew he was the one. I swear to you Rose, I have no biological connection, but I do love him already.”
Rose: “Well, he sure does look like his daddy!”
Colin: “In the picture from the agency he was wearing sunglasses, so I didn’t even know his eyes were green until we got home and he took off the sunglasses.”
Rose: “Well, I think it was indeed meant to be.”

Rose: Jasmine came down from her room and even though she was feeling some anger about this sibling that was thrust on her, she gave him a big hug of welcome. And when she entertained him with an animated story, he was mesmerized.

Rose: And tomorrow we’ll have another little baby girl in this picture.

Watcher Comment
I have never had a Sim wish for a child at the well, but I know the results can be unpredictable. When I accidentally clicked that instead of Wish for Promotion, I frantically clicked the queued action over and over, but there was no cancelling it. I hit pause and just stared at the screen with thoughts of "When was my last save?" and "What do I do now?" clashing in my brain. Rose has another requirement that she can't do until the adult life stage, so my plan was to spread the three children out, which is more realistic than the high number of multiple births we often have in game. Slowly I figured out how to weave a different pattern into the story and the new path emerged. The Wish for Child option Colin got was that his application was approved, which meant that he could adopt through the normal computer action, but at no cost. There was a moodlet for that, and I think if it had expired, he could have just gone on without adopting, but by the time I realized that, I already had the new story spun in my head and was attached to it. And when I saw that red-headed toddler, I knew I had to continue that way. Later discovering those green eyes under the sunglasses was just further proof.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.07 Accidental Wish (9/30/23)
« Reply #92 on: September 30, 2023, 02:38:05 PM »
Welcome to little Reed and well done Jasmine for getting over the shock quickly. Ah - the best laid plans etc.... ;)

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.07 Accidental Wish (9/30/23)
« Reply #93 on: September 30, 2023, 05:14:57 PM »
What a shock that must've been when you realized you click the wrong wish!
When I read about the adoption, my first thought was....but no little mini-Colin son?
But he managed to find a little green-eyed redhead to adopt!  Great job!
(You could've ended up with a ghost child or an evil child, either of which appear immediately after the wish is granted.)

Adopting a toddler was a great idea!
Rose's household will soon be a family of five!  Watcher, you expanded their house in the nick of time!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.07 Accidental Wish (9/30/23)
« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2023, 12:54:31 PM »
Welcome to little Reed and well done Jasmine for getting over the shock quickly. Ah - the best laid plans etc.... ;)
I had a whole plan for that third child to come later and more in relation  to the requirement yet to come for Rose. But . . . as you said, the best laid plans . . .
And really, I like this story line also, and Reed is a great addition and is proving fun as the traits he's acquiring . . . keep the adults on their toes.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.07 Accidental Wish (9/30/23)
« Reply #95 on: October 01, 2023, 12:59:26 PM »
What a shock that must've been when you realized you click the wrong wish!
When I read about the adoption, my first thought was....but no little mini-Colin son?
But he managed to find a little green-eyed redhead to adopt!  Great job!
(You could've ended up with a ghost child or an evil child, either of which appear immediately after the wish is granted.)

Adopting a toddler was a great idea!
Rose's household will soon be a family of five!  Watcher, you expanded their house in the nick of time!

The rules actually specifically allow for wishing for a child at the well, although I didn't remember that at first - I think I just glossed over it because I never do that. A ghost child would have required ambrosia to turn it to a live child. An evil child would just have to be dealt with, but would have spiced things up, I guess. 

I used to be very focused around managing everything and trying to be as efficient as possible, keeping everything on track. I find these days that I embrace more of the randomness, and am seeing things in the game I never saw when I tried to control everything so tightly. I'm enjoying playing this way and the randomness has proven fun and not frustrating like it used to. Still, I was indeed quite shocked and it took me a few minutes to get past that. Rose reflected that same initial shock and then . . . acceptance and even embracing the new path.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.08 The Gramps Stay Over (10/8/23)
« Reply #96 on: October 08, 2023, 09:33:53 PM »
2.08 The Gramps Stay Over

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine, our Gen 3 heir, maxed her toddler skills and aged up to child. Colin made a misstep at the Wishing Well, resulting in an adoption rather than a promotion, and toddler Reed joined the household. Rose and Colin awaited the birth of their third child.

Jasmine: “I’m going to make some lemonade. It’s a little cool out now, but it’s early and maybe it will warm up. If it does, I’m going to sell it at a lemonade stand.”
Reed: “Jazzy lemade! Weed hab some.”
Jasmine: “You can have some if Mom says it’s okay.”

Rose: “Oh, Reed. Such a messy little eater. We might have to start having you eat in the high chair. Although I’m not sure that would keep the food off the floor.”

Jasmine: I named my stand Jazzy’s Treats. I was going to make ice cream to sell too, but I had so many customers there really wasn’t time. I sold all the glasses in the first batch and then made another and sold most of that too.

Rose: After Iris was born and aged to an infant, I invited my parents for a stayover. Colin was still working to get that same promotion and Reed was a handful alone, let alone with an infant in the house. Reed took to my Dad immediately. As soon as they arrived, Reed toddled in to “Meet Leo” without even a prompt from me or Watcher. After that, he followed Dad around and asked him for whatever he wanted. Dad read to him, bathed him, and helped him with potty training.

Rose: “That’s it Iris! Such a big girl sitting up!”
Leo: “Oh, so this little one finally woke up. About time Grandpa got to meet her.”
Rose: “Yes, she’s learning so fast. Say hi to your Grandpa Leo, Iris. This is Grandpa Leo. I’m surprised to see you without Reed in your shadow. He’s really enamored with you.”
Leo (laughing): “He’s a little pistol for sure. He’s out back playing at the dollhouse. I probably should go check on him.”

Leo: “Oh Reed. What happened to the dollhouse?”
Reed: “House boke. Gampaw fix.”
Leo: “Who broke the dollhouse, Reed?”
Reed: “Weed don no.”
Leo: “Right. I’d scold you but you’re too darn cute and it’s not my job to scold. Your mommy or daddy can do the scolding.”

Colin: “What happened out here? I heard a crash.”
Reed: “House boke.”
Colin: “Oh, Reed. Did you break the dollhouse?”
Reed (looking away): “Ummmmmmm.”
Leo: “He’s been on my heels pretty much since I got here. I think he might have been unhappy that I took some time to go meet Iris.”
Colin: “I see. Reed, we need to use our words when we’re not happy about something. Let’s work on words while Grandpa Leo fixes that for you.”

Rose: It was great having Mom and Dad with us for Winterfest. We each chose a gift from under the tree. Jasmine was first and got a lump of clay. At first that seems like a bad gift, but she actually liked it because of its creative aspect. Reed got a Creative Art Thou Activity Table. He’s a little too young to use it, but I put it in the room upstairs that will be his when he ages up. I got a Read-asaurus Rex Kids’ poster, that I just had to grin about. I’m certain it came from Reed because he thought it was the best thing ever. I told him how much I love it but that I don’t have a place to put it, and I was wondering if I could put it in his big boy room above his creativity table. He gave a very enthusiastic approval. Colin got an All-in-one-PC, which is ironic as he’s the least likely to use it given he always has a guitar in his hands or is busy tickling the ivories.

Rose: Father Winter arrived, but before anyone could talk to him, he walked right out the front door. I called him back. He said he just went out to shake off the soot from the chimney. He went to Colin’s music room to have a look at the tree. We would have liked the tree in the main room, but there wasn’t space for it there.

Rose: Reed followed him to the music room and right off asked about a present.

Rose: Father Winter gave Reed a Let There Be Light! Laser Show. This little boy was going to have some room!

Rose: Jasmine wanted to give Father Winter a gift. She said he gives so many gifts out that she wanted to make sure he got something. She didn’t have much to choose from, but thought he’d like some winter seeds to plant in his garden.

Rose: Father Winter gave Rose a Fossilized Sea Monster. She wasn’t sure what she would do with that, but thanked him just the same. Then Father Winter told Rose and Reed stories about reindeer and sleighs. Reed had lots of questions. Must be his inquisitive nature.

Rose: The big surprise was that Father Winter gave me a Crisponix Ultragreat w/Deluxe Crisper, and then turned right around and gave Colin another one! My Dad seemed even more surprised than me! I would have given him one if I could, but it was too big to wrap. It’s funny that Father Winter can gift two of those, but I can’t even gift one. The fridge we already had matched our decor perfectly and had a higher food quality, so I decided to stay with it. Maybe the kids will want these when they move out.

Rose: “I am seriously getting tired of having to clean up food off the floor every time Reed eats something.”

Rose: “Reed, look at this zombie cake Mommy baked you. Would you like to celebrate your birthday a little early, while Grandpa and Grandma are here to celebrate with you?”
Reed: “Birfday! Weed birfday now!”
Rose: “Okay big boy! You blow the candles out and then Mommy will get your big boy room ready for you with your new Laser Light!”

Leo: “Rose, little Iris is feeling very loved and happy, and her birthday was supposed to be the day before Reed’s. What do you think about celebrating her birthday while we’re here too?”
Rose: “That’s a good idea, Dad. Mom, you’ve cleaned that chair three times and no one has even used it. Please, enough with the spray bottle!”
Lily: “With all these little ones around, you can’t be too careful. And didn’t you just have a dizzy spell from feeling ill yourself? Take your medicine, put some more candles on that cake and let me spray what I want to spray while I’m still here to do it.”

Leo: “Blow Sweetie!”
Iris: “Fffffffff”
Leo: “Good job! I knew you could do it!”

Rose: “Jasmine! What are you doing? Your birthday’s not for another week!”
Jasmine: “Not anymore! Now it’s today!”

Colin: “Iris, let’s play before I go back to writing my song. Wait, where’s Iris! Mommy, do you see Iris? I can’t find her!”
Iris (laughing): “Right here, Daddy! I right here!”   

Reed: “Grandpa, what’s all this?”
Leo: “I fixed that dollhouse three times and found it smashed again. We’re done with that. I’m building you a treehouse. It’s too big to smash!”
Reed: “You are the BEST Grandpa ever! Can I help?”
Leo: “Sure! After you finish your homework.”

Lily: “Of all the places there are in this house to do your homework, why here?”
Reed: “Oh . . . you know . . . I was just thinking with Grandpa and Mom building the treehouse and Dad in his music studio, what if she cries and no one hears her?”
Lily: “Ah, I see. Well, I would hear her. But if you feel better in here watching over her, that’s just fine.”
Reed: “Thanks, Grandma. I just want to be in the room so she doesn’t wake up and feel alone.”

Reed: “Ahoy there, Matey! Come on up here and swab the deck!”

Watcher: It isn’t obvious from a distance, but Jasmine has Colin’s freckles.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.08 The Gramps Stay Over (10/8/23)
« Reply #97 on: October 09, 2023, 12:53:04 AM »
Lily & Leo did a great job of helping out on their stay over and I think everyone must love destructive but caring Reed.

Jasmine couldn't wait to age up and she's so pretty with Colin's green eyes and freckles. Her mother's face shape, I think?

I really like the way you worked out what to do with all the presents. I so often rush over that bit.

I'm slightly concerned over Rose's unticked marital status. I do hope she has a happy ever after spoilers!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.08 The Gramps Stay Over (10/8/23)
« Reply #98 on: October 10, 2023, 02:02:44 PM »
That Reed is adorable but what a handful! A Destructive Messy Eater!?
Is he easier to handle as a child?

Well, of course, Jasmine should age up to a high-school student now that Reed's starting grade school.
She is so pretty!  I'm also looking forward to seeing how the redheaded Iris aged up.

Like Judi, I'm also feeling extremely curious about the yet-to-be-revealed requirements regarding Marital Status and Generational Goals.
Oh, you haven't started a Progress section for Jasmine yet, which makes me wonder who the next heir will be.... *grips edge of seat

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.09 Fame and Boys (11/7/23)
« Reply #99 on: November 07, 2023, 06:12:23 PM »
2.09 Fame and Boys

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine opened a lemonade stand in the front yard called Jazzy’s Treats and sold two batches of lemonade. Toddler Reed joined the household through adoption, and quickly showed his Messy Eater and Destructive traits. Grandpa Leo and Grandma Lily came to stay after baby Iris was born, and Reed and Grandpa Leo became fast friends. Leo was so taken with Reed that he didn’t even mind having to fix the dollhouse three times due to Reed’s Destructo-toddler tendency. But Rose was feeling a little worn out from cleaning up food messes, and with Grandpa Leo going back home soon, she decided it was time for Reed to blow out his candles. Happy Toddler was good enough! Iris was feeling especially loved and happy, and since her birthday was originally the day before Reed’s, Grandpa Leo helped her blow out her candles too. And then, before anyone else realized what was happening, Jasmine jumped in, relit the candles, blew them out and whirled her way into her teens.

Jasmine, Rose holding Iris, Colin, Reed

Jasmine: “Mom, I’ve been a teen for almost a week now, and I still have no idea about my requirements. Why won’t Watcher tell me?”
Rose: “There just isn’t anything you’re required to do yet. Enjoy your teens, like Watcher said. You’ll get your requirements soon enough!”
Jasmine: “Yeah, that’s going really well. The only friend I’ve made at school is a klepto that I’m afraid to invite home. And there are no cute boys at school. I just wish I had an idea of what's coming. Do you know anything at all?”
Rose: “Not about yours. I do know a little something about mine, but I have to say what I know makes me nervous. Watcher shared that my Generational Challenge is Mid-Life Crisis. Which means I get three new requirements on my adult birthday that have to be done fairly quickly. She said most have to be done within a week. I don't even know what the options are but "mid-life crisis" sounds ominous. Watcher said they aren't necessarily bad and I shouldn't worry. But that's easier said than done.”
Jasmine: “Well, if they have to be in a week they can't be too big. I admit I'm happy to hear that because it means I can move out when I become a Young Adult a little more than a week after your birthday. I guess we both just need to try not to worry.”

Colin: “Rose, I finally finished writing my last song. I just have one more thing to do for my aspiration. Want to learn to play the guitar?”
Rose: “Sure, why not?”

Rose: “Thanks for mentoring me in guitar.”
Colin: “No, thank you for helping me finally finish my aspiration.  I go to work in 2 hours, I’m not burned out, and I’m so close to a promotion. I’m sure to top my career today.”

Rose: Colin did get promoted. He’s a Concert Virtuoso now - top of his career. He became a 2-star celebrity and immediately started obsessing about how to get that higher. He’s constantly adding to his Simstagram Story and updating his Social Media Status. He even hired a PR Agency.

Rose: Colin came home from work last evening, but left again immediately without saying anything to anyone. He came back really dazed. He went straight to the guest bath, got in the tub, and spread green goo all over his face. He’s never done that before.

When he got out of the tub, he put on his ugly Winterfest sweater, even though it’s the middle of spring. And I got this weird message from him today. Remember he mentored me in guitar the other day for his aspiration? Today, he messaged me on Social Bunny and asked if I’ve thought of taking up guitar - said he thinks I’d crush it. As if he’s never heard me play. And then later he sent me another message that said, What's up Buddy?" Buddy? Since when are we Buddies? I don’t know what’s up with him lately. I guess we need to talk.

Jasmine: About school, I tried. First thing, I introduced myself to Ashton Garner, a Mean Animal Enthusiast. The most exciting thing was watching these two girls attempt to play catch. Is it my imagination or does it seem the brunette hit the gray-hair in the head on purpose? Check out the look on her face! But did the gray-hair deserve it? Maybe. I mean, what teen in their right mind goes gray in high school on purpose? There are so many better choices!

Jasmine: This is Sho Maeda. He’s a Self-Assured Maker. We have good compatibility, but that’s not the same as having chemistry . . . which we don’t . . . at all. The guy behind him is Takashi Tamura, a Squeamish Animal Enthusiast.

Jasmine: I didn’t get this guy’s name, but come on! He’s a pear with arms, acting stupid in the hall. Who cares what his name is?
And Career Day was boring. Watcher is right, I am glad I don’t have to have any of those careers. I finished my tasks there as quickly as possible and then just focused on my phone. I was going through my contacts and came across Tristen Meshran from across the street. I haven’t seen him in awhile, but he’s a teen now too and a pretty cute one at that. I wonder why he isn’t at school?

Tristen: “Jazzy! Look! My parents are back! Dad’s inside. They just showed up all of a sudden right after we texted each other. Did you do something? Did you find them somehow?”
Jasmine: “No. . . I . . . I mean, I did text my Watcher. You remember I have that Legacy thing and a Watcher? Well, I texted her and asked if she could help.”
Tristen: “Maybe she did it. I mean . . . they didn’t walk up the sidewalk to our house or anything . . . they just appeared. One second, empty space, the next second, there they were. So weird.”
Jasmine: “Well I’m just glad they’re home.”
Tristen: “Me too. Thank you so much. I know it had to be your Watcher. Thank you for asking her to help. You’re still the best friend a guy could have.”

Jasmine: When I was looking through my contacts, I found some other guys that aren’t at school. Kazuhiko is a Mean Art Lover. He was at school last week, but not this week. Elvis is a Good Slob. I don’t know where I met him. I have good compatibility with both of them, but the traits . . . no thanks. Why couldn’t one be a Mean Slob and the other be a Good Art Lover? Is it too much to ask for two good traits? I don’t actually remember meeting Gideon, but I think it might have been at the Celebration Center as children. I don’t know his traits, but apparently I have good compatibility with him. I think I’ll message him on Social Bunny and see if he responds. I wonder if he remembers me?

Jasmine: Watcher forgot about exams on Friday and came to school with me. I sat down at my desk ready to take the test, but then suddenly felt compelled to get up and leave the room. I guess Watcher pulled me back, but then apparently she couldn’t figure out how to get me started on my test, so it was all a waste of time. Then I was supposed to study for my next exam, but Watcher couldn’t figure that out either, so she made me do Extra Credit during lunch instead.

But . . . who do you think came walking into the classroom shortly before lunch was over? If you guessed Gideon, you’d be right! He doesn’t even go to school here, but he came in like he owned the place and do you know why? If you guessed it was to ask me to Prom, you’d be right again! As friends . . . but it’s a start, right? I said yes, of course.

He showed me some pictures on his phone and then, for reasons I will never understand, with 1 minute left in the lunch period, I suddenly found myself sitting at a desk taking the test from the morning period. The bell rang, the next class started, and I got up to take a different seat.

I have no idea why I suddenly needed to change seats, but I’m glad I did because just then, Gideon hugged me! Right there in class! In front of everybody. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, Watcher was conferring with Watcher @oshizu who knows a lot more about high school and who told my Watcher how to make me take the test. And that was the end of the hug, so thanks, no thanks for that! But! The hug still happened, and that’s what matters.

After school, Watcher finally let me go up to the music room to play the violin, which I’d been trying to do all day. Just then Uncle Clay called.
Clay: “Jasmine! You’re clearly way too smart for that school! Wanna’ graduate early?”
Jasmine: “Oh Uncle Clay! After the grueling test day I've had, I really want to say yes, but Gideon just asked me to Prom and I said yes, and I'm afraid if I graduate early I won't get to go!"
Clay: “Don’t sweat it, kid! Go to your Prom and have fun. Next week is Spring Break anyway, so you have the whole week off. Enjoy it! You can always graduate early after Spring Break!”

Rose: Colin really knocked it out of the park at the Talent Showcase. His parents came to watch, and Clay came too. He got some tips, but more importantly, he could see that people really enjoyed his music.

Rose: It was his first time signing autographs! I think the reaction he got surprised him a little. He hasn’t performed that much in public, but he sure seemed to like it. I wonder what that’s going to mean.

Colin: “ Hey Rose, would you do me a favor? You’re much better at handiness than I am. Would you mind upgrading my new drone for me?”
Rose: “You got a drone?”
Colin: “Yeah. I heard some of the performers talking about how many new followers they got streaming with one, so I thought I’d try it. Last night, after you went to bed, I streamed one guitar song and one piano song, and I went from 420 followers to 1,170 followers! With just 2 songs. And no upgrades. I can’t wait to see what I can do with an upgraded drone and a few more days. Will you do it?”
Rose: “Of course. It shouldn’t take long.”

Jasmine: We flirted and danced and even became “Lovebirds” but then I saw him dancing with Kazuhiko, so clearly he’s not that into me. So why do I have to be crushing on him so hard then?

Jasmine: The photo booth was before I saw him dancing with Kazuhiko, who won Prom Jester. I wonder if Gideon voted for him. I bet he did. I’m really glad Tristen was there to talk to. He’s a really good friend.

Watcher Notes:
  • The Meshrans "disappeared" thanks to a setting in MCCC that caused elders to be removed from households. The purpose for setting it that way was to prevent elders from dying in houses and leaving them empty - not sure why elders are able to "take it with them" when they die, but all the furnishings are removed at the death of the last elder in the house. But I didn't think about the game then removing elders from their homes with teens/children still at home. I changed that setting to not move them out - I'll just deal with the empty houses if that happens.
  • Gideon showing up at school was funny - he apparently isn't actually a student there, and didn't go to class either morning or afternoon. He just came, asked Jasmine to Prom, hugged her autonomously, and then when she sat down to take her exam, he went to the other classroom to share photos with Kazuhiko - yes, the same Kazuhiko that he later autonomously danced with at Prom. I'm guessing that her Social Bunny message somehow prompted him to come ask her to Prom, but I don't think I've seen a teen at school before that wasn't attending either class.
  • In game, it is the day of Rose and Colin's adult birthday. Her Generation Goal of Mid-Life Crisis was rolled when she became a YA, but The Random Challenge requires that I wait until her adult birthday to roll for the three aspects of her crisis. Because of that unknown, and the time I knew I'd need to do those during adulthood, I have waited to play out the implications of her Marital Status. All I can say now is that the next chapter is sure to be eventful for Rose.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.09 Fame and Boys (11/7/23)
« Reply #100 on: November 07, 2023, 08:19:37 PM »
That "your Prom Date randomly dances with another sim" is so annoying!!!
At Karina's Prom, Karina's date Kazuma only danced once with Karina but found time to accept couple dances with three other sims. Grrrr!
So what's the verdict with Gideon?  He was the cutest of the boys Jasmine introduced to us, but what's with Gideon and Kazuhiko?
Karina ended up forgiving Kazuma.  Will Jasmine forgive Gideon?

Haha, whenever I hear the term "mid-life crisis" in real life, it's always referred to some form of unbecoming behavior.
Here's hoping Rose's marriage and family survive her crisis!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.09 Fame and Boys (11/7/23)
« Reply #101 on: November 09, 2023, 12:54:40 AM »
Is it an in-game mid-life crisis or do you roll for the goals? Either way, I'm looking forward to Rose's new adventures  :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.09 Fame and Boys (11/7/23)
« Reply #102 on: November 09, 2023, 09:03:34 AM »
That "your Prom Date randomly dances with another sim" is so annoying!!!
At Karina's Prom, Karina's date Kazuma only danced once with Karina but found time to accept couple dances with three other sims. Grrrr!
So what's the verdict with Gideon?  He was the cutest of the boys Jasmine introduced to us, but what's with Gideon and Kazuhiko?
Karina ended up forgiving Kazuma.  Will Jasmine forgive Gideon?

Haha, whenever I hear the term "mid-life crisis" in real life, it's always referred to some form of unbecoming behavior.
Here's hoping Rose's marriage and family survive her crisis!

At this point I'll just say, we haven't seen the last of Gideon's cute self.

Is it an in-game mid-life crisis or do you roll for the goals? Either way, I'm looking forward to Rose's new adventures  :)

This mid-life crisis is defined by the challenge - there are 9 possibilities and she gets 3 of them. I would say that 7 are pretty benign and 2 are more disruptive. And I don't tend to be lucky. It will be interesting to see if the game also throws a game-defined mid-life crisis her way.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.10 A Whole New Life (11/10/23)
« Reply #103 on: November 10, 2023, 06:02:10 PM »
2.10 A Whole New Life

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Jasmine's anxious to learn more about her legacy requirements, but Watcher has not been forthcoming with details. Rose expressed some nervousness about her remaining requirements which are yet to be revealed, even to her. As Colin advanced in his career and became more well-known, he also became more and more obsessed with increasing his fame. Jasmine learned that her friend Tristen's parents disappeared upon becoming elders, and went to Watcher for help. She then messaged a childhood friend, Gideon Jansen, who showed up unexpectedly at her school to ask her to Prom. They went, they danced, they took a photo together.  They flirted and even became lovebirds. And then Jasmine saw Gideon dancing with Kazuhiko, causing her to question Gideon's feelings for her.

Iris, Jasmine (Gen 3 heir), Rose (Gen 2 heir), Colin, Reed

Rose: We all went out to the Italian Restaurant in Oasis Springs to celebrate Colin’s and my birthdays. It was a nice meal.

Rose: The piano in the corner was just too tempting for Colin to pass up. As soon as he finished eating, he went off to play and immediately started drawing a crowd.

Rose: And then he got caught up with autographs and selfies . . . but finally he came back to the table so we could blow out candles.

Of course, at that point, it wasn’t the small, family celebration that I was hoping for.

Colin: “Rose, we need to talk.”
Rose: “Sure, Colin. Does this have anything to do with the wishing well?”
Colin: “What? No! No, nothing like that.”
Rose: “Okay, what’s up?”
Colin: “I just . . . really . . . need . . . a change. You know I’m starting to get better known in the music community. My star is rising and . . . well. . . . I want it to keep rising.”
Rose: “Okay. What does that mean exactly?”
Colin: “It means I need to go on the road. Do live performances. My agent says it’s the best thing for my career, and I really want to do it.”
Rose: “So . . . how long will you be gone?”
Colin: “I don’t know.”

Colin: “But it’s not just being on the road. It’s more than that. It’s also my image.”
Rose: “Your image?”
Colin: “Yeah, husband . . . father . . . family man . . . all that is not the image of a famous musician. I need an image of youth and vitality and energy and excitement, which is harder now that I’m getting older.”
Rose: “So, the kids and I don’t fit your image? Is that what you’re saying?”
Colin: “Well . . . yeah . . . I guess it is.”
Rose: “Colin, turn off that stupid drone!”
Colin: “But Rose, I’m streaming my life. Raw honesty. My fans are interested!”
Rose: “Are you serious right now?”

Colin: “Okay, okay, it’s off.”
Rose: “I thought you wanted stability and a family and . . . me. That’s what you said you wanted.
Colin: I know, I know. And I meant it. I did. But now . . . it’s different. I used to think just playing the music was enough, but now I know it’s not. I want to be great. I want to be famous. I want . . . more. It’s not enough to just play my music in my music room.”
Rose: “I thought you loved your music room . . . that I built for you…”
Colin: “I did! I do! That music room changed my life. It made me feel like my music was worthwhile. Like I was worthwhile. But what’s come out of that has changed . . . me.”
Rose: “Well, it hasn’t changed me.”

Colin: “I know, I know. You’re still the same. You would understand better if you’d been changing too over all these years, but you’re still the same. You still do all the same things.”
Rose: “You mean like cooking meals, and taking care of kids, and cleaning the house, and selling my woodwork, which, by the way, is really what has increased our wealth over all these years?”
Colin: “Yes, exactly! Perfect example! You still make and sell the same camping mascots you made before we were married. You haven’t . . . grown . . . like I have.”
Rose: “Okay, yeah, got it. You’ve grown into . . . a whole different person . . . a person who needs to be free of the wife who has worked all these years to support him and free of the children he wanted so much but who are now in the way of his adoring fans. I think I understand perfectly.”
Colin: “Oh, Rose, when you put it that way, it sounds awful!”
Rose: “When I put it honestly, it IS awful. But hey, go do your thing. Travel the world and attend to your fans. Just don’t expect us to sit around here waiting for you to come back. You want to be free of us, then be free of us. Permanently.”
Colin: “Rose! Don’t be like that. You used to be so understanding.”

Rose: “Maybe I’ve changed more than you think. I’m taking the kids to visit my parents for the rest of the day to give you time to clear out.”
Colin: “I’m not taking much. Just my clothes and a couple of guitars. I’ll be on the road, so I won’t have room for much. And like you said, you paid for most of it anyway.”
Rose: “Whatever. Just be gone by evening. I don’t want you here when we get back.”

Colin: “I want to say goodbye to the kids and tell them I love them."
Rose: “Call them tomorrow. In between fans. I’m sure it will be a struggle, but if you really care, you’ll find the time.”

Rose: “I can’t believe my marriage is over. He was so different. I mean, He’s been distant lately, always holed up in his music room, and obsessed with being famous. And then that drone following him all the time. He was streaming our break-up! ‘My fans are interested’, he said.” 
Lily: “Oh honey, I’m so sorry this is happening. Sometimes we just can’t control everything.”
Rose: “I know, Mom. And I’m sure I’ll be fine. But, the kids. Jasmine is old enough to have . . . perspective . . .but Iris and Reed will be devastated. Iris goes into the music room every chance she gets to watch him play. She’s done that ever since she could walk. She eats all her meals on the sofa watching him play. She’ll be lost without him.”
Leo: “We’ll all give her extra love and attention, and Reed too. We’ll help them get through this. I’m sure Colin loves them. And Jasmine. And you. I don’t think that’s changed. He’s just blinded by the fame right now. But the fame isn’t going to love him back.”
Lily: “Your father’s right. Colin will be back, once he realizes what life is really like on the road."
Rose: "No, Mom, I won’t take him back. I’ll never be able to trust him again. We aren’t even compatible anymore. And after the things he said . . . no . . . I won’t take him back.”

Leo: “Honey, let’s do this: We’ll take today with the kids. We’ll explain what’s happening and let them talk about how they feel. Tomorrow, your mom and I will come over to stay for a few days and you take a couple days and get away. Focus on yourself and your own feelings about it all. It will help, I know it will.”

Rose: “Kids, I need to tell you something. Your dad is going to be leaving today to go out on the road and perform his music on a tour.”
Reed: “We know he’s divorcing us. We heard you talking. Why doesn’t he love us anymore?”
Iris: “I want Daddy to stay!”
Lily (gently): “Shhhh . . . kids . . . we know this is hard. But your Daddy loves you. Your Mommy loves you too. And that’s not going to change.”
Iris: “If Daddy loves us, why is he leaving?”
Leo: “Your Daddy feels a need to play his music for more people. Iris, you know how you feel when you’re listening to Daddy play his music?”
Iris: “Yeah, I feel good.”
Leo: “Well, Daddy wants more people to hear his music and feel like that.”
Reed: “Will he ever come back?”
Rose: “I’m sure he’ll want to see you. I don’t know when exactly, but we’ll work something out. You’ll see him again. I promise.”
Reed: “Iris, let’s go play in the treehouse. I don’t want to sit in here and cry.”

Jasmine: “Do you think it was a good idea to promise them they’ll see Dad again? I heard what he said. He’s obviously choosing fame over family.”
Rose: “Well, if worst comes to worst, I’ll buy us tickets to one of his shows and find a way to get them backstage to see him.”

Jasmine: “Mom, you remember Gideon? The guy I went to Prom with? Well, I wasn’t sure if he really liked me because he danced with someone else at Prom, but he just called and said he has a crush on me and he asked me out. But . . . is it okay if I go out with him now?”
Rose: “Yes, of course it is. I think it’s the best thing you could do right now. Go out and just have fun.”
Jasmine: “Thanks Mom.”

Jasmine: “Gideon, we have to leave!”
Gideon: “Why? We just got here?”
Jasmine: “That’s my Dad over there - he just walked out on my Mom and us kids today. And that’s my Grandpa behind him - my Mom’s Dad. And my Uncle Clay, Mom’s Brother, is right behind you. I can’t stay here.”
Gideon: “Ok, but first . . . “

Jasmine: “Why’d you do that now?”
Gideon (grinning): “Sorry. Couldn’t resist. Now let’s go quick, before one ‘em comes after me!”
Jasmine (laughing): “Run!”
Gideon: “Come with me. I know a place where they’ll never find us.”

Jasmine: “Where are we?”
Gideon: “We’re in the Magic Realm. This is the Magic HQ. I probably should have mentioned . . . I’m a Spellcaster. I hope that doesn’t scare you away.”
Jasmine: “A Spellcaster? So you can do magic?”
Gideon: “I can, yes. I can do spells and make potions. Well, I will be able to when I learn more. I’m not very skilled yet.”

Gideon: “Jasmine, this is Sage Arihi Turei, Sage of Practical Magic.”
Sage Arihi: “Hello, Jasmine. Are you interested in becoming a Spellcaster?”
Jasmine: “I . . . I don’t know. I never really thought about it.”
Sage Ahiri: “Well, look around. If you decide you want to join us, come find me or one of the other sages. We can help you with that, if it’s what you want.”

Sage Arihi: “Oh, there’s Sage Leinani Paewai, Sage of Mischief Magic.”
Jasmine: “Are those two getting ready to fight?”
Gideon: “It’s called a duel. It’s not to the death or anything. It’s how we measure our skills against each other. It’s fun.”

Jasmine: “If I do want to become a Spellcaster, how would I do that?”
Sage Arihi: “See that purply-pink glowy ball behind you? That’s a magical mote. Bring me 7 of those.”

Sage Arihi waved her wand and light sparkled around Jasmine, raising her in the air and twirling her around and then gently setting her back on her feet.
Sage Arihi: “Welcome to a whole new life, Jasmine. Much is open to you now. Learn well and use your magic wisely. And never be afraid to ask questions. The learning never ends.”

Leo: “Don’t worry about a thing here, Rose. Your Mom and I will take care of everything.”
Rose: “I know you will, Dad. I feel like I have a whole new life to figure out.”
Leo: “Indeed you do, my sweet Rose. Indeed you do.”

Watcher Note:The Magic Realm - Reno was created by ijayleo. I used the same build in my Big Dreams Dynasty.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 2.10 A Whole New Life (11/10/23)
« Reply #104 on: November 11, 2023, 02:33:21 AM »
Oh goodness! Poor Rose! Colin's no good, springing all that on her in one go. How was she to know he wasn't content with their lifestyle. Ah well, I suppose he's as much a victim of Rose's requirements as she is, but I hope she finds happiness somewhere.

