Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 40031 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.02 The First Weekend (4/29/23)
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2023, 02:22:33 AM »
I love that Watcher just assumed he would know when the Prom was. It reminds me of when we moved to a market town and there were flyers for the carnival but no date because "everyone" knew it was the first weekend in July!
I'm not sure about Dustin. He seems a bit dodgy. But Leo's gathering a nice community with him as well as Xavi.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.02 The First Weekend (4/29/23)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2023, 11:14:25 AM »

Oh goodness, it looks like Leo's having quite a time of it. Poor guy. I hadn't realized until now that he was a teen instead of a young adult! Still, $600 and a love interest doesn't seem like that big of a hurtle.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.02 The First Weekend (4/29/23)
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2023, 12:13:13 PM »
Oh come oh watcher, have a heart. That was just plain cold.  ;D I like the friendship he has with Dustin. Can't wait to see more.
LOL - Leo's growing up quite nicely. I never played Sims 2, so my only experience with Dustin was in Sims 4, where he was a celebrity and my Sims have never been successful when trying to introduce themselves. So it's interesting seeing him this way - as a teen, playing basketball all night, usually looking unhappy . . . and then surprisingly he wanted to come and stay a few days. Now they have a Homeless Club, so I can bring him back to the lot easily.

I love that Watcher just assumed he would know when the Prom was. It reminds me of when we moved to a market town and there were flyers for the carnival but no date because "everyone" knew it was the first weekend in July!
I'm not sure about Dustin. He seems a bit dodgy. But Leo's gathering a nice community with him as well as Xavi.
Dustin's bio in this save says he's been acting out, so I thought getting kicked off the team and offering to teach Leo to swipe things fit well with that. At the time, I was considering having "Swipe Things" as a club activity, since they can swipe items of any value with no mischief skill that way. But I haven't quite reconciled the idea of him swiping things with the good, law-abiding view I have of him. But we'll see how challenging the funds issue turns out to be.  ;)

Oh goodness, it looks like Leo's having quite a time of it. Poor guy. I hadn't realized until now that he was a teen instead of a young adult! Still, $600 and a love interest doesn't seem like that big of a hurtle.
I am not great at the rags-to-riches thing, but he's doing ok. I started him as a teen to give a little more time for earning money - having just been playing my BDD on long, I thought I might need a little help getting back in the swing of normal lifespan.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2023, 02:57:24 PM »
1.03 Making Choices

First day in a new school. I have to talk to the Principal, but she isn’t here. Maybe I’ll just see what I can find on her computer.

Principal Prescott: “Excuse me, I believe that’s MY desk.”
Leo: “Oh, yeah, I  . . . ummm . . . you weren’t here .. . so I thought maybe you left some information for me on your computer . . . you know . . . since it’s my first day and all . . . “
Principal Prescott: “Funny. No, I didn’t do that, but I’ll be happy to tell you about the school. You’ll want to listen from the other side of the desk.”

I hadn’t met many kids so I wasn’t really surprised I didn’t know anyone in my class. Four guys, two girls. Could be better.

I did meet Violet. Pretty name, don’t you think? Pretty eyes too.

There was one spot left at Violet’s lunch table, so I grabbed it.

After class I joined the Chess Club, but I didn’t sign up in time to go today. So after school I went to the big park to see if I could find someone to practice chess with. I met Lily Nowak and we played several games.

She won every time. Maybe I’m really bad at chess. Or maybe she’s really good. Actually . . . there is a chance . . . maybe a small one, but a chance . . . that she was cheating. She kept saying “Look at that!” and pointing, and then I’d look and there’d be nothing there.

But really, I don’t even care if she was cheating.

Tuesday was just . . . school, Chess Club, homework, dinner in the park, breed frogs and get some sleep.
But Wednesday I had Dragonfruit and mushrooms to harvest and I was able to grill Mushroom Steak for free! I got my grade up to a B and I found §54 in the dumpster! And just when I was good and stinky from the dumpster diving, my friend Aurelia came by.

She brought me an apple wrapped up with a bow.  Hmmm . . . I wonder if she picked that across the street in the park where I get mine? She wanted to hang out, but I was hungry, tired, stinky and needed some fun. So I took a shower and went to see if there was anything to eat in the little park.

My Mushroom Steak was still there, but smelling foul. Fortunately, someone named Dina Brown had left some steak and tomatoes. I didn’t know eating in the park would be so much fun, but by the time my hunger was filled, my fun bar was filled as well. I  packed a serving into a lunch bag for later, checked the logs for frogs, gathered some harvestables, and headed to the big park to practice chess and do my homework.

Thursday was pretty much like Tuesday but without the dumpster money - school, Chess Club, homework, dinner in the park, harvesting and gathering, practice chess, and back to the lot to sleep.

When I got back, there was a new guy. His name was William Pinter.
Leo: “Hi. You okay?”
New Guy: “Hello. Not really, but I’m sure I will be eventually. I’m William Pinter. Nice to meet you.”
Leo: “I’m Leo. There’s plenty of room here. It’s me and a couple other guys right now.”
William: “Thanks. My wife kicked me out. Said she just got tired of me. The day before Love Day. Can you believe it?”
Leo: “Love Day?”
William: “Yeah. Tomorrow is Love Day. You got a girlfriend?”
Leo: “No.”
William: “Sorry, Dude. Love Day is awful when you can’t do the Love stuff.”

We made Love Day cards in Art class, and I made several, including special ones for Violet and Lily. But I didn’t see either of them all day - I guess Violet played hooky and I haven't seen Lily at school at all. I have such a big crush on both of them, but I guess maybe they aren’t thinking about me. I’m glad the others liked my cards, but I still came home in a bad mood.

I threw myself into dumpster diving and found a bunch of stuff.  The dumpster was really full. I found §50, a couple of toys, a vase, a chair, a bike . . . there was even a sofa stuffed in there. By the time I got it all out, I was stinking so bad I couldn’t stand myself. On top of that I was really hungry and my mood had not improved.

I took a shower and went to the park to get some food and finally started feeling better. But by then it was too late to invite anyone over. That new guy was right about Love Day.

Leo: Love Day was awful, and now Prom is tonight and I don’t have a date yet.”
Dustin: “What about Aurelia? You two seem to get along well.”
Leo: “ Yes, I have good compatibility with her, and great compatibility with Emily, but I don’t really think of either of them that way. I do have a huge crush on Violet, but I also have a huge crush on Lily. I just don’t know which one to ask.”
Dustin: “Ah, yes. That’s always the problem isn’t it? So many girls . . . so little time. If it helps, there’s a Prom every week here, so if you screw it up the first time, you have another chance next week.”
Leo: “Not helpful.”

Dustin: “Why don’t you invite them both over, one at a time, and see if one of them asks you.”
Leo: “But that watcher dude said to sell my stuff today.”
Dustin: “Oh, yeah. Do that first.”

Leo: “You won’t find fresher Dragon Fruit anywhere!  And that voodoo doll won’t be here tomorrow!”

Leo: “Dude! The Dragon Fruit sold for §1000 each and the voodoo doll sold for nearly §3000! I have over §6,000!. And I decided, I’m going to call Violet, because I met her first and I heard she came looking for me on Love Day.”

Leo: "Violet! What's wrong? You look positively furious!"

Violet (grinning broadly): "Nonsense! I'm thrilled to see you."
Leo: "Oh good. You know, I was just wondering . . . about tonight . . ."

Violet: Stop right there! Did you really think I would be just sitting around until the last minute waiting for you to ask me to Prom?"
Leo: "Oh, right . . . I guess  you already have a date . . . "
Violet: "Whether I do or whether I don't isn't the point. Of course I would have said yes had you asked me on Tuesday. But I can't say yes, now . . . the day of Prom! How does that look? Maybe you can remember that next week."

Leo (on the phone): "Hello . . . Lily?"
Violet (angrily): "Are you seriously calling another girl?!? Right here in front of me?"

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2023, 04:14:49 PM »
Oh Violet - you can't go putting a guy on hold and expect him to hang about waiting for you!
I guess Violet as a Creative Maker would be a good help-mate but that Good Compatibility with Lily? Difficult to trump that. Looking forward to Prom :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2023, 05:36:48 PM »

Oh Leo, asking Lilly over with Violet right there! Desperate times, I guess! Love the pop up about Leo's valentines cards at school. Is that a mod or no? I've never seen it, but it's super cute.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2023, 07:44:22 PM »
Oh Violet - you can't go putting a guy on hold and expect him to hang about waiting for you!
I guess Violet as a Creative Maker would be a good help-mate but that Good Compatibility with Lily? Difficult to trump that. Looking forward to Prom :)

When I saw Violet's traits I thought she was the one. But then when she came over she was so angry, and then, in an instant, changed to all smiles and hugs (autonomously) and then as soon as Leo tried to talk to her, she gave him the hand. He's seen her around several times and she almost always looks angry, but then immediately breaks into a smile and goes to hug him. It's a little weird. And yes, that Amazing Compatibility makes a big difference.

Oh Leo, asking Lilly over with Violet right there! Desperate times, I guess! Love the pop up about Leo's valentines cards at school. Is that a mod or no? I've never seen it, but it's super cute.
Well, when she came in for the hug and then showed him the hand, Watcher got a little protective of her boy and thought, "Yeah, we'll show you, Little Miss Violet!"   ;D
That Love Day message was the result of one of those pop-ups from school - I think it might be part of Growing Together - I didn't get a picture of the pop-up question, but it said they were making Love Day cards in Art and gave the option of going Humorous or Romantic. Leo picked Romantic.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2023, 02:09:49 PM »

Oh Leo, asking Lilly over with Violet right there! Desperate times, I guess! Love the pop up about Leo's valentines cards at school. Is that a mod or no? I've never seen it, but it's super cute.
It's vanilla content, but I don't know if it was from Parenthood, or just base game.  I know I've been seeing it since long before HSY though.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.03 Making Choices (5/1)
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2023, 05:52:01 PM »

Oh Leo, asking Lilly over with Violet right there! Desperate times, I guess! Love the pop up about Leo's valentines cards at school. Is that a mod or no? I've never seen it, but it's super cute.
It's vanilla content, but I don't know if it was from Parenthood, or just base game.  I know I've been seeing it since long before HSY though.

Thanks @Brian_Z  I've seen these kinds of pop-ups before, but this is the first time I've seen this particular one, so that's why I thought it was new. Maybe I haven't had high-schoolers on Love Day before . . . or since that's test day, maybe I just haven't sent them alone on Love Day before.

At any rate, thank you for the insight, also for being here reading.  :)

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning (5/2)
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2023, 07:16:01 PM »
1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning

I flirted and she grinned and giggled, so I asked her out to dinner.

I chose the Lighthouse Restaurant - it’s romantic, has good food, and it’s casual dress.

While we waited for our meal, I flirted with her, working up to asking her to prom. But, surprise! She asked me first.

I didn’t really understand the statue “dance” going on when we got there, so I took Lily over to the photo booth.

She’s beautiful, isn’t she?

We even got named Prom Royalty.

I’m not much of a dancer, but I was able to manage a slow dance without stepping on her toes even once.

It was going so well, I went for a kiss. And she kissed me back. I didn’t want the evening to end, so we joined the after-party.

I was looking forward to a little romance on the Cuddle Carts, but it didn’t go quite as I planned.

We went back to the lot together, and I asked her to be my girlfriend.

It was a great night.

The next morning  . . .

Over the next week, I did as Watcher said - lived my life. I  did my homework, went to school, spent time with Lily, and sold my Dragon Fruit at yard sales.

Lily and I like playing chess together. She still wins, but I’m getting better.

We went skating. It was the first time for both of us and we fell a lot. But it was still fun.

We sat and chatted at a cafe for hours.

And we made plans to spend our lives together.

She's my Best Friend, my Girl Friend, my Soulmate.

My yard sales are doing well. I have two nice Dragon Fruit plants now, and I’m able to sell everything I harvest. Dragon Fruits sell for more than §1400 each. I’ll have enough to build us a house soon.

I was looking forward to Career Day - thought it would help to plan my future . . . with Lily. But actually, it was pretty scary, because I don’t want to do any of that stuff. What if I don’t find anything I’m good at and that I like? I can’t raise a family on Dragon Fruit yard sales can I?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning (5/2)
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2023, 08:35:50 AM »

Avo-cuddle, hehe: so corny! I like the end. No wonder Leo is frightened! The future is scary, especially when you're starting a dynasty from scratch as a teen!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning (5/2)
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2023, 09:30:17 AM »
That's a great storyline to explain Leo's destiny. It was either good planning or very serendipitous. I am enjoying Leo's story and Lily is lovely.
Incidentally Dustin just popped up in my game. Sadly i didnt get any pics. Your Dustin is a vast improvement!

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning (5/2)
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2023, 04:58:07 PM »
Leo's adventures have started out so well!
I envy your world with all of its attractive sims!

Too bad about Violet but I'm sure Leo will be happier with a less moody partner!  Plus Lilly's adorable!
About the lack of homeless sims, you can click on a sim then go to MCCC's Population settings, where you can choose to make the chosen sim's entire household "Homeless" (never auto-moves into a lot) or "Ancestral" (one household member will always remain at their residential lot).
I'm still not in the mood to start my new legacy though plot ideas simmer on a backburner all day long.
One thing, I'm glad we're not starting with the same founder requirements. :)

Looking forward to Leo's future adventures.  You are such a good storyteller!

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.04 Prom . . . Just the Beginning (5/2)
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2023, 11:41:20 PM »
Avo-cuddle, hehe: so corny! I like the end. No wonder Leo is frightened! The future is scary, especially when you're starting a dynasty from scratch as a teen!
When I first saw that, I thought "Avo-cuddle? What the heck is that? Why would that even be a thing? I think I read it 3 or 4 time before I got the Avocado/Avocuddle connection. I'm usually better than that with wordplay, but not this time.  ;D

That's a great storyline to explain Leo's destiny. It was either good planning or very serendipitous. I am enjoying Leo's story and Lily is lovely.
Incidentally Dustin just popped up in my game. Sadly i didnt get any pics. Your Dustin is a vast improvement!
It was pure luck . . . but as you said . . . played very well into his future.
All the makeovers I've seen so far have been really well-done. I love having a world where all the Sims are well-dressed, with all the different outfits having coordinated clothing and shoes and accessories. And their traits and careers make sense . . . it's just so nice. And they all have backstories. For example, Lily and her mother, Lucy, lived with her mother's parents on a farm property in Willow Creek. Then went on vacation to Sulani, and Lucy reconnected with her former love (Lily's father) and decided to stay in Sulani with him. Lily wanted to stay with her grandparents in Willow Creek, finish High School, and prepare for University. It's really fun, meeting all these new Sims.

Leo's adventures have started out so well!
I envy your world with all of its attractive sims!

Too bad about Violet but I'm sure Leo will be happier with a less moody partner!  Plus Lilly's adorable!
About the lack of homeless sims, you can click on a sim then go to MCCC's Population settings, where you can choose to make the chosen sim's entire household "Homeless" (never auto-moves into a lot) or "Ancestral" (one household member will always remain at their residential lot).
I'm still not in the mood to start my new legacy though plot ideas simmer on a backburner all day long.
One thing, I'm glad we're not starting with the same founder requirements. :)

Looking forward to Leo's future adventures.  You are such a good storyteller!
Thank you! I do enjoy telling the story, and I appreciate the people who read and comment . . . it's nice to have comrades in this solo game.   :D
There are several households with 8 unrelated young adults, and I considered making some of them homeless, but I would have also had to age them down. I also considered just kicking some teens out of their homes. But I'd have to choose who to make homeless, and then those would be my spouse choices, and I really wanted to just see who the game offered up. So I decided to just drop the requirement that the love interest be homeless. It's refreshing, not playing for HoF - loving the freedom.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 1.05 A Lot for Leo (5/6)
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2023, 12:18:43 AM »
1.05 A Lot for Leo

There’s so much construction happening next door. I thought they were adding on and maybe planning to reopen the factory, but it looks like they’re tearing it down.

I talked to the principal today about graduating early. I need to get some kind of career going and make money, and I can’t do that if I’m in school all day. And I’ve finished all my credits and have an A, so there’s no reason not to go ahead and graduate.

Wow - it’s all gone. I wonder if they’re just tearing it down, or if they’re actually going to build something here. I hope they build something good. Something useful.

Friday dumpster diving got me a corner seating area, a chair, a bed, a counter, and a stovetop. They’re all ruined, but maybe I can get something for them.

Whaaaaaat??? It's already built! Man, they're fast. This looks cool though . . . solar panels . . . what is all this stuff?

There’s a lot to do . . . I need to check this out.

First . . . recycle all that ruined furniture from the dumpster.

Now . . . to try my hand at fabricating something with the bits and pieces I got from the scrapper.

Oh No! My hand is stuck! How the heck did that happen?

Let go of me!!


Through the WALL!  Are you KIDDING me?!?

I think that’s enough fabrication for one day.

Leo: "Step right up Ladies and Gentlemen! You won't find better Dragon Fruit anywhere else than you can get right here!"
Leo (to the lady in the white jacket): "Excuse me, but you look really familiar. By any chance, is your last name Cordova?"
Lady in white jacket: "No, it's not. And I'm quite certain we haven't met before."
Leo: "Oh, sorry . . . it's just . . . you look so much like  . . . oh, never mind."

The next day . .

Seriously?!? Again?!? I wonder if I could upgrade this machine to prevent, or at least reduce, these malfunctions. Why does this only happen to me?

Leo: “Hello Ladies. If you’re looking for Dragon Fruit, I still have a few. I can open a yard sale if you’re interested.”
Lady in Blue: “Thanks, but we aren’t looking for Dragon Fruit. I’m looking for Leo Sandoval. Is that you?”
Leo: “It is. What can I do for you?”
Lucy: “I’m Lucy Nowak. Lily’s mom. I just wanted to meet the guy that’s romancing my daughter so hard.”
Leo (a bit flustered): “Oh, Mrs. Nowak . . . um . . . it’s really nice to meet you. I . . . um . . . Lily is . . . um . . . .really special. . . “
Lucy: “Apparently you are too, to hear her tell it. But I’m a little concerned about her having a homeless guy for a boyfriend. So I needed to meet you for myself.”
Leo: “Well . . . that’s understandable . . . I guess. But this homeless thing is temporary. I’ve been growing my garden and selling the produce, and also I’ve been selling collectibles I’ve gathered . . . so I’m making some money.”
Lucy: “How do you have time? Did you drop out of high school?”
Leo: “No, ma’am. My grades were very high, so I graduated early so that I could focus on making a living. I plan on buying a lot and building a house soon.”
Lucy: “Well, you seem ambitious, and you are a polite young man. I have no reason to object to Lily seeing you. But just know that if you hurt her, I’ll find you.”
Leo (grinning): “As you should, ma’am.”

I like this lot. It’s big enough for a house with a garden in back. And it’s a nice neighborhood. I’ll take it.

It's so cool how time just stops when you're building a house. I’m pretty happy with it - it’s small, I know. It can only be 32 tiles until I’m a full adult. But that will give us some advantages - improved gardening, faster skill gains, better relationships. So I think it’s worth it.

I transplanted my plants from the homeless lot to make my garden, and I’ve added a few more plants. I found this bike in the dumpster. I was going to recycle it for bits and pieces, but then I thought Lily might like it. Her birthday is coming up.

I’ll be working on skills and yard sales for a few days, and then I’ll ask Lily to move in with me.

I saw this on the board today, and I think this is perfect for me! I called the number, but they don’t hire teens, not even early graduates. I’ll try again after my birthday.

I got dyed 3 times this week - this lot needs a shower! Between the dumpster diving and the fabricator malfunctions, I get so gross here! At least the vending machine has pizza.