Author Topic: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 5.11 Prepping For the Future (7/21/24)  (Read 39250 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.07 The Ultimate
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2024, 02:45:19 PM »
Congratulations on the Ultimate Horse success. I'm hoping to try for it one day, but it seems really daunting.

Socclose to completing gen 4. I wonder who will be the gen 5 heir...

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.07 The Ultimate
« Reply #196 on: April 08, 2024, 11:04:18 PM »
Congratulations on the Ultimate Horse success. I'm hoping to try for it one day, but it seems really daunting.

Socclose to completing gen 4. I wonder who will be the gen 5 heir...

Thanks - it was a job. I saved right before going in, and named the save so I could easily find it again and after I posted this, I went back and ran it 6 more times starting in the exact same spot - right before they went in. I wanted to see how much of the win was just RNG.

The answer is, a lot. I got Did Not Place once, Gold once more, Silver 3 times, and bronze once.
So, there is a lot of just chance to it.

The next heir won't be obvious in the chapter I'm about to post, but it will be in the one after that, so, soon.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.08 Too Many Ranch Hands! (4/8/24)
« Reply #197 on: April 09, 2024, 12:45:56 AM »
4.08 Too Many Ranch Hands!

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

The Ranch Animal Day went very well. Oliver achieved a gold medal, and Ivy and Ash made new friends. Nylah convinced Oliver the family needed a dog and Heidi, a Golden Retriever puppy, joined the family. Oliver and Khaleesi met with great success in the Ultimate and took home the Gold.

Nylah: Ivy and Ash each invited their best friend over so they could all celebrate their birthdays together, but quickly discovered that their friends had both already aged to teens. The twins couldn’t blow out their candles fast enough.

Ivy: “Adrianna, you’re not going to believe what I found downstairs! But we need to do down quietly. I don’t want anyone to know we’re down there.”

Adrianna: “Ivy, what are you doing with all these urns down here?”

Ivy: “That’s what I’d like to know! And it’s not just the urns; see those marriage certificates? According to them the men in these urns were all married to my grandmother, Jasmine. One of those urns is for Devon Grant, but I know that Devon Grant’s grave is at his ranch because my dad put it there.”
Adrianna: “So whose ashes are in that urn?”
Ivy: “I know, right? And another thing. One of the urns says 'Jason Sandovil.' That's my grandfather, and he’s not dead. He’s not even an elder yet.”

Oliver: “What are you girls doing down there?”
Ivy: “Nothing Dad! Don’t come down. We’ll be up in a minute.”
Oliver: “Okay, but if you get anything out, make sure you put it back.”
Ivy: "We will!"

Adrianna: “Now that you’re both teens too, you want to come to ThrifTea tomorrow? We could all meet up.”
Ivy: “Sure! That’ll be fun.”
Elliot: “Yeah, that sounds okay. You want to, Ash?”
Ash: “Yeah I’m in. See you there.”

Nylah: “Oh Heidi! You’re such a smart girl! You’re learning new tricks every day. I knew you were the right pup for us!”

Ivy: It was Poetry Reading Night at ThrifTea, so Ash and I each took a turn. We were both a little self-conscious about it, even though the crowd was thinning by the time we hit the mic. Just look at the mess of cups all over the floor! That was from Adults! We didn’t know it, but the teens don’t start showing up until around 9pm.

Ivy: By around 11 pm the place was pretty crowded, and we got to meet a lot of kids our age. No one talked about school, so we didn’t know if we’d see any of them there the next day.

Principal: “Hello kids! Good to meet you. Ash, why don’t you go ahead and sit behind the desk. I prefer this seat. Let me introduce myself. I’m your Noncommittal, Party Animal, Maker Principal, Koichi Murakami. I understand you two are Watched Sims, and with Watched Sims in attendance, I was expecting something better than the standard high school, so I’m a little disappointed about this. But we won’t dwell on that. You’re here to learn about your school. What would you like to know?”
Ivy: “What do you mean, Watched Sims?”
Principal: “Oh, heh heh, you didn’t know about that, huh? Well, that’s a conversation for another day then. I believe it’s time for you to get to class.”
Ash: “No, we have 1 hour and 7 minutes until class.”
Principal: “Yes, well, this particular high school isn’t very efficiently laid out, so you’re probably going to need all that time. Best get going now.”

Ivy: “There don’t seem to be very many kids here.”
Takashi Tamura (sitting on the floor): “Well, it’s not a favorite high school and there’s a limit on the number of kids. The powers that be are afraid that if there are too many of us we’ll be running into each other and won’t be able to get to class in the hour and a half that we have to get there.”

Principal: “Ash, if you could stop flaunting your big strong muscles for the internet, perhaps I could have a word.”
Ash: “Oh, sorry, Principal, I didn’t see you there.”
Principal: “No problem. I won’t mention this to your parents, just like you won’t mention my little slip about you and your sister being Watched Sims, right?”
Ash: “What? Oh, yeah, sure, whatever. It’s fine. I wasn't really listening anyway.

Oliver: With the kids at school Tuesday, I decided to visit the Magic Realm. I’ve never actually gone there, but I think I can learn the last few spells and potions faster there than on my own at home.

Oliver: It was true - learning was much faster here. I’d learned several spells and potions when Ivy forwarded me a devastating message about our Ranch Hand Jaime. He’d died! He was just a young adult. Ivy didn’t know what happened, and I forgot to ask her who called her at school to tell her. I’d already learned the Necrocall and Dedeathify spells, and that morning I’d learned the Potion of Prompt Resurrection. It seemed like too much of a coincidence, so I rushed home, planning how I’d find Jaime’s gravestone, use Necrocall to summon his ghost and Deadeathify to bring him back to life. And if Dedeathify didn’t work, I had the Potion of Prompt Resurrection the Sage gave me when showing me how to make it.

Oliver: When I got home, there was already a new Ranch Hand waiting. Seriously? Did the Ranch Hand Exchange think Jaime was so replaceable? He’d been with us since Dad took over the property and stopped being the ranch hand himself. (Which does make me wonder how he was still a Young Adult.) I was planning how I would restore the barn’s living quarters to the way they used to be and ask Jaime to join the household once I brought him back to life, and the exchange thought he could just be replaced?

Oliver: Before I could even introduce myself to Rosado, another Ranch Hand showed up, and then another. Was this some kind of a bad joke?

Oliver: It didn’t stop there! One after another, Ranch Hands spawning in and introducing themselves!

Oliver: Eventually I had to call on Watcher for help. There were more than 2 dozen Ranch Hands! They were everywhere. Some were talking to Nylah, some were in the barn, some were in the house, one was even fishing in the pond out back! And I had no idea how to make it stop!

Oliver: Watcher told me to wait a few minutes while she repaired our Simverse. But when I woke up, they were all still there. She told me to find the first Ranch Hand that showed up, and fire him.

Oliver: I found him in the house, and I fired him. It was awful. He seemed devastated. And he said I owed him §104. So I paid him, and he walked out looking so dejected and downtrodden. I honestly didn’t know if I could do that another 2 dozen times. But then I didn’t have to!

Oliver: One by one the Ranch Hands lined up and filed out! They all gave me the same dejected speech, including the part about the §104, but only the first one actually took the money. A few minutes later, no more Ranch Hands.

Oliver: Nylah and I talked it over, and we agreed the whole thing felt pretty traumatizing. I am not kidding when I say they were everywhere. As much as we love Jaime, and we will surely miss him, we haven’t really needed a Ranch Hand since Mom and Dad moved out. Sure he’s been taking care of all the little animals, but they aren’t that much work. So we decided to see how it goes without a Ranch Hand, and if it’s too much for us, we can always change our minds.

Oliver: Watcher said she had a way to find Jaime’s gravestone, even though it wasn’t on our property and we didn’t know of any other home for him but our place. I asked her to get it for me and the next thing I knew it was in my inventory. Nylah and I took it out to a pretty little campground in Chestnut Ridge where there are trees and flowers and even a grill. Jaime liked to grill, and he always made sure the grill was spic-n-span clean. Several roads come together there and lots of people ride their horses there.

Oliver: We strengthened his ties to the physical world and told him to come see us sometime. Maybe if we can talk to him we can see if he’d like to come back and live at our place, or maybe live somewhere else. It should be his choice. We’re going to give him some time and if he doesn’t show up, we’ll consider Necro Calling him, just to talk and see what he wants.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.08 Too Many Ranch Hands (4/8/24)
« Reply #198 on: April 09, 2024, 01:05:34 PM »
Oh! Besides Khaleesi aging up to an elder, Oliver still has one more yet-to-be revealed requirement!
He's so close to completing all his requirements, it seems!
Speaking of, I see that the Championship Rider aspiration is listed separately from the Every horse competition requirement.
For some reason, I thought the 17 competitions were part of the aspiration. Still never doing that aspiration, lol!

Those shots of all the ranch hands showing up were hilarious!
Is a Ranch Hand normally like a butler in that it takes up a household slot?

I'm so glad Watcher was able to find the gravestone. Was a mod involved in that process?
I hope the Sandovals can temporarily add Jaime to the household so we can learn his cause of death.
Overexertion by Horse Manure? (jk)

Ash's hair is almost black! Or am I not seeing the color in the proper light?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.08 Too Many Ranch Hands (4/8/24)
« Reply #199 on: April 09, 2024, 01:10:05 PM »
Oh, my life! 2 dozen ranch hands! The game really got in a muddle, didn't it. I'm glad you managed to sort it.

The default High School is so inefficient. I've got a nice one from LilSimsie at the moment. It's much more compact and has decent art and computer rooms.

The family secrets just keep revealing themselves. Sounds like it's time for a family conference.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.08 Too Many Ranch Hands (4/8/24)
« Reply #200 on: April 09, 2024, 03:24:39 PM »
Oh! Besides Khaleesi aging up to an elder, Oliver still has one more yet-to-be revealed requirement!
He's so close to completing all his requirements, it seems!
Speaking of, I see that the Championship Rider aspiration is listed separately from the Every horse competition requirement.
For some reason, I thought the 17 competitions were part of the aspiration. Still never doing that aspiration, lol!

Those shots of all the ranch hands showing up were hilarious!
Is a Ranch Hand normally like a butler in that it takes up a household slot?

I'm so glad Watcher was able to find the gravestone. Was a mod involved in that process?
I hope the Sandovals can temporarily add Jaime to the household so we can learn his cause of death.
Overexertion by Horse Manure? (jk)

Ash's hair is almost black! Or am I not seeing the color in the proper light?

The Championship Rider aspiration requires competing in 15 competitions while the source challenge includes winning every competition available. There are 16 (4 types at 4 levels each) plus the Ultimate, so 17 total.

That Ranch Hand thing was SO FUNNY! I was just rolling. I was like "Oh, another one, and another one, and here's another one!" I had Oliver doing Friendly Introductions as fast as he could so I could learn their traits. It was really hilarious but then it just didn't stop. I was determined to bring Jaime back, it was such a shock to lose him, but all those Ranch Hands on the property made rethink it - maybe best to leave the Ranch Hand thing alone. But the final decision isn't made - if Jaime doesn't show up like Camille and Devon do, then Oliver will Necro Call him, and depending how that goes, we may bring him back to join the family before the heir moves out.

I did use a mod to retrieve the gravestone - because he is Not In World and didn't die on my property, I don't think his gravestone would have been retrievable otherwise. The mod I used is by LittleMsSam and is called "RSM - Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for". You need an urn or gravestone to to click on, but it can be the one from debug or anyone else's.(Oliver had several to choose from in the basement.) You click it and have the option to release the ghost (or all ghosts) or to get an urn for any dead Sim. But you have to know that it doesn't track whether you already have the urn/gravestone and would let you retrieve multiple for the same Sim. It is creating one for you, not actually retrieving, so you could later find the real gravestone for the Sim out in the world - that happened to me in my BDD - I looked everywhere I could think of for one of my Cordova's gravestones, finally retrieved it and put it in the family cemetery, and shortly after found the real one outside the Shrieking Llama.  :D

Ash's hair is actually dark brown - I don't have cc hair colors - it's the fourth swatch from the left, same as Oliver's. It does look a little darker though in all lights, just a style thing I guess.

Oh, my life! 2 dozen ranch hands! The game really got in a muddle, didn't it. I'm glad you managed to sort it.

The default High School is so inefficient. I've got a nice one from LilSimsie at the moment. It's much more compact and has decent art and computer rooms.

The family secrets just keep revealing themselves. Sounds like it's time for a family conference.

I keep meaning to replace the high school, but each generation my teens don't go that many days, and once they graduate I forget all about it until I go there with the next gen teens. So this time I have notes about what we're doing in the next two weeks before the heir moves out, and replacing the high school is on the list.

I don't know why the story keeps pulling me back to Jasmine's ordeal, but I think once we've moved on from this house I'll be over it. 😉

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See You Coming
« Reply #201 on: April 10, 2024, 09:07:09 PM »
4.09 Didn't See You Coming

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Ivy and Ash invited their best friends over, blew out their candles and twirled into their teens.  Ivy shared a secret with her friend Adrienne:  she’d found the marriage certificates and urns from her grandmother Jasmine’s spouses. The friends speculated what it all meant. The twins and their friends hung out at ThrifTea, but neither Ash nor Ivy met anyone who seemed especially interesting. With Championship Rider completed, Oliver spent some time in The Magic Realm improving his magic skills. He learned the Potion of Prompt Resurrection shortly before Ivy notified him that their Ranch Hand Jaime had died. Oliver rushed home to try to find Jaime’s urn, and was met by an army of new Ranch Hands. He got some help from Watcher to stop the spawning, and he was able to turn the parade around and send them home. Watcher retrieved Jaime’s gravestone, and Oliver and Nylah relocated it to a nice area in Chestnut Ridge, strengthened Jaime’s ties to the physical world, and went home, hoping that Jaime’s ghost would come to visit.

Watcher: Whoa? Who are you? What are you doing here? Oh, you can’t hear me. Hmmmmm . . . Oliver's asleep. I’ll make Ash come out.

Ash: “Hey there! Who are you, Little Lady?”
Ira: “Uh, I’m the Ranch Hand.”
Ash: “The Ranch Hand? Umm, no, the Ranch Hand died and then an army of them showed up, but they all left.”
Ira: “They didn't all leave because I’m still here.”

Ash: “Yes, you’re here, but you’re way too pretty to be a Ranch Hand, so come on, tell a guy your name.”
Ira: “My name is Ira, and when you regret this conversation later, don’t sweat it. I’m a little cringe myself sometimes.”
Ash: “Oh. Ummm . . . That bad?”
Ira: “Yeah. But I won’t tell anybody. Now I need to get to work. I don’t want to lose the job.”

Ira: “I’m really sorry about Jaime. He was a good guy. He taught me a lot. He really cared about you folks. When I heard about it, I came over to see if there was anything I could do to help, but there were so many Ranch-Hand-Wanna-Bes here, I didn’t want to bother you. Then I heard you fire Rosado, which you were right to do, by the way, he’s a lazy kleptomaniac, and I saw how everyone else filed out with him. So I thought I’d stick around and see if I could help.”
Oliver: “The thing is, I don’t actually know if I’ve hired you.”
Ira: “I don’t actually know either. And even if I’m hired, I don’t know if I’ll be getting paid. How about we just see how it goes?”
Oliver: “Okay. Sounds like a plan.”

Ash: I was a little surprised Ira agreed to stargaze with me, but it was really nice pointing out stars with her. I just didn’t want her to leave, y’know?

Oliver: I was headed inside when I caught sight of Camilla coming across the front yard.

Oliver: I found her up in Ivy’s room, and her anger concerned me, so I told her to go downstairs and let Ivy sleep.

Oliver: I caught up with her out front, where she’d taken her anger out on the trash, and Khaleesi had come to see what was wrong. We all talked, and in the end, it was probably Khaleesi who calmed her down. Camilla was never much of a rider, but she had a soft spot for the horses. I never did find out why she was mad in the first place.

Ivy: Wednesday before school I asked Dad to teach me some magic. I was surprised how natural the movements felt.

Ivy: “I got a call right after school today offering me early graduation. It caught me off guard and I didn’t know what to do, so I just hung up.”
Ash: “Yeah, yeah, must be tough for you being so smart.”
Ivy: “You have the same grades I do, Grumpy-butt. You could probably graduate early too if you wanted.”

Ash: “Well maybe I just will! I’m not afraid to go for it.”
Ivy: “I’m not afraid. I’m undecided.”

Ash: “Dad, did you see Ira today?”
Oliver: “Who?”
Ash: “Ira. You know, our Ranch Hand.”
Oliver: “Well, I don’t actually know that she’s our Ranch Hand, but now that you mention it, no, I didn’t see her today. Why do you ask?”
Ash: “I just really like . . . I mean . . . . I just really think she needs the job . . .”
Oliver: “Oh, well, we’ll see if she comes back.”

Ivy: I decided to spend the evening at The Magic Realm. It was my first time there. I met one of the Sages and asked him to teach me a spell, but he said he couldn’t share his spells with just anyone and wanted to get to know me first. It seemed legit and not creepy, so I chatted with him until I was bored . . .

. . .  and then I used the one spell I knew on him - Scruberoo. He said he felt refreshed and minty but he still wasn’t ready to share his spells.

Ivy: So I went in search of food and tomes.

Ivy: I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to go down two flights of stairs to the big empty basement to read the tome I found.

Ivy: I was deep in thought studying the tome when suddenly I realized there was someone beside me. She didn’t come down the steps, walk across the room and sit down. No, one second she was not there, and the next second she was. I froze, trying to think what to do. 

Eventually I felt silly. She clearly knew I knew she was there and was waiting for me to look up. How long could I really wait her out?

Ivy: Finally I put the tome down, plastered on a smile, and asked her who she was, how she got there, and what she wanted. It all came out in a bit of a rush. I’m sure you understand.

Ivy: She said, “Hi, Ivy!” All innocent-like, you know? She said she’s a friend of the family and she knows my dad, and my grandma Jasmine and even my great-grandma Rose. She said she heard that I was offered early graduation and that I hung up without answering, and she wanted me to know that it’s perfectly ok with her if I want to graduate early.

Ivy: I stared at her blankly for several seconds, and then asked, “And who exactly are you and why do you care when I graduate?” She stared back for several seconds, and said, “I’m your Watcher, silly.”

Ivy: I gasped and suddenly had no words. I'd forgotten every word I ever knew. Except two. “Watched Sims”. All I could think of was the look on the high school principal’s face when he called Ash and me “Watched Sims” and then wouldn't tell me what he meant. Shocked silence was not the response she expected.

Ivy: The next thing I knew, it was morning, Harvestfest, and I was standing in the front yard facing my house. Mom and Dad were on the front porch talking with that woman. Oh yeah . . . somebody had some explaining to do.

Watcher: “She found the marriage certificates and the urns in the basement, Oliver, so you might as well start there.”

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #202 on: April 10, 2024, 10:15:00 PM »
Ira really crushed hard on Ira.  I hope that works out for him!

Camilla's appearance surprised me. Isn't she the wife of Devon Grant?
Didn't Jasmine resurrect her?  Or has so much time passed since she was resurrected that she died again, this time from old age?

Oliver's less than a week away from completing the requirement regarding Khaleesi.
Looking forward to the reveal of the last requirement. :D

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #203 on: April 11, 2024, 09:20:56 AM »
Good to see your Simself appear. I guess that makes Ivy the next heir? I wonder what you've got in store for her... And you're really keeping us hanging on for Olivers last requirement.
Great update 👍

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #204 on: April 11, 2024, 11:03:24 AM »
Good to see your Simself appear. I guess that makes Ivy the next heir? I wonder what you've got in store for her... And you're really keeping us hanging on for Olivers last requirement.
Great update 👍

Yes, Ivy is the next heir - I didn't get quite as far in this episode as I thought I would, but it is explicit in the next chapter. Oliver's last requirement isn't anything big - just something he wanted to wait to do until the kids were teens -also coming in the next post. We aren't going to jump into Ivy's story quite as quickly as we could, because it's nearly Christmas in game, and then New Year's, which also happens to be everyone's birthday (Ash and Ivy to YA, Oliver and Nylah to Adult). So it just feels appropriate to have family time and start Ivy's story on the first day of Spring and first day of the New Year.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #205 on: April 11, 2024, 03:54:02 PM »
Ira really crushed hard on Ira.  I hope that works out for him!

Camilla's appearance surprised me. Isn't she the wife of Devon Grant?
Didn't Jasmine resurrect her?  Or has so much time passed since she was resurrected that she died again, this time from old age?

Oliver's less than a week away from completing the requirement regarding Khaleesi.
Looking forward to the reveal of the last requirement. :D
Neither Ash nor Ivy got a crush on any of the teens they met - and they met quite a few between ThrifTea and school. But Ash crushed on Ira the minute he saw her. We'll see where it goes. I had a pretty blonde teen in mind for him, but no matter how many times I bring them together, they aren't interested in each other romantically. I could force it, but I was hoping at least one would crush on the other. But their friendship bar is at about 85% with no flirting, even with a flirty atmosphere, despite their good compatibility. I don't know what's up with that, but we'll see where this goes with Ira.

Regarding Devon and Camilla, I realized not too long ago that they were no longer living in the house I'd moved them to, so I checked Oliver's long panel of acquaintances and found that they were both ghosts. Oliver went looking for their gravestones but didn't find them. I already had urns for both of them in a storage box in the basement, so Oliver took them over to the ranch they moved to and put them there. They've both shown up periodically since then. I referenced the placing of the gravestones in "4.07 The Ultimate" when Devon's ghost showed up for the first time and thanked Oliver for returning his and Camilla's gravestones to their property and to wish him good luck in the Ultimate. It was just a quick, one-line reference, overshadowed by Oliver and Khaleesi winning gold in the Ultimate. When Ivy "found" the urns, I had to retrieve one for each of them with that mod so I'd have the right number. Oliver's requirements will be done in, maybe 1 but at most 2, more chapters.

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #206 on: April 11, 2024, 08:29:52 PM »
Neither Ash nor Ivy got a crush on any of the teens they met - and they met quite a few between ThrifTea and school. But Ash crushed on Ira the minute he saw her. We'll see where it goes. I had a pretty blonde teen in mind for him, but no matter how many times I bring them together, they aren't interested in each other romantically. I could force it, but I was hoping at least would crush on the other. But their friendship bar is at about 85% with no flirting, even with a flirty atmosphere, despite their good compatibility. I don't know what's up with that, but we'll see where this goes with Ira.

Considering how often and with whom my sims tend to get crushes, I'm no longer sure the degree to which a crush indicates a genuine (or long-lasting) romantic interest. LOL

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.10 DJ on Fire (4/12/24)
« Reply #207 on: April 12, 2024, 02:26:37 PM »
4.10 DJ on Fire

Previously, in our Ten-Gen Jumble . . .

Ash developed a crush on the one Ranch Hand that didn't leave when they were all fired, but no one is really sure whether she's actually been hired as a Ranch Hand. Ivy focused on developing her magic and was visited by Watcher in The Magic Realm, an encounter that led to a long-awaited heart-to-heart discussion between Ivy, her parents, and their Watcher. Ivy's determined to learn the significance of the urns and marriage licenses in the basement.

Oliver: Harvestfest morning and the gnomes are back right on time. Salad for Mr. Floppy and coffee for Your Baby!

Ash: Poolside Gnome gets pie, but he looks like he’d rather go for a swim in nectar.

Ivy: Another salad right here. But I have to say, I’d rather have slept in.

Oliver: “It seems like it was just last week I was having Harvestfest right here at this table with Mom and Dad and Amber.”
Nylah: “Oh! I should have invited them for dinner! Why didn’t I think of that?”

Oliver: Ivy wanted to learn more magic, so after dinner we went to the Magic Realm.  Ivy asked the first Sage she saw for Magical Training. I’ve learned all the potions and most of the spells, so I got each of the other Sages to teach me one more spell and then just practiced while waiting for Sage Lanoula to finish training Ivy.

Oliver: I noticed our appearance wasn't really suited to the Magic Realm, so Ivy and I both changed  into more appropriate duds. With one more spell to learn, I ran into Gideon and we agreed to a duel.

Oliver: I won, and as a reward, Gideon taught me my last spell: Morphiate.

Oliver: I fought a few more duels, including one against Sage Manuia. I won some orbs and wands and completed my Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration to become a Slinger of Spells.

Ivy: We stayed in The Magic Realm all night, getting home just in time for me to graduate early from High School before school started for the day. Ash tried to do the same, and I thought he’d be able to, but he actually couldn’t. Poor Baby. Good thing he’d done his homework for the day. He was late to school, but he went.

Nylah: Heidi is such a good, smart girl. I am so glad she came to live with us. She and I are companions now, and I am just as devoted to her as Oliver is to Khaleesi.

Ash: “I heard you, Dad and Ivy talking with that woman yesterday. All the stuff about Grandma Jasmine blows my mind. Since you didn’t include me in the discussion, I’m guessing that Ivy is the heir.”
Nylah: “Yes, she is. I hope you’re not disappointed.”
Ash: “Are you kidding? No! I don’t want some Watcher deciding my fate. What I really want, Mom, is to stay on the ranch, with Ira, and have a family.”

Nylah: “Oh, honey, you just met Ira. If she’s right for you, it’ll last. Don’t rush into anything.”
Ash: “Well, it would help if Dad would officially hire her. Then she’d be around for me to get to know better. By the way, is Ivy being the heir the reason she got to graduate early and I didn’t?”
Nylah: “No, honey. That is completely on you and Ivy. She’s just achieved higher levels in her skills.”
Ash: “But we won’t be able to leave for Selvadorada on time if I have to go to school on Monday.”
Nylah:  If you want to graduate early, figure out a skill you enjoy and raise it up a little.”
Ash: “Raise it up? Okay. Aunt Amber fully upgraded the rocketship before she moved out. I’ll raise it up a little.”

Ash: “Mom, it worked! My Rocket Science skill is up and I got to graduate early!”

Oliver: “Jaime! I’m so glad you came to visit! It was such a shock to hear you’d gone! What happened?”
Jaime: “I don’t really know. All I remember is that I was really angry. It was like I exploded, and the next thing I knew I was floating around, all red and hazy. But I have no idea what I was angry about.”
Oliver: “Oh, Jaime. I don’t know how that happened. Sims aren’t supposed to be able to die from anger in this Simverse. We were so sad to lose you. You wouldn’t believe how many Ranch Hands showed up here!”
Jaime: “I heard! That was a real glitch. But I heard you fired them all.”
Oliver: “Well, I fired one and they mostly all left with him. One stayed, but I’m not really sure if she’s hired or not.”
Jaime: “Well, if you ever need any extra help, you know how to call me.”

Oliver: I had one more legacy requirement to complete - hosting a Ranch Gathering event. I wanted to do this one when my kids were teens and I could include their friends. We’d barely gotten the party started when the DJ somehow caught the equipment, and himself, on fire. Luckily Ash was quick with the fire extinguisher. The DJ lived, but I sent him home. He'd clearly misunderstood the intention of the term 'DJ on Fire', and I figured he needed the rest anyway.

Oliver: We traded out the DJ equipment for a stereo and got the dancing going.

Oliver: Mom jumped in at the grill and made a bunch of food, and I broke out some wonderful aged nectar. Everyone had plenty to eat and drink.

Oliver: Even Heidi got her fill when someone left a bowl of Three Sisters Chili on the ground for her. It’s a good thing it’s warm out. She'll be sleeping in the barn tonight.

Oliver: Amber looked like she was going to pop any minute with her second nooboo, but she made it to the end of the party.

Oliver: As it got late, the family gathered around the campfire along with Ivy’s friend Adrianne and Ira, our maybe-Ranch Hand.

Oliver: Some of the guests stuck around dancing and enjoying the nectar until morning’s light. The kids and Nylah joined in.

Ash: “Everything’s pretty much cleaned up from the party and the chores are done. I see Ira’s in the greenhouse. Does that mean you hired her for real?”
Oliver: “Actually, she suggested living in. I remembered what you said about her needing the job, so I thought we could give it a try. When we get back from Selvadorada, we’ll need to convert the barn space back to living quarters for her.”
Ash: “Well, you know, Khaleesi’s birthday is coming. We don’t really want her aging up here alone, do we? We should take her with us. And maybe we should take Ira too, to help look after Khaleesi.”
Oliver: “If we take Ira, who will look after the mini animals and tend the garden while we’re gone?”
Ash: “I might have an idea about that.”

Ash: “Whaddya’ say, Jaime? Will you watch after the minis and the garden while we’re gone?”
Jaime: “You know I will, Ash. But are you sure about Ira? She’s a great gal, I admit, but she is a bit cringe.”
Ash: “I know. But to tell the truth, I find it charming. And if I ever don’t, I can always suggest a retraiting potion.”

L to R: Nylah playing with Heidi, Ivy (Gen 5 Heir), Oliver (Gen 4 Heir) riding Khaleesi, Ash, Ira Raghavan (Live-in Ranch Hand)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.09 Didn't See you Coming (4/10/24)
« Reply #208 on: April 12, 2024, 03:07:55 PM »
Wait, Ira phoned Oliver to ask about living together instead of phoning Ash?
Well, as long as Ash's crush doesn't have a pink bar with his father.

Who was the angry ghost at the Ranch Gathering event?
I'm glad that Ash was finally able to graduate early.

Happy trails in Selvadorada!
Ivy is such a pretty sim!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble - 4.10 DJ on Fire (4/12/24)
« Reply #209 on: April 13, 2024, 02:01:36 AM »
Ash and Ira will make lovely nooboos. I've yet to play a Cringe Sim.

Congrats on all the achievements. That Ranch Gathering looked like one I'd like to attend, apart from the incendiary DJ.

All the best in Selvadorada. I always enjoy visiting there.

