Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 151295 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #615 on: April 17, 2024, 02:34:06 AM »
11.84:  Books, Books, Books!

Sunday, Week 84, Year 7 (late winter)
Xavier: With my fathers' help, Hikaru and I managed to survive last week's toddler tyranny.
We honestly loved seeing all our adorable toddlers running around.
The triplets became toddlers on Tuesday. On Friday, the twins became children and Leilani became a teen.
Hikaru and I haven't run a single yard sale since the twins were born, but we have more than enough for our needs.

From L to R: Leilani holding Hotaru, Stefan, Hikaru holding Naomi, Tristan, and me holding Renato

Leilani: I don't mind that I've been in sole charge of gardening since my recent birthday.
I don't know what came over me last night, but I was feeling Very Flirty and started hitting on my stepdad Hikaru.
Watcher showed up and I swear I saw smoke coming out of her ears while she muttered angry words.
Good thing I can't get kicked out because Papa Xavier needs a YA child for his Super Parent aspiration.
Watcher: Don't be over-confident. If you left, Xavier would only need two extra weeks to complete Super Parent…

Tristan: Dude, we're so close but we're not going to earn our last badge before today's scout meeting.
Stefan: Yeah, it's already 10 am and we still need to craft four more drawings, right?
Anyway, it won't take us long to become Llamacorn Scouts after we get back from the meeting.
Tristan: What do you want to do this evening? Go out and meet kids our age or?

Papa Reevera shows up looking huge but very happy. He must be in his third trimester.
How disappointing to note that he's not wearing the Shinoite Ring I'd gifted him recently..
Oh well, I give him a Fertility Massage to see what happens.  Their household has only two openings.

Xavier: When Papa Denzel returns that evening looking his usual slender self, I take the whole family to his Tomarang home.
Huh, both the ring and the fertility massage had no effect?  Meet my youngest brother, Jack Reevera.
On the plus side, Hikaru and I don't have to raise Jack.
During this visit, Tristan and Stefan introduce themselves to five sims,  Two birds, one stone.

Xavier: After that, I send Lelilani home with the triplets so the rest of us can go the Night Market.

Hikaru: Great job becoming Llamacorn Scouts so quickly, boys! Enjoy some Tomarani dessert as your reward.
Tristan: There are two different desserts, Stefan. Let's order different ones.
Stefan: Oh yeah, then we can share them both. Good thinking!

Hikaru: Both Xavier and I have gained the Neat trait since the twins' birthday last Friday.
I realize that's around the same that the time that Xavier's fathers ended their stayover.
We never really appreciated how much they helped out with cleaning up after our children.
Did you notice that Xavier and I now share three traits? Foodie, Bookworm, and now Neat!

Tristan: Why won't Papa Xavier focus on teaching me to ride my bike? He either just stands there or leaves!
Stefan: Same here with Papa Hikaru. One time, he even stopped to do Flash Cards with Hotaru because she asked.
Tristan: Well, when we're back from school, let's just learn bicycling by ourselves, k?
Stefan: I agree. I asked Papa Hikaru six times and he kept leaving midway. So frustrating!

Xavier: In the evening, Papa Denzel happens to be visiting when we receive the triplets' birthday notices.
So, the three of us help the triplets blow out their birthday candles together.

Art Lover Naomi and Perfectionist Hotaru look almost exactly alike, don't they?
Naomi, Hotaru, and Stefan share my smaller mouth but with a small receding chins unlike mine or Hikaru's.
Like Tristan, Renato has Hikaru's fuller mouth. In fact, Renato looks more like Tristan's twin than Stefan does.

Leilani: Papa is over-reacting! Just because he caught me flirting with Hikaru again, he's kicked me out of the family club.
And unless I'm tending the garden, doing homework, or taking a bio break, I'm sent away to fish down by the creek.
What's the big deal, anyway?  It's not like Hikaru's my "real" father.
When I was small, Papa used to scold me for not sharing, but now selfish Papa won't share Hikaru with me.
Xavier: Stop spouting nonsense, Leilani. My husband isn't some toy for us to "share." Go fishing until you grow up.

Xavier: I'm pretty bored with the Sulani gatherings by now but the Town Potluck is better than the others.
Unlike the Town BBQ, we all contribute food so we can enjoy food and socializing.
The triplets score big tonight. They complete Social Butterfly's first two milestones.

During the potluck, our twins Tristan and Stefan  continue to practice riding their bikes.
They finally learn how while riding around Ohan'ali Town.

Renato: Early this morning, I earn my Keep Fit badge and become a Llamacorn Scout.
My sisters are still working on their Sociability and Keep Fit badges.
I'm not sure what's taking Tristan and Stefan so long, but I finish reading my 0th book before they do.

Hikaru: By flirting with me in front of Xavier, Leilani drove a wedge into my relationship with Xavier.
He actually thought I'd been cheating on him and slapped me.  Xavier slapped ME, not Leilani!
This evening, I suggest we work on the Soulmates aspiration to heal our unhappy hearts.

Xavier: We only have this one picture of Hotaru from Friday.
Besides school and homework, the kids all work on completing their "Read 10 books" task.
Hotaru is the last household member to complete that task in the evening.
My "Home Library" generation goal is officially finished!

Stefan (white): It sure doesn't feel like the last day of Year 7! How shall we spend the day, bruh?
Tristan (black): I want to go to a big park to meet kids our age.
Stefan: You mean for completing Social Butterfly?
Tristan: Nah, Watcher's sweet on Renato so I've convinced him to ask for a Slumber Party tonight
Stefan: That's a genius idea, especially considering our teen birthday is next Friday!
Tristan: Yeah, but first, we need to meet some kids we wanna invite as our guests.

Renato: Hey, we still have 10 days until our teen birthday, so there's lots of time to learn bicycling.
We should go to the park and meet some kids for our Slumber Party!
Naomi: We're having a Slumber Party?
Renato: Not if we don't have anyone to invite. We should have one while the twins are still grade-schoolers like us.

Tristan: At the park, we five kids invite every schoolmate we've met so far so we can get to know them.
We weed out one bad apple (he's Evil) then Papa Xavier comes and meets our schoolmates.
(Only because he has to be able to invite our guests.)
Alright, kiddos! Time to head home and craft friendship bracelets!

Renato: Our Slumber Party starts around 7 pm.
We invited only the four nicest kids we met at the park this afternoon.
That space above our fireplace is made for a wide-screen TV!
We're all hoping Watcher will let us keep it afterwards.

Papa Xavier says there won't be enough time for all five of us to tell 3 stories from our sleeping bags.
Tristan and I both really want the Practiced Host trait, but our siblings don't care one way or another.
That's why Tristan and I are the only ones storytelling from our sleepings.

This is my Bracelet Bud, Quinn Mistura.
He lives in Glimmerbrook, which he's descended from the Gen2 Mistura heir Carlos.
See? I know a little about the history of the Mistura Legacy!

After I exchange Friendship Bracelets with Quinn, I wait for Tristan to finish telling his third story.
Haha, I ended the Slumber Party without letting our guests spend the night!
We got things to do yo!

Xavier: After the party, Hikaru and I try to continue working toward becoming Soulmates.
But the kids keep coming over to sit and chat with us.
I persuade the triplets to go practice bicycling while Hikaru suggest the twins go play Don't Wake the Llama.
It's no use but we can't complain. We're a close-knit family after all.
We'll just wait till Monday when the kids are in school

Well, darn! We completely forgot about the New Year's Eve Countdown!
Happy New Year, y'all!

Progress: End of Week 84
Residence: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait (Oasis Springs)
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*Generation Goal - Home Library: This wasn't a hard goal since it didn't rely at all on RNG.
  However, it was quite tedious. I made a book list for each household member to keep track.
  With a seven-sim household, I often had to go back and check that a sim actually read the book in their action queue.
  This generation goal did give me the chance to really look at all the books available for our sims to read.
  I'd never noticed before that the Realm of Magic and Werewolves packs added new books for purchase.

*Xavier's requirements: All that remains is for Xavier to complete his Super Parent aspiration.
  The out-of-favor Leilani has four character traits in range and her YA birthday is in two sim-weeks.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #616 on: April 17, 2024, 11:45:37 AM »
I'm stunned that you managed to get 2 children telling 3 stories each from their sleeping bags. That's absolutely amazing.

I know 5 children is easier than 5 toddlers but that's still a huge household. But poor Leilani - doesn't she know anyone her own age? Currently, she's looking at a name-change to Lolita!

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #617 on: April 17, 2024, 03:23:29 PM »
I'm stunned that you managed to get 2 children telling 3 stories each from their sleeping bags. That's absolutely amazing.

I know 5 children is easier than 5 toddlers but that's still a huge household. But poor Leilani - doesn't she know anyone her own age? Currently, she's looking at a name-change to Lolita!

Getting Renato and Tristan to concurrently tell stories wasn't hard. It involved queuing three "Tell story from sleeping bag" socials for each child, directed at the same guest(s) for each storyteller.
That aspiration goal does take a long time; however, I do really like the Practiced Host reward trait.

I'm mostly killing time until Xavier completes his last requirement. Tristan and Stefan have nothing else they need to do, so they're usually engaged in some activity that keeps them engaged (like Doctor Set, Don't Wake the Llama, haha). I would like the triplets to complete the Mind & Body and Playtime Captain aspirations.
Once the tripelts are A students, maybe it's time for the family to enjoy a change of scenery.  Only two more updates left. :D

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #618 on: April 17, 2024, 09:18:50 PM »
Grats on completing the Home Library goal! I often find tedious to be worse than RNG, so hats off to you.

I was a bit surprised at Denzel having another nooboo.

Oh Leilani! She's having a rough go, but flirting with her stepdad is not the way to push back!

Pretty awesome to get a gold slumber party without even letting the kids spend the night!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.84: Books, Books, Books! (17 Apr '24)
« Reply #619 on: April 18, 2024, 12:43:58 PM »
Grats on completing the Home Library goal! I often find tedious to be worse than RNG, so hats off to you.

I was a bit surprised at Denzel having another nooboo.

Oh Leilani! She's having a rough go, but flirting with her stepdad is not the way to push back!

Pretty awesome to get a gold slumber party without even letting the kids spend the night!

Well, the positive thing about Home Library was that I could control approximately when it would be completed.
Not like my Big Dreams Dynasty where all my Gen8 heir's requirements were done except for the Omsican Artifacts collection which required an extra two weeks. That was so frustrating!

As for Denzel's pregnancy, Xavier was just experimenting with giving the Shinolite ring to a non-active sim.
Denzel got pregnant from Xavier's discussion of expanding the family but the Shinolite ring didn't increase his pregnancy to twins. 

Yeah, we need to find Leilani a not-in-the-family love interest....
Haha, the slumber party started around 6pm and we earned the gold medal around midnight.
The hosts were Xavier and Renato. Xavier never earned the Practiced Host in his childhood but his Pristine Rep surely helped reach that gold medal faster.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.8: Leilani in Love (21 Apr '24)
« Reply #620 on: April 21, 2024, 11:29:18 PM »
10.85: Leilani in Love

Sunday, Week 85, Year 8 (early spring)
Xavier: Today's the first day of our legacy's eighth year.
Our children are growing up quickly like bamboo shoots!
Naomi, Renato, and Hotaru aged up from toddlers to children last Tuesday.
On Friday, the kids finished their "Read 10 Books" task, completing my "Home Library" generation goal.
We ended the week with a gold-medal Slumber Party on Saturday night.
From L to R: Tristan, Renato, Leilani, my spouse Hikaru and me, Naomi, Hotaru, and Tristan's twin Stefan.

Tristan: Being the last generation really sucks, Stefan!
Stefan: I know. None of us have any future after Leilan's young adult birthday.
Tristan: Yeah. That's why we're just playing Don't Wake the Llama instead of learning new skills.
Stefan: I kinda want to go to Prom, though. This Saturday's our only chance, isn't it?
Tristan: Hey, let's ask Watcher to join Leilani at high school one day to make sure there's a Prinicipal.

Xavier: Hikaru and I complete our Soulmates aspiration within 30 minutes of each other this morning.
O Hikaru! What a good life we've had together!

Leilani: It's been awhile since you've seen me. Watcher's persuaded Papa Xavier to give me another chance.
I decide to start by looking for a Prom Date, so I contact my two childhood friends, Tom and Bruce.
Tom Savalani (left) of Moonwood Mills is an Art Lover and Recycle Disciple. Love his copper hair but not his traits.
Bruce Delgado of Brindleton Bay (yes, those Delgados) is an Outgoing Bookworm. He'd make a nice boyfriend!

Renato: I've been feeling so bored lately but Watcher texts me to say I'm special. Me!
That motivates me to complete Social Butterfly. I only need three friends my age and two adult friends.
But I'm a Geek, so I'm making those friends by chatting online.  Two down and three more to go!

Leilani: I meet the Principal who's an Adult. (To my surprise, he ages up to an Elder during our lunch break.)
I was all set on asking Bruce Delgado to Prom, but then this boy smiled at me before the morning class.
Kenneth Rasoya (yes, those Rasoyas) is a Vegetarian Child of the Ocean.  OMG, he is sooooo cute!
When our morning class is replaced by a fire drill, I spend the entire time rizzing chatting up Kenneth.

Later, back home
Leilani: *autonomously kissing Kenneth
Watcher: Hey, what are you two doing!? We agreed you'd save your First Kiss for tomorrow, Leilani!
Leilani: But Kenneth is just so lovable! And you know, HE has a crush on ME! I'm never letting him go!
Though after all the fishing I did while banned from the house, it's ironic that Kenneth is a Vegetarian Child of the Ocean.

Grim: That Crystal Creations pack has really messed up my schedule, with all the idiots summoning with the Jet crystal!
Hikaru: Oh, you came! Thanks for helping me complete my aspiration!
Grimm: Well, the least you could do is talk to me about Grilled Cheese!
Hikaru: All I really want is for you and me to be friends!
Grim: Awww shuck! *feels touched

Hikaru: Why are we at the gym when we could be home doing you-know-what while the kids are at school?
It's not like we need to become Long-Lived!
Xavier: I happened to see a screenshot of us in our sleepwear and I was looking rather flabby.
So I'm not letting Watcher taking any more sleepwear shots of me until I get back into shape!
Hikaru: Vanity, thy name is Xavier!
Xavier: Actually, Shakespeare wrote "Frailty, they name is woman," but whatever.

Leilani: I'm just finishing my Promposal sign after returning home from school, when Kenneth phones me for a date.
StrangerVille's Western Saloon is filled with military types and one buxom blond keeps trying to sit and chat with Kenneth.
Over my dead body!
I stake my claim with a First Kiss then ask him to be my boyfriend.

When I get down on one knee with my Promposal sign, Kenneth blushes shyly.
Goodness, can he be more adorable?
Ever since Mama Lia died, I'd felt like I had no place in the world.
But now I know where I belong.  With Kenneth!

Xavier: As soon as the kids leave for school, Hikaru and I head for Lani St. Taz, Sulani.
We're both ready for some hot weather and outdoor activities!

Xavier: We enjoy ourselves so much, we decide to take a family vacation once the kids get home from school.
Pier Perfection, where the Pries used to live, was now occupied by the Chinda household.
Remember Gen8 Hiro's first wife Lalisa Chinda, the one who threw him out and took everything?
Watcher is happy to evict her descendants, replacing the residence with a vacation rental.
Leilani: Hey, Kenneth! I can't hang out tonight, but you should come over tomorrow, okay?


Xavier: I'm making breakfast when I realize that this morning's the Island Celebration at Ohan'ali Town.
So we all travel to the venue where we have the breakfast I'd prepared.
My grandpa Surya shows up and takes great delight in meeting the triplets for the first time.

Hikaru and I really need this time away from home.
At home, there always seems to be some chore or another to do.
But on vacation, besides cooking meals, we can just kick back and chill.

We've decided to let Tristan and Stefan age up one day early so they'll have time to get Prom Dates.
Strictly speaking, we're not supposed to age up any household members before their actual birthday.
But I don't care.  I'm only waiting for Leilani's young adult birthday to complete my Super Parent aspiration.
As long as we don't age up Leilani early, I think we're fine.

I was about to say that Tristan and Stefan are quite attractive.
But since the twins resemble their fathers quite a bit,  that would be vain of me, wouldn't it? 
Tristan has Hikaru's strong jawline and full mouth. He's a Good Genius.
Stefan has my softer jawline and smaller mouth.  He's a Vegetarian Bookworm.

Xavier: We've come all the way to San Sequoia, but you'd rather have lunch at Kale Café than visit the rec center?
Stefan: Yeah, we're working with Watcher, who had us each choose two attractive girls.
Then, after we choose our Prom Dates, Watcher's gonna give them both a makeover..
Hikaru: You know, chemistry is unpredictable. You should craft Promposal Signs just in case.
Tristan:  Might as well. Just cuz I make one, that doesn't mean I have to present it, right?

Tristan: I crush hard on Ingrid Ember at first sight. She's a Good Perfectionist.
Watcher thinks Ingrid is Morgyn Ember's great-granddaughter.
I hurt Ingrid's feelings at first, because she asked me to Prom as friends and I replied "No Way!"

Stefan: I wasn't sure about meeting the daughter of Papa Xavier's first crush, a vampire named Kellan Ander.
But his non-occult daughter Eleanor is Proper, Neat, and…gorgeous!
By the time I ask Eleanor about her romantic interests, I've crushed hard on her!

Tristan: It's pretty late when we finally say our goodbyes to Ingrid and Eleanor.
Stefan and I are so glad that Papa Hikaru encouraged us to craft Promposal Signs in advance.
We socialized and flirted with our crushes until we felt confident about not being rejected.
Then, we each presented our Promposal Sign successfully.
And yeah, Ingrid is over her earlier sadness about my rejection. Sheesh!

Leilani: I don't know exactly when it happened but I have a crush on Kenneth, too.
Whenever he's not around, I feel so insecure and tense.
The other day, I felt sad about not having a Bracelet Buddy so I made a Friendship Bracelet for Kenneth this morning.
I know I'm acting super clingy, but Kenneth doesn't seem to mind at all.  He is such a sweetheart!

Stefan: I get a call from Kristen Pries, inviting me over to a Pre-Prom Party.
I don't know her but I accept and visit her home with Eleanor, Tristan & Ingrid, and sister Leilani.
It has the be worst party I've ever attended: no food, no beverages, no music, no nothing.
Before we know it, though, we're prompted to travel to Prom.

Tristan: This is the worst Prom venue! I keep having to chase Ingrid up to the second floor!
I finally talk her into a Sweetheart Dance with me.
Then, I steal a First Kiss and ask her to be my girlfriend.

Leilani: Tristan and Stefan are the best!
Thanks to them, Kenneth and I get chosen as Prom Jester and Prom Royalty.
We not only have crushes on each other, but we're also mutually smitten.
My life's so much better with Kenneth in it!

Stefan: Thanks to the Auditorium's unnecessary second floor, I spend most of Prom on the stairs.
Can you believe the Prom ends before I have time to steal a First Kiss from Eleanor?
I decline an invite to an After-Party so I can finally ask Eleanor to be my girlfriend.
What a night!

Gallery Download
*Pier Perfection (30x20): "Pier Perfection" by oxhyades.
  I converted this 4-bd/2-bth family home into a vacation rental.
  The nursery was transformed into an extra bedroom with bunkbeds.
  This build makes a great vacation rental, but I wouldn't use it for a residence; it has no garden space.
*Key Point (40x30): "Key Point modern 2" by Simsplant.
  I'd actually placed this small residence for an offshoot of the Pries household back in Gen5 or Gen6.
  The current Pries household is nowhere as attractive as the original occupants, but they are still Pries descendants.
  Erwin Pries, be proud that your lineage has persisted for so many generations!
Progress: End of Week 85
Residence: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait (Oasis Springs)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Kenneth Rasoya: I checked his genealogy using MCCC.
  No wonder he's so cute. His grandfather was Surya's landlord, Wijaya Haryo.
  Of course, he's also descended from Raj Rasoya, the premade sim of San Myshuno.
  Leilani's Jealous trait is really something. Unless Kenneth's around, as soon as one 24-hr "Feeling insecure" (Tense +1) moodlet expires, she gets another one.
  She's still annoying but at least she doesn't get flirty anymore around Hikaru.

*Children's confidence: The two youngest girls, Naomi and Hotaru, always do the same activities.
 All the children have High Confidence, except Naomi who has reverted to Neutral Confidence but I don't know when.
 During the Island Celebration, she had the "I Can't" Losing Confidence moodlet.
 Why is Art Lover Naomi the only one of five children who lacks confidence?

*Outrigger Canoe: I must be doing something wrong with the Outrigger Canoe I bought for the vacation rental.
  Whenever Xavier travels away from the vacation rental, he later returns to find that the canoe has vanished.
  It's not to be found anywhere else in Lani St. Taz, either.
  Since it belongs to the vacation rental, Xavier cannot put it in his inventory.
  I should've bought him one of his own before leaving for vacation. Oh well.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.8: Leilani in Love (21 Apr '24)
« Reply #621 on: April 22, 2024, 12:55:27 AM »
I'm not sure where the flab was on Xavier, but hey, don't let that stop him from wearing shorts and working those muscles!
Tristan and Stefan are both quite good looking, and I am glad Leilani found love with Kenneth.

So if I've got this right, you've less than a week left . . . is that correct?

Sad to see it coming to an end . . . but there's always another adventure just waiting to be started.  :)

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.8: Leilani in Love (21 Apr '24)
« Reply #622 on: April 22, 2024, 01:46:09 AM »
I'm not sure where the flab was on Xavier, but hey, don't let that stop him from wearing shorts and working those muscles!
Tristan and Stefan are both quite good looking, and I am glad Leilani found love with Kenneth.

So if I've got this right, you've less than a week left . . . is that correct?

Sad to see it coming to an end . . . but there's always another adventure just waiting to be started.  :)

Lol, Xavier made sure to max his Fitness before making an appearance in a speedo.   ;D
Since Leilani is a Jealous sim, it's great that Kenneth is so attentive.

Yes, that's right. Leiliani ages up to a young adult next Friday evening.
She currently has four maxed positive character values.
Unless something goes awry between now and Friday evening, Xavier will complete Super Parent which is his last remaining heir requirement.
Yay! Playing a full household is exhausting!
And yes, I've already started preparing for a new challenge. I can't wait!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.8: Leilani in Love (21 Apr '24)
« Reply #623 on: April 22, 2024, 11:16:42 AM »
Aw - teens in love - aren't they all cute! I'm so glad Leilani found someone age-appropriate for her.

There's a sadness in drawing things to a close but you always set your family members up with lovely future lives - they're very lucky. Mine just have to shift for themselves, lol.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.8: Leilani in Love (21 Apr '24)
« Reply #624 on: April 22, 2024, 01:09:39 PM »
Aw - teens in love - aren't they all cute! I'm so glad Leilani found someone age-appropriate for her.

There's a sadness in drawing things to a close but you always set your family members up with lovely future lives - they're very lucky. Mine just have to shift for themselves, lol.

Yes, Leilani managed to find someone who's not only age-appropriate but also NOT her father's husband. *rolls eyes
I was surprised to find such lovely townies knocking about the Mistura simverse.  Maybe I'll clone a few to add to a future simverse...
Haha, the teens won't actually enjoy "future lives," though. I'm not planning to play into the days where they'd get married, move out, and so forth.
Thank you for the kind words.

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11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes

Sunday, Week 86 (mid-spring)
Xavier: Last week was all about love in our household, at least for Hikaru, me, and the teens.
Hikaru and I completed our Soulmates aspiration and became mutually Beloved.
Taken back into the fold, Leilani met her perfect match: Kenneth Rasoya who's as attentive as she is clingy.
While we were on a family vacay to Sulani, Tristan and Stefan aged up a day early on Thursday.
They met two lovely girls on Friday and asked them to Prom.
Prom Night was a magical time for our three tens.
From L to R: Renato, Leilani, Tristan, my partner Hikaru and me, Stefan, Naomi, and Hotaru.

I take the whole family to the Flea Market, feeling sorry for myself for never becoming a Spice Hound.
While Renato and I wait for our Indian meals to be served, I happen to check my traits.
Oh! When did I become a Spice Hound!?
Next stop, the Festival of Youth in Wakaba, Mt. Komorebi.

Renato:  Tristan! I bought a Simmi capsule but the vending machine's stuck and I can't shake it. Can you help me?
Tristan: Absolutely. *shakes the capsule free

Renato: Awww, you opened it! I'm the one who bought it. I wanted to be the one who opened it! *pouts
Tristan: Sorry, Renato. I tried but I couldn't give you the capsule.
Anyway, congrats! You found our missing capsule!

Stefan: Hey, Tristan! Eleanor just phoned to invite me to The Ruins. You and Ingrid wanna join us?

At The Ruins in Old Town District, Windenburg
Eleanor: Oh no, there's my brother! I have to hide! I lied and said I was going to the library!
Stefan (innocently): Um, we could hide from your brother in this bush.
Eleanor: But what about that "No Hiding in the Bush" sign?
Stefan (to himself): Is the pretending not to know? There's nothing at The Ruins except a bonfire and 3 woohoo bushes…

Tristan: You're probably wondering, readers, why Stefan & Eleanor are peeking out but the bush is still quaking.
Don't ask me how it happened, but Ingrid and I are also "hiding" in the same bush.

Hikaru: Later that evening, I notice Stefan acting oddly with a goofy look on his face.
I guess we can assume his date with Eleanor went well?
Stefan is really so much like Xavier, though. Is he seriously recalling his date and giggling? *shakes head

Xavier: It's so nice to have you join us for breakfast, Kenneth! Did you spend the night here?
Kenneth (glances quickly at Leilani): Uh no, sir. I arrived here early. Really, really early.
Renato: Why we do have Sweet and Sour Eggplant for every meal unless we eat out?
Hikaru: Don't you want to become Chopstick Savvy like Papa Xavier? I certainly do!
Renato: ...

Xavier: I don't know where we went wrong with Naomi.
Renato and Hotaru aged up to children with High Confidence, but Naomi aged up with Neutral Confidence.
And she slips back to Neutral at the drop of a hat, like this morning when she lost a game of Don't Wake the Llama.
So Hikaru and I often compliment and praise Naomi to boost her confidence.
Hikaru: It's the same with Leilani, because she's so needy. We give her much more attention than to Tristan and Stefan.
Xavier: We're lucky that Tristan, Stefan, Renato, and Hotaru don't mind the extra attention we give Leilani and Naomi.

Stefan: Why do we have to do a school project, Tristan? We came home from our first day of high school as A students!
'Tristan: I dunno. I guess because we brought school projects home with us?
Stefan: This feels like busy work to me! At this point, it doesn't matter if I finish mine or not!

Xavier: Hikaru and I go all out for the triplets' teen birthday party.
I invite Prince and his wife Tiva, my grandpas, my parents, and some of the triplets' friends.
Watcher doesn't want Hikaru and I to go Mixology-crazy, so I even hire a Mixologist for the night.
Of course, I prepare all the food and birthday cakes in advance.

Stefan: Sorry about Prince's wife kicking you off the bar, sir. You can return to tending bar now.
Kellan: Aren't you Stefan. My name's Kellan Anders. I've been wanting to meet you, Stefan!
Stefan (gulps): Oh, you must be my father's (first crush)…erm, Eleanor's father? It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.
Kellan: You're as good-looking as your father! Eleanor's a lucky girl.
Stefan: *blushes (Why is he better-looking than my girlfriend?)

Renato: Quinn, you came! *autonomously hugs Quinn
Quinn: Of course, I came to celebrate the teen birthday of my Bracelet Buddy and BFF!
Renato: I still wear your Friendship Bracelet all the time. Oh! I see you're wearing the one I gave you, too!
Quinn: Absolutely! C'mon, Renato. Hurry up and age up so you'll be a teen like me! We got lots to talk about!

Xavier: It's time for this birthday party's main event!
Naomi! Renato! Hotaru! Step up to your birthday cakes, make a wish, and blow out your candles!
Hikaru: My babies! I can still remember when we had five toddlers waddling around the house. *sniffle, sniffle

Xavier: The triplets are all attractive but it's curious how Hikaru's and my genes passed down.
Renato could be Tristan's identical twin, while Naomi and Hotaru look more like Stefan with their (my) small mouth.
Naomi (Art Lover, Bookworm) and Hotaru (Perfectionist, Unflirty) keep the hairstyles they age up with.
Renato (Geek, Maker) decides that if Tristan can change his hair color, so can he.

Quinn: Hey, bestie! I spoke to your parents and they're cool with you moving in with me if you want.
I live in the Wizard's Lair in Glimmerbrook with my teen twin and YA brother.
We have the whole house to ourselves and we can do whatever we want.
Renato: I can't imagine having so much space or freedom!

Quinn: Right? I bet you share a bedroom with your twin brothers! So, are you coming with me?
Renato: You go on ahead. I need to pack a bag then say my goodbyes to the fam. I'll see you in an hour or so.
Quinn: Sure. You're just moving to a different town, dude. Stop acting like you're moving to a space colony!

Tristan: I can't believe Renato moved to Glimmerbrook last night with his Bracelet Bud, Quinn Mistura.
Why didn't I think of that? (Now I regret asking Stefan to be my Bracelet Bud at our slumber party…)
Leilani: Well, I think Renato's rude! He should've stayed here until my birthday! *pouts
Naomi: So throw a birthday party and invite Renato to your party, Leilani. *shrugs

Naomi: I met Tate last night at our birthday party.
I'm confused that I can't ask him about his romantic interests, but then Papa Xavier explains.
Tate's the son of Papa Xavier's younger brother Isaque. In other words, Tate is my first cousin. *sighs
It's just as well. He's gorgeous and self-assured, but he hates children.
Watcher: I do love that Tate has his grandfather Chai's droopy eyes.

Xavier: At 6, we leave for Ohan'ali Beach then walk from there to the Ohan'ali Town Plaza.
Tonight's the Town Potluck and the last Sulani gathering I need to attend.
I'm glad I learned about them. They let me reunite with friends and distant relatives.
But after 10 consecutive weeks of Sulani gatherings, I can say I won't be missing them!

Do you remember my second crush, Finnegan Mana, who I first met a Prom?
He still lives at Admiral's Wreckage so we often see each other at the Sulani gatherings.
He married the daughter of Daesung, the son of Minsung Lee (Grandpa Chai's first spouse).
It's a small world, isn't it?

Xavier: Today, Naomi and Hotaru bring home A grades! Nice work, girls!
Leilani brings home Exam Results that suggest she might be graduating as Valedictorian.
She's been bringing home Exam Results for several days now, though she should only get them on Fridays.

Tristan (left): The heck, Leilani!? Stop invading Papa Hikaru's persona space!
Can't you see you're making him uncomfortable!?
Xavier (to himself): I still don't trust Leiliani for a minute around Hikaru.
As soon as she blows out her candles this evening, she's outta here!

Hikaru: I don't mind fishing in Chestnut Ridge on our last morning instead of staying home to woohoo.
But I have to confess that I'm a little worried about Renato.
Xavier: Same here. I've tried contacting him but he doesn't pick up his calls and he's ignoring my texts.
Let's hope he's safe and sound in Glimmerbrook with Quinn, enjoying his newfound freedom from parental supervision.

Xavier: All five teens return home with Exam Results that claim they're "on the way to becoming valedictorian."
I immediately phone Kenneth to invite him over, telling that he has my blessing for Leilani's hand in marriage.
After Leilani accepts Kenneth's proposal, they immediately elope.
Kenneth will be good to Leilani and, honestly, she needs to move out.

Xavier: I throw the second birthday party this week, this time for Leilani and Kenneth.
After blowing out her candles, Leilani ages up her new husband Kenneth.
She's an Outdoor Lover, Jealous, and Creative. Kenneth is a Vegetarian, Child of the Ocean, and Cheerful.
On aging up to a YA, Leilani graduates from high school as Valedictorian.
And I finally complete my Super Parent aspiration which was my last remaining heir requirement. 
I'm done and we've completed our Mishmash Legacy Challenge!

Xavier: Quinn, you finally arrived! Why isn't Renato with you?
Quinn: What do you mean? Renato never showed up in Glimmerbrook Tuesday night.
I figured he changed his mind after talking with you.
Xavier: That can't be! Hikaru and I chatted with Renato while he packed then said our goodbyes at our front door!
Quinn: Glimmerbrook's a small town so I doubt that Renato's go lost. I bet he ran into a friend and is staying with them for a few days.
Xavier: Yeah, you're probably right.

Watcher: This update marks the end of the Mistura Mishmash Legacy. Thank you so much for reading!
Within the coming week, Granny Lawlor and I will embar on a collab legacy.  I'm super excited to get started with that!
I really hope you'll join us on that new journey!

Progress: End of Week 86
Residence: Slipshod Mesquite, Bedrock Strait (Oasis Springs)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Dining Table: I didn't realize at first how many screenshots centered on that dining table, lol.
  What can I say? That's where the family sits down to eat as well as where the teens do their homework and extra credit.
  And this week, when they weren't eating together or doing schoolwork, I tried to have them travel somewhere.

*Mishmash Legacy: This was such a fun challenge! There are numerous multi-generation challenges out there that I wouldn't want to play from start to finish.
  But combining the generations I found most appealing from multiple source challenges proved to be a great idea. You should try it!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Big cheer and flag-waving to celebrate the completion of this legacy.

It was great to see Founder Prince at the birthday party and "All Hail" to the dining table - the unofficial member of the family. The last Simmie too. It really didn't want to come out.

Finishing with a mystery...hoping the newly red-haired, gorgeous Renato is OK  :o

Very much looking forward to sharing your next adventure  😊

Offline oshizu

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Big cheer and flag-waving to celebrate the completion of this legacy.

It was great to see Founder Prince at the birthday party and "All Hail" to the dining table - the unofficial member of the family. The last Simmie too. It really didn't want to come out.

Finishing with a mystery...hoping the newly red-haired, gorgeous Renato is OK  :o

Very much looking forward to sharing your next adventure  😊

Thank you, thank you!
You're so right about the dining table being an unofficial family member. So many significant things happened there, including the forging of important family decisions.
About Renato, we will be checking up on that wayward sim very soon!

Offline GlazeyLady

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  • I'm not home alone.  My sims are all here.
Congrats on completing this fabulous legacy! It's been so much fun to read.
That thing with the bush is odd - I've never seen more that one person/couple in the same bush at the same time - amazing they all fit in there!
I'm so glad Leilani found happiness in the end, and looking forward to reading about your next adventure.

. . . and where did that Renato get off to . . . . ?

Offline oshizu

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Congrats on completing this fabulous legacy! It's been so much fun to read.
That thing with the bush is odd - I've never seen more that one person/couple in the same bush at the same time - amazing they all fit in there!
I'm so glad Leilani found happiness in the end, and looking forward to reading about your next adventure.

. . . and where did that Renato get off to . . . . ?

Thank you for your kind words and constant encouragement!
What a surprise that both couples were in the same bush! I'd sent each twin off to "Mess Around in a Bush."
Later, when I clicked on each brother to move the camera to him, I was confused that the camera moved to the same bush, especially since The Ruins has three bushes a good distance apart from each other.
Haha, Leilani and her crush on Hikaru annoyed Xavier and me until the very end! The Sims 4 handles step-family and in-law dynamics incredibly poorly! :(

As for Renato, where the heck did he go!? His Watcher is going to have to hunt him down soon!

