The next heir will be a girl - Nina or Lola? They're both cute, as is Xavier.
Congrats to both on getting 5* landlord status. I hope it's as easy when my Sims eventually get around to it. I am toying with having them be slum landlords while they're still being Evil - I think I'd need to give them the Shameless trait first though to avoid the embarrassment buffs.
Body change glitches seem to be more common and unpredictable these days in the Sims. Maybe the game has decided to reflect real life with the body-shape change after pregnancy. Yes, the weight gain is temporary but the hips in particular can be changed for life. Oh, if it were only so easy to click a button to regain pre-pregnancy body-shape! Lol!
I find the Top-Notch Infant trait very confusing. I thought we'd pinned it down to feeling Loved and Well-Cared-For at the point of aging up which seemed a bit random but OK. Maybe those buffs aren't necessary if they've got sufficient milestones? I'm glad all 3 got it, though.
The next heir will be Lola. The parents had decided after seeing the ultrascan that the first daughter born would be the heir.
Yes, the triplets are adorable!
As for Chai's body morphing into a pear, I could understand if pregnancy caused him to put on weight, but not turn his basic body template into a pear shape.
I was horrified! LOL!
The Five-Star Property Owner aspiration does require a capital investment to help boost the rental units to five stars.
In my case, the Maintenace score was always the last obstacle to 5 stars but it's actually the cheapest to achieve.
The landlord just needs to keep resolving the maintenance events & emergencies, providing the occasional upgrade, and doing 1-2 inspection/maintenace procedures on every visit.
Chai/Denzel sold their 2 properties for just under $300k, but I'm sure Chai spent a lot more on them than that.
Being a landlord was super fun but I'm glad that part of their life is over!
For Chai's kids, I've been playing the full five-day infant stage. Well, not for Jaehyun.
I believe the Loved/Well Cared For traits are good indicators of a Top-Notch Infant in cases where I've aged up infants after 24-36 hours.
If I remember correctly, Charlotte's twins (Jing/Kamala) didn't have both traits eith but still got Top-Notch Infant after their five-day infancy.
So yeah, when playing the full five days, I have no idea how to ensure the infant will be Top-Notch.
Thanks for always reading and commenting, Judi! I always look forward to your comment the day after I post an update!