Author Topic: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.86: Not All Super Parents Wear Capes (26 Apr '24)  (Read 187199 times)

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.74: We've Got the Groove
« Reply #555 on: March 15, 2024, 06:14:00 PM »
10.74: We've Got the Groove

Sunday, Week 74  (mid- spring)
Chai: Last week, I introduced Denzel to my parents but Papa Decha suggested  I only ask Denzel for a Science Baby.
Denzel refused, however, and we tried for baby, got engaged, then got married at ZoSul Botanic Gardens.
He moved out of Sungai Point Saturday night and we filled his vacated unit with a YA married couple, the Matsudas.
This evening, I enter my second trimester.  Finally, I have an heir on the way!
I'm the beached whale on the left with Denzel on the right.

While trying to convince me to be his boyfriend, Denzel pointed out my bad track record of dumping my lovers.
No need to worry about my ever letting Denzel go!  I can't imagine living without him.
And besides, Watcher seems to prefer Denzel over me these days.
Watcher (gushing): Awww, look, readers!  Denzel missed me!

I plan to quit the Chef career as soon as I earn my Level 8 promotion.
Today, I was soooo close!
While I was working, Denzel tended the garden and cleaned up around the house.
He got notified of a Tenant Rule Violation but has been waiting for me to return home.

When we arrive at 20 Isda Riverfront, Morgyn is very sad so Denzel consoles him.
After chatting a bit, he fines Morgyn  for violating the No Trash Overload rule.
I'm letting Denzel handle the rentals with my supervision.
As soon as he becomes a Five-Star Property Owner, we're selling both rental properties.

Edit: Denzel got so caught up consoling Morgyn that he forgot to fine him.
That's how we discovered that we can fine a tenant from the convenience of our home mailbox.

I have a genius idea to use my Parenting skill on my sister, Sara Ember's triplets.
But after influencing them to pick up the trash, they just sit there.
Oh well. Sara does get up and clear the bowls off the table.
I don't mind throwing out my tenants' trash when they get overwhelmed.

After Denzel leaves for work, I visit my ob-gyn for an ultrascan.
Oh no! Do the Fates not care that I've already raised so many children?
Denzel and I are having triplets!
Oh! Maybe I can invite my fathers to help out whenever Denze'ls at work?

Chai: I quit my Chef career after earning that Fresh Chef trait, Denzel. Let's go see about that Water Leak!
Denzel: There's only two repairs but a lot of mopping.
Once I finish these three inspections, I only have two remaining tasks to finish the Five-Star Property Owner aspiration.
Chai: Uh, Denzel? Could you make it snappy? I went into labor a half hour ago….

Chai: Watcher says we can age up the triplets right away, so we cuddle them, feed them, then age them up.
Surprisingly, all three infants have Denzel's violet eyes. (Thanks for that, Watcher!)
All three have pointy ears, though Calm Xavier isn't born a Spellcaster like his sisters, Sunny Lola and Wiggly Nina.
Denzel and I had already decided that our firstborn daughter would be the next heir. That's Lola!

After Denzel leaves for work at 8, I quickly realize two things: One, one caregiver can't properly look after infant triplets.
And, two, my grandparents don't have much longer to live.
So, I invite them over for a four-day stayover. 
That's Xavier with his Great-Grandpa Hiroki on the left, and Lola with her Great-Grandpa Hendra on the right.

They are awesome! Grandpa Hendra cooked an 8-serving dish of Grilled Cheese that will never spoil.
Grandpa Hiro gives his great-grandchild Nina an unsolicited bath.

Tonight, Denzel buys the Great Kisser reward trait.
We kiss and socialize until his Charisma soars from L6 to L10.
And this is when Watcher first notices that my hips have widened since I gave birth.

Early this morning, Watcher takes me into CAS and discovers I've become a….pear!
This is how I looked a week ago with Body Shape #4 (it's highlighted in the 2nd row).
This is how I look now with the pear-shaped body shape indicated by the yellow arrow. *sobs
Thankfully, Watcher swiftly returns me to my previous body shape.

Meanwhile, my devastatingly handsome husband slays in his business suit!
He's also a great provider, an affectionate partner, and a caring father.
I'm so glad we found each other! Ain't no stoppin' us now!

Denzel: Our rent is collected like clockwork around 5 am this morning.
§23,700 in weekly rent is nothing to sneeze but we can live without it.
After work, I confront a ghost that's haunting 11B Sungai Point.
Only one more task to go!

I'm already pretty friendly with Chai's sister Sara, so I go home and invite her over.
When she and I become good friend, I complete Five-Star Property Owner.
Chai agrees that it's time to sell both rental properties for a total sales prices of §239,558.
We receive §101,053 for Sungai Point and §138,505 for Isda Riverfront.

Chai: Thanks for taking the day off today.  My grandpas are great but they can't help with skill-building.
Denzel: I'd take more vacation days but I want to save some for when our kids are old enough to go on a family vacation.
In hindsight, I should've taken advantage of Family Leave after their birth, but fatherhood is still so new to me.
Chai: I haven't done a good job with our triplets' milestones.
Denzel: What matters most is that our heir, Lola, earns the Top-Notch Infant trait, right?

Chai: Denzel and I love having my grandparents stay with us!
They are so attentive to the babies and keep our home as clean as a whistle.  (Why are whistles clean, though?)
How often they eat doesn't faze me in the slightest.  My Fresh Chef trait combined with my CopyPasto spell help a lot.
*whispers: And yes, I checked Denzel's Romance tab. He has no pink bars with them.

I have maxed friendship with all three triplets because I'm always home.
Despite his busy schedule, Denzel manages to become good friends with Xavier and Lola, and nearly good friends with Nina.

Denzel hadn't asked, but I suggested that we name our firstborn Xavier Reevera.
As the Gen10 Mistura heir, I obviously couldn't take Denzel's family name.
And as the next heir, Lola must be a Mistura as well.
Denzel's so pleased that Xavier will carry on the Reevera lineage. I bet Xavier will be gorgeous, too.

Denzel: Hmmph!  Every morning while I'm gardening, I get the option to "Like Gardening," but Watcher rejects it.
What's wrong with my liking gardening?
Chai: If it's any consolation, I'm not allowed to "like gardening," either, but both Charlotte and Minsung liked gardening.
They constantly dropped queues and even put babies on the floor to go talk to plants. 

Chai: Why is it so darn hard to find my last marble?
Why do I even bother trading marbles? *sighs

Denzel: You're feeling both Loved and Well Cared For, Lola, so let's age you up.
Today's your birthday so who cares that your age bar isn't bubbling yet?
We're just a couple of hours early.
Chai: Xavier feels Loved, so I age him up next.
Denzel: Nina has neither moodlet, but we age her up anyway.

To our surprise, all three toddlers earn the Top-Notch Infant trait.
Xavier is Independent, Lola is Inquisitive, and Nina is a Charmer.
In the height of laziness, we dress all three toddlers in full-body wear for all outfit categories.
Does that make us deadbeat parents? I think not!

Once the triplets age up to toddlers and get their makeovers, my grandpas head home.
I hope they enjoyed staying with us as much as we enjoyed having them here.

Now, if Denzel and I can help the toddlers reach L2 Potty before Denzel goes back to work on Monday, I'll be golden!
Yes, we know that independent Xavier can already go potty by himself, but he'll have fewer accidents at L2 Potty.
Hmmm, maybe I'll invite my fathers over for a day visit on Monday while Denzel's at work?

Progress: End of Week 74
Residence: Tam Nang Sands, Koh Sahpa (Tomarang)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Early Age-Ups Revisited: Not a huge spoiler, but Gen11 requirement will draw from the Random Legacy Challenge.
  They include no pregnancy tests nor early age-ups.  There are various versions of the Random Legacy Challenge for Sims 4.
   I recently saw one that read: "…the new generation's rules go into effect when the heir reaches YA."
  So, I'm taking that to heart and allowing early age-ups for Chai's kids but not for the Gen11 heir's kids because…triplets.
  Chai didn't take a pregnancy test, though, so his pregnancy lasted 4 days.

*Chai's body shape: Chai's always had a great body but I noticed his hips had widened a lot the day after he gave birth.
  Checking him out in CAS, I discovered he'd turned into a pear shape. WTH? Naturally, I changed his body shape back. Sheesh!
  Is this a new glitch? I read on EA Answers that can be caused by a specific MCCC setting, but would it appear only now?
  I've been playing my Mishmash Legacy since last April without touching that setting; previous Mistura heirs/spouses didn't change body shape after pregnancy.
  Also, Charlotte had twins and Minsung gave birth to Bulan while living with Chai, neither of them changed body shape. I can't help but think it's a recent glitch.

*Sungai Point and Isda Riverfront: I wanted to keep these two residential rentals in the Mistura family.
  After Chai sold them both, I played Decha long enough so he could purchase the unowned properties.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.74: We've Got the Groove (15 Mar '24)
« Reply #556 on: March 16, 2024, 04:40:19 AM »
The next heir will be a girl - Nina or Lola? They're both cute, as is Xavier.

Congrats to both on getting 5* landlord status. I hope it's as easy when my Sims eventually get around to it. I am toying with having them be slum landlords while they're still being Evil - I think I'd need to give them the Shameless trait first though to avoid the embarrassment buffs.

Body change glitches seem to be more common and unpredictable these days in the Sims. Maybe the game has decided to reflect real life with the body-shape change after pregnancy. Yes, the weight gain is temporary but the hips in particular can be changed for life. Oh, if it were only so easy to click a button to regain pre-pregnancy body-shape! Lol!

I find the Top-Notch Infant trait very confusing. I thought we'd pinned it down to feeling Loved and Well-Cared-For at the point of aging up which seemed a bit random but OK. Maybe those buffs aren't necessary if they've got sufficient milestones? I'm glad all 3 got it, though.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.74: We've Got the Groove (15 Mar '24)
« Reply #557 on: March 16, 2024, 11:16:50 AM »
The next heir will be a girl - Nina or Lola? They're both cute, as is Xavier.

Congrats to both on getting 5* landlord status. I hope it's as easy when my Sims eventually get around to it. I am toying with having them be slum landlords while they're still being Evil - I think I'd need to give them the Shameless trait first though to avoid the embarrassment buffs.

Body change glitches seem to be more common and unpredictable these days in the Sims. Maybe the game has decided to reflect real life with the body-shape change after pregnancy. Yes, the weight gain is temporary but the hips in particular can be changed for life. Oh, if it were only so easy to click a button to regain pre-pregnancy body-shape! Lol!

I find the Top-Notch Infant trait very confusing. I thought we'd pinned it down to feeling Loved and Well-Cared-For at the point of aging up which seemed a bit random but OK. Maybe those buffs aren't necessary if they've got sufficient milestones? I'm glad all 3 got it, though.

The next heir will be Lola. The parents had decided after seeing the ultrascan that the first daughter born would be the heir.
Yes, the triplets are adorable!

As for Chai's body morphing into a pear, I could understand if pregnancy caused him to put on weight, but not turn his basic body template into a pear shape.
I was horrified! LOL!

The Five-Star Property Owner aspiration does require a capital investment to help boost the rental units to five stars.
In my case, the Maintenace score was always the last obstacle to 5 stars but it's actually the cheapest to achieve.
The landlord just needs to keep resolving the maintenance events & emergencies, providing the occasional upgrade, and doing 1-2 inspection/maintenace procedures on every visit.
Chai/Denzel sold their 2 properties for just under $300k, but I'm sure Chai spent a lot more on them than that.
Being a landlord was super fun but I'm glad that part of their life is over!

For Chai's kids, I've been playing the full five-day infant stage. Well, not for Jaehyun.
I believe the Loved/Well Cared For traits are good indicators of a Top-Notch Infant in cases where I've aged up infants after 24-36 hours.
If I remember correctly, Charlotte's twins (Jing/Kamala) didn't have both traits eith but still got Top-Notch Infant after their five-day infancy.
So yeah, when playing the full five days, I have no idea how to ensure the infant will be Top-Notch.

Thanks for always reading and commenting, Judi! I always look forward to your comment the day after I post an update! :D

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.74: We've Got the Groove (15 Mar '24)
« Reply #558 on: March 16, 2024, 07:04:38 PM »
It was a bit of a rocky road for Chai getting here, but now he seems to have the perfect family! Denzel is a great partner and father, and the triplets are precious. I'm so glad you decided to play past the tenth generation, and you know the Chai/Denzel genes are going to result in the triplets growing into gorgeous teens/YAs/Adults with more gorgeous Misturas to come. Your stayover with the grandfathers went so well also - better than some of the past stayovers for sure!
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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.74: We've Got the Groove (15 Mar '24)
« Reply #559 on: March 16, 2024, 08:03:02 PM »
It was a bit of a rocky road for Chai getting here, but now he seems to have the perfect family! Denzel is a great partner and father, and the triplets are precious. I'm so glad you decided to play past the tenth generation, and you know the Chai/Denzel genes are going to result in the triplets growing into gorgeous teens/YAs/Adults with more gorgeous Misturas to come. Your stayover with the grandfathers went so well also - better than some of the past stayovers for sure!
Thank you! Chai is finally all-in with Denzel. He never felt sure that the others were "The One" for him. 
If YA sims could have infant moodlets, Chai would feel Loved and Well Cared For. :D

Thank you, too, for supporting my choice to play past Gen10. I'm looking forward to playing Chai & Denzel's children!
I wonder how many Mistura generations I could play before my save file gets too bloated and dies?

I have no idea what determines which relatives would be helpful stayover guests. Whenever my sims host a stayover, they always start with two socials: "Welcome [relative)" and "Ask (relative) to help out."
In case of Surya's Grandma Karina (the mixologist), the bar on the patio was a huge distraction and she never cooked.
That apartment complex was a bad place for a stayover because the guests would go hang out in the lounge or patio, far from the children.
Hiroki and Hendra were so helpful. They helped the babies, cleaned, occasionally cooked, and (when the babies were sleeping) chatted with Chai & Denzel.
I want to invite Chai's parents over, too. Maybe a 3- or 4-day stayover is the best length?

I'm really looking forward to hearing about what Oliver & Amber Sandoval have been up to!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.75: Choosing Xavier (19 Mar '24)
« Reply #560 on: March 19, 2024, 11:05:40 PM »
10.75: Choosing Xavier

Sunday, Week 75 (late spring)
Chai: Last Sunday, I learned I'd be giving birth to triplets. Xavier, Lola, and Nina were born Monday evening.
we sold both rental properties Thursday.
My Grandpas Hiro and Hendra stayed over from Tuesday until the triplets' aged up to toddlers on Saturday.
We all enjoyed having them stay with us and miss them already.
From L to R: My husband Denzel holding Lola, Nina, and me holding Xavier.

I completed the Bodybuilder aspiration several weeks ago, so I urge Denzel to do the same.
What's the point of being Long-Lived, if I can't spend my golden years with Denzel?
While the triplets sleep, Denzel goes jogging around our neighborhood.

Nina's the first of our triplets to wake up.
She's a Wanderer and a Heavy Sleeper who Loves Wakeup Time.
To make her easier to tell apart from Lola, she usually wears that yellow hat.

Next to rise is Lola.  She Hates Bedtime but Loves Wakeup Time.
And while eating breakfast this morning, we learn she's also a Picky Eater.
She's not impressed with Sweet and Sour Eggplant, which is a shame.
We'll be eating lots of that dish so Denzel and the kids can learn to use chopsticks.

Adorable Xavier is the last to rise but he's made the most progress with his skilling so far.
Maxing all five toddler skills requires 23 skill points.
As of this moment, the skill point tally is Xavier/15.7 points, Lola/14.1 points, and Nina/13.5 points.
Their birthday is on Saturday, but we'll be aging up each toddler when they max their skills.

Denzel: Xavier is very close to maxing all five toddler skills, Lola is making the second fastest progress, but Nina lags behind.
I ask Chai to write me an excuse note so I can stay home and help Nina with her skills today.
In other news, our weeds are still wonky.
If a weed persists after 3 passes of the weed blower, Watcher simply cheats it away.

Denzel: A last look at our toddlers before they age up to children later today.
Watcher loves Xavier and hopes he resembles me.
Here's Nina, maxing her Communication skill while Asking Why.
Chai: I'm hurt that Watcher wants Xavier to resemble you, Denzel. What about me?
Denzel (to himself): Chai has Jaehyun yet he begrudges me my one chance for a mini-me? #feelssad

Chai: Xavier maxed his skills yesterday around 8 pm, followed by Lola five hours later.
But it's past 7 am when Nina is ready to age up today. Not sure why Nina got so behind.
Still, Nina maxed all her skills in 2-1/2 days on a regular residential lot, which isn't shabby at all.
By the time she ages up, though, Xavier and Lola have already earned three scout badges each.

Xavier is a Green Fiend, Lola is a Music Lover, and Nina is Outgoing.
Based on their skilling proficiency, we've decided to make Xavier the next heir instead of Lola.
Xavier asked for light-brown hair like Jaehyun, which is fine with Denzel and me.
I'm the third heir in a row with black hair, so we welcome a change.

After Denzel leaves for work, I get a phone call notifying me that my grandfathers passed away.
I travel to the Mt. Komorebi villa with my fathers and triplets to gather my grandfathers' urns.
This is only my second visit to this house. It's so spacious!

Xavier: Hey, bestie! Are you sad that you won't be the next heir?
Lola: Nah, it's no surprise. You're faster at skilling plus you're cuter, too.
Spares don't need to work as hard as heirs do. It's a relief, to be honest.
Xavier: I thought we'd be attending uni together, but Watcher rerolled the Gen11 requirements for me.
Looks like you don't need to go to uni after all.

Chai:  Xavier is the first to earn all his badges, of course.
Our kids each aged up as soon as they maxed their toddler skills.
So, Xavier had been working on his badges since Monday evening but Nina only started yesterday.
It helped that they had no school on Tuesday and that today's the Spring Equinox holiday.

Nina: When Xavier and Lola earn their last badge, I haven't even started on the Keep Fit badge.
You're probably wondering why.
Well, when they were on the swings to earn that badge, I was still a toddler with L4 Movement skill.
Will I ever catch up to Xavier and Lola? Does it even matter if I do or don't?

Chai: Denzel reached the top of his Investor career on Tuesday.
I'm enjoying not having any landlord duties anymore.
This morning, Denzel buys a Virtuoso Violin so that we can become Mansion Barons.
All those weeks, I couldn't raise this lot's value to §350,000! I guess I just needed Denzel's support.

Denzel works from 8 to 4pm every weekday, except Wednesday. It's such a family-friendly work schedule!
Actually, the triplets are attending grade school for the first time today.
Those plus and lightbulb symbols swirling around Lola? That's from the Child's Play lot trait.
By the way, from this angle, you can see how much Xavier resembles Denzel.

It's so quiet at home with Denzel at work and the kids at school.
I tend the garden, tidy up around the house, and do some cooking.
Then, I leave fruit and incense at the Spirit House with prayers for my family's good health and happiness.

I never understood the point of sorting through my junk mail until today.
There's a discount coupon in my mailbox for 75% off any computer purchase.
I almost buy a new laptop, then decide to give this coupon to Xavier when he returns from school.
It will come in handy after he moves out.

Nina (yellow): Check us out! We only went to grade school yesterday and today, but we're already A students.
Xavier: Well, we did have to do two school projects for Thursday and then a third school project for today.
Lola (purple): I just have one question, Xavier. How did you learn to ride your bike before leaving for school this morning?
Xavier: I don't know. Nobody would help me so I just kept practicing.

Lola: I don't get it! It's been 24 hours since Xavier taught himself to ride a bike.
But me and Nina are STILL practicing!
Ow, ow, ow! How did I poke my eye with both my hands on the handlehars!?
Watcher: Nina learned to ride her bike around 8am and Lola took another hour.

Denzel: It took all morning but I finally came out of that Mental Fog. I can finally go fishing again!
Chai: How'd that even happen? You only worked three days this week.
Denzel: No idea. From working hard at the office plus my daily task to Research Stocks? Maybe I'm sensitive?
Chai: Oh please! You're ambitious, Denzel! Wow, I really love it here in Sulani, don't you?

Denzel: I wanted to go fishing today, but Xavier told me to wait until after 9 pm.
Chai: Why so late? Oh! Does today's Fishing Tournament end at 9 pm?
Denzel: Yeah, but I can't wait until 9 pm for dinner, can you?  Are the girls with your fathers?
Chai: Yes, the four of them are swimming around together.

Xavier: The "biggest fish" wins the Fishing Tournament, so I go to submit my entry at 7:30 pm.
By biggest fish, do they mean the length or weight?
My Scorpionfish looks larger, but my Parrotfish weighs 2.5 kg more.
When I submit my Parrotfish, the lady says it's the biggest entry so far!

Denzel: So, how'd the Fishing Tournament go, Xavier.
Xavier (dejected): Oh, that! I only placed third.
Chai: Hey, that's awesome, Xavier! I bet the other participants were all grownups who live in Sulani.
Xavier: Yeah, they were all grownups.
Decha: I say we order ice cream to celebrate Xavier's win then call it a day!

Progress: End of Week 75
Residence: Tam Nang Sands, Koh Sahpa (Tomarang)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Child's Play lot trait: As an experiment, we've used the same 3 lot traits from the triplet's infancy:
  Study Spot, Child's Play, and Good Schools.
  I'm not experienced enough with infants to draw any conclusions, but toddler skilling seemed faster than usual.
  I don't usually use Child's Play because it gives a Playful moodlet.
  Since MCCC lets me disable emotional deaths, however, I can take advantage of Child's Play with impunity.

*Xavier as heir: Xavier will be a brilliant heir. For some reason, he is much faster at everything.
  While his sisters practiced bike riding for an extra 24+ hours, he reached Logic 10, Fishing 10, and Charisma 5.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.75: Choosing Xavier (19 Mar '24)
« Reply #561 on: March 20, 2024, 12:31:13 AM »
A Heavy Sleeper who Loves Wake up Time - imagine that!

I saw yesterday (or maybe today?) that the odds of twins being identical is 33% (if not changed with MCCC). I don't think I've ever had identical twins though. You even caught Lola and Nina in the same pose.

So . . . I have to say that Xavier is absolutely the cutest CUTEST CUTEST!
I'm so tempted now to get some Denzel offspring in my game!

And speaking of Denzel . . . all that in a suit??  Oh MY!!

I wonder why Xavier learns so much faster than his sisters?

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.75: Choosing Xavier (19 Mar '24)
« Reply #562 on: March 20, 2024, 03:19:32 AM »
After reading your comment, I went to check my MCCC/Pregnancy/Offspring/Identical Offspring Chance setting.
It shows the EA default of 33 and I raised my setting to 40%.  Still, I rarely get identical twins in my games.
With all the Mistura babies born so far, Lola and Nina are the first, I believe.

Not to gush, but Denzel is such a gorgeous sim!!!
I gave him the Swagger walkstyle and have honestly never played a sim who looks that good in a business suit.
I slightly tweaked his wardrobe and gave him violet eyes.  After he completed Bodybuilder, I cheated his muscle mass back down because he looked too bulky.

Denzel has a hidden "tenant applicant" trait. I wonder if he spawns if you'd have to briefly play a landlord in order to Fill Vacancy and accept him as a tenant.

Yes, Lola was an adorable toddler but she can't hold a candle to Xavider as children.
I have no idea why Xavier gains skills so much faster than his sisters, including learning to ride a bicycle.
As a toddler, he was Independent but he learned Thinking faster than his Inquisitive sister.
All three kids learned to learn their biccles without adult assistance, but his sister took over 25 hours longer.
It's a mystery!

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.75: Choosing Xavier (19 Mar '24)
« Reply #563 on: March 20, 2024, 12:53:34 PM »
Congrats to Xavier on not only winning the heir title but also 3rd in a fishing competition. Is that a regular game event? I've never seen it before.

Xavier clearly is a winner but the the speed skilling is a mystery. I wonder what's at the root of that. Looking forward to him pursuing his gen requirements.

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.75: Choosing Xavier (19 Mar '24)
« Reply #564 on: March 20, 2024, 01:59:21 PM »
The Fishing Tournament in Sulani happens every saturday from noon to 9 pm.
There's a fish shack nearby that always sells Angelfish, if Caster Alley's Potion Ingredients shop lets you down.
It's actually a part of Xavier's heir requirements, one that he'll start as a teen rather than waiting until he's a YA.

Obviously, Xavier was able to max Logic and Fishing quickly due to mentoring, but he did gain an extra 24 hours while his sisters continued practicing on their bikes.
Not 24 hours strait, of course, since they attended school, did homework, had meals, and so forth, but still...

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.76: Surprise!? (22 Mar '24)
« Reply #565 on: March 23, 2024, 12:42:11 AM »
10.76: Surprise!?

Sunday, Week 76 (early summer)
Chai: Last week, we aged up each toddler individually as soon as they maxed r their skills.
They aged up too late to attend school on Tuesday then Wednesday was the Spring Solstice holiday.
Though they only attended school on Thursday and Friday, they ended the week as A students.
Denzel maxed his career on Tuesday. Despite taking Monday and Wednesday off, he started burning out by Friday.
When Denzel shook his Mental Fog around noon Saturday, we left to spend a relaxing day in Ohan'ali Town, Sulani.
Xavier placed third in the weekly Fishing Tournament, then we went to dinner in Sulani with my parents.
From L to R: Nina, Xavier, me, Denzel, and Lola

Denzel: Nina and I enjoy the morning at the nearby fishing spot.
I'd been hoping for the Family Oriented trait, but I'll take the Loves the Outdoors trait.
Lola's home with Chai. She's a Music Lover so she's playing her violin with emotion.

Xavier: I got bored talking to myself in the mirror so I'm riding around Koh Sahpa.
A few more hours and I'll finish Playtime Captain, which is my fifth aspiration.
If I play with the Doctor Kit until my Empathy's in range, will my parents let me age up early?
But, if I want to go to uni, when's the best day of the week to age up?  Tuesday night?

Chai: I mentioned earlier that Denzel fell into a Mental Fog on Friday evening, didn't I?
He spent the evening painting and taking bath soaks.
On Saturday morning, relaxing in the hot tub was particularly effective.
You're no doubt wondering why I bring this up today…

That's because I get a surprise notfce while gardening this morning.
Seriously? I'm pregnant again?!
I hadn't even noticed that I'd conceived yesterday morning.
I'm happy to have another child with Denzel, but I wonder what he will say?

At the Flea Market
Chai: Every heir should complete their own collection, though it's not an official rule.
Xavier: Um, no, Papa. I'd rather not have your complete-except-one Marbles collection.
Chai: No, no! I was thinking I could buy these MySims Trophies for you.
Xavier: Oh Papa! If I'm going to start by buying collection pieces, I should buy them myself, right?

At the park
Chai: *shares the Big News
Denzel: Nooboo!? Um, I mean, that's fantastic!
Chai: My due date is Wednesday which is perfect because that's your day off. Hey, did you plan this?
Denzel: Not me! I think we can safely blame our Watcher. Hey, looks like Xavier finished Social Butterfly. Let's go home!

Chai: I should wait for Denzel to get off work so we could go for my ultrasound together, but the suspense is killing me!
A boy! Just what we wanted! And this boy will carry on Denzel's family name of Reevera.

Denzel: Well! All that hard work for a measly  raise of only §11 an hr?
I promised Chai he didn't have to worry about money anymore. Maybe I'll start a side hustle?

Chai: Humple Borpnah, Denzel! Here's a Potion of Youth for you.
Denzel: Does that make me your boy toy? You are such a cradle robber!
Chai: Oh please, I'm only about one-and-a-half weeks older than you.
Denzel: After you give birth, let's ask Watcher to adjust that so we're the exact same age, k?

Chai: Xavier wants to enter Foxbury's Physics program as a teen.
He plans to graduate high school early then apply for unit as soon as he has the right skills.
That's why I've been studying Robotics in order to mentor him.

Denzel and I can't decide whether to age Xavier up earlier than his birthday next Tuesday.
He's maxed seven skills and his Charism is L8. He's also completed six aspirations.
Xavier took a vacation day from school today and now has four character values in range.
I phone Denzel and we agree to age Xavier up today.

Xavier: Thanks to help from you and Papa Denzel, I finished all my schoolwork! Mentor me in Fabrication, please?
Chai: Wow, you reached L9 Fabrication after only crafting one Eco Upgrade Part and two Plumbing Upgrade parts!?
Both you and Lola bought the Savant trait, but you learn so much faster than she does!
Xavier: What can I say? I'm the product of supersim genes!

Chai: Why can't I mentor you while you craft that Chatter Bot on the Robotics Station? I maxed Robotics for this!
Xavier: You're asking me>  Ugh, I'm Dazed but drinking a Moodlet Solver didn't cure it.
Chai: We've never tried this but see if a Potion of Emotional Stability works. Oh, it does!  Good to know!
Xavier: Hey, now that I'm crafting a Computer Chip, I can ask you t mentor me.
Chai: Let's go!  Wow, you finished that Computer Chip at L8 Robotics. You didn't need to be mentored, son!

Chai: I give birth to a mini-me: a spellcaster with brown eyes and pointy ears!
Isaque Reevera is a calm infant. Isaque is a Portuguese-Brazilian name pronounced ee-ZA-ki.
We're going to be aging up early as soon as we can so he catches up with Lola and Nina.

Chai: Do you remember my twin girls who went to live with their mother Charlotte in Del Sol Valley?
Well, Jing and Kamala became teens two weeks ago. Bulan Lee started high school last week, too.
When I went into CAS to take portraits of the girls to share with you, I discovered Minsung and Bulan had moved!
I'd expressly told Minsung that I bought Dresden House in Windenburg for Bulan.
But Minsung remarried (a woman) and moved into her rundown shotgun house in StrangerVille, taking Bulan with him.
Naturally, I asked Watcher to move Bulan back to Dresden House.  Minsung is the eternal moocher!
Moreover, Jing and Kamala are B students in high school, but Bulan is an F student! Doesn't Minsung help with homework?

Chai: Yes, our little Isaque is already a toddler, thanks to Denzel's great parenting!
Since yesterday was his only day off, he wanted to spend all day looking after Isaque.
Isaque was born around 9 am yesterday, then we aged him up to an infant right away.
Around 11:30 last night, Denzel saw that Isaque felt Loved and Well Cared For so he aged him up again.
And yes, Isaque was a Top-Notch Infant!  I'm so proud of both Denzel and Isaque!

Xavier: I got nearly halfway through the Master Maker aspiration before I realized it wouldn't work.
The third milestone requires joining the Freelancer career, which I'm not allowed to do. I need to pick something else.
Good news about my scholarship applications! There were only four available, but I got accepted for all of them!

Nina (sighs): Between Xavier and Isaque, Lola and I hardly get any attention from our parents!
One night they actually forgot about us, so Lola and I were left fishing until 2 am! Can you believe that?
Luckily, our grandpas often visit us. Oh! Maybe Grandpa Decha can mentor me in chess after school!

Xavier: Watcher says I need to stand still for a sec so y'all can get a good look at me.
This morning was my first workday as a Simfluencer. It only pays §55/hr but it's my only way to earn income at the moment.
I just got back from taking two back-to-back Entrepreneur skill classes. I'm all ready now for my next promotion!
Sadly, no response on my uni application today.  I'm hoping it arrives tomorrow so I can start the term on Monday.

Xavier: Tonight's the Beach Bonfire, which happens in the area between Lagoon Look and the fishing pier.
It's not much of a gathering, just the bonfire, two loungers, and an armchair.
But I invite seven of the best-looking teen girls I know to the Beach Bonfire to get to know them better.
Papa Chai's my wingman. When I can only learn a single trait, he bops over and gets to know the girl.

Katie Savalani (left) is Unflirty and Active. Among all the girls, she's the only one who's a distant relative.
Something about her descendant kidnapping my great-great-grandma Karina, the Gen7 heir.
Brandi Diggs (center) is a Hotheaded Slob without any redeeming qualities.
Alaina Yu (right) is very cute. She's a Vegetarian, which is fine. But a Glutton? No thanks!

Adrienne Endo (left) is Creative and Self-Assured. She seems a bit unfriendly and dresses like she lives in Granite Falls.
Antoinette Alarcon is a Gloomy Music Lover who I met lurking in front of our house Tuesday night.
Maria Kahale is a Self-Assured Freegan. She's pretty but her eyebrows and hair don't do her any favors.
I met Maria and her sister Lia the other day at the park.

Lia Kahale is my favorite! She's a Loyal Vegetarian.
Papa Chai recently told me the story of his "loyal" first husband, Minsung, so I'm a little worried that Lia's also Loyal.
But she's so pretty and don't you think we look good together?
At midnight, the Sulani gathering ends. I exchange numbers with Lia, say my good-byes, then head home to Tomarang.
Darn! I shouldn't have flirted with Lia! Now I'll have to suffer through that No-Prom-Invite-Bitterness nonsense!

Xavier: I check my application status upon returning home from work.
To my surprise, I've been accepted into 12 distinguished degree programs but I enroll in Foxbury's Physics program.
None of the electives interest me, so I take four core classes in Handiness and Robotics.
(I'd hoped to take an elective in Parenting or Painting.)
I have an 8 am class every day, so I quit my Simfluencer job. I can start a side hustle selling Handiness and Robotics crafts.
Well, time to start on my homework. My term starts on Monday, which is perfect!

Denzel: So, Chai, do you feel like…?
Chai: Hey, Watcher, could you please double-check that I'm "safe"?
Watcher: I did that already a few days ago. Oooh, Isaque's gonna be so cute!
Denzel: As I was saying…

Progress: End of Week 76
Residence: Tam Nang Sands, Koh Sahpa (Tomarang)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Xavier's requirements: The skills, aspirations, and uni degree aren't part of the source challenge.

*Sulani gatherings: There are six unique events held in Sulani from Mon through Sat.
  Mon/Town BBQ (4-10pm), Tue/ Flower & Music (1-7pm), Wed/Town Potluck (6pm-midnight),
  Thu/Island Celebration (9am-noon), Fri/Beach Bonfire (6pm-midnight), Sat/Fishing Tournament (noon-9pm)

*Xavier's income restrictions: According to the source challenge:
  -Only the heir/helper can join a part-time job as a teen.
  -The heir can only make money from their part-time job and the specified career.
  For example, he can harvest and tend the garden to learn the Gardening skill but can't sell the produce.
  (He transfers it to Denzel's inventory then Denzel sells it.)
  I'm modifying this rule so that Xavier can also earn income from any skill he studies for a uni course during that term.
  Once he joins the Civil Designer career, he may make money from fabrication.

*Xavier and Isaque: I'm struggling to play both Xavier and Isaque concurrently.
  Isaque will no doubt need the full week to max his skills.
  As for the girls, Lola plays the piano and Nina knits. LOL!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.76: Surprise!? (22 Mar '24)
« Reply #566 on: March 23, 2024, 01:22:16 AM »
Xavier is quite a looker!
It's tough playing all three ages (toddler, child, teen) at once, along with the adults, but if anyone can make them all successful, it's you!
7 Heroes Dynasty: Aubrie's Heroes (Completed)
Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Completed)
Glazey's Ten-Gen Jumble (In Progress)

With the story threads here closed to new content, my stories and future content have moved to Glazey's Playground.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.76: Surprise!? (22 Mar '24)
« Reply #567 on: March 23, 2024, 02:45:38 AM »
Xavier is a looker, and no mistake. But poor Lola and Nina, given make-work while they wait for their toddler brother to age up. Ah - the life of a Spare!

I like the Sulani gatherings - a perfect way to socialise. Thanks for giving the timetable.

Online oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 10.76: Surprise!? (22 Mar '24)
« Reply #568 on: March 23, 2024, 08:24:52 AM »
Xavier is quite a looker!
It's tough playing all three ages (toddler, child, teen) at once, along with the adults, but if anyone can make them all successful, it's you!

Fortunately, Xavier no longer needs his parents' mentoring assistance, so I just need to keep track of all that he has to do.  Thankfully, uni homework can be queued.
Isaque the toddler gets most of Chai and Denzel's attention, but he's Independent so quite easy to care for.
I'm glad he came along while the girls were already children. Dealing with that "Where's My Attention" bit would've driven me crazy.
Yes, Xavier is very attractive. He inherited Denzel's dreamy-looking eyes in violet along with Chai's delicate features.
I'm currently racing to get him moved out, LOL!

Xavier is a looker, and no mistake. But poor Lola and Nina, given make-work while they wait for their toddler brother to age up. Ah - the life of a Spare!

I like the Sulani gatherings - a perfect way to socialise. Thanks for giving the timetable.
Isaque won't catch up for a while. On his sisters' teen birthday next Tuesday, he'll be a Day 7 toddler unless he maxes his skills earlier).
Yes, the girls are left on their own but playing piano with emotion (Lola) and knitting to music (Nina) builds Emotional Control.
Lola's already maxed Fishing, Violin, and Logic plus 4 aspirations. Nina's done the same without maxing Violin. 
Haha, they're doing beneficial "busy work," just off camera. :D
They're doing so much better than Bulan Lee who ended up an F student in high school. What a shock! Well, maybe not that shocking...

I'm glad you like the schedule of the Sulani gatherings, since I included  it just for you! <3

Online oshizu

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Re: Mistura Mishmash Legacy: 11.77: Isaque Catches Up (24 Mar '24)
« Reply #569 on: March 24, 2024, 07:03:14 PM »
11.77: Isaque Catches Up

Sunday, Week 77 mid-summer)
Xavier: Hey, it's me, Gen11 heir!  Technically, I'm not the active heir until my YA birthday in 17 days.
But Papa Chai's been done with requirements for weeks now and spends all his time looking after the household.
Anyway, last week, Papa Chai had a surprise baby on Tuesday, and I aged up to a teen that same afternoon.
I haven't interacted my brother Isaque at all. I've been too busy applying for uni and scholarships.
Tomorrow, my first term begins at Foxbury's Distinguished Degree program in Physics. I'm a little scare.
.From L to R: Nina, me, Papa Chai holding Isaque, Papa Denzel, and Lola.

I finished all my homework yesterday and am working on my presentation and term paper today.
With Isaque asleep, my parents decide to become Soulmates and I can hear them whispering and giggling upstairs.
Seriously!?  And what's with that black-silk bathrobe with its leopard-skin labels? I mean, who wears that!?
Denzel: Me, apparently, Chai gave this to me as a Love Day present. I won't have you trash-talking his taste!

A little past 5 pm, I head to the Foxbury campus to attend my second guest lecture.
I believe I'm really going to enjoy being a university student.

Meanwhile, Papa Denzel and Isaque are waiting for me at Larry's Lagoon.
Isaque is such a clever toddler! By the time my guest lecture is over, he's  nearly maxed all his schools.
We return home around 8:30 pm and Isaque ages up an hour later.  Handsome kid, isn't he? He's a Neat sim.

Isaque: If I work real hard, can I be the next heir instead of Xavier, Papa Chai?
Chai: I'm afraid not. You were my surprise baby, Isaque. Xavier's at least four weeks older than you.
Isaque: Oh. *feels dejected
Chai: Xavier is moving out in another two weeks or so, but your fathers are giving you this house. Would you like that?

Xavier: I have two hours before my second class so I try practicing Practical Magic. What a waste of time!
From now on, I'll use the two hours to get started on my homework!
Also, I check my friend Lia's profile and, naturally, she's bitter that I didn't invite her to Prom.
Never mind that I graduated early. I'll need to invite her to a brief outing and apologize. Sheesh!

Xavier: So, you see, only Copperdale High students can make prom invites, but I've already graduated.
Lia: Then, why didn't you ask me before you graduated early? You could've done that, right?
Xavier: As soon as I came home with an A last Wednesday, I graduated early and applied to Foxbury University.
That's how I was able to start my first term at Foxbury yesterday. (Ugh, I apologize four times and she's STILL bitter!)

Xavier: You okay, Isaque? Can I get you a Rootbeer Float or something?
Isaque: No, I'm fine, Xavier. Thanks for letting me come with you to work on my aspiration!
Lia: You brought your kid brother with us on our date?
Xavier: He's got stuff he needs to get done, Lia. I couldn't just leave him at home doing nothing!
(to himself): And, of course, I crush on the bartender Kellan but not on Lia.

Lola and Nina actually received their birthday notices late last night.
But they waited until after school today to age up to teens.
Why? So they could go to grade school with Isaque for at least one day!

Lola loves pink.  She's a Music Love who's Creative.
Nina loves yellow. She's a Outgoing and Generous, like Papa Chai.

Tonight, Isaque becomes a Llamacorn Scout and I reach the Adept Magic Rank.
You would never believe that Papa Denzel is a Noncommittal sim.
He's the first to complete the Soulmates aspiration with Papa Chai.
An hour later, Papa Chai completes it, too. They're both Romantics so they're mushy 24/7!

I'm an Adept spellcaster now, so I visit the Sages to learn more spells and potion recipes.
Isaque comes with me so he can Practice Typing for his Rambunctious Scamp aspiration.

After that, I take the family to The Caboose in Evergreen Harbor.
We celebrate Isaque's A grade as well as Lola and Nina's first day of high school.

Denzel: I realize it's Ghosts Night, lady, but could stop acting flirty around my son?
He's just a kid!

Xavier: After my first class, I quickly leave for Sulani with Papa Chai and my grandpas for the Island Celebration.
For the first hour or so, the four of us are the only ones there!
Maybe 9 am to noon is a bad time for most folks?

I order a plate of Roasted Fish from one food stall, then a Fish Sandwich from the other. Yum!
Over a half dozen sims show up around 11:30 am, but I don't meet anyone interesting.
My friend Lia and her twin sister live in this neighborhood, but they'd be at high school right now.

I don't understand my sisters. They never help around the house or want to do much of anything.
They go to school, come home, do their homework, then sit around chatting all day. Yet their Fun is always in the red.
I suggest they get bicycles and ride them around the neighborhood.
Can you believe they do that until morning!? *shakes head in disbelief

Chai: Congrats on your promotion, Denzel!
Denzel: Thanks, Chai! I'm starting to burn out, though, so I'm taking it easy this weekend.
Lola: So, what about Nina and me? Are we not going to get to go to Prom?
Nina: Yeah, Xavier skipped Prom for uni, but Lola and I went to have Prom Dates and the whole shebang!
Xavier: My uni term ends at 2 pm tomorrow, so I'll help you meet some guys after school, okay?

Xavier: Isaque wasted a couple of hours last night, trying to get our parents to teach him to ride a bicycle.
I mean, I just taught myself. I can kinda understand Isaque's impatience, though.
To complete the Body & Mind aspiration, he needs to learn to ride a bike and go 12 hours without a negative emotion.
Once he's done with his fourth aspiration, our parents will let him age up to a teen. This weekend, for sure!

Lola and Nina invite over Adam Hekekia and Kendall Harris after school.
I thought my matchmaking duties would be over, but Adam is  a Horse Lover and Kendall is Erratic. Off to ThrifTea!
I invite over Lia Kahale's brother, Kai, and learn he's a Creative Overachiever.
A great match for Lola who's a Creative Music Lover. She chats him up then invites him prom.
(We don't even know if Copperdale High currently has a principal, though.)

Papa Chai says Ronnie Drake is a descendant of Tucker Drake, a former roomie of the Gen6 heir Akira's wife Olivia.
Anyway, Nina immediately crushes on Ronnie and eventually asks him to Prom.
Ronnie (Loves the Outdoors, Generous) is a great match for Nina (Outgoing, Generous). Check out their violet eyes!
Welp, I think my work is done here.  Oh, maybe we could all go somewhere for Night on the Town this evening!
Isaque, you come along and bring you bicycle!

First-term grades are in! I check my grades and enroll in another term.
Last term, I took four core classes (Handiness x2 and Robotics x2).
This term, I'm taking three core classes (Rocket Science x2, Robotics x1) plus a Parenting elective.
I'm off for a Parenting skill class before we go out for our Night on the Town.


Around 6:30 this morning, Isaque completes his Mind & Body aspiration and ages up to a teen.
Dude, you were just a toddler on Sunday! Neat Isaque is now also Outgoing.
Looking at his eyes and chin, Isaque looks a lot like Papa Chai, don't you think?

We get the popup to travel to Prom at 7 pm and select the four of us, but then nothing happens.
Copperdale High is definitely missing a Principal! So, I invite my siblings, Lia, Ronnie, and Kai bowling instead.
Lia (center) needs to practice. Her brother Kai (right) has great form. The one hugging the floor to the left is Lola.
The bowling alley is packed but not with teens.  Sorry, Isaque!

Lia's hard to understand. Every time I invite her somewhere, she suddenly leaves without saying anything to me.
Tonight I caught her in time to ask her to stargaze with me.  And I ask her to be BFFs, too.
I'm so glad she's not bitter this week about my not inviting her to Prom.
Nina and Ronnie are BFFs and Lovebirds. He's still listed as her "Prom Date."
Lola had to really work to ask Kai to be BFFs and he no longer appears as her "Prom Date." Maybe he's not into her?

Gallery Download
The Caboose (30x20, bar): "The Caboose reno" by DoctorSimCraft.

Progress: End of Week 77
Residence: Tam Nang Sands, Koh Sahpa (Tomarang)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Prom and Uni: Copperdale High hasn't had a principal since Chai was a student there.
  But I didn't join the girls at high school this week to ensure Xavier would attend his uni classes.
  Next week, I'll join Lola, Nina, and Isaque at high school, then have one of them invite Xavier there.
  If Xavier's on the active lot, he'll go class on his own. I'm not sure he'll go to class if I leave him at home.

*Invitees suddenly leaving: At the bowling alley, I noticed that Ronnie and Kai had left, too.
  It wasn't even 11 pm yet I guess bars and bowling alleys work differently than restaurants?